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"The inquiry is related to the department's broader probe of efforts to overturn the 2020 election ...
rainmanjr comments on Jul 28, 2022:
I read this as walking back wording in order to remove any claim that AG Garland is targeting a political rival. It doesn't change anything and a crime can be charged at any time during this "probe." It does bare watching but I'm not going to lose faith because of it.
racocn8 replies on Jul 28, 2022:
I will concede the possibility of what you say. It's like the aliens. If they had ever wanted to contact us, they would have. If DOJ wanted to indict Trump, they've had the Mueller Report in hand since Jan 21. But as bad as Trump is, so many more deserve justice. What went and is going on is massively criminal and by some accounts, treasonous. And the slaps on the wrists to the insurrectionists are insulting.
So it has started. The unapologetic move to fascism. "Christian Nationalism"?
racocn8 comments on Jul 26, 2022:
The rapidity with which the Evangelicals have revealed their embrace of Nazism is breathtaking.
racocn8 replies on Jul 27, 2022:
@digifilm4 Much of Nazism focused on anti-Semitism that had been promulgated by Christianity for the previous 1000 years. While today's Evangelicals my have a tiny percentage of "occultists", I would contend that that is just one more bogus narrative put out by Christians to deflect unwanted association with Nazism. Christians also blame Nazism on atheists, and on Communists. Again, what percentage existed in Nazi Germany? And we certainly see almost no atheists or Communists promoting White Nationalism in the US. Perhaps the Nazis were no more religious than our Evangelicals, but they certainly were Christians,; mostly Catholics and Lutherans who remain virulently bigoted against non-Christians. American Nazis like Mastrianno claim to be Americans, but believe only White Christian males should be allowed in government. Where are these occultists? Got some examples or references for your claim?
More levity and no other comment.
racocn8 comments on Jul 27, 2022:
Statutory rape?
racocn8 replies on Jul 27, 2022:
Over easy? (too easy?)
Religion has had 1,000's of years to prove god exists...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 26, 2022:
Among the Dead Sea scrolls was one containing what Biblical scholars call the Thomas Gospel. One of its more interesting Jesus quotes has him stating that "the kingdom of the father is here on Earth, but men do not see it." I take that as an admission that there is nothing supernatural about Heaven ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 26, 2022:
I was reminded of how readily experts disagree on an interpretation of something vague and poorly defined. How reasonable is it to imagine that such content would represent the thinking of an all wise and loving diety? Instead, the opportunities for confusion bring Satan to mind far before God. Or, just some asshole churning out drivel to hypnotize the masses. Kinda like Deepak Chopra. Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: See, the kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will go before you; if they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish will go before you. But the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty. The interpretation then goes on claim it means seeking to know oneself. But, how can one know oneself while turning a blind eye to knowledge and truth? Do Christians know themselves? Or try to? Or do Christian exhort believers to be gullible and incurious?
Democrats introduce bill to enact term limits for Supreme Court justices | The Hill
racocn8 comments on Jul 26, 2022:
Given how the last three justices lied to get on, this does not address that, and makes it potentially worse.
racocn8 replies on Jul 26, 2022:
If impeachment includes removing from the bench, I'm for it. I am more for identifying them as part of an overarching plot from Moscow to degrade the country and convicting them of treason.
Religion has had 1,000's of years to prove god exists...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 26, 2022:
Among the Dead Sea scrolls was one containing what Biblical scholars call the Thomas Gospel. One of its more interesting Jesus quotes has him stating that "the kingdom of the father is here on Earth, but men do not see it." I take that as an admission that there is nothing supernatural about Heaven ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 26, 2022:
Let me know if you have a link to that. I'm curious. I did a little research and yikes, what vague, undefined blather. Here are comparisons to see what I mean.
Morning all Just saying my peeps
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Do you have a method as to how to decide and by what means? Do you distinguish such thought from those of depressive suicide? Have you discussed the subject with a loved one?
racocn8 replies on Jul 26, 2022:
Think of all the fun stuff you'll miss. Pain is a drag, but life is the only experience you have. You're welcome to DM me to tell me what's going on that prompts you to these thoughts. Kudos to you for doing your research. I'd have said to use nitrogen. I've heard of people being overcome by CO2, laying in the fog from dry ice on Halloween.
I note that Triphid has not posted in more than 10 days.
anglophone comments on Jul 25, 2022:
I have DM'd, no reply.
racocn8 replies on Jul 25, 2022:
Same here.
Religion has had 1,000's of years to prove god exists...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 24, 2022:
The word "religion" originally came from the Italian word "religgio," meaning re-linking. The idea was that religion provides a link back to our origins. How ironic! If religion as we know it actually did that, then we would be hearing dissertations on evolutionary biology from the pulpit, instead ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 24, 2022:
@rainmanjr It is my understanding that no credible archeologists nor Egyptologists give credence to the story because of the complete lack of evidence. Egyptians were very good about documenting their kings and what happened during their reigns. They did try to erase rulers and events that became politically incorrect. But, it's not an easy thing to erase what has been set in stone, which is why we do know about them.
Religion has had 1,000's of years to prove god exists...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 24, 2022:
The word "religion" originally came from the Italian word "religgio," meaning re-linking. The idea was that religion provides a link back to our origins. How ironic! If religion as we know it actually did that, then we would be hearing dissertations on evolutionary biology from the pulpit, instead ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 24, 2022:
@rainmanjr If a religion exhorts the divinity of Truth, the historicity of it's beliefs should not be essential. Many Christians claim their early stories to be allegorical to deflect criticism that they can only have been myths. However, my understanding of Judaism was slanted to emphasize the Reform perspective. Only recently did I learn that the Conservative and Orthodox sects embrace the same absolutist and bigoted attitudes as Evangelical and Catholic Christians. For the majority, the Conservative and Orthodox Jews, yes, it is problematic. Shame on them for their hypocrisy and for lying to themselves.
Religion has had 1,000's of years to prove god exists...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 24, 2022:
The word "religion" originally came from the Italian word "religgio," meaning re-linking. The idea was that religion provides a link back to our origins. How ironic! If religion as we know it actually did that, then we would be hearing dissertations on evolutionary biology from the pulpit, instead ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 24, 2022:
Religion claims that it tells the truth about reality. Yet NOT ONE RELIGION embraces any science nor any scientific discoveries (much less evolution). Also, we have so many religions that disregard the discovery that their beliefs are wrong. Where is the Jewish temple that admits Moses didn't exist? Not even one??? So much for exalting truth....
FrayedBear must be a member of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM).
barjoe comments on Jul 23, 2022:
I make it a point to lash out at him every chance I get. It's fun. Profanity laden Ad hominem attacks are perfectly valid arguments.
racocn8 replies on Jul 23, 2022:
People who endorse or parrot fascist bigotry can't be reasoned with, so in the absence of moral integrity, denunciation is entirely appropriate. We readily identify (and may block) the trolls that lack honor.
FrayedBear must be a member of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM).
Willow_Wisp comments on Jul 23, 2022:
His profile says he's from Belarus I think, I've had him blocked so long I forgot he existed.
racocn8 replies on Jul 23, 2022:
I am grateful for you mentioning his origin. It is bizarre to me that those who are ethnic Russians or Russophiles would still blindly support Putin's genocide. SMH
Melbourne researchers' diabetes breakthrough could reduce need for insulin injections ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2022:
The trial of my herbal remedy (for diabetes) continues to go well. What's amazing, if true, is getting a functional dosage on the first try.
racocn8 replies on Jul 23, 2022:
@Xenoview Right now it is just one person, who is taking it twice a day. He is a close friend, a vet, who is in a pretty bad way. I am so glad to be able to help him. He hates doing the injections. The undertaking is based on a scientific paper I ran across (link below).,-in%20Journal%20of=Type%202%20diabetes%20mellitus%20(T2DM,for%20anti%2Ddiabetic%20drug%20discovery.
Apunzelle comments on Jul 23, 2022:
This is actually really sad. He died by suicide because he came to his senses and realized that the orange turd had used him.
racocn8 replies on Jul 23, 2022:
They are all dead zombies. (and that's an insult to zombies)
A test if you have any theist friends
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2022:
The toaster actually exists.
racocn8 replies on Jul 23, 2022:
That's 100 % better than nothing at all.
What is the Secret Service hiding?
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Putin's subversion of the US was thorough, but everyone's blaming it all on Trump only... We wouldn't want to upset the Magas now, would we? (Except half of them support Putin over Ukraine, fucking traitors) Can we recall that Trump, Flynn, Giuliani, Bannon, Stone and even the Overstock guy, ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 23, 2022:
The calls and logs deleted around Jan 6 relate to the SS tacit acceptance of Trump's sedition execution. While I believe much or most of the plans to overturn the election came from the GRU, it seems unlikely that they'd maintain a channel of communication during it. By all accounts, Trump spent the event watching it on Fox with a few calls coming in from Giuliani, Congressmen, and Fox morons. (However, Fox is also in bed with the GRU as evidenced by their GRU/RT talking points.)
The Dance Many atheists’ interest in science and critical thinking appears to extend only far ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 22, 2022:
This is what is meant by "putting on blinders."
racocn8 replies on Jul 22, 2022:
Word salad trolling.
Just say no.
Unity comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Most recovering addicts do trade off the drugs for religion.
racocn8 replies on Jul 22, 2022:
Trading one mind addling addiction for another. Except with drugs, you wake up sane in the morning. Religion puts your rationality in a permanent coma.
I was thinking straight until...
phxbillcee comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Serious camel-toe...???
racocn8 replies on Jul 22, 2022:
My response exactly!!!
Republicans increasingly viewed by Americans as the party of violence
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
That is only the latest emphasis on a long list. Add to that: Bigoty, prejudice and hatred of minorities Theocracy Fascism Indifferent to corruption Hypocrisy of claimed values Subhuman: lacking any sense of humor, empathy, integrity, loyalty to truth or reality, etc. Utterly fake patriotism ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 22, 2022:
I'll try to remember, but my memory for such things is going... How about Daisy?
Armed Citizen Shoots And Kills Suspect Who Assaulted Multiple People And Tried Running Another Over ...
silverotter11 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Of course it's posted on a sight called Concealed Nation.
racocn8 replies on Jul 21, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin The crazies just can't wait for values to devolve so they can simply shoot liberals on sight. They believe the police will back them up (if they ever show up). Are they wrong?
Lauren Boebert Doesn’t Want Dr.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Thanks for not posting in that other group.
racocn8 replies on Jul 20, 2022:
The Black Lives Matter, Progressives, etc. group moderated by Putin-lover Krish55.
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 20, 2022:
I don't believe the likelihood of success in negotiating with a psychopath is worth abandoning my principles. They would be only too happy for us to degrade ourselves for their sake. My not criticizing Christian infamy is not going to change their minds. Truth and integrity are as close to transcendental values as anything in the Bible. Seeking truth is as close to Purpose as anything can come. I will look toward doing my best to understand physics with the hope something useful could be noticed. Parenthetically, I was hearing about how Shostokovich was personally threatened by Stalin. To avoid being killed, he lied about what his work meant in describing it to the officials. The professor said that by lying, he was not a hypocrite, but rather a survivor.
Christian values.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Nothing in nature proves, or even gives evidence of God. Even if a god existed, the natural world demonstrates neither wisdom and certainly not benevolence (unless you happen to be a privileged White male). #2 is just schizophrenic gibberish.
racocn8 replies on Jul 20, 2022:
Thanks for the heads-up. On #2, It is the paradox of our time that the Christians will embrace and defend the worst corruption while claiming to be morally superior and denouncing corruption and evil. That must be my form of cognitive dissonance! On #1, the statement embodies the rejection of an understanding of beauty, of the world and the stars; a sort of carefully trained ignorance that discards discovered truths in favor of simplistic or simply infantile perspectives.
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 19, 2022:
You make a good argument. However, while the Climate Crisis poses an existential threat to humanity, Christianity kills people and kills their Humanity. I denounce Christianity as a matter of my own honor and integrity reacting to a philosophy which is pure cancer. It deludes people and with the lure of life after death and gets them to lie to themselves as well as to the rest of us. Research demonstrates that Christianity causes brain damage, probably related to the psychological and cognitive damage we see. I'm not about to withhold denouncing Christianity in hopes that they can be reasoned with. Even now, Christian Nationalists seek to enact another Holocaust in this country because of their insecurity.
Yoo hoooo! Merrrrrriiiiiickk! Got a present for you!
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Except that Garland has signaled his intention not to prosecute. Treason/sedition comes in many forms. Assholes.
racocn8 replies on Jul 19, 2022:
@zeuser I like your advice. DOJ did NOTHING on Jan 21 when it had the Mueller Report in hand, and waited until recently to subpoena anyone for anything. For Garland to renew Barr's memo proves the fix is in. Want to place a wager?
Yoo hoooo! Merrrrrriiiiiickk! Got a present for you!
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Except that Garland has signaled his intention not to prosecute. Treason/sedition comes in many forms. Assholes.
racocn8 replies on Jul 19, 2022:
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 19, 2022:
I support your position. It's not that I've given up, but projecting what I see. I would reiterate that Christians represent the primary opposition both politically and in terms of their attitudes and values.
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 19, 2022:
The quantity of emissions per person in the US is so great that making any sort of dent in that would never get legislated or otherwise caused. It's not going to happen. It should, but it can't. Even if the military revealed a zero-point energy device capable of producing limitless energy, the US couldn't convert infrastructure in time.
I have a question. Is it allowed to sell products and services on here?
DenoPenno comments on Jul 18, 2022:
He will not have a good business unless they have their mouths open.
racocn8 replies on Jul 18, 2022:
I'm sure they're all made that way...
Religion offers simple solutions for simpletons, faith is required but free thinking (really ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Yes, Christianity has shit for a foundation... Butt crack below and kissing ass above? Smells the same.
racocn8 replies on Jul 18, 2022:
@SnowyOwl I had so many plans for retirement. I didn't appreciate how one loses energy and becomes physically more frail. Mortality whispers in my ear. And sometimes it takes a hammer to my head. What to do with one's life when the outcome is so ugly? People can wear you down. You can take a vacation and try to recharge. Or maybe get a therapist to work through the frustration. Sometimes, and always, golden times come to an end. But then, how to retool for what comes next?
Religion offers simple solutions for simpletons, faith is required but free thinking (really ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Yes, Christianity has shit for a foundation... Butt crack below and kissing ass above? Smells the same.
racocn8 replies on Jul 18, 2022:
@SnowyOwl I'd like to think people deserve better. Maybe we don't.
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 18, 2022:
Humanity's chances for survival is a toss-up. Yes, it is unlikely that science can or will 'solve' the problem. While the problem is due to the use of fossil fuel, it is also due to there being way too many people. Again, a problem made much worse by religion exhorting it's believers to have as many children as possible. Fission is dirty and has really ugly risks. Fusion is promising, but the timeline is too slow. Reducing the population is far more likely to practically offer a chance at survival, but it cannot be implemented with our current cultures. Thus, the prognosis is poor, with blame to go around, and not to just blame technology.
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 18, 2022:
Use of fossil fuels that then cause climate change is a good example of science and technology that have the effect of causing harm and suffering. And yet most of the opposition to the notion of climate change comes from the right wing. Thus, many Christians instruct each other to regard Climate Change to be an error or even a conspiracy. Enacting Christian fascism which would continue using fossil fuels could destroy the human species as so many other species go extinct (loss of diversity).
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 18, 2022:
Some people will claim to have benefitted from religion. However, how much benefit can be said to accrue from believing quaint myths. However, these people are also fully deluded and confused when confronted with a reality that shows them to be lies. You are mistaken about Uvalde. People are not angry at science for producing the AR-15; kids can buy guns because the Christians have elected those who then protect the gun manufacturers. People have particular anger at the police for waiting more than an hour before charging the shooter. A good argument can be made that the reluctance to stop the shooter came from the police valuing their own lives above the lives of mostly Hispanic children. Again, that comes from Christian racism. Finally, the shooter frequented far right websites. These websites also post Christian White Nationalism propaganda and the racism that comes with it. Christian White Nationalism also disparages public education, and many school shootings are likely due to shooters being conditioned to believe schools should be shot up.
How does belief in the existence of a genocidal maniac in the sky make you a good and moral person?
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
You understand that these extinction events happened, and that they happened tens or hundreds of million years in that past. What does that context do to frame human mythology?
racocn8 replies on Jul 17, 2022:
Those notions are only believed by Christians. It's up to you whether those notions seem credible and likely. If you do give them any credence, this website probably isn't for you. In my view, Christian dogma has no basis in reality. (Humanity faces a real existential crisis, and most Christians refuse to address that problem because their religion teaches them to be assholes)
Religion asks too much of people like me.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 17, 2022:
i need to see evidence. And I mean measurable, reproducible, independently- verifiable evidence, not some 2000-year-old scriptural mumbo jumbo. I can't accept any god-based religion because there is no evidence of and god. Period.
racocn8 replies on Jul 17, 2022:
And one would think that a God that is so engaged in human affairs would leave some sort of footprint. And yet not one bit of evidence, no miracles, no nothing. And the evidence one would expect, changed hearts, insight, honor, etc. are well below average as well as giving free reign to any number of negative features: bigotry, cruelty, perversion, etc. Believers set all that aside, lying to themselves and the rest of us, saying atheists, LBGTQ, minorities and scientists are the problem.
“Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Forgiveness is certainly among the most noble concepts. That is why you never hear Christians talk about it much less do it.
racocn8 replies on Jul 17, 2022:
I hear them tout it as one of their values, but I never hear them exhort each other to specifically forgive women, LBGTQ, Jews, Blacks, liberals, or any of the long list of hated others.
Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?
anglophone comments on Jul 17, 2022:
The answer to your question "Is scientific progress a 'good' thing?" depends on your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of wanting to know how the natural world works: probably yes. From the viewpoint of wanting to develop technology: probably yes. From the viewpoint of somebody affected by the ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 17, 2022:
@Imran2022 What kind of response would you expect? Or, what are you fishing for?
Republicans block taking up Senate bill to guarantee freedom to travel across states for abortions -...
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
I don't know when they became able to evade voting on bills, but that should not be possible.
racocn8 replies on Jul 17, 2022:
Thanks for that. I agree with you. As Republicans have become so obstructive, 60 votes is absurd.
It is never night where there is love. Proverbio Africano Not sure I agree with that.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
What do you think it should mean?
racocn8 replies on Jul 17, 2022:
My impression is that it salutes true love in suggesting that those that attain it have a warmth or light, and so it is never night.
These 4 Factors Can Explain Why So Many People Are Rejecting Science
dalefvictor comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Listening to a podcast with Lex Fridman and Richard Haier, talking about intelligence. Quite interesting. Also though just the math, he mentioned, shows us that there are about 50,000,000 with IQ's below 85. There can be many reasons for this, but that means they do not have the ability to think ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 16, 2022:
That might be part of it. IQ distribution is not meant to include behavioral disabilities, however. Another problem with the GQP is that, including Evangelicals, Catholics and other Christian true believers means that a big share have suffered damage from the brainwashing. This causes a variety of maladies: sexual disfunction, prone to addiction, prone to violence, emotionally disordered, malignant narcissism, sociopathy, and so much more. But to your point, GQP relies so much more on leveraging the initial brainwashing with propaganda of their own. With such low capacity for reasoning, critical thinking is impossible. In a proper democracy, only the mentally fit should be allowed to vote. But, who's definition of fitness and how to enact it...?
“Its amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness”…………………Leo ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
est in veritate nulla pulchritudo for in truth there is no beauty
racocn8 replies on Jul 16, 2022:
But there is elegance in concision (especially in physics).
I have been plagued with mice for about a week or so for the first time in a very long time.
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2022:
It's in a jar- - You can suffocate it. If you want it to die quickly, make a hole in the lid and put the whole thing in a bucket of water letting the air out of the hole. I've been besieged by rats and that is no fun.
racocn8 replies on Jul 15, 2022:
@PondartIncbendog I used to try to live trap them and set them free, but that was just giving the problem to someone else. The rats here swarm in packs and will chew a hole in a solid wooden door overnight. After dealing with that level of damage, my patience is exhausted. I don't like killing anything, but I'm not going to live with flies, spiders or rodents in my house, especially as they severely upset my partner. I do not take any pleasure in killing these creatures but do what I feel I must. I've seen a lot of rats and mice die in the coils of a snake. Suffocation is quick. Seeing anything die causes revulsion (or should), and that sensation is thought to be a primary source of our morality. I seek to remain mindful of my reactions.
If You Can’t Get an Abortion on Land, Can You Get One on a Boat?
Garban comments on Jul 15, 2022:
I wish her success, but it’s enraging that anybody should have to go to such lengths for basic health care because of the religious beliefs of a wakadoodle minority.😡
racocn8 replies on Jul 15, 2022:
And (but) this is just the beginning for this illegitimate court.
My sister's memorial service was yesterday and it was about the second time I have been in a church ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2022:
How horrible to have a solemn event turned into a liar's club. I had a neighborhood friend who was brought up Jewish. He met a girl and they arranged to get married, but she was Catholic. They set up two ceremonies for each religion. However, the sight of him on his knees in front of the priest, ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 15, 2022:
My housekeeper passed away last year and I attended her service. It was thick with Christian horseshit. Arlene wasn't very religious, but her mother was a certifiably wacko. It's a terrible thing to see people who are so completely devoted to this nonsense. Maybe their brains can't handle anything more, but I don't like having to rationalize how people have fucked themselves over. One can only move on with a recommitment to truth, honor and ennobling.
So now the Secret Service is covering for them too? What the hell!
silverotter11 comments on Jul 14, 2022:
A real house cleaning is needed - right fucking NOW!
racocn8 replies on Jul 14, 2022:
They need to be prosecuted for destruction of government property and conspiracy in support of sedition.
I agree with the first one...
Willow_Wisp comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Sadly you describe many of my country's citizens, but not all, making the statements claiming every point is true of all Americans is like saying all Asians are good at math, or all black men are well hung (see not all stereotypes are negative even if hard to live up to.) I'm not particularly proud...
racocn8 replies on Jul 14, 2022:
You honor and ennoble yourself, entitling yourself to humble self-respect. Few people attain your level of self-awareness, and you should see yourself as fortunate to have evaded their corruption.
Had my divorce and order of protection (OP) cases both at the same time today.
racocn8 comments on Jul 13, 2022:
After deciding to divorce, my wife agreed to seek a mediated settlement and went to a counselor to start the process. About a month later, after discussing it with her father, she lawyered up forcing me to do likewise. I'm certain her father paid for her lawyer, but I was disgusted at how little her...
racocn8 replies on Jul 13, 2022:
Very similar here. Even after the divorce that explicitly said no medical treatment without my assent, she took my daughter to HER therapist, who was a complete pocket-picking phony (zero progress after 10 years of expensive therapy). My daughter began shunning me just after the divorce so that she has refused contact for the last 9 years. I hope you fare better than I did.
I went to the local park for a walk.
racocn8 comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Sometime the experiment just doesn't work. The foot will heal. For me, after a year of work and many thousands of dollars spent, Amazon refused my store. That smarts... (motherfucking Bezos).
racocn8 replies on Jul 9, 2022:
@Lorajay We're just about to kick off sales on-line with 'guerilla marketing'. The product is a non-intoxicating herbal remedy for all forms of nausea. It is 100-1000 times more effective than THC or CBD. It contains traces of CBD which is why Amazon disallowed it, even though they have many CBD-containing products. It works for chemotherapy, PMS, motion-sickness, IBS, and all the rest. I'm hoping that the product will make a political statement of sorts...
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
St-Sinner comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Not to be sexist but I have seen more silly profiles of young women than ever seen of men. Seen young women talking big life's philosophy bs.
racocn8 replies on Jul 9, 2022:
I wince at recalling the hundreds if not thousands of personalized appeals made. The response rate couldn't have been more than 3%. I had a hard time not concluding the women weren't severely stuck up, rude, or otherwise defective not to even acknowledge my ask. The women complain that they're bombarded with solicitations. I remember watching a rat colony where a rape gang would develop when a female went into estrus. The males followed the female wherever she went, waiting for a chance to mount. The abuse often seemed to end with no babies being produced at all. I later found out how Match generated their own fake profiles, supposedly for entertainment purposes (in the fine print). They even had phone banks of women to keep men interested in the site. Whenever one was close to re-subscribing, they'd send a few fake profiles to keep the hope alive long enough to get the rube to re-up. As soon as payment was received, the fake profiles disappeared. Utter crooks. I would have no problem turning the board into hamburger.
Max's friend: You put up with your hooman pretty well.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Now that is a woman with issues who needs some intensive therapy....
racocn8 replies on Jul 9, 2022:
She just enjoys hearing her own voice...
The climate crisis is the biggest threat we face. Period. Full stop.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 8, 2022:
The problem is these theocrats don't care about climate change, because they all believe Jesus is coming back soon and the world is ending with that, so things like climate change don't matter. They want the world to end as soon as possible so they can see Jesus ASAP. The rest of us don't matter to ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 9, 2022:
That's their superior Jesus-inspired morality. The rest of us are going to hell anyway.
Is this just a dating website?
ChestRockfield comments on Jul 8, 2022:
There is no dating aspect to this website. It's basically just Facebook for Atheists. And just like Facebook, we still have religious apologists, we have extreme views on politics, Trumpers, anti-vaxxers, pretty much everything that makes Facebook awful except Mark Zuckerberg and most/all of your ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 9, 2022:
Actually, I met up with a lovely, sweet lady from Arizona. We had a rendezvous sort of mid-way. We shared a motel room (though no romance) and had a couple of very fun days together. We didn't have enough chemistry, so went our separate ways. But, it could have been different...
Biden signs executive order to protect abortion access
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Is Biden trying to show how weak a leader he is? He certainly could and should do so much more. If he can't handle the job, he should resign and let Harris show what she can do. (That's a scary thought)
racocn8 replies on Jul 8, 2022:
@rainmanjr I wanted Biden to run in 2016, and understand why he didn't. I support Biden in what he's done. However, I believe announcing that he wouldn't add justices to SCOTUS was a big mistake. As noted in the article, his response to Dobbs has been weak, and the details in the Presidential Order seem pathetic and only barely useful. Biden has not only failed to keep his promise in decriminalizing cannabis, but has acted in bad faith. He fir staffers on his way in who tested positive, seeems to have done nothing to help the many bills in Congress, and worst of all, done nothing to pardon the thousands of people, many of color, who are incarcerated for nothing more than possession. He needs an aggressive spokesperson (like Psaki) to make up for his own poor image. I give him credit for trying, but with all the talent in the wings, and what's gone on the last 5 years, the Democratic performance should be much, much stronger. I believe the stakes are too high for Biden to run again. Democrats must reach out to the younger generation. I wish I could believe Biden was a way to do that.
Biden signs executive order to protect abortion access
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Is Biden trying to show how weak a leader he is? He certainly could and should do so much more. If he can't handle the job, he should resign and let Harris show what she can do. (That's a scary thought)
racocn8 replies on Jul 8, 2022:
@rainmanjr I was being facetious about Harris. I have no confidence in her. But I have lost confidence in Biden. I give him kudos for what he has passed, but that is pathetic given what he came in with. I know his efforts were sabotaged by the boll weevils, but the Senate should have voted each issue to get the GQP on record. Also, Biden has been terrible at messaging. The exception being Psaki. Psaki was great.
CANNABIS BUSINESS 6/7/2022 Akerna Corp.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Maybe if all the repubs started using cannabis the world would be a nicer place. 😍
racocn8 replies on Jul 8, 2022:
They'll need psilocybin for that.
Letters From An American 07/05/2022
racocn8 comments on Jul 6, 2022:
What sort of psychopath handcuffs a dead man? (Who has 60 bullet wounds).
racocn8 replies on Jul 6, 2022:
@silverotter11 From the 2nd paragraph above: "A medical examiner found 60 bullet wounds (not a typo) in Walker’s body, which a medical examiner said was handcuffed when it arrived at the coroner’s office. Walker was unarmed. He was Black."
Einstein explained gravity over one hundred years ago: He said it was warped space-time and told ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Errata: 1. He explained the bending of light was caused by space rising from the surface of the Sun, 2. and as the space rises it exits lower on our side as it travels toward us 3. With matter moving toward the core, matter applies pressure on the core, anything put under pressure radiates heat...
racocn8 replies on Jul 6, 2022:
As you see with other posters, you'll enjoy posting more if you present the content accurately.
If democracy loving liberals were like Christian Nationalist applications for Churches would seldom ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Being Christian is a mental illness whose treatment should be mandated. The Christian fascists are providing the justification for that.
racocn8 replies on Jul 5, 2022:
They cannot live harmlessly. Teaching children religion is child abuse and causes permanent brain damage. Raising a child in Christianity often inflicts a variety of sexual and social maladjustments to the extreme detriment of society. Christians are taught to be dumb, forsaking their obligations to be informed citizens. Christian stupidity now poses an existential threat to the species as they laugh off concerns over climate change and resource degradation. The time for being charitable is over.
threeinone transgender
Willow_Wisp comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Personally I can't wait for Jesus to come back so he can take all these stubborn fucking Christians away before they kill the rest of us.
racocn8 replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Please God, Rapture yesterday you MF'er.
Fourth Of July Shooting Suspect Robert E. Crimo Attended Trump Rally in a Where's Waldo Costume
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Let's see: Mentally ill. Trump fan. Gun lover. Mass shooter. Why are none of us here surprised to see this combination of traits in the same person? Ever since I first saw the photo of this creep, he looked to me like the typical kind of smug, young punk that I would just as soon smack in the face ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Dinesh D'Souza: (from WP): D'Souza pleaded guilty in federal court to one felony charge of using a "straw donor" to make the illegal campaign contribution. He was sentenced to eight months in a halfway house near his home in San Diego, five years' probation, and a $30,000 fine.[29][30] In 2018, D'Souza was issued a pardon by President Donald Trump. The film shows the Georgia ballot counting alleging ballots were pulled from under a table, but the Jan 6 televised interviews of election workers noted that it was normal practice to store the ballots there. BS propaganda.
I'm pretty well out of options.
Willow_Wisp comments on Jul 5, 2022:
I just assume anyone I'm actually interested in isn't a paleontologist, I doubt I'd be into someone that digs fossils.
racocn8 replies on Jul 5, 2022:
(Carbon dating doesn't work more that 50,000 years back, so it wouldn't be a paleontologist. Archeologist maybe.)
Given that the United States is diving head first into the cesspool of theocracy, what can we ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I forgot to add: Discrimination against anyone for any reason becomes legal.
racocn8 replies on Jul 4, 2022:
As these are supposedly Originalists, they'll likely also revert to only allowing land-owning males to vote, although voting becomes meaningless in a theocratic dictatorship.
Reminds me of a little book I read back in the 70s.
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
You have to wonder?
racocn8 replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar? I'd say 'not buyin' it', but realistically... Sex toys are abundant or readily improvised without resorting to vegetables or fruit. And males likely think about sex more than women?
Someone here was recently complaining about the VP.
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
She beats the daylights out of ANY Republican, but that's not saying much. The GQP have turned the country into a laughingstock dystopia. In decades past, Republicans were much better and more near comparable. But then, their ugliness was enshrined in drug laws and voter suppression, ad nauseam....
racocn8 replies on Jul 4, 2022:
A few nations have had female leaders, and it is my recollection that they were pretty popular despite their detractors. (i.e. Thatcher, Meir, Gandhi). Being female means they are more likely to be empathetic and rule accordingly. And yet I'm betting they had to fight to get the same level of cooperation as male leader. Misogyny runs deep and saturates our culture, alongside the misandry it generates. As we should see with recent experience, personality is everything. Although unelectable at the moment, in my utopia, we have a slew of highly competent women available: Gretchen Whitmer, Michelle Obama, Liz Warren and I'm sure many more. after a few thousand women die, and women are mobilized to vote, maybe being unelectable could change? Part of the problem is that vast swaths of women accept their second-class status to the point of becoming 'self-hating'. They then project that lack of confidence onto a candidate of the same sex, and embrace the misogyny of religion.
The only way you can mention "all men are created equal" and "merciless Indian savages" in the same...
Petter comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Every one of the men who wrote "all men are created equal" also owned slaves for themselves, this giving the lie to their hallowed declaration. Only hypocrites would quote such a fallacy laden document in order to promote their personal agenda. Reasonable men (I use the word to describe all ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 4, 2022:
...but Blacks, other non-Whites, and Women DON"T vote. Which is why the US is an empty shell.
"I urge Americans to remember that the breed of Christian Fascism we are up against is an apocalypse...
twill comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Everything they do is aimed at the toppling of governments, anarchy, chaos....the breakdown of Secular Law. ( NOW Doesn't Sharia Law look good ???? We knew you'd see the light) Supreme Court is moving us into the Vigiliantism.'s just a matter of time. First some sporadic killings,...
racocn8 replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@phoenixone1 Civil War is already here.
10 Scriptures That Show The Bible Is Mythology
rainmanjr comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I'm not going to bother reading "scripture" but I do not believe logic means a thing to zealots. They need control of everything/everyone and their best ally is god. That's what it's about and starts with a flock. If that flock grows, and they actually begin to take "leadership," then god help us ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Carter was a bible thumper. Most of them seemed to be believers. Sick.
"Jayland Walker suffered at least 60 wounds in fatal police shooting.
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2022:
If he had killed a bunch of non-White kids, they'd have waited and talked about it for an hour.
racocn8 replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Supposedly 90-some rounds were fired by the officers to murder one unarmed Black man. At the end of the tape, you can hear one officer shouting "Cease fire, cease fire". Seriously, did they have many more rounds left? Do they shame anyone who didn't empty their magazine? Anyone with a live round left buys pizza?
Why aren't we marching to the polls?
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2022:
This is all about revenge for their (self-imposed) feeling of disenfranchisement. Sucks to be them.
racocn8 replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@anglophone And they believe that anyone opposing them is controlled by Satan and thus can be (should be) murdered. (So, shoot first)
Smokey knows!
HankSherman comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Can understand the ability to focus only being so strong,
racocn8 replies on Jul 1, 2022:
Yeah, shame about Lois Lane, her first time and he blows her head off.
So let me see if I've got this straight.
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Biden should unpack the court. Or, he can shut it down. The Republican justices have violated their oaths and their loyalty to the country to further their religious agenda. That kind of sedition deserves the most severe penalty, even if it isn't outlined in the constitution. This judicial coup ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@rainmanjr What is MOGUL 3? Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, & Barrett? If Trump can send Proud Boys to murder Congress, those justices should get all the prejudice that put them there. The GQP have shown they won't give quarter; neither should we. It's war; might as well get down to it.
Attended my first Star Trek convention, in Vulcan, Alberta two weeks ago
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Star Trek interests me in the idea of seeking to portray an interplanetary ecology of intelligent species. It projects Humanity as being one among many intelligent species exploring the Universe. Compare what might be to what seems to be... If one supposes UFO reporting to be nominally accurate, ...
racocn8 replies on Jul 1, 2022:
Receiving advanced knowledge may have already happened. That's why the issue of crash retrievals is pursued when questioning the DOD. For scientists, answers only mean more questions. Motivation comes from a thirst for knowledge that can never be sated. The question is whether our minds are capable of perceiving the answers. Already, many aspects of physics present themselves as unresolved paradoxes.
Falling into the (non) religious trap?
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2022:
What part of your post has correspondence with reality? I see little fealty to Dawkins or Harris; some respect them, others hate them. If you've spent any time with other non-believers, you know that they are extremely diverse and group-think is not applicable. Can you point to an example of ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 30, 2022:
Dawkins is an outstanding author with many subtle stories and insights into the details of evolution. Similarly, Hitchens provides exceptional historical and social analysis. If you haven't read any of their books, it's more likely that you aren't inclined to read books. Similarly, I'm betting that you do indeed avoid non-religious groups, but that's your own behavior of avoiding socializing. Socializing performs the functions of putting yourself out there and opening up your views to criticism and challenge. That's not a risk-free activity. Not having done it means you have no basis to say what it's like, or who those people are. Whatever criticism you have appears to be imaginary. That you make such criticism without basis suggests you may need counseling for psychological issues.
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2022:
She shouldn't talk. Evangelical Women who supported Trump in 2016 voted against their own interests. Democratic Women were poorly represented at the polls as well. Certainly, misogyny played a significant part in Hillary's loss. Hillary shouldn't have run if she couldn't win. Our nation is poorly ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 30, 2022:
@Sierra4 Progressives seem to exhibit many of the same cult-like behaviors as the MAGA's, They worship Sanders (or whoever) with little understanding of how shallow the electorate is in terms of responding to image and reliability of dog-whistles (communist, socialist). They absolutely refuse to take responsibility for losing elections. Progressive measures, however wonderful they sound, still have to get through Congress. Look at what a squeeker ACA has been...
If they are going to go back to the way the Constitution was written, then it is illegal for ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2022:
"The first American corporations were developed in the 1790s, almost instantly becoming key institutions in the young nation's economy. Although corporations existed in Europe in the early 19th century—particularly in Great Britain and the Netherlands—no country took to corporate development ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 28, 2022:
Corporations serve various purposes: 1) Legal protections against wrongful suits. 2) Recognition as a legal entity. 3) Raising capital to fund growth, and many others. Corporate accounting is subject to taxation, and becoming wielders of political power, have lobbied for various loopholes. I believe that many states have their own individual laws governing corporations so that as example, it is more advantageous to incorporate in Delaware than in most other states. Thus, arguing that Corporations are illegal at a national level may not get far. I'm no expert on this.
If only people were anything like this. []
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jun 27, 2022:
I posted this yesterday.
racocn8 replies on Jun 27, 2022:
I missed it. Youtube must be promoting it.
" First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2022:
In 2016, the apathy of Women, Blacks and Progressives elected Donald Trump. It may well be too late to pull it together... Liberals either mobilize a strong showing or allow the bigots to take over.
racocn8 replies on Jun 27, 2022:
@Robecology From the link: "A small collective community in northern Israel, modeled after the communist ideals of the Soviet Union, may hold clues to the development of U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ political beliefs. Sanders is Jewish and a self-described “democratic socialist.” In the 1960s, he spent several months volunteering on an Israeli collective farm, or kibbutz, that functioned according to communist principles." The Republicans planned to dredge this out and use the term 'communist' as their dog-whistle. I recall reading that Sanders had friends in the kibbutz who were communists. Hell, Lucille Ball was a communist (at least for a while). People are entitled to their beliefs in this country, last I looked.
Does anyone else think the Court overriding Row v Wade is just distraction to get people to forget ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Jun 27, 2022:
They could be working hand in hand to distract us, but I do think the catholics on the court were thrilled to get this done for their church!!
racocn8 replies on Jun 27, 2022:
Their actions are inane because: 1) Women will continue to get abortions. 2) People see this as religious over-reach and will seek vengeance in return. 3) Young people will continue to disenfranchise religion. 4) All of their rulings will be overturned and deemed illegitimate (unconstitutional) eventually in some way, and the court will be reviled as corrupt in both the near and long term.
So the Right Wing 'Justices' just voted for Allowing Prayer in public schools.
Willow_Wisp comments on Jun 27, 2022:
Is it News to you that Christian fascist took control over the United States last week?
racocn8 replies on Jun 27, 2022:
I'd say they took over in 2016.
" First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2022:
In 2016, the apathy of Women, Blacks and Progressives elected Donald Trump. It may well be too late to pull it together... Liberals either mobilize a strong showing or allow the bigots to take over.
racocn8 replies on Jun 27, 2022:
@mcgeo52 Hillary should not have run. And the Democrats who did that certainly share responsibility for Trump, although it's highly unlikely Bernie could have won with all his communist affiliations. That may well be the excuse progressives use for not voting. Especially after being bombarded with that message by hundreds of thousands of Russian social media bots.
We need to understand that Ukraine was NEVER a willing part of Russia.
KKGator comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Earlier today, some whacko tried telling me that the US installed a puppet government, and Russia is stopping a genocide in the eastern portion of Ukraine. Then he called me a fascist for saying I didn't believe him. This is why we can't have nice things.
racocn8 replies on Jun 26, 2022:
While most Putin-Americans come from half of the Evangelical base, a few Russophiles hail from the extreme left, and they are reliably indifferent to the truth.
Abortions on Federal Lands - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2022:
This is something that Biden CAN do: Allow abortion clinics to set up within military facilities or Federal buildings. Better yet, make abortion provision part of the military's mission. Or, if that offends, put it under the Department of Health and Human Services.
racocn8 replies on Jun 26, 2022:
@LucyLoohoo I don't know. I'm trying to blue sky to reduce my frustration.
They Aren't Stopping With Roe v. Wade []
LucyLoohoo comments on Jun 25, 2022:
I think we know....contraceptives, same-sex marriage, anything the evangeloons dislike. I've been thinking.....having a growing segment of your population be poor and uneducated really makes life happier for OLIGARCHS, doesn't it? That court isn't about's about GREED.
racocn8 replies on Jun 25, 2022:
It's about sadism, racism, and megalomania.
If any woman dies as a result of SCOTUS allowing abortions to be banned, should any of the six ...
Alienbeing comments on Jun 25, 2022:
No because travel to States allowing abortion is easy.
racocn8 replies on Jun 25, 2022:
racist asshole
Catholic Church
racocn8 comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Homosexuality is not the same as pedophilia, about which scriptures say essentially nothing. Shame on the authors of scripture for claiming to be teaching and seeking love, but cruelly rejecting homosexuality. The failure to accept homosexual love as a form of love is one of the strongest arguments ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 25, 2022:
So by today's standards, God is a statutory rapist!! And really, it was more like God implanted himself, almost the same as a Xenomorph (alien).
If any woman dies as a result of SCOTUS allowing abortions to be banned, should any of the six ...
Alienbeing comments on Jun 25, 2022:
No because travel to States allowing abortion is easy.
racocn8 replies on Jun 25, 2022:
The voice of white privilege speaks.
Seeing the Democrats on TV after the SCOTUS ruling on abortion talk about how young people need to ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 24, 2022:
No shit! The root cause of what happened today is the forty years of voting for corporate Dems, who then abandoned the working class in favor of their corporate masters. Which led to the working class voters, esp. white males, abandoning the Dem Party and voting instead for Repubs. Which led to ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 25, 2022:
Hillary was a terrible, corrupt candidate, but the working class are morons for continuing to buy GQP lies because of their religion. The election was razor thin, so any number of blocks could have changed the election, whether it was Hillary not campaigning in certain states, Blacks, Women and Progressives not voting. Progressives were certainly part of the mix. And for certain, the working class, Blacks, Women and Progressives are all much worse off for their apathy and stupidity.
Seeing the Democrats on TV after the SCOTUS ruling on abortion talk about how young people need to ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 24, 2022:
No shit! The root cause of what happened today is the forty years of voting for corporate Dems, who then abandoned the working class in favor of their corporate masters. Which led to the working class voters, esp. white males, abandoning the Dem Party and voting instead for Repubs. Which led to ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 25, 2022:
"Wrong, the Russiagate stuff is fairly tales..." And your basis for dismissing half of the Mueller Report is what? Your position is like the QAnon of the GQP: extremist, conspiratorial (denying Russia's involvement), absolutist, and paranoid (fearing D as much as R and equating them).
Seeing the Democrats on TV after the SCOTUS ruling on abortion talk about how young people need to ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 24, 2022:
No shit! The root cause of what happened today is the forty years of voting for corporate Dems, who then abandoned the working class in favor of their corporate masters. Which led to the working class voters, esp. white males, abandoning the Dem Party and voting instead for Repubs. Which led to ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 24, 2022:
So because progressives listened to Putin's bots, giving the election to Trump, that's the fault of the corporate Democrats? Progressives like you gave Trump his win, and bear major responsibility for the loss of Roe. And, you continue to claim the obvious false equivalence between the corporate Democrats and the Republicans? Yeah, Democrats and Republicans, good people on both sides. Nader's run enabled the SC to do what they did. Protest voting is what loses elections, and that is all it is, a protest vote; a wasted vote.
Roe vs Wade, just the tip of the iceberg. []
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2022:
So that's what she looks like (Ms. Richardson).
racocn8 replies on Jun 24, 2022:
@SnowyOwl I haven't seen her picture with the posts that display her blog. I only meant that I gained a face to go with the name, by no means commenting on her looks.
Seeing the Democrats on TV after the SCOTUS ruling on abortion talk about how young people need to ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 24, 2022:
No shit! The root cause of what happened today is the forty years of voting for corporate Dems, who then abandoned the working class in favor of their corporate masters. Which led to the working class voters, esp. white males, abandoning the Dem Party and voting instead for Repubs. Which led to ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 24, 2022:
If we followed your advice, Trump would have gotten his second term.
Roe vs Wade, just the tip of the iceberg. []
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2022:
So that's what she looks like (Ms. Richardson).
racocn8 replies on Jun 24, 2022:
@SnowyOwl I nearly always look at her posts.
Ohio health department fires employee after mention of abortion pill in newsletter - The Washington ...
rainmanjr comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Soon they'll be imprisoned and killed. That's how Theocrats work.
racocn8 replies on Jun 24, 2022:
Time to start putting that 2nd Amendment to work...
CANNABIS IN SCIENCE & HEALTH 6/23/2022 A review concluded that "there is promising evidence ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Flies get depressed? What's grim is the FST. Oh well, I guess if they're 'only' flies.
racocn8 replies on Jun 23, 2022:
@OldGoat43 How does a hallucinating fly fly?
These dirty cockroaches have names: 🪳 Donald Trump 🪳 Steve Bannon 🪳 Roger Stone 🪳 Rudy ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 22, 2022:
And a supporting cast of hundreds of thousands slimy worms, aka as your neighbors.
racocn8 replies on Jun 22, 2022:
The whole of the GQP is infested with fake-Americans. As the shit is expose, they claim to be surprised at what they've embraced. Real Americans will never be able to travel in the world without being reviled and regarded as evil.
By way of illustration...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jun 22, 2022:
What about non-conductors?....
racocn8 replies on Jun 22, 2022:
A dieclectic?
If He Loses, Trump Will Concede Gracefully - WSJ
FvckY0u comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Having once been republican I think back to the days of Obama and the conservatives/republicans making statement after statement that Obama will never leave office and will instead be a dictator. It certainly seems as though they they accused democrats of exactly what they wanted for their ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 22, 2022:
Most of what they complain about is projection because they know nothing else. They are too stupid and hateful to learn anything.


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The Daily Life
122 members
122 members
Movie Actor and Actress Fans
121 members
119 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
WTF group
112 members
110 members
Atheists for Liberty
109 members
103 members
Older Men and Younger Women
99 members
99 members
Celebrity Pictures
98 members
Political Theory & Policy
96 members
Religious Naturalism
94 members
Taboo Island
94 members
"I was blocked!?" Group
93 members
At Retirement!
93 members
Foreign Film Fans
87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
86 members
Crass Comedy
86 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
All Things Asia
81 members
Mental Health Discussions
81 members
Christopher Hitchens Fans
80 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
75 members
Jobs for Atheists / Free Thinkers and The like
73 members
69 members
Religious Humor.
68 members
Laughter is medicine
65 members
lawnmowers & the gestation of nonsense
64 members
Minority Heathens
63 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Biden Piñata
60 members
Pro Choice/Abortion Rights
58 members
Code Monkeys
56 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
50 members
No more war
50 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Libertarians Worldwide
47 members
Hikers' Connection (Natural Highs)
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
39 members
38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
37 members
Recovering Theists
35 members
I don't give a fuck
34 members
Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members
Breaking the Habit
28 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
27 members
George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
27 members
Ricky Gervais
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
26 members
Home Renovations
26 members
Mynd Storm
25 members
Love of Physics
23 members
Asexual Area
23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
23 members
Hearing Loss or What the heck did you say?
23 members
22 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Consortium of thoughts
20 members
Conspiracies & High Strangeness
19 members
Broken Hearts Club
18 members
Ungodly Truth
17 members
16 members
Herbalists Corner
16 members
Everything Beauty
15 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
People Who Need People
11 members
Truth Seekers
11 members
The Plague
8 members
Goodness without godness
6 members
Workplace issues
4 members
Community Senate
382 members