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G20 Ministers Get Behind a Global Wealth Tax on Billionaires – Mother Jones
racocn8 comments on Apr 27, 2024:
Wipe them out. Wipe them all out...
How are things going over at Trump Tower these days?
racocn8 comments on Apr 27, 2024:
Trump has complete immunity. Not only from the Supreme Court, but where it really matters, the deep state. From informing on Italian mafia to this? What a grand puppet show and the whole society gets gaslit at one time. Pay no attention to the corruption that saturates every institution: the media, the schools, the military, every law enforcement entity, the judiciary, the DOJ, and society itself. If WWIII happened, no big whup...
I was advised to post onesies!
racocn8 comments on Apr 25, 2024:
But it may be easier on your lungs, especially if you're older. It can also be more discreet. OTOH, the smell of weed IS part of the ritual.
Maggot Gross drop....
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2024:
I'd really be curious to know, now that more people are pointing out Putin's beachhead, just what percent of the GOP are compromised? Where the hell is the FBI unless it is compromised too? The rotting fungus of Putin's kleptocracy has penetrated so deeply and so thoroughly, I really doubt these traitors can be ferreted out. If we don't set to it... Given the behavior of the deep state, it seems too late already.
What this guy said made me laugh my ass off thinking about how wonderful a reception it got in some ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2024:
What idiotic nonsense. As if Christianity had the faintest glimpse of a spiritual nature. Sorry, but everything about Christianity of a spiritual nature got plagiarized from Essenes, Egyptians, Greeks, Babylonians, and the gaps filled with absurd prose. It IS an incomprehensible mess which is why Christianity splinters into so many sub-cults. How can one get agreement on how many angels can dance on a pinhead? Actually, that piece of shit Constitution fits right in. At least the Bible makes some attempt to discourage corruption. The rules Humans contrive to live by are pathetic.
I think I’ve reached the final stage of my deconversion where I’m willing to debate religion and...
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2024:
Major congratulations to you. I'm sure it wasn't and isn't easy. A mind can be difficult to change; be vigilant and reexamine your reasoning as often as needed, but also do the research to validate your new-found freedom. It can be sad to give up on one's imaginary friend, but glimpsing truth and sanity is worth it.
Everybody is out to get him. Just ask him.
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2024:
He is the retribution for the saved, entitled, privileged white fascist evangelicals. What the fuck do they have to whine about, other than not being allowed to have and hang Black slaves? He'll bring that all back if he can...
Please don't mind the truth, Jesus died a virgin
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2024:
Why Roman legionnaires rather than apostles, or the Marys. The one getting butt-fucked is Jesus, dying for a horseshit original sin in a blood human animal sacrifice to himself, or the equally mythical Yahweh. One may as well seek to understand Pentecostal babbling...
Please don't mind the truth, Jesus died a virgin
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2024:
So you're saying he died as he lived... (likely not at all)
I lost my appetite
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2024:
A Stranger in a Strange Land? I'm guessing he's tougher than he looks. Not at all like chicken... (gamey)
Trump Dining Pal Complains Women No Longer Fear Men Popular Neo-Nazi Christian Nationalist Nick ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2024:
A horrible truth: many women put up with abuse for a variety of reasons, many of which derive from being raised in an abusive relationship. Fuentes may not be as hard up as one would suppose. Abusive behavior patterns take on a life of their own and get passed horizontally and vertically. Maybe that's what soma prevented (In Brave New World) ?
A Christian ministry urged the Supreme Court to criminalize homelessness -- Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2024:
I have no problem with people being homeless as long as they don't turn to stealing the public commons.
Catholic priest resigns after backlash involving his criticism of a gay author -- Frioendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2024:
Religions are all about teaching exclusion and bigotry. Love??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Monday April 22
racocn8 comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Tell me again why Barr hasn't been indicted for obstruction of justice ??? (killing cases related to Stone, Manafort, Trump's hush money case, Trump's Obstruction case from the Mueller Report, Trump's wrongdoing documented by the two impeachments, etc., etc.). How about Garland's indictment for failing to pursue Barr??? And failing to pursue all the Russian puppets in Congress that aided the insurrection???
Calling bigotry an opinion is like ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Bigotry may well be tutti fruity for most people; lots of flavors of hate mushed together....
I long for the day ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 22, 2024:
That is the goal. It's good to express it to align people's values and discussion.
What is the difference between a church sanctioned exorcism and a satanic exorcism?
racocn8 comments on Apr 21, 2024:
Good luck with that. I question whether you can stop priestly pedophilia with an exorcism or anything short of lobotomy.
What I'll remember about Daniel Dennett -- Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Apr 21, 2024:
Sorry to hear of Dennett's passing. He provided many hours of fascinating discourse. Kudo's to Dennett and Dawkins for keeping scientific truth as a priority over socio-political machinations.
Finally, a whisper of truth... []
racocn8 comments on Apr 20, 2024:
What do we do with a country full of traitors???
Happy 4/20 day!!!
racocn8 comments on Apr 20, 2024:
I had no idea they had teeth like that!!
Last Sunday, on ABC’s “This Week,” host George Stephanopoulos asked New Hampshire’s ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2024:
Sadly, the GOP is not over yet. However, they ARE a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Vladimir Putin and the GRU. Their treason should be answered with the stated punishment for spies and traitors. We will likely need to establish a new form of citizenship that excludes their kind until they can prove otherwise.
Looks like another juror made it to the panel. 😜
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2024:
The evidence speaks for itself, so Democrats don't need to sneak on the jury. The bigger problem comes from those seeking to get be one of the 12 to do jury nullification.
This is what I've been talking about! []
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2024:
Immigration will be the main issue in Trump's election bid, even though the GOP has tabled the immigration law offered by the Democrats. The GOP stokes this fear and hatred to galvanize their base. However, this is likely a smokescreen for the campaign of cheating planned at the state level. Trump can only win by cheating and that is his MO. Look how many ways he sought to cheat in 2020 and you can be sure the GRU has been working on more. He only needs to kick the election into the House of Representatives and disregard the actual election results. The Supreme Court will back him, whatever he does. And yeah, Texas has a problem with guns. But also, the DOJ has gone completely bonkers in letting Trump do all the stuff he does. Where's the indictment for Barr's obstruction of justice? Or the charges developed by Mueller? Our government is a shell, a bluff to distract us from the parade of inequities forced on all of us by the ultra-rich. We really are on our own, and anarchy (and Putin) have descended on us.
Don't have a good feeling about this
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2024:
Speaking of nightmares...
Available immediately, Iranian real estate agent
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2024:
He hates this photo. You know what to do.
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2024:
I guess I'm not that surprised he was a blob even then. I could reference his reputed sexual proclivities...
racocn8 comments on Apr 15, 2024:
Enjoy Trump's forced presence in the courtroom. That's the only penalty he'll suffer from this trial. Biden might be better than Trump, but where are the Federal Indictments for Obstruction of Justice against Barr and Garland for delaying everything as much as Trump wanted? DOJ, Where Are You? MIA or mired in political corruption? Where's the IG to investigate waiving Stone's charges? Biden is the Good Cop in the Deep State's war against the rest of us. Dead America stinks of death's corruption.
There's nothing more beautiful than ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 14, 2024:
Unless you burn it down and let the ground go fallow...
As Terry Pratchett once remarked, "we used to say a lie was halfway round the world before the truth...
racocn8 comments on Apr 14, 2024:
"According to polling by The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research last December, 57 percent of Gazans believe the Oct. 7 attacks were justified while 37 percent said they were not right. On the West Bank, an astonishing 82 percent said Hamas was right. Perhaps most chilling, more than 90 percent of all Palestinians said they did not believe Hamas committed atrocities on Oct. 7."
There we go!!!
racocn8 comments on Apr 14, 2024:
Don't get your hopes up. Trump has too many allies all willing to provide protection in one form or other. It is sick and sickening.
Berlin deploys 900 police officers to Arrests Jewish Activists for being anti-semitic as it Shuts ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
Iranian propaganda has successfully brainwashed broad swaths of the population.
Louisiana High Court: Priests have a "right" not to be sued over decades-old abuse -- Friendly ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
I hope the victims will take justice into their own hands since the government has been bought off.
In Denmark, they pay you to go to college ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
It used to be nearly free here. I never paid more than $250 per term. It was $107 when I started.
If this doesn't prove that he a humble servant of god, I don't know what will?
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
Except that Christians are totally OK with rape and child abuse, except when anyone else does it.
The gospel of Mark ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
That cannot happen often enough.
Christianity in the United States doesn't need more political power ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
It needs to go.
One person's forced childhood experience with a therapist.
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
I have no love for therapists given how they fucked up my marriage. I'm sure a few out there are good. People are disasters for the most part though. Some people have to pay to have a human listen to their shit.
Mike Johnson isn't very popular amongst the Ukraine army.
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
Don't they have any assassins they can activate here? (Since our military loves Putin that much)
Reverand Trump is dying for his followers
racocn8 comments on Apr 12, 2024:
The Evangelicals have way more sin than can be propitiated by Trump. His so-called sacrifice cannot come soon enough. I have my spear ready to deflate that blimp...
Elections have consequences
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2024:
The Evangelicals gladly sell out their country to spite the rest of the country. Truly Fake Americans.
Minority Rule Is Threatening American Democracy Like Never Before – Mother Jones
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2024:
The Constitution and our form of government have always been fatally flawed. Nowhere, anywhere is there a mandate to oppose corruption. We don't even honor that notion in our social structure. it isn't a goal nor a hope. The propensity of evil people to use mafia methods to accumulate wealth is the rule rather than the exception, and society is encouraged to admire that evil. And then there's religion...
Today's society ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2024:
For that to be accurate, the two assholes at the other end would be busy making more holes in the bottom, and getting help from a shark waiting for them all.
How else is it possible?
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2024:
She's already in her body bag...
Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity...
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2024:
Lesseee, this is the same Vatican that aided the genocide in Rwanda? That really gives them standing in all matters moral...
Trump voter would vote for Putin because "morality..." []
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2024:
It turns out that psychopaths are easy to brainwash.
Trickle-down economics is a fraud.
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2024:
Another celebrity clothes-horse to distract the masses and gum-up the works. Corruption incarnate.
Lets get this right and call them out every time they call social security or medicare an ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2024:
Tell me the name of one billionaire who is fit, deserving, and competent to possess a thousand million dollars.
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: April 8 - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2024:
If I won the lottery, I would start the billionaire lottery. Yesterday...
The current state of science on social media ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2024:
A long-time member of my discussion group has built his own company making testing equipment for the biotech industry. He's extremely bright and knowledgeable but he is also conservative and given to getting his news from RT and Fox. Last year, he started claiming that the vaccines would cause an outbreak of autoimmune diseases. It made absolutely no sense and I couldn't believe that he'd repeat bullshit without checking it out. Later, I learned that this was a conspiracy theory being put out by a bunch of wacko Canadian doctors. I felt fury over his lack of integrity. What do you do to get people to be honest?
I just want ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2024:
Here is the proof that the Air Force is lying about UFO’s. Their recent UFO report is the Condign Report. Capt. Robert Salas states that the Air Force withheld the UFO files relating to ICBM interference and that this was done to enable the Condign Report to then make the claim that UFO incidents were not assessed to represent a threat to National Security. The Air Force self-censored their intel from their own committee to obtain the desired result, which has recently been parroted by that lying sack of shit, Sean Kirkpatrick of Nasa's AARO.
Trump lost in 2020, then he tried to "cheat" to overturn the election results, which is just a part ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2024:
He will cheat in this election, again by every way that the GRU can think of. Are we supposed to imagine that the FBI or DOJ will do anything to stop him? I am so tired of the GOP tearing down the country to maintain their corruption...
I hear that it could bite you if you used his version
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
I've seen a lot of videos on Tictoc and they seem OK. However, my friend has her own algorithm and she gets really toxic propaganda. The Information Poisoning is awful; she immediately gets brainwashed!!! I can see why they had the Congressional inquiries. I understand the notion of free speech, but demonstrable lies and disinformation should be taxed heavily for a start.
Therefore, you must tip
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Revving up and preparing my tossing arm...
Calm down people...
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Please, Please, Please, Rapture them now??? (They smell something awful)
Unfortunately true...
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
That might well be happening for real to some extent. (I wouldn't mind if they abducted Trump, but I'd love to see the exsanguination and mutilation.)
A clarification is needed
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Why does it matter?
Very special people
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Utter fools who believe Genesis is literal and won't admit Moses never existed either. And super-arrogant assholes embracing the worst of patriarchy. And, and, and,...
Open government
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Would that we had that much transparency...
Someday my princess will appear before me. ❤️
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2024:
After a disastrous horrid marriage and decades of searching for a partner, I cannot imagine my luck. I feel like I hit the lottery and I have. It's too great!!! Don't stop searching. It's worth it!!!
Keep expectations low
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2024:
From a helpful neighbor
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
Some thoughts on the trans movement, and I'm pretty sure “movement” is the right word.
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
There's a lot of trauma out there and a corresponding amount of toxicity seeking to rationalize the fallout from that trauma. It's exhausting to contemplate. It seems that a considerable percent of people seeking to transition have severe depression which does not necessarily go away after transition. However, the trans movement has a lot of money behind it and exacerbates people's preexisting confusion.
My county has declared a State of Emergency for Monday. Why?
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
Please, if only. Let them all go to their Valhalla. Can't they'd do the Jonestown thing...
He has proof
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
That's a shit-stain if I ever saw one...
Yeah, that's usually how it works.
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
And the tighter you clench your fist, the more star systems will slip through your fingers..." (Leia to Vader, SW1)... Meaning, as Christian Fascists try to retain their power, the more the churches will empty out...
And I’ll be standing in that line for as long as it takes
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
We should be so lucky...
Christian woman admits she was fired from Starbucks for being an anti-LGBTQ bigot -- Friendly ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
...but be warned: Trump and MAGA are all in with the 2025 Christian fascist movement and their plans are to dismember the U.S. as we know it and institute a Christian theocracy police state enforced via martial law. They have it all planned out and while we're trying to grasp what happened next year, they'll be enacting the Fourth Reich with Trump as Hitler. THIS IS HAPPENING NOW!!!!
A change of plans
racocn8 comments on Apr 5, 2024:
She'll tell her crabs to stand down...
The For Sale ad in the Penny Saver (Billionaire's Edition) stays.
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
The Supreme Court has a ugly, wretched history up until the 60's. The GOP have restored it to its former shame and decrepitude. The behavior is so offensive, it may force the Democrats to do something. Their conduct has been just as seditious as Trump's and some evidence indicates Putin is behind some of it, plus he supports the Heritage Foundation...
AI is brutal
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
Yikes. I only recognize The Rock and Will Smith. Is that Steve Buscemi?
Find your favorite movie! I found mine (this post belongs here. Trust me 😀 )
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
I'd invite others to post a few of their favorite movies that didn't make the list above. I'll start: Oklahoma Damn Yankees It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Contact John Wick Forbidden Planet
Is it true about Area 51 that there are extra terrestial specimens hidden and space researches going...
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
A few people have said that is true. They appear to have a large number of contractors flying in and out from Las Vegas to support such a research effort. The statements by David Grusch make the claim that such research has been going on. Why do you ask? This '' group appear indifferent or hostile to this subject. You may enjoy looking at the posts here:
Follow me for more useful tips
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
You forgot the Italian eyeball...
You are completely entitled to opinions that are not supported by evidence ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
One becomes a liar when you lie to yourself and choose to 'believe' what is obviously doubtful.
6% of scientists are republican ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
When you are a fake Christian ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
The better to pick pockets with..
Robin still has words of wisdom.
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
That may be the downside to high brilliance...
I also remember having to go out to turn the antenna so that we could pick up the 3rd channel that ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
I remember being the first to get a color TV in the neighborhood and inviting the neighbors in on Sunday night to watch Disney (& feeding them home-made pizza). Maybe late 50's or early 60's.
I’ve been away; what has the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) been telling us?
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
I keep seeing articles about astronomers claiming that the smudges are fully formed galaxies. and that they don't understand how they could form that quickly after the Big Bang. I believe they recently imaged a powerful quasar.
Did you miss it?
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
Is he cut?
Trump's new fund raising
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
It would be a crime against Humanity if Trump survived to that age.
Richard Dawkins says Christianity is "fundamentally decent," but Islam "is not" -- Friendly ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
I think Dawkins is closer to the truth than the article's author. Islam and Christianity certainly suffer from the same horrific bigotry, immorality and nonsense. However, Christianity HAS evolved in the last 5 centuries while Islam has not. Meaning that the evolved sensibilities of modern culture have been adopted by Christian believers to a much greater degree than by Islamic believers. Islam left its mathematics and art behind and does little to encourage flourishing of creativity or inventiveness. Islam still provides for slavery, female genital mutilation, honor killing, justice by amputation, stoning and the mindsets that allow all that.
There were three young ladies from Birmingham And this is the scandal concerning 'em They lifted ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Spoken from experience no doubt...
Religion, the enemy of progress.
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
I don't think we have any chance of winning this one unless we can find a cure.
I'd pretty much forgotten this movie, it's even preSimpsons.
racocn8 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Oh? The spirits of the deplorables has been broken? Poor, poor deplorables. Everyone's been so mean to them. Even Rodney Dangerfield got more respect. It's the disappointment of the entitled not being able to lynch or rape slaves anymore... It wouldn't take much to replace them. Hell, no one would miss them at all, at all, at all....
Christians erect (another) $240,000 cross in Mississippi -- Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
They like burning crosses so much, indulge them...
Trump said once he looked like Elvis
racocn8 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
He likely smells the same...
Hard pass Auntie Griselda….
racocn8 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
And yet I've heard people who swear by it. Different strokes...
He has Risen and has a message
racocn8 comments on Mar 29, 2024:
Patient Zero. Too fitting.
We was in love
racocn8 comments on Mar 29, 2024:
These are a pair of the brighter MAGAs.
Now that trump is hawking bibles, I hear that he now wants to be officially called the supreme ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
Whatever gets him the attention his illness tells him he needs.
For those who think Social Security is sacred and republicans wouldn't dare destroy it ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
They proclaim it, then deny it, then say it again. Can we just cancel social security in the red states? The same for abortion, mifepristone, birth control and all the other BS they think they want?
Random memes today!
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Lasagna: pack in that solanine...
Happy Easter everyone!!!
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Send that ghost back to the netherworlds, if not to hell (which would be most appropriate)
The new definition of chutzpa, how can anyone fall for this carnival barker bullshit.
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Religion is a con??? Nooooooooo
They are on sale. 🤣
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Coming sooner than we think? (Modest Proposal)
Yep she is fired already.
racocn8 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Now can they fire the neocon psychopath that hired her?
Religion isn't useless
racocn8 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Still a waste of ink, and insulting to the intelligence of every user.
19 Reasons Why Atheists Say They Don’t Believe in God by Jane Andrews How many do you agree ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
All of the above. I'd also mention that the character of believers often leaves much to be desired (ill-tempered, sexually repressed, naieve, willfully ignorant, and a lot more...
racocn8 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
I wish the US would deal with the Saudi Arabia dictatorship as they did with Iraq. And this time, yeah, they can have the oil.


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17 members
16 members
Herbalists Corner
16 members
Everything Beauty
15 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
People Who Need People
11 members
Truth Seekers
11 members
The Plague
8 members
Goodness without godness
6 members
Workplace issues
4 members
Community Senate
382 members