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Todd Starnes Sold Us a War on Christianity. We Bought It. - Christ and Pop Culture
racocn8 comments on May 24, 2019:
I liked this summary: "Starnes’s wide influence on evangelicals is alarming because he consistently deceives and manipulates facts in order to exaggerate or fabricate incidences of Christian persecution. These reports influence a great deal of people who often respond with hatred, anger, and disgust out of ignorance."
GOP defies Trump and joins with Democrats on measure to block president from abandoning NATO | Raw ...
racocn8 comments on May 23, 2019:
Surely every person who voted against the measure is an agent for Putin.
Lol yes there are NO references to Jesus Christos in Star Wars, so turn about....👣
racocn8 comments on May 23, 2019:
Yeah, I really hate that meme.
What small pleasures delight you?
racocn8 comments on May 23, 2019:
Being greeted by my dogs. When my bluenose gives a full-throated howl. The smell of my fingers after pinching a bud. Sunset clouds lighting the scene pink and purple. Unloading new photographs that are sharply focused. Whenever my lady gives me a hug from behind.
GOP removes lawmaker's remarks from the record after dispute over border deaths
racocn8 comments on May 23, 2019:
They aren't just deplorable; they're despicable. And worse. They don't want to be *replaced*, but they're not giving us a choice.
I really like this quote - there is always something to learn: “The best thing for being ...
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2019:
I am very fond of the Merlin lines in Excalibur.
Donald Trump's current burst of behavior -- the absolute refusal to allow testimony or documents to ...
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2019:
Trump is an agent for Putin. Their agenda of racism, division and chaos are a complete success. The GOP are supporting Trump because they have been compromised, either by taking bribes or by decades of spying by David Pecker (National Enquirer). Probably quite a few Democrats are also controlled by the Putin-Saudi cabal. It would be wonderful if the Bezos incident forced Pecker to open his safe. The Deep State orchestrated the whole thing and maybe they decided to hand the country over to Putin as a prelude to denuclearization. That's hard to fathom though given the utter corruption of the Russian state. Maybe they have a deeper purpose. My optimistic fantasy is that they have set all this up to rub our noses in our own corruption and sedition, and to cultivate a determination to root out said corruption. Or, the Deep State is filled with white supremacists who see Putin as an ally who supports stopping the proliferation of non-whites.
Trump is always giving "nicknames" to people he doesn't like.
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2019:
Fake American; along with his supporters.
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2019:
While the Douma attack may have been questioned, Syria carried out at least 111 documented gas attacks with another +300 plus incidents that may or may not have come from Assad. The rockets were a message to stop violating international *norms*.
GOP: he is gay! That is wrong. GOP: trump is just joking. ....
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2019:
a) Buttigieg is an avowed Christian and proud of it. b) Buttigieg is tied to Navel Intelligence which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Deep State. c) Buttigieg couldn't beat Trump if Trump were dead. Vote with extreme caution
Susan Sarandon, Pamela Anderson & Roger Waters question silence on OPCW report on Douma ‘attack’...
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2019:
@THHA The OPCW may well have found that the Douma attack was staged. Indeed, the linked report shows that somewhere between a third to two/thirds could have been faked by the rebels. However, the report notes nearly 500 attacks were considered and, while 162 were *uncorroborated or dismissed*, 111 were* comprehensively confirmed.* So yeah, maybe the OPCW report discounted that one attack, but you're inferring that Assad hasn't used any gas! I admit I'm gullible to a degree, but I'm willing to suspect that at least one or more illegal and immoral gas attacks were committed by Assad. Assad is a monster. I love a good conspiracy, but I don't think I'm the gullible one to imagine that all 500 attacks were faked. What would be the motive in being an apologist for Assad?
Susan Sarandon, Pamela Anderson & Roger Waters question silence on OPCW report on Douma ‘attack’...
racocn8 comments on May 20, 2019:
Russia supports Assad and his use of chemical weapons. RT is Russia. Taking this report at face value invites criticism. What is interesting is the involvement of the celebrities, who have distinguished themselves on other occasions. My recollection is that the reporting of the chemical attacks presented numerous witnesses.
Racism .
racocn8 comments on May 20, 2019:
And the context? Jews are certainly bigots in various areas, but what did you expect? The real question here is why Israel is being singled out when all the countries of the middle east are so much worse. The answer to why Israel is constantly singled out, almost invariably, is its own bigotry.
I know this may be unpopular with some of my trans Atlantic friends but if America’s ideologies ...
racocn8 comments on May 20, 2019:
The US continues to lead the world in new (and back-engineered) technology. Russia used to be good at back-engineering, but it became so corrupt that it's only remaining specialty is espionage, which it has leveraged to take over both the Presidency and the Senate. China is catching up on the back engineering, but still wants the advantages the US as it struggles with merging capitalism and collectivism. Only a few other countries contribute to science and technology, and then, only in specialized fields. The US does remain strong in terms of citizens motivated to commercialize technology, but even US science has been hobbled by GOP know-nothing attitudes.
Who was Jesus ?
racocn8 comments on May 20, 2019:
As noted, there are no contemporary records of said Jesus. Most of the story is plagiarized from previous myths so that if there were a Jesus, stripping out the previous myths leaves practically nothing of significance in terms of moral or ethical teachings. Also, the New Testament also has huge gaps in moral teaching, again, nothing denouncing slavery nor equal rights, etc. The most telling issue of all religious texts is the utter absence of informed understanding of humanity or of the universe. Nothing approaching divine wisdom is presented; just dopey stories that are ambiguous and readily misinterpreted. Definitely not the quality one would expect of an omnipotent deity.
Study: At least 78% of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians ends up in Israel's coffers
racocn8 comments on May 15, 2019:
Would you like to buy a bridge?
Going in for a pre-employment drug test today.
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
I'm a light smoker, but I tested clean after only 7-10 days on a couple of occasions. I believe corporations turned to testing for cannabis because they were forced to stop discriminating against their workers on other fronts (race, religion, age, etc.). I did get a positive from codeine and Tylenol which I stupidly assumed was the same as Vicodin (which I had a registered prescription for). The two drugs only differ by one hydrogen atom, but that was enough. I ended up in Drug Rehab rather than lose my job. I revenged myself by costing the company millions in lost octane (*adjusting* the internal standards). Morale: Don't fuck with people if you don't have a good reason.
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
How smart is it to infer that one of the brightest politicians, known for her intelligence and cunning, is somehow dumb? Bad agitprop at best.
My mother is no longer alive, so I will post this . . . .
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
For seditionists too... "Four walls for a prison are three too many."
Republican law makers should follow this chart when it comes to proposing laws about women since the...
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
So say the women who insist on monogamy. How does having a vagina dictate whether one can thoughtfully consider an issue? Oh, right...
Come on , meet my friends, Saudi and Russia, Trust me, Israel loves you so much, We will take ...
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
Yes, Russia and Saudi Arabia are Israel's closest friends. But come on; portraying BN/Israel as a German Dachshund is insulting. A story: An IDF guard is talking with a PLO guard. The PLO has a big German Shepard and is looking at the short, squat dog held by the IDF. They agree to let their dogs fight each other. After the German Shepard is torn to pieces, the PLO asks what sort of dog the IDF guard has. The IDF replies that, before his tail was removed, it was an alligator.
A peaceful religion?
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
The way that religionists turn a blind eye to the evil done by their fellow-believers is either evil itself or evidence of a gigantic moral blind spot (perhaps a brain defect?). And, said moral blind spot is studiously omitted by religious dogmas. Christians and Muslims rarely, rarely call out their fellows for the evil committed by their co-religionists. Atheists, on the other hand, are constantly reminded of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot by these same religionists. But again, they are careful not to mention how these regimes became personality cults seeking to replace religion with communist doctrine. Very little history shows the victims of communism to have been slain for refusing to become atheists.
I have read thousands of books over the years and this includes both the bible and Tolkien's Hobbit ...
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
As blogs, tweets and other devices replace books, we should look forward to a transformation of religion in our lifetime. The real question is which electronic communication device will substitute for the mind control function that religious holy books express.
Marijuana decriminalization: Cincinnati takes first steps
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2019:
The Sheriff expressed concern. Translation. What will I do if my men can't steal money from potheads? What excuse can my men use to hassle non-whites?
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2019:
Anti-vaccination kooks and Creationists (and their like) should be excluded from all real educational institutions.
Texas is about to make it illegal for a group of friends to drive to the polls together to vote | ...
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2019:
Remedies: 1) Violate the law and, when arrested, appeal to the Court as being unconstitutional. 2) Mobilize to vote for legislators that will undo the law.
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2019:
Except that imaginary numbers actually can serve a constructive existential purpose (circuit design network analysis).
"If neo-Darwinism is true and reproductive success a measure of evolutionary fitness, then every ...
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2019:
A major part of evolutionary theory relates to fitness in the face of NATURAL selection. There's not much that is natural about the last 5000 years of human history. The concept of *memes* comes from Dawkins' Selfish Gene, and those who understand that definition do compare self-replicating ideas as potentially parasitic. The formulation of religions as memes has more to do 1) with understanding how ideas spread; and 2) with the proposition that ideas may exist as nucleic acid polymers (either RNA or DNA) that are stored and retrieved memories. Plainly, memes have nothing to do with germline DNA unless you're a Lamarkian. Why do you keep posting the absurd writings of Sacks? Other comments effective dissect the many flaws in his statement. What he's really doing is advancing a reason for atheists to be believers, which might be viewed as part of his calling (to disseminate disinformation). Lacking a basis in truth or logic, Sacks statement is just silly BS, and for you to repost it reflects on your own intellectual rigor. Why don't you tell us why you have an interest in this guy?
‘How can you be moral?’: Here are 9 questions you don’t need to ask an atheist
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2019:
Maybe standard stuff, but I thought it was a good compilation and put the points across well.
Democrat mocks Barr with bucket of fried chicken at hearing
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2019:
Amusing, yeah, but really not appropriate given the situation. A bucket of tar and a bag of feathers would have been better.
For all the caffeine addicts out there.
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2019:
Substitute mushrooms for cups and it works just as well...
I am an old, married man intending to stay married.
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2019:
It is the age old debate between direct honesty and politically correct diplomacy. The problem with direct honesty is that it tends to be brutal and insensitive. You may offend someone worth knowing, but then it's too late. (Men only get a second chance in the movies; Women feel so embattled that forgiveness is rarely forthcoming. Hell, most men won't even get a first chance.) The problem with politically correct diplomacy is that it is not sincere or honest and a few of the quality women may pick up on that. So, you have to put on your thinking cap and find some middle ground. Entertaining with humor is the best ice-breaker. Starting with hard questions is a turn-off. When it comes to flirting, it's pleasure first, then business.
Did you like George Carlin?
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2019:
True, deep wisdom!!!
I feel pretty lonely.
racocn8 comments on May 2, 2019:
Keep looking. What choice do you have? Consider therapy. Poll your friends to see what sharp edges might need rounding. Of course it would be great to find an intellectual equal, but realize that you might have to pull out all the diplomatic skill you have to put up with some kooky belief. That is part of the dance. Come on, lighten up. We don't have a monopoly on truth like the true believers do, and we should temper the confidence in our beliefs with probability. If you need to expound, come here and do it. We're all eccentric to the point of madness. Our culture is almost wholly psychopathic, even more so in states like yours. Can you move to another state? Maybe take an anti-depressant to reduce your sexual need. Find a subject you're passionate about and give talks about it. Sounds like you're approaching that. Maybe you could take your talk on the road? Maybe enroll in some yoga classes, and, even better, teach it. Or cooking. Or sewing (not like Buffalo Bill).
"Atheism deserves better than the new atheists whose methodology consists of criticizing religion ...
racocn8 comments on May 1, 2019:
What new atheist is Sacks referencing who "criticizes religion without understanding it (etc)" ? It's a straw man argument lacking even a single example. No, I've almost never heard an atheist advance an argument without the correct and specific biblical quotation. Without a name, Sacks's statement is nothing more than a pejorative polemic, and a self-serving one at that. What a surprise coming from a *holy* man. This a classic bit of projection. Religion is all about lies and deception, misusing the awe of nature that is available without religion. Religions exchange the comfort of superstitious delusion for control and manipulation. Maybe it's the best bargain some people can get, assuming they had a choice. For its dishonesty and deception, religions deserve all the mocking, ridiculing, caricaturing and demonizing that can be mustered. Just what deception is OK and *good*? Religion is not just about lying to attract believers, it is about denouncing non-believers as inhuman, immoral, mass-murderers. And it is about hiding the truths that *are* known. Judaism, with its regard for scholastics, still won't incorporate a single scientific tenet, no matter how beautiful or elegant. Where is the wisdom of that? Judaism is still a form of obscurantism. Still worse are the Conservative and Orthodox versions which degenerate into cults and intellectual masturbation.
i did my final on black ahteist here it is In this course we reviewed the lives of Martin Luther ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
The political/racist underfunding of Black schools surely contributes. Perhaps the low probability of social advancement also provides an incentive to rely on existing spirituality for hope. Religion offers avenues for intra-racial support that aren't available from non-belief (so far). Otherwise, the willingness of Blacks to remain attached to the religion that enslaved them seems bizarre.
Schrodinger's cat plots his revenge from inside the box.
racocn8 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
And in case you wanted to know, the states of life and death are analogous to the wave-particle duality. The problem is people are mostly dead while they're alive. The other problem is that we misunderstand what these states really represent.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
They are being punished by God for electing Trump. Just say it. You can suspend disbelief long enough to make your point to the idiots.
What is with this Atheist/Agnostic divide stuff lately.
racocn8 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Semantic meanings do change. Atheist started out meaning "without belief". Then the Christians campaigned against atheism claiming that it meant an active disbelief and rejection of (their) God. The new Christian definition shouted down the original definition and created the confusion noted in the original post. Hence, the new term *non-theist* which reclaims the original atheist meaning. Many other flavors of atheist have been advanced to define particular nuances, like *apatheism* and *anti-theism*.
Death Threats and Drained Bank Accounts: Life on the Wrong End of the Mueller Probe - POLITICO ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
Surely one of the most bizarre aspects of the Trump loyalists (and Trump himself) is the claiming of being a victim. Maybe it's PR, but I believe some of it's real. These people proclaim a lack of accountability and that it's the fault of their political opponents when they're caught participating in a criminal enterprise. Maybe they're right? Maybe they expected to be treated according to the rules of the elite kleptocrats and figured the Justice Dept would ignore them also. Between the 1% and the rest of us, it's a race to see who gets wiped out first.
"The narrative that government is inefficient and its optimum role should be ‘limited’ to avoid ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Business schools and economic theory have been successfully stifled by political conservatives. Consequently, the few scholars who have a clue get minimal attention. Almost no credit is given to science and scientists for the intellectual capital they have created. Consequently, economists are mostly clueless as to the real source of wealth generation. Basically, all the credit goes instead to corporations. After making those giant mistakes, economic theory is essentially dead. Just like governments, companies and corporation are far from efficient, fail frequently (which governments cannot afford to do) and are generally as corrupt as possible. And that is long before any sort of sociological goal has even been conceived. Government works to rein in the worst corporate abuses and often fails either by incompetence or bribery. The genius founders (not) conveniently forgot the slide towards corruption in government and, except for the branches checking each other, utterly failed to outline even a single scheme to root out said corruption. In short, our system has been hopelessly corrupt from the outset and it shows. Society routinely legislates morality and this society has allowed the wealthy to write two sets of rules. It's all too clear what needs to be done. I've got a little list, I've got a little list, and they'd none of them be missed, I'm sure they won't be missed... (Swing Mikado, G&S)
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu: Leave No Palestinian or Arab Alive | Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs...
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2019:
You find an Israeli who mirrors what the Palestinians have been saying for the last seventy years. And what would be your motive?
I just was contacted by Mavis the Powerball winner.
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Give them your Paypal account address and tell them to send it. If they refuse or ask you to send them information or money, it's a scam. By the way, it's a scam. Review that it is your own greed that is blinding you to the evil of the scam.
Amazon pays $0 taxes again this year on over $11 billion profit. Fair or not? []
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2019:
For anyone making over a million, not paying taxes is greed to the point of treason. For Amazon, the non-payment is an ineffable insult, beyond any obscenity. Especially when it comes from a monopoly. The penalty should also be unmentionable. What we really need is a maximum income limit, above which 100% is forfeit, for people and for corporations. If the company is too big, it should be split up. Failure to comply would be a capital offense with a bounty on those who offend.
What you think?
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
So, as long as they don't seek to hurt you, truth means nothing. No. Seeking to be honest and truthful is the foundation of morality. Seeking to just get along , truth be damned, is pure sloth. So is being incurious. It's not that they lack the horsepower; they just don't care to be responsible. Eventually, the ignorance becomes willful and arrogant, and that's when the violence kicks in. (Seen any scientists kill each other over disagreements?)
Amazing: Liberal white supremacy: I post a couple of bits about black people talking about black ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
The lying for Jesus Trolls are at it again. Or is it coming from the Kremlin?
Rick Santorum: Separation Of Church And State A Communist Idea, Not An American One
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Santorum is lying for Jesus. A common, even pervasive practice by true believers. Here, Santorum seeks to create identification between the Evangelicals and himself for future political support. It is immoral pandering at its most cynical, but fully expected by the White Fascists.
Another black man who speaks the truth::: Obviously an "enemy" to his race.
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
No small part of the reason for black women not being married is that their prospective partner has been arrested for a drug crime and sentenced to decades under mandatory minimum sentencing. If the Innocence Project is any indication, a significant portion of the convictions were based on evidence planted by the police, and pursued by racist prosecutors. While some Blacks may bring up the issue of Blacks-as-perpetual-victims, the reality of discrimination and ill-treatment is still all too real. Also real is that this complaint won't get much traction in a society which is intensely bigoted and maintaining a strong White Nationalist leaning. So it is wise for Blacks not to focus on being victims, but rather to lobby for ending racist (as practiced) drug war laws.
How many of you have been told you are going to hell?
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Remind them that according to their own bible, only 144,000 go to heaven. All the other billions go to hell. Tell your accuser that according to their own bible, they are also more than 99% certain to go to hell with you.
What can I say to my daughter?
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Sorry to break it to you but you've lost your daughter already. She doesn't respect reality, doesn't respect reason and she doesn't respect you. You're only delaying the inevitable. I have a similar situation. My daughter isn't a believer, but my ex took her to shrinks and she's now fully brainwashed to hate me. Even if she sought to make up, the times we should have spent together are gone forever, and the frustration has burned whatever bridge might have been left. I've moved on with my life. I have no choice except to disown and forget her. I could say that she'll always be my daughter, but so what? She inherited her mother's emotional illnesses and her pains gives her something to talk about.
Glad i found this site.
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
All religion is bullshit. I may not have license to declare that, but I've yet to hear of one that had any merit. If any religion has a value worth remembering, strip that value from its religious vestments before contemplation, lest it be contaminated by lies. Many values are worth knowing, but it's better to study science with its absolute dedication to truth and honesty.
The closed mind of Richard Dawkins
racocn8 comments on Apr 12, 2019:
The Genesis Story is required for Christian dogma insofar as it describes the generation of Original Sin which is the reason for the human sacrifice; it is Adam and Eve's sin that Jesus propitiates. If you say it's a myth, you don't need the crucifixion. Moreover, there is a passage wherein Jesus references Moses and Adam in the same breath, not something one would do if one was real and the other allegorical. The claim that Genesis is allegorical is pure dodge.
RICHARD DAWKINS ERROR CONCERNING THE ORIGIN OF LIFE Pursuing the concept that anything is ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I'm sure that Hoyle and Wickramasinghe were well intentioned, but I don't believe they understand life or its origination well enough to perform a meaningful calculation. They could not model the simplest life form because we don't know what that was. The issue of The Origin of Life and the Theory of Evolution are often confused, often confused intentionally by Christian Creationists. The Theory of Evolution and the The Origin of Life are totally separate issues. And yet Evolution can be an object lesson about a question such as the Origin of Life. Before Evolution, the notion of the vast diversity of life forms was taken for granted as being an expression of creation. People may have noticed the groupings and similarities, but no religion or philosophy I've heard of went so far as to suggest that all living things were related. That's what Evolution implies and the evidence supports this. Summarizing, we have an unimaginably diverse variety of living things, and that diversity derives from Survival of the Fittest. In the same way, that nucleic acid polymers found a sequence that would reproduce, in the eons of time and trials, only one self-replicating sequence was needed. Our incredulity might be tempered by the example of Evolution. The rules governing the Origin of Life dynamics could increase the probability for reasons we're not aware of. In no way does not having an answer to the Origin of Life question merit introducing an ineffable spaghetti monster.
Not a single one.
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Advice: Do not go to a plastic surgeon who has a fondness for Picasso.
It really wouldn't take all that much: the Mueller report, your tax returns, and your resignation.
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
As I recall, non-uniformed enemy combatants are sent to Guantanamo. We still water-board, right? Or, as the saying goes: Four walls for a prison are three too many. Everyone conspiring with Russia for personal gain or partisanship is a traitor and should be treated accordingly.
An asteroid?!
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I love how the GOP feels so terrorized by her ideas. Then they demonize her without an atom of reasoning. 70% tax on millionaires is entirely appropriate given the deficits we're running. The Green New Deal is a winner for creating jobs that actually produce a product, unlike the military.
Anyone else falling hard for Pete Buttigieg?
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
No matter what he says, his being gay is a non-starter. Same for Gillibrand. Being gay shouldn't be a factor, but losing to Trump is not an option ( Atheists need not apply either. When atheists can run, then I'll consider a gay candidate. ). And being a vocal Christian? Gag reflex. A gay Christian surely has a pile of neuroses requiring perpetual therapy. He only wastes our time out of sheer hubris, so he is not a good choice at all. Gillibrand is even worse, having a store of misandry.
I've learned of atheists throughout history.
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? — The Epicurean paradox, ~300 BCE But, What is Evil? What is omnipotence? and What is God? What would it mean to say that God is Willing? These terms come from primitives with an extremely limited scope of understanding. You may as well be talking to your dog. And that's still true with most people today, except that people today have chosen to be idiots, rather than actually learn about the world. It's their loss, but they impose their ignorance on the few who revere Truth.
11-Year-Old Astrophysics Genius ‘Proves’ Stephen Hawking Wrong About God
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
The dope can parrot the lies he's been told. One more time...: Suggesting a god did it doesn't explain a god-damn thing. Which one? Zeus? Odin? Set? Oh, Jesus? How can you tell? Of course you can't. And where did this God come from? Oh, he's outside of Time? Where is that? Let me guess, Heaven? Can we remember that all religionists hate science because it isn't certain, is self-correcting and describes principles and prediction that work and are more majestic than anything in the scriptures. Envy and cognitive dissonance are such a bitch.
Somebody please give me some advice.
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It's so much worse than you realize. Trump would love to be a dictator and certainly tries to play the part. And, he has access to nuclear weapons and everything else in the arsenal. And he is a loyal agent of Putin. The GOP is so completely spineless than only those on their way out dare to contradict him. As the GOP build a personality cult around Trump, he becomes more like Stalin every day. The evangelists claim they only support him in order to overturn Roe vs Wade, but it's clear their support is much deeper; they adore the racism and the destruction of the government. The Apocalypse is also their fervent goal, and he has the nukes to bring it about. Advice? Voter registration or other forms of support for what's left. Protest. 420 or choice of antidepressant.
Assange Has Been Arrested For US Extradition. The Time To Act Is Now. – Caitlin Johnstone
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Assange used up his goodwill and journalist excuse when he published the material stolen by the Russians to elect Trump. Wikileaks had been and affirmed its loyalty to a hostile foreign country and participated in the campaign to subvert the US. But don't worry. Nothing serious will happen to him as long as Trump is in office. They're on the same side.
So here's an email to the NYT in defense of Joe Biden's "handiness.
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Note that Lucy Flores has been careful to avoid describing her actual motive for her bringing this up. In the absence of said motive, and the lack of anything described as being wrongful, we can all safely assume that she is lying for her own gain (improved status among fellow Bernie-supporters?). For the rest of us, Flores's immoral deception rivals that of Trump.
Republicans falsely claim Ilhan Omar denied 9/11 attackers were terrorists
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
On the other hand, Islam fully sanctions its believers to lie, if it is on behalf of Islam. Which is only a little different from Christians who lie for Jesus whenever it suits their purposes. The only difference is that the Quran spells out the authorization.
Trump does not understand this
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Nor do his followers.
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Rep. Omar's use of anti-Semitic tropes is well recorded elsewhere. Claiming they are merely anti-Israel is a distinction without a difference. When Muslims complain about the support for Saudi Arabia as loudly as against support for Israel, that might suggest a gleam of rationality and fairness. I won't hold my breath. Let's be clear though, of the three main western religions, Islam is horrifically violent and antithetical to western civilization and science (Though the other two aren't really far behind. Fortunately, Jews have practically abandoned the more primitive dicta of their *Holy* writings).
I am still on Rep Doug Collins, mailing list from Ga.
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Women put Trump in office as much as any other group. SCOTUS should overturn Roe V. Wade if only to send a thank-you message to those ladies. Also, the evangelicals will whither twice as fast if they are denied the anti-abortion issue to rally the troops.
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
To be sure, Omar and Miller are both bigots of the worst sort. The problem is with Miller who is directing national policy. That Miller is Jewish is bizarre. Is he another self-hating Jew? Where did he get his racist values? No need to guess where Omar got hers.
I'LL SAY THIS FOR THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION -- It has proven just how corrupt and broken the ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Trump is following Nixon's game plan except that instead of power, he's only interested in money. As for seeing it coming, Trump was installed by the Deep State, with a little help from Putin. The NSA knew Russia would interfere as it had with Ukraine, Le Pen, and Brexit. Trump got all the help he needed from the networks, Comey, the Evangelicals, the NRA, Obama, and even Hillary herself. They were all following orders from behind the Dark Curtain. The real question is Why?
We need to fix this. []
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Not going to happen under Trump. He is only interested in spinning the issue in whatever way he thinks will help his re-election.
Guys ask why women are so pissed off.
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Can we at least mention the elephant in the room? That being how religion has instructed the cultural values so that women withhold sexual availability. Now we have men becoming mass murderers in response to their frustration. As long as the underlying issues are self-censored, we shouldn't expect any improvement, and indeed, a worsening. The corollary is that women also suffer as a result of their fear and inhibitions.
God hates porn?
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
How could anyone tell that a God hated porn? (No one has a direct line or is delusional if they say they do).
Giving money to panhandlers/homeless
racocn8 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Please be sure to go see the movie "The Public" which presents a compassionate depiction of the homeless. In theaters soon...
Charles S.
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Thousands of years of history and nowhere has any spiritual phenomena been identified. No one can demonstrate astral travel, mind-reading, clairvoyance, precognition, or telekinesis. If any of that were possible, biologic variation would express it in at least some tiny fraction of the population. That is not the case. One can reasonably assume reality/people don't work that way. Similarly, religion does not demonstrate superstitious benefit beyond the placebo effect. No religious practice has produced information that is meaningful, has value, or was previously unknown. Making a claim of God explains absolutely nothing and creates more confusion, not less, about our universe. Nor can anyone say anything about any such God with reliability. And yet, the vast majority believe all nature of lies, mostly as a matter of social convenience. Sadly, almost no one really cares to look for truth and only a fraction of them have the horsepower to grasp the truth that is known. Oh, well... What would we do with it if we could know the truth?
Giving money to panhandlers/homeless
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Atheists are always attacked because they have almost no organized charity. It's a cheap shot coming from religionists who expect divine reward in exchange for their good-deeds, and who expect those receiving charity to give adopt their propaganda. Non-believers should act charitably, giving to the less fortunate if they appear they will benefit (and not use it for addiction). This is real, honest charity, and not dependent on psychological threats. Having empathy for others is part of the intrinsic sense of justice and fairness, said trait being observed in reptiles on-up; religion plays zero-part in real empathy, and can only be a mind-job/delusion.
What’s the world’s worst religion?
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Islamic justice is brutal in keeping with the period and location where it was developed. Judaism is almost as bad and maybe worse, except that modern Jews don't follow the really cruel injunctions. Christianity, like Judaism and Islam has a horrific blood-soaked history, which they hypocritically blame on atheists! Most strong Christians are still Nazi-wanna-be s, as has been made clear by the evangelical support of Trump. It would be nice to point to Christians evolving their sensibilities, but clearly that is limited. And those carrying water for the Saudis make the same claim about the Israelis. Except that the Israelis do go to great lengths to moderate and target the killing of Hamas fanatics. Christians also commonly call out atheism as being responsible for the millions killed by Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. The problem is that the victims weren't killed for refusing to believers in atheism, but rather, for refusing to adopt Communism (or refusing to kowtow to the communist leader). That is a huge difference, and is not easy explained to the common idiot. On occasion, Christians are happy to confabulate the Nazis as being atheists too. Yeah, I wonder what percent atheists were present in Nazi Germany - - even one percent?
AOC burns the barn with another speech on climate and nails the republicans.
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
While both parties may get contributions, that's a really big false equivalence. Plainly GOP rarely even admit to climate change while this is widely accepted by Democrats. The level of allegiance and support for oil is much much higher in the GOP. All of that is why Citizens United matters.
End protection welfare! Abolish all government military and police forces! They must all be ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Silly and badly done.
racocn8 comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Surely you are mistaken. It's the rest of the Universe that is shrinking. We may have to shoot you into space before you overwhelm the planet.
IT TIME FOR THE UGLY TRUTH How long we are going to allow the ignorance breeding ground to go ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Everyone should be required to take the MMPI. Then we can see what religions do to peoples heads, and not just wait for a violent or corrupt outcome. We already know that atheists are under-represented in prison populations. The religionists won't and don't care.
Criticizing the current Israeli government and it's policies is not anti-Semitic.
racocn8 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Only when Muslims disavow the tropes disseminated by the Saudis, only then will they and their self-hating Jew stooges will be regarded as more that militant Islamic wackos. Until then, it's obvious they are robots from Riyadh (as are the Palestinians). Only a few (or no) Islamic countries oppress fewer Islamics than Israel does and yet they never get called out by the BDS (Boycott-Divest-Sanction) *do-gooders*.
Sanders launches his campaign with a blast of demagogy - World Socialist Web Site
racocn8 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Can one ever tire of cultists eating their own for the sake of purity?
[] PARADOX; Here's the bizarre reason why white evangelical women love Donald Trump.
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Overturning Roe V Wade is deemed to have a higher value than supporting all the other Christian values that Donald Trump violates. Thus, they choose to give Trump a *Golden* Pass on all discretions. The problem is they don't realize the extent of Trump's perversity, and Steele's Dossier shows one shouldn't underestimate that. They deserve the shaming they get.
Everyone Hates Starbucks Billionaire Howard Schultz | The Daily Show - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Feb 5, 2019:
The only reason he's rich is from viciously overcharging his customers. But Friedman said there's no such thing as a monopoly...
Sam Harris Fans: what is your opinion of this piece?
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay As you were raised Catholic, it's understandable that you may still be sympathetic to the Church. On balance, I would claim that the Church does not deserve your sympathy. The article mentioned that the Church is not always at odds with science, but does not cite any exceptions, and does not make any valid arguments toward its own thesis, except to point to a few learned monks. History readily reveals that the Catholic church is an enemy to women, gays, Jews, other cultures and religions. The Catholic version of Christianity does not evade the patent contradiction between evolution and the proposition of a first human, Adam, committing the Original Sin that required the human sacrifice of Jesus. Catholics surely knew from their own studies that the whole of Christianity was fabricated, but elected to retain their power and keep the truth from Humanity. If Catholicism is not the enemy of science, it surely is no friend. On the gun article, the author praises Harris numerous times, but disagrees with his logic. Perhaps Harris is out of his depth on this one. As to the persecution of the religious by the Chinese, I assume that some amount of actual abuse occurs, but religious people are themselves abusive to others on a routine basis, either by their own discrimination, practices and brainwashing of their children. The claim that this is persecution in the name of atheism is surely wrong. Disabusing people of their delusions cannot be a totally bad thing. Realize that those conveying this story may be much less than objective in their presentation. It is certain that the Chinese will be vastly more compassionate than the Catholics have been to non-Catholics (typically murder and genocide).
Sam Harris Fans: what is your opinion of this piece?
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
"'s just that I think he fails to recognize that he suffer from the same failing as those he denounces." That is just fatuous example of false equivalence. The false equivalence is that religious people are religious and Sam Harris is aligned with scientific inquiry. Both have express loyalty to their beliefs, but the similarity ends there. Harris is open to alternatives supported by evidence, religious kooks are not. Harris goes where the evidence leads; kooks disregard the evidence, or worse. It's hard not to appear arrogant to those who see emphatic loyalty to truth as a repudiation of their loyalty to lies. The difference is there (and huge) but religionists are uncomfortable with cognitive dissonance. The reality and punchline is that it is the self-same cognitive dissonance that creates psychological trauma that then triggers the violence in the behaviorally challenged religionists. Atheists do not suffer the same problem, hence, no violence in the name of atheism.
KAMALA HARRIS 2020 (she will not except any P.A.C. money) []
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
My friend told me that he wrote to Kamala Harris imploring her to do anything to clean up the corruption in Long Beach's City Hall. All he got from Ms. Harris was crickets. She benefits from being colored, but she did nothing to normalize the cannabis industry and allowed the police to continue their theft and intimidation tactics. So, she's a coward and a do-nothing until she can demonstrate otherwise. Not a good choice for president; just promoting her own future.
Do you think Death ever has a bad day?
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Quite a few. Nothing to do for the first billion years. (or however long it took to create enough heavy elements for habitable solar systems). Also, why does it always want to go on holiday?
Joe Biden: White America Has To Admit There Is Systemic Racism | HuffPost
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2019:
This is one area (among many others) where the Dems differ from the GOP. But on the issue of racism, the GOP has always used code or has overtly enacted racist policies, if only to push back against non-whites who favor the Dems. Not really. The GOP base as revealed by Trump is profoundly racist. Systematic Racism? My God (?), just look at the history of the Supreme Court. Despicable! If the US is the pinnacle, the Human Race deserves extinction. It's closer than the Civil War and probably WWII. That's comforting actually.
So I've watched the video of the kids with the MAGA hats.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Kudos to the Elder who tried to diffuse the situation. Shame on the school for using kids to promote anti-abortion (and anti-women) bigotry. The Black Israelites are... probably nut cases. A whole lot of mental illness going on, using groups to assuage the trauma of cognitive dissonance.
Rape Culture No Myth.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2019:
In the absence of justice, one or more of the victims should give him the extreme prejudice he deserves.
These were very accurate, for me. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Interesting, but these features that supposedly make a man *hot* don't translate to the decision-making process that actually gets applied. As to the prevalence of bad decisions or no decision, how does that happen? Maybe it's the pressure of societal congestion or maybe it's just Disney's Princess agitprop.
Just thinking out loud here.
racocn8 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Better to...
Copied from FB post An anguished question from a Trump supporter: "Why do liberals think Trump ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Nicely done. The overlap of Trump supporters and evangelical Christians means that these people are so loyal to stopping abortion rights that they will indeed sacrifice all other considerations (such as you've listed). Trump is an agent of Putin, but not the only one. Putin pulled out a lot of stops to get Trump elected. There is some amount of conspiracy on Trump's side, but Russia's effort on Trump's behalf was an extremely extensive campaign, so much so that there was overt cheering in Moscow's pubs when Trump won. The US was definitely attacked, successfully, but the Republican president and congress have given it zero attention for the last two years. Partly that is because the Russians have had considerable success in recruiting (gaining loyalty) of numerous congress members, especially on the Republican side. The involvement of the NRA is being developed, but we know it was severely compromised. It is my theory that the Deep State allowed Trump to be elected in order to expose the extensive co-opting of the Republican leadership, and probably some Democrats too.
The online dating "Scattershot Effect" Years ago i had this friend .
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Out to lunch. Most dating sites make reporting creeps easy and they are usually removed quite quickly. The real issue is shaming those ladies who do choose to have sex where shaming promiscuity is the common tactic of those who are inhibited by society and religion. Women are too inhibited when it comes to sex. STDs are generally under control and one can take measures to prevent infection or pregnancy.
How to respond to those who say they will pray for you?
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Just ignore it and insincerely say *Thanks*. If you think about it at all, it will just make you frustrated. Prayer is indistinguishable from wishing. Prayer is pure, rank selfishness; nothing more. People who offer prayers only do so to selfishly obtain favorable treatment from their God, either for themselves or for those they know. In the latter case, getting favor for a third party still benefits the person offering the prayer by trying to gain relief from the frustration over the third party's situation. So, if someone says they'll pray for you, they're simply saying *I'm selfish and proud of it*. And, they are seeking validation for a belief system they know is bullshit at some level. Religious people have a colossal amount of cognitive dissonance, and inject their religiosity at every opportunity to fight their insecurity. It's a tragic expression of mental illness, but also, hugely arrogant and intentionally offensive, albeit at a deeply buried level.
I solved the universe again today
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Universal Consciousness may exist as a property akin to Dark Energy, or as an aspect of one of the dimensions we cannot perceive. This Universal Conscious may well be entirely mundane, like Time, a mere property that completes the equations, or serves as a dimensional placeholder. In other words, not a spiritual nor religious aspect, just another Planck's Constant that helps complete the picture and fulfill the *spooky action at a distance* . Be cautious that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We do have evidence for consciousness, and we don't understand it, yet. The caution is against assigning any sort of overly transcendental role to something that may turn out to be entirely prosaic.
The problem of racism as it presents itself in antisemitism, versus the Nation of Israel which ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 20, 2018:
@cava After reading Judith Butler's bio, it's clear she is both a naive leftist and a self-hating Jew. Her works indicate that she has severe problems in many categories. It's difficult to read about someone that disturbed. Given her family history, it's clear where it came from. She even denies being a self-hating Jew, but it's obvious. One of the traumas of self-awareness is not liking what one was born as. No good answers for that one, just therapy and drugs. Of course political correctness says one shouldn't blame the victim, but some victims do bring tragedy on themselves, and bear some responsibility, or more. Gazans elected Hamas so they chose to become martyrs. They had their chance at self-determination and they screwed up all by themselves. Suffering the consequences doesn't absolve them from the responsibility of embracing terrorism. In the recent conflict, the Israelis should be lauded for winging the combatants, rather than just shooting to kill, as every other military would. Humane to maim, but not very nice to deprive them of their 70 virgins.
The problem of racism as it presents itself in antisemitism, versus the Nation of Israel which ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Advocating BDS may skirt the concept of hate speech only when it is undertaken by naive leftists, but the use of the term Apartheid is intentionally inflammatory and readily identifies the true nature of the user. Strictly speaking, I was not conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism; only pointing out that, except for Arabic support for antisemitism and anti-Zionism, the BDS campaign would not exist (It would lose funding and promotion). Those who support antisemitism and those who support anti-Zionism are mostly overlapping sets. The exceptions are readily categorized as noted in my first post. Singling out Israel over most of the other countries in the world necessarily poisons any validity BDS might have. Singling out Palestinians as pathetic is more than suspicious given that the Palestinians have MOST of the responsibility for their own long term degradation, brought about by supporting Hamas's Islamic extremism and the terrorist targeting of civilians. BDS advocates reek of bias, overt or otherwise. Unless a BDS advocate can advance an excuse for focusing on Israel, they may reasonably be seen as either antisemitic or naively abetting it. If someone can't find a worthier cause, they should expect to be identified as a bigot. The shoe fits.
Opinion on people of faith.
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
It is the tragedy of our time that even with so much truth being freely available to the curious, most people choose to blind themselves with faith (lies). The reasons are many. Science can be intimidating and may not provide happy answers. Most people are stupidly convinced they don't have the horsepower when they do. People prefer being stupid over the hard work of actually thinking for themselves. They are lazy. Or they know how intolerant their fellow religionists are and don't wish to be exiled or worse. Those with faith disrespect truth; they promote their lies and all the evil that goes with them. They dishonor themselves and poison whatever good acts they perform. As liars to themselves, they are liars to everyone else too. Trust must be calibrated accordingly.
The problem of racism as it presents itself in antisemitism, versus the Nation of Israel which ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
The problem with BDS is that it singles out Israel. Even with Israel's bad behavior, Israel still stands out as being far more humane (even in addressing the intransigent terrorism of non-Jordanian Palestinians) in regards to the human rights of all of its citizens. Israel is far more humane than the majority of nation-states currently existing. Thus, the singling out of Israel is correctly identified as either directly anti-Semitic, or as bias at the behest of Arab states that actively promote anti-Semitic bigotry via BDS. BDS advocates may well imagine they are supporting the Palestinians, but BDS does nothing for the Palestinians. BDS is mainly promoted by the Arabs, naive leftists and self-hating Jews, with a few Nazis adding to the noise. When the BDS supporters add the multitude of other nations that do far worse than Israel, then and only then will BDS be recognized as supporting all human rights and not just the agenda of the anti-Semites. BDS advocates either are themselves anti-Semitic, or are useful idiots on behalf of the anti-Semites.


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