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For Halloween I bought a wig and borrowed daughter's lipstick and polish. Rest is just normal, well regular, ol' me!
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DWM, was a single parent of 2 daughters, but now with an empty nest and spoiling 1 granddaughter. Grew up with religion in Tn, worked in retail (started at 3y/o in family grocery store), factories, construction, USMC, and then IT (software and info. security). Traveled the world, and if I one day cover Okinawa to Somalia, I will have completely circled the Earth. Speak English, un poco Espanol, and working on Mandarin. Currently (if you can call it that) guitar, mandolin, and banjo. Master's in Computer Engineering and couple martial arts belts (1st degree Black in Okinawa karate and brown in Korean Tae Kwon Do). Use to ride, but 2nd wreck totaled the bike well as my body - lol

Full Bio


I'm getting http 500 errors with both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer but not Chrome.
jondspen comments on Dec 8, 2018: a software dev, we would run pre QA tests against fixes with IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and sometimes Safari. Many times, Chrome and Firefox would bring up the site, while all the others did not. Come to find out, the other browsers were working correctly by blocking the page (issues with the header for example), but Chrome/Firefox would not block as they should have and allow page to load. That's off topic from a 500 error, but just throwing that out there - a 'working' site on a browser doesn't mean it SHOULD be working always. Also - Chrome might be bringing up the page from cache. Clear your history/cache/cookies and I would bet it stops working there also.
Would you feel overwhelmed with guilt if you stole something?
jondspen comments on Dec 3, 2018: you're heart? No way sweetie! ;) lol
How do you address people that are acquaintances but you don't know their name?
jondspen comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I ask them their name. How hard is that?
I never considered myself an artist until recent years.
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
How can I respond when the Pleiades won't let me drink my soup from an envelope?
Never mistake what you do not understand as magic or divine intervention.
jondspen comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I don't understand women - and don't see them as magical or divine, but thank you for the reminder! :D
Excellent site for those interested in US history- []
jondspen comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Unfortunately what we have now is a all powerful federal government that ALLOWS states to exercise limited freedoms, when and if it doesn't interfere with it's power and authority. Even in areas of clear state defined powers, the federal government routinely over-rules via courts, or intimidates and blackmails via withholding federal funding, states that attempt to buck their federal masters.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Thank you for including us men in this issue. So many people think it's only a woman's problem, and men are only violent perpetrators.
What is something you forgot once but will never forget again?
jondspen comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Don't tug on Superman's cape... Don't spit into the wind... Don't pull the mask off that ol' Lone Ranger... Don't mess around with Jim (Croce)
Libertarians should also be atheists.... NO GOD in politics.....
jondspen comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Sad but true...
How to shut people up when they bitch about black history month.
jondspen comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I really don't care, but I am flummoxed why there isn't the same celebration of Asian/Pacific Heritage Month, or Native American Heritage History Month; these groups have contributed just as much to this country. I will say that as long as we continue to separate and confine the celebration of any race history to one month, instead of presenting REAL world and US history in an integrated perspective....we will continue to fight racism in the US
Would i go to hell if i don't know god?
jondspen comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Of course you would! The only problem is getting processed into the correct eternal damnation. After all, if you don't know god...then you don't know gods....therefore you have to be evaluated as to which deity you pissed off the most and has the best claim to your eternal suffering.
Do any of you feel like your mind is a barless prison?
jondspen comments on Oct 23, 2018:
....yes, I am both the guard and prisoner.
Great Peterson and Weinstein: Whether you agree or not, it is best to hear first hand that being ...
jondspen comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Universal Basic Income - isn't that just communism, except solely for the masses, while the elites continue to get rich?
Yup - we're on our own ! Rock on ...
jondspen comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Kinda scary when you think about it, but quickly turns into Rosie the Riveter empowerment and hopefulness.
So I was talking to a friend today about death. Why do people tend to idolize the dead.?
jondspen comments on Dec 14, 2018:
B/c is comes off crappy to attack someone that isn't there to defend themselves.
Hi, anarchist looking to understand others better.
jondspen comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I liked this video who touched on lots of stuff.
Are there any Christian Atheists out there?
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I am sure there is some church that calls themselves that. I mean after all, christians don't use logic anyway, right?
True and to the point
jondspen comments on Feb 21, 2019:
12 years - same number as Jesus' disciple. I'm starting to see a pattern here.
MEN: What would your reason be for asking a woman what she does for a living, upon meeting her?
jondspen comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I think it is a central part of finding out about the person. I think I saw a study that said over 80% of people are unhappy in their the following shouldn't be taken as "I see you as a sell out", but if I was to ask (1) it tells me if you are happy with what you do for 1/3 of your day and (2) it gives me an idea if you are not, what dreams you have given up on just to fit in and make ends meet. You typically spend 1/3 of your day at your job, 1/3 of your day sleeping, and 1/3 of your day dealing with life and trying to squeeze in some enjoyment. I don't necessarily judge a person if they are working at a job they hate, I've done that myself like most people, esp single parents, but it also tells me the what and why you are doing it. So yea...I think your job is a big part of who you are b/c it is so much a part of your life.
Why to call yourself "Atheist" instead of "Agnostic."
jondspen comments on Sep 10, 2018:
A simple definition of the two boils down to what do you believe and what do you know. Not sure the accuracy of the definition, but my take is atheist means I don't believe in gods, agnostic means that I don't know if there are gods (and perhaps due to my composition could never know). In reality, I have found most agnostics are afraid to take a stand and say they don't believe in gods. They are a bit wishy-washy with the whole "Well, I just don't know, so I can't make a decision." Not saying all are like this, just the limited one's I have encountered and spoken too. I am agnostic when it comes to unicorns and leprechaun , in that yes, I don't know of any that exist, nor do I know if I will ever be able to know if they exist. Yet I have the courage to take that knowledge and form some assumptions that since I don't know of any, I infer (believe) they do not exist. Could I be wrong...absolutely. I am not so arrogant to think I have all the answers, but I am also no a coward to kowtow to public opinion and delusions by trying to stay on the fence with an "I don't know therefor I can't believe either way" excuse. Honestly, I don't think it's typically enough of a difference of perspective to affect public policy, laws, and societal constructs in the majority of instances. Given that, I don't put too much effort into dissecting the nuances of the two.
Dating woes
jondspen comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Hmmm...that's odd. Usually it's the women who feel they have to fix the man they are dating (dress better, get better friends, get a better job, be more ambitious, stop flirting, clean house/put down tolite seat for her b/c she can't seem to see the benefits of looking before you put your ass on something, etc etc etc). Cursing - well, depends. If every other word out of your mouth is "FUCK", then yea, I wouldn't want to intro you to my colleague at work, young children, or grandparents. I was 6 years Marine Corps, so I can cuss like a sailor, but I also have class and tact, and know when it's appropriate. Drinking - again, maybe you are just social, maybe you are a lush. How much you drink a night when you drink, and how often is that a week? Politics - can't argue there, given that I don't think you're a member of the American Nazi party. But if you were, I wouldn't try to change you, I would just kick you to the curb. Tone down your personality - are you just outgoing - or do you come across as a no class, loud mouth, ignant, hood rat? That's not racist b/c of your skin color....I know lots of white trash hood rat girls. You be you, but on the other side of that coin, if you keep going out with guys and get the same input over and some point you have to realize the only constant in the equation is you. I don't know honestly I can't say if it's just bad luck with the guys, if you keep attracting the same type guy which are just oil to your water, or if you need to be honest with yourself and maybe make some personality tweaks. EDIT - you describe yourself as an alpha female, and it occurred to me that either one, you are consistently attracted to Alpha male types, and there is this dominance game being played....or being an alpha, ANY type of compromise is seen by you as controlling. I'm just spit balling ideas basis in facts, just thoughts on reasonable probabilities from what I have experienced. Strong personalities typically are not attracted to betas, unless it's to establish dominance in the relationship - not respect, and strong personalities have trouble bending and compromising.
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
jondspen comments on Aug 27, 2018:
While I don't believe in any of the bible stories, I do think the golden rule is probably the only thing out of it that is any good. Can't see anything wrong with treating others with the same courtesy, kindness, and respect you would want from them.
If I have the intention of dating, should I reveal that I am unemployed, have learning difficulties ...
jondspen comments on Dec 19, 2018:
It's none of their business, just as if you had a job your salary would be none of their business. Does it change who you are as a person? Now if you want to weed out the shallow gold-diggers and use it as a shit test for them...then I say leave it. As far as the doesn't sound like you have been diagnosed, so what are you revealing might or might not have something? Again, for initial contact online and first date - it's none of their business, unless again, you want to shit test the shallow or judgmental people out and not waste your time on someone who can't give you the respect to find out who you are as a person first.
Hi to reply to an aquaintance who asks " are u having a bad day?"
jondspen comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Depends on the setting: At work, in the coffee shop or in line at burger joint, or next to some bloke in a bar? Kids around? Really depends on the circumstances and level of acquaintance. The cashier at the gas station who I know from my 5 min interactions every week for the past year is a different acquaintance than some random person in line at the grocery store whom I will most likely never see again.
It’s Saturday night and I finally thought why not really try and meet someone.
jondspen comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Hope you had a nice evening out. So what did you do? Go to the movies instead of watching movies on Netflix? :D I hope not! lol
Is this long enough?
jondspen comments on Jan 21, 2019:
lmao ....that's funny
Good Morning one and all, I,m a bit surprised not to see anything about it being the 76 th ...
jondspen comments on Dec 7, 2018:'s still a bit early here in the USA. But thank you for your post, and remembering that day. EDIT - I just checked BBC, AlJazeera, Rueters, and Veterans Today websites - not one story about it. Guess 77th anniversary of one of top events to shape the US isn't worth writing a paragraph about. :(
YouTube Punishes Atheist for Exposing Christian Who Wants Gay People Executed – Friendly Atheist
jondspen comments on Aug 23, 2018:
While I don't agree with what Alex Jones says on InfoWars, this kind of stuff is no surprise anymore. Gov isn't suppose to directly limit your free speech rights (although they do from time to time), so they threaten private corporations with legislation if they don't suppress it for them. That way they get what they want, but can claim ignorance, innocence, and outrage.
jondspen comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Well...this really isn't a forum, but a dating site...although not much dating going on here.
Un huh. I'm in.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Totally me. I would also add to never fuck with someone who is suicidal...
Boy Scouts?
jondspen comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Being up north, I would suspect your odds are better at the troop leader being more moderate approaching this aspect of the org. No guarantees, but my advise is to just talk to the troop leader about it and get a feel on how much this will be a focus; may only be an occasional prayer. Given the diversity of Jews, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, etc. in America, I myself would play safe with a moment of silence if I was leading the troop. Honestly, I'm sure he's more excited about doing the outdoor stuff with friends from school.
My sister followed "The Rules" book and adhered to it.
jondspen comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Here's the problem today.... I ask you accuse me of sexual harassment. I don't ask you out...I'm not an alpha male and don't deserve you b/c you're pussy is that special and should be chased after. I open the door...I insult you b/c you are an independent and strong woman. I don't open the door...I'm an insensitive ass that doesn't appreciate know how to treat a woman. I pay for the meal...I am a sexist b/c I feel you need a man to support you. I don't pay for the meal...I am cheap and you question if I can properly provide for you. Western women are so fucking spoiled and delusional, with no idea of what they want, or are too afraid to admit to themselves what they want, they can't realize what a shit experience it is to date them. Guys are expected to rut and fight over an over-weight woman with no fashion sense, just to show how special we think you are b/c your narcissistic dating bio says so. Yet when we do, we never get any compliments or thanks for it. Attitudes toward dating are just like a wedding's HER day...and you better do anything and everything for her with no expectations of having any of your needs met (conversation, interest, attraction, etc).
My weekend fitness routine is gonna make this a breeze......
jondspen comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Let's get ready to rumble!!!!
Avicii - Wake Me Up []
jondspen comments on Jan 9, 2019:
So she goes off and leaves a kid at home alone while she goes to a concert? Bad parenting...
What do I need to do so I'm a high enough level to participate on this website?
jondspen comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Looks like you're participating now - what else you want?
I am sitting here in the middle of the night eating little dabs of straight wasabi.
jondspen comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Real wasabi root is like $100 a pound. That stuff served in the USA us typically horseradish with green food coloring.
Ok so this seems accurate?
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Wow...another sexist meme about how men are dirt...never see that on this site.
There are a huge number of suicides by men directly related to the me too movement.
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I believe that any false allegations resulting in charges being brought against someone for sexual assault or rape, should serve the same time the innocent person would have served if they would have been convicted.
A hunter in Alaska was hospitalized after the bear he shot rolled on top of him - CNN
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Papa was a rolling bear, Where ever he laid his hat, he was there...
When teenagers are expected (if not encouraged) to date as many people as they can prior to ...
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Perhaps some are one or the other, perhaps some are a little of both. I think the biggest problem is that children think once they reach 18 or 21, they have it all figured out and won't ever change or grow as a person. Hell, even the 30, 40, and 50 something people I talk to take this mentality. I mean at 43, most people are only half way thorough their lives, and look at all the changes in attitudes and ideas since birth!! But they seem to think that the next 43 years they will remain intellectually stagnant; and yes, I realize unfortunately the close minded individuals do...even in the face of obvious change.
(In response to the closed group thread, same subject) If you're worried that teachers will turn ...
jondspen comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Capitalism isn't the problem. The problem stems from corrupt, over-reaching, and ineffective government which has grossly interfered with the system. ( 1 ) If government would enforce immigration and labor laws, many blue collar workers would not have to compete with illegal immigrants that work for half the pay. If government would allow workers to join together for redress of grievances, anti-labor and union laws would not keep workers under the boot of management/corporations ( And ( 3 ) if government wouldn't think it's job is to nanny state commerce, adults could make their own decisions about the quality of products and services. Some social programs are necessary and good, just as some government intervention into the economy is good. The problem today is we have far too much intervention where we don't need it, and not enough where we do - mainly to the benefit of corporations over the people.
Does anyone else feel this way?
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Great meme...wish people would get out of their tribal mentality and realize we're all one tribe.
Opioid overdoses are now more likely to kill Americans than car crashes - Vox
jondspen comments on Jan 16, 2019:
But grow a plant in your house and get convicted as a felon. The USA is so F-ed up.
Too stupid to know he's stupid! @KenDilanianNBC Senior intelligence officials have said that it's ...
jondspen comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Much like the leftists I have encountered.
I’m part of an Agnostics/Atheists online teachers group and these peeps’ posts always crack me ...
jondspen comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Trust me ladies...all of us guys are ACUTELY aware of that fact!
I knew people got testy during the last-minute shopping, but l never imagined they'd need to buy ...
jondspen comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Uhhh....are we watching a Nightmare Before Christmas? Oogie Boogie's gonna eat you! That one was for free! :D
On this day long long ago a child was born who by the time he was 30 would transform the world ...
jondspen comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Happy Birthday!
For those worried that America is no longer 1.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Sad but true
Happy weekend everybody
jondspen comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Tommy Chong has a goal to get cannabis recognized by the American Medical Association as a viable ...
jondspen comments on Feb 18, 2019:
If big pharma can figure out how to profit on it, it will happen. Otherwise, don't hold your breath...unless you just took a hit.
I can't help but wonder what this world would be like if people had more faith in themselves and ...
jondspen comments on Jan 25, 2019:
"I can't help but wonder what this world would be like if people had more faith in themselves and their own abilities than they do in" - the GOVERNMENT! But to your question - yes, I do think people are more comfortable to be led. It excuses having to think, and any responsibility for the outcome of a decision.
Does anyone else miss the days when you had local, competing newspapers that reported facts, the ...
jondspen comments on Oct 31, 2018:
No, I just missed news being required to equally present both side to a debate. That hijacking of the "4th branch of government" was done by the Clinton admin under the complete cooperation of the dem and rep parties. In other words, they both colluded to create a system free to misinform and lie to the public b/c it furthered their political ambitions. And people think voting makes a difference...
One of the many reasons why I don't like CNN... []
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I use BBC, Aljazeera, and Reuters where I READ the news. I can usually get a good idea about the REAL story by comparing notes from these three sources. Sigh...I remember once upon a time when reporters actually reported the facts, not ran op ed pieces about every story they covered.
Over my years as a software engineer I have picked up a very helpful protocol for solving problems.
jondspen comments on Jan 30, 2019:
You left out one key step, and possibly the most important - evaluate the possible solution(s) to the problem. You should know in IT, esp when you start to add in business needs, project managers, time lines, cost constraints, technology constraints, future plans, that there are typically many solutions that can be taken to address the problem.
I've been getting spontaneous private messages from young ladies who I've never spoken to on the ...
jondspen comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Not me...but im pretty new
jondspen comments on Feb 15, 2019:
What he is doing is not news, it's an OpEd. Talking about taffy isn't being a news reporter, unless you're actually talking about making taffy.
Hi, anarchist looking to understand others better.
jondspen comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Another good video that talks about some 'rubber meets the road' of how it might play out in society
Which one brings back your memories? Mine is 3 and 4 ?
jondspen comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Why are they all black? Isn't that a bit racist? And what's the stringy thing attached to it? Is it a lanyard so you don't lose it? LOL I've used 2, 3, and 4. My great aunt had 2, paternal grandmother had 3 and maternal grandmother had 4. We had #4 also, but with the 10ft cord that always twisted into a DNA helix and would reach from one end of the house to the other and provided free games of limbo.
Some humor for a quiet group.
jondspen comments on Dec 17, 2018:
I've never put butter on Love...but I have sprinkled it with bacon and a side of steak!
Improvement idea - Change the text color or background color on image captions so you can actually ...
jondspen comments on Mar 4, 2019:
I am using the Dark Night color scheme. On mine and other peoples pictures, the caption area is a light gray background with white lettering. All other color schemes seem to have the text in black.
So after reading some comments on an FB post, I became very curious.
jondspen comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I was put up for adoption, but was cut b/c back in the early 70's. From what I understand it was deemed healthier to do so b/c of cleaning the area. Now, I think that is debunked, at least to the extent that it isn't as much of a health issues as it was originally made out to be. I myself disagree with the practice. It is barbaric and misandric IMO, and stopping this practice (I hope) will be a step towards recognizing men's rights and issues.
I just want to tell everyone I am so pleased to have found this site.
jondspen comments on Mar 31, 2019:
First - welcome. Glad you are enjoying the site. Nice to see it growing. Second - you either lean left, or haven't engaged in the political/SJW discussions with them. I don't see much anymore, b/c all the leftists have blocked me for pointing out their flawed logic. This after they go arguing on tangents or casting personal attacks. Third - dunno if people have changed, or society has changed. I would say the latter. All this "promote your own brand" and introduction of social media is what I think causes people to believe their opinion and beliefs matter, and should be told to all. It's well known that people are more rude and combative online vice in person. IMHO - I believe that instead of civility bleeding over into online discussion, online animosity is bleeding over into face to face discussions. Also, considering that at one point, being in someone's face insulting usually was rewarded with a bloody nose, but today's "toxic masculinity" and soy-boy pussyness, people don't see consequences for their actions. You're supposedly a bigger adult if you take abuse and walk away - which is B/S. Every major douche in history was defeated by good people fighting back - WWII, civil rights, Vietnam, Civil War, etc. Anyone that studies history, and digs though the lies, knows this.
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
jondspen comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Well, there are theists on this site. Also, there is a distinction between agnostic and atheist, albeit a fine line to discern the two. I don't really see the problem. If you don't like a post title, then don't click on it - I do that shit ALL the time! ;)
If men could get pregnant, birth control would be in Hooters wing sauce.
jondspen comments on Nov 8, 2018:
If men could get pregnant and women had to pay child support, abortion would be illegal and considered murder.
Happy Saturday! My job ended and I am back! Back to man hunting and shenanigans.
jondspen comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I'm in Tennessee...and while I wouldn't mind meeting you on a date, I'm not going to walk 500 miles (twice) to get there. It's closer to 2000; wanna meet half way? :) I'm also including a warning for all the men you're hunting...
To hug or not to hug
jondspen comments on Dec 23, 2018:
Depends on the person and the situation, but mostly I'm ok with it. I'm from the south, so we tend to be a bit more open and friendly down here, but there are some situations where I would feel uncomfortable.
God? Anyone...?
jondspen comments on Feb 12, 2019:
"God? Anyone..." - No thank you, I've had plenty!
Religion in the south
jondspen comments on Sep 12, 2018:
West Tn resident here...and yea...I feel ya, bro. Luckily we got this site!
Here kitty...
jondspen comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Took me a while to realize there was a cat in the pic, and a laser dot on her ass. :D
The Church of Satan isn't having it... LOL ?
jondspen comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Ha - that is classic!
New Years celebrations are a funny thing.
jondspen comments on Dec 30, 2018:
"single largest celebration of an imaginary human construct" - hmmm, ever heard of a holiday called Christmas?
Tomorrow’s Sunday Morning Bible Lesson.
jondspen comments on Aug 25, 2018:
You had better wear a rain coat and galoshes, b/c when the Christian's head explodes, you're gonna wish you had them on.
One of the formative events in my life was an overnight stay years ago in a one-room log shelter on ...
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Sounds like a pretty cool evening
Hello, World!
jondspen comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Are you writing a computer program?,_World!%22_program Bawhahahahahah :)
Someone said that even if you don't believe in God, it is advisable to live your life as if there is...
jondspen comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I think the big problem is "Which God?" I know they will say their god of course, without proof it exists, or is even moral - but Krishna, Allah, Yahweh Direct, and Yahweh via Jesus are the big four to chose from typically. Given they only adhere to 1 and disregard the other 3, I just use their argument back against them "You should live your life as if the other 3 are real".
I want to thank everyone for their service .
jondspen comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I have recently blocked another person from the group b/c of a post that was anti-LEO, after they were unable to tell me how it was supportive, nor remove it for violating group policy. Now don't get me wrong - I think there is a shit load of problems with the LEO community today, but there is also a shit load wrong with our military being used to conduct illegal wars, trading the blood of our most noble men and women, for cheap oil and better stock market numbers. "For evil to succeed, all it needs is for good men to do nothing." - Martin Luther King Jr. But like I told that person, this group is not for that. If you want to bash on LEO, military, fire or medical professions, go start your own group called "BashingOnServiceMembers". This place will be a place to support ALL community service members. Many deal with anxiety, depression, PTSD, anger, or maybe suicide. Our government and the rich are using us all, so if nothing else, these service members will be able to come here, be offered an olive branch, and a thanks for trying to do the right thing. Maybe, just maybe, it will give them the courage and strength to stand up to injustice when they see it next time in their ranks. EDIT - here are two links that show an example how you can support LEO, while also calling out some bad LEO culture. I think most LEO would agree this kind of stuff makes their job harder, not easier
You can help get the Coast Guard paid [legion.
jondspen comments on Jan 25, 2019:
How and when is the Coast Guard moved into the DoD Article about why the CG should be part of the DoD A post describing the history of the branch and why it's now part of DoHS
How can I stop acting feminine/gay?
jondspen comments on Nov 7, 2018:
No...don't do it. Drugs can really mess you up - although you didn't say which drugs you were looking at taking (I assume steroids). Other drugs may do more harm, since you might not have the faculties to handle situations that arise. I suggest you just act a little to yourself, yell at imaginary people, bark at your socks...just do odd shit and people will typically leave you alone b/c they don't know what kind of crazy shit you will do next.
Two of the women who accused Kavanaugh of rape have now admitted to lying for political reasons.
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
You're just being a misogynist if you don't support a woman's right to lie about you, get you fired, ruin your reputation, and have you criminally prosecuted.
I had a great conversation with a Brit last night who was unaware of how religious the US was.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Yea...I've always heard that even the religious in Europe treat it as a person thing and don't inflict their beliefs on others.
He said, she said. She right ...
jondspen comments on Dec 18, 2018:
There's no reason to tell them that...he's a guy so it's a given! Then again...with her being a woman, no need to say she's crazy.'s a given! :O :P :D
W. E. B. Dubois
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
If only more people had the courage to stand up to bullies.
I'm a bit perturbed this morning by friends posting about being blessed by God for the things they ...
jondspen comments on Feb 12, 2019:
When someone says that, and I'm in a particularity contentions mood, I then ask them, "So when things start going bad for you or your family, does that mean you are being cursed by God?"
Iceland’s Christmas ad was brave and necessary.
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Pretty cool
Being 55 and not being able to find work in the field for which you've prepared is like being half ...
jondspen comments on Nov 14, 2018:
No...not halfway. Half way through you are dealing with trash mobs, and still have a chance to exit the instance, go back to town where you spend the rest of the game at the craft table. It's more like at that point you are at the boss chamber, the door just shut behind you when you realize the above! LOL
Remake The Last Jedi
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I honestly am done with Disney. I didn't like the content on the Disney channel when my daughters were tweens....I especially don't like them pushing their agenda in these movies. I mean, a hero from the original now a pan sexual who is a rampant sexual harassment poster boy - in a kids movie none the less? Thanks Disney, but I am perfectly capable of raising my kids and teaching them about the world without you feeling like I can't do my job as a parent. Even if TLJ was remade, I won't go see it b/c I am boycotting them with my wallet.
Why do people act badly at family events?
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
While it's not the behavior I would have exhibited, we have to take your recollection with a grain of salt, esp. considering it is blatantly obvious he is your ex. The things you said might have not been suave, but I would by no means say he behaved badly from your description. I would classify that more as he didn't do what you expected, and you're being a little harsh. He didn't get drunk, he didn't call her a whore, he didn't call her new husband a pathetic loser who isn't good enough for her...etc. Maybe my bar is set a little too low...maybe your's is set a little too high?? That's all I'm saying :) Gtrz to her and glad you were able to be there for her!
Can someone advise me on how to live with a muslim family who'll absolutely shun me if I tell them ...
jondspen comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Nope...that is a decision you have to make on your own. I told my Christian family, b/c I was adopted and abused as a kid, so didn't really care if I had nothing to do with them anyway. They were never in my corner when I was a part of the family (always sided with the other side over me), so losing them has actually led to a more healthy and happy life w/o them in it.
I received a message today from the CEO of a Christian youth program nonprofit.
jondspen comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Did you apply, or is it just a cold call type of offer?
California rapper sleeping in car killed by police who opened fire Police said they saw a handgun in...
jondspen comments on Feb 14, 2019:
According to the story I read, he was asleep when the cops were called by a Taco Bell employee. First cop(s) saw a handgun on his lap, and decided to wait for backup. When they arrived, they woke him, and he moved his hand toward the gun (to shoot? - probably not, probably to hide it I would guess). THAT is when they shot him. The department reports the gun was registered as stolen also. But hey, let's twist the story to make a black man sleeping in his car at a privately owned businesses with a stolen handgun in his lap that he is reaching for all about another innocent victim of race. Eye roll....
Many Libertarians point to 19th-century laissez-faire America as the supreme example of how well a ...
jondspen comments on Aug 27, 2018:
I stopped reading when the OP mentioned a 1960's sit-com. I don't base my belief in god or religion on fantasy; I'm sure not going to do it with society or government. And this is coming from a person who agrees with more of the Libertarian platform than any other (Dem, Rep, Green, etc).
Study Examines Ethical Violations in Child Custody Evaluations [mensrights.
jondspen comments on Oct 16, 2018:
So where are all the feminist on this site chiming in and supporting "equal rights and treatment"? I thought the whole feminist movement goal was that women should have the same rights and be treated the same as men, not just when it benefits them?
Should I attend a wedding at church as an atheist?
jondspen comments on Sep 15, 2018:
It's your life and decision, but my daughter had a JW wedding. I don't believe in their theology, but she does and I respect that. To me it was more important to be there for her on a very significant day in her life that was centered around her and her husband, instead of me forcing it to be centered around my beliefs. I would attend the event, after all it's just a building, and I don't see how your entrance through the door will negate or undermine your beliefs or integrity. It's not like it's being held in a Nazi themed auditorium or KKK seance. That's just my 2cents...
The Interrupters - "She's Kerosene"
jondspen comments on Feb 6, 2019:
You're late to the party :D This is a good one also
Christians on this website
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Hmmm...not sure, there are so many reasons they might be here. I don't judge nor push them away, it may be their first steps toward opening their eyes.
Supreme Court torches appeal in giant, toxic burn pit on front steps []
jondspen comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Interesting article - nice to know the SCOTUS has our back
Does anyone else notice people creep your profile but never say "Hi"?
jondspen comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Like I just did to never noticed that ever! :) Sometimes I just like (or don't like) what the person has to say, or am interested in their pics, or curious about where they live. Doesn't always mean I want or feel the need to PM every person who's profile I look at.
Cannabis supporters
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Absolutely - in fact, I support legalizing all drugs. Let adults be adults, and let them take responsibility for their actions, only way people learn to grow up.
Sorry if this has been asked before.
jondspen comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I left groups, and I no longer get the posts from them. Not sure if you have some type of subscription to a person or what.
The caravan disappeared over night......
jondspen comments on Oct 30, 2018:
That's great news. Now let's bring that pinata into country and party like it's 1,180 B.C.


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For Halloween I bought a wig and borrowed daughter's lipstick and polish. Rest is just normal, well regular, ol' me!
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Beard 7 weeks into growth. Will trim it up after Halloween and No Shave November 2018
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26 years and 3 months later. A few more pounds and lots more grey, but I can still fit into this shirt. Semper Fi
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Captain Malice Cooper - Halloween 2018
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My obligatory cock pic for all the women. Isn't it HUGE?!?!?
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Mardi Gras 2019
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