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To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the ...
Marionville comments on Oct 16, 2021:
There seem to be a lot more of them about than there used to be. The antivaccer/COVID deniers spring immediately to mind.
racocn8 replies on Oct 16, 2021:
They were always here. They just had the good sense to stay in the closet.
In keeping with the Halloween season, below is the link to another wonderful piece.
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Ummmm, there was none of that before "Fantasia"?
racocn8 replies on Oct 16, 2021:
Christians made heavy threats of hell, but the depictions were static images, or verbal. I thought it interesting that the animators would show people-like spirits who then turn into demons, who are then cast into the flames.
It would have been the same with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin.
zeuser comments on Oct 15, 2021:
I still, for the life of me, can't figure out how he's getting away with all of this.
racocn8 replies on Oct 15, 2021:
You don't have a copy of the script. (Or a need to know)
Too funny to pass on.
BitFlipper comments on Oct 14, 2021:
This is a stupid meme. It is drawing a false parallel to the situation with covid-19. Let's try something more realistic. "Imagine, if you will, that there's a deadly disease circulating in your neighborhood. There's a 97% chance you won't die of it, but you have to take precautions anyway. Now, ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 14, 2021:
The pandemic and Trump provide an education into what passes for humor among the empathy-handicapped (sociopaths). It would be a great subject for analysis.
A dangerous trap is living as though a god exists: I don't think there can be a more detrimental ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Except that we hear daily of how a religious person does something horrific or ugly and they either say they did it for a religious reason, or you know that it was inspired by their religious cohorts. Being subjective beings, we CAN not know if it is 'God' or an hallucination. Thus, no one can ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 14, 2021:
@p-nullifidian While argument by incredulity is a fallacy, I totally salute your elegant expression of it.
A dangerous trap is living as though a god exists: I don't think there can be a more detrimental ...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 14, 2021:
If a “supreme being” existed, he-she-its existence would be an objective physical fact, like the existence of the sun. Not a supernatural phenomenon, but a natural one, explainable by the laws of physics. It seems illogical to presume that a supreme being would interact with “lesser” beings ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 14, 2021:
That's it. The notion that a god would be bothered by our lack of allegiance strains credulity. It strains OUR credulity, but apparently not that of the believers promoting their particular god. But either way, those are our projections. Also straining credulity is that such a being would or could exist without some sort of physical manifestation. Why is there nothing to point to? Is god a sneaky trickster like the Loki Hypothesis, or impotent and omnipotent at the same time? The definitions are as useless as the injunctions to be moral. Maybe if believers ever behaved in a genuinely noble way, inspired by god to do good works, but almost none of them do!! If anything, it all becomes another instance where absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
I think these complement each other.
racocn8 comments on Oct 13, 2021:
What quality of life is it for people (like Christians) that live believing a storyline that has been proven false. They are compelled to defend their lie with more lies, and die in delusion. If that were all, it might be OK, but their delusion also exhorts them to hate everyone who doesn't believe ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 13, 2021:
@Diogenes It certainly would be just as bad for atheists to invent lies, but I have rarely seen atheists invent lies. Where is the need to do so? Do you have any particular lies in mind? By comparison, religious claims and values are mostly based on fiction. Atheists don't have a belief to support and have no conflict with reality.
We always knew they were close!!
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 13, 2021:
I don’t know if it’s this close but Putin has him by the purse strings and by the short hairs with blackmail.
racocn8 replies on Oct 13, 2021:
And through him, the GQP and the rest of the country.
Of all the incredibly utopian and delusional memes I come across in a daily basis… this one has ...
ChestRockfield comments on Oct 11, 2021:
100% That debate I posted about recently touched on this subject. They asked me if I was proud to be Italian and were quite taken aback when I said no. I explained that I didn't * do * anything to earn my heritage, so even if it was demonstrably better (which I also deny) I don't own any of it.
racocn8 replies on Oct 11, 2021:
The most that can be said for Italy is that is has a colorful history. So many dynasties had problems coming up with a male heir. Actually, that problem seems to have been shared with Russia & China as I recall.
A few posts/comments I've written on the isssue of abortion .
FearlessFly comments on Oct 11, 2021:
. . . safe, legal, rare.
racocn8 replies on Oct 11, 2021:
@SirDaddyGru "Some pro-lifers... claim life starts at conception". That might be ignoring that both the sperm and egg are already living cells. Life doesn't start at conception. The two living cells merge to form one living cell. Other problematic issues: 1) When the fertilized egg splits in two and these two go their separate ways, forming two identical twins. 2) When two fertilized eggs merge forming a single organism (allotropic). 3) When the formation of twins is incomplete, resulting in conjoined twins.
The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens. - Bahá'u'lláh
racocn8 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Honorable citizens do not despoil their country.
racocn8 replies on Oct 11, 2021:
@Diogenes Exactly my point. Most of Humanity are a blight upon their own environment.
Believers and non-believers alike seem to gravitate toward literalizing mythology these days.
racocn8 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Edited to make true: "Science is exactly like that. The combined natural forces that created us, and whose laws we must learn and obey if we are to have satisfactory lives..." Redefining truth to fit religion negates that truth.
racocn8 replies on Oct 11, 2021:
@skado Updating religion cannot come fast enough. Already, in the US, we have seen Christians adopt a political personality cult to supplement, and potentially replace, their values (as described by Eric Hoffer's True Believer). You have done a fair job of describing the generalized beliefs and how they translate to scientific parlance. I would take issue with your interpretations, but another time. Suffice to say that Christian dogma does believe in a literal rather than metaphorical crucifixion. I believe there is an innate biological impulse to go good in the sense that people have intrinsic revulsion in contemplating bad acts - - better to turn the other cheek than witness horror of ones own making. Revulsion, a visceral nausea, is viewed by some philosophies as a significant basis for moral imperatives. How to constructively update Christianity? Hard to do when only a low level of education reveals a myriad of problems. Should one try to avoid throwing out the whole thing? The big problem with that proposition is that science, wonderful thing that it is, is badly lacking in the social and moral fabric religion has too much of. Voltaire worried that without Christianity, people would behave badly. Hard to tell if help to give it up is available, even by an expert system. Anyway, thanks for your reply.
Believers and non-believers alike seem to gravitate toward literalizing mythology these days.
racocn8 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Edited to make true: "Science is exactly like that. The combined natural forces that created us, and whose laws we must learn and obey if we are to have satisfactory lives..." Redefining truth to fit religion negates that truth.
racocn8 replies on Oct 10, 2021:
@skado What would be one or two profound 'religious' truths that should be translated into scientific language?
Is the Department of Justice pursuing a case against Donald Trump?
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Normally the DOJ makes no notice of an investigation until an indictment has been handed down.
racocn8 replies on Oct 10, 2021:
How do we know all the crimes won't be swept under the rug if there are no notifications? If Trump can be shown to be ineligible for further candidacy, that is critical to know (given the extent of his cult).
Is the Department of Justice pursuing a case against Donald Trump?
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Normally the DOJ makes no notice of an investigation until an indictment has been handed down.
racocn8 replies on Oct 9, 2021:
OK, but if they aren't pursuing Trump, I'd like to know why. If no one has made that decision, and good evidence is in hand, I'd want someone to get them started.
New Rule: The Slow-Moving Coup | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
silverotter11 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Bernstein said pretty much the same thing on Anderson Cooper's show. We are in the middle of a coup. If you listen to Heather Cox Richardson she is very concerned with where America is heading.
racocn8 replies on Oct 9, 2021:
Also Fiona Hill.
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
When I run across a post that contains contents that consistently sounds racist, I am not inclined to believe that mindset can be influenced. All cultures contain behavior patterns that are self-destructive or impeding. Frankly, Blacks may be more aware of their weaknesses than Whites are. It's nice...
racocn8 replies on Oct 9, 2021:
@Alienbieng (How would it not be?) Why do you ask?
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
When I run across a post that contains contents that consistently sounds racist, I am not inclined to believe that mindset can be influenced. All cultures contain behavior patterns that are self-destructive or impeding. Frankly, Blacks may be more aware of their weaknesses than Whites are. It's nice...
racocn8 replies on Oct 9, 2021:
@Alienbeing I still consider calling someone racist to be an extremely negative epithet. It seems possible for people to use phrasing common to racists without necessarily being racist themselves. Phrasing that sounds racist is distinguished from life experience, listening to what people say and what they do. The poster says "Was it the 70 years of intermittent looting, burning, and rioting?", focusing on the purported behavior of Blacks, and omitting any mention of the discrimination coming from the other side. It could be an innocent and sincere if badly worded question, or it could be your standard racist propaganda. Several other sentences are similarly unbalanced, hence the first line of my reply. The posters response verifies that.
I am never using her real name again!
bobwjr comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Yet so beautiful
racocn8 replies on Oct 9, 2021:
...only on the outside...
My mom couldn’t get a credit card when she got a divorce and she was the main breadwinner!
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
Except that Christian women accept male dominance (abuse) and will not go against him, even when in the privacy of a poll booth. And in 2016, lots of Bernie sisters listened to the GRU bots and stayed home.
racocn8 replies on Oct 9, 2021:
@AnneWimsey While these articles describe Bernie supporters as switching to Trump, I believe the Russian messaging focused on dissing Hillary. Bernie supporters either voted for Trump, wrote in Bernie's name anyway (per Wikipedia) or stayed home. Russia had numerous targets other than Bernie supporters. The main thing is that, armed with Trump campaign's demographic data, they succeeded.
Colorado woman who won't get vaccinated denied transplant When religion strips away the last of ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
This is the shame and horror of religion - - She has been brainwashed and thus betrayed by cohorts, to death.
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
@skado Religion has competition these days in the form of Fox (or other ultra-conservative platforms). The loyalty involves the same pattern of conspiracy and unreasoning acceptance of messages, and loyalty (litmus) -testing. In that way, the association and fealty and nonsense becomes its own cult. It is the impulse to address insecurity with joining a multi-entity colony mega-organism
Lock them up! Lock them up!
Redneckliberal comments on Oct 8, 2021:
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
Of course that works too, but maybe the soap first...
Wanna hear a rape joke?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 8, 2021:
They are mimicing the same bullying, threatening behavior of their allies in the anti-abortion movement, screaming abuse at women who walk into clinics. If I were one of those parents being harassed and threatened, I would probably lose my temper and shout back at them to stay out of my face or I ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
I'm probably too old for street fighting, but I endorse much of what you say. I have listened to GQP BS all my life and I'm more than ready to consider them an enemy to be dispatched. I'm sure they feel the same about us, but I happen to know who is right and who embraces treason, sedition and cowardice. Fundamentally, they don't like what America stands for as an ideal. If they want fascism so bad, I'm okay with showing them how to die for it.
Slavery in the Bible There are 4 types of slavery referenced in the bible: INTRODUCTION  ...
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2021:
and why is this important to an atheist or agnostic?
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
Except that slavery still goes on today, in this country. It should get more press...
Lock them up! Lock them up!
Redneckliberal comments on Oct 8, 2021:
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
Does it involve soap in a shower?...
Wanna hear a rape joke?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 8, 2021:
They are mimicing the same bullying, threatening behavior of their allies in the anti-abortion movement, screaming abuse at women who walk into clinics. If I were one of those parents being harassed and threatened, I would probably lose my temper and shout back at them to stay out of my face or I ...
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
@jlynn37 I like the satisfaction part (...but I cain't get no.....satisfaction...)
Freeman Dyson - Can Science Deal with God? - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
My understanding is that the majority of scientists are agnostics or atheists, and tolerate religion as a matter of social grace. They do not regard religion as having ANY answers. I don't support the notion that evil comes from the development of diversity.
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay @rainmanjr According to this article, God-believing scientists number less than half that in the general population (33% vs 83%). I'll stand corrected that NOT most scientists are non-believers (only just barely), but the pie chart indicates 47 % are.
Because they're stupid. Why would some Americans rather risk death than get the vaccine?
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
The choice is actually between risking death by COVID and risking death by the mRNA inoculation. I am in favor of true vaccines. I oppose the hijacking of cells' genetic messaging by the mRNA jabs.
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
Thanks for your response. I agree that the way the World Economic Forum seeks to use the pandemic is concerning. I doubt that they publish their actual intentions, and without actionable information, nothing can be said that doesn't come off as paranoid speculation. I suspect you are correct in suggesting that the media censors and minimizes the deaths and problems resulting from the mRNA jabs as well as the other vaccinations. I'll suggest they are doing this out of loyalty to the notion that vaccination is believed to be the best strategy to curtail the pandemic. Thus, publicizing the downsides doesn't help that strategy. From your article: "Malone clarified that he was not discouraging the use of the vaccine but was providing people with as much fair information as he could about their risks." Addressing the Tucker Carlson's disinformation:
Because they're stupid. Why would some Americans rather risk death than get the vaccine?
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
The choice is actually between risking death by COVID and risking death by the mRNA inoculation. I am in favor of true vaccines. I oppose the hijacking of cells' genetic messaging by the mRNA jabs.
racocn8 replies on Oct 8, 2021:
Okay. Tell us WHY you are opposed to "hijacking of cells' genetic messaging by the mRNA jabs"? Or why the mRNA jabs are not true vaccines.
Because they're stupid. Why would some Americans rather risk death than get the vaccine?
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
The choice is actually between risking death by COVID and risking death by the mRNA inoculation. I am in favor of true vaccines. I oppose the hijacking of cells' genetic messaging by the mRNA jabs.
racocn8 replies on Oct 7, 2021:
@Scott321 I stand corrected. Thanks for the update.
Because they're stupid. Why would some Americans rather risk death than get the vaccine?
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
The choice is actually between risking death by COVID and risking death by the mRNA inoculation. I am in favor of true vaccines. I oppose the hijacking of cells' genetic messaging by the mRNA jabs.
racocn8 replies on Oct 7, 2021:
Please provide an authoritative source validating your claim that any covid vaccine "hijacks" cell genetic messaging. (B-cells express set antibody sequences before they see antigen. No DNA modification is involved when B-cells are activated to proliferate.)
Bernie Sanders Accuses Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema of 'Sabotage'
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
And not even that well paid saboteurs.
racocn8 replies on Oct 6, 2021:
@HankHunter13 Okay. Even a few million seems like chump-change to subvert trillions in spending, but I suppose it's relative.
Anti-Vaxxers are terrorists, plain and simple...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 6, 2021:
A standard definition of terrorism is “the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.” I do not believe an antivaxer meets the criteria here.
racocn8 replies on Oct 6, 2021:
Perhaps being an anti-vaxer doesn't violate any laws. They do seem intent on furthering political or ideological objectives. To the extent that they pursue their goals by showing depraved indifference to the consequences of their inaction, some locales do have laws against depraved indifference. Definition: "When their actions show an utter disregard for the value of human life, they will be said to be exhibiting depraved indifference. This means that they exhibit a willingness to act, not because they intend to cause harm but because they do not care if their actions will result in harm."
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as insane that the very people who vandalized Auschwitz spray...
Mooolah comments on Oct 6, 2021:
So many are young punks merely attempting to receive attention that mommy & daddy did not provide. Misguided rebellion. Not my favorite type of human. Most are males of the species flooded with testosterone & no way to relieve its grip. Get a job!
racocn8 replies on Oct 6, 2021:
Being castrated, physically or chemically, would be a good step.
Whistleblower: Facebook is misleading the public on progress against hate speech, violence, ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Fox and Facebook crossed the line on promoting insurrection a long time ago. Their Russian connections need to be publicized to explain why they should be broken up.
racocn8 replies on Oct 4, 2021:
@FearlessFly Well, that's the problem, isn't it? What percent of those in the GQP bubble will hear that their newsfeed comes from the GRU, much less understand it?
The hills have eyes!
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Pity the fool who has to watch me … got to be the most boring job on the planet! 🥱
racocn8 replies on Oct 1, 2021:
I took a class called Information Therapy in 1975. Students reviewed folders on technology subjects the prof had collected over time. One of my folders discussed artificial languages and part of it related to the potential capacity to analyze speech and convert it into scripts and the capacity to use primitive AI to parse the scripts into meaningful content. From that I surmised that we had the technology to use computers to analyze phone conversations en masse and then screen them for illegal conduct. Presumably, metadata could also be filtered to identify suspects engaged in criminal behavior.
The hills have eyes!
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Pity the fool who has to watch me … got to be the most boring job on the planet! 🥱
racocn8 replies on Oct 1, 2021:
That's why they use computers.
Ya know, IF there is alien technology at Area 51, "they" did not brief Trump about it because there ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 29, 2021:
I agree. The truth however is that there are no crash retrieval sites. At least not for anything not of this earth. In the beginning we used weather balloons to spy on the Russians. Some of these came down. Later on we had to "cover up" our new aircraft technology at area 51. Russians and others ...
racocn8 replies on Sep 29, 2021:
Senator Harry Reid: "I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials," Reid, 81, told the New Yorker of defense contractor Lockheed Martin. "And I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff," he said. "They would not approve that. I don’t know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me." Reid spoke to the magazine as part of an article regarding government investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Dr. Davis met with Vice-Admiral Thomas R. Wilson, who was then tasked with oversight of special programs at the Pentagon, on October 16, 2002. The notes are objectively authentic, and Dr. Davis has not denied their veracity. Vice-Admiral Wilson relayed to Dr. Davis that the Vice-Admiral attempted to meet with the corporate “gatekeepers” of “the program” to reverse engineer alien technology in May and June 1997. Those persons included the corporate’s program director, the security director, and corporate counsel (either general or special). The gatekeepers denied Vice-Admiral Wilson access as he was not on the “bigots list” of people who were need-to-know. The Vice-Admiral hints the program was then run by Lockheed Martin; perhaps they call it SkunkWorks because something smells rotten.
Ya know, IF there is alien technology at Area 51, "they" did not brief Trump about it because there ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
The whole of the security apparatus involved in crash retrievals is beyond Trump's comprehension. Most of the technology is beyond our understanding as well. But thanks for the additive manufacturing and glassy metals...
racocn8 replies on Sep 29, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 I guess all the Pentagon videos were seagulls... Carlson has an interest and may have spoken to Trump to try to get something released, but others have been working on it for decades. Their prime directive is firmly in place, as is ours for the moment.
Red Covid This sounds like a reasonable argument.
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Can we start asking them not to shoot themselves?
racocn8 replies on Sep 28, 2021:
@AnneWimsey (Sshhh, reverse psychology)
Has anyone here read any of George Will's books or columns?
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
While considerably more intellectual that the rest of the GOP, he still suffers from all the conventional delusions of the GOP: opposing everything liberal and supporting the Christian biases and power structure. He's another Bill Buckley Jr. with somewhat less pomposity.
racocn8 replies on Sep 27, 2021:
@Flowerwall Certainly most GQP, being Christian, are delusional; and I disagree with most of their views. As one who respects science, I am always willing to listen to alternatives. Thus, simply disagreeing with me is not enough to be deemed delusional. Is there a problem?
One idea I really like ... Along with "Eat the rich..."
BD66 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
racocn8 replies on Sep 27, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz @St-Sinner The problem is that those that accumulate the wealth never fairly compensate those that actually created the products.
RBG knew the truth
St-Sinner comments on Sep 27, 2021:
She should have resigned during Obama and she didn't in spite fast failing health. We have to recognize the truth.
racocn8 replies on Sep 27, 2021:
And Breyer is pulling the same crap. What disgusting arrogance.
'Race Traitor Syndrome' is actually a thing?
racocn8 comments on Sep 25, 2021:
Quite a few people are self-hating and obsessively denounce (or undermine) the group they themselves belong to. Larry Elder comes to mind.
racocn8 replies on Sep 26, 2021:
Link titles: " Talk show host hoping to unseat California governor says systemic racism ‘is a lie’ - - Larry Elder has a long record of comments casting doubt on the existence of sexism and racism Here's a quote: "Though he himself attended the Ivy League Brown University on affirmative action, he has criticised such programmes," Then there's this where he's using the canard about police killing more Whites than Blacks, excusing police that murder blacks. He says there's no systemic racism, but then says "This isn't your grandfather's America" "...Yes, there are bad cops, but for the most part, they’re trying to do their best, and contrary to popular perception, the police, in recent years, have killed more unarmed whites than Blacks. It is a lie, not supported by the evidence, that cops are killing Blacks just because they’re Black. This is not your grandfathers’ America. "
It's time we started to identify the real enemy
itsmedammit comments on Sep 25, 2021:
Someone who wanted to profit from the chaos.
racocn8 replies on Sep 26, 2021:
Profit may come in the form of degrading the competence of your competitors. Putin benefits when Western countries suffer from conflict and corruption. However, Putin may also be motivated by vengeance.
American town meetings. I don't know whether to laugh or cry! []
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 25, 2021:
How did we get this stupid?
racocn8 replies on Sep 25, 2021:
Religion. Just religion.
The dumbest family in American history.....
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Nothing funny about a thoroughly corrupt psychotic fascist gaining power with the copious help of a hostile foreign power.
racocn8 replies on Sep 24, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I see the promise of "Intell" to Stone in a memo seized by the FBI, but did Israel help Trump in other ways? Do you have links?
Marcin - Paganini's Caprice no. 5 on One Guitar []
rogerbenham comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Far too clever for me.
racocn8 replies on Sep 22, 2021:
It's depressing to see the music play second fiddle to the musician's hubris. I've seen other classical guitarists with that same problem. What did they do to that kid to screw him up that bad. I'm guessing it has to do with the tension between the need for Hispanic machismo and the not so macho perception of being a musician.
Super Heroes....
bobwjr comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Yes she belongs
racocn8 replies on Sep 22, 2021:
... More than the others (that aren't real)
Don't get vaccinated!
racocn8 comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Yes, I thought to invest in funeral services. Carriage (CSV) looked good. I didn't feel right about it and sold soon after. Big mistake; It's up about 100%
racocn8 replies on Sep 21, 2021:
@Cast1es CSV (not CVS). Tickers can be vexing as to their origin and uniqueness.
On a Sunday program, Ted Koppel went to a small town that was the model for Andy Griffith’s ...
rainmanjr comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Ted Koppel is always a joy to watch work. He planted his flag on reporting the big story (Hostage Crises) and continues to wave in our time's big story. Isn't that a lovely salute while staying within the metaphor? Ted kind of missed it in this piece but I enjoyed learning of the town. I wouldn't go...
racocn8 replies on Sep 20, 2021:
Say, What IS the point in life...?
On a Sunday program, Ted Koppel went to a small town that was the model for Andy Griffith’s ...
rainmanjr comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Ted Koppel is always a joy to watch work. He planted his flag on reporting the big story (Hostage Crises) and continues to wave in our time's big story. Isn't that a lovely salute while staying within the metaphor? Ted kind of missed it in this piece but I enjoyed learning of the town. I wouldn't go...
racocn8 replies on Sep 20, 2021:
These people really are brainwashed. It's amazing to see such stark delusionality. One shouldn't be surprised, but it's breathtaking, sad, disgusting and angering all at the same time.
Most people on this site know atheism is not a religion.
skado comments on Sep 18, 2021:
“...atheism is not a religion.” Which is, oddly enough, something atheism has in common with theism: neither of them is a religion.
racocn8 replies on Sep 18, 2021:
How would theism exist without a corresponding religion?
Franklin vs Biden vs Turdeau vs Hitler
wordywalt comments on Sep 17, 2021:
You are at this crap again? Have you no ency, no shame????????
racocn8 replies on Sep 17, 2021:
Shame??? What's that? (This is a conservative you're dealing with. Same for decency.) If, somehow, he isn't a Putin stooge, he is underpaid.
Franklin vs Biden vs Turdeau vs Hitler
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 16, 2021:
@PBuck0 thinks (using the term loosely, I y'am) that these are impressive & enlightening........
racocn8 replies on Sep 17, 2021:
It's just cut and paste. Certainly no thought is involved. He just likes the colors...
A defamation suit accusing former President Trump of rape will move forward as planned, a federal ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 16, 2021:
And the supposedly non-partisan DOJ totally went along with it.
racocn8 replies on Sep 17, 2021:
@snytiger6 The DOJ under Biden has continued to work this: Justice Department Intervenes To Take Over Trump's Defense In Defamation Lawsuit
Cops Pay Out MILLIONS For Bungled P.R. Stunt - YouTube
Secretguy comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Except it’s taxpayers that foot the bill.
racocn8 replies on Sep 17, 2021:
Supposedly they were fired, but plainly they were just the ones that got caught.
90% of Atheists Vaccinated []
altschmerz comments on Sep 17, 2021:
What kills me is how many people are quitting their jobs over vaccine mandates, including healthcare workers! We're never going to get rid of this pandemic!!
racocn8 replies on Sep 17, 2021:
This is now the Trump-Maga-Putin Pandemic
IMHO Tulsi Gabbard is a true liberal and a true patriot. []
racocn8 comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Yeah, for Russia.
racocn8 replies on Sep 16, 2021:
For those who have not seen this video.
racocn8 comments on Sep 15, 2021:
I admit I don't know, but I'm inclined to disbelieve that the plane of the solar system is perpendicular to the sun's path of travel. That path of travel is necessarily either from the galactic frame of reference, or that of our local supercluster. Take your pick.
racocn8 replies on Sep 15, 2021:
@anglophone Would any frame of reference have special definition, as, say, the purported origin of the big bang, or also incorporate motion relative to other frames of reference.
What have these monsters done?
racocn8 comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Stay away from Fascist-supporting Taco Bell and In-and-Out.
racocn8 replies on Sep 15, 2021:
@TheGreatShadow And on the inner rim of the cup's underside (as I recall).
China seems pretty healthy.
xenoview comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Why would I want to become a taoist? I'm fine with being an agnostic atheist. Do you believe in a god? If you don't then you are an atheist too.
racocn8 replies on Sep 15, 2021:
@rainmanjr Is Taoism a belief such that one who subscribes to it cannot be said to be atheist? While the term atheist may be defined as one who is without belief, it seems that the belief referenced is belief in a deity specifically, rather than belief in natural patterns. How is Taoism different from a belief in science? I would lean in favor of a Taoist being able to also claim to be atheist. If certain sayings are problematic, are they so critical to Taoism as to deny that label?
A lot of people are saying that after losing the election, Donald Trump was unhinged or crazy.
racocn8 comments on Sep 15, 2021:
And yet 63 million people voted for Trump believing he was fit and qualified to be presidential. How can that many people be oblivious to obvious mental illness and psychopathy?? Yes, yes, a lot voted in protest, misogyny or hatred of all things democrat. Still, just sickening.
racocn8 replies on Sep 15, 2021:
@p-nullifidian I meant in the 2016 election.
Are vaccination passports and putting unvaccinated Covid patients to the bottom of the triage queue ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Sep 15, 2021:
I feel more extreme than simply putting them to the bottom of the queue. If they refuse to vaccinate, they need to stay the fuck home if/when they feel sick. If someone doesn't trust the vaccine, they aren't entitled to professional health care providers should they become ill. PERIOD. They ...
racocn8 replies on Sep 15, 2021:
Given that anti-vaxxers and MAGA have chosen to disrespect science as a culture-war ploy that has killed 600K+, they should suck up some of those consequences themselves. Yeah, they should stay at home, and leave it to god like they claim.
Is she worth Keeping.🤔
racocn8 comments on Sep 14, 2021:
No man should get married without a prenuptial agreement. The proposition that divorces are automatically no-fault is pure insanity. The lawyers love it.
racocn8 replies on Sep 14, 2021:
@BD66 The only value of a pre-nup is to alert one to the pitfall of marriage. Marriage as a social or even legal/financial contract needs to be renegotiated, badly.
As I understand this intellectually it is also untrue of the moment.
racocn8 comments on Sep 14, 2021:
Can one distinguish truth from studied ignorance? What are people like who have followed that path?
racocn8 replies on Sep 14, 2021:
@rainmanjr Isn't science within the realm of the worldly knowledge to be eschewed? Doesn't a knowledge of science enhance knowing the truth? Are we not all suffering because so many embrace ignorance?
Another COVID vaccine denier has died from the virus.
dkp93 comments on Sep 14, 2021:
So his show was called 'Real Science Radio', eh? Just a touch of irony there.
racocn8 replies on Sep 14, 2021:
Like Creation Science...
This is why republicans must be stopped!
racocn8 comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Maybe women could vote in so as to promote their own self interest? Or not be dissuaded by russian social media bots?
racocn8 replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@killtheskyfairy Utterly shameful across the board. Again, any number of demographic groups could (and should) have changed the outcome. Putin's GRU made the most of the data they got and they crossed every T and dotted every i. None of the minorities should have been that favorable. The Hispanics are largely Catholic/Pro-life, but the Asians have no excuse. Not so smart after all. And yet, Trump targeted them in a big way after Covid appeared. Even 8% for Blacks is ridiculous. The Russians played us like a fiddle, and now they own us.
This is why republicans must be stopped!
racocn8 comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Maybe women could vote in so as to promote their own self interest? Or not be dissuaded by russian social media bots?
racocn8 replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy I agree with your disagreement. I'm sure male intimidation was a big part of it. But people still vote in private. I certainly don't blame the majority who did vote for Hillary. What they don't show are the millions of Bernie supporters who were successfully dissuaded by the Russians not to vote at all.
This is why republicans must be stopped!
racocn8 comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Maybe women could vote in so as to promote their own self interest? Or not be dissuaded by russian social media bots?
racocn8 replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy Absolutely yes, seriously. 42% of women voted for a foul mouthed racist misogynist over the first female presidential candidate. The Texas antiabortion law is a direct result. I suppose that 42% are the Evangelicals, so those women totally buy into patriarchy. A LOT of work to do.
This is why republicans must be stopped!
racocn8 comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Maybe women could vote in so as to promote their own self interest? Or not be dissuaded by russian social media bots?
racocn8 replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy I certainly don't mean to minimize the abuse women receive from men. However, women are among the various parties that can be blamed for Trump, any one of which could have tipped the scales the other way. Both (all) sexes have a lot of work to do.
Here's another story about working with the elderly.
racocn8 comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Kinda sad.
racocn8 replies on Sep 10, 2021:
Perhaps I mistakenly supposed she was serious. I projected my own experience with dating where so many older people want companionship and even sex, but the connection isn't there. Because of the emotional attachments that come with intimacy, people are unwilling to risk connecting. That's what seemed sad to me.
Evangelicals and Christtards particularly.
racocn8 comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Denying Putin's role in Trump's rise to power is terrifying.
racocn8 replies on Sep 9, 2021:
@Moravian The US media censored the report issued by the Senate reviewing Russia's role in Brexit. Like the 2016 election, hundreds of thousands of social media bots were unleashed to whip up racism. I asked Swalwell about the censorship. He said they just didn't cover it. The difference?
Evangelicals and Christtards particularly.
racocn8 comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Denying Putin's role in Trump's rise to power is terrifying.
racocn8 replies on Sep 9, 2021:
@Moravian At Putin's direction, Trump directed Steve Bannon and Paul Manafort to supply the GRU with demographic data. The GRU used this data to bombard the electorate with messaging from 400,000 social media bots. The messaging directed Bernie supporters to not vote for Hillary and to non-whites not to vote. Many other strategies were employed, having gained experience with similar campaigns in Ukraine, France and Brexit. Putin funneled money to Trump, the NRA and probably other GOP organizations, which then went to GOP campaigns. The first half of Mueller Report details more than 100 contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians, all of which should have been reported to the FBI, but weren't.
Depraved Indifference = When their actions show an utter disregard for the value of human life, they...
p-nullifidian comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Depraved indifference would require, in my opinion, more certainty about whether or not the unmasked anti-VAXer was exposed and/or infected by the virus. Persons diagnosed with AIDS, for example, can be held liable in court for endangering the lives of their sexual partners by engaging in sexual ...
racocn8 replies on Sep 9, 2021:
Agreed. No one can know they're infectious unless they've been tested and got the results. As the issue is politicized, and expressed by so many, its unlikely this could be applied, even where appropriate. The issue is that their behavior is the same. These people claim that behaving with depraved indifference is their freedom.
So, Just Who Are the Pedophiles? GQP Projection? []
racocn8 comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I'm sure it is, but it's clear a few democrats have been enticed too, such as Clinton and Epstein. It is almost entirely a GQP issue because of the sexual repression that comes with evangelical christianity.
racocn8 replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@BirdMan1 I don't think teenagers are Clinton's thing, necessarily. The news reported he had been to Epstein's island, but no reports surfaced on what, if anything, happened. Just going there supported the child trafficking though. No doubt the democrat ranks have some number of sexually repressed/unprincipled people too.
hello all! Im new!
racocn8 comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Get another picture. That one makes you look like Hannibal Lecter's brother.
racocn8 replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@inigomontoya I guess I touched a nerve. Hopkins is a good looking or even handsome actor. In your case, however, the ugliness shines through. You've been hurt and you're badly confused. Sucks to be you...
Un-Vaccinated People and their Hospitalizations [npr.
PBuck0145 comments on Sep 8, 2021:
MRNA inoculations are NOT vaccines, they are genetic manipulation.
racocn8 replies on Sep 8, 2021:
Please describe the genetic manipulation that occurs after getting a vaccination? What type of cell is getting its DNA manipulated? (That would be none and none).
The vertices of a square inscribed in a circle just touch the circumference of the circle.
racocn8 comments on Sep 7, 2021:
pir^2/((r^2r^2)^.5)^2 = pir^2/2r^2 = pi/2
racocn8 replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@waitingforgodo Good Trouble.
hello all! Im new!
racocn8 comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Get another picture. That one makes you look like Hannibal Lecter's brother.
racocn8 replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@inigomontoya I was making fun of the photo, which is far from complimentary. Perhaps you are overly sensitive about your own appearance.
hello all! Im new!
racocn8 comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Get another picture. That one makes you look like Hannibal Lecter's brother.
racocn8 replies on Sep 6, 2021:
@inigomontoya How is giving good advice rude? Wasn't the explanation clear enough for you?
Hi everyone.
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
If you don't know, it's unlikely anyone can explain it to you.
racocn8 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@Ello OK. Here is a link for you to deepen your understanding. After ' learning ', you can comment on how your view is changed. Here is your original statement. "I don't understand why many people here are upset about the Abortion law passed in Texas. It makes no sense to be so angry over a law that was passed legally. Why are they so angry?"
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
The principles of triage are based on survivability and don't take into account how the patients came to be in need. From the perspective that does consider the outrageousness of their behavior, the principles of triage seem unfair. The anti-vax conduct is so offensive that it does invite the ...
racocn8 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@SnowyOwl Actually, civil war is here already. Look at how the majority of Republicans still reject the election outcome, even in the absence of election chicanery. Pandemonium is the objective. The GQP wants civil war so they can impose fascism. That is the only way they can retain power in the face of changing demographics.
Hi everyone.
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
If you don't know, it's unlikely anyone can explain it to you.
racocn8 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@Ello Donna_I describes your phrasing as naive. DenoPenno notes that the abortion issue is used as an (religious) expression of control over women. Others remark on the perspective of women. These perspectives are unmentioned by your post. These omissions signify such a low level of awareness that, for whatever reasons, you are uneducable. It is a sad reality that many people cannot be enlightened, although for a variety of reasons.
Scammer laying it on thick "Hello pretty angel! I must say you are looking so adorable through ...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Did you hurl? Did you sprain your eyes in response to reading that? Gads, gotta worry about women that read that and get excited.
racocn8 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
The feeling targeted seems to be avarice, rather than lust.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 4, 2021:
JEEBUS you make rocks look sentient.
racocn8 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Did you see the meme he sent above? Not that any cities have been destroyed, but the Capitol doesn't count.
Why is it that most atheists seem to define themselves by hating religion or religious people?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Have you ever been beat for expressing doubt as a kid? Has your education been compromised by religious hatred of science? Have you ever been disowned for religious reasons? Have you had harmless activities interrupted by religious people telling you you're a Satanist? Have you ever been ...
racocn8 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Yes. I also suspect the poster is a troll. No one who has been in this country, especially in the last 4 years, could be so clueless.
racocn8 comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Or, how is it that those who refused to blame Trump for anything now blame Biden for everything, including making shit up. (I for one, do blame Biden for utterly failing to address the rampant corruption/treason/sedition in the Republican ranks).
racocn8 replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@PBuck0145 I can't return the sentiment.
My sentiments exactly! Women don’t get pregnant without male participation.
racocn8 comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Ugh. The top meme is hopelessly absurd and not even funny.
racocn8 replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@silverotter11 Consider how many women go into and then stay in abusive relationships. As long as the man provides and promises financial support, some women will stay until they are murdered, even though it was entirely foreseeable. Look how many women will get into relationships with Republicans. Then look at how many women say there aren't any good men available. Did they even look? Or is it just more lazy misandry?
My sentiments exactly! Women don’t get pregnant without male participation.
racocn8 comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Ugh. The top meme is hopelessly absurd and not even funny.
racocn8 replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@silverotter11 I hope this issue motivates women to vote against the fascists, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm afraid the whole thing is a show deployed to distract the public.
Truth is more messed up than satire
Redneckliberal comments on Sep 4, 2021:
racocn8 replies on Sep 4, 2021:
It IS wrong. I've seen a great deal of BS that shouldn't be allowed.
My sentiments exactly! Women don’t get pregnant without male participation.
racocn8 comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Ugh. The top meme is hopelessly absurd and not even funny.
racocn8 replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy No one should be forced to be tethered to someone they don't want to be with. However, men should be financially responsible for the pregnancies they cause.
This nauseates me. []
racocn8 comments on Sep 2, 2021:
The guy that enabled Trump to win the election, also offered bounties on American soldiers and bankrolled the Taliban and the NRA.
racocn8 replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@William_Mary Your silly delusions and ad hominem show all too clearly why everyone ignores your posts. Pure incoherence.
This is something I wrote awhile back when a romantic partner hurt me pretty bad.
racocn8 comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Disney princesses strike again...
racocn8 replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@EntheogenFan You are welcome to DM.
A stupid clown.
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2021:
When did conspiring with a hostile foreign power to gain power in a illegally slanted election become OK?
racocn8 replies on Sep 3, 2021:
@mcgeo52 Very good points. Still, actually providing demographic data to the GRU to directly affect the election?... well, it competes with your citations. GRRRrrrrrrrrr I guess the GQP are not unfamiliar with treason.
Pete Buttigieg was being interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News recently about Texas' decision to ...
Charles1971 comments on Sep 3, 2021:
I don't know very much about Buttigieg but if he shows that much moral clarity and understanding toward other social issues as he does such a sensitive and emotional topic as abortion then he might just make a pretty good president some day.
racocn8 replies on Sep 3, 2021:
Except that he is unelectable because of his being gay.
Thank goodness I’ve slept with (mostly) socialists!!
jenandjuice1111 comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Here is the actual story, if you’re interested:
racocn8 replies on Sep 3, 2021:
@whiskywoman Cunnilingus takes 20-30 minutes easily and mounting is another 20...
More Trump truths!
racocn8 comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Think of the Capitol as a classy upstanding lady. On Jan. 6, somehow a rapist drugged her and removed her clothes, and, by the time the rapist was done, she was black and blue and her legs were spread. So far, no pregnancy from the rape, but the rapist is still on the loose and has made threats to ...
racocn8 replies on Sep 3, 2021:
@silverotter11 But the intent of the rapist was not just rape, but to murder her.
This is something I wrote awhile back when a romantic partner hurt me pretty bad.
racocn8 comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Disney princesses strike again...
racocn8 replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@EntheogenFan Maybe dangerous where you are, but success is always worth it (maybe?)...consider a different race, especially given your interest in entheogens. That or keep it a secret. Frankly, Thai or other non-US nationals. I'm biased after 10 years of failure (before my SO of 3 yrs) that white women are single because of unreasonable expectations of money, property and looks (Disney princess syndrome). And now we have the political polarization... Good luck.
A trio of Trump truths:
Redneckliberal comments on Sep 2, 2021:
racocn8 replies on Sep 2, 2021:
or better yet, bleach.


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