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Is it racist to not want an open border?
Green_eyes comments on Aug 10, 2018:
It’s a right wing talking point to say that the left want open boards. It’s never been said! The boarders must be and are protected. Trumpski is not looking in the right direction. He gets a rise out of his peeps by talking about a wall that the BP all say they don’t need. People overstaying ...
racocn8 replies on Aug 10, 2018:
Open-border does have a bad sound to it, basically a paradoxical concept. But semantics aside, the term open-border is the functional equivalent of what the ACLU advocates. The ACLU has generally advocated against spending money for border enforcement. The advocacy for the illegal aliens who come in goes to the point of granting amnesty. Functionally, these policies amount to an open-border even though they aren't referenced that way. I question the propriety of the ACLU's level of advocacy. What level of border enforcement would the ACLU support?
Why are the right-wingers indistinguishable from trolls?
terrygerry1 comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I have a problem with Trump in that he will pardon all of his friends. He will probably pardon Manafort so why are we wasting money on a trial? We are in very dangerous territory right now with the corruption of the presidency and the congress.
racocn8 replies on Aug 9, 2018:
Manafort was a Putin stooge helping Ukraine's president after Putin skewed that election. Everything Putin did here he tried out in Ukraine first. Manafort could be the key to Trump, and as deep as any connection between Trump and Putin. He's not the only game in town, but getting a conviction in his first trial may persuade him to avoid the second.
Please note the loyal Trump supporters almost exactly overlap the Evangelicals.
JustKip comments on Aug 2, 2018:
Honestly...I feel like I've been baited enough by them to start an actual shooting war.
racocn8 replies on Aug 2, 2018:
Lock and load...
My version of gun control. May they use both hands
DarrelScott comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Perfect firearm for a democrat
racocn8 replies on Jul 6, 2018:
They've been using that model for decades.
Enjoy it while you can.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Counter measures?
racocn8 replies on Jul 6, 2018:
We will continue to field recovered non-terrestrial tech to keep the economy going. I.E. 3D printing.
UFO’s, science, and religion
novoxguy comments on Jun 24, 2018:
No, we do not know any such thing. UFOs are not extraterrestrial visitations.
racocn8 replies on Jul 5, 2018:
To 5082gregory, Bigelow Aerospace received $22 million to investigate UFO/military incidents. "Under Mr. Bigelow’s direction, the company modified buildings in Las Vegas for the storage of metal alloys and other materials that Mr. Elizondo and program contractors said had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena." This recovery effort has been reported in contrast to past programs that remain wholly classified. So there is 'SOLID proof.' The public is simply not allowed to review it. One of the reports from the AATIP program was over 500 pages and it most likely contains the forensic analysis of said recovered material. At least a dozen official military/intelligence documents clearly describe non-terrestrial technology. Many other documents are +90% redacted in the interest of 'national security'. Still others are leaked as 'fakes' but contain classified information (i.e. Donald Menzel's relationship with the NSA). But don't tell that to the debunkers.
Seven questions
mercurymerlin comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Can't say I'm particularly impressed with simply being handed repeats of links to Samuel Johnson. The second response a bit better, at least trying and I follow some of the logic even if I don't necessarily agree - that way of thinking leaves the universe a cold and heartless place where nothing ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 1, 2018:
I'll take cold and heartless over obviously delusional. Remember Darwin's distaste for his own depiction of nature surviving by 'tooth and claw"; and remember Sam Harris's summation: "“Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes like this, or he doesn't care to, or he doesn't exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary. Take your pick," Disagreements should be stated and defended. This is a discussion. We are untold millennia behind our Keepers (technologically, biologically, psychologically, etc.). There is no catching up. The Keepers are surely quite different from the actual Visitors. What sort of civilization is indifferent to Time?
Why does society have double standards for women who like sex?
ShuMei2018 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
If you enjoy sex, you're a slut. If you don't like sex, you're a prude. Us ladies can't win for nothing.
racocn8 replies on Jun 30, 2018:
Get a clue. Men are the ones who suffer. Women enforce these notions as a means to boost their sexual value. The dearth of sexual availability is an utterly artificial scarcity which is the main source of misogyny and rape.
What is your favorite paradox?
pc10101 comments on Apr 17, 2018:
The Fermi Paradox
racocn8 replies on Apr 18, 2018:
Assuming UFO's are real and piloted by ET (A significant percentage of reports are not debunked), the behavioral profile based on reliable reports suggests an intensive monitoring by multiple species/cultures, presumably under ground rules established by the prevailing advanced species. Monitoring and tampering with nuclear weapon platforms is its own message. Many reports suggest that some measure of contact does occur. Even so, Earth is reasonably seen by ETs to be a nature preserve under quarantine.
The Number of Americans with No Religious Affiliation Is Rising - Scientific American
nicknotes comments on Apr 16, 2018:
The Christians organized the "Moral Majority" and as a voting bloc achieved great political power. The "Nones" need to organize and start being a power bloc. First on the agenda is to start having churches pay property taxes and eliminate the income deduction for money donated to a church.
racocn8 replies on Apr 16, 2018:
Taxing churches is a nice idea and it should be repeated on occasion, but it is a non-starter. Only a few televangelist churches have any money worth taxing. Organizing the None's is a much better idea. I believe a majority do recoil at the hypocrisy of the Evangelicals for supporting the wholly degenerate, wholly unrepentant Trump. The Nones have a Golden Opportunity to seize the moral high ground by listing and embracing DOABLE political objectives that are described by social justice. Another arena to recruit the middle is to focus on the necessity of holding those with power to a higher standard, which does turn the current moral landscape on its head. The #metoo shaming is a good start and an excellent formula. Shaming and ostracizing the corrupt using social media and financial leverage are effective tools, but surely more are available?
What life experiences challenge your agnosticism and why?
Meep70 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
I believe that there is much that science has yet to explain and religion just doesn't explain it well. I have experienced what I can only describe as communication over a distance with no contact on multiple occasions. As an example, many years ago I lost contact with a dear friend. During that ...
racocn8 replies on Apr 9, 2018:
Dear Danny, Thanks for your comment. I am grateful to read your other posts and to find a thoughtful, reflective and insightful person. I hope you find a suitable companion and the other joys of life.
FAITH is perhaps the weapon used by the privileged to dupe the rest of Americans into trusting that ...
IamNobody comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Where do I start?... I left Facebook because I couldn't say God SUCKS without being attacked (trolled was the nicest actually) and to my pleasant surprise that doesn't happen here. However, I feel like I am swimming towards dangerous water here because its an issue now a days to support our country ...
racocn8 replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@Fanburger Speaking of trolls... By your account, I would be one of those professional victims. I make no money from being a victim, but I certainly do blame elements of government and society, and some rich people (i.e. Koch brothers), and religious (i.e. Falwell and his ilk) for degrading the conversation and the country. And I would equate people like yourself who contrive such specious nonsense.
How do Believers become Non-Believers
KashFigueroa comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I used to go to church on Sundays but it was primarily to take my grandmother. She had a series of falls and hurt herself so we walked together holding arms. But due to a poor and bad education system my parents put me on a private, Catholic school. It was more for the education than the religion. ...
racocn8 replies on Apr 3, 2018:
I would be very interested to hear of what you saw. When I was about 12, I saw a UFO while I was standing on the roof of a high rise in North Chicago. I could only see a row of lights slowly rotating, but it was ~30-40 feet wide noiselessly going 5 mph. Not a plane and highly unlikely to be a balloon. Simply not identified. Have you seen the 3 gun-camera videos recently released by the Pentagon?


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