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Agnostic. I am not here to meet people.Married 39 years to a non religious believer I admire Neil deGrasse Tyson,Richard Dawkins ,Stephen Hawking and the late Dr.Kevorkian, Leonardo da Vinci .George Carlin, Robert Klein,Lawrence Krauss.Bill Maher Enjoy science facts .astronomy, biology, love all animals ,especially dogs


I posted this in the politics section of the main forum and the vote results are a pretty good ...
richiegtt comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Shades of Obama .Another photogenic Bozo With zero experience in anything who decided America needed to be ‘’ fundamentallyTransformed ‘’and that he was the guy to do it.
On the main site I asked a hypothetical question with the intention of sharing the results with this...
richiegtt comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I saw that post and was dumbfounded by the comments This is proof that deep hatred can override common sense and logic .
How many of you support Ocasio Cortez’s “Green New Deal” to make it an emergency priority to ...
richiegtt comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Another preposterous idea from this idiot
If it was possible, would you vote for former President Obama again?
richiegtt comments on Feb 7, 2019:
A ridiculous question unless you know who he is running against
Symbolic of nonsense going on now.
richiegtt comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Gender Dysphoria was once considered a mental dysfunction but because of the Proliferation of another mental disorder (liberalism) its now something to be flaunted and be proud of .Perfect example of the disintegration of society.
You have enemies?
richiegtt comments on Feb 3, 2019:
You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies.-Oscar Wilde.
For this Super Bowl I predict Maroon 5 will play terrible music.
richiegtt comments on Feb 3, 2019:
And I predict more than 5 morons wil be screaming their brains out
During the Super Bowl, I’m taking a relaxing, hot, lavender bubble bath.
richiegtt comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I do not watch sports but I watch science ,news ,history ,documentaries etc .If utilized properly TV can be a learning experience ,You just have to be selective and weed out the crap
So, who's watching the Superbowl?
richiegtt comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Watching rich over paid people throw a ball around and listening to the annoying screaming fans is not enjoyable to me,but pure torture.
Well, you heard it folks.
richiegtt comments on Jan 27, 2019:
One of the reasons she is a complete idiot is her preposterous idea for a federal jobs guarantee so no one who is looking for a job will be without one a t $15 an hour minimum .This is not a misquote,it is on video with her stating this nonsense.
Why would anybody vote for the looney democrats?
richiegtt comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Because Democrats tend to rely upon their pathetic emotions and not logic to push their agenda, while conservatives tend to rely more on Pragmatism
What's with the points?
richiegtt comments on Jan 26, 2019:
The more points you have indicates the more time you have with nothing more productive or satisfying to do .
Seeing as the world is going to end in 12 years we might as well enjoy the time we have left.
richiegtt comments on Jan 24, 2019:
This country is going to end if we continue to have idiots like this in charge of anything.
I am a dog lover and I see every dog as beautiful.
richiegtt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I do not consider people that enter their dogs in dog shows true animal lovers .They are status seeking snobs that are ruining the genitics of purebreds due to breeding what they consider desirable traits in certain breeds that are unhealthy for the dog such as low sloping hips in German shepherds that lead to hip disintegration when they get older .This is why mixed breeds are usually healthier due to a mixed gene pool.
richiegtt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
The only thing they have in common is a history of cheating on their spouses
Do you trust the police?
richiegtt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
For all the people that do not trust the police let's see who they are going to beg for help when the low lifes of society that do not trust the police commit crimes against them.
The democrats are such idiots.
richiegtt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Even if she did not state this, it is a perfect example of the pathetic knee jerk bleeding heart liberal mentality that we must be exposed to in this country.
How do you define happiness? []
richiegtt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Lack of stress and depression.Fulfllling ones desires
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is already meeting with that radical racist SOB Al Sharpton and they seem ...
richiegtt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Any one who associates with a low life dishonest racist trouble making bottom feeder like Sharpton is no better than he is .Now there is no question of her integrity .But what do you expect, liberals would rather disrespect Trump than the worst liberal scum that this country has to offer.
We have a new Muslim Member of Congress and she’s already calling for Trump’s impeachment! What ...
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Another example of how the liberal scum are turning this country to shit.
Have a Happy New Year fellow conservatives, cheers.
richiegtt comments on Dec 31, 2018:
You also Spike .
What are you unashamed of?
richiegtt comments on Dec 23, 2018:
I am unashamed of admitting I am wrong when I realize that I am
No, she's ugly
richiegtt comments on Dec 19, 2018:
I despise this repugnant,annoying,hypocritical,vile,corrupt shrew!
I completely agree with this
richiegtt comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Unfortunately this is the fastest growing religion in the world .If we do not ban these scum from coming here we are all doomed .
We need to put a stop to this anchor babies crap.
richiegtt comments on Dec 7, 2018:
You can not feel sorry for these people .These woman have an incentive to come here pregnant and are unfit to be mothers in the first place if they would put an unborn baby in an extremely dangerous situation.So basically child cruelty is condoned
To those who tease me for being bilingual: []
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2018:
They should Envy you
When was the last time you had a friendly conversation about politics with someone whose political ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 25, 2018:
When I am aware of a person with political views the opposite of mine I will not discuss politics with them .Politics is like religion, people will not discuss the subject with an open mind so why waste the time .I have friends who have the opposite political views of mine but I don’t care .I only discuss politics with people that have similar views as mine
What is the most dishonest profession?
richiegtt comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Psychics,but I would not dignify this job by calling it profession
Have you "cut the cord" or do you still have cable?
richiegtt comments on Nov 20, 2018:
59 percent of U.S adults say cable connections are their primary means of watching TV. I can easily afford it so I have it .I like the ability to use the DVR and record most everything so I do not have to watch commercials.I have the phone internet ,and cable bundle
I love Leah Remini. She exposed scientology and now she’s going after jehovah’s witnesses!
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2018:
I have seen the jehovah’s witnesses eposide and never realized how similar the indoctrination is to Scientology,especially how they Ostracize family members who wish to leave the religion .
Gratitude to all of our veterans.
richiegtt comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Yes, and to my 102 year old father a Veteran of World War ll
Fellow conservatives, I'd advise you guys to block a member on here who goes by the name SukiSue, I ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 9, 2018:
She is a member of that moronic vulgar troll site that specializes in gossiping about members .A bunch of bored paranoid cretins with way to much time on their hands and nothing better to do .
Just curious on members belief in extraterrestrial life.
richiegtt comments on Nov 8, 2018:
There is a possibility they exist but may not be recognizable to us as a life form or exist in a subatomic universe.
Anyone else here enjoy drinking?
richiegtt comments on Nov 8, 2018:
I do not like to drink beer or wine, or go to bars ,and before I was married I would not go out with someone who did drink on a regular basis unless it was an occasional cocktail which I do enjoy in a restaurant party etc.
Do you and your spouse agree on the god thing?
richiegtt comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Married 35 years,she believes I do not .She accepts me and I accept her .She is not religious.This has NEVER caused any problems .The two of you should avoid the subject.Unless she is overly religious and continues to put you down, but I do not know enough about your situation.A persons morals,integrity,honesty etc Is far more important .
How do you deal with people who won't text you unless you text them first, on every instance?
richiegtt comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I despise texting and only text people that text me
Hello is anybody out there?
richiegtt comments on Nov 6, 2018:
I am in here but not out there
Another liberal who curses a lot. The administration tolerates a lot from them.
richiegtt comments on Nov 6, 2018:
When I joined the main site I thought I would be amongst like minded people. .These Obscenity filled haters must resort to Profanity when ever confronted with any thing they do not agree with which proves they have an immature mentality .
Is there anyone you now envy and why?
richiegtt comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Envy Can inspire us to positively change habits and priorities.It points you in the direction that you deep down want to explore.I envy great artists ,scientists,doctors Musicians,etc .Envy makes us strive to emulate people we look up to.
College kids these days crack me up... []
richiegtt comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Most of the college Professors are liberals and pass on their liberal mentality to the weak minded bleeding heart babies they teach.
Should Supreme Court Justices serve a limited term? Why or why not?
richiegtt comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Retirement age yes .Term limits no.No term limits because if they are relatively young when their time is up they would base their decisions on their future job prospects.Inother words they would be worrying about who would hire them because of their past views and decisions etc.An age limit would be more appropriate
I am conducting a brief, informal survey to see which toppings are most popular on a pizza.
richiegtt comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I like meat ball as a topping.
This Cop Takes A Risk Following A Frantic Dog And Comes Across A Desperate Scene At Home - YouTube
richiegtt comments on Oct 27, 2018:
It's refreshing to see a positive post about a Police Officer instead of the usual Cop bashing that goes on
I am so angry! Angry because it's sad that people take for granted the things that other people in ...
richiegtt comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I agree with you .People in this country are extremely wasteful.Besides water they waste food ,throw away good clothing instead of donating it .And it is not just the high income people .I had a tenant on food stamps that was always disposing of large amounts of food .
So if you paint your face in blue, as in a Smurf, thats ok. Red, yellow, brown, all ok?
richiegtt comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Is it ok for Black people to mock white people in white face .Nick Cannon, Snoop Dogg ,Dwayne Wade in whiteface for Halloween, etc
22-year-old Christian preacher clarifies that he wants gays executed ‘humanely’ – DeadState
richiegtt comments on Oct 26, 2018:
A day does not go by without another one of these pathetic vultures ready to prey on people with weak minds
If you could solve one world problems it would be…?
richiegtt comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Pollution and over population .I say two because over population and pollution are one and the same
Say Goodbye To Megyn Kelly
richiegtt comments on Oct 26, 2018:
If she is let go then Jimmy Kimmel should also be fired for mocking Oprah and Karl Malone in Blackface .
How do you handle negativity regarding your agnostic ideas?
richiegtt comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I never get any negativity due to the fact I never discuss agnostic ideas with any individual unless I know them enough to gage their response,and my intuition is always correct about how they react.I am not interested in debating belief or non beliefs with people I know because this would be a useless endeavor.
My favourite anti-theist meme
richiegtt comments on Oct 25, 2018:
This is a good one
God’s Intelligent Design?
richiegtt comments on Oct 25, 2018:
What about the human brain.If god is all knowing and has a plan like all the religious people would have you believe, why would a God create a brain in a human that would eventually develop the ability to destroy all plant and animal life that will ultimately lead to the next great extinction.Ths would be the ultimate bad design.
Does this site work for anyone? Ive had better luck at Schnucks grocery store.
richiegtt comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I think a person should join this site with the main intention of interacting with other nonbelievers. .This should be the main reason for joining .If you can meet someone special that's the icing on the cake.As you can see there are many people including myself that are allready married and did not join for meeting people
Someone was trying to ship bombs to the Obomb and the Queen of the liberals according to NPR.
richiegtt comments on Oct 24, 2018:
First off, even an idiot would know their bomb would not get very far and be intercepted even before it arrived ,and even if it arrived the secret service would discover it .A person with real intent would not waste their time and attempt this .Probably a radical left wing nut job did it
What is your favorite season? Why?
richiegtt comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Summer , Because I like the beach ,swiming ,boating ,outdoors
Is Marriage Outdated?
richiegtt comments on Oct 23, 2018:
It may be outdated but I hope not.One reason is because people do not like to commit to marriage due to the extremely high cost of divorce ,but when you do not have a marriage people give up on relationships to easily .Look what we have, a deteriorating society, no family unit ,one parent homes ,children with absentee fathers or mothers no role models .
The liberals on the main site have a nasty habit of calling any one they disagree with a troll .
richiegtt comments on Oct 23, 2018:
The paranoid liberals we are talking about equate individuals having a conservative point of view as their adversary therefore we are all trolls .They are so ignorant they do not even know the correct meaning of an internet troll which is to seek out people to argue over extremely trivial issues or members that do not meet the criteria of a particular website .If the site was called LIBERAL agnostic .com then they would be correct .Their interpretation is anyone who does not hate trump or who is a conservative or who does not agree with their arrogant liberal mentality.
When you're the only atheist at work
richiegtt comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Keep it to yourself like I always did .You are only asking for trouble if you are in an environment of believers.Talking about your non belief is just as annoying as religious people trying to spread their religious beliefs.Both are a bore.
When will this insanity end . These people are going completely nuts
richiegtt comments on Oct 22, 2018:
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous stunts these idiots have come up with so far .
Believer/Non-believer relationships
richiegtt comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Married over 30 years to a non religious believer with no major issues about my non belief.
Is there any way to return the strong union movement to this economy?
richiegtt comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Unions are good and bad .I was a union supervisor in a civil service position for 28 years.Unions prevent utilization of employees ,remove incentive ,make it almost impossible to discipline anyone .Protect workers with high absence history.The high cost of Union contracts in the private sector cause companies to leave the country .Government unions are bankrupting cities and states.I never observed good workers need the use of union representation.It was always the worst workers .
This is a good one...
richiegtt comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Perfect description
What was something you once believed and later discovered you were wrong
richiegtt comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I believed in god
How do you guys deal with trying to hide your true feelings about God.
richiegtt comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I have no problem with it .if i like a person i do not care if they believe in a god i just go along with what ever they talk about but do not Encourage the conversation
“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from ...
richiegtt comments on Oct 19, 2018:
You are correct.I am decended from LEGAL immigrants .
What if god was an alien?
richiegtt comments on Oct 16, 2018:
What if God is a psychopathic sadist who created non believers just so he can torture them in Hell forever .
Kavanaugh no longer allowed to teach at Harvard due to false allegations of sexual harassment ...
richiegtt comments on Oct 16, 2018:
All university's are infected with liberals,I am not surprised .
Dude, You shot a family of monkeys.
richiegtt comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Any body that would brag about killing a family of innocent baboons besides a giraffe and leopard and dozens more must be an idiot if he thinks this is acceptable to the majority of the population .And to think that this psychopath was the Idaho fish and game Commissioner .Luckily this jerk resigned .
Sums up modern day Democrats...
richiegtt comments on Oct 14, 2018:
[] Bloomberg Becomes Democrat Again -Looks Like He's Running in 2020?
richiegtt comments on Oct 13, 2018:
I do not trust politicians that change political parties to suite their impending needs.He has no party loyalty.His also has a habit of imposing his own stupid ideas on people like his failed attempt to limit the size of soft drink portions in NYC when he was Mayor .Why would a Mayor waste his time and taxpayers money on such a ridiculously dumb idea.He also appropriated his passing of a bill so he could run for Mayor a third time but selfishly refused to to agree for future Mayors to seek a third time.He also has a history of sexual harassment allegations against him .
Would you move for love?
richiegtt comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Most definitely would not
Your feelings on so called religious frauds that hide behind god for their own advantage .
richiegtt comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Al Sharpton is a slime bag that only cares about one thing ,disrupting race relations .Thats what this leach feeds off .He does not address any black issues such as black on black violence crime etc.It says something about people if they choose this racist to represent them .
Super glue original use was a battlefield surgery. Why is it sold as a fix all glue?
richiegtt comments on Oct 9, 2018:
The best use i have for this stuff is when i want to attach a screw to a screw driver or a nut to my finger when attempting repair in a difficult area
How old/young were you when you realized you were atheist/agnostic?
richiegtt comments on Oct 8, 2018:
It was a gradual process over many years . When you are brainwashed into believing and fearing God ,hell, etc and absolutely no one around you thinks otherwise it takes a certain intellectual insight to overcome this .Also in the years around 1960 there was no internet for interaction with like minded individuals.
Tattoos I have one tattoo, but would like a couple more. What is your opinion of tattoos?
richiegtt comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Tattoos are fine until people get obsessed and get to many of them in close proximity and you can not even distinguish the individual tattoos .
richiegtt comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Does this mean you have a foot fetish
Why do otherwise rational people believe in GOD?
richiegtt comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Because they did not come to this conclusion from common sense but from indoctrination which overrides logic
When was the last time you ate sushi?
richiegtt comments on Oct 8, 2018:
About a month ago .I think i will go to my favorite sushi place tomorrow .Its about time .Its a all you can eat sushi place rated one of the best in Queens NY it a great place .
What as a theist made you question prayer?
richiegtt comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Common sense ,and thinking logically
A liberal on the main site just made a post about how she hates conservatives and actually said they...
richiegtt comments on Oct 6, 2018:
I saw that post .It made me so mad .The one that posted that is the perfect example of the sheep mentality of indoctrinated liberals
Pretty much sums up my position:
richiegtt comments on Oct 5, 2018:
When you hear people praying on the radio or TV, do you turn the sound off or change the channel?
richiegtt comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Either one or the other .I can not stomach that infantile annoying crap.
Some people are beyond recovery: A guy was very pissed off on account of the Ambler alert ...
richiegtt comments on Oct 4, 2018:
These liberal fanatics are so close minded they would berate Trump regardless of any thing good he does
Good morning fellow conservatives! In case you're not yet feeling that paranoia biting this ...
richiegtt comments on Oct 3, 2018:
That's for sure.
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
richiegtt comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I know this well .It definitely states the logical reasons why the belief in a God is pathetically ridiculous.
Do you talk to yourself?
richiegtt comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Yes,mostly in derogatory terms.
How many people do you block per week?
richiegtt comments on Sep 27, 2018:
2 in 10 months
Personal Universe
richiegtt comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Very interesting article
What is the best advice you ever got?
richiegtt comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Due to the fact that I was not a good student or college material,My father told me to Get a civil service job, never buy anything you can not pay cash for, and Live below your means.I followed his advice and this proved to be very beneficial.
I'm restless for no good reason.
richiegtt comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Yes, every day when I get up,and until I go to sleep.
Do I have free will?
richiegtt comments on Sep 26, 2018:
No ,if we did,I would not have answered this question for the 10th time on this site.
Dating Religious folk
richiegtt comments on Sep 25, 2018:
It depends on the degree of their beliefs . I would definitely never date a fanatical church goer and bible thumper . I have been married to a mildly religious believer for over 30 years with no issues .I accept her belief and she excepts my non belief .In fact this can occasionally lead to some interesting discussions.I feel sorry for people that need to be with people that always have to agree with their belief systems .This indicates a closed mind and a superior attitude, which makes them no better than the religious fanatics they criticize.
As a woman I have never flashed any of my body parts to anyone unless asked.
richiegtt comments on Sep 25, 2018:
They do on occasion but for entirely different reasons .It is a form of paraphilia one of many obnormal sexual behaviors . Evidently not many woman suffer from this disorder.
Aren’t the democrats being hypocrites on their dirty war against Kavanaugh after backing Bill ...
richiegtt comments on Sep 25, 2018:
Liberal Wackadoodles
richiegtt comments on Sep 23, 2018:
They definitely kiss his ass
Welcome everyone. What is your favorite kind of sushi?
richiegtt comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I like sea urchin,spicy tuna and salmon, and Philadelphia rolls made with salmon and cream cheese. Actually I like all sushi but I favor the above
richiegtt comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Most of them are not required to pay federal income tax on personal income like Americans residing in the States even though self employed people in the states also fail to pay their fair share but that's besides the point
What a vile woman- []
richiegtt comments on Sep 12, 2018:
This dirt bag is a racist annoying nut job
Addendum: I did not mean we were couch potatoes I was curious if anyone like organized sports.
richiegtt comments on Sep 12, 2018:
People waste to much time viewing sports ,betting on sports,debating sports ,arguing about sports watching sports on tv and spending huge amounts of money on tickets to stupid sports events to watch rich people throw balls around when they should get off their asses and actually participate in them. I submitted a post on this topic on the main site
In remembrance of those who perished on that day.
richiegtt comments on Sep 12, 2018:
When ever I hear the phrase sanctuary Cities and the stupid liberal assholes that support these shit holes I want to puke
Trump is now more popular with voters than he has been since March 2017.
richiegtt comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I am not surprised


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Agnostic, Freethinker
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