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This isn't Trump personally, but a GOP creep...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I think his head needs to be covered with a bag.
The only acceptable dick pic, and then only if it's solicited
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
Yeah, this one is probably not appropriate for mixed company.
91 yr old man beat viciously with a brick.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
He was only visiting his family in California and planned to return to his home in Mexico. The sick irony is that he would have returned sooner if he had not been violently attacked. The good news is that they found the idiot who did this and arrested her.
Know who these people are, how they are connected, and how their interests overlap.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
They are lucky I'm not President. I would have them sent to Guantanamo as enemy combatants.
I am pleasantly surprised that this is the headline of our local paper in a very conservative ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I was on the phone for a few hours yesterday with my friends and family in the Dallas - Ft. Worth area. They are telling me that a large percentage of the people they know who supported and voted for Trump are starting to have regrets. There may be hope.
Although I think FOX is the worse for it, I think people should check facts of any mainstream media...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
We need to bring back the fairness doctrine that Reagan eliminated.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
Sci-fi, the hardcore stuff that doesn't violate the laws of physics. Although I have to admit that Terry Pratchett is one of my favorite authors.
Okay, I need to rant/destress a bit.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
You are not the first person to have an insane workload in college. You won't be the last. Other people have survived, and so will you. Worst possible case? You don't pass the one class you need. Is it possible to do it as independent study? Don't even bother answering that. Just hug your dog, get back to work, and pass the class.
This gentleman is one of my heroes.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I don't think he walked away from the Republican Party as much as they left him.
TV is Monster in Your House
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 29, 2018:
I kicked it out 8 years ago.
Is this even possible?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Is it possible to be less of a Christian than Trump?
Can we please get this right?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Which of course brings us to this...
Public breast feeding gone too far
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Oh, deer!
This made me smile
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
The state of New York will probably beat the feds to anything in NY.
Don't forget the victim!
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Il Douche. ...he wishes
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
With apologies to Mussolini.
And the award goes to ..
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
This obviously puts him in the running for Asshole of the Millennium.
Snake Oil Salesman
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Obviously a bad Photoshop job. The hands are way too big.
Which one do you agree with and why?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
I know the correct answer, and will share it in a few days.
Last supper
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 26, 2018:
And for dessert... brownies.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 26, 2018:
Vicious! I love it.
I'm a social vegan...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 26, 2018:
Reminds me of the line by the late, and much missed, Utah Phillips: "I'm on a low social cholesterol diet; no fatheads."
Feels like it's true....
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 26, 2018:
Nope. Putin's bitch should be wearing the apron.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
I'm in favor of letting anyone join, but I also favor booting out anyone who proselytizes.
What if you are the GOD ?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
If I am the God I am doing a really lousy job of it, given how messed up the world is.
Complete this sentence "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
... the rest of our lives.
What non-materialistic things do you do to increase your happiness?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
I play my ukulele and write songs. I also host a weekly open mic. I help people fight their traffic tickets (California only). I ride my bicycle on the bike path at the beach. I hang out with friends.
Anyone? Lol
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Don't hold your breath. That shade of blue is not your color.
I have Estonian Ancestry and we have something called the 'Laulupidu'.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Can you post a link?
Chocolate ?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Sounds like you are creating a completely artificial and unnecessary dilemma.
Anyone you know?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
How the hell do you get those jeans on over those ankle monitors?
True story...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
The operative word here being "trying".
Taco flavored Gerber
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
I wonder if the taco truck on the corner has this?
Do you wonder which Eric I'm talking about?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Not this one, obviously.
He is Puzzled
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Dude, make up your mind. Are you the Riddler or the Joker?
You don't need a weatherperson.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 24, 2018:
John knows how to rock the weather.
History repeats
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Hang him by his bone spurs.
This gave me a chuckle....
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 23, 2018:
They left off, "Launder your white shirt and deliver it to the funeral home."
Do you think a guy like me could marry a Catholic?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 23, 2018:
How dedicated a Catholic is she? Does she insist on, or even want a church wedding? Does she insist on or even want to raise your children in the church? If she honestly answers no to both of those questions, I would say it's probably worth trying.
Anyone here still have any imaginary friends?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 23, 2018:
Then there is this...
Wedding etiquette!
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Or quote the great Yogi (Berra that is) and say, "This is deja vu all over again."
Blood sucker ?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Given that his meeting with Putin ran over by more than an hour it appears that blood isn't all he sucks.
A friend of mine posted this and I appreciated it so much I'm passing it along.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Posted on Fb in three groups.
Have you ever been in a relationship with a believer? How did it go?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Yes. When I would not go to her church with her she broke off the relationship. Looking back at it, I don't regret losing that relationship.
Nothing more than coddling and votes at the expense of everyone !!! []
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
This is bad enough as reported here, but it is even more dangerous than the article points out. Revoking the tax-exempt status of a churches that backs political candidates can be specifically approved by the commissioner of the agency. So the commissioner of the agency could decide to revoke, say, the tax exempt status of all churches that back the candidate of the opposing party.
Keep singing your own song.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Sounds like good advice, but sometimes I like to do a cover.
I would have never thought of that.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Well screw that.
It happens...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Bless her heart. How will she ever face the ladies in the quilting circle on Friday?
Everyone knows bird is the word!
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Years ago one of the programmers on KCRW, the NPR station at Santa Monica College, was very unceremoniously informed just before going on air that it would be his last show. He had just enough time to get to the station's music library and pull every copy of "Bird Is the Word" that they had. They must have had almost every version ever recorded because for two solid hours he "flipped the station manager the bird" by playing nothing but that song.
Virtuoso (meme)
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 20, 2018:
I thought he played him more like a cheap violin.
Just breaking CNN, Michael Cohen has a recorded tape of PIGUS making arrangements to pay Stormy ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Just waiting for the recording of tRump making arrangements to have Cohen make the Jane Doe law suit go away in 2016.
Who is your congressman/woman?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 20, 2018:
We have a really good Representative here, Alan Lowenthal. I will probably be volunteering in the next district over where they have Comrade Dana Rohrabacher.
This man knows no bounds! []
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Borowitz is brilliant. Hell, anybody who can do something that satirizes the current "administration" has to brilliant. Would you want to be a writer for The Onion right now?
Don't be an amateur.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Anybody asks me for a dick pic...
UtahPhillips, RadioProgramme, LoafersGlory, LongMemory, AmericanFolkMusic.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I remember the last time Bruce (Utah) made it down to McCabe's in Santa Monica. Glad I had the opportunity to say goodbye. Thanks for the link to the wonderful site.
In response to a comment on the behaviour of women, on behalf of the group I posted the following: ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I miss Bruce (Utah). He was one of my favorite people to hang out with. One of the highest compliments I have ever been paid was being called the Utah Phillips of ukulele.
I happen to have 2 corgis.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I don't endorse cruelty to animals.
I know your God is all powerful and all that, ... but my God has a bigger dick than yours.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
FB Mass Purge of holistic.. []
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Scary. I've been aware that holistic doctors were dying, but not that the number was this high.
Critical Breaking News!
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 18, 2018:
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 18, 2018:
It would be interesting to know just how many "farmers" could run a farm if society crumbles. No gas or diesel to power any tractors, harvesters, etc. No petro based fertilizers. No insecticides. It's actually a kind of scary thought.
Do better next time
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 18, 2018:
"Do better next time"? If it's that bad, why do think there might be a next time?
Found this on FB.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Broken link. Here is the correct link:
BREAKING: Butina was part of the efforts by Russia to work through the @NRA to funnel money - and ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
This wasn't just tRump. This was a lot of Republicans, especially the leadership.
Per 18 USC 2381, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
P.S. The graphic is my original. Feel free to share it.
This is a response I made earlier to someone on FB who was insulting me for agreeing with a post ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Bottom line: Treason is aiding any enemy of our country. There is no formal declaration of war required. Imagine someone aiding terrorist involved in something like 9/11. No court would seriously entertain an argument that the terrorists were not enemies because there was no formal declaration of war. The fact that we were under attack by Russia, and 12 members of their military were involved in the attack, raises the actions from "collusion" (which isn't a crime) to treason (a very serious crime).
A very stable genius with a tiny penius... []
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The Mussoliniest indeed.
Please don't complain about the weather!
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I live in Long Beach, CA. I wear shorts, a T-shirt, an unbuttoned Hawaiian print shirt and sandals 360+ days a year. My concession to winter here is a single layer nylon windbreaker. If I am riding my bicycle on a really "cold" night here I will zip up my windbreaker and put on my gloves. I laugh when I hear people here talk about cold. I went to high school in upstate NY, and I mean north of Syracuse, not Westchester County. We got over 120" of snow a year. Been there, done that, worn the extra T-shirt. Thank you.
‪Pasta with squash and peppers topped with basil, red pepper flakes and vegan parmesan.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
One of my favorite no cook meals is a taco salad made with soy chorizo. I have used both the Trader Joe's and the Reynaldos soy chorizo for this without cooking it, no problem. In a large salad bowl dice 1 medium tomato, crumble in corn tortilla chips, add shredded (vegan) cheese, and el cheap garden salad mix. Toss and eat. If you want a "dressing" for this, Trader Joe's Latin Black Bean Soup is perfect.
Things You Must Try on an Elevator? How Many Would You Try? Would You Add Anything ToThe List?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 15, 2018:
The office for the President of Cal State Dominguez Hills used to be on the fifth floor of the library. Since the third and fourth floors were library stacks the elevator only stopped at 1, 2, and 5. It rarely stopped at 2 since the parking lot was on one. One evening at 5:00 the elevator was packed with people going home from the fifth floor. One young Japanese American man dressed in khaki shirt and slacks, wearing round gold rim glasses, and with a bowl haircut, was standing in a back corner. When someone finally pushed the button for one the elevator, and the elevator started to drop quickly, the young man said, "Banzai!"
Trump Moron of the Day
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 15, 2018:
And she is one of the brighter ones.
A little series... love the zeppelin!
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Ouch! Too true.
I like the way he says he's a stable genius.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 15, 2018:
If I may illustrate...
We already know the man has no class--after all, he eats his steaks well-done with ketchup.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I know we won the Revolutionary war, so she is not our Queen, but since when is that an excuse for disrespecting a 92 year old lady, especially one who still has a very sharp memory but has forgotten more about diplomacy and leadership than he will ever learn.
There are days when I want to utter cuss words.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Fuck that shit. You lived through the '60s. You learned the words and earned the right to use them.
Thank you again to everyone who gave feedback on my previous post about my mother's falling down ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it wasn't anything more serious.
Hi Americans, why do you call Trump 45?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
It's really just simple math.
This is the only way forward
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
The old biddie may be of some value after all.
A 45 suppose to be funny. Remember. LMAO.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
If you are saying it's God's will that we have tRump in the White House, I'm saying that's just another reason for me to be an atheist.
Complete Failure
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I would call this a charitable assessment.
Guy who says God sends natural disasters to punish gays has his home destroyed in a natural disaster...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I don't believe you have to be religious to understand that Karma can be a bitch.
Dating Site Don'ts
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Don'ts: Posting a main picture that does not match the posted age by at least 20 years. An older picture might be ok if it is there for a reason, and not represented as being current. Sending a message that just says, "Hi there," especially when their profile shows they have nothing in common with you. Personally, I don't date smokers, and prefer nondrinkers. I am open as far as diet as long as they accept the fact that I am vegetarian. I also tend to immediately move to the next profile if the lady indicates that she is religious. It would not be a good match for either of us. Dos: Sending a respectful message that references something in their profile to show actual interest in something you may have in common. Humor, in your profile, your picture(s), and/or your messages is a good idea as long as it is in good taste, not forced, and not overdone.
One of my favorite things today.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
How do you expect us to stand puns like this?
What does Russia think of tRump? []
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Racial Identity and Reassignment: How would you feel about it?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Have you ever read *Black Like Me* by John Howard Griffin?
Where did you make most of your friends after high school /college?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Most of my friends since college are people I met through music, either at concerts or festivals or through people I met at concerts or festivals. For three years I have been hosting a weekly open mic and have made some really good friends through that.
Why I Want a Republican to Replace Trump.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I have presented a possibility here for undoing the damage that has been done to our country. It is, at least in theory, a workable plan. Yes, there are things that could go wrong, but that is usually the case in life. If you have a better plan please feel free to share it.
Why I Want a Republican to Replace Trump.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 11, 2018:
This is the third of three posts that I had originally put up as notes on Facebook.
Veggie burrito options
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I would include soy chorizo, and some lettuce or maybe spinach.
If you could only pick one...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
The absolute deal breakers are smoking, substance abuse, lack of integrity, and use of SSRI anti-depressants. I have learned from experiences (plural used advisedly) that SSRIs literally prevent the formation of true, committed relationships.
Moving Forward After Trump (originally posted on Facebook 25 Nov 2017) Holy Smoking Gun, ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I just posted the second note: No, I Don’t Want Trump Gone, Yet. Seriously.
No, I Don’t Want Trump Gone, Yet.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
This is the second of at least three notes that I posted on Facebook and will repost here.
How do you deal with today's pain in this difficult world?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I would not necessarily say I do it beautifully, butI make music. Specifically I write protest songs and sing them while accompanying myself on ukulele. If you are interested:
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
In any case before the Supreme Court involving Trump, any of the Justices he appointed should recuse themselves due to conflict of interest.
Moving Forward After Trump (originally posted on Facebook 25 Nov 2017) Holy Smoking Gun, ...
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
This is the first of at least three notes that I posted on Facebook and will repost here.
So, I was at a book club.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
That was one of the big reasons Jimmy Carter left his church. So you and I are not alone on this.
Who is your favorite guitarist?
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I've had the pleasure of hearing a number of great guitar players in person. It would be difficult to think of one more influential than Merle Travis (with the possible exception of Chet Atkins). Doc Watson definitely earned his status a legendary bluegrass picker. Leo Kottke, Laurence Juber, Pepino d'Agustino, and Pierre Bensusan are/were amazing. There are plenty of others that I am forgetting. As far as the most amazing technical playing I have ever seen, that would be Musashi Suzuki (look him up). But my personal favorite is probably Richard Thompson.
Mental health screenings will now be required for a medical marijuana license in Oklahoma.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
So, let me get this straight. Okies who smoke weed legally will be the sanest people in the state? Sounds about right.
Whipped cream from chickpeas ://
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Add a teaspoon of vanilla.
I found a brilliant post, it says EXACTLY what I think.
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
This is a great statement. Unfortunately it has a few typos. Here is a cleaner copy: "I am unconcerned that we have different politics. I do not think less of you because you voted one way and I voted another. We need people to vote and the candidate we select is not always going to win. It is hoped that we will have someone who is competent enough to run our country. That didn’t happen in the last election. We got a thin-skinned egomaniac who has never been held accountable for any atrocities he has committed. Let me be clear. I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled man in front of a crowd and you still supported him. I think less of you because you saw a man spouting clear racism and you cheered for him. I think less of you because of your willingness to support someone who openly admires dictators and demonizes the press and anyone who criticizes him. I think less of you because you heard him advocate for war crimes and you still thought he should run this country. I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman’s worth to her appearance and you thought that was okay. I think less of you because you’ve seen his appointees systematically destroy legal protections and loot the tax payers and you are ok with that. You watched, along with the rest of the nation, as he separated families and locked innocent children in dog cages and you were not horrified as the rest of us were. You refuse to accept the fact that this man wants to work with dictators but has alienated our long standing allies. I think less of you because you refuse to review the facts and accept that this man is lying to you on a daily basis. It isn’t your politics I find repulsive. It is your willingness to support racism, sexism, misogyny, and cruelty that I find repulsive. You supported a tyrant and bully when it mattered and that is something I will never forgive or forget. Your lack of morals and basic humanity are devastating to me. There are some things I can never be civil about: concentration camps, genocide, white supremacy, misogyny, harm to children, mass trauma, state violence, rising fascism, to name a few. There is NO civil discussion with someone who agrees with putting children in dog cages. So, and I will never be “coming together” to move forward or whatever. Trump literally disgusts me and I hate the sound of his voice spewing hate and diving the country but, the fact that he doesn’t disgust you is something that is going to stick with me long after this presidency. You have shown me who you really are and the fact that you still support this monster and rush to justify everything he does makes me feel that we have nothing to discuss.”


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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