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Wheeeee oh well
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Way too true.
I hope this is okay to post.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I've been hosting an open mic for just over threes years, including running the sound. We get some pretty amazing talent showing up at open mics in Long Beach. One evening a friend who records and tours for Sony in South America stopped by and did two songs. I mentioned that to someone who had been in the audience and she asked which performer it was. I said, "You tell me." She replied that it could have been any one of half a dozen people. I'm giving you that background so you will know where I am coming from. In my experience, singers who are unsure of themselves tend to use vocal reverb as a crutch. I know I used to. I don't encourage that for live performances, and tend to run my mixes at the open mic dry. Once a singer really learns how to sing without reverb, it might be ok to add it back in, but only in a very measured amount. I would very much like to hear this with no vocal reverb. You have the voice to pull it off, and without the reverb to rely on, I believe you would give an even more soulful rendition. Great job. Keep up the good work. P.S. If you are ever in the Long Beach area on a Wednesday night you are more than welcome at my open mic.
When someone in the office sneezes, I automatically say "God Bless You" and then feel uncomfortable.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
"God bless you" originated during the time of the plague. Sneezing was a sign of a weak immune system and meant there was a probability the person would be dead soon. "God bless you" was a way of wishing them well in the afterlife; it was almost a curse.
The Supreme Court rulings that have come down the last few days have been so frustrating to me.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
In the mean time, as we wait for Mueller and the midterm elections, here is something to hopefully brighten your day.
What is The root cause of Conspiracy Thinking?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I would say that there are two causes: The first is when the official version does not match the facts. A Perfect example is The Warren Commission Report on the Assassination of JFK. The CIA actually used the term "conspiracy theorists" to ridicule anyone who questioned the official version of what happened. Of course, the US Congress has since denounced the Warren Commission's Report and the lone gunman theory. The second is when the subject feels powerless and finds it easier to just blame "them," whoever they are. A good example is the deep state theory being flung around by the right wing. If you take the time to listen to what they are saying, you will discover more internal inconsistencies than in any four books of the Christian Bible. Sometimes it takes a generation or more to determine if something comes under the first or second cause. Again, the Warren Report is an excellent example. I believe that time will prove the 9/11 Commission Report to be one of the great conspiracy theories in the history of our country. There are just too many facts and too much evidence that does not match the official version.
The Supreme Court rulings that have come down the last few days have been so frustrating to me.
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
If there is proof of actual ballot count tampering (and I have reason to believe there is), the next President needs to declare that Trump's election was a fraud. Anything resulting from a fraud is null and void. That would include all of his Cabinet appointees, and any and all of their actions. It would also include all of his judicial appointments up to and including Gorsuch.
So.. Ummmm... If you don’t mind my asking, what are your names?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I'm Geo. (pronounced George, but abbreviated on everything). Just joined and happy to meet the people here.
So what is your most hated song of alltime?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Ain't No Sunshine When She'e Gone. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, ad nauseum.
Confession of an Anti-GMO Activist - WSJ
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Please get your facts straight. There is a distinct difference between hybrids and GMOs. Hybrids occur naturally, although humans may speed the process with selective breeding. GMOs only occur when genetic material from one species is artificially inserted into the genes of a completely different species. This can even go so far as to insert genetic material from an animal into the genes of a plant, or vice versa. That has not been going on for hundreds of years, much less thousands. Using hybrids to justify GMOs is like using fireworks to justify atomic bombs. Facts, people. They matter.
Has Evangelical Christianity Become Sociopathic? | HuffPost
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I did see one sign of hope recently. The Southern Baptist Convention has actually started to distance itself from the Republican Party. They are also starting to discuss the possibility of women in leadership roles. This may not seem like much, but it signals a sea change in American politics, and hopefully a less sociopathic approach by the Southern Baptists.
God(s) real or fake?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
There are thousands of gods that have been recognized as such by various people around the world and throughout history. Pick one, any one, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter which one you chose, well over half the people in the world will tell you that particular god is fake. Do the math.
I need objective opinions: I recently started wood carving and I'm giving it some serious thought as...
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Yes, if you find the right market.
Stuck in a sheep jam in a village in Italy today. Is this still a thing where you live?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
No, but we had an interesting jam here today. Since it made national news you may have heard that two firemen were shot while fighting a fire here in Long Beach this morning (25 June). I woke up to sirens, sirens, and more sirens, for about 15 minutes, followed by helicopters overhead for well over an hour. When I looked out my balcony door I could see that firetrucks were lined up the whole block on my side of the street, and police cars (once the firetrucks moved I found out they were Sheriff's cars) were lined up on the other side of the street. They were all facing the hospital across the street. Apparently they were standing vigil for the injured fireman, as they all left shortly after he was released. I can only imagine the impact on traffic that Captain Dave Rosa's funeral will have, with first responders from all over the state attending. Please do not take this as a complaint. IMHO firefighters are true heroes and deserve every bit of respect that we can show them. I'd gladly sit through a sheep jam rather than lose a good man like Captain Rosa.


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