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Speaker of the House?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Actually, if the Republicans regain control of the House in January 2023 (i.e., through the 2022 elections), they will choose the Speaker. The scary thing is that Trump doesn't even have to be elected as a Representative to serve as Speaker. There is no requirement that the Speaker be chosen from among the members of the House. On the other hand, there is no way that Trump is back in the White House this year. Anyone who says otherwise is beyond bat shit crazy.
Police urge vigilance after finding body parts
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
No reason to check for a missing cadaver. Just determine whether or not the parts were from an embalmed body. But maybe that would be expecting too much.
Missouri Has Declared Federal Gun Laws Invalid. Can It Do That? : NPR
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
"Parson, a Republican, said in a press release that the legislation 'draws a line in the sand and demonstrates our commitment to reject any attempt by the federal government to circumvent the fundamental right Missourians have to keep and bear arms to protect themselves and their property.'" I have to call bullshit. The Constitution does not guarantee any individual the right to "keep and bear arms to protect themselves and their property." The right to bear arms is reserved to those involved in the militia, and solely for the purpose of protecting the state. If you disagree, please feel free to show me where in the Constitution, or any of the amendments, it says I'm wrong. I'll wait.
ABDUCTED BALLOT DATA Arizona voting system data has been taken by truck to a so-called "secure ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
This is a blatant violation of federal law. Those ballots are supposed to be kept secure by the state for at least 30 months after the election. Every Arizona Senator that voted for this nonsense should be prosecuted as a conspirator in this felony.
‘Potentially the worst drought in 1,200 years’: scientists on the scorching US heatwave | ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
I remember studying climate change and the effects it would have while doing grad work in environmental studies. That was in the '70s.
US Catholic bishops OK steps toward possible rebuke of Biden
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
I really like the second sentence in this response.
Doctor Created a Straw That Can Stop Hiccups 92% of the Time
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
On the rare occasion when i get the hiccups I would be willing to try this.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Remember the good old days when we thought Sarah Palin was as bad as it could get?
To be wild is not to be crazy or psychotic.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
I will point out that being wild and being crazy or psychotic are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Trump appointee complains to judge that spreading footage of his Capitol attack is making him look ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
If you really don't want to to look like a treasonous insurrectionist, there's a very simple solution. Don't act like one.
Tucker Carlson Called 'Dead Wrong,' 'Tinfoil-Hat' Crazy after his Baseless Claim of FBI Role in ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 18, 2021:
So, Tucker Carlson is 'Dead Wrong,' and 'Tinfoil-Hat' Crazy? I doubt Captain Obvious will win a Pulitzer for this.
Obamacare Survives Again, Supreme Court Rejects Latest GOP Lawsuit
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 18, 2021:
I think at least a few of the right wing Justices are smart enough to realize that the ACA has become so popular that if they got rid of it the blowback would possibly kill the Republican party.
15 People Who Found Their Long-Lost Twin At The Art Museum – InspireMore
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Here's a picture I took at a local coffeehouse a few years ago.
“And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he’d have such an uneasy vanity as to be...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
"How small a god lets mortals offend him? How weak a god needs you to defend him?" from the second verse of **To Those Who Kill In The Name Of God**.
An expert weighs in.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Is this evidence that he suffered TBI during his football career?
Haha ha ha ha ha!!! 😛
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
All you need now are the stools for them.
Southern Baptists reject push from right and elect Ed Litton as president | US news | The Guardian
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
The SBC was hijacked by Falwell and his ilk in the '80s. It took them decades to recover to the point that not only did they elect Luter (a black man) as the President of their convention, but over the last few years they have been distancing themselves from Trump.
Biden administration pushes for Boston Marathon bomber death sentence
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
I understand wanting to have a Justice Department that is independent of the President, but if all they do is pursue the former President's agenda, maybe it's time to clean house.
Biden Admin Extends Protections To Transgender Students : NPR
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Depending on how they choose to enforce this it has the potential to be far more than lip service. This raises the possibility of a complete cut off of federal funds.
FAULTY MEMORY OR DEFAULT REPUG BRAIN Democrats pointed to photographs from inside the House ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
What would happen if a group of us called his office and asked if we could schedule a "normal tourist visit"?
"The most insidious power of the media is their power to ignore." Chris Plante
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 17, 2021:
During 2015-2016 the media gave Bernie Sanders less than 1% of the airtime they gave Donald Trump. This was partly due to requests from HRC and the DNC.
Israel's Parliament Approves New Coalition, Ending Netanyahu's Long Rule
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 15, 2021:
So, is Bibi saying this is fake news from fake Jews?
Five officers fired after Black man died by hanging in police custody | TheHill
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 15, 2021:
The brother obviously Epsteined himself. Right?
Evangelical preacher claims Joe Biden is recruiting lesbians for the “demonic” military / LGBTQ ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 15, 2021:
I don't understand how someone who supports Trump can be so afraid of the Anti-Christ.
'Loving Day' marks over 50 years since Supreme Court ruled against ban on interracial marriages
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 15, 2021:
And at least 30% of Americans are appalled by that backward 30%.
The corrupt Donald Trump tried to corrupt the Department of Justice: []
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 15, 2021:
In some cases he did far more than try.
The whole corrupt family deserves it
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 14, 2021:
and then...
Here's a list of Kayleigh McEnany's lies to refresh her memory []
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 14, 2021:
This article left out a hell of a lot of the highly edited version of the highlights of the executive summary of the Cliff's Notes of the Readers Digest Condensed Version.
Nuclear bomb detectors uncover secret population of blue whales hiding in Indian Ocean | Live ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 12, 2021:
Can't a pod get a little privacy?
Pulitzer Board Recognizes Darnella Frazier For Recording George Floyd's Murder with Honorary ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 12, 2021:
I understand it was an honorary award because she was not working as journalist and therefore did not qualify for a regular award.
New York DA office may have just 'found their insider' in the Trump Organization: former Mueller ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 11, 2021:
I was discussing this with a friend who was, long ago, a prosecuting attorney. His take was that McConney can account for every penny, and is valuable to establish that crimes occurred. They really want Weisselberg because he was the one in the room with Donnie and can establish motive.
Once More, Into the World of "You Can't Make this Up!": []
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 10, 2021:
Texas elected George W. Bush to replace Ann Richards. When Bush left office most people outside of Texas breathed a sigh of relief because, hey, his replacement couldn't be any dumber. Texas voters said, "Hold this here longneck," and elected Rick Perry. When Perry left office most people outside of Texas breathed a sigh of relief because, hey, his replacement couldn't be any dumber. Texas voters said, "Hold this here longneck," and elected Greg Abbott. To continue the downward progression of IQ in the Governor's office, Texas may call on Louie Gohmert to replace Abbott.
“Dear future generations: please accept our apologies.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Not a great excuse, even though it has been true. No longer an excuse.
New Jersey to close state's only women's prison following 'horrific attacks' by guards
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
The real problem is that this is only the symptom, not the disease. The disease is a society that creates people capable of this kind of behavior.
Alabama Bans Cops From Seizing Cash Under $250, Cars Under $5,000
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
It has to be worth the paperwork, or they won't seize it.
The World's Largest Yard Sale Spans 690 Miles Across The U.S.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Thanks, but no thanks.
The new make up of the Grand ole Perverts
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
This is an insult to aliens (the little green kind).
15 Pictures of the Most Beautiful Insects in the World
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 6, 2021:
I have always thought of the blue morpho butterfly as a beautiful example of minimalism.
Americans most likely Trumpists... embarrassing
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 6, 2021:
That’s right, sweaty.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 6, 2021:
The stupid, it hurts. Seriously, I’m laughing so hard at all of the stupid that my stomach is starting to hurt.
More Trumpists...and they walk amongst us. 🙄
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 6, 2021:
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 6, 2021:
A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk nto a blood bank. The rabbit says, “I think I’m a type O.”
Whether or not you like TYT, this story is absolutely appalling and most mainstream media outlets ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Can you say, “Cancel culture,” boys and girls?
Is it wrong to wish somebody dead if lives are depending on it?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
I don’t want Trump dead. I want him tried and convicted for his crimes. Then I want him locked in prison for the rest of his life. Given that, I’m in no hurry to see him dead.
'So interesting': Trump pitched on idea to run for House, become Speaker | TheHill
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Technically he wouldn’t even have to run for a seat in the House. The Speaker does not have to be a member of the House. If the Republicans get a majority in the House, they could make him Speaker. That’s a damn scary thought.
Seriously ”If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture let us be more ashamed...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. The society that scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. — John W. Gardner
Hero Rat Magawa Is Retiring From A Career Of Sniffing Out Land Mines In Cambodia : NPR
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Nice to read something positive about the land mine problem.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Trump, Facebook, and the future.... []
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
In two years Trump should be behind bars without access to social media.
Texas high school valedictorian Paxton Smith switches speech to speak out on state's abortion law - ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
A minority of the adults present applauded her. Most of the students, on the other hand, reacted favorably. As long as there are brave young people like this, there is yet hope.
Banished for bleeding: Tribal Indian women get better period huts
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
SMH indeed. And to think I'm appalled by the level of ignorance in the US.
Derek Chauvin Reveals 'Heart Damage' Diagnosis In Plea For No Prison Time
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Argument based on facts not in evidence. What heart?
Something not depressing.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 5, 2021:
I rarely see the raccoons in my neighborhood, but I know they are around. A few times a year I see raccoon tracks on my car.
How the ‘good war’ went bad: elite soldiers from Australia, UK and US face a reckoning | ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 3, 2021:
There is no good war. The best that war can be is a necessary war fought in defense. The last one of those the US was involved in ended over three quarters of a century ago.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vows to defund Legislature after voting bill fails | The Texas Tribune
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
It's a damn shame Molly Ivans isn't still around to report on the Lege and the other goings on in Austin. She'd be having a field day right about now.
'It Wasn’t Justice': Texas Mom of Black Girls Killed In DUI Crash By Retired Astronaut Is Outraged...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Something tells me he may meet with justice in prison.
Denver Sheriff Daniel Trujillo Dies Of COVID After Mocking Vaccine
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
One less idiot.
More great karma to enjoy! []
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
While I don't wish anyone, even this idiot, ill, neither do I see it in my job description that I should argue with karma.
That seems appropriate
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
The stainless steel prison model might be more appropriate.
Texas Gov'r Unhappy that His Disenfranchisement Bill Failed: []
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
So, Little Greggy is unhappy? Why does this song keep playing in my head?
What would you add?
mcgeo52 comments on May 31, 2021:
They keep on trying to install their fascist rulers.
mcgeo52 comments on May 31, 2021:
They are trying. Very trying.
Sorry but not sorry. Karma!!! []
mcgeo52 comments on May 30, 2021:
So, he messed with science (i.e., the vaccine) and karma (i.e., mistreating the prisoners)? He caught COVID from a prisoner and died. What did he expect?
Wow!!!! 😳.
mcgeo52 comments on May 29, 2021:
Q: If there are only a few bad apples, why are they still in the barrel? A: ACAB
Christians and kink/BDSM I keep reading about "real" Christians and how sex is determined by ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 28, 2021:
I don't know why, but that reminded me of this:
Reagan is the devil that gave us Trump, Never forget, Never forgive.
mcgeo52 comments on May 28, 2021:
And by killing Carter's alternative energy program, he guaranteed that we would be fighting wars for oil.
You know he would
mcgeo52 comments on May 28, 2021:
Only $5 for a small paper cupful. It will show up as a recurring monthly charge on your card until canceled.
Alabama man has hand amputated, sues deputy over too tight handcuffs -
mcgeo52 comments on May 27, 2021:
The deputy should be in prison. Like that's ever going to happen.
“Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity.
mcgeo52 comments on May 26, 2021:
Apparently most Republicans have taken this to heart. They are not content to be spectators of unfairness or stupidity. They are ardent participants. Some compete at a world class level.
Blinken vows to repair relationship with the Palastinians
mcgeo52 comments on May 26, 2021:
Why not? Biden's trying to undo as much of the damage done by Trump as possible.
Tennessee governor signs criminal justice bills into law as Chattanooga councilwoman looks on
mcgeo52 comments on May 26, 2021:
We'll take whatever progress we can get. Even in Tennessee.
Nashville DA refuses to enforce Tennessee's anti-trans bathroom bill | TheHill
mcgeo52 comments on May 26, 2021:
It's a small bit of good news.
Oh Pu-LEASE let it be true! Orange jumpsuits for the Trumps! I have questions about the grand jury...
mcgeo52 comments on May 26, 2021:
I can't imagine that Letitia James or Cy Vance, Jr., either one, would offer Trump the opportunity to flip. And if they did, he would still have to plead guilty to reduced charges. He would never agree to that.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 25, 2021:
There is an argument to be made that if Obama had empowered Occupy Wall St., or at least not turned law enforcement on it (in a blatant violation of the First Amendment) that Trump would have been irrelevant in 2016.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 25, 2021:
The neoliberal Dems need to remember this.
For any and all of you who have questioned why your prays were never answered, I found the ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 25, 2021:
Of course church leaders will never admit the obvious reason: There is no God there to answer them.
Travis County DA under for from law enforcement for job posting
mcgeo52 comments on May 25, 2021:
"If a law enforcement officer breaks the law, they will be held accountable, and it is disappointing but not at all surprising that the police union is spending their time defending misconduct by law enforcement officers instead of working with us to root it out," said Garza. TL/DR: ACAB
GOP Iowa Lawmaker Files Bill To Allow Psilocybin, MDMA And LSD Access For Seriously Ill Patients - ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 25, 2021:
Can I get the ice skate concession for hades?
That's the question of the year
mcgeo52 comments on May 25, 2021:
Trump was the unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen. How difficult would it be to get an indictment on that? Trump's "perfect call" with the President of Ukraine was an absolute textbook case of bribery as defined in 18 USC § 201( b )( 2 )( A ). The "transcript" released by Trump's White House documented the crime. A grand jury coud issue an indictment on that one in less than a half day. [BTW, why the Dems in the House did not include Bribery as one of the Articles of Impeachment is beyond me, unless they really did not want Trump removed.] The tapes of his phone calls to Georgia officials requesting illegal interference in the election might have to be played a third time for the grand jury before they issued an indictment. Yes, I know you only get one shot, and it has to count, but I don't understand why his plane flying out of DC was not diverted to NY, or Atlanta and met by someone with handcuffs.
PROOF OF CONTAGIOUS BRAIN LOSS IN REPUBLICAN PARTY Former Repug Senator Rick Santorum is now ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 24, 2021:
So, "there isn't much Native American culture in American culture"? Let's start with the fact that most of the US Constitution is based on similar documents found among the Native Americans. But then that would mean expecting Santorum to have any knowledge of the Constitution.
Marjorie Taylor Greene compared Pelosi's House mask mandate to Holocaust.
mcgeo52 comments on May 24, 2021:
Somebody needs a lesson in equine anatomy. It's not that difficult to tell an ass from a mouth.
“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love.
mcgeo52 comments on May 23, 2021:
If you really want to know what is wrong with the US, just realize that Fox News [sic] has been broadcasting a constant stream of fear for decades.
Before and after COVID...
mcgeo52 comments on May 23, 2021:
I was feeling bad about the extra weight I put on during the last 14 months. Then I went to a birthday party last Sunday and saw some of my friends.
I really felt this, when I was young, I lived in Pueblo, Colorado which had a Carnegie endowed ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 22, 2021:
I actually used my library card last Thursday, in the library, for a book that I found on the shelf.
White House partners with dating apps to encourage Covid vaccinations - CNNPolitics
mcgeo52 comments on May 22, 2021:
I notice they didn't mention
Convicted man committed suicide in courtroom after verdict by slashing his own throat
mcgeo52 comments on May 21, 2021:
"He was determined not to go to prison." Nominated for understatement of the month.
Troopers stun, and drag black man before his death: video
mcgeo52 comments on May 21, 2021:
ACAB. Welcome to the Some Are Worse Than Others Crew.
I would say a complete moron.
mcgeo52 comments on May 20, 2021:
Some would argue it takes a "special" kind of genius to bankrupt a casino.
It's official, our country is full of imbeciles! []
mcgeo52 comments on May 20, 2021:
Let's address the elephant in the room. Donald J. Trump is batshit crazy. He is literally incapable of accepting the fact that he lost. And until he accepts that fact, neither will his supporters.
Woot woot!
mcgeo52 comments on May 19, 2021:
No additional comment necessary.
Cracked me up! []
mcgeo52 comments on May 18, 2021:
Gaetz and Greenberg were not the only ones involved in the illegal activity. It will be interesting to see who else is indicted before this is over with.
Even if the turd listens and says something what good will that do in the justice system of NY?
mcgeo52 comments on May 17, 2021:
The fact that Giuliani is basically wanting Trump to be a character witness tells all we need to know about how much trouble Rudy is in.
Clang went the Hawley! []
mcgeo52 comments on May 13, 2021:
And if Donnie doesn't like it, he can have Ted Nugent do a rebuttal.
Rant: I have always considered myself very lucky to have had a job that allowed me to travel all ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 13, 2021:
No need to apologize.
“We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees.
mcgeo52 comments on May 13, 2021:
I would guess he is not one of Netanyahu's favorite writers.
"Orange Man...Out of His League": []
mcgeo52 comments on May 13, 2021:
Popcorn time indeed. Trump will never see it coming from the Cheneys. One very interesting possibility involves the fact that Merrick Garland was recommended to Obama for the Supreme Court by then Sen. Orin Hatch (R. Utah). While Garland is as apolitical as possible, I have to believe that a group of top old school Republicans calling for prosecution of Trump for January 6 would not be something he would ignore. It would be interesting to see Trump try to run his shit show from inside federal prison.
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 11, 2021:
This is so true it hurts.
"If they come for the innocent without stepping over your body, cursed be your religion and your ...
mcgeo52 comments on May 11, 2021:
I remember meeting the Barrigan brothers at a Survival Sunday (i.e. nuclear disarmament) concert at the Hollywood Bowl. I had recently finished reading ***The Barrigan Brothers and the FBI***. I mentioned to Daniel that I believed that I had spotted a typo in the book. He asked what it was. I said that the book said he and his brother grew up in Galesville NY, and I believe it should have been Galeville, NY. I told him that I had attended Chestnut Hill Jr. High. He smiled and informed me that was less that five blocks from his family home. I have always had tremendous respect for the brothers and was very happy to find out we had that in common.
Washington state mandates teaching critical race theory K-12
mcgeo52 comments on May 11, 2021:
Textbooks are a major problem. Currently Texas has something of a strangle hold on textbook publishers. Consequently Biology texts contain Creationist drivel and US History texts cast the Civil War as the battle for states' rights, not insurrection in support of slavery. Maybe Washington, Oregon, California, and possibly Hawaii could join together to form a Pacific Textbook Consortium. This market would be so much larger than Texas that the publishers would have no choice but to pursue the approval of the Consortium.
Yes, it does. []
mcgeo52 comments on May 11, 2021:
It's not so much that it makes them look that way, but more that it exposes them for what they are.
12 year old graduates high school and college in the same week
mcgeo52 comments on May 9, 2021:
This reminds me of decades ago when I first read the book, ***Mindstorms*** by Seymor Papert. By the time I finished reading the book it was obvious how much more could be done by even an average student. It takes an exceptionally bright student to do this because our educational system is set up to prevent it.


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