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These were very accurate, for me. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Interesting, but these features that supposedly make a man *hot* don't translate to the decision-making process that actually gets applied. As to the prevalence of bad decisions or no decision, how does that happen? Maybe it's the pressure of societal congestion or maybe it's just Disney's Princess agitprop.
Just thinking out loud here.
racocn8 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Better to...
Copied from FB post An anguished question from a Trump supporter: "Why do liberals think Trump ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Nicely done. The overlap of Trump supporters and evangelical Christians means that these people are so loyal to stopping abortion rights that they will indeed sacrifice all other considerations (such as you've listed). Trump is an agent of Putin, but not the only one. Putin pulled out a lot of stops to get Trump elected. There is some amount of conspiracy on Trump's side, but Russia's effort on Trump's behalf was an extremely extensive campaign, so much so that there was overt cheering in Moscow's pubs when Trump won. The US was definitely attacked, successfully, but the Republican president and congress have given it zero attention for the last two years. Partly that is because the Russians have had considerable success in recruiting (gaining loyalty) of numerous congress members, especially on the Republican side. The involvement of the NRA is being developed, but we know it was severely compromised. It is my theory that the Deep State allowed Trump to be elected in order to expose the extensive co-opting of the Republican leadership, and probably some Democrats too.
The online dating "Scattershot Effect" Years ago i had this friend .
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Out to lunch. Most dating sites make reporting creeps easy and they are usually removed quite quickly. The real issue is shaming those ladies who do choose to have sex where shaming promiscuity is the common tactic of those who are inhibited by society and religion. Women are too inhibited when it comes to sex. STDs are generally under control and one can take measures to prevent infection or pregnancy.
How to respond to those who say they will pray for you?
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Just ignore it and insincerely say *Thanks*. If you think about it at all, it will just make you frustrated. Prayer is indistinguishable from wishing. Prayer is pure, rank selfishness; nothing more. People who offer prayers only do so to selfishly obtain favorable treatment from their God, either for themselves or for those they know. In the latter case, getting favor for a third party still benefits the person offering the prayer by trying to gain relief from the frustration over the third party's situation. So, if someone says they'll pray for you, they're simply saying *I'm selfish and proud of it*. And, they are seeking validation for a belief system they know is bullshit at some level. Religious people have a colossal amount of cognitive dissonance, and inject their religiosity at every opportunity to fight their insecurity. It's a tragic expression of mental illness, but also, hugely arrogant and intentionally offensive, albeit at a deeply buried level.
I solved the universe again today
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Universal Consciousness may exist as a property akin to Dark Energy, or as an aspect of one of the dimensions we cannot perceive. This Universal Conscious may well be entirely mundane, like Time, a mere property that completes the equations, or serves as a dimensional placeholder. In other words, not a spiritual nor religious aspect, just another Planck's Constant that helps complete the picture and fulfill the *spooky action at a distance* . Be cautious that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We do have evidence for consciousness, and we don't understand it, yet. The caution is against assigning any sort of overly transcendental role to something that may turn out to be entirely prosaic.
The problem of racism as it presents itself in antisemitism, versus the Nation of Israel which ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 20, 2018:
@cava After reading Judith Butler's bio, it's clear she is both a naive leftist and a self-hating Jew. Her works indicate that she has severe problems in many categories. It's difficult to read about someone that disturbed. Given her family history, it's clear where it came from. She even denies being a self-hating Jew, but it's obvious. One of the traumas of self-awareness is not liking what one was born as. No good answers for that one, just therapy and drugs. Of course political correctness says one shouldn't blame the victim, but some victims do bring tragedy on themselves, and bear some responsibility, or more. Gazans elected Hamas so they chose to become martyrs. They had their chance at self-determination and they screwed up all by themselves. Suffering the consequences doesn't absolve them from the responsibility of embracing terrorism. In the recent conflict, the Israelis should be lauded for winging the combatants, rather than just shooting to kill, as every other military would. Humane to maim, but not very nice to deprive them of their 70 virgins.
The problem of racism as it presents itself in antisemitism, versus the Nation of Israel which ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Advocating BDS may skirt the concept of hate speech only when it is undertaken by naive leftists, but the use of the term Apartheid is intentionally inflammatory and readily identifies the true nature of the user. Strictly speaking, I was not conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism; only pointing out that, except for Arabic support for antisemitism and anti-Zionism, the BDS campaign would not exist (It would lose funding and promotion). Those who support antisemitism and those who support anti-Zionism are mostly overlapping sets. The exceptions are readily categorized as noted in my first post. Singling out Israel over most of the other countries in the world necessarily poisons any validity BDS might have. Singling out Palestinians as pathetic is more than suspicious given that the Palestinians have MOST of the responsibility for their own long term degradation, brought about by supporting Hamas's Islamic extremism and the terrorist targeting of civilians. BDS advocates reek of bias, overt or otherwise. Unless a BDS advocate can advance an excuse for focusing on Israel, they may reasonably be seen as either antisemitic or naively abetting it. If someone can't find a worthier cause, they should expect to be identified as a bigot. The shoe fits.
Opinion on people of faith.
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
It is the tragedy of our time that even with so much truth being freely available to the curious, most people choose to blind themselves with faith (lies). The reasons are many. Science can be intimidating and may not provide happy answers. Most people are stupidly convinced they don't have the horsepower when they do. People prefer being stupid over the hard work of actually thinking for themselves. They are lazy. Or they know how intolerant their fellow religionists are and don't wish to be exiled or worse. Those with faith disrespect truth; they promote their lies and all the evil that goes with them. They dishonor themselves and poison whatever good acts they perform. As liars to themselves, they are liars to everyone else too. Trust must be calibrated accordingly.
The problem of racism as it presents itself in antisemitism, versus the Nation of Israel which ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
The problem with BDS is that it singles out Israel. Even with Israel's bad behavior, Israel still stands out as being far more humane (even in addressing the intransigent terrorism of non-Jordanian Palestinians) in regards to the human rights of all of its citizens. Israel is far more humane than the majority of nation-states currently existing. Thus, the singling out of Israel is correctly identified as either directly anti-Semitic, or as bias at the behest of Arab states that actively promote anti-Semitic bigotry via BDS. BDS advocates may well imagine they are supporting the Palestinians, but BDS does nothing for the Palestinians. BDS is mainly promoted by the Arabs, naive leftists and self-hating Jews, with a few Nazis adding to the noise. When the BDS supporters add the multitude of other nations that do far worse than Israel, then and only then will BDS be recognized as supporting all human rights and not just the agenda of the anti-Semites. BDS advocates either are themselves anti-Semitic, or are useful idiots on behalf of the anti-Semites.
What your problem with the Me Too movement?
racocn8 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
@hippydog In the Time reference is this: "She also alleged that Franken grabbed her breasts while she slept on the flight home. She shared a picture that appears to show the alleged incident." The photo clearly shows his hands posed well above her breasts, and posed for the picture-taking as a joke. A joke in questionable taste, but a joke nonetheless with no groping involved. This variance brings the rest of her testimony, and her motives into question. Other complaints could easily have been misinterpreted physicality, and still others are notably anonymous even though Franken is hardly a threatening personality. Sen. Gillibrand used the occasion to destroy Franken's career in the absurdly naive hope that she could get Trump to resign too. Mainly, she destroyed Franken to improve her own stats within the party. So I see her as sociopathically ruthless and a dangerously scary demagogue on the Left (Never ready for prime time, and probably also in the Russia mafia's pocket, being from NY). Before his departure, Franken distinguished himself as a dogged questioner of Republican wrong-doing and made himself a clear target. Franken could have been one of the bright lights in the Progessive firmament and I am very suspicious about the accusations I consider Franken to be precise and honest in his discourse. You might note how his denials are very specific and differ in character from those of Kavenaugh. As to Krauss, there is this from Sam Harris, who has an inside track via his association with Krauss. The video contains any number or characterizations which may be colorful, but reflect Harris's notorious credibility. Indeed, some of his comments are noteworthy for this forum
What your problem with the Me Too movement?
racocn8 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
@hippydog I suspect that Krauss and Franken are examples of misuse of the MeToo movement for political motives. The accusations appear to be false or to be cruel exaggerations. We live in a severely pathological culture and behavior of both sexes often gets a pass because the deeper problems are too explosive to discuss. To the extent that the MeToo exposes bad actors, that's great if the guys actually did it. However, the claims against Krauss and Franken have serious problems that suggest they were hit-jobs. In Franken's case, the MeToo advocates piled on instead of denouncing the false accusations. False accusations do occur for whatever reasons. I don't believe the accusations against Kavenaugh were false.
I am a very tolerant person.
racocn8 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Based on your broken syntax and topic, I suspect you are a Russian troll. Consider the background for generating that conclusion, that Trump conspired with Russia to illegitimately win election. The real question is why the Establishment and IC allowed it. The provision of free air time by the MSM shows their complicity. But, in the off-chance that you're not another troll, I've yet to hear of any net-positive thing that Trump has done, and I watch a lot of news. Just list them...
What your problem with the Me Too movement?
racocn8 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
1. Lawrence Krauss 2. Al Franken
Today my job had a company wide meeting telling us that 200 people were getting laid off ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Why did they bother with the company-wide meeting? Lay-offs and re-organizations are never fun. Corporations have the gold and make the rules. If Humanity doesn't figure out how to stop their domination, it may well degenerate, splinter or simply not survive. Or, you could embrace your degradation. A lot of religionists look on corporate life as their own martyrdom, at least in part. I would still claim that these practices are a testament to our cultural insanity. Unethical protocols defined by *attorneys*. Honestly, a significant portion of the population are (like DT) narcissist egomaniacs who enjoy and even thrive on sowing havoc. People like to exercise power, and watching people do their bidding is a thrill. They love the schadenfreude that comes when they define an unrealistic challenge. Pathological bosses are not hard to find, in a culture where nearly everyone has some pathology.
Who's Worse: Melania or Hillary?
racocn8 comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Plainly, supporting DT and the Republican agenda speaks very badly for Melania. DT's only deviation from pure evil is the more measured evil he enacts as a puppet of the Deep State. That would be the same Deep State that gave Hillary and Obama their marching orders. So Melania is worse for not having a positive opinion, nor a positive influence. Not to mention being loyal to a traitor. She is certainly a horrible example for women. At least Hillary is trying to support progressives in the next election, though it's not at all clear her support helps her candidates. Hillary should crawl back under her rock, but she never understood her limitations. The latter being one of the severe negatives that disqualified her as a candidate. @Krish55 The Counterpunch is undisguised propaganda filled with lies and half-truths. But it's hard to influence with invective badly outweighing actual facts. While Hillary gets blamed for foreign policy failures in Iraq, Libya and Syria, these countries were wretched dictatorships to begin with. You and the article conveniently forget this. Policies in the Middle East and Africa are complicated; there simply aren't that many good guys where the cultures are dominated by insane religions, power-mad politicians and money-mad corporations. Hillary's responsibility is way, way down on the list behind many others, far more deserving of blame. Hillary was mainly seeking to build her credentials before another presidential run. I don't think she accomplished much except coordinating the military buildup needed to counter Al-Qaida. The bigger issue becomes: Why try to tar Hillary at this point? What is the motive? Is it like so many Republicans, you're obsessed and just can't let go of your hate?
Does "the atheist closet" detract from what homosexual individuals went through?
racocn8 comments on Oct 10, 2018:
I'd say it could only be offensive to someone who is LBGTQ and it seems unlikely that they'd be in the group to which you are speaking. If you are worried someone in the audience could take offense, skip that analogy. I will say that I take offense at Pro-Life advocates likening it to th Holocaust. Also, likening Israeli policies to Apartheid. In both cases, the crude and sloppy application of the analogies are intended to offend and expression of their bigotry is taken as a matter of pride. Also note the use of the word science in Creation Science. Again, part of the motivation is to offend the third party, those who revere the scientific method. And for the third time, it comes from political Christians.
Is scientific knowledge limited in principle?
racocn8 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
As with wavelengths of light, we understand that light exists that we cannot see. String theory suggests 11 dimensions, well beyond our comprehension. The better question is how can we benefit from what we cannot comprehend? Is something cannot be perceived, can it still be tested, manipulated and made useful? Again, the use of imaginary numbers to solve electrical networks is instructive. Is it just a functional formalism, or is it actually imaginary! Or, it it just semantics where nouns can only exist if they are comprehensible.
The MeToo campaign versus the presumption of innocence - World Socialist Web Site
racocn8 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
The number of false allegations is significant so an allegation of sexual assault should rightly subject the claimant to legal responsibility and defamation of character counter-charge. Women do get and should get jailed for false allegations. However, sexual offenders are frequently serial in their behavior and public disclosure by multiple victims is a useful tool. The local funding to fully evaluate rape kits has put numerous rapists and serial rapists behind bars. This seems to be money well spent and such funding should be standard.
If it is proven that Dr Ford lied under oath - how many years should she spend in prison?
racocn8 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I have yet to hear a claim as to anything Ford said that was untrue. Given Cavanaugh's background and demeanor, the attack seems entirely plausible. The defense of Cavanaugh by Republicans speaks volumes for the complete mindjob they embrace (Fox agitprop). Cavanaugh's blanket denial, while emphatic, doesn't displace the unwillingness to take a lie-detector, or to specifically declare that Ford was lying. By his own testimony, Cavanaugh appeared to have lied in his self-representation as not having been an uncontrolled alcoholic. Cavenaugh's extreme partisanship and delusional obsession with Clinton patently demonstrates disqualifying traits (Hence the condemnations by other, real jurists). Thus, he also appears to lie in saying that he can be unbiased; his previous positions and statements contradict this. The Republicans all step backwards together as far as validating Cavanaugh's claim his accusers are part of a conspiracy. His statement and their complicity are pure slime. Steamrolling this unvarnished partisan onto the Supreme Court is a record low in Republican behavior, ever and always placing party ahead of the Country's welfare. Will Republicans adopt the unwanted children generated by nixing RoeVWade? Or will they complain that Blacks are robbing the welfare system? Will Republicans lose traction with the Evangelicals when the Christians lose the Pro-Life rallying cry?
What are your favorite proofs against the Bible?
racocn8 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Jesus is God when Jesus is a sacrifice for God. God sacrifices himself to himself? Not that making a sacrifice makes any sense in itself. Evolution is proof against Christian dogma... Jesus is a Human Sacrifice that is killed to atone for the (Original) Sin of Adam's Fall. Insofar as Humans evolved from lower life forms, the Adam and Eve story are mythical, as are Adam's Fall and the need for a Human Sacrifice.
Meaning of existence
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Ah, religion... *What is the meaning of existence?* We have some notion of what existence is, or think we do. But what is the meaning of the actual word *meaning*. From the responses below, we see different interpretations of what *meaning* is to the respondents. What is the object of *meaning*? Are you seeking a principle by which to guide your actions? Or is it all the expression of what reality *determines*. Are we mechanisms, or do we have free will to influence our lives, in which case seeking guidance on behavior is pointless. Sam Harris gives a thumbs down to free will. It's true. Which of the billions of neurons is *me*. Do I even have an identity? I tend to have several identities. I certainly feel like a committee. We get in some heated arguments. Each has an opinion on *meaning*. In truth, a notion like *meaning* has many dimensions, and one can only make arguments about which one should prevail. It is the *free will* you don't really have that decides which dimension of meaning is best. And you take it from there. In a way, a notion like *meaning* is like a fractal equation as when you have a concept, and it's the same concept at the surface or along the many deeper levels of magnification, but the recurring curve generates all these different zones and textures. These different textures might be the different dimensions of meaning, but they all transition into the other dimensions by moving or changing magnification. *Meaning* transitions to other dimensions of interpretation, but they're related by being the same curving pattern. What might start out as a simple concept, or equation, in expression, becomes a universe of nuance.
Why is science willing to update models, theories, and books, while the bible and religions still ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2018:
The New Testament comprises a collection of texts related by subject rather than by reference. They don't refer to each other. The Synoptic Gospels are understood to have evolved from an unknown original. Apocrypha are texts that didn't make it into the New Testament as canonized by the Council of Nicea. Parts of Thomas show up in the Synoptic Gospels. In a big way, the Biblical texts bear similarity to genetic material in the way that copies are generated that are then modified into new functions. The evolution of the basic story content is a slightly different process, where much or most of the content has been drawn from earlier myths, which also evolved through time. Indeed, religions may be understood to be megamemes that, like a gene-based organism, evolved through time, but are more like cellular organisms that merge or associate symbiotically. I believe that cells originally incorporated mitochondria as a different life form, and that is said to explain the mitochondrial DNA. We can imagine that the proto-gospel of the Synoptic Gospels was written, then copied, and the copies mutated into the four Gospels. These fostered cults that then wrote the Epistles and the Apocrypha. The profusion of texts fostered the Council that blessed some writings as canon, and others, the Apocrypha were banned. Or something like that.
Conspiracy Theorists, and the Harm They Do
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Only just yesterday I found out that it was the Ukranians who shot down the Siberia Airlines Flight 1812, not the Russian backed separatists. So yes, the news can be and is effectively manipulated. The JFK assassination is more credibly assigned to the CIA than to Oswald. See: The Magic Bullet is indeed proof, along with the wholly improper autopsy. UFO's and the disinformation campaign from the deep state are well established: Also see the Condign Report and the Cometa Report. The collapse of Building 7 which was 'pulled' (a detonics term) and the identical planned hijack exercise and non-working Pentagon cameras persuasively argue for a false flag conspiracy. The nonsensical fake conspiracy theories positing the Israelis being involved indicates the same deep state assholes who pump out disinformation on UFO's were tapped to do the same for 9/11. Sandy Hook happened as reported by the MSM.
What are the current theories related to the creation of the universe?
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
The Universe was thought by religionists to have been created. Others supposed it was eternal. The nature of the red shift increasing with distance led to the Big Bang. Then we got the idea of an oscillating universe. The 'tuned constants' and the Anthropic Principle led to the Multiverse. Physicists see matter and energy created out of 'virtual' existence, hence the notion of a Big Bang arising from a virtual universe.
Why are Fox News viewers less well informed than people who do not watch any news?
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
The real question is "What are Rupert Murdoch's ties to Putin?"
The true costs of the War in Afghanistan
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Morphine from poppies costs a lot.
Understanding the impeachment process.
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Don't the 'intelligence' agencies have silent dart guns with toxins that cause a heart attack?
Name one song you think everybody should have to hear.
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Ecstasy of Gold, Bohemian Rhapsody
Not all tRump supporters are racist, but all of them decided racism wasn't a deal breaker.
racocn8 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
And rank sexism wasn't a deal breaker, even to the women. The women voted for Trump anyway. The Blacks simply couldn't be bothered to vote for a white woman against an overt racist. The FBI couldn't be bothered to stop Trump's patently criminal candidacy. The President, Congress and Intelligence agencies couldn't be bothered to stop a traitor. The corruptions of this society are so pervasive, it's ineffable.
Your soul, do we have one.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
For humans to have a soul, all living things would have one too. That makes heaven pretty crowded. A soul, human or otherwise is a meaningless concept that is unverifiable, unfalsifiable and has no utility. Do identical twins have half a soul? Do dizygotic (merged fraternal twins) people have two souls in one body? The only aspects that might distinguish a soul is it's personality and memory. Outside of one's lifetime, what would be the meaning of that personality and its memories?
Miami Herald Endorses GOP House Candidate Who Says She Flew on Alien Spaceship – Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
For your information, Florida is a hot spot for UFO sightings. Remember all the (faked) Gulf Breeze photos? Stephen Greer has been down there doing Close Encounter 5's. Abduction may not be completely crazy. A couple of servicepersons may well have been taken briefly during the Rendlesham Forest incident, and that was taken very seriously (UFO's again stalking our nuclear weapons site).
Today is a great day for our country.
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
"Do not underestimate the power of the Emperor" (Yoda). We're in the mud with this pig. He's a slimy disgusting psychopathic demon with zero morals. It won't be over till it's over. Praise to Mueller for making the pig lose his cool. Best worst case, he gets a heart attack. I do so love the "I am Sparticus" from the 'intelligence' agencies... Very memorable...
I would like some feedback.
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
So a couple of dates seemed to go poorly because you outwitted your opponent? You're the winner so no point in playing any more? Or, as is so often the case, you've come up with this story to excuse lapsing into asexuality. That's a frequent choice for older women overwhelmed by social congestion. (The problem is men don't get that option except by default.) Go ahead and study away. Just try to leave behind something that's actually useful to Humanity.
Too much, just right or not enough?
racocn8 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
There can't be too many geographically desirable non-believers in Kentucky. I have a hard time imagining how I could live with a Christian, but the number of female non-believers in the Los Angeles basin is very small, and most (all) of them have profound problems (It's L.A and misandry is standard). Women are usually only on a dating site to assuage their guilt over being single; they very rarely respond to solicitations except to get out for a free meal. You like being alone, and you could change that any time you like. You should get used to being single. Relationships are really just too much work. Love isn't worth it (sarcasm).
Exactly how do you save other people by dying on a cross when people die in more horrendous ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Christian redemption dogma claims that Jesus's death is a human sacrifice made to God in the same way that animal sacrifices were made. It is said to be a special sacrifice in that while animal sacrifices atone for day-to-day sins, a human sacrifice is needed to mitigate the Original Sin passed down from Adam. The *saving of other people by dying on a cross* is the propitiation of Original Sin and thus making the person's soul suitable for Heaven. That's the short answer. The concepts have numerous problems in many dimensions. Some of the problems are fact-based and thus falsify and invalidate the whole scheme, albeit indirectly.
Drugs for insomnia.
racocn8 comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Other sleep-aid alternatives: CBD, Kava Kava. Lower room temperature. Chamomile Tea.
Besides politics, religion and age... what is your dating "dealbreaker"?
racocn8 comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Needless drama.
As a non theist, what are your top 3 political issues you would like to see addressed in the ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 14, 2018:
1. The National Security Act of 1947 that created the Deep State. 2. Reverse Citizens United. 3. Impeachment and repudiation of all the actions taken by the Fake President, especially including Supreme Court Justice(s).
What is the best way to sustain our future?
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Our civilization is not on a sustainable path. Bacteria on a petri dish grow fine for a while but they produce by-products and toxins that slow the colony growth to near zero. A few will take over the petri dish if they are motile. So, we could ensure survival by traveling to other stars, but achieving interseller travel may not develop soon enough (or be prohibited). On this planet we have to become sustainable, and that means not reproducing freely. Until we're mature enough to discuss restricting reproduction, sustainability and avoiding extinction will elude Humanity.
I think that it is strange that anyone has to “come out” as an Atheist.
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Being atheist only matters if you have an opportunity to educate someone who is open to it. Other than that, remember that atheists are reviled more than Muslims. Thus, unless you have a martyr complex, best keep it to yourself. Yes, discrimination is out there, especially if you're an atheist. I totally agree with Drew in advocating for normalizing atheism.
How do you fusion convert a Jupiter class planet?
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2018:
I had the idea of fusing Jupiter in 1973. I was learning about nuclear reactions and wondered what it would take. The first thought is to use a thermonuclear device, but can it reach a depth where ignition would be self-sustaining? The US military *hoped* that the Earth would not ignite when they did the first H-bomb test. Hydrogen bombs use Lithium and Deuterium fusing in the flash plasma of the uranium or plutonium fission device (or so I recall). Maybe if one packs a large enough quantity of LiD2 ? The mainly hydrogen composition of Jupiter may be less inclined to fuse unless temperature and compression are still hotter that a nuke can provide. If so, a bomb won't do it. The crashing of comets into the Jovian surface yield terrific scars from the burn-up, and I'm sure Jupiter has seen much worse. Thermal or thermonuclear explosions probably can't start it. So yeah, you need a million obelisks.
So trump has placed Pence in charge of the "Space Force".
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Remember Dan Quayle, a similar religious moron, was picked to chair a prominent space advisory. Most of Trumps team are science nitwits, and he won't trust anyone with a brain or bona fide science credentials.
Why does the Democratic Party like Trump so much? After all they got him elected.
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2018:
1. The states the Russians targeted narrowly went for Trump. 2. Blacks didn't vote for their interest (reverting to apathy). 3. White trash didn't vote for their interest (brainwashed and dim). 4. White women didn't vote for their interest (Stockholm Syndrome variant). 5. Sanders voters bombarded by Russian anti-Clinton bots. 6. Fence-sitters pushed by Comey's partisan posturing. 7. The whole mess was orchestrated by the Deep State as demonstrated by the wholesale apathy of the FBI and all the other intelligence agencies, and Obama. Everything the Russians did, they did in Ukraine with Manafort's help. At least the Ukraines kicked out their puppet.
Why does the Democratic Party like Trump so much? After all they got him elected.
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Why are right-wingers indistinguishable from trolls?
Do you think Hillary Clinton will be held accountable for her emails scandal?
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Been there. Done that.
Why does the left constantly use identity politics and politically correct terms to all their ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Why are right-wingers indistinguishable from trolls?
“If you voted for Donald Trump...”
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2018:
The problem is that Trump supporters have no shame. None. It is a zero sum that strongly correlates to their inability to think critically. And just as they have no shame, they have no honor. Lying comes like breathing. If you present them with facts, they disregard them and try to present you with their alternative facts. It's a lot like ADHD: one minute after reviewing their bad behavior, they're back at it.
My Political Awakening [ghionjournal.
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2018:
It's true. Obama was supposed to be an outsider, but as soon as he was inside, his loyalty to the country faded away. Not one crook from Wall Street went to jail. Zero. And yes, he greatly expanded the drone war. No word to the electorate why. He only grudgingly accepted gay rights after the fact. Trump's record is horrific, but really, more of the same, except to roll back the few improvements Obama did make, more out of spite than policy. I hate to break it to you, but the Deep State is very real and has a complete choke-hold on the planet, with the exception of Iran and North Korea. We are all dead meat; we just don't know it yet.
Should marijuana be legal for recreational use? Please comment your support for your position.
racocn8 comments on Aug 2, 2018:
Cannabis (marijuana) cures or improves many dozens of disease conditions. Cannabis can cure some forms of cancer and certainly improves the nausea from chemotherapy. It is likely that millions of people including many children have died from cancers and epilepsy that could have been cured by cannabis. The Endocannabinoid System is a critical neuromodulating and immunomodulating process that has been forbidden from receiving research funding. Many of the beneficial effects develop from a cocktail of drugs present in cannabis, and this Entourage Effect does not lend itself to being recreated by pharmaceutical companies. Thus, the 'Establishment' sees little benefit except tax revenue from cannabis. (Properly combined, the THC and CBD strains are a potent aphrodisiac.)
New Law Declares Israel a Jewish Nation-State with Hebrew as Sole National Language | Democracy Now!
racocn8 comments on Jul 24, 2018:
To Lukian's last response: As previously noted, applying the term 'Apartheid' to Israel stands out as a dishonest statement in service to bigotry. It is hyperbolic and denotes disrespect to the point of hatred (Even from J. Carter). As for Israel becoming less tolerant, it does appear as if populist bias is rampant. European countries are restricting access to immigrants, as is the US. Bigotry is never a good thing. However, removing borders and granting unrestricted access places an undesired burden on existing citizens that should be understood by well-intentioned humanitarians. Amazingly, Lukian references after I described the 'self-hating Jew'. The groups author, Alison Weir, looks to be a prototypical specimen. Even the Jewish Voice for Peace, an organization with similar sympathy to the Palestinians denounced Ms. Weir saying: "they chose not to work with Weir, on the grounds that "she has consistently chosen to stay silent when given the opportunity to challenge bigotry, which we find repugnant. There is a fundamental difference between engaging with oppressive beliefs in order to challenge them, and tacitly or directly endorsing those beliefs without challenge."" (Wikipedia). I wouldn't be surprised at all if Weir was on the Saudi payroll. Weir's website is high quality and that shit doesn't come cheap. Getting back to Lukian, quoting: "Paragraph #4: Saudi's are not the enemy of Israel, Iran is." Iran is no friend to Israel and neither is Saudi Arabia. Hell, the US is not even its own friend. and "...The aggression is very one-sided..." "Wasn't Israel carved out of a Palestinian territory..." Res Ipsa Loquitur. These statements speak for themselves. What do you think the US would do if the Mexicans started firing rockets over our border?
New Law Declares Israel a Jewish Nation-State with Hebrew as Sole National Language | Democracy Now!
racocn8 comments on Jul 24, 2018:
To Lukian's last response: As previously noted, applying the term 'Apartheid' to Israel stands out as a dishonest statement in service to bigotry. It is hyperbolic and denotes disrespect to the point of hatred (Even from J. Carter). As for Israel becoming less tolerant, it does appear as if populist bias is rampant. European countries are restricting access to immigrants, as is the US. Bigotry is never a good thing. However, removing borders and granting unrestricted access places an undesired burden on existing citizens that should be understood by well-intentioned humanitarians. Amazingly, Lukian references after I described the 'self-hating Jew'. The groups author, Alison Weir, looks to be a prototypical specimen. Even the Jewish Voice for Peace, an organization with similar sympathy to the Palestinians denounced Ms. Weir saying: "they chose not to work with Weir, on the grounds that "she has consistently chosen to stay silent when given the opportunity to challenge bigotry, which we find repugnant. There is a fundamental difference between engaging with oppressive beliefs in order to challenge them, and tacitly or directly endorsing those beliefs without challenge."" (Wikipedia). I wouldn't be surprised at all if Weir was on the Saudi payroll. Weir's website is high quality and that shit doesn't come cheap. Getting back to Lukian, quoting: "Paragraph #4: Saudi's are not the enemy of Israel, Iran is." Iran is no friend to Israel and neither is Saudi Arabia. Hell, the US is not even its own friend. and "...The aggression is very one-sided..." "Wasn't Israel carved out of a Palestinian territory..." Res Ipsa Loquitur. These statements speak for themselves. What do you think the US would do if the Mexicans started firing rockets over our border?
New Law Declares Israel a Jewish Nation-State with Hebrew as Sole National Language | Democracy Now!
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
To Lukian: Criticizing Israel is not off-limits, but as my statement noted, singling Israel out with a double standard compared to all the other countries begs the question of why Israel is being singled out. Bigotry or brainwashing remain the two most likely causes. Judaism is a wholly artificial belief system based almost entirely on primitive myths. It imposes any number of absurd rituals on its adherents. While it encourages scholastic achievement, it rejects the incorporation of discovered truths into its teachings. Judaism is as much bullshit as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. Within these super-cults, the pressure to conform to nonsensical beliefs generates a psychological anxiety that comes from cognitive dissonance. For anxiety-ridden Jews, quite a percentage become 'self-hating Jews' and engage in all sorts of extreme, neurotic behaviors. In regards to the video, greed may well be a significant motivation for the Birthright participants to get a free vacation, but then they chose to 'Walkoff'? While the Birthright campaign is novel PR, not all participants will have disregarded the Saudi anti-Israel propaganda, and many are subject to the self-hating described above. Anyone who pays attention at all knows that the Palestinians educate their children with maps of Palestine that show no trace of Israel. The Birthright maps may well be a subtle counter-dig. As to Gaza and the West Bank requiring military occupation, that has been necessitated by the intransigent political/religious aggression of the Palestinians/Jordanians.
New Law Declares Israel a Jewish Nation-State with Hebrew as Sole National Language | Democracy Now!
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
To Paul4747: On your comment that "Israel lost international goodwill through their own doing", I don't recall that Israel ever had any international goodwill to start with, and the Saudi hate campaign didn't improve that. Israel gets credit for successfully rebuffing the insanity of the surrounding Islamic countries, sometimes quite heroically (Entebbe), often quite creatively (i.e. bombing nuclear and chemical weapon sites). I'm not fond of Judaism, but Israel's behavior stands out over that of other countries, especially the surrounding Arab states. As example, the so-called civilian protesters seeking to breach the border have mostly suffered leg wounds from the snipers. Damn good aim to minimize mortal casualties. Too bad our own cops only shoot to kill. Bulldozing the homes of bombers seems crudely appropriate, as does continuing to appropriate land in the face of intransigence. None of that begins to compare with Assad's use of poison gas and carpet bombing. Selecting Israel for criticism ahead of the many dozens of far worse countries can never pass the test for Anti-Semitism.
This likely would have avoided the shit storm we're in.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I agree with this concept. However, remember that in 2016, both candidates were colorful, albeit Trump much more so. The bigger issue is the process itself where only creeps get nominated and the people vote for them anyway. What we need besides the tests and vetting is a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" option.
[] Joe Biden Says Trump is Assaulting US Dignity
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I don't mind Joe Biden as much as many people, but I don't think he's a viable candidate for president. I welcome Biden to the chorus if that's all there is to it. I think that if he's going to criticize Trump, he should follow up with more substantive statements of what he objects to.
Trump said in a tweet, .
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
If Trump was referring to Truman, I don't know of any democrats that regard Truman as a favorite president. Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947. This "reorganization" of the intelligence agencies is regarded in some circles as being the causative policy that created the Deep State. The Deep State is an assortment of silo committees that have exclusive decision power over major policy arenas, and the proceedings of these committees are outside the purview of the elected government. Essentially, a secret government evolved that manages the Military Industrial Complex, and whatever black projects they deem appropriate (i.e. Gary McKinnon's Non-Terrestrial Officers).
New Law Declares Israel a Jewish Nation-State with Hebrew as Sole National Language | Democracy Now!
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Israel cries wolf? Seems like the wolf has come several times and is still firing rockets on a daily basis. Yes, the UN has repeatedly singled out Israel and taken up special measures to vote against Israel at the urging of its Arab neighbors. As for Israel being or becoming an apartheid theocracy, neither of those terms can be honestly applied, unless one is a Saudi apologist. Israel does not treat Arab citizens anything like how the South African treated the indigenous Black people, such extreme racism does not come even remotely close to what occurs in Israel. Israel is still much more democratic in its government than the truly theocratic dictatorships that exist in the neighboring Arab states. Bigotry is such an ugly word. To focus on Israel and to grossly misuse terms in the service of rancorous propaganda invites the assumption that the origin is Anti-Semitic in nature. That or a shill for the Saudis. Saudi money has quietly perverted the views on Israel among select Liberal spokespersons. To be fair, Judaism is as much a screwball religion as any other. A great deal of Judaism is based on demonstrable myth, and Conservative Judaism denies and eschews the social justice that has developed in the last 50 years. (But it still compares very, very favorably to Wahhabism.) And yet, Israel is among the most progressive nations, in stark contrast to their Arab neighbors. Whatever punishments Israel metes to the Jordanian-Palestinians has usually been well earned.
What about you has a "gender bender" quality to it?
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2018:
I generally prefer to fantasize myself as a woman having sex. Fantasizing as being a man is harder to attain climax.
Annunaki and other EBEs
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Interviews from those who have had Close Encounters indicate several species visit Earth. We see that they generally don't engage humans. Thus, it is unlikely that they would come, interact and behave as Gods. I would hope they would be more mature than that. That they are here at all indicates that they have cultures stable enough to persist through time. If they were here during Human evolution, it's possible they might push the species in one direction or another. However, I know of no biochemical or other evidence that would suggest interference. Nothing about our biochemistry suggests anything more than Natural Selection.
‘American Patriot’: Australian PM Backs Donald Trump, Defends Putin Meeting [breitbart.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Supposedly, we can thank the Australia diplomat corps for alerting the US intelligence community of Papadopoulos' claim that Trump got info from the Russians, and started the FBI probe. My guess is that the Australian PM is in bed with Rupert Murdoch. Both could be Putin poodles like Trump. They're all Social Darwinist hypocrites, only out for themselves.
Obvious Stupid Question...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
If you know the answer, why are you asking the question? Mueller hasn't released the report detailing Trump's transgressions,... yet. Even if Mueller released an open and shut case, the GOP House is too corrupt to begin impeachment. Only a report that is a 20 on a scale of 0 to 10 could have a shot at unseating Trump. Only if the House is flipped can impeachment have a shot. That leaves two scenarios: 1. The report released creates so much stink that Trump has to resign. 2. Mueller exposes enough Russian influence in the House that he simply issues an indictment directly, the legality of which is debatable (That would get seriously messy.) The 3rd scenario is that Trump succumbs to (take your pick) a medical emergency or assassination. Come on, CIA, do your stuff... We're not getting out of this without a constitutional crisis and maybe worse. It's a dopey script, but that's Hollywood (er, the Deep State) for you.
After Helsinki, Democrats incite "deep state" action against Trump. []
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Friend, the totality of the news, Fox and MSM, Trump and Putin, is all being played out according to a script written by the Deep State. It really is all fake news, on all sides. It's soma; just relax, it'll all be ok, it doesn't matter and there's nothing you can do about it anyway.
How can we as a nation accuse Russia, China and numerous other countries of being an aggresser?
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Just because the US has been aggressive doesn't mean we can't call out those who are aggressive against the US. Calling out our enemies is good PR to distract from the crimes of the US. You infer that being an aggressor undercuts the moral authority of US to complain against others. Would a Black man who had been abused by police lose his right to complain about the police if it was later revealed that he was a thief? Only in the mind of a racist. A racist would rationalize that street justice meted out by dirty cops was a good thing. And yes, someone who believed that the US had become irredeemably corrupt may well see US complaints against Russia and China as the height of hypocrisy. It comes down to whether one still has any loyalty to the US. Certainly there are many noble principles the US claims to revere and respect. One may still revere those principles, and point to them when they are disrespected, whether by internal or external agents. Trump is called out when he disparages the media, and the proposition of a free press and free speech is pointed to as the guiding principle. The principle of 'Free Elections' is pointed to both in reference to Russian meddling and to partisan (GOP) gerrymandering. So the answer is in your question "...we as a nation...". Who is that "we" anymore, given the bipartisan acceptance of naked corruption? The founders of the US were good, very good; so good we haven't seen their like in our lifetime. And yet, they failed miserably. They missed what Spiderman learned, that with great power comes great responsibility. Nothing in the Constitution game plan addressed the need to constantly and relentlessly enforce that principle. And so now, it's just a meme for a comic book hero, not a revered principle. Indeed, our culture reveres those who can make a fortune even when it comes from stiffing others, as long as you got away with it. You have to look to #metoo to find a hint of opposition. Bottom line: garbage in, garbage out, garbage in (severely flawed constitution), garbage out (Trump and the evangelists who support him).
How Did We Get Clown Fuhrer Trump?
racocn8 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
One of my perspectives/scenarios follows: That Trump is a puppet of the Deep State as much as Hillary, and that a great deal of what Trump does is scripted for him by agencies outside the White House. How likely is it for Putin to put Trump in office without the blessings of Deep State power brokers? Per George Will's assessment of Trumps intelligence, Trump couldn't possibly be originating most of what he does. I'm inclined to believe his White House advisors only relay dictation from their own connections. This explains why the FBI, Obama and the Intelligence Community said next to nothing about Russia's election interference as it was building up. They probably thought it was a fun experiment. They view America as a productivity cash cow. Foisting this creep means they care nothing about us, so much so that they are fully subscribed to Social Darwinism. Indeed, they do share that attitude with DT and Hillary. Bottom line: both parties are indeed complete sell-outs, only debating the smallest details. These politicians have dumbed down the conversation so far you couldn't scrape it with a putty knife. USA RIP. (but yes, the Republicans are far worse). Most notably, the Religious Right/ Moral Majority/ Evangelist trailer trash finally took over the government. So never say Reagan had any redeeming features compared to DT. DT is Reagan reincarnated, just updated with a big dose of Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh. I'm going to rinse my fingers in bleach.
I am so sick of both political party's and their hate and bullying! They are acting like children ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Absurd false equivalence demonstrating poster's true political loyalty.
Over the past several days I have noticed fewer intelligent and/or serious posts.
racocn8 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Yeah, I'm estimating the IQ was only 120 to begin with, but it's dropped to 112. Nothing going on here; move along, move along.
Why Does Palestine Matter?
racocn8 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Both sides are motivated by their religious extremism. Both are imprisoned by their own power structures. The Gazans have maintained an attitude of hostility even in the face of repeated defeat. In the face of this intransigence, Israel has penalized the Palestinians by taking/stealing more land. This strategy hasn't worked to reduce the hostility, but the Palestinians do lose real estate. None of the other Arab countries will take them in, and they generally revile the Palestinians as a people as much as the Israelis do. The Iranians and Saudis use the Palestinians as PR puppets, and the Saudis could and do help the Palestinians financially, but the Palestinians divert most of the Saudi, UN and US money for clandestine warfare. As long as the Gazans support Hamas, nothing can improve. That's their choice and they've made it. If it were any other country other than Israel, the Gazans would be dead history.
One of the very few Christians never seems to judge me, never tried to tell me I'm sinning.
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
It's all drivel. One can scarcely generate meaningful statements within the context of profoundly delusional thinking. Indeed, such statements can only be understood as having originated within delusion.
Do you think a civil war is coming in the U.S.?
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2018:
One of my perspectives/scenarios follows: That Trump is a puppet of the Deep State as much as Hillary, and that a great deal of what Trump does is scripted for him by agencies outside the White House. How likely is it for Putin to put Trump in office without the blessings of Deep State power brokers? Consider the Stuxnet virus sabotage of the Iranian uranium centrifuges. That may have set the stage for the odd bonding of Israel, Germany, Russia and the US intelligence. Resources from all those countries seem to have been needed to achieve the Stuxnet virus. I would classify that effort as being generated by the Deep State, and only acceded to by the president. Per George Will's assessment of Trumps intelligence, Trump couldn't possibly be originating most of what he does. I'm inclined to believe his White House advisors only relay dictation from their own connections (or it could all be as advertised, and that's a horrible thought too). I wouldn't put it past the Deep State to orchestrate mass destruction if they see that as desirable, as might have happened with 9/11.
Do women look older than men at the same age?
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Aging is extremely variable, and the rate of age appearance may be linked to specific races and subgroups. One can look at many Asians, Americans and Africans to see some people who have few wrinkles. Yet, others in those groups do get severely wrinkled too. I can't recall seeing the same tight skin on Europeans. Diet and other lifestyle factors likely play a big part.
Seven questions
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Paradoxes are paradoxes for a reason. Logic tangles often derive from self-referencing statements. (Re your intro: coy<>cute) 1/One. One cannot demonstrate an objective anything to a subjective perspective. 2/Two. The perceived universe is indeed an hallucination. 3/Three. Non-existing entities cannot generate evidence evidence, much less proof, of their existence or non-existence. That is why the burden of proof rests with the claimant. 4/Four. Ethics/morality are physiologically based and then rationalized. Perceptions of fairness and subsequent responses are encoded in DNA and expressed as memory RNA in the nervous system (i.e. instinctual). 5/Five. Moral Relativism is correct. Perceived Fairness is physiological, and does vary accordingly. Not everything that is true is also universally nice. Six a through d: 6a. consciousness = legalistic arbitrary speciesist jargon, referenced by legal rights given to an arbitrary subset of humans, cerebral neuronal activity generating the hallucination of self. 6b. personhood = legalistic arbitrary speciesist jargon, referenced by legal rights given to an arbitrary subset of humans in 20-21st century. 6c. sentience = sensory nervous impulses 6d. souls = reincarnated unicorns. i.e. an imaginary term referenced as incorporeal personality other than body-based personality. 7/Seven. (...other...?) One cannot teach the blind to see. Aliens don't use our 'technology' and we don't know what to look for. Aliens are here. We are a nature preserve. In fact, the Fermi Paradox was answered long ago, but the military-industrial-intelligence complex has a don't ask-don't tell policy. .
To all of the men who think that a woman's place is in the kitchen, just remember.
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
And many women didn't know how stupid it is to bring a knife to a gunfight. Seriously, women impose wholly artificial role stereotypes on themselves, and almost universally fall short of recognizing and denouncing these memes for what they are. As Jesus didn't say, 'first remove the log from your own eye'.
Take it to the grave?
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Yes. Surely you don't expect me to reveal them. They wouldn't be secrets any more...
Anyone have any good atheist jokes or puns?
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position, or like 'bald' is a hairstyle! Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man, living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of 10 things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever til the end of time...but he loves you. -- George Carlin You heard about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac- - -He’d lie awake at night wondering if there really was a dog. Ok, not about atheism: One day the zoo-keeper noticed that the orangutan was reading two books - the Bible and Darwin's Origin of Species. Surprised, he asked the ape, "Why are you reading both those books?" "Well," said the orangutan, "I just wanted to know if I was my brother's keeper or my keeper's brother." A preacher is complaining to his best friend that someone had stolen his bicycle. "Oh, my. What should I do? Who would do such a terrible thing?" His friend suggested that he recite the Ten Commandments in his upcoming sermon, with special emphasis on Thou shalt not steal. Sunday morning came, and the friend sat listening to the sermon. Afterwards, he was perplexed, and when alone with the preacher, he asked: "I thought you were going to talk about "Thou shalt not steal"?. The preacher replied. "Yes. Yes. I was. But as I was reciting the other commandments, I got to the one about adultery and I remembered where I left my bike!" Who were the five constipated men in the bible? 1) Cain, because he wasn't Abel. 2) Moses, who took two tablets and had to run down the hill. 3) Balaam, who had trouble with his ass. 4) David, who sat on the throne for forty years. 5) Titus, whose name explains itself. Jesus was a cross-dresser. A man was dying and the priest was summoned. The priest said “You should renounce the Devil”. The man replied “This is no time to be making enemies.”
UFO’s, science, and religion
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Only the tiniest fraction of the Internet videos depict UFOs. Most of the videos are fakes or simply show unidentifiable lights. Maybe they are UFOs, but the videos have no informative value. A handful show vertical acceleration. I haven't seen any that show the rapid 90 degree angle turns that are signatures of non-terrestrial technology. Are any UFOs craft directed by ET? The best evidence is the behavior of the military-industrial-intelligence (Deep State) organizations. The documents, actions and policies from these strongly argue that ETs are studying the planet and us. Many of the best reports come from highly trained military pilots and similarly credible military witnesses. These reports are submitted in spite of institutional policies of denial, disinformation, censorship and intimidation. Significantly, many reports center on incidents where UFOs are in proximity to facilities with nuclear weapons, the encounters at Malmstrom's associated ICBM bases being especially prominent. Skepticism is a noble calling closely allied with Agnositicis and Science. However, the Skeptical Community leaders have adopted the military's tactic of dismissing all reports as weather balloons (etc) regardless of the reported information. For Debunkers, their minds are made up, don't confuse them with facts. Debunkers are NOT scientific in that they are neither interested in the truth, nor are they open-minded. Debunkers of UFOs are really deluded religionists, or imagine they are helping the military-industrial complex. Just as bad as the Debunkers are the vast bulk of UFOlogists who accept all reports uncritically. Even the most credible UFO researchers always "fall off the cliff' at some point. To be sure, the subject of UFOs is hugely problematic on a vast array of dimensions, and the truth cannot be discerned. Some elements of the 'government' have information, but they're not telling. What is telling is that the Pentagon has 'declassified' three tiny fragments of gun camera footage. There is a great deal more of that they aren't sharing. So yes, those who know even a little something don't believe the society can 'handle the truth.' As we all know, they are right about that.
Boyfriend is agnostic, I'm an atheist. How to cope with disagreements?
racocn8 comments on Jun 6, 2018:
This boyfriend refuses to even consider your recommended action to address this conflict. That's more than just not a good sign, it is a BAD sign. If he won't cooperate with your harmless suggestion (because he's afraid of what it'll do to him / he's afraid where he'll be if he realizes his revered hidden beliefs are crap) can you really expect him to cooperate in resolving future conflicts ? This is really so obvious, as is your reluctance to break off from this wretch. As jesus didn't really say, "Heal yourselves".
Prof Stephen Hawking's multiverse finale - BBC News
racocn8 comments on May 15, 2018:
Proposing an infinite number of universes with constants with values that are not 'fine-tuned' to allow life seems like a dodge, a dodge to avoid the claim that 'God' fine-tuned those constants. Those who Invoke a God to do the fine-tuning forget the multitude of other problems with the proposition that God exists, and how the God proposition creates more problems, and doesn't *really* solve any problems. Probably the biggest problem with the multiverse concept is that it becomes its own untestable, unprovable belief system; a belief system that diverts attention and effort away from the question of those 'fine-tuned' constants. Perhaps there is another explanation that IS testable. Perhaps if we applied an alternative mathematics to understanding the physical world, the 'fine-tuned' values would be required to have the values they have, rather than being 'fine-tuned.' There is good reason to suspect that a large body of theoretical physics has been censored by the military-industrial complex, so the physics we 'know' has been corrupted by omissions (In the interest of 'national security').
Should I get an Atheist sticker for my car?
racocn8 comments on May 10, 2018:
Religion is all about creating reasons to hate other people. Atheists are roughly tied with Muslims as the most hated minority. Identifying your beliefs to other drivers is also dangerous while driving. Our society is simply not mature enough *yet*, not to expect a bad outcome. Probably the better question is: In what reasonable ways can atheists teach their rationality?
My daughter has taken up Christianity, despite all the work I put into her and her sister early on, ...
racocn8 comments on May 10, 2018:
My daughter rebelled against me, probably in part from my ex-wife coaching her. Being shunned by ones own daughter has been extremely painful, but I've been advised that extreme rebellion by children is actually pretty common. Indeed, the history that I've heard of China, Russia and England all include multiple instances where whole regimes fell, bloody revolutions fought, and tolerated religions flipped, all because the new generation rebelled against their parents. It IS a major pattern. You probably do have at least 25% chance that the grandchildren will reject the beliefs of the parents, merely as a matter of that selfsame rebellious nature. I am inclined to suspect that the rebellion is linked to manic-depressive mental illness/tendency. Or, linked to other mental illnesses. One might hope that (after the Trump debacle) progressives might develop an atom of spine and compel candidates to answer the hardball questions that matter. Once idiotic beliefs receive the examination they deserve in a public forum, more people will drop them entirely. Certainly, all Christians pick and choose issues to believe. For your daughter, there is always hope. Be able to answer any challenges she or her cohort may express. But, consider yourself to have had the phenomenal outstanding luck to be more rational that most of Humanity. Apply yourself to make the most of that rationality. Set the example, not just for your daughter, but everyone who knows you.
Delusional theology
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2018:
You have to realize that before science and mass communication (books), religious notions were essentially unopposed. People really didn't have alternatives to the fairy tales except other fairy tales. However, after books and the advent of natural science, the existence of alternative explanations are a relatively recent challenge to religion, especially with Galileo and Darwin. As natural science has improved, the true character of reality reveals just how absurd the fairy tales are. In this age where people choose whether to be informed or not, those choosing the 'or not' option may develop an allegience to these fairy tale memes. This allegience is akin to the obedience one allows when they are hypnotized. Obedience to outdated notions in the face of commonplace facts is a serious issue when it comes to public policy, as with reproductive medicine and climate change. When 40% of the population, or more, believe nonsense and reject verified science, that is a feature where democracy falls on its face. The behavior of religious people becomes a danger to the rest of society, and we are in a fight for survival over this fact whether we realize it or not. We must be militant on governance based on facts or risk extinction. People who are genuinely delusional may be helped with medication. People who are self-deluded as a matter of social convenience can be educated. However, the BIG question is whether we simply try to ostracize the self-deluded as Sam Harris recommends, or take stronger steps to disenfranchise them from political influence. Still a third option is to research the underlying psychodynamics and/or neurochemistry and enact a physical means (virus, deprogramming) to reduce the allegience to BS. We would all like to play nice on this subject, but the clock is ticking, and everything is at stake....
What is your reaction when people say something doesnt matter, its in gods hands?
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2018:
Some people assign everything to God; that's how their mind works, or how they're screwed up. I remember how, when a plane crashed, someone said to me how God heard the prayers of the relatives of those who did survive. I was nonplussed at the grotesque implication, that somehow God controlled the plane crash so as to kill just the ones he disfavored. I asked the person if God ignored the prayers from the families of those that perished. It's a cheesy, infantile game promulgated by the shallow-minded. Sadly, we have no power to increase IQ... (Yes, yes, I know many smart people are religious, but you know what I mean).
One of my favorite musics to listen to is film scores.
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2018:
I would almost consider film music to be a hobby. While John Williams is king, a neck and neck second would be Bernard Herrmann. Also, Maurice Jarre, Dimitri Tiomkin, James Horner, Danny Elfman, Ennio Morricone, and so many others. I highly recommend a few brief samples:
I'm feeling a wee bit melancholy this evening.
racocn8 comments on May 5, 2018:
Depression appears to be commonly reduced by CBD. This is now widely available. I personally have a bias toward CBD from indica or sativa rather than from hemp. Try whatever you can get and see if it helps.
racocn8 comments on Apr 29, 2018:
“Most certain, if you are she, you do usurp yourself, for what is yours to bestow is not yours to reserve.” Twelfth Night: Act 1, Scene 5, Page 9, Shakespeare. This is an admonishment against selfishness, which may be one interpretation of your statement. Another interpretation is that you are anti-social for some reason, with the rationalizations given. #3 is that you've never gotten any 'help' you thought was useful from confiding. What is the goal of confiding, and is that the real goal being sought? Mostly, confiding is grist for social interaction and bonding. Note how therapists seek confiding but only respond with advice or analysis, rather than exchanging a confidence of their own.
I think the human race is doing a splendid job of destroying our lovely planet.
racocn8 comments on Apr 29, 2018:
If you believe the content of Al Gore's latest documentary, I believe it said that the rainforest is not a net producer of CO2, and are not the 'lungs of the planet' as everyone has been told. For certain, Humanity is changing the Earth. The Earth's biology has seen previous die-outs, and we're causing a new one. The Earth will renew itself eventually, assuming we aren't here to prevent it. What matters, because it matters to us, what really matters is that Humanity will never be able to enjoy the Earth they awoke in. Most species of wonder will be gone forever. That wonder will never be again, and if any part of Humanity survives, they will have to make do with museum memories.
What is your favorite paradox?
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Is your answer to this question "no"?
Things that people put in dating profiles that are pet peeves. Discuss.
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Religion-Other (and then they don't elaborate.) Christian (non-starter unless mitigated) Gentleman must be 6' or taller (1. Lose weight; 2. Try to love someone besides yourself) Endless reading/music lists. Post-operative transexual Pre-operative transexual Answered >500 questions Anti-male comments. No reply to a sincere query (Yes, you're just so busy being rude; maybe the grapes really are sour.) Pervasive spelling and grammatical errors Unable to determine if candidate is geographically undesireable
Atheism isn’t a culture as any atheist can tell you.
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Atheism is very much a culture which a very colorful and distinguished history. Thankfully, our culture is a bit more enlightened than in Twain's time, but progress has been painfully slow; we may be very grateful for what acceleration is occuring. Please note how social evolution on specific topics can and do reach tipping points. Most importantly, religionists often behave and make judgements based on their myths, and it's purely a matter of luck whether they get it right. Allegience to atheism is all about believing and behaving according to the best approximation of rationality (BAR). That BAR is as high as one can get, and outclasses religious 'morality' on every count. The BAR is all about skepticism, self-examination and personal integrity. There is no room for the pretense of affirming ambiguous epigrams. Atheism is supported by science in that, by definition, nothing in reality is reasonably understood to be supernatural nor miraculous. And yet, to be clear, nothing within the understanding of science has been observed to be supernatural nor miraculous, and that comes as close to a disproof of the supernatural and miraculous as is needed (Respects are paid to Sagan's proposition that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.). Higher physics do dive deeply into intellectual paradox as they inquire into hidden dimensions and entangled non-locality. Thus, to the extent that atheism rejects the supernatural, it embraces those regions of science that are only made possible in the absence of God. The other example being evolution of life being as profound as any other known scientific formulation.
I was watching one of the Atheist Experience docs where they were talking about religious people ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2018:
We are in a Culture War except that the secular side scarcely understands it. The 'moral' codes of religionists are nothing of the sort. Religious morality is nothing more than the excuse for xenophobic hatred, said xenophobia including Others whether by gender, race, ethniciy, sexual custom, or even other churches. Hating other people, for whatever reason, is now the major part of most Evangelical practice, and a big part of other religions. Exposing and neutralizing this hatred is the duty of all thinking citizens. Exposing the hate underlying religious values is a major focus for the freedom of speech. Just remember how much hard work has been done to (be able to) teach evolution, to end slavery, to gain Women's Suffrage, to have Civil Rights, and to gain fair treatment of LBGT. We are now far, far above the morality of the Bible and the Judeo-Christian God. But, we have a lot more work to do. These truths cannot be repeated too often. Exposing and denouncing religious bigotry must be a primary goal to undermine religious allegience. Publicizing the hypocrasy of politicians voted in by the Evangelists (Like Trump and Moore) is true Patriotism.
Is it hypocritical for me, as an atheist, to celebrate religious holidays?
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2018:
I look upon agnosticism as searching for Truth and wisdom. Recruiting people to understand science and how religion is morally degenerate should always be considered. Agnosticism is not declasse, but religion should be. Look on these get togethers as an opportunity to enlighten or inhibit the willfully ignorant. Know and be able to deliver the best arguments and counter-arguments against Christianity/Judaism (or whatever). Know your audience and gauge whether it is appropriate to discuss the perversity of individual holidays. If people are unreachable and you want to remain 'close', then hold your fire. Otherwise, planting seeds of doubt is Holy/Wholly laudible!
It Really Doesn't Matter
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Praying = Wishing. EOL
Suicide- thoughts?
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I've only had thoughts of suicide once. I had gone on vacation and, in my sense of leisure, stopped taking my Prozac prescription. Also, I got a bit of intestinal flu. Thus, the 3rd day I was knocked out with fatigue and while in bed, began to feel suicidal in the most discrete way. It was so unusual and out of character. While I assigned the cause to the intestinal flu, I suddenly realized it was the withdrawal from the Prozac. I immediated took the capsule and very quickly recovered. Ten months later, I very gradually got myself off that shit. Bottom line: the thoughts of suicide represent a neurochemical imbalance. Having done some informal testing, I recommend CBD extract, preferably from a CBD dominant cannabis strain (not Hemp) in order to contain some small percent of THC (caution, the THC is the psychoactive part). If that doesn't help, consider trying THCA extract if you can find it. THCA & CBD are not psychoactive, but the cannabinoids may constructively interact (probably mis-identified as the Entourage Effect). Good luck.
Tract on Agnosticism
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I could only skim given my attention span. (lost me on #2) Even so... 1. These are arguments, not proofs, and some arguments are much better than others. 2. #4 is just wrong. Science takes no position on God except that unmistakable evidence doesn't exist, and other evidence requires supposition and handwaving. Relying on science is an argument by authority. 3. Other items are unclear, even with elaboration (universe is not perfect...) 4. #6 is silly; #7 OK 5. It might be best to have a concise summary up front, with the best arguments first, estimated validity and percent contribution to the whole.
How many others reached a point like myself, where they cannot or will not date a god believer?
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I'd love to be charitable about it. I had a lady friend for some years who said she was Christian, but never said a word about it. I'll say I am somewhat open to it, but probably only if the lady was similarly never proselytizing. I had to give up my last lady friend who was devoutly Buddhist, but she had a lot of other problems too (boozy, inconsiderate, dramatic). It's really awful how religionist memorize and repeat trite epigrams, but have no idea what they mean; usually they don't have any real meaning... Being a scientist, I am particularly offended by Christianity because a big part of Creationist culture is to denounce science, evolutionists and athiests in particular as Satanic. You'll never hear Christians denounce their brethren on account of their bigotry... Being Christian is good for one solid strike. Each mention of God in their profile gets another. Do the math.
Proof of no god?
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
First, the proofs of God: 1. The intricate colored mandala I see that develops when I take psilocin. 2. How the rows of the Periodic Table increase in number of members as 2N^2. Okay, maybe that one is just evidence. The disproofs: 1. The depth of hatred within people disproves God generally, and the facile hatred of believers disproves their individual Gods specifically (Jesus, Allah, etc.). The rationalizations for hatred are simply not believable. 2. The utter lack of any kind or sort of evidence for God implies that God is a sneaky trickster. This notion, AKA the Loki Hypothesis, can never rise above being a laughable rationalization.
Should religion be taught in schools?
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I believe science or history classes should include specific elements that briefly describe the tenets of 'Scientific Creationism' and demonstrate the forms of dishonesty and disinformation. Sadly, I doubt science teachers are capable of doing this. Indeed, quite a few are Creationists themselves. I believe it is important that students understand that religionists in our culture have sough to sabotage the search for truth and knowledge.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I can't believe that talking through a doorway has more than a non-zero chance of changing their mind. I am convinced that to be going door-to-door means that these people are beyond the pale or reason. A) Say the equivalent of "Not interested" and close the door. I posted a sign that says "No Soliciting".
How do Believers become Non-Believers
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
While I was in college, I read the New Testament twice and fraternized with Christians in the hope that I might receive the Born Again experience. I could not get past the hatred directed toward scientists in general and evolutionists (like myself) in particular. As much as I wanted to have a divine experience, nothing happened. I believe that both Christianity and Islam are intrinsically prone to radicalizing their believers, and that this tendency makes these systems an immediate danger to everyone.


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