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does desire to convert someone to atheistic belief sometimes undercut our abiding love for science?
noworry28 comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I do not try to convert anyone, and I have never met any atheists or agnostics that goes around trying to convert anyone. This is something that someone has to achieve on his or her own, It requires thinking for oneself, and being able to analyze and understand facts. No one converted me.
Does anyone have a serious phobia?
noworry28 comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I fear that if I get sick and I am in a hospital room and I am immobilized and I cannot speak or move, but can hear and am conscious of my surrounding, that my family and friend would take turns praying and reading the bible or any religious books thinking that they are helping me and comforting me. Can you imagine someone reading that myth to you all day and you cannot leave or say shut up.
I asked a question about why little Muslim girls are walking around covered up and you would have ...
noworry28 comments on Dec 30, 2017:
Covering women head to toe so that they do not tempt men tells me that Muslim me cannot control themselves and behave. It's a way to control women. It tells me that they are ruled by basic instinct and cannot think and control their behavior. That still does not keep some of them from committing acts of sexual violence toward women.
Since you all have been non believers, has it ever crossed your mind "what if im wrong"?
noworry28 comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Isn’t it almost painful when someone blame someone who doesn’t hear the voice of god?
noworry28 comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, snakes, or goats walking on two legs never spoke to me either.
What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?
noworry28 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
The Light bill, the mortgage payment, the water bill, the car payment. just a few things
What does celibacy really mean?
noworry28 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
To me personally it means that I haven't met a decent woman that I want to have sex with and still want her to stick around. Lol. All the ones that I am attracted to so far are too religious, cannot think for themselves. All the ones that I want to keep around already have a mate. I am no longer in my twenties and playing the field, so I am saving myself for someone that can stimulate my mind as well as my libido.
Why do people kill each other .?
noworry28 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Not everyone nowadays is able to kill another human being as if it is a casual and normal part of life. As an example, soldiers who suffers from P.T.S.D., I have friends who served in wartime and are having a hard time adjusting to the fact that they killed someone, even though they were trained to do so. I also know some police officers who shot someone and have a hard time and suffer from P.T.S.D. after that. We have evolve to the point that killing is not an easy thing to do. I know some people that cannot even bring themselves to kill an animal. I was in the military and I was a police officer and I am so glad that I never had to kill anyone. I came close to shooting someone and I am so glad that it did not happen.
Is marriage too connected with religion?
noworry28 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Marriage is connected with possession. Men claim on their property(women), so that other men can stay away. In part of the world, women are still considered the property of the father until he gives them away for marriage. Religion just try to justify the concept so it can be more acceptable.
Sexual relationship or relationship with sex?
noworry28 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I respect the fact that he was honest and upfront with you. Some guys and women only want a sexual relationship. Others are at a point in their lives where they want a life partner. I have been in both places. At one time all I wanted was a sexual relationship and it worked out fine for me and my friend. I had too many things going in my life and I was unable to fully commit to a relationship, but I was upfront with that with her. You may be a good friend with him, but you may not know everything that he has gone through. He may have good reason for not wanting to be in a fully committed relationship.
Stable Genius.
noworry28 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
How Long Do You Think You Would Survive On A Deserted Island?
noworry28 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
I would last for a few years.
Does anybody else find it funny that God kept choosing people, who were supposed to be faithful but ...
noworry28 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Do I have to explain what is wrong with you.(sarcasm of course) You are thinking, and you are using your intelligence to decipher a myth. Stop that! The bible is not meant for people like you. Blind obedience is what is required. You have to let yourself be ruled by ignorance and fear. Stop thinking for yourself. Stop it!
When I hear people complaining about a politician, I often wonder if they put as much effort into ...
noworry28 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
The majority of them are all millionaires and their allegiance is to the corporations who donate to keep them in power. Their families do not rely on their social security check for a living.
Whats the worst argument you have ever heard for the existence of god
noworry28 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
If there was a big bang, than there must have been a big banger and that is god.
I want to know what you think on the subject of Global Warming?
noworry28 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Do not forget about deforestation. Trees use carbon dioxide for growth and produce oxygen. We are cutting down trees and the number of rain forests are decreasing in size. Let's not forget that in underdeveloped parts of the world, trees are being cut to produce fuel, and the burning also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Vehicles, oil refineries, factories and power plants are producing carbon dioxide; at the same time the trees that cleans the atmosphere of it are being cut down. Since the industrial revolution, the carbon emission in the atmosphere has increased exponentially as a result of human actions.
I was super pissed at Mother Nature and I shouted: “Bite ME!” The next day I was playing with...
noworry28 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Here's an idea. Stay at least twenty feet away from things with teeth and fangs. Next guy you ask out make sure he has his dentures off. Lol.
If there was a kind loving god we wouldn't have evil brussels sprouts
noworry28 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I am with you my friend. that vegetable taste bitter to me. I love vegetable and I will not eat Brussels sprouts.
Should Humans Stop Drinking Milk After Infancy?
noworry28 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I like Milkshakes, Yogurt, Ice Cream. I switched to organic milk and milk products. No pus or growth hormones or antibiotics.
noworry28 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I remember speaking with one of those religious idiot, and I asked him what if we find out that there is at least one planet with intelligent life in the galaxy other than earth. His response " the devil will have created them." the Spanish priests and the church said the same things about the Natives in Central and South America when they encountered them. Their rationale was because the bible did not mention them, they must have been created by the devil, and that was their justification for murder.
If it were offered, all expenses paid, would you travel in space?
noworry28 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Yes I would go in a heartbeat.
How are you celebrating MLK today?
noworry28 comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Although I admire Dr. King and his fight for equality, my bills and payments owed refused to give me the day off to go to parades and celebrate MLK day.
The wind chill factor is 18 degrees in houston! what is going on with the world?
noworry28 comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Hell has frozen over. Remember that thing you said you would do when hell freezes over. Well it's that time to do it. LoL.
It's snowing in the south!
noworry28 comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I am in South Florida and tomorrow morning it is suppose to get down to High 30's to low 40's in the morning. How much further south do I have to go to get away from the cold.
Was there a school teacher who made the most impact in your education?
noworry28 comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Two teachers made a big impact on me. My chemistry teacher who told me to always be open minded and question everything. The other my my Physics teacher who told me to try to figure things out and understand things instead of just memorizing and reciting lessons.
My roommate is a devout christian, who happens to be gay.
noworry28 comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I saw a documentary about the mob and all members of the mob had to believe in god and most of them were Catholics. They kill, they steal, the break every commandment. They all believe in god. Go figure.
I think anybody who enjoys atheist humor ought to go check out this woman’s channel.
noworry28 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Love it. Thanks for sharing.
God as literatures greatest villain.
noworry28 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
The world's number one serial killer if you think about it.
Ancient Aliens
noworry28 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
They are just substituting aliens for god on everything that they do not comprehend. They even say that Einstein and Tesla were given their great theories and inventions by aliens. Religious people says god gave it to them, those guys says no it was aliens. All absurd and idiotic.
My vegan friends, what's your best red beans and rice recipe.
noworry28 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Ok here is my mom's recipe. Boil the bean with a dash of baking soda with thyme, oregano, parsley seasoned salt, paprika,laurel leaves, garlic. ( do not use can beans, it never comes out right with can beans for me). It takes a long time to soften, add water as old water evaporate. Do not let the beans get too soft, usually after two hours it is good. Removed beans from water and put water on the side for later. In a pot put olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, a few cloves (5 or 6) and onion power or onions cut very small with drained beans. Fry them together for a few minutes until all beans and add season salt to taste are mixed, add seasoned salt to flavor. Add rice and the water that the beans were boiling in and also add a can of coconut milk. Bring to a boil over medium heat until water has evaporated to just below the top of the rice and beans in the pot. Reduce heat to low and cover tightly for 10 to 20 minutes depending on quantity. Voila Island rice and beans. Rice and beans should be fluffy and soft.
I've always been a proponent against capitol punishment.
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Life in jail without the possibility of parole. I want that person to live and suffer for the rest of his life.
Atheism a religion?
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
It is not a belief, it is not surrendering our mind to a myth that has no fact in it. It is using our mind to figure things out. It is thinking for ourselves and not blindly following. If there was a provable fact in religion than atheists would admit it.
It's amazing how many people are allergic to gluten, peanuts and, facts.
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I am allergic to idiots and religious fanatics. I get a headache whenever I am near any of them.
Limitations on comedy? Are there limits? everyone likes a laugh but at what cost?
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I don't like comedians that just make fun and insults people in his audience. I like smart comedy that makes one think.
Do kiddy fiddlers go to heaven if they are religious leaders?
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
If there was a heaven, I definitely do not want to go there. Religion says that I will be reborn in heaven and I do not want to get victimized by all those pedafile priest waiting for new arrivals.
Is character assassination calling out a person for using sexual innuendos on another person?
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
No means no. If someone makes the suggestion and the other person says no, and the person who suggesedt it says ok and respect the other person's answer than there is nothing to call out.
Are you tired of the platitude ' someone will come along when you aren't looking'?
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I stopped looking and no one has come calling yet.
Misophonia and Me
noworry28 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Eating with your mouth open and talking with food in your mouth grosses ne out.
What do you think is the common link in this "group"?
noworry28 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Intelligent, thought provoking dialogue is why I joined this site. I like reading about new ideas, and talking to people who think for themselves and do not blindly follow.
Should a man be allowed to force a woman to carry his child?
noworry28 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I do not have any kids. I never met the right girl that I wanted to have a child with. I do not believe that a woman should be forced to carry a child that she does not want. A child need both parents even if the parents are not together. If I was in that situation, I might ask the woman if there was a possibility that she could carry the child and then give me the child and I would raise the child without any expectation from her. She can be part of the child's life if she wanted to. However I would not force her to carry the child if she did not want to do so. I would also take precaution not to get a woman pregnant that does not want to have a child.
How is human influence changing the climate?
noworry28 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Deforestation, overpopulation, fossil fuel burn, carbon emission in the atmosphere are all things that human are doing to influence the climate.
Tyrannical Governments
noworry28 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The biggest fear of those in power is losing losing that power. Some politicians start out wanting to do the right thing to help the people, but lose their way after gaining power.
If you could get rid of any emotion, which one would it be?
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I am a Vulcan, i have no emotions. Lol! Last time I got my heart broken I said that I will never let myself be that vulnerable again. Love hurts. I do not know if I want to get rid of it, but it is very hard for me to let someone get too close to me.
As atheists, how do you feel about fidelity, within a marriage or a long-term relationship?
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
The evidence does not support your relatives. Those famous evangelicals are always in the news for getting caught in extra marital affairs, and there are plenty of non famous ones getting divorced all the time after their infidelities are found out.
There's a healthy selection of sci-fi geeks on this site, so let's have a good nerdy debate.
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
The enterprise from the original Star Trek is the greatest spacecraft. The federation in star Trek is the greatest society, the concept and ideology was ahead of its time. A federation comprised of different races, men and women were equals. No discrimination based on race and creed.The greatest war was from the space cartoon series called Exosquad. It was a war between humans and a slave race created by humans called Neosapiens.
I used to give my spare change to the homeless who walked up to me and asked me for a dollar because...
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I will not give them money, however I buy food and give them food and something to drink(not alcohol). That way I know that they are not going to buy drugs, or go get drunk with the money.
I grew up eating red meat.
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I tried being vegan. I did not last long. I know how to cook well, and I like to experiment with dishes from different cultures. I tried being vegan several times , but the longest that I lasted was five weeks.
The year 2030, technologically speaking, what will the world look like?
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Interactive Holographic television projection for viewing and playing games. Instead of going on a sea cruise, a space cruise to the moon and back.
FYI! I will hit 7.
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Where I am in South Florida is the only place someone should want ice cream this time of the year. Lol. I am allergic to Winter, so sorry I cannot come celebrate with you. I like places that only have two seasons: cool, and hot as hell like South Florida.
Tennessee man flips car five times after letting 'Jesus take the wheel'
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
When god told him to let him drive, he forgot to ask god if god had a driver's license. I don't think he does or knows how to drive.
What kind of snob are you?
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Coffee. I grew up drinking strong coffee and what people in this country consider good coffee, I refer to as "coffee flavored water."
I'm curious; does this website address gender issues..identity and/or orientation?
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I enjoy reading and posting about intelligent, thought provoking subjects. It does not matter to me what someone's gender or sexual orientation is. Everyone should be treated with respect.
If a tree falls with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?
noworry28 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
The animals that are in the area will hear it. The laws of physics does not stop when humans are not around, this is absurd. Men making himself superior, unless we are there to confirm it than it does not happen, like god create us in his own image. No we created god in our imagination and made him in our image.
How many of your friends know you are atheist or agnostic?
noworry28 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I have friends that I work with and I do not advertise my non-belief to them, they would start preaching to me too much. I just walk away from religious conversations.
What are your thoughts on the etiquette of paying for dates?
noworry28 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
i am old fashion. I always insist on paying. That is just one of the things that I was raised to believe in, that I still do.
If you haven't already seen this, you should check it out.
noworry28 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Hilarious. I always knew that if I wanted to be filthy rich, the easiest way to do that was to start a church.
What do you regret the most from your last relationship?
noworry28 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
That I got into that relationship.
What was your favorite subject in school?
noworry28 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Chemistry and Physics.
It's my birthday! I don't usually care about one day any more than the others, but today seems ...
noworry28 comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Happy birthday fellow heathen.????????????????
Let's play a game, my fellow heathens! See how many points you can rack up per the sinner sign! I ...
noworry28 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I got 12, plenty of points. Can't wait to go to hell.
Does this sound like love?
noworry28 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
One Life to Live As The World Turn with All My Children with The Guiding Light. That is the soap opera life that she is living in. Then Going to Jerry Springer soon to be followed by The Maury Show. She is delusional.
Are you for tipping or anti- tipping syndrome?
noworry28 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I do not know if it has changed today, but waiters and waitresses were exempt from the minimum wage laws when I used to be a waiter in the eighties.Waiters and waitresses got less than minimum wage in Florida and the tips were counted as wages. So I tip as well as I can, because I know what it is like to be on your feet carrying food and smile and to to nice to people that sometimes treat you like you are nothing.
When your significant other goes to strip clubs regularly because of "friends" is that a red flag?
noworry28 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
As a guy, I can answer probably yes. If he has a significant other at home, his behind needs to be home. His friends can go by themselves and do whatever and jeopardize their own relationship. He may not be doing anything yet, but he will eventually, because something is not right in his mind when it comes to his home relationship.
Why do so many people choose not to upload a profile pic?
noworry28 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
You know how Medusa's eyes used to turn whoever looked into them to stone. My picture might turn you guys to glass and you can get shattered easily and I like you guys. Lol
What are you looking for?
noworry28 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Good humor and intelligent conversations.
Superbowl Sunday question
noworry28 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Yes I like Football and I will be watching the Super Bowl.
Night owl, or early bird?
noworry28 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Night owl.
Have you ever talked obsessively about a subject just so you could hear the different opinions ...
noworry28 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
It depends on the audience. When I am with people that I consider smart and I will do that in order to gain some more knowledge and a different point of view. If I am around people that are close minded, than I do not.
Fellow sad singles, let's play a game.
noworry28 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
I made bad choices in the women that I was involved with in the past, so now I am very careful when I meet someone, and I basically take my time to find out who they are, what they believe in and if we are compatible. I don't jump into a relationship. So far I have not met anyone that I want to be in a long term relationship with. When I was younger, I got into relationships too fast. Now I do not jump into anything fast, either physically or emotionally. I like my freedom, and it would take an extraordinary woman to make me want to give that up.
"In a better place"?
noworry28 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
I am sorry for your lost. He or she is no longer in pain.
I switched the television on tonight and caught most of "The Fifth Element" on Syfy.
noworry28 comments on Feb 10, 2018:
Princess Bride, Mission to Mars,Star Wars(all of them despite Jarjar Bing),Close Encounter of The Third kind, Goodfellas, The sixth sense. The good the Bad and the Ugly, Apocalypto, Heat, Scarface, Blazing Saddles, Remember the Titans, The gods must be crazy.
Domestic Violence in the News.
noworry28 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
It is very hard for someone to leave an abuser. There was a post awhile back from a member who asked for advise about her situation. She was in an abusive relationship. A lot of us gave her some advise and I hope she was able to get out of that situation. Unfortunately she has not posted on this site since then. She is a level seven member who was very active here.. I worry that something may have gone wrong ,and I am hoping that she is safe and no longer in that household with her abuser.
Who loves to cook?
noworry28 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I love to cook. I find it a great way to release stress.
Do you feel guilty when you kill insects, rats, or any other lower animals in/around your house?
noworry28 comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Roaches and mice are disease carriers, so no. I like spiders and I leave them alone, they eat insects that bite me. Snakes, as long as they stay out of my house they are ok. I will put them out of my house, unless they are poisonous So far the snakes have stayed out of my way.
Does anyone here believe in post death existence OTHER than religious afterlife?
noworry28 comments on Feb 12, 2018:
People can believe anything they want. I may believe that every time a it rains, there is a leprechaun that materializes and urinate. His pee is the rainbow that appears, and at the end of that rainbow the liquid from his pee turns into a pot of gold. The gold is only visible and accessible for only a few minutes. Now prove me right or wrong. Unless someone dies and comes back with proof about the afterlife, we can believe anything we want. I, on the other hand want facts and proof.
Say hello to the Pacific Islands this morning [newshub.
noworry28 comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Stay safe. Hopefully it will weaken and not cause further damage.
Do you think your birth order has impacted your personality?
noworry28 comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Yes, I am also the eldest child. I am 7 & 8 and 11 years older than my siblings. I took care of my siblings from the age of eleven to help my mother who went to school at night and worked during the day. I learned to cook and I helped them with their homework and changed diapers. Yes it has impacted who I am today. When I was sixteen and started to drive, I took them to school and the movies, shopping etc... I did everything for them. I practically raised them.
Coolest thing you've seen?
noworry28 comments on Feb 14, 2018:
A sixteen foot alligator on the banks of the everglades warming up in the sun.
The choice is up to most of us as individuals.
noworry28 comments on Feb 14, 2018:
In that case, I would like to promote the teachings of the devil. If he was real and actually teaching all those things, I might consider joining his religion.
I'm not against guns.
noworry28 comments on Feb 16, 2018:
All that is needed is some sensible gun laws. Comprehensive universal background check. No one need a 20 to 30 round magazine. No one need an Assault weapon. Reinstate the law that keeps mentally ill individuals from being able to purchase guns. If you are on the terrorist no fly watch list, you should not be able to buy a gun.
Are religions unfair to women? - YouTube
noworry28 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Yes and it is a way for men to feel superior and control women.
spices, shelflife Indian brides are given a spice box as part of their dowry.
noworry28 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I buy Indian spices at the Indian store, but they are already premixed for Marsala Curry, Korma, Jhalfreezi, Vindaloo and others. I would love it if I could find the spice boxes with each individual spices and a recipe book that breaks down the combinations for these dishes.
noworry28 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Nieces and Nephews. They are like my own.
What's something you've never done?
noworry28 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Sing on a stage in front of a group of people. I don't believe in torture and I would never be that cruel to anyone and expose them to my singing, not even theists.
Any fans of the Xanth series?
noworry28 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
yes, I read most of them. I also liked Pierce Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality and the Adept series. Great books
noworry28 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I joined because of the intelligent conversations that I found on this site. I haven't tried to contact anyone for a date, although I have noticed some very intelligent women here, I am attracted to smart women. The truth is, I was told that there was cake here when one reaches certain levels and I am looking to eat some cake. Who knows, I might meet someone here or not, either way I like this site...
Have you ever kissed a girl? I haven't.
noworry28 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Yes, lots of time and I liked it.
Arousing body parts
noworry28 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I like women with nice uniformed shapely feet and toes.
I saw somewhere, and it may have even been one of you that said there is more proof of little green ...
noworry28 comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I am one who believe that in this vast universe, we are not the only planet that has intelligent life as its inhabitant. Ii am a skeptic however when it comes to some of those ancient alien theories, because I can make several logical arguments to debunk some of those theories. However, I was watching the news a few months back, and one of the news footage was about an a UFO that was filmed by a military aircraft pilot and several aeronautical experts said that no one on earth has the technology to perform what that aircraft did. They other day as I was watching the news again, they were talking about how digital cameras zoomed in and saw that Donald Trump had the responses in his hand, when he had the survivors from the Florida school shooting in the white house. They also said that it was not the first time the the news media was able to zoom in on presidential papers. They showed and aid carrying the secret presidential daily briefing and not covering the first page. They zoomed in and showed the lines saying that Intelligence reports have noticed that Alien surveillance of military bases and nuclear weapon storage bases have increased in the United States. I am not sure what to think about that.
Have you "come out" to family/friends about your non-believer views?
noworry28 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I keep my atheism to myself unless someone tries to shove their belief onto me.
Comic Book Fans?
noworry28 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I used to read and collect them when I was growing up. The X-men, Daredevil, Iron man, Spiderman, almost anything marvel, West coast avenge, Avengers, Cloak and Dagger. I haven't followed them for a while, I guess I grew up.
What IS the American Dream?
noworry28 comments on Feb 28, 2018:
I usually say something funny when I answer on a post, but I am going to be serious on this one. Unfortunately to get an answer to that question, I believe that an immigrant would be probably give the best answer in today's environment. As an immigrant myself who moved to this country when I was eleven years old, I will give it a shot and try to answer it from my point of view ant that of a lot of first generation Americans. I have friends from all corners of the world who now reside in the United States. From Muslims counties in the middle east, from central and south America, from the Caribbean Islands, from Africa and from Europe. This is what we all love about this country. We all came here at a young age consider ourselves Americans. Some of have served in the U.S. military. The fact that we can criticize a Senator, a Congressman, a President in the open without the fear of disappearing, imprisoned or being killed is a new found concept that the rest of America will never experience and have any fear of. The concept of a public school system where you can learn to read and write, and have the opportunity to go to college or a university is not a guarantee to most of the world. I know several of you have heard others talk about people who come from other countries, and when they get a house or an apartment there are three generations of an extended family of fifteen or more living in a three bedroom domicile. What most people here do not understand is that those family pull together to help each other, because back in their country of origin they had no home, no job and no food to eat, so that three bedroom house or apartment is a luxury compare to what they had. The concept of three meals a day is a luxury and the ability to have a job, even a a low paying job that only immigrants will do give them the ability to feed a family. When someone is walking down the street and he or she sees a police car or a military vehicle driving down that street. Imagine that your only choice is to run as fast as you can and hide and hope they do not see you, because if they catch you, your family will never see you again. That is a reality. Imagine the religious police coming to your house or work and telling you and your family and co-workers that you must stop whatever you are doing and go to morning or afternoon prayer. Imagine being afraid for anyone to find out that you are an Atheist because you would be killed. Yes, we have a Dick in the white house, but the American dream is still attainable for me and many others. I have a roof over my head, I got an education, I do not run when I see a police officer or a soldier, no one forces me to worship any god, I can apply for any job that I want to do, I am not starving, I can continue...
Roman Catholic Church is training more exorcist.
noworry28 comments on Feb 28, 2018:
I saw that on the news the other day, and I thought about all that money they are wasting instead of using it to help people around the world that are suffering from lack of food and medicine.
What's your favorite junk food? (if you eat junk food)
noworry28 comments on Feb 28, 2018:
A slice of pepperoni pizza. REAL PIZZA not those chain pizza places.
Goddamnit! I just realized it's my birthday!.
noworry28 comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Happy Birthday! Just like fine wine, you are getting better with time. Have fun and enjoy your day.
Petty just like a 5 year old!!! If not worse!!!
noworry28 comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Love it. Isn't that what Tyrant, Kings and dictators do.
Whould you date a woman UFC fighter?
noworry28 comments on Mar 3, 2018:
As long as she is not a religious nut ye. If she is smart yes. I don't judge a book by its cover. If we are compatible and are good together, I would not let the fact that she knows how to fight be a negative factor.
Does where you live have any regional peculiarities that confuse visitors?
noworry28 comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Go to first street and go west on Southern blvd or go north on this street. People from New york tells me they don't know where north or west is. I have to tell them how to face north, and where the ocean is located, where the sun rises is always east in Florida.
We all need some humor today
noworry28 comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Any John Oliver or Trevor Noah fans on here?
noworry28 comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Yes, I like both of them.
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