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Traffic safety is very important
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
Constipated much?
As a trans person ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
Iff that's what's really going on. Much of the time, there's a lot more...
Ah... The fragrance of freedom
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
Being forced to empty ones bank account without any sexual compensation hardly seems fair...
Quoted in a comment already but worth repeating.
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
The problem comes when people insist on sticking with the god explanation for the gap. Even when truth, honesty and rationality become easily available, they insist of sticking with the god that obstructs their growth as sentient beings.
"It is a talent of the weak to persuade themselves that they suffer for something when they suffer ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
John/Revelations sounds a lot like Trump... (negative, disparaging, projecting and threatening) (Are the Hoffer quotes from The True Believer?)
No chance but I'd love to see them squirm.
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
By their corrupt rulings against their own oaths and against the welfare of the country, the conservative six all deserve to be summarily removed, either by invitation or by force. They more than merit Putin's window exit, and that would be appropriate given their allegiance...
Not seen much these days
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
Probably a healthier habit...
Homes near St.
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
I understand that the environment around Hanford has all sorts of contamination as wildlife has picked up radioactive material and then taken it back out to the surrounding region.
Conservatives struggle to find legal avenues against Biden’s revamped student debt relief -- ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
I was accepted to a UP immunology graduate program being told over the phone that I would receive tuition and a stipend. After driving across the country, I registered with the administration. Only then did they admit that it was not a stipend, but a loan. The conditions were that no repayment would be required if I stayed with the program for 3 years and completed it. After a year and a half, I got blackballed by a sociopathic professor and was then on the hook to pay everything back. Amazingly, Ted Kennedy passed legislation that loosened the terms of such "loans" so that 'related' activity (working for an industrial hygiene company) could be counted as payback. I was very grateful not to have the injustice of academic abuse be compounded by their fraud.
Mitch the bitch, burn it down and leave
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
MOSCOW Mitch... May history record his evil treason accurately...
Happy Birthday "meat head"! Rob Reiner's birthday in today, March 6, 1947.
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
Norman Lear's All In The Family did much to dissuade the would-be fascist bigots. Giant kudos to Reiner, Lear and company for their work.
In god we doubt ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
"No god worth trusting"
horsing around
racocn8 comments on Mar 5, 2024:
That sun is just hanging in the sky...
It has come to this...
racocn8 comments on Mar 5, 2024:
Language is fluid. Most of what people say doesn't matter. Intent is the salient message...
The larda$$ of Mar-A-Lardo currently owes 88.
racocn8 comments on Mar 5, 2024:
That may hurt, but no amount of pain could be inflicted that would serve justice.
Jesus is advertising
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
I can't wait to see the flaming sword, spewing white lightening and living water that splits sinners asunder...
Today March 4th, we celebrate what would have been the 92nd Birthday of an old friend of mine and ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
When I was in single digits, I got a couple of Ed Roth model hot rod kits to assemble with airplane glue... (although I mainly had the monster model kits...)
Inoffensive pancake syrup.
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
I strongly recommend the docudrama movie "Trumbo". It depicts how Wayne and others helped blacklist people for the thought-crime of considering communism as an economic model. I don't give communism any credence, but I strongly oppose what the phony defenders of democracy did with HUAC. Was it ever more than virtue signaling and fund-raising?
Lidocaine makes cancer cells self-destruct, study finds Lidocaine, a common local anesthetic, ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
Thanks very much for that. Remarkable.
My first abusive relationship was with god ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
Trauma Bonding can come from the church generally and from its 'patriarchs' more specifically.
Prayer is just ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
Prayer is wishing. Prayer is the same as wishing and hope, except that prayer embraces the selfish and egomaniac that believe they are talking to God Almighty who will consider CHANGING his divine plan for the believer's benefit. Those that wish or hope... - they don't imagine they can manipulate their personal deity to manifest their selfishness.
So many different religions...
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
And not one of them came up with evolution which is known to be true. (Plus, evolution invalidates several of those belief systems!)
The words atheist and agnostic conjure up a number of different perceptions and meanings.
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
And if you have multiple voices in your head (like me) you can believe in more than one quadrant. And the arguments can get intense...
Me with my bullshit to brighten your day! 😂😂😂😂
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
Is that the Pepe version of Garfield?
So much for the idea of voting Democratic in order to get "progressive" justices on SCOTUS.
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
"Hello, Seal Team Six...."
Inoffensive pancake syrup.
racocn8 comments on Mar 4, 2024:
Racists are often oblivious to their own bigotry, but make that choice...
Alcohol-related deaths in U.
racocn8 comments on Mar 3, 2024:
A considerable portion of people with mental illness display "anti-social" behaviors. Thus, it is hard not to correlate mental health problems with violent or abusive people. Alcohol often brings on these behaviors. People with behavioral problems impose a huge toll on society and because it's so pervasive, society chooses to look the other way. Keeping these problems going also serves the interests of the powerful, who use psychotics as pawns and are usually problematic themselves.
Let's think of some shoe names, shall we? Just spitballin' here, all input welcome.
racocn8 comments on Mar 2, 2024:
My name is Chuck.
racocn8 comments on Mar 2, 2024:
Do they sometimes call you "Buffalo Bill"?
How to get rid of proselytizers. Here's my method.
racocn8 comments on Mar 2, 2024:
Slip in a fresh clip.
FetLife in heavens. Please suggest good captions.
racocn8 comments on Mar 2, 2024:
And he poofed himself 9 more dicks so he'd get the full effect...
Take all the time you need...
racocn8 comments on Mar 1, 2024:
Where's my magnifying glass...?
Getting stiffed again...
racocn8 comments on Mar 1, 2024:
Congratulations. You can finally have your way with her. Necrophilia is often indistinguishable anyway...
I miss kinky churches
racocn8 comments on Mar 1, 2024:
More like "Living Facial Lutheran Church..."
Here is an essay coming to you from one of the most dangerous places on our planet at the present ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 29, 2024:
The beachhead that Putin has established is deep and broad. Greed is the weakness of the West and of Christian Nationalists especially. Apparently, the infiltration has penetrated the DOD and Intelligence agencies; the Russians have leveraged their previous loyalty to the Republican Party even as the Party has been taken over by Putin's Trump. Even the MSM is complicit, preferring the profit made by shaping the election into a horserace when Trump wouldn't have a chance. It's easier to destroy than to build, and almost the whole of US government and society has given in to the Russian plan of sabotage, corruption and division. It's working and only a few have the guts to say what's really going on. Everyone is into plausible deniability, what-aboutism and looking the other way. It's so much easier when everyone becomes shameless...
Artificial intelligence is plagiarism software
racocn8 comments on Feb 29, 2024:
Yeah, Chomsky is such a world-class expert on neural function and AI... Hell, he's almost on par with Deepak Chopra.
racocn8 comments on Feb 28, 2024:
Those voting uncommitted were the ones cheering 9/11. And it's unlikely they care about women's rights nor maintaining a democracy free from fascism...
“Think of how stupid the average person is, then realise half of them are stupider than ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 28, 2024:
It's a joke.
7 + 3 + 2 = 211432; 9 + 2 + 4 = 183652; 8 + 6 + 3 = 482466; 5 + 4 + 5 = 202541; what is 7 + 9 + ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 28, 2024:
It’s far worse than just the space lasers.
racocn8 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
I would love it if all the evangelicals stopped using any satellite service. Maybe the internet will be next?
The Guardian have written a good article about Julian Assange’s situation.
racocn8 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
Assange received the fruits of Russian hacking. The release benefitted Trump significantly. Assange used zero judgment except the hope of embarrassing the US regardless of consequences. It is quite possible that people helping the US were killed as is often the case when sensitive information gets leaked. For the million Americans that died because of Trump's incompetence, Assange more than deserves his day in court. One can call it journalism and free speech, or it can be shouting fire in a crowded theater. Actions should have consequences.
A guy in Texas told me that he would never date a Biden supporter or a Democrat.
racocn8 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
The Addams Family are anything but delusional liars. Okay, pathological.
Trump Family Seizes Control of Republican National Committee At the insistence of the Republican ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
We need to figure out a way to fully destroy the Republican Party. They are Putin-supporting traitors and should be exposed as such. (I know, in my dreams). Still, I wish we could develop a plan to make sure they stay dead.
California school board member claims Satanists are worse than literal Nazis -- Friendly Athesit
racocn8 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
Some rich irony here considering that the "Good News" club is based on Christianity just as the KKK and Nazis were Christianity-based entities, and all dedicated to identifying 'others' to be disposed of.
House conservative demands stall efforts to avert shutdown -- The Hill
racocn8 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
Johnson's involvement with the Russians may make him more pliable... (maybe)
We live in the new Twilight Zone...
racocn8 comments on Feb 27, 2024:
C'mon. Several of the episodes centered on the Cold War, WWIII and MAD.
Could You Be a Chimera? - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Feb 26, 2024:
This may also be referred to as allopathy. Beatrice Mintz performed experments mixing embryos at the blastula stage to test how many cells it took to produce various organs.
He who knows all the answers ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 26, 2024:
In other words, know-it-alls are a bore. (However, the scientific discipline came after Confucius and that instructs those who aspire to learning that: "The more you know, the more you don't know, so practice humility."
Please wait, she won't be long.
racocn8 comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Is it long enough now?
Yesterday, I was having a meltdown because I couldn't access online banking.
racocn8 comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Praying is as much virtue signaling to others as it is to their god.
How vaccine hesitancy is contributing to rising rates of measles and COVID | PBS News Weekend
racocn8 comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Go Darwin...
Why Trump Is Getting Slammed Now - Markin Report
racocn8 comments on Feb 26, 2024:
What remains stunning is how Republican lying and believing lies is now their way of virtue signaling, distinguishing "us" from "them." Maybe they've always done it, but Trump enabled them to take it to a whole new level.
The only thing wrong with nudity ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 26, 2024:
The problem is what is potentially right about nudity...
Trump's Roman holiday, America's nightmare
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
What is the lawsuit in the last cartoon?
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
My understanding is that they won't be delivered for some months.
A big problem of the situation is Israel are the settlers In Gaza are coming down on the ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
"According to polling by The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research last December, 57 percent of Gazans believe the Oct. 7 attacks were justified while 37 percent said they were not right. On the West Bank, an astonishing 82 percent said Hamas was right. Perhaps most chilling, more than 90 percent of all Palestinians said they did not believe Hamas committed atrocities on Oct. 7."
My name is Chuck.
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
Why limit yourself to a "white"??
I fell into a deep sleep;upon awakening,I was possessed by a feeling of peace such as I had not ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
We are all in a gravity well, at least...
Ideal for large picnics and driving on flooded roads
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
Darwin, you're up...
Now new and improved, designed by urologists
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
I suspect they hoped they could use this for women, but the ejected torrent splashes outside a conventional toilet much less the pictured urinal...
When Scientists “Discover” What Indigenous People Have Known For Centuries -- Smithsonian
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
In this video a hawk pounces on a rabbit. Moments later, perhaps in response to the rabbits cries, a deer runs out of the forest to 'save' the rabbit. (Bambi and Thumper?). The deer stomps on the hawk until it lets go of the rabbit, but then continues to stomp on it until it is dead. The deer knows: 1) The hawk would remain a threat to the rabbit, thus the need to actually kill it. 2) Death is distinguished by a cessation of movement.
Never lie to someone who trusts you ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
The problem comes when you're married to someone who starts lying to you.
New word. Evangenitals ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 25, 2024:
How about "Evangeputins"? Or maybe "Evangefascists"? I think I've seen "Christofascists".
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto 5 in D Major BWV 1050 Laurence Cummings, FestspielOrchester Göttingen
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
Low-IqAnon Member of congress Demands Judge Get Naked as a Punishment for Trump Fraud Verdict ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
I'd like to see her interred.
I don't know what prompted me to think this, but my uncle and aunt have three daughters, meaning ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
Why is that? (other than just yanking on the end and using what comes off...)
Jury Finds LaPierre and NRA Diverted Millions in NRA Donations to Personal Use A New York jury ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
The Russians have used the NRA to launder their bribes and will surely continue to do so.
Trump takes the Manchurian Candidate idea to a whole new level.
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
And somehow conservatives like Ramirez are totally OK with that. What did the US ever do to the Christians to elicit their treason?
Sorry, it had to come to this
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
Just say like it is
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
Ahh, but where is the ring???
Certainly explains a lot
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
The Evangelicals have no compunction against selling out the Country to Putin in the naively false hope of getting a theocracy in exchange. Putin is as Christian as Trump.
Originalist Gangters
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
I'm hoping that decision will be one of the last nails in the coffin... (though probably not until Obergefell).
After non-binary teen's death, lawmaker says Christians don't "want that filth" in Oklahoma -- ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
In a way, I hope they keep that shit going because the younger generations won't put up with it.
Frederic Chopin’s Etude opus 25 1 is commonly known as Aeolian Harp and alternatively The ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
My favorite is...
Another designer line from you know who....
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
No. Too many rape kits waiting for confirmation...
Confucius says.
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
...didn't know they had cars back then..
racocn8 comments on Feb 24, 2024:
"Blood in the Eye" meaning: A furiously vengeful disposition. Yeah, that describes Jesus quite well.
It's far better to be ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
Unless you are in bad company when you are alone...
A out Alabama Part 2
racocn8 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
Pro-life? Tell me what aspect of a frozen embryo is living? (...which are stored at -321° Fahrenheit (-196.1° Celsius))
Attention Peeps, new research is out
racocn8 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
(and a million actually dead Americans from Covid incompetence)
What makes a happy relationship
racocn8 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
AI will take care of that... (and it looks like you could do with an upgrade...)
How to Avoid Allergies and Happily Pet Cats
racocn8 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
Good luck finding the money for a clinical trial. One might be able to nurture suppressor T-cells to block an allergic response, but finding a universal factor that would work on everyone? I recall that one lab was getting some success by putting the antigen in polyethylene glycol and injecting it. That was 40 years ago.
A cause worth fighting for
racocn8 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
What??? Incels are demanding lesbians to date them? Talk about projection... How about we offer free gelding?
I just ordered it!!!
racocn8 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
And it spins progressively faster...
Fox host claims Black voters will back Trump because they 'love sneakers' "Benign" racist reason ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 22, 2024:
That was my first thought when I heard about it...
You won't believe it... like magic
racocn8 comments on Feb 22, 2024:
Gonna need a couple of towel rolls to remove that much shit.
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.
racocn8 comments on Feb 22, 2024:
Wonderful ambrosia for the ear. The beauty brings tears of joy. The story reminds me of how Brahms ordered a mass of his studies burned, assuming they were too crude to be heard. Shall we not learn from the mistakes of others?
A mind once stretched ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
I usually don't appreciate finding out how thoroughly wrong I was. Sometimes it takes a while to adjust...
Human leg found abandoned on New York Subway track
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Subway sandwich?
I know we're gonna win
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Please, Eey-wah, do your thing...
Family of Canadian idiots move to Russia to "get away from teh Gays.
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Is there no way to force them to stay? They deserve it.
James Webb telescope finds ancient galaxy larger than our Milky Way, and it's threatening to upend ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
The finding jibes with discovery of supermassive black holes early on. Cosmologists don't have a good model to explain how either can develop in a short time after the Big Bang. Maybe gravity was a lot stronger somehow? Or maybe something else is out there to generate extreme gravity and pull matter together?
FDA approves 1st-of-its-kind treatment for severe food allergies []
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
I had an idea for allergies which was to create bivalent monoclonal antibodies, one for IgE and one for the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The two would be present on nascent IgE and the antibody would signal the body to kill these cells. That way, the population of IgE-producing cells never develop and the IgE never made. (The IgE gets extruded and attaches to Mast Cells. When antigen triggers the mast cells, they extrude cytokines (histamine and epinephrine) that cause the ill-effects.
Afraid of nothing ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Simple minded and mostly unconscious. Likely lobotomized by his religion.
Everything hangs on one's thinking ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
If only. Brain chemistry has unlimited subtleties and can go awry for a multitude of reasons. Seneca's statement comes from a naivete of the latter and the good fortune not to have problems.
Just say no to Atheist Toast..!
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Wait, I see Jesus...
Rick Wiles thinks that ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 20, 2024:
A good example of the boundary of acceptable free speech. Personally, I think lies should be taxed, especially if told by the wealthy, especially including corporations. Lies damage society and people should be able to sue for societal defamation.
racocn8 comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Now what did I do with that daisy-cutter...
I hear banjoes' in the background...
racocn8 comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Starter fuel for the bonfire...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
racocn8 comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Really. Who do you think elected Trump in 2016?


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