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No. 3: Yard Swiller... that's me. (A yard is a big glass of ale.)
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Misandry before it was a thing...
Just kicking down cobblestones
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Is that a nuke in the background?
GOP congressional candidate Carl Paladino said Black Americans are 'held hungry and dumb' and ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Projection is such a bitch.
Lauren Boebert's "Jesus Christ Superstar", coming soon to Broadway... []
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Guns and killing others are American Christianity's New New Testament.
Former Judge J. Michael Luttig criticizes his party, ex-clerks : NPR
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Not only was his speech so halting as to give the impression of senility or impairment, but the actual content was often nonsensical. That was disguised by his lethargic replies.
Well dang!
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
I think he's had enough already.
CANNABIS IN SCIENCE & HEALTH 6/17/2022 A study found that "cannabis extracts are cytotoxic for ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
On the first reference, that would be another validation of minor cannabinoids and the Entourage Effect. The question is, which minor cannabinoids?
Maybe he meant "ah, men"!
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
So God parted the red sea and brought his staff to the promised land: "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God..." And in time, brought forth the living water. (Hope he also had some lube). Lucifer knows too well that God is a tight-ass.
Lady w long black hair for obvious reason šŸ™ŒšŸ¦‡
racocn8 comments on Jun 17, 2022:
On the first meme, asking how Walker could be a candidate: Perhaps this is a demonstration of contempt for democratic values that respect a meritocracy. Walker is pathetic, but serving as a Senator carries responsibilities that affect millions of lives. Putting up a joke, or a psychotic, or a malignant narcissist demonstrates disrespect for the other party and for the system as a whole. The GQP are now anti-democratic, and deploying an idiot like Walker is another form of sabotage.
Tipsy Traitor
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
I still suspect that all the coup schemes came from the Russian GRU. The GOP has neither the imagination nor the competence to violate the country's norms. Only outsiders would consider these as viable.
Not to mention has less desirable taste than ditch water
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Hey, it could be non-alcoholic beer...
Religion is not included here.
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
For most, it's unconsciousness.
For entertainment only, don't take it seriously.
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Why do they call it PMS??? Because the term "Mad Cow Disease" was already taken...
The more I look at Donald John Trump the more I wonder how the U$A managed to elect such a morally ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
He got a lot of help from the Family, Putin, and the wealthy.
How should you fight if you must?
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
My older brother would grab my wrists to keep me from hitting him back. That left my feet free which ended the conflict. Somehow he still managed to father two children.
I suddenly realized this, I was relieved.
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
You're always good for target practice...
He was a criminal and crucifixion was a common punishment to deter citizens.
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Plastic capes?? Not exactly the height of Roman fashion...
How many other variations can you come up with?
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Whore on a door?
Imagine being so worked up over a pride parade you feel compelled to get in a UHaul with a bunch of ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
The closed mind of Richard Dawkins .
racocn8 comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Romans 5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. Notice how Adam and Moses are mentioned in one breath. The author of Romans believed that Adam and Moses were real people rather than symbols or allegories. The passage also states that death started with Adam. This refers to the phrase, “The wages of sin is death.” It is Adam’s Original Sin that brings about the existence of death. Romans 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one [judgment came] upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one [the free gift came] upon all men unto justification of life. Romans 5:19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Adam’s Original Sin is “one man’s offence,” the “offence of one,” and “one man’s disobedience.” Original Sin generates the reign of death over the living, God’s judgment, and God’s condemnation. It is entirely reasonable to believe that the relevant passages Dawkins notes had usually been interpreted literally.
It's not about yoga... Lol
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Well there's an idea. Offer to fuck women who have been cheated on to tell them what they're doing wrong.
On the one hand, there's a belief system based upon nothing more than faith but on the other hand is...
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
It is so much worse than that. The difference is between 6,000 years and 4,300,000,000. If we suppose it took 6,000 years to lay down 20 feet of sedimentary rock, the column should be 1.4 million feet tall (2700 miles). The scientifically determined age of the earth is 71,600 TIMES the Biblical age. That's a big and obvious difference.
How deep is your brainwash is the question.
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Without knowing anything else about Greg Locke, I'm certain he is a profoundly ignorant cretin. Sucks to be him.
I am offering enlightenment
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Looks very painful. It'll need a lot of lube.
This officially offends all the nerd groups justkidding butnotreally
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Trekkies, LoTH, SW, HP,... What's the fifth group?
[] Mozart's Turkish March in Bamboo
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Named Turkish to evoke an exotic origin, it is curious to see it rendered on exotic instruments, and then jazzed up. I have a moog version done in the 70's and love it.
I would like to suggest a debate for critical thinkers in this group! Is GOD, as the religious ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Why does anything exist? The Big Bang hypothesis accounts for much of what we see. The story is far from complete. However, a purely naturalistic explanation has worked for most of it, and the need to invoke a supernatural explanation is unsupported by any facts. Those claiming a god have the burden of proof, but they don't even have any evidence! If a God had a hand in creation, that would still be far from that being the same as the god of the Bible. The whole of the Bible can be discarded due the the quantity and quality of the errors in the dogma and the history. That claim is readily applied to all religions. Invoking a god to create existence does not provide any actual explanation. It has no explanatory value. We still don't have means, mechanism or motive/purpose. Saying "God did it" explains exactly nothing. What it does do is to provide a segue to proselytizing, and has never served a different purpose.
Politicians To be a politician you must honourable be.
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Great lyrics; what's the tune? Pirates of Penzance?
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on the Uvalde massacre: “God has a plan” |
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
If there were any sort of plan, it would not include Gomert, Cruz and Paxton spewing their evil.
Her last wish
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Another case of malign mediocrity demanding fidelity?
SCOTUS has become a joke
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
The politicized DOJ says it doesn't want to become politicized (like SCOTUS). What happens when one political party declares war on it's own country?
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 6/15/2022 Food and Drug Administration held a meeting on challenges in ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
We've seen millions upon millions of people who have consumed CBD gummies with no negative effects, no trips to the emergency room, nothing. But the FDA has concerns that corporations won't get their fair share of the profits...
How T Duped $250M From His Most Passionate Fans | Somebody's Going To Jail For This Right? - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jun 15, 2022:
The people who contributed deserved to be fleeced.
This post is in regards to the Idaho incident in regards to the pride festival.
racocn8 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Obviously they came in combat gear with the hope of engaging in combat with the paraders. They hate homosexuals because of their Christian indoctrination of hatred against people they regard as other. But also, Christian indoctrination includes a battery of values that confuse people's sexual development. It's entirely likely that many of those bigots have homosexual tendencies they've been fighting with internally, given the self-hatred they've been taught.
Idaho cops inundated with death threats following bust of white supremacist group: report
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
It's a good but necessary step to stop coddling these psychos. The problem is that they've effectively infiltrated many of the police agencies, corrupting them from within and lynching with impunity. Trump enlisted the White Christian Nationalists as a tool for to his coup, but a large share of the GQP share their values and tacitly approve of their shootings. Ruby Ridge and Waco were the correct approach, but we have to clean up the FBI to get rid of the traitors there too.
Michael Cohen ANNIHILATES Trump after second Jan 6 Committee Hearing - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
The definition of a country is having a set of laws, but if you don't have a functioning DOJ, you don't have a country. The GQP elected a traitor and fell in behind him, daring the rest of the country to do anything about the non-stop crime wave that ensued. Putin deepened his beachhead into the GQP, sharing it with The Family. Garland can try to save what's left, or allow the species to go extinct.
I would love someone to make calls for me!
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Great idea. Better yet, treat them to overcome their shortcomings.
I ran across this excellent quote from Davis Willis" "Show respect even to the people who do not ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
It is hard to stick to ennobling people. Sometimes it's a lost cause.
Now that's funny... We Can Reduce Gun Violence, Even Without New Laws []
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
The FBI were aware of both the Uvalde and Baltimore shooters. Thus, the idea of harvesting metadata to find the shooters (and a host of other kinds of crime) is sound, but acting on it is key. As long as the FBI is owned by the Family, don't expect them to do much protecting. Right now, they're all about getting the Jan 6 people prosecuted with minimal or no penalties.
Finally blocked Archeus Lore, the troll who unfortunately seems to have taken over the Progressives,...
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
I'm also blocked from that, which is too bad because I'd like to comment on posts. I DM J. Robish to post elsewhere and he ignored that. I coined the term Putin-Americans a couple of years ago. I thought I was being edgy, but now I see that term is all too appropriate. I gather half of the Evangelicals STILL support Putin over Ukraine. Maybe there isn't enough left of the US to be loyal to, but I consider Putin-Americans to be traitors and less than shit. Today I blocked Matias for his completely idiotic response to my poll. He had previously been an asshole in responding to one of my posts, but his claim that Secular Humanism derived from Christianity was the final straw. Sucks to be him.
Highly religious people are less motivated by compassion than are non-believers | Berkeley News
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
This study cleanly dovetails with the finding that religionists are brain-damaged in their pre-frontal cortex. The take-home is that, unless we find out mitigating benefits, reducing religion-based damage is in the interest of our own survival.
Someone needs to try this out and get back to me as to how effective it is.
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Capsaicin is notable for also having anti-microbial properties.,antimicrobial%20and%20anti%2Dvirulence%20activity.
Guess someone lied.
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Swallow the seeds - - they won't hurt you...
Google engineer claims AI technology LaMDA is sentient
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
It won't take much intelligence or even clever programming to simulate a human conversation that is better than what most people generate. Once this gets going, people will love having someone to talk to. One curious aspect will be how the program self-tunes itself to the users personality. What features will be attractive to what types of personality? Will narcissists spend all day listening to adoration? Will people become even less tolerant of actual humans?
The land shark has learned how to pop open the garbage lid.
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Animals engage in coprophagy as a means of supplementing their folic acid. You might want to provide a vitamin package for a while.
Oopsie! "Bombs, Weapons Found After Warren House Explosion Wounds Man" []
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Feel free to accidentally trip on the cord to the life support.
Enough with the phony sanctimony!
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
The thoughts and prayers from the fascist Christians is to keep that hamburger flying through red mist.
Republicans pitch religious, family values as gun violence solution | The Hill
racocn8 comments on Jun 12, 2022:
The fascist Christians will say anything to keep the shootings going because it serves their purposes (scaring people away from public schools, and killing Blacks, Jews, Asians etc.)
(Shannon goes Beast Mode at the end.
racocn8 comments on Jun 12, 2022:
With 25-33% of pregnancies ending in miscarriage, how will MAGA-wackos determine whether they were naturally or artificially aborted. Will they install screens on the sewage looking for fetuses, or cameras in the toilet bowl?
Legal experts expect charges by end of the month for Trump's efforts to overthrow election and ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
I really hope you're right.
31 white supremacists arrested in Idaho where they were waiting in the back of a rental van wearing ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
How wretched to only be able to charge them with misdemeanors. They need serious jail time.
"Even if a man is intelligent, a woman can always find a way to make him a fool."
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
And they say men cheat?
[] Non binary warrior found in ancient burial
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Exceptional artistry in the sword...
There is a way, use it wisely.
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
With Republicans dedicated to overturning elections and democracy, only a handful of states aren't completely corrupted. Putin has won.
in the 13th century, cats were demonized by the church... It didn't work out well for them...
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
You better believe that cats carry lots of fleas.
Louie Gohmert's such an idiot. God punishing children?
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Hopefully these idiotic comments will make good commercials for the fall election.
Opinion: The US and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Sweden and Finland applying for Nato membership disproves that it was because Ukraine might do the same some day. Mass murdering ethnic Russians disproves that it was related to seeking to rescue them. Fostering White supremacy in Russia, France, Hungary, the US and elsewhere proves its wasn't about Nazis. That the war has become tightly focused on those tracts of land containing oil and gas reserves proves that the war was all about greed (Perhaps with a touch of egomania of being remembered as a great leader of Russia). Again, review this:
New Rule: Hollywood's Culture of Volence - Real Time with Bill Maher []
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Once again, Maher takes the low road of trying to appeal to the Nazis by repeating their tangential talking points.
Where do thoughts… come from?
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
We don't know enough to have even developed the words to describe the process. Presumably, RNA molecules are processed, creating depolarizations that send out signals to other neurons in a rhythm that stimulates the acting on that "thought". Neuronal circuit loops continue to stimulate the reading of the RNA (memory RNA) until the derived responses are superseded by other thoughts and responses. Or, it's all stored in the collective unconscious which resonates and harmonizes with the circuits described above.
Former Trump Official Mercedes Schlapp Baselessly Claims Jan.
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
What's been doctored is the Republican grip on reality, their patriotism and their humanity.
Why the Past Ten Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid by Jonathan Haidt ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Notable from the article: "in a 2018 interview, Steve Bannon, the former adviser to Donald Trump, said that the way to deal with the media is “to flood the zone with shit.” He was describing the “firehose of falsehood” tactic pioneered by Russian disinformation programs to keep Americans confused, disoriented, and angry."
So a stoner, a whoremonger, and an alcoholic are all on the bus together when they get in a fatal ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Yeah, eating cannabis is really tricky...
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
This Catholic SCOTUS ruling revokes our right to be secure in our property according to the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
In the last 24 hours, the messages out of Russian soldiers on the ground has changed a lot.
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
As they are willing to commit war crimes as part of their orders, that makes them the subhumans. Hopefully the PTSD tortures them to their graves.
How long can he wait?
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
It doesn't give a fig...
I know it would be horrific for families who lost children in the Uvalde School to see pictures of ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
They should show the carnage. Most accounts indicate what was left was unrecognizable. People need to see that.
I am fine except for some noise, hope you are doing well.
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
I love my partner, and I like her cranberry cabbage side, but whew, I think in need to install a shunt in my anus.
Republicans Make Bizarre Anti-Gun Control Arguments as House Passes Gun Reform Bill | The Daily Show
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Scalise and Reagan: Two of the best arguments against karma.
Donald Trump was asked " what is 2+2"?
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
2 + 2 = 5. If you want to be a loyal citizen of the state, 2 + 2 = 5! 2 + 2 = 5 ! ! ! NOW: 2 + 2 = . . .
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Fox could and should be sued for it's Covid coverage. A proper class action suit should bankrupt them.
Vote Like Your Life Depends On It
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Christian Fascism will be established before that generation has a chance to have their vote rejected.
Jolene Blalock Logical choice
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
looks human to me
Letters From An American 06/09/2022
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
The Republicans and fascist Christians don't have to wait until Trump is gone. They dishonored themselves a long time ago, revealing a depravity and moral vacuity equal to the Germans of the 1930's.
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Note from article: "2. “It wasn’t an insurrection” Yes, it was, and it was armed. And “armed,” according to the Department of Justice, applies to lethal weapons beyond just firearms—though firearms were confiscated from those who stormed the Capitol." Though again, no mention of the long guns seized within the Capitol building.
SCOTUS rules border agents will be basically immune if within 100 mile border radius, thus they can ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Another ridiculous ruling...
Insurrectionists Complain About Being 'Profiled' In Scathing 'Daily Show' Sketch
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Pleb trailer trash that are self-deluded to quasi-consciousness. QooQ zombification. Cerveau isole. Cult assholes. Nazis.
Geography lesson ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
How might the Chicxulub impact have affected the Deccan eruptions? The most recent efforts to date these eruptions have clearly shown that the Deccan Traps began spewing lava before the meteorite impact and the mass extinction occurred. But the Berkeley-led study suggested that the Chicxulub impact triggered a rapid increase in their eruption rate.
INTERNATIONAL CANNABIS NEWS 6/10/2022 Thailand's partial cannabis legalization law took effect.
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Imagine 3000 people regaining the freedom that was so stupidly taken away. What in the fucking hell is wrong the Biden, who is pretends to be so empathetic. Asshole.
You often get the apologists, asking for disproof of some vague, often deist, god concept.
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Absolutely. The dishonesty itself may vary in style, but plainly believers must embrace lying or confabulation and ultimately, rationalization, to deal with all the contradictions. And I'd content that this goes to the heart of the psychological dismemberment of Christian morality. Once truth is cast aside, everything else is also worthless. People agree on what's real or the don't. Christians don't. And unless you corner them, Christians WON'T agree what's real. Plus they layer on all these fantasy myths of demons, angels, Saints, visions, miracles... a whole store of horse shit. What might have been a cogent human being becomes a delusional psychotic. And the cults manipulate these psychotic individuals for their own nefarious purpose (i.e. killing abortion providers).
Armed man arrested near Brett Kavanaugh’s home charged with attempted murder
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
I heard Merrick Garland complain about this. Only problem is, Garland should know all too well how the FBI refused to properly vet Kavanaugh, and the hearings demonstrated with crystal clarity the various ways of how Kavanaugh is manifestly unfit. That anyone should be surprised at an assassination attempt strains credulity.
Yeah, I left the group
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Try to imagine all the hair that would be where it's been shaved. I once had a friend who had thick curly hair over his whole body. I'm sure these people are traumatized by how people regard them.
Why is repeat offender Donald Trump still a free man? . []
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
As an informant, he has been given special dispensation by the Deep State.
Please advise what you would use this for. No, not on the market for obvious reasons. []
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Given the propensity of police to abuse the population with their toys, I can see why it would be a problem. However, the seemingly obvious utility in some situations means that such devices are inevitable. The same for taser-equipped robot dogs or other robotic devices. The bigger problem comes in making weapon-equipped robots that have AI to make them autonomous.
It may explain why it's taking so long for his return, possibly a bit sheepish after his last ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
For shepherds, it's all about the sheep. Perhaps that why nothing happened with Mary.
You ain't no quitter boy
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
I hate getting cramps when I have work to do...
This is where it started....
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
As long as it serves their purpose, the killing will continue.
Push Gravity Issac Newton said that space moves through matter freely without friction.
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Missed your meds?
The Word of God does not work
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
For all the revealed knowledge of the Bible, it's all wrong. No Heaven, no hell, no angels nor demons, no Eden, no Moses, no Jesus, no Holy Ghost, no Resurrection, no Original Sin. Not one religion has shown any insight. Name a religion that described what stars are, or planets, or comets, or the Earth. What religion described atoms, or light, or Humans, or Evolution, or any useful truth or principle? Everything we know that matters, that we can use, none of it came from religion.
Can't y'all, Americans, mind your own business and leave each other alone instead of getting in each...
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Proselytizing is all about "Believe or die". Christian fascism is spreading as insecure morons buy guns to prevent themselves from going extinct.
Welcome to America.
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
I've lived fearing for the blinding flash ever since Reagan. I've become accustomed to the thought.
Dating stories, who's got them?
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Who was better?
Armed Man Arrested Near Brett Kavanaugh's House | Time
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Along the same lines, the media have been conspicuously silent about the suppression of information coming out of Uvalde. In one case, one of the relatives was intimidated by a man saying that Gov. Abbott sent him. Absolute silence about that incident on MSM.
Feel the way that I feel?
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
I'm betting that pretty much everyone who's paying attention is exhausted like you are. The real question is whether this is an intended effect? Or, how much of it is intended, by whom, and how much is inadvertent. For me, the dopamine reward for social media clicks is very problematic (addicting). Going through my email consumes a significant measure of my energy and clarity, leaving me drained.
What's changed since Columbine?
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
We should contract with Boston Dynamics to make armed robots that will go into dangerous situations and 'neutralize' the shooter. Mainly, we need cops that won't stand in the way of parents seeking to protect their children. And we should be taxing the bejesus out of all guns and ammo. The best way to pass anti-machine gun laws is to have a bunch of Black men march around with them.
Our Home is actually in the Milky Way Galaxy, one in a 100+ Billion Galaxies.
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Perspective is everything.
Do you like to travel?
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Yes. My problem is that I travel so much better by myself. I love my lady, but she insists on taking her work with her. How to work around that? And after 2+ years of Covid, I've found ways to be very busy and it's hard for me to break away too.
I hope Trumpty Dumpty lives long enough, unlike Slobodan Milošević, to be confronted with the ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Given his mental state, that can never happen. I'd like to believe he'd be judged by God, but that won't happen either. Really, truly, the responsibility for his evil belongs to his supporters, and it's up to us to make that message as clear as possible. Except that shaming those people works poorly; most of them are also so emotionally damaged as to be incapable of shame (much less empathy, honesty, integrity, etc.)
Letters From An American 06/07/2022
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
“Responsible gun owners are fed up with the Second Amendment being abused and hijacked by some deranged individuals.... " This isn't about guns. It's about fascist Christians having found a way to intimidate the rest of the population without consequences. We can either live with the threat of death every day, everywhere, or take them on. Killing students scares parents away from public schools; Christians love that. The shootings serve the GOP purpose of intimidating minorities that lean democrat. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and LBGTQ that the GOP would like to disenfranchise, also happen to be the targets of mass shooters. How convenient!!
First, I will dis something, I have not been watching any weird sci-fi.
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
The Military-Industrial-Intelligence complex writes the script and Davos approves it.
In Which I Violate Godwin's Law
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
The denunciation is appropriate. Unfortunately, the Pro-Life advocates have many more parallels to the Nazis. Quite a few probably derive from the "Americans" who favored Nazism before WWII, but the mass of them more closely resemble the Germans who willingly embraced the fascism of the Nazis.


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