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Norwegian Gas Station Becomes First in World to Replace All Pumps With Electric Chargers
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Having done graduate level work in Environmental Studies I have two problems with electric cars: 1) Unless you charge one exclusively with electricity generated strictly from renewable sources, they actually add more carbon to the atmosphere that running a equivalent modern internal combustion engine. This is inevitable due to the loss of efficiency introduced in the transmission of power over the grid to the car. Consider also that it is very difficult to match the thermodynamic properties of gasoline (i.e., how far you can go on how little you have to carry). Batteries for electric cars, or tanks sufficiently strong to transport hydrogen, add a significant weight penalty to a vehicle. 2) A much more recent concern is that, even if we had 100% efficient transmission of power, and it all came from renewable sources, it will still take at least ten years to phase out internal combustion engines. I wish we had that long. The latest studies I have seen say we probably don't. There have already been months when we have surpassed a 1.5ºC increase over pre-industrial average temperatures. At this level, we are flirting with hitting tipping points that may make recovery impossible (e.g., release of methane frozen in the permafrost or bottom of the ocean, or a change in ocean currents due to the fresh water from melting glaciers). The bad news is that we may only have five years or less. The good news is that we can be completely off of fossil petroleum within three years or less if we decide to do it. And we don't have to shut down our economy and park all of our cars. We can keep the "fuel", but lose the "fossil". Fossil fuel is derived from natural processes that trapped hydrocarbons beneath the surface of the earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is the release of this trapped carbon into the atmosphere that causes the problems with greenhouse gases. Why not use decomposed plants that we grow instead of decomposed plants that grew hundreds of thousands of years ago? All of the carbon we would release into the atmosphere would be carbon the plants had already taken out of the atmosphere. We have the technology to do this. It is called pyrolysis. By heating plant matter to a very high temperature in a reduced oxygen environment, we get approximately 10% of the plant mass converted to methane and other gases we know how to use, 15% to carbon coke and 75% converted to sludge. The sludge is actually a reasonably high grade, very sweet (i.e., very low to no sulfur content) crude oil. Burning the carbon coke produces more than enough heat to sustain the process (to use the technical term, the process is exothermic). This is well known technology we can deploy now. We could do so within three years or less based on historic precedents...
Do you know?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Note the time span for impeachment .
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
If Pelosi focuses the impeachment only on the whistle blower complaint, as she apparently wants to, the time line laid out in the article is ridiculously long. Nixon still had over half the country opposing impeachment until less than two weeks before his resignation. In the first week of August 1974, previously unknown tape from June 23, 1972 (recorded a few days after the break-in) documenting Nixon and Haldeman formulating a plan to block investigations was released. This recording later became known as the "Smoking Gun". Nixon resigned on August 8, 1974. We already have the country evenly divided on impeachment, and the evidence is just starting to come out. And we now know there is an entire server dedicated to politically sensitive conversations the administration is trying to hide. This is not a single smoking gun. This has the potential to be an exploding arsenal. Plus I expect a number of former members of the administration will be willing to talk. After all given the choice of remaining loyal to the one who threw them under the bus and is now on his way out (and probably to prison), or saving their own ass, guess which way that goes. I won't be surprised to see Trump and Pence gone before the end of the year. The real question is whether or not Pelosi wants to be President?
This is a link to my local middle school.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
I see a number of people saying to contact the ACLU. You can try that if you want to, but don't be surprised if they either completely ignore you, or simply tell you there is nothing wrong here. The event was a legal annual event, with voluntary participation. I don't see where the school promoted it, only posted a few pictures after the fact with a description so brief as to be almost meaningless.
Lets play a game.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Stormy seems sufficient.
A frightening thought: When the House of Representatives Impeaches tRump, did you know that when it ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
On the other hand, if Pence and Trump both go, the second to go is supposed to nominate a new VP. That nominee has to be approved by a majority of both houses. Pelosi can tell McCornhole that the House will vote on the nominee for VP as soon as the Senate votes on Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court.
A frightening thought: When the House of Representatives Impeaches tRump, did you know that when it ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
He would have to change the Rules of the Senate which require that the hearing in the Senate begin by the following afternoon, with an exception for Sundays. I think there are enough Republicans up for reelection that Bitch McCornhole won't be able to change the rules on this one.
Sounds good to me
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
If we can impeach him now and have him convicted by the Senate, he will be in prison instead of running for office in 2020.
If the Senate fails to convict and remove tRump, how will future historians write this chapter of ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
It depends on which historians. Imagine if Germany had managed to fight us to a stalemate in WW II. Their historians would be writing a very different version of what happened than ours. History is written by the winners. If Trump stays in office and gets reelected it will seriously skew the narrative, at least for American historians. Historians elsewhere in the world may have a significantly different take on things.
Ok, I just got this overwhelming feeling of dread. Could this all be a set up?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
If they actually are trying this, it will backfire spectacularly. This has given Pelosi cover to initiate a full blown impeachment investigation. That means that the DoJ will have to turn over the unredacted Mueller Report and ALL of the related grand jury materials. It also means that Treasury will have to hand over Trump's tax returns. Anybody smart enough to try to set a trap using the whistleblower complaint is probably smart enough to realize this. Stock up on popcorn and sleep well tonight.
I'm going are you
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
When he is hung for treason it should be broadcast on pay-per-view. The money from that could at least start to repay what he has ripped off from the taxpayers through the abuses of his office.
Perfect love it
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
I would like to thank Trump for making his whiny ass bitch speech at the UN about not getting a Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently it may have inspired someone to nominate Greta Thonberg.
Trump uses Twitter to question the patriotism of whistleblower in Ukraine scandal | VozWire
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Sounds like the cast iron pot calling the shiny stainless steel kettle black.
“Disney’s U.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
I remember about 25 years ago I was at Disneyland and had reservations at the Blue Bayou restaurant because the map of the park indicated they had vegetarian options on the menu. When I arrived and was seated I started looking through the menu to see what they had. On finding exactly zero vegetarian choices I called the waitress over and explained the situation. She said she would check on it. A few minutes later she returned and informed me that the chef would prepare something special for me. The pasta with a very tasty marinara sauce would have been adequate. But the sauce contained sizable chunks of delicious vegetables, and the plate was garnished with candied pecans. Special indeed. I still remember it after a quarter of a century. I may just have to go back to visit the mouse, again.
Trump's dreary U.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
I love the fact that one day after Trump's whiney bitch ass speech about not getting the Nobel Peace Prize, Greta Thunberg was nominated for one.
We can but hope!
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
And after his whiney bitch speech at the UN about not getting the Nobel Peace Prize, she received a nomination today. Hope she gets it.
Fanaticism is doubt overcompensating. —Robertson Davies
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
True, and it explains a lot about what is happening in our country today.
This is getting out of hand unbelieveable
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Heresy doesn't even start to cover this insanity.
🤯😱😄🤪😳🙃 Hahahahahahahaha! Donald Trump at UN: President said he deserves Nobel ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Ok, now I have a very serious dilemma. I would normally tell someone bombing that bad at standup to keep their day job, but...
This seems truthful.. []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
It's The Onion.
Bill Maher has a new rule regarding Trump and Republicans that is quite humorous. []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
This is brilliant on so many levels.
😮😮😮 Amazing. Miniatur Wonderland, Largest Model Train Set In The World []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
That is over nine and a half miles of track.
Florida man hid legless fugitive girlfriend in plastic tote
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
This one is weird even by Florida standards.
JACKSONVILLE MCDONALDS DRIVE THRU PILE UP: Three car pileup in McDonald's drive-through | WJAX-TV
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
I don't care how bad you're jonesing for your Big Mac, you don't crash the line like that.
Something to keep you awake and terrified at night!
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
I haven't been able to verify this yet but still. Really?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Two teenage Mexican girls made it in 15 seconds.
I am so frustrated with the Democrats in the House.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
They should have held Lewandowski in contempt and had the Sergeant at Arms put him in the House jail. Yes there is one and I am being serious.
They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Could be right, I'm not really sure.
What's going on with Trump and Biden and Ukraine? []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Interesting how Trtump released the money, not after the Ukrainians came up with something on Biden's son, but after the new President of Ukraine basically gave up Ukraine's claim to Crimea and withdrew troops. If I didn't know better I might think that Biden was just a smokescreen for Trump doing Putin a big favor.
Sanders Hits Back at Rich Biden Donor: 'The Democratic Party I Represent Is the Party of the Working...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Bluhm needs to go back to the Republican Party. So do the Clintons and the rest of the corporatist DINOs.
A $12,460 Hangover Cure? This Groom's ER Bill Was A Major Headache : Shots - Health News : NPR
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
The negotiated settlement is still outrageous. But then what do you expect with for profit health care?
I posted in politics the following and It was not published, I'll try here and see! I asked how ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
I thought it smelled fishy, but as rotten as it is it may be a rat.
“Ice Cold”: Trump Distances Himself From Netanyahu After Election [vanityfair.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Washington DC has the fifth largest public transit fleet in the country. Comes in handy considering how often Donnie throws somebody under a bus.
Make sense to you lol
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Having done business with software developers in Moscow, I can relate.
Week Pelosi reportedly left lawmakers 'stunned' by slamming House Judiciary Committee staff in ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
The people of this country are tired of the politics, Nancy. It's time to respect the law.
Stupid is as stupid does.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Would I be out of line to nominate Donald J. Trump for an Overachiever's Award?
Build the wall!
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
We need another one around his phone to stop the tweets.
Let's make California polluted again. Trump rolls back car emmission standards. []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
This will most likely end up in the Supreme Court, where we will see just how much the five conservatives value states' rights.
GM workers strike against trump! []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Two points: 1) They are striking against GM, not Trump. 2) The article is not on Facebook. Please link directly to the article:
Did you read that they are reducing the of pork inspectors?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
All animals are created equal...
If anybody is interested in accurate polling data this website has it all.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
For those, like me, who prefer a link:
Let's lift more EPA restrictions! I'll tell you this article is complete shit! When I lived in ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
But Trump and his cronies are set to get 20% of the income from the oil that Russia has claimed on the arctic shelf. The catch is the polar ice has to melt before the Russians can get to the oil.
Check this idiot out! I don't even know what to say
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I hope that someone who knows him saves this picture to post on his social media account when Trump is sentenced to prison.
Holocaust survivor confronts trumps ICE director
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 17, 2019:
History is not on the side of Trump and his minions. It will not treat them kindly.
I've been seeing this in various places today and even by Trump & evangelical standards I find it ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 16, 2019:
This is obviously a very bad Photoshop job.
[] Bad news for Trump! Court allows emoluments case vs him. Kudos to the Court!
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Although this is a civil case against Trump, a decision in favor of the plaintiffs would be prima facie evidence against Trump in an impeachment case brought for violation of the Emoluments Clause.
How would you respond to "You can't have true love without God"?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 16, 2019:
You mean after I finished laughing?
Illinois Writer With Disabilities, Melissa Blake, Shuts Down Internet Trolls With Message: ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I agree with her that she doesn't have to take the abuse and sometimes the best thing to do is just block the abusive people. I actually prefer to just stand up to them to the point that they block me. It is so much nicer when the trash takes itself out.
It’s scary to listen to why Trumplodytes like him: []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
While part of this is indeed scary, it is also very enlightening. Trump tapped into the anger that millions of Americans were/are feeling in a way that Hillary never could. The best hope the Democrats have for tapping into that anger, and even using it against trump, is Bernie Sanders.
There is a lot of talk recently, particularly in the Dem debate about health care.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
So we should run to the center? Isn't that what the Dems did in every Presidential race since McGovern in 1972, with the arguable exception of Obama ( a black dude saying he's going to change things)? And how well has that worked? • Jimmy Carter won against Gerald Ford who had just pardoned Nixon. • Bill Clinton won after Reagan/Bush tanked the economy. • Barack Obama won on a platform of "Hope and Change." Other than that? I just don't see the wisdom in running to center given the results of that strategy for the last half century.
Lying Donald strikes again!
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
That sign is no lie.
Fact or fiction😆
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
I have a group on fb, "Let's See The Onion Top This" that is for posting legit news stories that could be mistaken for satire.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Tolstoy wrote some very profound works. His writings were a major influence on Ghandi.
This has got to be fake.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Funny how he looks just as orange in direct sunlight.
Anyone think emailing Mitch McConnell and calling him Moscow Mitch and a shill for the NRA was going...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Too far??? What gives you the idea it was even far enough?
This photo needs no caption
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 12, 2019:
At the risk of sounding unpatriotic,.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 12, 2019:
What we should remember about 9/11 is that Tower 7 was not hit by a plane. Nor was the Pentagon. We should remember that 9/11 was used as an excuse to lie us into two wars against people who had nothing to do with 9/11. The real perpetrators of 9/11 have not been brought to justice.
"And as the windshield melts And my tears evaporate Leaving only charcoal to defend Finally I ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 11, 2019:
What an optimistic and cheery way to start the day. But then again, today is 9/11.
Shakespeare, "First we kill all the lawyers"
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I'm down with that, especially if we include Donald J Trump, Esq.
Democrats are reportedly preparing an embarrassing dossier against Trump before the 2020 election ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
From my perspective it looks like the problem won't be so much finding the material as editing it down to something that can be read before the election.
Can all 'why' questions be translated into 'how' questions?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Let's use the example of, "Why should I eat my vegetables?" Translating that directly into "How should I eat my vegetables?" completely changes the nature of the question to the point that the two have almost nothing to do with each other. While, "How is eating my vegetables good for me?" a possibly workable translation, it may not get an answer that would make sense to the person who asked the question meaning, "Why should I eat these particular vegetables, which have been overcooked to the point they have minimal nutritional value and even less flavor?" Translation almost always depends on context. Another example would be, "Why should I go on living?" Translate that so the question and answer make sense to someone like my grandfather when he was 92 years old and said, "I've outlived all of my enemies, almost all of my friends, burred two wives, and can't live in my own home any more. Why should I go on living?" P.S. Less than a week later I was at my grandfather's funeral.
How would you reply to a theist who says, "You send yourself to hell"?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
The question you should ask is, "How can a truly loving God create a hell?"
While at the Empire State Building, I wondered what it must have been like to exit the Graf Zeppelin...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
I would assume it was not for the acrophobic. But then flying in a dirigible wouldn't be either.
This link work? The Bern Notice is worth subscribing to. []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Link works. Good article. Very encouraging.
Talk about delusional!! 🙃 ‘The Trumps will be a dynasty that lasts for decades’ ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 8, 2019:
The Trump dynasty will serve for decades - behind bars.
1. 1938 Dymaxion 2.This is a 1941 Packard 90 Open Top 8 door Tour Bus
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 8, 2019:
The Packard reminds me of of a funny incident when I was in high school. A family two doors down from us had a son a year older than me, a daughter a year younger, and a son two years younger. The mom owned a Checker sedan. One Friday she took it in for service and they told her they needed a part and the car would not be ready until Monday or Tuesday so they would provider her with a loaner. When the older son found out that the loaner turned out to be one of the eight door Checkers he organized a group date. He and his girlfriend, the sister and he boyfriend, another couple who were friends with the sister, and my girlfriend and I all went out in the Checker for the eveniing. Just imagine being the poor kid working at the Jack-in-the-Box taking our order from the drive-through. Fun times.
Mission exceeded!
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Texas had W as Governor. Think they couldn't go lower? They said, "Hold my beer," and elected Rick Perry. Think they reached bottom with him? "Hold my longneck, I'm votin' for Greg Abbott." Have they reached bottom yet? Is Eric Trump still out of prison?
Al-Anon, "Detach with love, & if you can't detach with love, just detach" This refers to detaching ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 6, 2019:
How many recovering codependents does it take to screw in a light bulb? None. A recovering codependent detaches with love and tells the light bulb to go screw itself.
No one ever knew this.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 6, 2019:
At least Nero was making music.
You can reason but it goes over their heads, as does subtle humour.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Since you asked:
Unless you're living under a rock, you realize the USA has been in a downward slide for decades.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
I would have to cite two points: The first point would be the election of Nixon in 1968. I choose this for two reasons: 1) It marks the beginning of Lee Atwater's "Southern Strategy" (i.e., running a racist campaign using dog whistle comments). 2) it was the first in a string of Republican Presidential election victories based on treason (Nixon's deal with Hanoi, Reagan's deal with Tehran, and Trump's deal with Moscow). The second point would be the publication of the Powell Memo on August 23, 1971. That memo was basically a declaration of war on the middle class by, as FDR called them, the monied interests.
Thinking about I guess.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Thank you for posting these.
Colorblind or Just Plain Dumb?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Since I can't upload a .gif, you have to click on the link. BTW, I don't see how he can be that much a racist and be considered colorblind.
This sounds politically motivated.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Trump went golfing as Hurricane Dorian threatens US []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
At least Nero was making music.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Are you trying to win Rhetorical Question of the Year?
Play those hits! []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
I vi IV V7
The Best Astronomy Apps for iOS and Android | Digital Trends
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Thanks for posting this. I have used Distant Suns for years but it hasn't worked since I upgraded to iOS 11.
Karen Riffinger, "I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only experience what I said ...
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Some times this a valid reason for not explaining. Some times it's a cop out because you're too lazy to explain, even though the other person might learn something.
Update: At Least 5 Dead, 21 Injured.
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 1, 2019:
More of Trump's "fine people."
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Maybe it's like if you are friendly enough with Charlie Manson you can get him to take his family next door to the LaBianca place instead of killing you and your family?
tRump just loves things with his name on it.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
That's the starter pack. If you want more pins they cost extra.
Must be a girl thing.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Now that is a motivational poster.
Jared Kushner And Ivanka Trump Reportedly Faced Pressure To Replace Mike Pence On 2020 Ticket
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Just think, @SeaGreenEyez, if he is replaced on the 2020 ticket, you could get Mikey back home in Indiana. I'm sure you're thrilled at the prospect.
Trump effectively issuing death sentence to sick kids here on legal medical status.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
This has Stephen Miller written all over it. Karma can give him a terminal illness any time now.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
A law requiring paper ballots for all elections. Otherwise the rest of this is meaningless.
Having joined g:258, I have decided to make use of my expanding vocabulary to malign our ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
You took the words right out of my mouth.
😆 This is one of the funniest videos I've watched in forever.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 28, 2019:
The entire series is very amusing, and educational.
For me, it needs to say free kittens, But a baby goat in PJ's might do it!
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Just shared this with a friend. She's in a band named Van Goat.
Trump defends bid to host G7 at his Miami resort: 'I don't care about money' | US news | The ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
So much for the emoluments clause.
I need to open a bar with cool tables like this...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
And matching seats.
Scientists one step closer to saving the northern white rhino from extinction - Kuwait Times
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Funny, it doesn't look like a hen.
Please tell me this is a joke. []
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Last I checked Axios was still doing journalism, not satire. I just posted this in my fb group, "Let's See The Onion Top This". Pity the poor writers at The Onion.
Ok so I've tried to be good.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
So, how do you spread the word that this person is obviously a Nazi?
If you could be alone and totally undisturbed with tRump for 10 minutes, what would you do or say?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I would send him a message saying that he is not worth ten minutes of my time.
Something I've been thinking about lately is this.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
The man was highly trained in showmanship, first through his WWE connections, and then by NBC during his time as host of The Apprentice. He won't debate because he isn't mentally capable. He will try other things to distract from that fact. What the Democrats need to do is collect a list of words and phrases that trigger Trump. We know that "absurd" is definitely one of them. The whoever is debating Trump needs to drop those words into the debate and watch him melt down on national TV.
"The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's greener where you water most."
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Provided you use fresh water. If all you do is pee on it, it will turn brown.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Don't feel bad, even The Onion didn't have it on theirs.
Biden says 40 were shot at Kent State in 1970, when four students were killed
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
There have been multiple reports that Obama tried to talk Biden out of running.Let's hope he gets the message after the first few primaries.
Good morning everyone!
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Once again a case of Trump projecting. Our biggest enemy is Donald J. Trump.


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