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If you find errors in this bio, it is the algorithm. It is continuously dropping and rearranging words. 5’10”, blond hair, blue eyes. Back from San Diego to take care of my mom for an indefinite period. My interests are my , music, concerts, comedy, movies, reading, playing my drums, pool, tennis. theater, museums and the zoo. I am intelligent, kind and love make people laugh. I have a quirky sense of humor, sarcastic but never mean. I am polite,well-mannered and a hopeful romantic. I treat women the way I expect to be treated. I like progressive rock i.e. Muse, Foo Fighters, Bjork, Radiohead, Billy Elish, Etc. Also into Led Zeppelin. I am honest and despise liars. Liberal independent atheist. Not here to text unless we're just going be friends. If you don't want exchange numbers and meet, I am not interested. FWB/Dating/LTR/Hook-up's


Female digital assistants like Alexa and Siri remain popular in Silicon Valley.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
How exactly do you intend to boycott Alexa and Siri? That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. It sounds just like something a woman would say (that is a joke). If they used male voices, would you be complaining that that was discriminatory? 99% of the recorded voices we hear on the phone are women, and I am glad they are. I like to hear women's voices. Should we change half of them male voices? Should we also start referring to ships with the pronoun he, or just half of them? The biggest non sequitur is that I see further down the thread you state you prefer female voices!!!
Good morning all! Happy humpday! I have a doctors appointment today.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Have fun. PS I wish it WAS hump day.
Hey all.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Welcome. Check out The sexual deviants group. I think you'll find it the most entertaining.
What's up perves and pervettes?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I'm going to sleep now.
How important is honesty to you?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Is there anything more important?
Another day, another trans hater, but I guess if you listen to people who got famous for the amazing...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I got a 404 not found, but what I perceive as the issue from reading what Mortal wrote, I would have to say I would agree with Martina. It is simply a fact. I have no problem with facts presented properly and without bigotry. Would you find it racist to say that the black population has very curly hair? Of course I would also fully support you concerning any hateful rhetoric, so as I said I was unable to view her comments. I must say though I am astounded that as a bisexual she would make such comments. I'm really curious as to what they were.
MY HERO- brilliant computer technician
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Good guys just lost a customer. They wanted an outrageous sum just to download my C drive from one laptop to another. I expected to pay but it was ridiculously expensive, roughly half the price of the laptop.
Feel like I'm in a goddamn Monty Python skit...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I love your strawberry. That is funnier than hell.
Feel like I'm in a goddamn Monty Python skit...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
No, if you were in a Monty Python skit you would be having fun.
Feel like I'm in a goddamn Monty Python skit...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
You're not alone. I got three today. There's no way to stop these motherfuckers. I am already on the Do Not Call List and I block them as they come in. I have seen no decrease in the number of calls. This would be a great issue for our politicians not to do anything about.
Any female from Colorado springs?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
That is not a question. That is not even a sentence. Put a little more effort into your dating LOL
Whelp, guess that rules all of us out...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Can I just play it at home?
Just a little nudist humor.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Or not shop at Walmart!
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I don't know what is a cup of chowder? I guess it does cum in different consistencies.
I like to do this one! Booooooommm!???
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Ok. Anytime you're ready.
@actofdog reminded me of Tenacious D (like I could forget them!).
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Heard of these guys but never heard them. Funniest as shit.
This is exactly what I think when women say this! I get the actual intent, but this always flashes ...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Me too! If a girl wants to impress a guy she should say she can lick the paint off a battleship. Or suck on the straw from a Coke at McDonald's so hard that the cup actually goes into the straw after the coke is gone. Now that would be impressive!
So...quick question: Can anyone search or see accounts that are lacking photos?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Sorry. You did not contribute to my campaign.
I'm gonna be a points slut folks.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Never mind, I see you are there.
I'm gonna be a points slut folks.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
How many points do you need now?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Don't know if this will post but...OMG, and I don't say that lightly; []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I wonder if she can give herself oral sex? Or a rim job? Could you imagine having her in bed? We could beat the world record in sexual positions.
Suggestive- Hero Worship/B-52's ?⛱ []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I've seen them many times, but about 2011 they came to the small town of Newark Ohio and played in a little theater. Got to meet their new drummer but no one else came out of the bus. It was really bizarre, half the crowd was elderly, I'm not sure if they knew what they were coming to see. Probably thought they were coming to see something about World War II? They did like the music though! Best of their shows I ever saw. Got to stand right at the stage with room enough to dance. Kate still looked drop-dead gorgeous.
OK... I think I got it... Just one more minute... Wait... Ahhhhhh.....
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
You really had me going from the alert. I was hoping you were live texting.
OK... I think I got it... Just one more minute... Wait... Ahhhhhh.....
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Heavy sigh ...
SNL []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
SNL []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Double points for the first comment.
I have a question for the guys.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Yes I'm willing to answer.
Muslim terrorists target both hard and soft targets.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 19, 2019:
LOL don't you mean which group is worse?
Quick status report: I've been on agnostic.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I got to level 7 in 49 days. What the hell's the matter with you, do you work or something?
Cum baby cum🤗
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Can't you see I did! On second thought better not open your left eye.
Snowplow drivers need to think about basic physics
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
There is a reason they are snow plow drivers.
Stumbled upon, then sat upon. Edit, pic added!
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Did the salt shaker sting a little?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Saw this years ago. Great video.
Is it a Catholic sin when a priest rapes a nun and she has an abortion?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Probably only a sin for her. I'm sure they pay expenses to keep her mouth shut.
President's day?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
According to google President's Day is to celebrate George Washington.
I would like communities opinion on this please. And @admin if possible?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Okay I read the whole thread, and all you really need to look at are the rules of the Senate. The literal meaning of the word "senate" is Assembly of Elders. This group is reserved for level 7+ members to discuss the day-to-day activities of the community, improvement ideas, as well as future planning. As you know, reaching level 7 takes a commitment that is understood and appreciated by the members of the Senate. Welcome! Please be respectful of other members' time by keep posts on general topics. If there is a problem with a specific member, please flag their account or posts so the site can track complaints. For other site issues, please contact [] Please don't make posts containing member drama but instead, contact @SiteSupport. Posts of that nature will be deleted. Thanks! #Senate " They are self-explanatory. I don't understand why everyone is arguing. And that doesn't mean anyone should be jumping all over Kerry. I think he made a mistake, BFD. How much time did the 20+ people who commented waste when they could have been spending their time elsewhere? How much time was wasted having to read that huge tread by people such as me who came in late. Half of the commentary was irrelevant or ancillary to the issue. This is the first and last time I'm going to address commentary which does not belong in this group. I just don't have time for this shit. I am just going to ignore it in the future. My final question is why was this not deleted per the last sentence of the rules I quoted?
I would like communities opinion on this please. And @admin if possible?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I see what you mean but other than being a little devious I don't think he is harmful. Actually I don't even know if it is devious when you lay out your plan for all to see. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Caption this...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Need a little fertilizer honey?
Caption this...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I have a feeling that in the near future you are really going to branch out.
Caption this...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Baby you got some nasty warts on your left leg.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
You're a biologist that does not believe in evolution? How exactly does THAT work?
Caption this...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I don't know about now since she put her shoes on, before that it could have been Barefoot in the Park.
Asian people are not ready for that kind of ripped jeans tho?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
The front is open too. Why not just go out in your underwear and save a couple bucks for your boob job.
What would YOU do with that tongue?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Well I would feel really bad about taking her tongue, so I would try it to make her as comfortable as possible.
Diary of Newcomer to Ogden, Utah
mooredolezal comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I lived there for 4 years. In Ogden. Never had any trouble getting around in the winter.You buy snow tires and hire someone to clear your driveway if necessary. Beautiful state with the best skiing in the world. We have two resorts right outside Ogden. People come from Europe just to ski Park City, Snowbird and Alta. She said why don't they put more salt on the road, and then bitched about the rust on her car? Sounds like you can't please some of the people any of the time. The only thing bothersome were the Mormon missionaries that knock on your door occasionally, and I got rid of them by telling them we were Jewish.
You ever wonder there are only 6 people in your group?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Nobody said they don't like us. You think tolerating abuse makes you grown-up? I think it makes you a wimp. As far as they're only being 6 of us, that is because there are not a bunch of assholes on this site. Don't make a liar out of me.
The dynamic of it. All 19 came here legally!
mooredolezal comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Or you can look at it as we had the two biggest walls in the world, and that did not stop them.
Oh Deer! What to do?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Our deer friend in the middle is gay or bi because he is getting a bj while getting bf. Same with the guy on top. Now on the bottom we could have gay, bi or female giving a BJ. Thoughts anyone? And let's not going to a trans discussion. This is complicated enough as it is.
What are you guys doing tonight? Anything like this?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 17, 2019:
1 size fits?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 16, 2019:
OMFG that is hilarious. Are men actually too lazy to wash their dick with their hand? That is the best part of taking a shower!
I'm at 6.9 so enjoying it while it lasts.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 16, 2019:
You all such have dirty minds. I meant AT level 6.9. LOL I was wondering if someone would figure it out. If it was sex I would have said I was doing it and I wouldn't be doing that because I would be too busy. I can chew gum and walk at the same time but I can't eat and text at the same time. You've got to put your phone away sometimes!
I had a wonderfully romantic Valentines Day date with my bf! We had a one hour ride through ...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I was waiting for the punchline. It all sounded too perfect.
Learning from surprising places
mooredolezal comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Put the sugar crock in the sink before you fill it from the bag. There's always stuff that comes from the top of the sugar bag when you open it. And no matter how careful you are sugar gets on the counter.
So, I've been accused of being an angry woman on this site. What makes an "angry woman"?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I see your posts all the time and I've never seen you being unreasonable. Tell them you are not angry and to go fuck themselves. LOL I'm sure they are easily confused as evidenced by their accusations against you, and will probably not know what to do. If they are being abusive in any way report them to the Douchebag and Nut Job group. Our other Sharon was also being abused albeit in a different manner. I've been here six weeks and haven't heard about this problem, so it is probably new members. We need to kill this shit while in it's infancy. Otherwise other new members will see it and think it's okay, and it will really become a problem. Maybe Administration should post a warning regarding the treatment of female members. Do we do any type of vetting? We only get a few new members a week so it should not be a big deal to look through their past comments on agnostic to make sure they are suitable. PS I don't know why you women aren't pissed off all the time. If men were treated like women, there would be a revolution.
Be cautious connecting your dildo to the Internet. ? []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I guess it's time to make use of this again.
I have something I want to vent about Guys who have no filter or respect for ...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Why is there a heart and 35% beside your star? I mean I always knew you were special and everything but...
I have something I want to vent about Guys who have no filter or respect for ...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Report them Sharon! You may not speak for all the women, but I am going to speak for all the men, and we don't want assholes on our site anymore than you women do. If for some reason you are disinclined to report them, give me the information and I will do it. Just message it to me. PS I love your pussy quote. David
This could go for either gender. :) Just a great one liner, had to share
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Be cautious connecting your dildo to the Internet. ? []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
I don't know if they have a product for men, but I would not have a problem having a spontaneous orgasm and I certainly do love the name of the company!
I was liberated from my fiberglass prison today and graduated to a tydex splint.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Are you right-handed?
Virgin forest are real hahhahaha😛😛
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
You know what's really funny. We are supposed to be sexual deviants and we are all grossed out! The lay people probably think we have no boundaries. Hey wait a minute! Shouldn't we be the lay people? God damn prudes stealing our lexicon.
Just where does "Adam" come into this picture?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
The same place he came last time. Or one of the other two places.
This post should put me at 666 away from level 8.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Sounds like the devil's work to me.
Whisper a sexy confession to me ....
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Hey no fair getting us all hot and bothered, I thought you were here for community and only for friends? I'll just consider this to be under the Enjoy-sex category. PS do you know that Kentucky and Ohio actually share a border! I could actually come down and whisper in your ear. LOL
Whisper a sexy confession to me ....
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Sometimes I think of you when I'm being bad. I hope that was a whisper, can't find the volume control on this thing.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Very interesting that in the United States the Bible Belt has the lengthiest view time. 9 out of the top 10 states and Hawaii was 9th.
Virgin forest are real hahhahaha😛😛
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Gee whiz how is a fella supposed to breathe down there?
Virgin forest are real hahhahaha😛😛
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
The look on her face tells me that's no virgin.
I wonder if you want to go back to traditional it is very nice for all of us.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
I think a man ought to take care of his woman and a woman ought to take care of her man. Isn't that the whole point of being in a relationship?
Hangover overload?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
How about hang overload?
Why isn't keeping illegal firearms out of the country a selling point for the wall?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Don't most of them go in the other direction anyway? Don't want to mention NRA and the firearms industry is going to lose money.
Happy VD! This is gonorrhea in a Petri dish.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
What happened? Nobody would take him in?
You know we need to pick one goddamn state and all move to it.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Two more people and we will already have 1% of the membership!
Selection of Valentine's day cards, if anyone still needs one...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
One of those stick figure positions I would not have understood before I learned about pegging the other day.
Happy Valentine's Day to those of us who escaped that crazy town of patriarchy.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
This is great after learning the difference between the vulva and vagina yesterday. Nothing like being able to use newly acquired information right away. Maybe we could show this to that idiot.
If you're my Valentine, I won't be miserable now.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I got them all but Wuthering Heights
I don't know what I expected
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
You're not alone my friend.
You know we need to pick one goddamn state and all move to it.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Better yet a suburb of San Diego. Or make our own little town.
Current mood
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
That is so funny. I almost did that last night
This Quiz Will Reveal Just How Kinky You Are []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I got a lovely Valentine's card in the mail today! Tag @phoenixone1 and help me, help him get his ...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
It would have been funny if he had just said I love you from the top of your head.
Can you imagine how much this would mess with a drunk/high person?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I love how they made it so the drain was right in the bottom.
Can you imagine how much this would mess with a drunk/high person?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I wonder if a drunk ever decided to just pee in the hole.
Can you imagine how much this would mess with a drunk/high person?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
LMAO. Reminds me of when I had a flashback once in a bathroom at a concert. Black and white tiled floor.
Happy Valentines day everyone.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Same to you Sharon! I'm sure you'll have a good one, wish you could share the love! Lol
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I think they upset everybody when they do that. Who wants to look at a limp dick?
Why you should always wash new clothes
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I have sensitive skin, guess I've been lucky! And those bugs, I thought they came off me!
What a pig! ? []
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Turnabout is fair play. At least he didn't eat it.
Surely, there are others besides me, right?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
@RavenCT [] :(
mooredolezal comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I can't believe they gave him 55 miles. Hopefully it will not be here.
Ok...Maryann or Ginger...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Maryann. No contest. I saw her on TV last year and she is still hot.
What type sexual activity do you find brings you the greatest pleasure and what turns you off the ...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Kissing and f**** at the same time. Nothing turns me off because if something turns me off I don't do it.
Gotta love the Aussie sense of humour in this movie review title.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Sounds like a big teaser to me.
Crayons! Crayola crayons put out a box of crayons in 1903.
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I find yellow orange, red orange, yellow green and green yellow to be confusing.
Valentines day! What have you done?😂😂😂😛
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Don't forget your one day ahead of the states.
I know what I'm doing tonight... What you guys doing? Haha... I'm naughty...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I hope she sees those teeth before she lets Bugs go down on her!
How does one know what thier sexual preferance is when they haven't had sex with both?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Seriously? Have you had sex with a woman? If not, why not? If so, was that necessary for you to discover you are not attracted to them?
Why does this group have the most members? Is sexual deviancy the thing most people have in common?
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Because sexual deviancy is the norm.
I miss this feeling...
mooredolezal comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Tripping? LOL


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
  • BirthdayDecember 25
  • Interested InDating, Long Term, Hookups
  • EnjoysMovies, Drinking, Music, Books, Art, Love, Sex, Theater, Pets, Travel
  • EducationGrad School
  • Level7 (33,649pts)
  • Posts104
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  • Joined Nov 21st, 2018
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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