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A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Love it!
This guy needed a new selfie for his profile.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Lyubov Gulyak
phxbillcee comments on Jul 15, 2022:
More of her...
Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Inspirit verb (used with object) to infuse spirit or life into; enliven.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I will inspirit this punch with this gallon of vodka...
Pretty much.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Human nature, the rose-colored glasses are used most often when looking into the mirror...
Why do I automatically come here for refuge, when I'm upset on FB?
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
As a fan of Science Fiction, myself, I find this disappointing. Just as we have atheists who adhere to pseudo-science & conspiracy theories, we will have SF fans that adhere to religion. It's a shame, but it's a fact of life, I guess...
See Trump WH Lawyer Confronted On Live TV: Keep The Medal Of Freedom Out Your Mouth []
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Mother T should get the Medal of Shame for her sucking up to the rich & celebrities, fighting against even birth-control, pushing the idea that suffering is somehow 'holy' & should be encouraged... F her! Here's a few short takes on her, much more detailed ones are out there if you want the story...
Wake up, sheeple!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Very varied vagaries...
The reality behind pre-1959 Tibet: []
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Yes, no clean hands, here...
Cafeteria religion. For fucks sake, be consistent.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Sorry about the audio...
ok, here's the deal, women I know and some I do not know send me their selfies because they want ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Hustler never had a shortage of girls sending in photos for 'Beaver Hunt'...
Damn these scammers are getting hard to spot....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I actually haven't seen too many it something we said?!?!
FUN FACT: If you're male your willy was in your mum longer than your dad's.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I have no idea if my willy is(was) longer than my Dad's - - & I don't want to talk about it!
I have been looking for this chart.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Can't blame just GenX ... I know I often hide mental/physical pain behind a smile (as it is not others' fault that I go thru this crap), & I think many others do, too, of all generations. I've also come to the conclusion that one reason so many old folk walk around with scowls all the time is that they are in at least some kind of pain all the time. That isn't usually me because I'm used to covering with a grin (& bear it).
If they can lie, so can I.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Workers of the world...Unite!
Please be careful how you judge.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
There's a reason I won't ride your broom...
The middle one is photoshopped but still funny imo.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Excellent choices!
It’s not really about whether you consider yourself an atheist or a theist.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I consider myself an atheist (an agnostic atheist, more precisely), but if shown any scientific evidence that actually proves a creator god, from whatever creed, I would no longer be an theist. Now, just because I believed in the existence of said god, now, does not mean I would necessarily worship it. I'm also not certain I am right, hence the agnostic part of my description. I also don't agree with the statement that I am 'impervious' to the fact/consensus that H. Sapiens is a tool using animal. I think that's fairly self-evident. A lot of your other statements also seem either totally contrary to fact (as to how they are accepted) or so broad to be useless. Honestly, what was the point here?
President Dementia Daily Highlight: []
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Wasn't President Dementia actually Reagan?
Live Aid was 37 years ago today.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I actually knew most of the original members of this group. Was living in Newark, DE when they first formed & became popular...
Good morning…much of Europe is in the grip,of a heatwave …including the southern part of the ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Here in Phoenix, AZ - already 99F & not quite 9:30 AM, yet...
It's a hoax!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
That's where the missing stars from the moon-landing pics went!
American Taliban is an apt description of the people who did this.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
The link to the Taliban is solid, remember the Bamiyan Buddhas....
Just a warning...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
That's why we joined in the first place!
Run, tubby, run.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Great compilation! All good but I love the 'Proud Boy' one!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 13, 2022:
?????? Why did this pop up???? I know this word, & the difference, & yet...
Happy Tuesday! Another busy day for me!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
All over the place, today, Michelle...(btw, I bet you have that last Meme as a full-size poster in your bedroom!)
Three individuals, three jobs.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
The least the photographer could do is to try to distract the snake by telling it it needs to sign a waiver in order to be on TV!
Best explanation I've seen.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
A lot of my grass actually has a purple tinge to it...
Woman hospitalized after picking up $1 bill in Tennessee
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Don't be sorry...I do, too...
Studies show that atheists are more likely to own cats than Christians.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Legal, shmegal... I still have plenty of room in my basement & the dang xtians don't seem to last as long as they used to...
Don't we miss her?
phxbillcee comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Except I think that's George, Princess of Michael, who would have been 59...
Humans are no longer the only mammal on Earth to farm — pocket gophers do so too: ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Tho not mammals, ants 'farm' aphids & types of fungus.
But, he loves you, and he really needs money.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Not only who's throwing them in there, but who created the place to begin with & made the rules for admission!
Is being gay natural?? poll up so vote!!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Homosexuality, & other variations, are found in many different animal species, including ours. Can't get more "natural" than that. There is a spectrum, especially among humans, of where one falls sexually/gender-wise (I doubt it's a simple bell-curve, but it won't be a strictly either/or). Also, how some people view this (& I can't believe a few have voted "unnatural"!) really doesn't matter as they should tend to their own knitting (pun intended). Sorta like just 'cause someone "believes" in Jehovah, or that vaccines cause autism doesn't make it true. Hell, I "believe" that those that find gender/sexual fluidity as unnatural are quite unnatural. Also, this poll was phrased incorrectly as pointed out by @ChestRockfield.
Hear what Tucker Carlson is blaming mass shootings on [youtube.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Mitch is correct, the problem is mental health - the mental health of the Right & Rethuglicans! Cognitive dissonance is right...
Well, that's an interesting perspective.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
She's got a valid point...
Jeff Lynn, Tom Petty and Dhani Harrison performing Handle With Care in a tribute to George Harrison ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Dang, he looks like his Dad!!! Great choice, Marje!
And, there you have it...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
I second that emotion...
Now that summer’s in full swing….
phxbillcee comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Songs & memories of my youth...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
These are long, but on point...
Get rid of those useless curtains! 😆
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Such as...
Some that are funny.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
"... & I will love him & pet him & squeeze him..." (Spoiler Alert: Bugs still triumphs in the end!)
They share the responsibility for all the hate in this country.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
I don't watch FauxNews for the same reasons I don't eat out of the toilet...
Sunday morning cuteness
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
A trio of trouble, but looking cute causing it...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
ELAN. - Noun...A very common crossword answer...
Coming out of the closet
phxbillcee comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Well, that's just like your opinion, dude...
I wanna see who can use their tongue like that.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Doesn't say whose tongue(s)...
Suddenly craving strawberries
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
The term 'elfin' comes to mind...(along with some other things...)
Yeah that's why🤔Seriously 😲😧
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Love the response, tho...
Some things are just a great big NOPE
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Needs some rhythm ukulele...
Yes this is needed in Florida for DeSantis and tRump supporters.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Let Darwin have his day...
Just ouch
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Sorta like...
Just keeping on with the memes
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
I'd bet you've still got a million of them!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Is often more 'tantalizing' than outright toplessness...
Oh no not again
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
When I said, "Take the wheel..." I didn't mean to take it away!
Dirty dirty mind
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
"A seat belt..." is the alternate answer...
I've been meaning to post this for some time now
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
I'll put a comment here...eventually...
Good morning!!! Happy Friday!!!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Michelle does it, again...
Democrat policies are the best; aren’t they???
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Figures that VillageIdiot gets his info from Newsmax.
Tracy Chapman & Eric Clapton - Give Me One Reason (1999) [youtube.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Good morning…I’m up early today because I have a hospital appointment this morning and will have...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Best to you, we hope all is well with you.
A caring Dad indeed
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Gee, thanks, Dad... (P.S. I heard Mom talking to Aunt Carol about the slight 'fling' she had @ 19 years ago, so... do I still have to get you a gift for Father's Day?)
Perhaps this should go under 'politics.' New items from FFRF.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
All too sad & too true...
The far right is 🤥🙃batshit crazy
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
What makes this extra funny is that she's really not sure what a vowel is... maybe she thinks it's some type of firearm???
That was a close one, Bullwinkle!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Good selection!
Good morning!!!! Hope all of you have a great day!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
What a varied bunch! Thanks, Michelle!
The real Q
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
I wish we had no idea who she was, either...
I don't know if I can afford the liquor bill, but I'm game
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Hell, used to happen a lot more often here, even. Had some 'knock-down-drag-outs' with a few folks over in "Memes R Us" once upon a time... I bet you remember some of those, Glenn...
If that isn't the cat's meow?
phxbillcee comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Glenn's animal side is coming out again...
How hot has it been where you are? It's this hot here.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 6, 2022:
I'm in Phoenix, so this is an option...
Hilarious Debate Ensues From AZ State Governor Candidates [youtube.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Oh, my poor state...
This is just wrong
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
...& accordion...
Doesn't it just chap you when this happens?
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
My "other realm" is a nap...
Please pay attention
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Don't really know what this has to do with a topless girl, but...thanks, anyway!
Please pay attention
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
"My Conona..."
Feckin' medical advice but..........."Whatever" :-D
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Hard to do when drunk...
Lesson learned.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
I'm burnin' for you...
If you need to be told, you have cheated Darwin for far too long.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Is he speaking from experience???
Happy birthday, Robbie Robertson "The Weight" [youtu.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
After The Band...
The funny thing is they all think they are right! :-D
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Made from the juices of holy men, or in your country known as polyunsaturated ghee... (Bonus points to any that get the reference...)
I guess the old adage is true....
phxbillcee comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Or in a bucket...
Happy Monday!!!! Trying to make some of you laugh, this has been a sad day!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Here for you, Michelle...
Be sure that you apply plenty of sunscreen EVENLY!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I have an inkling...
Coz a lot of planning is required.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Need to know who is bringing the dip, the lube...
Reminds me of a little book I read back in the 70s.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Reminds me of the old Gallagher bit - an ad for Easy-Off with a woman in bed with her hands beneath the covers, saying, "I'm cleaning my oven!"
Some dips in the road coming up.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Some interesting ones, there...
Egalitarian adjective asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality ...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Appropriate day for it...
Happy treason day to all us Bloody Bastards!!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Good group...
I found this to be strange. You?
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
She's just practicing for when she hooks up with you, @St-Sinner...
Could it be real???
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
One signature, or three???
Happy Fourth of July! Blue.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
A very patriotic, & sexy, trio!
phxbillcee comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I'm also guessing that is how the whiffle-ball got it's name...
This happens all the time.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 3, 2022:
The hats won't help - Bill Gates' chips are already in you...
With a special thanks to @sticks48
phxbillcee comments on Jul 3, 2022:
More than cool with that...
And they will be starting shortly for the next several days.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 3, 2022:
With his rocket & bottled water...
The most intelligent advice I've heard.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 3, 2022:
But then I get dizzy & fall out of bed...
Some guidelines for my stateside heathens. Happy 4th! 😏
phxbillcee comments on Jul 3, 2022:
I agree with your list(s), but I do admit to being tired of the fools who can't wait for the Fourth, or the evening, & start days early, & go on to the wee hours. It gets old quickly. Makes me want to get a supply of my own & set it off in their yard(s) at about 4:00 or 5:00 A.M. just as they are sound asleep...
Mick Jagger & Tina Turner.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 3, 2022:
At least we didn't get a "wardrobe malfunction" a la Janet Jackson!!!


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Man of mystery (or just posing in a dim room)
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My Mom & two of my sisters. (Not sure who that dude in the back is!)
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Now that guy in the back is getting ready to bite someone, it appears!
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St Patty's 2019 at Sis' house.
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Not entirely ugly, ladies. You do know I'm single, right?
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Me in this free shirt I got in the mail!
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My little girl shortly after she decided to live with me.
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Another shot of this tat.
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