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Damn these scammers are getting hard to spot....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I actually haven't seen too many it something we said?!?!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Genuflect, genuflect, genuflect... It seems he's still alive - 94yo! Such a talent!
Damn these scammers are getting hard to spot....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I actually haven't seen too many it something we said?!?!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm ready for you...
I understand that they are finally come out of the closet
Willow_Wisp comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I've never ate it, when I eat chicken it's either Southern (KFC) or Mexican (El Pollo Loco). I refuse white supremacist chicken.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
Yep, never been there, don't ever plan to go...I will admit, that despite the name I will partake of "Church's" Chicken on occasion...:-)
Damn these scammers are getting hard to spot....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I actually haven't seen too many it something we said?!?!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz If I had the scammer mentality, & a much tougher stomach, I'd get into the religion racket. Beaucoup bucks & no taxes!!!
Cafeteria religion. For fucks sake, be consistent.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Sorry about the audio...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
I have been looking for this chart.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Can't blame just GenX ... I know I often hide mental/physical pain behind a smile (as it is not others' fault that I go thru this crap), & I think many others do, too, of all generations. I've also come to the conclusion that one reason so many old folk walk around with scowls all the time is ...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@glennlab I get you, Glenn, & tho I don't (& can't) feel your pain, I do feel mine, so can empathize...
ok, here's the deal, women I know and some I do not know send me their selfies because they want ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Hustler never had a shortage of girls sending in photos for 'Beaver Hunt'...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@OldMetalHead Anyway, I'm glad I had the chance to see these pretty ladies...
ok, here's the deal, women I know and some I do not know send me their selfies because they want ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Hustler never had a shortage of girls sending in photos for 'Beaver Hunt'...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@OldMetalHead & tho @Mofo1953 doesn't have that, I think I can agree with his explanation above (was that added before or after your initial Comment, I wonder...?)
Damn these scammers are getting hard to spot....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I actually haven't seen too many it something we said?!?!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@glennlab, @Lizard_of_Ahaz I guess I just don't have the 'scammer' mentality. If you look at my Profile Page I think I've put in just about everything except my Social Security & bank account numbers. I yam what I yam, & if not totally proud of it, I'm at least resigned to it! ;-)
Thursday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Cute gingers.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@Lauren & he does some great "atheist-humor" (what a weird term), too!
Please be careful how you judge.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jul 14, 2022:
In the Disc World series Witches are actually women who do good without expectation of financial reward.... and yes they do ride brooms, dress in all black and even wear heavy shoes or boots built to last instead of for style... Well there were two exceptions though.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Hey, I'm all for it! You do you, bro, I just wish I could afford it...
Jesse Dollemore - Trump Campaign Manager Says TRUMP'S RHETORIC WAS DEADLY.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 14, 2022:
He is reaching out to trump again because he knows there is money to be made. trumps followers are easy marks and all these people know it’s easy money for them. They would sell their Country out to become insanely rich!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
Scammers of a feather flock together...
Please be careful how you judge.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jul 14, 2022:
In the Disc World series Witches are actually women who do good without expectation of financial reward.... and yes they do ride brooms, dress in all black and even wear heavy shoes or boots built to last instead of for style... Well there were two exceptions though.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'd love to do that as I love books, literally & metaphorically, but have to supply my addiction & I'll buy used paperbacks if it comes to it to keep my fix going. I HAVE to read & no way can I afford just first editions to satisfy my cravings...
If they can lie, so can I.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Workers of the world...Unite!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
Please be careful how you judge.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jul 14, 2022:
In the Disc World series Witches are actually women who do good without expectation of financial reward.... and yes they do ride brooms, dress in all black and even wear heavy shoes or boots built to last instead of for style... Well there were two exceptions though.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
Love the Disc World series! Have you read "Good Omens" by Pratchett & Gaiman?
Please be careful how you judge.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
There's a reason I won't ride your broom...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
Q: Why don't witches wear underwear? A: For a better grip on their broomstick!
Thursday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Cute gingers.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 14, 2022:
Watch your mouth! You should be ashamed...
It’s not really about whether you consider yourself an atheist or a theist.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I consider myself an atheist (an agnostic atheist, more precisely), but if shown any scientific evidence that actually proves a creator god, from whatever creed, I would no longer be an theist. Now, just because I believed in the existence of said god, now, does not mean I would necessarily worship ...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
Also, that whole term "god is a person who lives in the sky" is sophomoric & simplistic & I doubt many theists adhere to that belief, let alone atheists.
Live Aid was 37 years ago today.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I actually knew most of the original members of this group. Was living in Newark, DE when they first formed & became popular...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend I saw the Hooters at the Stone Balloon...
President Dementia Daily Highlight: []
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Wasn't President Dementia actually Reagan?
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@BD66 Nah, tho Biden is not a favorite of mine (& has never been, even when I was a resident of DE), Reagan was senile for all of his 2nd term, & likely much of his first. Hell, an argument could be made that he showed signs when he was still Guv of CA.
Another Live Aid '85 clip... The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again (Live Aid 1985) []
Marionville comments on Jul 13, 2022:
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@Marionville Can't argue with that... they are definitely in my Top Ten, if not Top Five...
Live Aid was 37 years ago today.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I actually knew most of the original members of this group. Was living in Newark, DE when they first formed & became popular...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Most 'famous', & oldest of the bars in Newark was The Deer Park...
Live Aid was 37 years ago today.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I actually knew most of the original members of this group. Was living in Newark, DE when they first formed & became popular...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend I'm decently familiar with the Cape May/Lewes area (of Ferry fame)
The Damage Report - Alex Jones CRACKS Threatening To Sacrifice His Own Finger []
Garban comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Don’t stop at your finger, perhaps something that would remove you from the gene pool.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
I'd say cut out his heart, but he'd have to have one for that to be effective...
Another Live Aid '85 clip... The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again (Live Aid 1985) []
Marionville comments on Jul 13, 2022:
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
Yep, one of the greatest Rock & Roll bands, ever (The Stones & Led Zeppelin form the other 2 legs of my triad. Is it just coincidence that a US band doesn't make my top 3? (even tho all were influenced by US music)
Run, tubby, run.
glennlab comments on Jul 13, 2022:
If one of the proud boys starts humping your leg just use a spray bottle on them,... with pepper spray.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
Or bear spray... or, possibly, Hot Shot Cow Elk Estrous Mist Game Attractant Spray so they can finally get laid...
Run, tubby, run.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Great compilation! All good but I love the 'Proud Boy' one!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@silverotter11 You could give him tRump's, we all know he's a big ______...
Happy Tuesday! Another busy day for me!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
All over the place, today, Michelle...(btw, I bet you have that last Meme as a full-size poster in your bedroom!)
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
?????? Why did this pop up???? I know this word, & the difference, & yet...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
I wonder about my mind, sometimes...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
?????? Why did this pop up???? I know this word, & the difference, & yet...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 13, 2022:
Happy Tuesday! Another busy day for me!
zeuser comments on Jul 12, 2022:
First rule, even if you are laughing, you hang onto your taco.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
& your mug of beer!
See the deepest image ever taken of our universe, captured by James Webb Telescope This is the ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Science is truly amazing! How impressive it all is that they are finding out about our universe. 😍
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
Amazing what we can learn when every answer isn't, "god did it!".
See the deepest image ever taken of our universe, captured by James Webb Telescope This is the ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I'm sure this must make sense to those in the know . Guess I'm just dumb .
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
@dalefvictor OK, but I was referencing the one at the bottom...
Three individuals, three jobs.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
The least the photographer could do is to try to distract the snake by telling it it needs to sign a waiver in order to be on TV!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
(& obviously that Award needs to be shared...There is at least one other person there - the one that took this photo!)
See the deepest image ever taken of our universe, captured by James Webb Telescope This is the ...
Cast1es comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I'm sure this must make sense to those in the know . Guess I'm just dumb .
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
Did you catch the video at the bottom of the article?
Let's talk about Jefferson, Monticello, and Fox.... - Beau of the Fifth Column []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Not only should people learn about Jefferson and his slaves, show them his Real views on religion, especially christianity. His "Unitarian" Bible, as it is called, can be seen at Monticello. He totally removed all aspects of Jesus being divine. A Christian nation my ass - both Adam's were Unitarian...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
Also his many letters to Adams & his nephew (if I remember correctly) stressing the need for skepticism & free-thought. No, Jefferson wasn't by any means perfect, but still a giant in our history & an amazing man.
Let's talk about Jefferson, Monticello, and Fox.... - Beau of the Fifth Column []
glennlab comments on Jul 12, 2022:
If you read the letters of Jefferson, he was torn between freeing his slaves and making a profit. He chose to breed slaves selling them like cattle, freeing only 10 of the more than 600 he had owned.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
@Lorajay, @Beowulfsfriend , @glennlab - & too many want to bury this actual history & learning moment, just as they do with that red-herring CRT, as if the truth was a bad thing. It surely says something about those who would revise & dissemble, & not something good...
It is exciting
glennlab comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Put a camera on yourself, so you can see when you go wrong. then figure out a way to cover it up.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
Take the cat approach...
Studies show that atheists are more likely to own cats than Christians.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Legal, shmegal... I still have plenty of room in my basement & the dang xtians don't seem to last as long as they used to...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
@Garban Especially as the xtians aren't near as good about using their litter-boxes as my cat is! Such messy creatures!!!
The History Of Earth's Five Mass Extinction Events | The Next Great Extinction Event | Spark ...
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Super-detailed video! So impressive that scientists have quietly discovered these facts. The point is that we're likely to go's no big deal. Another good video that's simpler is the Video by the History channel; A 44 minute video that explains the different colors of the ...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
Something to keep in mind...
Whoops, Humans Made a Space Barrier Around Earth The kicker?
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
And it's this radiation - that our liquid core protects us from - that will stop any humans from inhabiting Mars (whose core has solidified eons ago). "Radiation Makes Human Missions to Mars Too Dangerous": ...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
Tho he's sometimes amusing, I won't be taking my science information from old Bill.
Truth in advertising.
Betty comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Been there. lol One of my cats looked at me as she dipped her paw in my glass of lemonade, then helped herself again. Suffice to say the lemonade went down the drain. lol
phxbillcee replies on Jul 12, 2022:
Yeah, lemonade with just a hint of litter-box is not one of my favs...
But, he loves you, and he really needs money.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Not only who's throwing them in there, but who created the place to begin with & made the rules for admission!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Oh, I bet I sure would! We could always try a little scientific experiment...
But, he loves you, and he really needs money.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Not only who's throwing them in there, but who created the place to begin with & made the rules for admission!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Wait - - - who's going down on me & why haven't I noticed?????
But, he loves you, and he really needs money.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Not only who's throwing them in there, but who created the place to begin with & made the rules for admission!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
@OldMetalHead If one thinks about the rationale(s) for many religions the basic foundations are absurdist. One doesn't need just faith, one needs also cognitive dissonance, wishful thinking & a frontal lobotomy... (I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy...)
But, he loves you, and he really needs money.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Not only who's throwing them in there, but who created the place to begin with & made the rules for admission!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
HELL: Because sometimes unconditional love means burning people in a lake of fire for all eternity...
Had errands to run before work, fuck it, just going to post memes instead! Lol!!!
zeuser comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Yeah, it must be a skunk. LOL
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
A skunk with skunk...
Had errands to run before work, fuck it, just going to post memes instead! Lol!!!
Garban comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Love the cow.🤣
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
@Garban That's not what the cow is claiming!!!
The oldest, brightest black holes in the universe were born from violent gas attacks, new study ...
Charlene comments on Jul 11, 2022:
I think "Massive Gas Attack" is overstating the info..though the information is enlightening..
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
When I think "Massive Gas Attack" I think Taco Bell!
I told you NOT to put seeds in the bird feeder.
glennlab comments on Jul 11, 2022:
crocs. lol
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
Eric would not be pleased... (I wish he'd show up once in awhile...)
Had errands to run before work, fuck it, just going to post memes instead! Lol!!!
Garban comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Love the cow.🤣
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
I really don't think you should advertise that...
Professor Dave Explains - Quantum Mysticism is Stupid (Deepak Chopra, Spirit Science, ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Already saw it, but I'm a big fan of professor Dave. I especially enjoyed his take down of "The Electric Universe."
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
We have one guy on here that is a big proponent of the "Electric Universe" - I now always counter with this...
And, there you have it...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
I second that emotion...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
"...& if you feel like givin' me a large 'mount of butt rubbin', I second that emotion..."
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about leaving your state.... []
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Come to CT, live in my driveway in my tiny RV until you can get situated! PM me!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
Can I bring my kitty???
And, there you have it...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
I second that emotion...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about leaving your state.... []
KKGator comments on Jul 11, 2022:
I want out of Georgia so bad.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 11, 2022:
& Florida is not really the answer...
Hope you all had a good weekend!
Sticks48 comments on Jul 10, 2022:
As far as that plant goes, they tend to shrivel in the winter.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 10, 2022:
Or during a cold rain...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
These are long, but on point...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 10, 2022:
Perhaps Ben Shapiro Shouldn't Be Taken Seriously By Anyone About Anything - SOME MORE NEWS How Ben Shapiro Pretends Nothing Can Be Done About Systemic Racism - SOME MORE NEWS
Happy Saturday!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Luv and support you, babe.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 He's playing Slayer & has a spliff the size of the Hindenburg...
Happy Saturday!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Luv and support you, babe.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 Well, you get hugs from me! (That & that nice young man in white with the tranquilizer gun over there...)
Happy Saturday!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Luv and support you, babe.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 I mean, holy shit, dude...;-}
Happy Saturday!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Luv and support you, babe.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 Support & luv ya', gurl...& will also take up a collection to help defray the cost of the intense therapy you so obviously need...
MSNBC - U.K. Shows U.S. How To Dump A Lying, Toxic Politician (Peacefully) []
glennlab comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Looks like we could learn from the UK, but that would entail republicans having any shame.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
Yeah, about that...
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Biden sending gas overseas.... []
silverotter11 comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Good now I have relevant facts to post to my ignorant right wing "friend" on facebook about the millions of barrels Biden sent overseas. I had started to research her claim, got side tracked and did not get back to it. TY for the post!!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
Glad I could help...
Whoops, Humans Made a Space Barrier Around Earth The kicker?
glennlab comments on Jul 9, 2022:
This provides for some interesting application for space travel.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
That it does...
The Damage Report - Trump Booted From Truth Social After Subpoena Slam []
WayneDalton comments on Jul 9, 2022:
More outright liesand deception by conservative news outlets.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 9, 2022:
Are you really surprised???
(I missed her B-Day yesterday.
Garf comments on Jul 8, 2022:
The shoop shoop song is unavailable to me but I do know it.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
Sorry, YT ought to YT & freely available all over...
Some Some More News Clips - Every Bill Maher SMN, So Far - CodyComps []
Willow_Wisp comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Yep Bill is the classic boomer, over confident of his not so well thought out opinions and slowly morphing into the kind of ass hole that's so common in America that we turned to Bill who was different and not such a ass hole, until he reached a certain age and then went all social poison. I can't ...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
Yep, he's turned into what he once disparaged ... seems money does that to too many...
(I missed her B-Day yesterday.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Loved that series Ally McBeal. Always thought the writers were to notch, and Vonda Shepard’s music was the icing on the cake! 😉
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
I totally agree...
Joan Osborne - One Of Us (Official Music Video) [youtube.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 8, 2022:
One of my favorite female singers! Thanks for sharing! 😉
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
Glad you enjoyed it!
Good morning…I’m up early today because I have a hospital appointment this morning and will have...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Best to you, we hope all is well with you.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
@Marionville Here's hoping the medicos can help you...
Tracy Chapman & Eric Clapton - Give Me One Reason (1999) [youtube.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
Tracy Chapman - Stand by Me (Live on Letterman 2015)
Train - Calling All Angels [youtube.
Marionville comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Yes…you called me? ……..😇 My favourite is definitely Drops of Jupiter….out of the three - if that’s what you’re asking!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
But, I'll take your opinion anytime...
Train - Calling All Angels [youtube.
Marionville comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Yes…you called me? ……..😇 My favourite is definitely Drops of Jupiter….out of the three - if that’s what you’re asking!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
No, not really, just putting 3 of my favs up...
Train - Calling All Angels [youtube.
Pralina1 comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Calling all Angels ♥️
phxbillcee replies on Jul 8, 2022:
Glad you liked it...
Scientists just detected a bus-sized asteroid that will fly extremely close to Earth tonight ...
dalefvictor comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Just hoping for a hit on Washington, D.C.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Maybe it will calve & hit Mar A Lago, too...
July's 'Buck supermoon' will look bigger and brighter than ever next Wednesday []
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Can’t wait to see it! Thanks for posting this I had no idea that this was coming up.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Glad I could be of service...
Why the Highland Park suspect represents a different kind of violent extremism []
yvilletom comments on Jul 7, 2022:
I saw the same NPR article and was about to post it. You scooped me.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@yvilletom I don't 'fantasize' about a possible religiously inspired insurrection/war, but I do fear the possibility of us getting there by both violent & political means. I think some type of theocratically inspired/bolstered fascism is all too possible in this country.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Moore v Harper and SCOTUS.... []
NHjulie comments on Jul 7, 2022:
So scary.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Sure as hell is...
I don't know if I can afford the liquor bill, but I'm game
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Hell, used to happen a lot more often here, even. Had some 'knock-down-drag-outs' with a few folks over in "Memes R Us" once upon a time... I bet you remember some of those, Glenn...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@glennlab & a few of them did go literally 'bat-shit'! They did NOT like being opposed & called out. It was fun baiting them, tho!!! LOL
I don't know if I can afford the liquor bill, but I'm game
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Hell, used to happen a lot more often here, even. Had some 'knock-down-drag-outs' with a few folks over in "Memes R Us" once upon a time... I bet you remember some of those, Glenn...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@glennlab I enjoy a good difference of opinion - I don't like obstructionists who insist on everyone else following their narrow standards (reminds me too much of the religious folks...)
Guys... Guys....
joeandbarb comments on Jul 7, 2022:
to bad hes calling a guy named tom
phxbillcee replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Still might work for him, tho...
I'm sleeping with the minister's wife.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Sounds like somebody might be desperate enough to dig up a date....
phxbillcee replies on Jul 6, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Well, there's that, but I'd bet you were born twisted...
How to cut down on calories.
Robecology comments on Jul 6, 2022:
At Bill's recommendation - here's a better "diet" meme/image.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 6, 2022:
Much better...
How to cut down on calories.
Robecology comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Seriously - it's called "hunger". And America is #1 in per capita morbidly obese. Every animal except humans experience it as a common feeling...even ...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 6, 2022:
I agree with most of this, but that meme??? The last 2 figures make it seem as if one could work their way to surviving on just water & then move on to just sunshine. Now, starving oneself will help one to lose weight, but death is usually not looked upon as a health benefit.
Doesn't it just chap you when this happens?
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
My "other realm" is a nap...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 6, 2022:
@glennlab Yep!
When will these idiots learn, that is a 2000 pound can of whoop ass!
Sticks48 comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Thinning out the herd in reverse.
phxbillcee replies on Jul 6, 2022:
Well, thinning out a certain herd...another Darwin Award...
Please pay attention
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
"My Conona..."
phxbillcee replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Lesson learned.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
I'm burnin' for you...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 5, 2022:
I guess the old adage is true....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Or in a bucket...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 5, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Be sure to keep that in your handbasket...
Happy birthday, Robbie Robertson "The Weight" [youtu.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
After The Band...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 5, 2022:
I wonder what this does....
Garban comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Chain the lid down in case a 3 year old gets the urge.😉
phxbillcee replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Or a drunk...
I guess the old adage is true....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Or in a bucket...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Shopping travails
MichelleGar1 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Oreos my favorite cookies! Yummy!
phxbillcee replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Yech...never liked them.
I thought this battle over Bristol Bay, Alaska and Pebble Mine had been resolved in Bristol Bay's ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Nope, it won’t let me read it. Says I’ve reached my limit. 😕
phxbillcee replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Same here, & I don't wish to subscribe...
Golden oldie...
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 4, 2022:
HAH! Look out for the man with the gun....
phxbillcee replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@glennlab What's that sound???
Be sure that you apply plenty of sunscreen EVENLY!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I have an inkling...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 4, 2022:
I wanna be a fly on the wall
glennlab comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Why the horn?
phxbillcee replies on Jul 4, 2022:
How else does one announce orgasm???
Texas education officials proposed changing "slavery" to "involuntary relocation" when teaching ...
linxminx comments on Jul 3, 2022:
Education has gone to far in embracing the "PC" mentality. For instance.... In giving a lecture on textile terminology one day, I explained to the students that sometimes the same term is used to mean different characteristics, and therefore it can be confusing. Following this I stated, "It is ...
phxbillcee replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@Druvius "My progress was retarded by the steepness of the hill"... When & how a word is used makes a difference. Words themselves are seldom 'bad' in & of themselves, especially if multiple meanings are attached to them. The "N-word" is a different story as it was meant only as a derogatory term (differing from 'niggardly'), & then a blanket "ban" can be applied. Nuance & context matters in the case of other "trigger" words & judgement should take this into account rather than an automatic call to retirement...
Golden oldie...
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 4, 2022:
HAH! Look out for the man with the gun....
phxbillcee replies on Jul 4, 2022:
...he's over there, tellin' me I got to beware...


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Man of mystery (or just posing in a dim room)
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My Mom & two of my sisters. (Not sure who that dude in the back is!)
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Now that guy in the back is getting ready to bite someone, it appears!
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St Patty's 2019 at Sis' house.
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Not entirely ugly, ladies. You do know I'm single, right?
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Me in this free shirt I got in the mail!
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My little girl shortly after she decided to live with me.
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Another shot of this tat.
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