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Does Objective Evidence for God Exist?
RussRAB comments on Dec 12, 2021:
Einstein's and Spinoza's conception of God is my preferred concept of deity - that God was the sum total of all that exists. I might go a step farther and assert that the "Spirit of God" is what animates the universe as we might say that the Spirit of an individual is what animates that individual. ...
racocn8 replies on Dec 12, 2021:
@skado As science is dedicated to actual truth, the second choice is mandated: "...the science-minded accept the burden of forever being the minority who stand by the evidence." The stupidity of the rest is, necessarily the default to being dedicated to actual truth.
Does Objective Evidence for God Exist?
racocn8 comments on Dec 12, 2021:
Were that so, then God would be equivalent to the Universe. The only possible difference is that people interpret God as having agency and somehow modifying what goes on. That has never been documented. If God exists, it is not the god of religion, but something quite different. What we refer to...
racocn8 replies on Dec 12, 2021:
@skado In order for the universe to be God, it must have more than the ability to act. it must have the ability to REACT. As noted, the claims of reaction, again, modifying what goes on, has never been documented. The essence of atheism is that agency on the part of God is not apparent.
"So many women have been seeking assistance to get abortions outside of Texas that one group that ...
BufftonBeotch comments on Dec 12, 2021:
How long until some right wing yahoo resorts to violence and murder to enforce the "Right to Life" Again?
racocn8 replies on Dec 12, 2021:
Probably 20 years ago I heard a presentation by a fellow who, as a member of anti-abortion groups, learned of a plot to mass murder obstetricians at a conference. He advised the FBI and averted the disaster.
Miss you, Chris!
ChurchLess comments on Dec 12, 2021:
racocn8 replies on Dec 12, 2021:
He was brilliant, hilarious, insightful and highly literate.
Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī was an Arab philosopher, poet, and writer.
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
If only that were true. It is confounding that many intelligent people remain fervent believers. The segregation of religious belief from knowledge and understanding seems paradoxical. Shame on them for not applying critical thinking to their childish delusions.
racocn8 replies on Dec 10, 2021:
@St-Sinner There are different kinds and definitions of intelligence. A person who reveals that they are true believers demonstrates deep ignorance and a lack of curiosity. That such people manage to obtain advanced degrees speaks to the specialization of training.
How to atheists return to religion? I don't understand
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Returning to religion, especially Christianity, is an extremely common lie Christians tell each other. It is like so many other lies and just so stories they use to occupy their empty lives. If you ever run into one, ask them the definition of an atheist. They'll always give you the incorrect ...
racocn8 replies on Dec 9, 2021:
@Storm1752 "I doubt many people, except atheists themselves, can see much real difference between the two definitions." That was my point. I suggest, however, that much of the debate exists because the Christians promote the wrong definition; only rarely does it come from real atheists. Atheists who do claim god doesn't exist usually are referring to the Christian god, and that assertion has the support of science and academic study. Glossing over these differences may its motivations, but it is not a reasoned position.
Two good ones…
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
And what happened to the DOJ's prosecution of Trump for the crimes detailed in the Mueller Report. Mueller testified that Trump could be prosecuted upon leaving office. The DOJ and FBI have been corrupted by partisanship. THAT is what needs to be investigated.
racocn8 replies on Dec 8, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy ...and the Mueller Report does not get into any of Trump's financial crap, and tiptoes around the unabashed collusion, treason, and 2016 election subversions that became obvious. The US has already fallen, but everyone thinks something is still left.
Lauren Boebert Posts Christmas Photo of Young Sons Brandishing Assault Weapons Just a little ...
Ryo1 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
I don't understand their mentality. It's beyond me, honestly. The photo looks very odd to me. I can't relate.
racocn8 replies on Dec 8, 2021:
Deep, saturating paranoia. God fearing really means fear of libs.
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Answer: We don't. Therefore, the Resolution was an exercise in futility and a waste of time. but I'm sure everyone felt better afterwards. And isn't feeling better all that matters? Humanity is such a joke.
racocn8 replies on Dec 7, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose How? I would say some likely avenues would be in the realm of game theory, and having an understanding of balancing principles applied - - something like the checks and balances idealized in the US Constitution, and the notion of pareto optimums, but fully updated to take advantage of modern mathematics and artificial intelligence. We need to update our governments and administrations to compel equitable outcomes. Maybe these new human structures are developed on a small scale that then grows somehow. How do we mitigate the rampant insanity that saturates our existing cultures? Might it not be moral to forcibly deprive people of their stupidity? That stupidity is an existential threat, and some may feel obliged to save Humanity in spite of itself. All the roads lead to hell.
It was inspiring — really inspiring.
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Yet how quickly that respect is brushed away by Wokeist hate-mongering...
racocn8 replies on Dec 7, 2021:
@Monsignor Unfortunately you have misunderstood my comment - - not hard to do because it was intentionally cryptic. Dawkins is a famous biologist and a famous atheist. However, in the course of stimulating discussion, Dawkins drew the ire of certain trans activists. Ever since, a campaign has developed to disrespect Dawkins, and more than a few people have been successfully propagandized/brainwashed against Dawkins. Being Woke is not all bad, nor all good. The contrived campaign against Dawkins is certainly bad. Shame, shame, shame on the authors who write that drivel, presumably because they have been bribed to do so. I see this as being very much along the lines of the smear campaign conducted against Lawrence Krauss. Curiously, Dawkins and Krauss spent a great deal of time together, working a lecture circuit together. Actually, it is not surprising that they should both be attacked, precisely because they both promote perspectives abhorred by certain wealthy and corrupt interests.
I think the abortion debate is putting the cart before the horse because we have no widespread ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
We can clearly see that those who promote pro-life canards have no real interest in protecting human life. Abortion has never been anything more than a gimmick to corral the sheep. It should not be afforded serious discussion because it is insincere to begin with. Only those unwilling and incapable ...
racocn8 replies on Dec 7, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay The immorality of imposing restrictions on abortions is not undetermined. Women are all too familiar with the consequences, sickness, death, impoverishment, which they usually bear alone. But this indifference or outright hostility against women fully fits with the abuse and hatred Christian religion holds for women, and which they, in their moral wisdom, ignore.
Who’d like to see this!!
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 6, 2021:
I’d rather see him 6 feet under, and his spawn locked up for decades!
racocn8 replies on Dec 6, 2021:
If there were a god, he'd have died from covid. The problem is everyone supporting him deserves punishment.
Richard Dawkins Urges People to Sign “Declaration” Opposing Trans Rights | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Obviously religionists have no monopoly on being gullible. SJW's, ugh, spare me... Critical thinking is to be used, people. (Let anyone show where Dawkins said or did anything Transphobic. )
racocn8 replies on Dec 6, 2021:
@Diaco It's scary to think that adolescents would be allowed to mutilate their bodies because they had been socially influenced to do so. Most of these people have severe psychological problems (depression, etc.). Their decision-making capacity is not just naive and underdeveloped, it's compromised. The expression of gender is entirely artificial, a social role of dress and practice that has no real basis. Trans do everyone a favor by pointing this out, albeit indirectly.
Someone recently told me that they were smart which triggered my research into this subject.
Cast1es comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Just out of curiosity - Someone who is beautiful can be in beauty contests and proud to win , a sports figure can proudly claim to be a professional competitor , a highly educated person can proudly claim the title of doctor , so why is it wrong for a person who has been tested and proven to have a ...
racocn8 replies on Dec 5, 2021:
Like Trump?
Killtheskyfairy comments on Dec 5, 2021:
These Disney princesses always bugged me for this reason and the whole man rescues damsel in distress. This ridiculous storyline sets women up for repeated disappointment because ain’t no man going fix your problems if you can’t do it yourself.
racocn8 replies on Dec 5, 2021:
The Disney princesses have destroyed multiple generations of young women. Supposedly in penance, Disney has swung to the extreme in other directions, with predictably bad effects. And they still infantilize everyone. How amusing - - Not.
Who do you believe about Russiagate?
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
I believe the Mueller Report that says Trump's campaign had more than 100 contacts with Russian agents, some of them involving the provision of polling and demographic data which Russia then used to effectively deploy social media bots. Bannon and Manafort provided the data, and Flynn helped ...
racocn8 replies on Dec 4, 2021:
@JeffMurray I watched the video, but I didn't notice the link. I looked at it just now. The pattern of behavior, the litany of incidents should be convincing, unless one's mind is already made up. Looking the other way to install a traitor is the first hazing to brainwash fools into the cult. Trump may not be that smart, but Putin is. Only a few people on this site aren't serious idiots; seeing them betray their ignorance is chilling.
I know way too many people who call themselves pro-life yet refuse to wear a mask to protect their ...
bobwjr comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Hypocrisy thy name is religion
racocn8 replies on Dec 4, 2021:
Hypocrisy is the one, true, universal religion...
Pick one!!!
racocn8 comments on Dec 2, 2021:
How about none of the above....
racocn8 replies on Dec 3, 2021:
@TheoryNumber3 I will graciously accept your sentiment as well-meaning. May we find as much Truth as we can. Enjoy and celebrate every day, and every person who can receive it... Best wishes to you.
Can you interpret these pictograms?
FearlessFly comments on Dec 2, 2021:
1 Sandbox 2 Man on board 3 I understand 4 reading between the lines 5 long underwear 6 Crossroads 7 Downtown 8 Tricycle 9 split level 10 3 degrees below zero 11 neon lights 12 13 14 paradise 15 touchdown 16 five feet below the ground 17 mind over matter 18 he's beside himself 19 ...
racocn8 replies on Dec 2, 2021:
13 High Chair 21 GI Overseas
If you get caught in the act of Mass Murder—you get put to sleep.
racocn8 comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Can you be more specific?
racocn8 replies on Dec 1, 2021:
@Tourirst Trump is arguably guilty of mass murder by discouraging mask use and refusing to enact conventional health measures. Those measures would have reduced the Covid death toll by hundreds of thousands. Does he qualify, and if so, what can be done? So far, absolutely nothing.
QAnon Follower Writes Open Letter to Trump, Says Predictions Are False
Organist1 comments on Nov 30, 2021:
The whole country is a real $h!t show right now.
racocn8 replies on Nov 30, 2021:
It always was, but Trump flipped the rock over and now we see the underside.
New winter theme
racocn8 comments on Nov 28, 2021:
AH, Hell frozen over at last...
racocn8 replies on Nov 29, 2021:
I wonder how many people get that joke?
She must be a collector
St-Sinner comments on Nov 27, 2021:
She can peg the entire population of Texas.
racocn8 replies on Nov 28, 2021:
They're already at the apex of being anally retentive.
Ilhan Omar Blasts Lauren Boebert, Says She is Lying About Racist Elevator Story
racocn8 comments on Nov 26, 2021:
Yes, I'm afraid that I have no love for either one, and that's a scary thought. I'd really like to be able to say Boebert is worse...
racocn8 replies on Nov 26, 2021:
Okay,... Omar is better looking, and often knows when to keep her mouth shut. But I'm pretty sure she's just as bigoted as Boebert, albeit in different directions.
4 was shocking...I mourned Hodor!
racocn8 comments on Nov 24, 2021:
6. Christianity is surely the worst blight upon Humanity. Islam is very close or worse. I have no idea who 1-5 are. A reminder would be helpful.
racocn8 replies on Nov 24, 2021:
@Freespirit64 Okay, who are 3, 4, and 5?
Dennis Prager Says Unvaxxed Americans Biggest Pariahs Since Slavery - Rolling Stone
racocn8 comments on Nov 24, 2021:
Always the asshole. That's what they do. Covid find him, please...
racocn8 replies on Nov 24, 2021:
@AnneWimsey I sorta thought better of Prager; I didn't think he'd stoop to using outright hate-speech, but that is now the norm for MAGAs. Specifically, comparing slavery or the Holocaust to the inconveniences of fighting the pandemic. GQP actually only use the pandemic as an excuse to minimize the horrors of slavery and the Holocaust; it's a device for insulting Blacks and Jews, and thus to "own the libs." Prager claims to be a Jew, but he's certainly qualifies as scum by supporting inhumane conservative values.
In Charlottesville, the Nazis Were Finally Held to Account.
bobwjr comments on Nov 24, 2021:
A little justice for some
racocn8 replies on Nov 24, 2021:
Still not enough by a long shot.
A Star in a Bottle: The Quest for Commercial Fusion.
racocn8 comments on Nov 23, 2021:
How long will it take to construct commercially viable reactors? The benefit of having a clearly defined goal is that the process of construction yields insights and inventions of their own. This innovation has the potential to significantly shrink the size of the tokamaks. That enables, ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 23, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose It's interesting because the electromagnet uses a superconductor that has to be cooled, probably with liquid nitrogen. The superconductor is tricky because one must formulate a material that can be bent, starting with a brittle ceramic. Then the superconductor works by jamming a huge current through the superconductor to amplify the magnetic field, but because it's a superconductor, minimal heat is generated due to resistance. So much current is applied that the heat must still be drawn off by coolant to maintain the superconducting property. AFAIK
I’m starting to understand why people stop watching the news.
mischl comments on Nov 22, 2021:
I don't think it's the "news" that's going bad. But rather, our so-called "civilized" society is coming unglued. More and more people are becoming haters. It just FEELS like the Trump years started a downhill slide that continues even with him out of the White House.
racocn8 replies on Nov 22, 2021:
@KKGator, @Gwendolyn2018 Significant milestones in degradation might be: 1. Canceling the Fairness Doctrine 2. Rise of Rush Limbaugh and shock jocks 3. Rise of Newt Gingrich 4. Rise of Fox News 5. Rise of Russian and other foreign disinformation in social media.
Did Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen's Probe of JFK's Assassination Lead to Her Death? | HowStuffWorks
racocn8 comments on Nov 22, 2021:
I also suspect Jim Morrison was murdered.
racocn8 replies on Nov 22, 2021:
@Lorajay While drug users do die occasionally, nearly all of them prevent that from happening as a matter of experience and expertise. Far more often, death is due to some change, such as a change in the source of heroin which has a higher concentration. That is, again, unlikely for those with experience and the understanding of such hazards. Thus, those who have attained political or social notoriety may well be suspected of being the victim of foul play at the hands of those who strongly object to their views. Similarly, drug users recite the experience wherein police delay calling EMT's in order to assist their demise, which is depraved indifference in any other context. George Floyd and others, for example.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Democrats Planning Race War - Says ‘Stay Armed’ Rep.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 22, 2021:
What a fine representative she is to the 25% minority members of her district who, in all likelihood, didn’t vote for her! 🖕 What fascinates me is how people in this country seem to be like the proverbial frog in a pot of boiling water. How can people not see what the Republican party has ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 22, 2021:
@johnnyrobish I like the pundit's description of whites 'kicking down' to maintain their status. Some racism comes parents, some from church, plenty from Fox, and just plain fear. The colorful epithets of white fragility and white grievance do seem to capture much of the motive. Overall, the society recirculates assorted narratives that stoke hate and resentment.
It's the best system humans have yet devised so there has existed plenty of opportunity to find ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 22, 2021:
I suspect a lion's share of that innocent 10% are non-whites where the prosecutor knows they're innocent, but pursues them for his own political ambition. KR's case was rife with judicial misconduct and partisan manipulation.
racocn8 replies on Nov 22, 2021:
@rainmanjr I wouldn't have thought that anyone really believed OJ's defense. Did any particular argument seem persuasive? In KR's case, his actions, and those of his mother, resulted in two deaths, and a severe dismemberment. Whether judge, prosecutor or jury or laws need to be changed, he should face a serious penalty. For some charges, where truth is pivotal, but cannot be established, people could be questioned under sedation and/or monitored by an MRI, or at least given that choice, to determine guilt or innocence.
Society has a coldness to it now.
FearlessFly comments on Nov 22, 2021:
"when will cyborg mates be aviable" . . . did you mean 'be available' or 'be viable' ? :P (asking for a friend) :)
racocn8 replies on Nov 22, 2021:
It won't be hard to make robots that improve on what's available. Perhaps that will finally start the conversation about pursuing honorable behavior? If fembots contribute to lowering the birthrate, we won't be able to make them fast enough.
is the universe 13.8 billion years old no matter what direction we're detecting?
Charles1971 comments on Nov 19, 2021:
My brain can't hold the concept of 13.8 billion years. That's more than all of my fingers and toes combined.
racocn8 replies on Nov 22, 2021:
@David1955 @Wordywalt This may help...
Let’s go, Kyle!
bobwjr comments on Nov 22, 2021:
But OJ had money Kyle family not so much
racocn8 replies on Nov 22, 2021:
They can now get all the money they need from the MAGA-Klan.
Hollywood Squares Q & A... Q . Paul, what is a good reason for pounding meat?
DenoPenno comments on Nov 21, 2021:
Great answers and I miss that show. Paul Lynde was very funny. BTW the "Jackie Gleason recently revealed that he firmly belieives in them" was in regards to UFO's.
racocn8 replies on Nov 21, 2021:
One of the more intriguing 'stories' is that after a day of golf, Nixon brought Gleason onto a military base and showed Gleason some alien bodies.
racocn8 comments on Nov 20, 2021:
If there's money to be made in helping the conspiracies of the wingnuts... What does it matter whether it was a lab accident or it came from the wet market? What are you going to do with an assertion you cannot prove, and has strong evidence against it?
racocn8 replies on Nov 21, 2021:
@Moravian It will be great If the lab escape conspiracy theory encourages improved lab safety. On the other hand, partisans have retold the lab escape theory for political gain and to confuse the public. It started as propaganda and continued as disinformation, with zero evidence along the way, nor with any evidence against the strong genetic analysis that argued against lab escape.
Most people will say they will believe in UFO's when they see an alien body.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 20, 2021:
"Covered in plaster" Edited to reply to @racocn8: (so i don't have to join yet another Group) "diatomaceous earth" does Not turn into a plaster-looking substance. I have been using it in my pool pump & garden for over 40 years, it gets a bit clumpy when wet & then re-dries to a fine powder that ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 20, 2021:
The 'plaster' is the residual diatomaceous earth the specimens were buried in.
is the universe 13.8 billion years old no matter what direction we're detecting?
wordywalt comments on Nov 19, 2021:
That assumes that the universe has a starting time and point. Why assume that?
racocn8 replies on Nov 20, 2021:
@hankster It would be nice not to have to resort to the incomprehensible, but the reality is that just as our senses are limited, so is our ability to visualize. Beyond that caveat... The expansion is what we see. We also see the far infrared radiation believed to be the remnant energy glow from the Big Bang. These were mapped by COBE, the Cosmic Background Explorer, and it showed surprising uniformity of the Big Bang, which cosmologists have used to calibrate their models. I've heard the analogy of points on a balloon expanding away from each other as the balloon is inflated. The point being that even within our seeming 3 dimensional perception, at least one more dimension is in play. Rather than being a sphere, it's something we can't imagine, so that everyone has a similar perspective, a Universe expanding or inflating from an initial point, but without a center. Some physicists suggest space-time may be saddle-shaped. Ultimately, visualization fails, but the equations are often very successful and provide startlingly good predictions. That's when they think they're on the right track. Except that answering one question just creates several more.
is the universe 13.8 billion years old no matter what direction we're detecting?
wordywalt comments on Nov 19, 2021:
That assumes that the universe has a starting time and point. Why assume that?
racocn8 replies on Nov 19, 2021:
@Wordywalt @Hankster I don't claim to understand it, but... When one looks at the farthest reaches, one is looking back, or seeing back, in time. Scientific findings indicate our Universe began 13.8 billion years ago by looking at the expansion based on red shifting of light, Cepheid Variables and other features that demonstrate universal expansion. The 13.8 comes from winding the clock back to the point when all the matter began expanding. One might expect that the universe should be no more than twice the 13.8 billion years, or 27.6 billion light years in 'diameter.' Sources can be sought out on this, but the figure is much greater (something like 70 billion light years).
The Red States can use some marijuana to treat their condition more than most states.
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2021:
Whoever fried those just diluted whatever cannabinoids they had right out. It's just unhealthy roughage now... To make up for that harsh comment, I offer up some off-topic pics.
racocn8 replies on Nov 19, 2021:
@Gemini-1947 Really nice clean patterning in your photo.
What is self-defense law?
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2021:
Very guilty consciences, except that most people in that state don't know what shame is. KR went to shoot people and that's what he did. Shame on the US.
racocn8 replies on Nov 19, 2021:
"Taking a weapon into a situation doesn't mean you provoked something automatically." That's true, except in this case. KR DID take a weapon to a protest for the express purpose of killing someone: anyone. That's why he went. "I did hear today that the jury feels pressured to find in favor of conviction because of politics." What should be obvious is that the jury also felt pressured to let KR go. Which pressure was greater? The questions to be asked are, did KR get a fair trial, and did his VICTIMS get a fair trial?
What is self-defense law?
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2021:
Very guilty consciences, except that most people in that state don't know what shame is. KR went to shoot people and that's what he did. Shame on the US.
racocn8 replies on Nov 19, 2021:
@Flowerwall He was running away because he knew he shot one person, than another, than another. He provoked the confrontation by being there with a rifle. He went there FOR confrontation, in order to shoot someone: anyone. The only threat to KR was someone seeking to disarm him. Better to kill someone than lose one's weapon. The weapon had more value than another person's life. KR's MOTIVE was blood lust. He was running to protect his weapon. Except for his carrying the weapon, his life would not have been in jeopardy.
Indicted GOP Congressman Says the Feds Got Him on Tape—Twice
LucyLoohoo comments on Nov 18, 2021:
How delicious! Does anyone believe it's possible to have corruption-free government?
racocn8 replies on Nov 18, 2021:
Of course it's unlikely to get anything done currently. Plainly corruption is the primary challenge to functionality, and we've seen corruption in virtually every corner of government. So, how to do it? I like the idea of checks and balances, but I wonder if there shouldn't be separate entities attached to each branch tasked with checking on the other branches. Or... We need to turn our moral social fabric upside-down and insist that leaders lead by example, and have the legal machinery in place to require that only scrupulously moral and ethical people are allowed into public service and into corporate rule. It should be a crime to behave unethically, and those that do so, like the insurrection clause, be forbidden and exiled from high office.
Indicted GOP Congressman Says the Feds Got Him on Tape—Twice
LucyLoohoo comments on Nov 18, 2021:
How delicious! Does anyone believe it's possible to have corruption-free government?
racocn8 replies on Nov 18, 2021:
Only with a Constitutional re-write.
GOP New party for the working class?
racocn8 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
Given how the evangelical base consistently demonizes cannabis use, I don't believe more than a handful of Republicans will support decriminalization.
racocn8 replies on Nov 18, 2021:
A few negative effects are: 1) Los of performance for the weak-willed; 2) Overdosing on edibles burdening ER; 3) Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome for those using concentrates; 4) Residual social castigation; 5) Some people hate the odor. The health benefits are enormous if they can be properly attuned to people's needs.
Does whoever is censoring posts today have the balls to admit why?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Which posts exactly were removed? (Obviously you can't link them, but what were the topics?)
racocn8 replies on Nov 17, 2021:
A female named Levelheaded complained about the nudes being posted, but then went into standard misandry. As shown below, she sought to conflate men's interest in the female form with pedophilia.
I got stood up by a guy from a dating site.
racocn8 comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Sometimes the grapes really are sour... (Why did you ignore the red flags? ( I should have asked myself that question so many times!!!))
racocn8 replies on Nov 17, 2021:
@Organist Maybe when the meeting was arranged, he wanted to be sure you recognized him. And/or wanted to post something to talk about? Anyway, he was inconsiderate not to inform you as soon as he saw he couldn't be on time. I salute you for your efforts. Good luck.
Dr. Becky - Do ALIENS exist? | An astrophysicist's perspective []
racocn8 comments on Nov 15, 2021:
She says there's no evidence. That brings up the real question: Why is the government withholding the vast stores of evidence that have been collected? Senator Harry Reid mentioned that the videos released by the Pentagon are just the tip of the iceberg. Luis Elizondo who headed up the AATIP ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 17, 2021:
"Senator Harry Reid mentioned that the videos released by the Pentagon are just the tip of the iceberg. Luis Elizondo who headed up the AATIP program said, in response to complaints that the photos are blurry, that much better, very detailed photos have been retained. " Military policy has maintained that reports of sightings related to national security be forwarded to the Pentagon, and none of those have ever been released. Military and military contractor testimony from Stephen Greer's Disclosure project described an assortment of UFO-related activities that been kept secret. FOIA requests released some documents, but indicated that much more information was held back.
Illinois Police Union Ousts Whistleblower For Leaking Video – NewsOne
anglophone comments on Nov 15, 2021:
There is something rotten in the State of Illinois.
racocn8 replies on Nov 15, 2021:
It's probably everywhere. White racists look to policing as a way to be bullies.
Why not evolution?
racocn8 comments on Nov 15, 2021:
Religion is a product of evolution - - a waste product. Improved cognitive capabilities can confer improved survival. The process of correlating abstractions, for example: hearing a twig snap under the weight of a stalking predator signals it's a good idea to try to escape. Having seen what ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 15, 2021:
@skado I meant that the social cohesion that religion provided is no longer needed. I was referring to pre-industrial times when people were scattered in a rural landscape. Tribalism provided some benefits in the distant past. Religion may now provide refuge against urban isolation, but that causes suspicion and paranoia that are not beneficial. Social cohesion is now available via shared interests that do not degrade rationality or morality.
Why not evolution?
racocn8 comments on Nov 15, 2021:
Religion is a product of evolution - - a waste product. Improved cognitive capabilities can confer improved survival. The process of correlating abstractions, for example: hearing a twig snap under the weight of a stalking predator signals it's a good idea to try to escape. Having seen what ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 15, 2021:
@skado I suppose an argument could be made for religion reinforcing beneficial social structures, but that time is mostly passed. If religion has a benefit, it is more like the broken clock that happens to provide benefit once in a while, but because it does, people continue. Every win suggests the gambler is on a 'streak'.
Why not evolution?
Tejas comments on Nov 15, 2021:
I'm not sure I understand the question. Evolution is a natural process that continues to exist as long as there are living organisms. Religion is man made, and without the existence of humans it is non existent.
racocn8 replies on Nov 15, 2021:
@skado Obviously religion is an evolved trait or else animals would engage in it. Just as obviously, with the world of information at their fingertips, one believes out of gullibility, social pressures, and confirmation bias, oh, and laziness in not using the available information. Or stupidity in restricting ones sources of information, this being done to avoid cognitive dissonance.
China is penetrating markets, nuff said...
racocn8 comments on Nov 13, 2021:
I want a set...
racocn8 replies on Nov 13, 2021:
@St-Sinner Hey big boy, wanna feel the merchandise?
14 Characteristics of fascism has been reviewed by Beau of the Fifth Column.
CuddyCruiser comments on Nov 13, 2021:
Sorry to say it……The USA and the world is FUCKED!! When I was in my late 20s I remember thinking I’d hate to see what things are going to look like in 20 to 30 years. Turns out they are 20 times worse than I ever could have fantasized. I have no such hope for the future either. If some ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 13, 2021:
I think quite a few share your view. Mores the shame that facing such pervasive corruption, Biden doesn't seem willing to inform the nation of its seriousness, nor to insist that his appointees deal with the problem with the level of effort needed. We ARE fucked if he doesn't get on it.
Billionaire Leon Cooperman Says $400,000 Income Doesn’t Make You Rich
rainmanjr comments on Nov 11, 2021:
I have one friend who makes well over that and doesn't consider themselves to be rich. Nor do I but they are able to indulge most of their whims. Eats out a lot (but tips well so that works out) and his wife is a Dem. Wealthy folks can be decent humans and poor folks can suck as humans so it's not ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 12, 2021:
What is/are MC?
Hello, all, new the group, joining here from sunny southern California.
racocn8 comments on Nov 5, 2021:
But beware of fanatical social justice warriors corrupting Humanist organizations (like Americal Humanists Association).
racocn8 replies on Nov 11, 2021:
@ItsMeVer3 Last year, the AHA stripped Richard Dawkins of an award given to him in 1996. They did this because of a tweet he made asking questions that sought to discuss why a Trans person should be treated differently by society than a White person who identified as Black. I surmise that a wealthy Trans took offense and bribed AHA to take the action against Dawkins. I made some comments on the local atheist Facebook blog on related topics. The blog operator, Evan Clark, started in with calling everyone who didn't support Trans 1000% as being Nazis. My criticism of his behavior got me booted (no loss really). SJW's are notoriously thin-skinned and naive, and their reputation precedes them.
And you can nuke ‘em also……
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2021:
The most productive Russian spy in history...
racocn8 replies on Nov 11, 2021:
Although Boris Johnson is a close second.
So a nurse from my work is quitting to become a full time youth pastor.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 10, 2021:
First, the 10 Commandments are standard in just about all religions and cultures; they are not exclusive to Moses and Judaism. Hammurabi's Code covers them. Moving on (partial list): Thou shalt not judge any human being by skin color or ethnicity. Thou shalt not treat women as second ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 10, 2021:
See my post above also...
In a world where there seems to be a crazy theory about practically everything, how many of the more...
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2021:
Major shame on those who voted for the pyramids.
racocn8 replies on Nov 10, 2021:
@SnowyOwl If you really wanted to explore it, I highly recommend this course:
In a world where there seems to be a crazy theory about practically everything, how many of the more...
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2021:
Major shame on those who voted for the pyramids.
racocn8 replies on Nov 10, 2021:
@SnowyOwl No one voted for the Trump option, but of course, very extreme shame for them considering the complete lack of evidence (If only MAGA idiots had the capacity for shame). The evolution of Egyptian pyramid construction is well documented. Nothing alien about it.
I have zero problems with unvaccinated people.
HeAdAkE comments on Nov 10, 2021:
cant u just get another booster?
racocn8 replies on Nov 10, 2021:
Even with the booster, if a person gets enough virus in them, they can still get seriously ill or even die. The so-called anti-vaxxers are really just politically motivated sociopaths.
This is what we got
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 10, 2021:
I agree with the gist of that, but unfortunately, when the next elections happen in a years, most voters will only be thinking about how high inflation is and how their personal economics did not improve significantly, and that they did not personally get any promised benefits like child tax ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 10, 2021:
Yeah, like they'd get any of that from the Republicans? Remember, zero Republicans have offered to vote for the BBB, so who is rightly to blame again?
For atheists, the idea of aliens seems real.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Numerous documents show that the DOD and CIA have conducted a concerted campaign of disinformation, disparagement and intimidation of anyone reporting UFOs. Part of the motivation for the Pentagon's revelations last summer related to lifting the gag orders against such reporting from service ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 8, 2021:
@Druvius "The U.S. government can't explain 143 of the 144 cases of unidentified flying objects reported by military planes, according to a highly anticipated intelligence report..." (Not explained, much less completely explained )
For atheists, the idea of aliens seems real.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Numerous documents show that the DOD and CIA have conducted a concerted campaign of disinformation, disparagement and intimidation of anyone reporting UFOs. Part of the motivation for the Pentagon's revelations last summer related to lifting the gag orders against such reporting from service ...
racocn8 replies on Nov 8, 2021:
@Druvius I've seen the debunkers explanations for the various Pentagon videos, and they totally fail to explain the witness accounts. As you have demonstrated, debunking has its own fanatically devoted followers. You cannot back up your claim that UFO's don't exist, so you're asserting they don't exist with the religious claim that UFO's can not exist. That is clearly implied given the extensive history of UFO sightings.
Conservatives are now dying of COVID at 3x the rate liberals are. []
racocn8 comments on Nov 8, 2021:
I had heard the rate was 5 times higher.
racocn8 replies on Nov 8, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay What is your concern here? Do you think the rates are equal? Do you think the issue is put out for nefarious reasons?
Conservatives are now dying of COVID at 3x the rate liberals are. []
racocn8 comments on Nov 8, 2021:
I had heard the rate was 5 times higher.
racocn8 replies on Nov 8, 2021:
I think it was Maddow's or O'Donnell's show, so I don't have that reference. But there's this: A higher death rate among (politically motivated anti-vax) MAGA would be expected given the circumstances. What's important is that the MAGA's are doing this to themselves. Those that support public safety and an end to the pandemic have advocated that everyone be vaccinated.
It's so weird being in a room full of people that have no idea what it's like wanting to die more ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Suicidal thoughts are a biochemical imbalance. As example, going cold turkey on some SSRI's is guaranteed to induce suicidal thoughts. Assuming you'd prefer not to have them, seek an appropriate regimen, whether herbal or pharmaceutical or...? Get help. Feel free to DM me.
racocn8 replies on Nov 7, 2021:
@PondartIncbendog No one should take any pharmaceutical without reviewing the literature. Neutral research is highly advisable. You CAN NOT (and should not) trust your doctor to provide you with contraindications and side effects of medications.
Such a terrible burden
Killtheskyfairy comments on Nov 6, 2021:
That’s not a hard burden to unload.
racocn8 replies on Nov 6, 2021:
Maybe not for you...
I worked for the UCI Physics Dept.
Robecology comments on Nov 6, 2021:
It's not clear what you're trying to achieve...but the image is interesting. When you blow it up/expand it..different colors appear.
racocn8 replies on Nov 6, 2021:
The diffraction lens spreads out the focal point according to the wavelength. The exercise was to reduce the chromatic aberration and align the different colored focal points.
MDMA (Ecstasy) therapy is proving to be very effective in combating PTSD: []
PondartIncbendog comments on Nov 6, 2021:
I think we have to be careful with the meds right now. The world doesn't look too good and a lot of the depression may be not a sign of mental disorder but a reflection of reality.
racocn8 replies on Nov 6, 2021:
While hallucinogens can also help with depression, this was about relieving PTSD.
If the Democrats in the House don’t pass the one bill that is already done in the Senate and ready...
racocn8 comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Um, no. The Republicans have zero record on anything to stand on. They haven't done anything constructive. The Democrats have had their majorities bribed out from under them by the corporations. It won't be the Democrat's fault if nothing gets done.
racocn8 replies on Nov 6, 2021:
@rainmanjr The Dems are adept at providing the Republicans with ammunition. Progressives and Independents walk away too easily, usually because they don't or won't understand the whole picture. AND, the Republicans can now reliably count on the Russians to assist their elections. That's a huge benefit that has yet to be discussed openly (because it would reveal the extent of their beachhead).
If the Democrats in the House don’t pass the one bill that is already done in the Senate and ready...
racocn8 comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Um, no. The Republicans have zero record on anything to stand on. They haven't done anything constructive. The Democrats have had their majorities bribed out from under them by the corporations. It won't be the Democrat's fault if nothing gets done.
racocn8 replies on Nov 5, 2021:
@Barnie2years A very big part of that is how MSM management controls the content they broadcast. It is profoundly dishonest and destructive, but the MSM management secretly support the Republicans. We really don't have an honest media source of information, and that is very much a part of the ongoing coup. It is infuriating to see the city-on-the-hill get sold to Russia. Putin-Americans (MAGA) are very much an existential threat to the US and the rest of the world.
Common sense that few have
racocn8 comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Christians are so fond of using the word "Holocaust", give it back to them. Say, "Merry Holocaust" . Or anything similar. Saying Merry Christmas gives respect to something that is wholly undeserving of respect, a cult of hatred, fascism enforcing stupidity, and white grievance.
racocn8 replies on Nov 5, 2021:
@Cast1es My comment was meant to be taken as facetious, the real objective being to point up the ugly hypocrisy of Christians using the word "Holocaust" to refer to abortion, mandating masks or mandating vaccination. One would only resort to that level of exchange if one sought to be rude etc. as you describe, which should be highly unlikely. No, my suggestion was not intended to be taken literally, and atheists should behave honorably.
racocn8 comments on Nov 4, 2021:
What do you expect from a Kansan Republican? He's probably a Creationist too.
racocn8 replies on Nov 4, 2021:
The problem is that even a senator can exert some control, but this guy is unfit to hold that office.
Real reason why Terry McAwful lost Deep Purple Virgina...
Tejas comments on Nov 3, 2021:
Hopefully biden voters realize their mistake and vote for an actual progressive next election.
racocn8 replies on Nov 3, 2021:
Yeah, Progressives are shoo-ins.
Since most of you live in the Northern Hemisphere, this one is just for you....LOL.
bobwjr comments on Nov 2, 2021:
Gives cold head
racocn8 replies on Nov 2, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz She squirts icicles.
Call me paranoid but I see the reincarnation of 1861-1865 .
racocn8 comments on Oct 31, 2021:
If you're not in a state of panic, you simply do not understand the situation.
racocn8 replies on Nov 1, 2021:
@rainmanjr I was attempting to recall a famous epigram which was prominently displayed at the Capitol somewhere. It's doubtful panicking ever helps. Like you, I have the gravest misgivings about what the Republicans are doing.
Letters From An American 11/29/2021
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 30, 2021:
“This return to principles that ushered in our most prosperous years hardly seems like a good reason to curse the president.” I find it ironic that President Biden, in working to restore our stature internationally and pursuing policies that are reminiscent of Eisenhower’s, is doing more to...
racocn8 replies on Oct 30, 2021:
As long as the Republicans can regain power, another country would be foolish to place trust in the US. Trashing Iran, Syria, the Kurds and the Afghanis left an indelible stain.
Lincoln Project Says It Planted White Supremacist Impersonators At Event For Virginia Republican ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 30, 2021:
This kind of activity is not going to help at all!
racocn8 replies on Oct 30, 2021:
The Lincoln Project seems to have been successful even though their tactics hit below the belt. We find it distasteful, but Republicans are a different species.
Just when you thought you knew what stupidity was...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 30, 2021:
This has to be a put up. No thinking human would admit to such a post!
racocn8 replies on Oct 30, 2021:
Not all people think as you or I do.
Trump pulling out of the nuclear agreement with Iran was basically brain-dead stupid.
racocn8 comments on Oct 29, 2021:
Trump has zeroed out whatever credibility the US had on the world stage, and there's no getting it back.
racocn8 replies on Oct 30, 2021:
@AnneWimsey Yes they did, but it was totally premature. As well as Biden is doing (ignoring his missteps), he needed to come in as though it was a 5 alarm fire and rapidly mobilize what's left of our justice system to enact a full scale war on corruption. Instead, he is just giving glasses of water to the traitors in our midst, in the stupid delusion that they can be weaned away from their sedition. And, even if, somehow, someway the US is still here in 2024, no country in their right mind would make a deal with the US unless they realize any agreement isn't worth the paper its written on. Republicans now openly believe in chucking honor, decorum, rules, laws ethics and morality into the trash, so long as they regain and forever keep power. Democrats are demons incarnate in their delusion, and that justifies gas chambers, nukes or whatever it takes to keep the majority subjugated.
How to get disqualified from the pumpkin carving contest at work.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 29, 2021:
I don't care how juicy that is on the inside, you're gonna need a lot of lube to penetrate that orange orifice.
racocn8 replies on Oct 29, 2021:
That's are real tight-ass.
So True...
racocn8 comments on Oct 23, 2021:
Dems control SCOTUS? Dems control Congress (when the GQP have infiltrated at least 2 boll weevils )?
racocn8 replies on Oct 26, 2021:
@RoboGraham That the SCOTUS justices don't belong to political parties is the ideal. It's all too clear that a number of decisions have been very politically slanted to the point of violating Stare Decisis. In his hearing, Kavanaugh demonstrated his psychopathic partisanship, and Barrett and Thomas are surely just as unfit.
Just curious what people are feeling about dating apps.
racocn8 comments on Oct 25, 2021:
Yes, they are not worth it, but what else is there? Yes they are a waste of time, until they aren't. I was tortured for years by different dating services. I am so glad to have finally found someone. Loneliness is ugly, but so many bring it on themselves.
racocn8 replies on Oct 25, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin And then there are the scammers. I got stung badly once. I even mailed a package to the FBI to get them to pursue the perpetrator, but got crickets for a response. I also feel badly because I often excluded Black women. Then I met a lady in the supermarket and had a fair relationship for a few years, ended by her alcoholism and other values. I got hugely lucky somehow on Silver Singles with another Black lady, and we are very happy. But I especially remember going through numerous profiles and wondering what sort of society would produce women who were lonely, but unwilling to do more than post their profile. My invitations were ghosted more than 95% of the time. Sucks to be them.
This comes around every few years, My first experience with the price jumps was the Arab oil embargo...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 25, 2021:
Same. In 74, I switched from a muscle car to a small sports car. In 79, I was stationed in San Diego; California went to odd and even gas buying days - most of us were exempt because we had out of state plates; I also remember long gas lines and having a placard that said "last car for gas."
racocn8 replies on Oct 25, 2021:
In 73, we once bribed the attendant with a joint to get gas.
Functionally identical to non-existent
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2021:
sounds like a plan
racocn8 replies on Oct 25, 2021:
But a Divine Plan? What WOULD such a plan look like?
Just love it
twitch comments on Oct 25, 2021:
So how is this different than when Born Again Christians leave their bible tracts in restaurants for the waitress instead of a tip?
racocn8 replies on Oct 25, 2021:
@bobwjr Except that the waitress actually provided a beneficial service; the church does not.
It needs more love.....
racocn8 comments on Oct 23, 2021:
Worship??? And you can't prove it exists to those who won't listen.
racocn8 replies on Oct 25, 2021:
@Mcflewster Good question. I think therefore I am? What we take to be real or natural can be shown to be quite different from what we superficially perceive. Are you standing on one leg?
America's infrastructure is crumbling, its people are struggling financially while the billionaires ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Post-WWII was the peak, and many knew it. The National Security Act of 1947 that created the CIA and Deep State sowed the seeds of demise. Thank you, Mr. Truman. Eisenhower warned what was happening. The un-atoned sins of the Civil War dogged the US, and LBJ's forward thinking got mired in Viet ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 25, 2021:
Storm1752 Ok, maybe I was riffing there. The creation of the CIA and the cold war had a lot to do with the evolution of the Deep State. As the CIA gained its own power and meshed with the rest of the military industrial complex, the power structure of the world shifted. CIA policies and decisions favored Christianity at the expense of the truth, and reinforced the secrecy and excessive classification of information to prevent release to the public. A certain amount of 'Christian Republican ultra-right' infiltration of the intelligence agencies necessarily hampered their competence. That definitely includes the racism of said 'Christian Republican ultra-right' , and that's the reference to the Civil War. The Koch family wealth largely derived from supplying oil refining equipment to eastern Europe. as I recall. Per Wiki: "In 1925, Koch had entered into a partnership with Lewis Winkler, a former employee of Universal Oil Products (now UOP LLC). Winkler developed a cracking apparatus for heavy crude oil with ostensibly no patented difference in comparison to his former employer's intellectual property; thus, in 1929, UOP sued Winkler-Koch for patent infringement. Also that year, nearly three years before the patent case went to trial, Winkler-Koch signed contracts to build petroleum distillation plants in the Soviet Union,..."
How does it happen?
racocn8 comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Are you sure they were an atheist? Christians often claim to have been atheists, or drug users, or sex addicts. Most will adopt some lie to tell the others and then embellish it over time. It's part of the degradation process... Francis Collins claims to have been an atheist, but doesn't know the...
racocn8 replies on Oct 25, 2021:
@Storm1752 I've heard Collins tell that story several times. And yet never does he venture to connect the three frozen waterfalls with the Trinity, nor why that impressed him so deeply. Again, I'm betting that this is his 'just so' story. According to an expert on this issue, Collins must have had some deeply traumatic event and perhaps the waterfall triggered his decision to go down the rabbit hole, or gave him an excuse as to why he needed to stick with his original religion and stay in the rabbit hole.
The big lie
Redneckliberal comments on Oct 24, 2021:
racocn8 replies on Oct 24, 2021:
At least a goodly amount of the 'joke' is on them.
In every Human Resources report, there is a reason for termination.
NostraDumbass comments on Oct 24, 2021:
You forgot Prince Charming, a privileged white male who was forced to resign/ abdicate for sexual harassment of Snow White and discrimination against vertically challenged people who are the victims of institutionalized bigotry.
racocn8 replies on Oct 24, 2021:
Prince Charming was the forerunner to Bill Cosby: Advancing on a drugged female...
This video is remarkable for its relevance.
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 24, 2021:
"abandoning all attempts to reason with a stupid person" isn't acceptable. If they can be motivated to turn away from reason...they can be motivated to return to it. There's a very real difference between STUPID and UNEDUCATED. And the GOP's efforts to dilute/downgrade education in our public ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 24, 2021:
It appears that Bonhoeffer used 'stupid' to refer to those who, for various reasons, rejected the reality shared by the rest of us, more specifically, embracing a fantasy where God has chosen them to lead the non-believers to heaven. Education and Christianity have often been at odds in that education presents the common reality that Christianity seeks to block.
Rudy Giuliani Drains Final Dregs of Dignity With Abraham Lincoln Filter Attack Video ...
St-Sinner comments on Oct 20, 2021:
We don't like it but it will drive some Republicans to voting booths. He is not doing it to please us. We dislike what they do but they have 10 times more hatred for us. They are very highly motivated to win the Congress back in 2022. We, Biden and his camp are asleep.
racocn8 replies on Oct 20, 2021:
Given that with Roe in shreds, and birth control next, women and young people might get a clue (but keep your passports ready).
[] Man confronting the cop who arrested him for possession of LEGAL weed.
altschmerz comments on Oct 18, 2021:
Did anything happen as a result of that video? Did he get his money back? Did the asshole cop get punished? Anything???
racocn8 replies on Oct 18, 2021:
I suspect he felt a small measure of satisfaction. However, I sensed that cop to be a shallow sociopath, and not adverse to violence. I'm glad he didn't get hurt in the second encounter, and worry about them meeting again. That's the problem; police are not safe.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams ‘Fascist’ NBA With Idiotic COVID-HIV Comparison
Paul4747 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
The next time she and her ilk use the word "fascist", someone please get out a pot & a kettle.
racocn8 replies on Oct 17, 2021:
I meant that by saying that "That's the pot calling the kettle black" , that infers that Greene is correct in her claim that the NBA is fascist. She is the fascist, and that is understood. Nit picking, I know. sorry.
“I was brought up an atheist and have always remained so; but at no time was I led to believe ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
That was always a wholly bogus argument. Besides having zero basis, the real purpose was to instill hate and disdain for non-believers. Pure, BS propaganda, but worse. The worse part is that in order to believe, people must lie to themselves, and that paves the way for all the other lies. Honesty ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 16, 2021:
Marionville The bogus argument was that non-believers had no morals and acted immorally because they chose not to be guided by Jesus/Mohammed/God/etc.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams ‘Fascist’ NBA With Idiotic COVID-HIV Comparison
Paul4747 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
The next time she and her ilk use the word "fascist", someone please get out a pot & a kettle.
racocn8 replies on Oct 16, 2021:
I assume that is an unintended false equivalence.
Should we dance on the graves of black people who died from COVID?
racocn8 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Those that celebrate the deaths of Republicans understand that their anti-vaccine stance comes from political obstruction along with some Christian hatred of science. Black vaccine hesitance derives from centuries of using Blacks as unknowing medical subjects in unethical research. Motive, ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 16, 2021:
@TheIntelooper "Attitudinal studies suggest that mistrust of clinical investigators is strongly influenced by sustained racial disparities in health, limited access to health care, and negative encounters with health care providers." ... "Ethnic minority patients receive less information, empathy, and attention from their physicians regarding their medical care than their White counterparts." "Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans From Colonial Times to the Present. The book cites instances from throughout US history where medical schools disproportionately used African Americans in clinical trials and live surgical demonstrations. " John Quier’s experiments with smallpox inoculation in a population of 850 slaves. The book, Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present," contains some really horrific experiments, such as "putting several Blacks into a hole and then pouring boiling hot water down on them to 'learn how fast it took for their skin to peel.'". Some enslaved people were hired out to medical facilities for experiments like amputations. A healthy person would leave the plantation in the morning and return in the evening with an arm or leg cut off….just to teach medical interns how to do such surgeries."


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