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What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
My wife , and my dog .My wife gets up much earlier than me and says I get up to late.
Do you think that a person entering politics should be required to have a combo of relevant ...
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
What about not permitting a convicted felon to run for public office which I think is also important
Give your thoughts on feature priorities for 2018!
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Ability to edit reply’s .Also, why am I unable to edit my posts sometimes ?
What is your moral compass?
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
To a certain extent our culture plays a small part in our morality but my compass is I basically do not treat people differently than I would wish to be treated
Jesus or Superman?
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Superman, at least you could SEE who you are dealing with
How long will it be before we have an open Agnostic/Atheist presidential candidate?
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
You could not get an atheist/ agnostic canditate for dog catcher in this country
Do you believe in “free will”? Why or why not?
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I do not believe in total free will .Why? Because how can you deny that your environment and genetically inherited characteristics play a part in your thought process ,therefore you are programmed to think a certain way.An example is an individuals religious beliefs which their environment brainwashed them into ,and their weak minded characteristics that they were born with that may prevent them from questioning this nonsense
Is this site addictive?
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Yes ,my wife confirms this on a regular basis
I believe religion is destroying our nation.
richiegtt comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Religion is not just detrimental to the nation but to all mankind
Men Or Women? Which Of The Two Is Most Intelligent?
richiegtt comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Definitely equal ,I would really be surprised if any one would think otherwise
How important is sex and sexual compatibility in a relationship for you?
richiegtt comments on Jan 3, 2018:
True love transcends sexual activity ,Case in point ,if one partner became physically disabled and is unable to perform sexually .If sex is what ties a relationship together ,this is not a healthy relationship in the first place
Since you all have been non believers, has it ever crossed your mind "what if im wrong"?
richiegtt comments on Jan 3, 2018:
I think when an individual transitions from a believer to a non believer this may cross your mind ,like it did mine occasionally,until you completely break free of the brainwashing and have a crystal clear mind and are then capable of thinking logically.
Have you ever thought about ( this is paraphrasing a Lily Tomlin routine, but it's a valid question)...
richiegtt comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Actually I get the impression that most religious people accept the silly notion that God speaks to them.
Marijuana for recreational or medicinal? Dont be shy?
richiegtt comments on Jan 3, 2018:
It should be legal . I once grew it for a couple of years
What's so important for a guy to be attractive to a lady according to Evolution.
richiegtt comments on Jan 1, 2018:
In the primitive man it was strength to fight off competing males just as it is today in most primates .When this factor is removed artificial traits take over such as social status etc.This leads to an inferior jean pool ,because the survival of the fittest does not play apart in reproduction.
Which sports/activities do you enjoy?
richiegtt comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I love to swim,walk my dog,kayaking,hike
Why is it that you never see atheists/agnostics killing each other over who's disbelief is the ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 31, 2017:
A good indication of the mentality of believers
What, not who, makes life worth living?
richiegtt comments on Dec 31, 2017:
The ability to help a friend or relative, learning something new ,my love of my dog, Traveling to a new place .Seeing my daughter healthy happy,and successful.
Should we be making plans for "when the shit hits the fan?
richiegtt comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I do not think life as we know it will not continue indefinitely.Civilization will reach a point where drastic changes will be made out of necessity not out of choice .The human race is to greedy and selfish to voluntarily change .Its human nature to care more about the present than the future .There is no profit to be made in less people ,less deforestion ,less depletion of natural resources ,or less of anything
Do you think human beings are naturally spiritual, regardless of supernatural belief?
richiegtt comments on Dec 31, 2017:
No people are born uncorrupted until someone decides to force their delusional beliefs on them .I think it comes down to the gullibility of the victims as to their ability to question what was taught to them
Ever get that nostalgic feeling about returning back where you grew up?
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
This is something I can not do ,due to the fact that I am still, living in the same house I was born in . I inherited this house from my father 35 years ago. He and my mother moved to another house and thankfully he is still there and healthy at 101 years old . I got married and raised my daughter here so it is 3 generations in the same house . I have made numerous renovations over the years but have never lived any where else.
Do you have a cheap restaurant you go to?
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
My favorite is a local All you can eat Sushi restaurant and sit down sushi bar which includes all you can eat appetizers,salads and everything including desert .It is $21.00 which is cheap for metropolitan New York
Chevy, ford, dodge, or what?
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I really do not have a preference .I have owned all three. I like Ford due to its history and the great ideas and innovations that Henry Ford brought to the auto industry . Also Ford has one of the best sport cars right now in the new Gt that won 2017 Le mans and can out perform anything from Chrysler or Chevy at the moment . When it comes to Chevy you can not top the Corvette which is one of the most successful sport cars of all time .I admire dodge for its 70s muscle cars and Hemi engines and the fantastic Viper V10 engine which I have in my 2001 Viper GTS
Are you 100% certain that there is no god?
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
100% certain there is no God. Not 100% certain some higher intellect might have Once existed that created life that evolved to this state .A creator could create and cease to exist. I tend to believe that matter always existed only in different forms. If humans exist then why not the possibility of mortal creator . Each one can not be explained
Does all life have inherent value?
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
If the child is in constant discomfort and pain and has a very bad quality of life .I am sure some of the people answering this question would rather be euthanized rather than live in this condition . I personally would not wish to live in this way so If it was me I would want to be euthanized Also when I see parents of these children I often feel more sorrow for them than the disabled child ,they often suffer more psychological pain and have life long responsibilities ,put your self in their shoes
Should prostitution be illegal?
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
It should be legal .If it is legal it can be taxed and generate money .It will also save on the waste of time and money it costs police departments and the judicial system .It will also be safer because prostitutes will have to under go periodical testing for sexually transmitted diseases
Does the lack of beleif in an afterlife bring you fear or comfort?
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
No , Neither to the question .We revert to what we were before we were born -Non existence .Our bodies will become recycled matter in the universe ,so in other words the matter making up your body will always exist just in another form
People tell me there is no such as atheism.
richiegtt comments on Dec 30, 2017:
Consider your self fortunate, in that you were able to come to these conclusions
richiegtt comments on Dec 29, 2017:
I do not have any ,but contemplated getting one .Tattoos can be very attractive until a person gets to many of them, and when they are so close together you can not make out a distinctive image .Some people are obsessed with tattoos and don’t know when to stop.Tattoos can be sexy on a woman as long as they don’t over do it.
So on Facebook I’m friends with 2 physicists Sean Carrol and Lawrence Krauss.
richiegtt comments on Dec 29, 2017:
There are people on this site I sometimes feel mentally inferior to on some subjects ,but I would rather be around people that I can learn from than the other way around
What are your thoughts about euthanasia?
richiegtt comments on Dec 29, 2017:
I believe that everyone should specify in their will how they feel about this . I personally would want this for my self if necessary . Other countries are way ahead in their views on this subject .Why is it that almost everyone is not against euthanasia for their pets but against it for people
I'm leaning towards "free will" being an illusion. Convince me otherwise.
richiegtt comments on Dec 29, 2017:
Genetic determinism (which I believe in ) may sound bad, but the alternative -that our lives are ruled entirely by the circumstances surrounding us sounds pretty depressing to me.
Why does it seem that some people are harder to brainwash than others?
richiegtt comments on Dec 29, 2017:
When I attended church as a child the priest used to say some prayers in Latin . The parishioners would just sit there like mindless sheep not even knowing when the heck he was talking about. This is was when I said to myself I have to escape this idiotic brainwashing.
What has led you to be atheist or agnostic?
richiegtt comments on Dec 29, 2017:
At a young age I started questioning the ridiculous ideas of the Catholic religion and over a period of time realized it was all nonsense .I was always interested in science as a child and all these moronic fairytales contradicted these scientific facts .
How Did you Discover Agnostic.Com?
richiegtt comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Somehow it showed up on another atheist site
Most of us on this site agree that there is no afterlife: reincarnation, heaven, hell, Nirvana.
richiegtt comments on Dec 28, 2017:
If a person has responsibilities to a child a wife Parents etc it would be irresponsible and selfish to do this. If you don't have these responsibilities, or do have these responsibilities and are a sociopath then this would be a viable option
Hypothetical: All of humanity is leaving Earth.
richiegtt comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I would not give them free will because if you give anything free will you will then be ultimately responsible for every thing that this species does, good AND bad. This is the same thing as when believers say God is not responsible for what humanity does to each other because he gave them free will which is bullshit
How much $ does a person need to be content & comfortably enjoy life?
richiegtt comments on Dec 28, 2017:
If people knew how to live on, and budget their income they would require less money. People live above their means with to many children, to many luxuries. Also people should follow a simple rule of having all necessities paid up in full and saving the rest before spending on luxuries.I have followed this rule my entire life and have never not saved a good portion of my income starting from my first job until now
Do you find it difficult to date as a non believer ? Would you date a believer?
richiegtt comments on Dec 28, 2017:
A good many people end up alone in life due to their inability to accept other peoples ideas or beliefs, or lack of beliefs . It’s only an issue if you choose to make it an issue.,this goes for believers AND non believers .Would I date one yes I married one and have been married for for 33 years with no problems concerning this matter . I have interesting debates with her once in a while but that’s it .Who wants to be with a person that agrees with every thing you do ,this makes for a boring relationship
Do you find it difficult to date as a non believer ? Would you date a believer?
richiegtt comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Before I was married it came down to the degree of their beliefs . If the individual was over involved or to much dedicated to certain beliefs and tried to get me involved I would never date this type of person . I have dated believers that never even asked me about my beliefs and did not have any attachment to a religion whatsoever and did not care about my non belief so in this case it is ok ,because it does not interfere with the relationship
Would you buy 'Made in America' even when it would be more expensive than a comparable product?
richiegtt comments on Dec 28, 2017:
No .If People purchassed items just because they were made in America the quality would go down .Case in point the American auto industry .They had to make better quality cars years ago because the quality of Japanese vehicles was surpassing that of American. Unfortunately companies only make better products when they are forced to due to competition
richiegtt comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Even if it may not necessarily be true ,I think it is ok in certain circumstances because it gives a child the incentive to attempt to follow his dreams
How do you Celebrate new years eve??? Dont be shy!
richiegtt comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I will go to See the ball fall( countdown to 2018) in Times Square ,and then to a restaurant on 42st in Manhattan
World's First Sex Robot: A good or a bad idea?
richiegtt comments on Dec 27, 2017:
To each his own. Unfortunately ,any one that derives pleasure from this sort of thing is psychologically unbalanced . But as an idea goes it sure is a good idea for the inventor who is sure to make big bucks from all the nut jobs out there .
Is dating, long-terming, or marrying out of the question for you with a religious person or persons?
richiegtt comments on Dec 27, 2017:
It all depends on the how strong this persons religious convictions are . Are they fanatical church goers .Do they contribute large amounts of money to the church,Do they attempt to change you etc .I have been married for 32years to my wife ,who believes in a god but not religion ,or church ,she excepts my non belief and this difference does not cause any issues whatsoever.An individual that will not associate with a believer is no different than a believer that discriminates against a non believer . .
Why did you choose your username/avatar?
richiegtt comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I use my actual first name,middle initial,and and Double first initials of my last name
Anyone else of the opinion that our country was founded on the premise of freedom of religion, but ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 27, 2017:
As far as your taxes go ,We do not have freedom from religion.We are all paying for the special privileges afforded to religion.Your taxes and mine have to be higher to make up the revenue shortfall that the government isn’t taking in because these huge wealthy churches dont pay their own way . The property tax exemption removes $100 billion in property from U.S. tax rolls
if anyone in my country know my idea about religions .
richiegtt comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Do not give up
Out of curiosity, how many people here are old fashioned?
richiegtt comments on Dec 26, 2017:
I prefer the old fashioned way where the guy brings home the money and the female raises the child. I was fortunate to be able to have this situation and could afford to do so because I never lived above my means. If I could not of had this situation I would not have got maried or had a child in the first place. No one can argue that it is better for a child to be taken care of by day care all day. If people chose to have one child ,more people might be able to do this. My wife and I agreed to this lifestyle before we got married and this is what she always wanted in life any way. She has skills and could return to the workforce if I drop dead. Woman should have a skill or profession to fall back on if necessary
Do we have a purpose in life?
richiegtt comments on Dec 26, 2017:
It depends in what venue, Ecologically humans serve no purpose, on the contrary a disservice. If you call propagating our own destructive species a purpose, that's a different story
Hello all! My husband and I live in a very dense Christian/republican area in Oregon so we've joined...
richiegtt comments on Dec 26, 2017:
You are very fortunate to have a partner who shares your beliefs
Is it rationally justified to pay for sex ?
richiegtt comments on Dec 26, 2017:
For me no .With out a mutual cerebral and physical attraction sex is meaningless to me
What did you get for Christmas?
richiegtt comments on Dec 25, 2017:
My wife and I do not exchange gifts . I received minuets for my cell phone from my daughter
I feel like a walking contradiction.
richiegtt comments on Dec 25, 2017:
I have a bad habit of saying thank God when something goes right that I thought was going to go wrong , I also say Oh God and God Allmighty
What started the big bang?
richiegtt comments on Dec 24, 2017:
It’s possible as science says there were an infinate number of big crunches and then big bangs
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
richiegtt comments on Dec 24, 2017:
Eat corn on the cob one row at a time ,actually pull the kernels out of their sockets with my teeth
If every atheist left America we would loose 85 percent of our scientists ( not that the ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Another point about the prison population is that Catholics and Protestants comprise over 75 percent of the prison population
Can we get back to the basics of being a non believer?
richiegtt comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Yes ,some of the questions can take a lot of contemplation to figure out the correct response with out looking stupid
Do you guys think morality is something inherent to the human condition, or is it something purely ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 23, 2017:
It is a combination of cultural influences and human characteristics that you are born with such as a sociopath where in this case his cultural environment has very little influence on his morality
As Agnostic, are you more inclined to believe in higher power (of any kind) or more inclined to deny...
richiegtt comments on Dec 23, 2017:
More inclined to deny it
In your opinion, what is the most fascinating thing happening in the world of science right now?
richiegtt comments on Dec 22, 2017:
The fact that they are about to cross the [ quantum supremacy] limit in computing .The study of sub atomic particles fascinates me
You should see all the theists posting on the Agnostics.
richiegtt comments on Dec 22, 2017:
I gave up debating with with these fools, their minds are so impervious to Logic it’s pathetic
Why do people here hate Christmas?
richiegtt comments on Dec 22, 2017:
I have ambivalent feelings about Christmas .It brings out the greed in people .Its to much about the buying and receiving of gifts . My wife and I never exchange gifts . I dislike the crowds In the stores . I do enjoy the Christmas lights and going to Rockefeller Center in Manhattan to see the tree and ice skating rink .When I was a child I really enjoyed Christmas not so much now.
If you had to name the current chapter of your life, what would you call it?
richiegtt comments on Dec 22, 2017:
Who cares
What's a good holiday food for you???
richiegtt comments on Dec 22, 2017:
Lucky neighbors
According to this post, non theists have higher morals and values than non religious folks.
richiegtt comments on Dec 22, 2017:
Morality is a subjective term,What is good to one culture might be entirely different to another .Morals and values are generally formed by a combination of the culture you are surrounded by and by your own traits and characteristics.Religion is part of this equation,so if part of a religious persons moral beliefs are derived from their religious upbringing what does this say.
Came across this on FB today.... silly.
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
That’s a good one
Do you agree with me that we are mere functions of the multiverse not here to be the thinking, ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Religion definitely has held back advances in science simply because it allows people to be satisfied in not understanding .As I am sure you are aware of the God of the Gaps idea which I find explains this perfectly.
I am interested in discussing things about the future of humanity as far as what physics and logic ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
I am very much interested in outer space exploration.I believe humanity will ultimately have to colonize other solar systems not because we are on a one way track in destroying this planet ourselves ( which is true ) but due to the inevitable fact that this planet will ultimately be destroyed very slowly by the natural events occurring in our solar system .Our sun will eventually became a red Giant and over a long period of time the earth will become uninhabitable, even though animal life can evolve and adapt to a changing environment to a certain extent.
Do you use deity based profanity?
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Yes ,I can not break the habit of saying Goddammit ,I have been saying this my whole life mostly in private when something goes wrong.I also say OH God
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
The main reason is Greed and ignorance .There is no money to be made by addressing this problem. The industrial complex does not make more money from less people but makes more money from more people As long as food production in this world continues to rise due to technology,so will the population.China is one of the few places where the citizens are incouraged by the government to have less childreni .Reduced mortality due to advances in medical science and treatment is another major factor. So Unfortunately As long as the human race becomes smarter and richer ,the population will continue to rise . Also this subject is taboo in politics for obvious reasons .Interesting fact .It took nearly 7 centuries for the population to double in the middle of the 16th century.Between 1950 And 1987 It took only 37 years to double.
Should I go to my shop Christmass lunch?
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Your fortunate that you worked with people you liked .
Something that makes you go, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
I always thought that Noah’s Ark was one of the most ridiculous bits of nonsense. It’s incredible that any one can actually believe in this
You arrived at agnosticism or atheism as a result of:
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Questioning the ridiculous ideology of the Catholic religion
Anybody here raised as an Atheist!
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
I wish I had been
God is a ____________?
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
A god can be a sadistic, selfish narcissistic, egotistical dictator.
What do you think?
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Fear is the one of the main aspects ,of how religion keeps people from abandoning their beliefs. Yes they believe they are going to be rewarded for following their specific religion.The term that always annoys me is when these religious people say (their in a better place) when someone dies.This is one of the reasons it gives them peace of mind.
Is there a time and place for a lie or is a lie something you will never do no matter what the ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Little white lies are ok especially if it involves your wife’s inquiring as to her appearance
Who else here loves bees??
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
A honey comb is the most efficient structure in nature the walls meet at a precise 120 -degree angle , a perfect hexagon
Favorite Animals?
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I have always had pets my entire life Dogs are my favorite . I have a Pomeranian,5 cats ,4 birds. I love all animals and can not think of a favorite
What type of death do you most fear?
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Overexposure to redundancy
Advice for the younger generation?
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Do not live beyond your means . Do not get married until you have done everything you want to do ,that you can’t do when you get married, because when you get married your finished.
If you could travel anywhere in the world right this second, where would you go?
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I would go to Egypt and visit the Great Pyramids .
Why is assisted suicide only for the terminally ill?
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
It depends,if you have a bad physical disability’s such as being paralyzed ,Yes, But what about a person that has clinicical depression and wants to die .Depression may be treated with medication
What country or state were you born in?
richiegtt comments on Dec 20, 2017:
New York
Do you ever miss the religious life?
richiegtt comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Not at all
What does your in-laws think about you being agnostic?
richiegtt comments on Dec 19, 2017:
I just avoid the subject ,I do not want to cause any drama
Who are your favorite atheists to learn from?
richiegtt comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Richard Dawkins,DeGrasse, Lawrence Krauss,Hawking, Dead- Epicurus, Benjamin Franklin,Charles Darwin
Is telling your children that they will burn in hell if they are not saved a form of child abuse?
richiegtt comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Yes it is
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
richiegtt comments on Dec 19, 2017:
I find this gross because i was raised to believe it is gross. People are taught from birth what is moral or immoral . There is no answer to this question because morals are derived from cultural and society upbringing. Incest occurs in the animal kingdom
What do you think of Peace?
richiegtt comments on Dec 18, 2017:
As long as the human species retains a caveman mentality wars will continue .Evolutionary psychology ,and discoveries in genetics,neuropsychology,among other science hold that human beings today,are ingrained with the mentality of Stone Age hunter gatherers ,in other words culture not brains have evolved .Clubs and Spears to Nuclear Weapons.
A Doctor Built a Machine That Helps People Die - Tonic
richiegtt comments on Dec 18, 2017:
The great Dr Kervorkian invented a machine years ago that administered a cocktail of drugs intravenously and it was used by the individual by pushing a button. As many of you know it was utilized many times by people he screened ,and he actually turned down many people because he did not think their condition warranted it . This great Doctor finally was put in jail by an archaic judicial system when he assisted one of the poor paralyzed individuals by pushing the button himself . He did not have to let anyone know ,but told the authorities he did this so he could bring this subject to the public’s attention .He.unfortunately suffered the consequences of his admission
Things that should be taught in all schools: Manners - Common Sense ( If that can be taught ) ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 18, 2017:
I agree with all of the above but I would also add CURRENT EVENTS .It is pathetic how many young ( and old) people are unaware about what is going on in the world around them
This morning, Monday is the day I go to the local church where the food bank is located to get ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 18, 2017:
I just say the same to you
As an atheist or agnostic, how do you perceive and interact with spiritual people?
richiegtt comments on Dec 18, 2017:
I refuse to allow a persons belief in a god or a religion effect how I treat them or feel about them .There are plenty of more important characteristics that I gauge a person by. Some of my favorite people have a religion and or believe in a god. The simple thing is to simply avoid the subject . As an example I have no idea about the religious beliefs of a good friend of mine simply because i don’t care.
What are peoples thoughts on death and does it scare you?
richiegtt comments on Dec 18, 2017:
I’m not afraid of death;I just don’t want to be there when it happens -Woody Allen
Is it bad that I pity religious people?
richiegtt comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Who has seen Bill Maher's documentary, Religilous? And, if you have, what is your opinion?
richiegtt comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Excellent movie
I think Humans are parasites - what are your thoughts?
richiegtt comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Yes humans serve no purpose other than to consume, propagate, and destroy the environment, and any other species that they can make a profit from
What would you do with your life if you and your loved ones never had to worry about money again?
richiegtt comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Unfortunately never having to worry about money again does not always let you do what you want to do with your life . In my case it’s responsibilities which prevent me from doing what I want to do ,not money .


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Agnostic, Freethinker
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