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Letters From An American 01/14/2024
pamagain comments on Jan 15, 2024:
None of us is perfect...we can only try to improve what needs improvement and stop the evil so many of us do. Her penultimate sentence says it all.
The OLDEST Civilisation in the Americas: The Pyramid City of Caral, Peru | Ancient Architects - ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Some scholars think quipus were also navigational aids. Ancient sailors crossed the Pacific with ''star maps'' made of knotted cord. We never give ancient people enough credit! If only more funding were available for archaeology.....the '''new world'' (very Eurocentric term) is ''hot'' right now, since lidar's uncovered so many ruins in the Maya regions.
If you want to watch Marjorie Taylor Greene repeating utterly outrageous lies as if it is truth, ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Just a cheap, attention-seeking stunt. Is she the pustule's sister?
Happy January 14th birthday, Mr. Bond! []
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
COVID hospitalizations increase for 9th straight week: CDC -- ABC News
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
What's the matter with people????
Everyone has a friend who ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Long ago---sure. Lately---not at all! Time marches on--or, in the case of physical changes to our bodies, it hangs around and sags awhile and THEN it marches on! :-)
Tell me you didn't check...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
ARRRRRRGH! Someone stayed up all night, proving that.
Technically this doesn't belong here, but I found it fascinating.
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Who knew? I'm stealing this, HC, for my other wordy friends! Thanks.
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
This project is such fun...not only for us but for the artists! Thanks, Rhonda....hope you're smiling for the rest of the day. You have friends....don't forget....
Some people were not put here to evolve ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
And that list is growing longer every day!
Once you have eaten from the tree of knowledge ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Wonderful image....wouldn't it be fun?
It's called reading ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Tell it to DeSanctimonious.
I'll have a glass of wine ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
OKAY....I spit tea on the cat (he's lying on my desk right now.) FUNNY!
7 World Changing Inventions That People Thought Were “Idiotic” - YouTube
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Must've been many red faces then, yes?
Google can bring you back 100,000 answers ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
I could spend the rest of my life in that long as it has beds, a refrigerator and a modern bathroom. (One MUST have one's creature comforts...yes?) :-)
...not much has changed ?
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
60 years? SIXTY YEARS????? That's impossible!
I’ve got two for the price of one tonight at bedtime ….
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Just gorgeous! Feeling sorry for Celine....that's a helluva' disease.
Why do I hear Julie Andrews singing in the background "These Are A Few of my Favorite Things?..."
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What was burning in St. Petersburg? They have some wonderful palaces, churches, etc.
Graphic attached
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
A pun isn't an adult until it's fully GROAN.
Sometimes I wish QANON would start a conspiracy theory that the reason Fentanyl is listed as a ...
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024: cures impotence/baldness/pale facial skin?????
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
The world’s shortest domestic route. You probably don’t even get a packet of nuts.
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if they need toilets???
Before McDonald's there was another version of fast food..?
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Can you imagine all the jokes, snickers and snorts when they put these machines out for the public?
Good morning everyone…thank you all for the kind wishes.
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
I'm glad to hear it went well. Now you're PERFECT again!
This demonstrates that Lauren Boebert is dumber than a box of rocks: [youtube.
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
When I think of how many thousands of women suffered or even died to gain suffrage for themselves and their daughters....this woman's lack of intellect and motivation makes me even more angry!
Classic trump supporter...
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Right! He & the tin man were both missing important elements, weren't they? Ever notice how it took a young woman to solve alllll the problems in Oz?
Attention Amazon junkies.... Wondering how to recycle all that packaging from your deliveries?
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
At least they care!
I see 2024 as being a good year for arms manufacturers.
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Not to mention all the wanna--be cowboys carrying their weapons & shooting up malls, schools, synagogues and sports events!
Trumbull County grand jury chooses not to indict Brittany Watts charged after miscarriage in Warren,...
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
"Abuse of a corpse?" That's infuriating! It does shine a light on the ridiculous ''well, it has a it must be alive'' nonsense. How do we decide when it's time to declare someone brain dead? When they have a heartbeat? Noooo...when there are brain waves! Sheesh!
And for her 45 years of service?
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
Let's hope she bought lots of IRAs....
Friday morning cuteness
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
(Where's the melting heart emoji?)
Hell of a place to do an excavation?
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
It's certainly sporting crocodile teeth!
trump supporters...please read this carefully
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
If it doesn't feature his name IN VERY BIG LETTERS....they'll never read it.
The role of ([medzpills.
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
So many people in so many parts of the world are damaged by parasites! Ivermectin should be free!
Newfound T.
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
Which makes those teeeeeeeny lil' forelegs seem even more useless.
Today is Tex Ritter'a birthday.
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
I always liked ''so beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly''....
Interesting 🤔 []
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
Anyone who's had any experience with THC/CBD could tell you that. I'ts just soooo easy to get distracted! "Feel the gravel under my feet" "Look..there's a birdie." "Oh, I need to peeeeeee."
Larissa awakens Christmas morning to find ...
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
Larissa and Santa need to talk....
A video would be entertaining!? 🤠 []
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
Such a couple! She's been a real disappointment....she & a few others. Just an embarrassment.
Realtor finds body in Minneapolis garage |
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
That realtor had a truly bad day! Of course, so did Reid Johnson.....
Wednesday morning cuteness, witness protection program!!!
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I love this! Thanks!
[] Love this song!
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
Takes me way, wayyyy back! "Clowns to the left of me....jokers to the right....." On the other hand, thinking of US politics......... :-)
Something a wee bit different today…a song composed by Carlos Macia and sung by Levi Cavalcante, ...
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
STUNNING imagery! Don't know where you found this but it's a real keeper! THANKS!
guess the really stable genius really didn't think that through did he?
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
WOW! Guess he's a lucky SOB because Biden's a thoroughly decent man.....
Kim Davis, prize bitch and arch homophobe, who in 2015 declined to issue marriage licenses to ...
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I actually cheered out loud when I read that. She also owes a chunk to the actual couple...maybe her church will help her out with a donation?????
Selective hearing syndrome…..
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
I've been known to name that syndrome "Testosterone-related deafness."
You said, Jesus take the wheel
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Maybe if the driver prays really, REALLY hard (and fast) Jeebus will give it back. He has such a quirky sense of humor!
Happy Monday Night hope you all have a goodnight!
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
OMG! That last one on the right!!!! I'm going back to the ''impossibly cute kitten'' photo.....
If you want to give someone a back-handed compliment, just tell them they have really nice knuckles.
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
And stand back while they try to think of a response! :-)
Drink up peeps!!! 🐥 []
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Damned scary!
“That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Jim was wise in many ways--mindless in others and died way too soon! "They love their chains..." true!
PERSPICACITY - Noun…the quality of having a ready insight into things; the ability to ...
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Just don't ask me to spell that, ok? :-)
I’m posting a follow up to my Earth Affair’s post from last week.
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
A fun way to begin my day....thanks--as always!
Hi everyone, this site is really insightful and I think I’ll settle here really fine.
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
WELCOME! In general, we're a friendly, respectful lot. With a few exceptions.....but you'll recognize them right away.
This is a segment of a pizza menu in a Spanish restaurant.
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Nosedive? What? Some poor steer slipped on the barn floor?
Opinion: In 2024, why are we still playing make-believe about COVID? - Los Angeles Times
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
In a way, we've got to admire viruses...they're clever, flexible and tough.
Trump On Iowa School Shooting: ‘Get Over It’ -
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
There's no ''bottom'' to his nastiness, childishness, vengeful thinking. None. He'll say and do anything.
The Bibles don't do shit
pamagain comments on Jan 8, 2024:
I'd like to think that's true.....
Millions of plastic pellets wash up in Spain
pamagain comments on Jan 8, 2024:
This is so depressing! I remember beaches in Indonesia clogged with so much plastic junk that you couldn't get to the water! We're a horrible species!
LOL. What a bastard
pamagain comments on Jan 8, 2024:
Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option
pamagain comments on Jan 8, 2024:
Never again!
Good morning, it’s Saturday and the sun is out, looking like it’s going to be a bright winter ...
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
that's lovely! Nice to see someone remembers that harmony....I learned to sing harmony listening to Don & Phil....
Saturday morning cuteness
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Hey! You! Got a ribbon????
Dance To Your Daddy…is a well known folk song from the Northumberland coast In the northeast of ...
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
New to me! Thanks....
Good morning! Happy birthday, EARL sCRUGGS FOGGYMORNING BREAKDWN [youtu.
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
NOBODY can watch this and remain still! Look at all the famous faces! I forget what a good banjo man Steve Martin is....Thanks!
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Evolution favors senses and skills necessary for a species to continue. Anything else is superfluous.
Happy Birthday, Agnostic Carl Sandburg! []
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
One of those people I wish I could've known...
A friendly reminder ...
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
And, as parents, your job is to decide what a transgender child needs---and when--NOT some sanctimonious judge or elected rep!
Schrodinger's immigrant ...
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Funny how that works! And taking all the best jobs, too--here in California, we can see these people doing stoop labor, picking berries...digging ditches on farms, etc. All those sought-after jobs!
This one is a bit longer but definitely has its moments... []
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
somebody had a ton of fun writing this!
How religion and politics will mix in 2024 – three trends to track
pamagain comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Unfortunately true, HC!
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Undoubtedly, he'll be whining ''witch hunt'' usual.
Okay, this is scary.... [] [] []
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Gavril's parents have some challenges ahead, don't they?
Designer chair for sale...
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Looks more like a THRONE to me....:-)
Friday morning cuteness
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
"Look at the fishies in that there bowl!"
While I hope that everyone involved in the whole Epstein story gets what they deserve, given the ...
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Are those ''go-go'' boots?
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
This one's new to me. Thanks.
I REALLY hate these people.
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
The pustule IS Archie Bunker....except that Archie had a few moments of sweetness. A few. AND...his wife was much nicer!
One of my favorites
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
Beautiful lighting...
If someone were to contend: "I claim to be Agnostic because ultimately I do not know.
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
"Atheist" literally means "without gods." If I'm an atheist, I'm ''without gods." That means I don't believe in them. Pretty simple, really.
Thai black ginger found to delay arthritis progression and suppress inflammation Kaempferia ...
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
I just did a quick search online, looking for a connection between this herb and arthritis. HAH! It's all about boosting libido, testosterone increases, virility, etc. I realize that sex sells but....does anyone have experience with success in removing simple inflammation?
You may not know him directly
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
Old grifters never die....
The message must be reinforced
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
Says the rock....
It's already Thursday?!?!
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
"Boone's Farm?" OMG....right there with "Annie Greensprings." All that sugar....
I want to relate a story about fasting.
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
I'm very sorry for your mother--and everyone who loves her. The deliberate cessation of food/drink is recommended by the "Compassionate Care In Dying" group because they realize the medical community will reject anything else. Your experience demonstrates why it's not a good solution to the problem of wanting to end one's life. Wishing her a quick resolution.
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
Funny how our brains can be fooled....
My husband had a massive stroke and recovery is unlikely.
pamagain comments on Jan 4, 2024:
First, as a widow, I know something of what you're experiencing. Secondly, I had lots of "I'll pray for you" offers...well-meaning but often ''knee jerk'' because they don't know what else to say. "Thanks for your good wishes, but we're not religious people" worked for me. Repeat as needed. Wishing you well...I know it's not easy.
[] Patricia Janečková & Collegium Marianum - Christmas Concert 2020
pamagain comments on Jan 3, 2024:
Why does Christmas get all the good music? Thanks, Roger! I'm not crazy about the blonde with the diamond necklace, though. She's had too many sugar cookies. :-)
I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian now😱
pamagain comments on Jan 3, 2024:
Ya know....there are lots of hungry people on the planet.....hmmmmm
Lofty goals?
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Especially that third one....
More double standards?
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
And...the honest truth? Would you really trust a man who tells you not to worry because he's ''on the pill?" Sorry, friends....I couldn't.
Too true but too often…
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Trump is a treasonous turd…
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
He exemplifies the worst aspects of human behavior.
Best caption wins…
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
"It was the strangest thing....a great big wind came through and the whole tree fell down! I was scared! Is there any tuna?"
Mine too…!
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
It's a New Year's day tradition in my house.....after the Rose Parade, have a shower and put on fresh jammies. Have a glass of champagne, eat your beans/rice and enjoy the games.
I think you’d be blackout before it happens…
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
...and sound intelligent.....
Oranges and bananas?
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Love that clever!
And proud of it!!!
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
FRANKly, yes!
To each a very hearty New Year, May 2024 bring you joy, wealth and happiness as you can desire it.
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
And to you, Glenn!
Bye bye 2023 cat style
pamagain comments on Jan 1, 2024:
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