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As the walls close in on tRump and his insanity grows.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
The prosecutors (Mueller's team, the SDNY team, Barbara Underwood, AG NY, and Cyrus Vance, Jr., Manhattan DA) are keeping tRump in the dark, and I believe they have help on this in the White House. I believe John Kelly is there to stop anything really stupid, like a nuclear strike. By the time tRump realizes how bad it really is for him, I hope he just resigns. To be honest I am probably more worried about the reaction by the trumptards when tRump goes down.
I just found out John McCain has died.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
I would note that Trump has been asked not to attend the funeral. That was probably McCain's last patriotic act. R.I.P., Senator.
Hopefully, this will start showing up on lots of Democrat's computers:
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
History will show just what a petty asshole the person was who did this. Likewise for the person who created the meme.
Getting the pill
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
That is funny.
Will tRump become insane to the point there will be no doubt by any rational person or standard?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
The problem here is your criteria, "no doubt by any rational person or standard." Remember that we're talking about Republicans.
With today's news, how close do you think tRump is to resigning.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
If Weisselberg starts co-operating with the NY AG on Monday, the State of NY can freeze or seize every last one of tRump's assets before the end of September. They may be able to do it before the end of August.
Beware Mr. Trump, lest your Pecker leaks
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Or, as MSNBC so memorably put it...
Deliberate carefully.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Dude, I'm shooting digitally in color. I choose to go with B&W later.
I was pumping gas, when I noticed a man holding a sign saying that he would work for food.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
It's not unheard of to see someone outside the grocery store asking for money. Sometimes I give them money, or if the really look hungry I might grab some extra food (fruit, bread, cheese) for them while I am in the store. The other evening a young lady was there asking for moeney for food and I noticed she had her dog with her. I don't see that very often.Im addition to some food for her I spent a couple of bucks on a bag of doggy treats. I don't know what kind of dust or pollen was in the air but when I gave her the doggy treats she got tears in her eyes, and so did I.
Goodbye to Joe, a great dog and a good friend.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
My condolences to you and all the rest of Joe's friends. You were lucky to have him in your lives.
A perfect moment caught
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
My friends playing at the open mic I host. I had the sound dialed in and they were amazing.
First order of business.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
It would not be that difficult. All it would take is proof that Trump's election was based on a fraud. Michael Cohen's plea may well have given us that. Nothing based on fraud can stand legally. That includes all of tRump's orders, and all of his executive appointees and their orders. It would also include ALL of his judicial appointees up to and including Gorsuch. It might take a year or two to sort through the implications, but it doesn't have to take a generation or more to recover from this nightmare. The next job is to make sure it doesn't happen again. Start by reinstating the fairness doctrine that Reagan got rid of.
With today's news, how close do you think tRump is to resigning.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I think tRump may well resign. If it looks like he is not willing to, then Mueller and the NY AG could have a meeting with him and explain his options: • Behind door #1 is the NY AG with a stack of RICO indictments that will be filed by noon tomorrow. By close of business the following day all of Trump’s assets will be frozen/confiscated. He will die penniless in Sing Sing. • Behind door #2 is Robert Mueller. Trump agrees to plead guilty to a federal felony, make a confession to be televised to the nation, pay some serious fines, and serve a minimal term at Club Fed. • Behind door#3… Oh! Wait! There is no door #3. What’s it gonna be, Donnie?
Ivanka unveils new fashion lineup.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
And for Daddy...
Always interesting to watch Rachel Maddow's analysis pieces.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Pecker has a safe full of dirt on Trump. And James ("Lordy, I hope there are tapes") Comey will be happy to learn that Dylan Howard has recordings of everything that happened in his office.
Pence, a Christian supremacist and out right violator of women's rights! Impeach Away! Thoughts ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Pence is not just a Christian fundie. He is a Dominionist. That, IMHO, makes him far more dangerous than tRump. Pence's wet dream is to "hasten the return of Christ" by starting Armageddon. No way i want his finger anywhere near the button. The good news is that I believe Pence will be gone before tRump.
Something new to think about
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
218 votes in the House. Conviction requires 67 votes in the Senate.
Lesson learned
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Oh, oh!
Do you think impeachment proceedings ought to wait until the Mueller report is issued?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
We will see what else comes out between now and the time Mueller issues his report. There is already way more than enough evidence to convict tRump of multiple felonies. The question is how much longer the Republicans will continue to support an unindicted co-conspirator.
Howdy Y'all!! We had a slew of new members join up recently, I mean way more than normal!! I am so ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Nothing personal, @HippieChick58, but I am starting to look forward to the day this group is no longer necessary. Until then the unindicted co-conspirator and anyone in his "administration" [yes, the quote marks are necessary] are fair game and it's open season.
Those who remember an early interwebs meme, "I haz cheeseburger" will appreciate this one, laugh out...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Ya got that right!
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
But only on days ending in "y".
Be firm my Pecker ? (Complete article screenshots)
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Someone on Fb commented on this saying, "Trump lost his Pecker." I responded, "To say it was no great loss would be an understatement."
Things are getting even crazier.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
If HRC, DWS, and the DNC had not rigged the primaries we would not have Putin's bitch in the White House.
I call this administration "the age of stupid", I am no longer surprised by anything the trumpanzee ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
We were warned.
The 19th century is approaching quickly, time to turn the tide.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Depends on where you are in America.
and you will look good in orange!
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
What the well dressed Republican leaders will be wearing this fall.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
As of Cohen's plea, tRump is officially an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal crime. That is the message we need to be pushing.
It’s only a matter of time...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
You know, I've been trying for quite a while to find one good thing I could say about tRump. It's pretty pathetic, but I may have to settle for, "At least he hasn't sent a dick pic."
Bret Stephens, conservative columnist for NYT calls for impeachment. []
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
This is the tip of the iceberg. With everything that will come out in the next couple of months, you can expect more and more of tRump's supporters to bail. I said over a year ago that tRump would destroy the Republicans in the mid terms unless they got rid of him at least six months before the election. They were stupid enough to stick with him. They'll pay dearly for it. That's fine by me.
What Do You Think?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
He will have to quit or be impeached before you see him in handcuffs.
Passing on a message
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
And yes, it's the long form, but nowhere near as long as the indictment.
frantically searching google....
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
A helpful son.
The Great Spewdini My previously favorite nicknames for Rump were kind of a tie between Spanky ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I still like this one...
I put this in Politics but I thought I'd also post it here: I also say fuck the operating ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
The silence from the Republicans is deafening, at least in public. I'm hearing that things are starting to shift in Congress. I believe the most important thing we can do right now is to push the message that Donald J. Trump is officially an unindicted co-conspirator.
I put this in Politics but I thought I'd also post it here: I also say fuck the operating ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
The silence from the Republicans is deafening, at least in public. I'm hearing that things are starting to shift in Congress. I believe the most important thing we can do right now is to push the message that Donald J. Trump is officially an unindicted co-conspirator.
With the information gained in court records of Cohen and Manafort trials, there is enough ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
This morning I called the offices of my two Senators, Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris, and my Representative, Alan Lowenthal. I asked the aide at each office who answered the phone to pass along the following message: “As of yesterday one Donald J. Trump is officially an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal felony. As such he should not be making any judicial appointments. The Senator (or Representative) should go on record saying as much from the floor and also in a press statement.” I am heartened to report that the aides’ reactions ranged from happily helpful to downright giddy.
Tweet of the day! lol
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Well, since Cohen pretty much gave up his Bar card yesterday.... ....if anybody is looking for a good source of news, I would strongly suggest that you don't listen to Donald J. Trump.
MAGA for real
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
"And I'm an unindicted co-conspirator."
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
People can question Cohen's credibility if they want, but Cohen has audio recordings. Same with Omarosa. And if they really want to start getting into credibility, fine. Let's talk about Donald the sociopathic liar Trump. Srsly?
To reuse or not to reuse, that is the question.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I host an open mic at an art gallery in Long Beach. Almost all of the furnishings in the gallery have been rescued from the curb or the alley. As for the equipment I use, I have saved a substantial amount (i.e., 20% to 65%) by buying used mics. Let's face it, I buy the mics to use them. After a few weeks I have a used mic even if I paid for a new one. A Shure SM57 is still a Shure SM57 even after it has been used for years. And Sennheiser e835s don't have a shelf life either. By intelligently buying a mix of new and used equipment I have put together a sound system that gives us the best sound of any open mic in the area, and saved a few hundred in the process. Also in Long Beach we have a shop, Long Beach Depot for Creative Reuse, that carries nothing but scrap items from manufacturers. Artist and craft types find all sorts of things there to incorporate into their projects. My other favorite is buying refurbished items. Those are real bargains most of the time.
Weirdest food
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Nothing really that weird. I'm a vegetarian now, but when I was growing up I ate cow brains (definitely not recommended now), cow tongue, frogs legs, the usual stuff.
Nothing loses my interest ?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I have tolerated many things in relationships. Lying has never been something I tolerated.
To the point...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Swiss Army knife - don't leave home without it. Seriously, I have a two blade model that I carry everywhere except airports and court houses.
Four guilty pleas, one conviction, and people still think Trump didn't know about anything?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
But wait! There's More! That's right, folks! There's plenty more where that came from! Be sure to stock up on pop corn!
Omarosa released a video showing Cohen boarding Trump's plane during the campaign. []
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
In light of what happened today, this does not look good for Donnie Littlehands.
the times, they are a changing
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
I understand he is in protective custody.
Turn on the news.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
It's a start. There's plenty more where that came from.
Silly Faux news
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
This was how it came up on the Goog:
A little word association poll: ASSHOLES
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
You forgot the quotes around "Administration". And this just ruined anal for a lot of us.
? Isn’t it ironic...don’t cha think? ?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
The wrinkle is that, given the terms of his plea bargain, Cohen is going to have a difficult time even affording free.
Just a few meme's
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
The only part of the DEA that isn't full of shit is between their ears. They have a very noticeable vacuum there.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Hope nothing!!! VOTE!!!
Goddamned popo
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
I have filed clams against them and been paid by the city. I have also had judges deal with them: • One was found in contempt. • One was fired based on a judge's order after the officer committed perjury agains me in a traffic ticket case. The judge did not ( probably could not) order the officer fired. He did order the officer that every time he appeared in court he would have to present a letter to the judge proving that the officer had perjured himself in my case. As soon as his Captain heard that, the officer was out.
How to tell...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
I'll settle for behind my back while most of the rest of her is in front of me.
Assuming that we're going to have the ability to remove the orange idiot in charge from the office ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
By the not too distant future I assume you mean less than a year. At this point I would argue that three months might well be too distant. However, given what has come out recently (e.g., recordings from Michael Cohen, Omarosa, and (from what I am hearing) Don McGahn, as well as what will come out at Manafort's second trial, Cohen's trial, and Jeffrey Epstein's trial (all three happening next month), I have reason to hope that Trump will be gone soon. Having said that leaves us with the fact that Mike Pense is the obvious replacement. But that isn't going to happen. He is as involved in the Russian mess as Trump, and Robert Mueller is too much of a patriot to see this country go through two disgraced Presidents leaving office back to back. That brings us to Paul Ryan, the next on the list. That isn't going to happen either (see discussion on Pence). So we either get Ryan's replacement as Speaker, or we get Orrin Hatch, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and next in line after Ryan. Given that the House can, in theory, elect a new Speaker in less than an hour, it will most likely be Ryan's replacement. This is where it gets real interesting. Are you aware that being a member of the House is not a requirement for becoming Speaker? All it takes is a nomination and 218 votes [fn 1]. Good luck getting 218 votes together for anyone, especially with chief cat herder Ryan gone. And no Democrat, even Bernie, will get 218 votes. However if the 194 Democrats can get 24 Republicans to vote with them for a moderate Republican, that would work. And yes, there are still a few moderate Republicans alive. Now, we are finally getting to the answer to your question. I would like to see Nancy Pelosi nominate Olympia Snowe as Speaker [fn 2]. Let me explain why I believe she is the best person for the job: • We need someone to help heal our country; her feminine energy will be a major asset. • She has enough experience in government to have more than a clue about what needs to be done. • She is someone who can work with both sides of the aisle. She has literally written the book on making Congress functional again. • She is a Republican, and that is very important for one reason. The next President is going to need to order a federal investigation of the 2016 election. When (not if) the evidence proves that the ballot count was tampered with, the President will need to issue an Executive Order declaring the election a fraud. If a Democrat did that, we would likely have a civil war. What would be the result of such an EO? Legally nothing based on fraud can stand. That means all of Trump's EOs and appointments are null and void. The rules and regulations promulgated by the appointees would also be null and void. All of his judicial ...
Do you consider exploring Buddhism if you do not believe in creationism?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
I believe that Buddhism has much to offer as a philosophy. I don't personally accept it as a religion.
Where was the FBI in dealing with the Russian mafia and kleptocrats that made it possible for Trump ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
If Mueller were just going after Trump this would have been over months ago. There is more than enough evidence on the record already to send Trump to prison for life. Or have you not noticed the number of Russians already indicted by Mueller and his crew? The intelligence community warned President Obama that the Russians were interfering in the election. The Congressional leadership was also briefed. Mitch McConnell told Obama that he would cry "Politics!" if Obama went public with the information. Obama should have called him on that one.
Why do people believe in reincarnation?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Years ago I was discussing reincarnation with a friend. We had both just read a series of reports of children who had very specific knowledge of things that happened years before they were born and many miles away, in some cases thousands of miles. He said, "I'm still not convinced." I asked, "Well, then how do you explain all of these cases?" He asked, "Don't you believe in Jung's theory of the Collective Unconscious?"
Vacation!!! Where do you like to go?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
My all time favorite WAS Camp Mather for the Strawberry Music Festival. They don't have it there any more. They had to move it because they could not get the lease renewed.
When I'm trying to explain how bad the smoke is here to a friend out of state. ?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
I've been in almost that bad. I don't envy you. Take care.
I'm stressed out.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Unfortunately I can relate all to well to that losing friends thing. There has been way too much of it going around lately. But your dog, too? That's a whole different level that has to be really hard. Sorry it's happening.
If this is over the top I’m sorry but when I saw it, I immediately felt an urge to post it like ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Why does my dick take offense at this?
Buried under a mountain of his own bullshit.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
But there are tapes (or at least digital audio recordings) of tRump, too.
I should take advice from them?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
And an aggregate IQ of maybe 125. Remember, Gingrich is a college professor.
I used speculate that anybody who had voted for G.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
We let felons vote. Stupid is not a crime. The problem is that the Goldwater wing of the Republican Party hijacked the conversation in this country and has moved it so far to the right that Goldwater himself could not get nominated today. Hell, the 1956 Republican platform that Eisenhower ran on sounds like it was written by Bernie Sanders on one of his more (relatively speaking) conservative days. Reagan's elimination of the fairness doctrine has done more damage to this country than anything since the Civil War. Indeed there is talk of a Second Civil War and if it happens I will lay it at the feet of St. Ronnie.
1 and climbing.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Why do the words "clear and present danger" come to mind?
Something serious and something funny serious
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
R.I.P. Kofi Annan.
I asked Grumpy Cat his opinion on Trump and he was nonplussed.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
He has the IQ for it.
Hey frayed bear ! Molly Tuttle and Allison Groot Bregottlaten []
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Tuttle was the first woman to win the International Bluegrass Music Association's Guitar Player of the Year award. She was 24 years old when she won it in 2017. Think the young lady might have a future?
"I'm a man of the people - Vox Populi, Vox Dei" The forked tongue of Jacob Rees-Mogg, tells us ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
I don't normally comment on people's appearance in this manner, but I have to wonder if the narrowness of his mind is caused, at least in part, by the shape of his head?
I was sent this a few days ago but have only just worked out how to copy the link - I hope that this...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
For a group of skeptics, free thinkers, and people who insist on evidence and reason, I'm surprised by the number of you who buy the official version of 9/11. I challenge you to have an open enough mind to watch a 27 minute video of an interview of someone who used her unique position as a military journalist to interview the top people at the Pentagon about what really happened there.
I need to post something here and I'm not really sure how to go about this.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Always happy to hear good news. Best wishes to you and whoever ;-)
A weight lifted off my shoulders, I confronted a friend about something that really bothered me ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
The first six words of your post tell me you did the right thing. Good for you.
Courtesy of The Martial Arts Community on Facebook: []
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Post has been removed or could not be loaded.
This is what I was curious about when I was stoned this morning.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
The short answer is no.
This moment needs a caption. Please help Chuck out, people.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
I wonder who dressed him this morning?
Rudy Giuliani claims "the truth isn't the truth" on Meet The Press.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Remember when we thought Sarah Palin was scraping the bottom of the barrel?
Lost Popular Vote
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
State law controls the actions of the Electors, so we may not need to amend the Constitution to take care of this problem. All we need is for enough states to pass a law prohibiting their Electors from voting for whoever lost the popular vote nationwide.
Lost Popular Vote
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
I used to believe the electoral college was there as the final check to keep a demagogue out of office. That obviously didn't happen. There is no excuse left for keeping the electoral college.
Here's a handy flow chart...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
And if that fails, hit the reset button. You know the one. It's marked "FUCK TRUMP".
Your Grandfather's GOP!
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
The truth comes out. Bernie Sanders is an Eisenhower Republican.
Misleading the public about wildfire smoke and falling ash
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
@silverotter11, you're not the only one with smoke problems.
Big Pharma Fights Cannabis
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
BTW, that's more like hundredsof thousands of new patients each year.
Big Pharma Fights Cannabis
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Do you think tRump will shut down the Mueller investigation?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
This isn't going to happen. If he tries it there would be three immediate consequences: 1) massive protests 2) Congress would either pass a new Special Prosecutor bill, or simply impeach tRump 3) the NYAG would immediately file RICO indictments and confiscate everything tRump owns.
MEN: What would your reason be for asking a woman what she does for a living, upon meeting her?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Most men in this society feel that they are defined by their job. Them asking what someone does for a living is a way to help define who the person is. I do not feel at all defined by my job. I don't ask what a woman does for her living, I ask how she spends her time? The answer reveals a lot about her and her priorities. If she spends 20 minutes telling me about her volunteer work rescuing kittens before she mentions her job, I know which matters more to her, or at least which she finds more fulfilling and rewarding. Another reason for asking about someone's job is to find out what her schedule is like. Is it compatible with mine to the point that we will be able to spend time together? Will she have time to travel? Will that be weekends or weekdays? Fortunately I have some flexibility in my schedule, but it's helpful to know what to expect.
What’s the origin of your name?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
My name is Geo. McCalip. Geo. is the abbreviation for George. One of my favorite nicknames has been Mic. When looking for a handle years ago I came up with mcgeo as a short form of McGeorge. That was taken so I added the 52, the year I was born.
Is it any wonder I've got ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Are you expecting me to make some sage remark about this?
Wow I never knew this, how many have known this?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
So of course I didn't learn this until after they did away with plastic bags for groceries in California. They haven't completely done away with plastic bags, it is just that they have gone to heavier duty, reusable bags. By state law they have to charge you $0.10 per bag. That initiative passed the same day as the one legalizing pot. One of my friends observed, "I guess that officially makes California the dime bag state."
Most recent photo on your phone or computer. No cheating. ?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Photos are on my phone in the other room. This is the latest meme on my computer:
What kind of reptile species scare you?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I wouldn't say they scare me, but I have a well reasoned respect for venomous snakes.
I know it denigrates the Star Wars franchise and the former escort is not a princess, but I had to ...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
You are aware that Carrie Fisher is deceased and her ghost can, and should, haunt you for this.
He has an answer for everything.
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
You do realize that the Republican Party in Texas has, as part of their platform, called for the elimination of critical thinking as part of the school curriculum.
I am the black sheep of the family, anybody else relate ?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
My father was at least fourth generation deacon in a Southern Baptist church. My mother was the state president of the Women's Missionary Union. They were both also very active with The Gideons. My brother was ordained as a Southern Baptist minister. What makes you think I might relate to this?
Mollie Tuttle White freightliner pickin tech. []
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Love her voice. And she obviously knows how to play that guitar.
Then and now... Thoughts?
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
No way. Where did you find a Republican who can count to four? Any of them that smart have already left the party.
Just a reminder
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
re: jury nullification It is not the jury's job solely to determine guilt or innocence. Their job is to acquit or convict. In order to convict they have to agree unanimously on two things: 1) the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and 2) the law is just and should be enforced. This used to be in the Jury Handbook in California until the late '60s or early 70s. It was removed because too many juries were acquitting in marijuana cases.
Fuhrer Trump Trying to Deport Adopted Toddler From Peru-WTF!
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
If you want a source on this other than this meme:
I want to have a cup of coffee With someone that can look at me And talk to me Without taking out...
mcgeo52 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
I have been known to say, "Excuse me for just a second," and take out my cell phone. I then turn it to "Do not disturb" and say, "Ok, now that we won't be interrupted..."


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