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Should law enforcement be allowed to access cell phone records?
richiegtt comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Every second counts in an emergency .This can be a life and death situation .If someone kidnaped your daughter would you want them to wait and delay their investigation to get a warrant to check the suspects cell phone records .
Are you Left handed, Right handed or Ambidextrous?
richiegtt comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Write lefty ,Throw a ball righty
What are your quirks?
richiegtt comments on Dec 1, 2017:
1. I do not like people with bad manners that never say thank you ,please ,or excuse me 2. My bed has to be perfectly made up as soon as I get up with absolutely no wrinkles in the bedspread 3. I have about 27 pairs of perscription sunglasses in every type of lens and frame style and colors 4. I must read the news paper every morning 5 People That talk and never listen 6 Hate Late night talk shows and almost all new sitcoms ,
New to this site.Took me a week to get the courage to post.
richiegtt comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I am sure you will look forward to these interesting discussions
Whoa! Whats the price of your technology use?
richiegtt comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I do not pay for internet access on my tracfone.I also do not have a cellular tablet .I think going on the internet in my house is bad enough .My wife and I have cheap 70 dollar tracfones, and I get minutes for presents so it costs me nothing to operate (no monthly fee) Three family members share a landline .I ditched Netflix and get Amazon movies free with Amazon prime membership.I purchassed an authentic ADT out door security sign fo 20 bucks on eBay so I get free adt security .the burglars don’t know the difference.I do not have Virus protection because I use iPad tablets that are not susceptible to viruses
richiegtt comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I have one dog Pomeranian 5 rescued cats(neutered and spayed ) 4 rescued pidgins
Foliage changing colors?
richiegtt comments on Nov 30, 2017:
The leaves are changing and falling , I have an unbelievable job of racking leaves on my properties every year and dread it .It is about 50 degrees
Is the presdent Trump speaking for all America with his remarks on line ?
richiegtt comments on Nov 30, 2017:
Of course not ,but he is speaking for some of the Americans that voted for him ,who ever they may be ,and that’s not me.Remember a good portion of Trump people are in the closet out of fear of being ostracized . Gee that sound like being an Atheist
Coffee or tea?
richiegtt comments on Nov 30, 2017:
Coffee with my morning newspaper
What Aches and pains you?
richiegtt comments on Nov 30, 2017:
I had a a very bad painful left knee a few years ago . I cured it on my own with krill oil and a few other natural supplements .I refused to take pain killers unless the pain was unbearable at night
If thinking about the afterlife keeps you contemplating if it's real or not then watch this video.
richiegtt comments on Nov 30, 2017:
Very interesting video
Is it normal or healthy to prefer to spend the majority of my time alone?
richiegtt comments on Nov 30, 2017:
I think this is a positive attribute. A person should not have to rely on someone else to make them happy
There is a quote by Jim Rohn that says "You are the Average of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I do not think that is necessarily true I lived 31 years with my father and we are almost complete opposites .Only a few things in common
What book have you read that was recommended to you in order to convince you of God?
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I am sorry ,I would never read a book that was recommended to me in order to convince me there was a god . I read enough of that crap in catholic school
Do atheists and liberals go hand-in-hand?
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I am an atheist and the farthest away from a liberal that you can get
What businesses should we not buy from?
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I despise Apple, They dole out their stupid little improvements on their products little by little to lure buyers to buy new products ( they probably had these improvements from the beginning )but take away other capabilities at the same time .For instance to get a thinner iPad you get a lower performance battery .They take away a headphone jack so you have to buy a blue tooth headphone jack .They lie about battery life of products .Their stated battery life is when it’s brand new .After a few months it’s CRAP. Their products are over priced and never discounted .They remove some apps ( like YouTube ) from products such as older Apple TVs so you have to get a new Apple TV to get the app back There is much more to bitch about but I am allready boring you
Is a certified marriage license required?
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I would like to know how many people would actually get married if one partner did not pressure the other one into the marriage .
What is one of your best childhood memories?
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Getting up real early on a Saturday morning and going fishing with my father and grandpa in beautiful Long Island Sound in a rented row boat and our 10 hp evinrude outboard motor.Diging for the bait the day before was also fun
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Origin of life is the great mystery.Evolution explains everything after this
Do you think our world will ever exist without Money?
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
If the human race ever reverts back to being hunters and gatherers
So what is the food culture in your place? In India we eat a lot of rice and wheat.
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Living in Queens in Long Island N.Y. there are a tremendous amount of ethnic groups that reside here so I can easily go from one section to another in close proximity. Their are Indian,Mexican,Korean ,Italian ,Cajun,,Spanish, Filipino Jewish,Greek,Asian ,Just to name a few . My favorite place is an all you can eat Japanese sushi bar near my home that I eat at on a regular basis .Manhattan which is about 12 miles from my house of course has everything ,I like china town and little Italy when I go there .
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I would probably be a wild Parrot due to intelligence, vocal abilities,beautiful colors and the main reason is its vegetarian. I would not want to kill prey
I've just spoken with Jesus .
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
You should of asked him how he learned all those great magic tricks .
I'm getting more and more irritated at the "us & them" mentality of believers who hold themselves in...
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I know how you feel .I used to get irritated with them, but then I realized that attempting to open their minds to logic would be like debating Einstein’s theory of general relativity with a 3rd grader .
Hypothetical: Humanity chooses A.I. over Children
richiegtt comments on Nov 28, 2017:
If AI did not consume unrenewable natural resources and had the ability to monotor its advancement the planet would of course start healing from the gross negligence that wasteful greedy polutting humans heeped upon it .With out humans the ecological imbalance would return to normal
What do you do for fitness?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I have a dog which I adore,so I enjoy taking long walks with him . I live on Long Island so I love to swim in the ocean and in Long Island Sound
Does anyone here really enjoy Pat Condell's Utube videos ?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I think he is terrific
If God has created Universe then he must have had adesire.
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Logical thinking
Do you believe people when they say they've seen god?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I would believe that THEY believe they saw god ,but personally I think it is delusionl misinterpretation nonsense
What is evil and what is its orgins?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I would say a person is evil it they derive pleasure from hurting,killing or psychologically harming people and or animals and show no emotion or empathy .
If you could have dinner with anyone..anyone no limits..who would it be?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Vincent Van Gogh .For a man who died thinking he was a failure,It would be unbelievably gratifying to be able to tell him he is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art
Does anyone else believe that there is not enough attention being paid to overpopulation?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Another reason to denounce religious factions that do not believe in birth control or abortion
Children: Are you ok if they wanna be religious?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I would not be upset ,but I would be dissapointed.You can tell them u are ok with it
Ever have a near death experience? Ive about 7 of them. Do you want to share them?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Unfortunately I have had way to many ,most due to my own negligence. One that comes to mind is when I was in Hawaii and made the mistake of swimming in a turbulent inlet and was actually sucked into an underground tunnel and trapped . I was surrounded by solid rock and held my breath as long as I could when suddenly the action of an incoming or out going wave caused me to be literally popped out of an adjacent sink hole
world population! the world is very populated in our day and time.
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I alway said having children is a selfish act due to the fact that you are satisfying your own desires rather than that of an unborn individual who has no choice in the decision .Also if you can not provide for their education thru collage ,which most can’t ,you have no right to impose this burden on someone .Student debt is the PARENTS fault .I have one child and think one child is enough
Karl Marx Was Right ..Religion Is The Opiate of The People?
richiegtt comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Yes ,because in most cases it is force fed to them from birth with out their consent.
What are your thoughts on fanatics?
richiegtt comments on Nov 26, 2017:
As long as they refrain from violence or verbal abuse ,or attempt to indoctrinate un willing individuals I don’t care what they do
Dog Owners: What are some of the ways you and your dog resemble each other?
richiegtt comments on Nov 26, 2017:
We both show affection towards each other
Do you think there's something beyond our intellect ? Let's not assume that is God.
richiegtt comments on Nov 26, 2017:
It is possible that something or some force created the known universe but that this thing or what ever you want to call it does not now exist . A creators creation can go on forever but the creator does not have to be immortal
Are agnostics and atheists and such more intelligent than believers?
richiegtt comments on Nov 26, 2017:
Most theists have been indoctrinated into a belief system and have not come to any conclusions regarding a deity or a religion on their own ,so I would say believers are NOT less intelligent .
Attraction: How much do voices make a difference?
richiegtt comments on Nov 25, 2017:
Yes ,a perfect example is when I may hear a females voice on the radio and as a man I sometimes am attracted to her voice and form an opinion of what she may actually look like .On the other hand certain voices can be so irritating to me such as Hillary Clinton and Rush Limbaugh’s voice which I despise .Woman with French or English accents can be very sexy
Does it really matters to know how the Universe came to existence?
richiegtt comments on Nov 25, 2017:
Yes it matters to a huge segment of the scientific community ,Astrophysics,Astronomer, And Most inportant The branch of Cosmology to name a few
What kind of catalyst are we waiting on to change the human thought process and brain activity to ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 25, 2017:
Unfortunately to high a number of the human species enjoys the Romans in the coliseum
The Halo Effect: Do you have a bias towards beautiful people?
richiegtt comments on Nov 24, 2017:
No I have never made this connection,I think it’s how an individual initially presents themselves ,manners ,dressing appropriately grooming and vocabulary that forms my opinion.
Do you say "Bless You" when someone sneezes?
richiegtt comments on Nov 24, 2017:
It is literally taken years to break my self from this habit
Howdy! I'm mainly posting to see if I can get to a higher level.
richiegtt comments on Nov 24, 2017:
Hang in there buddy I am sure you will set a good example for your children
What does this community think of the role of the military in our country?
richiegtt comments on Nov 24, 2017:
The military in general (worldwide) is an indication that humanity retains the caveman mentally ,and that the human brain has not evolved alongside the unnatural invironment and culture that they have developed . The sad fact is that most of this planets inhabitants spend huge amounts of time,money,technology,resources,and energy to defend themselves from one another .This is depressing evidence that we are a pitiful failure as a species .
Does it really matters to know how the Universe came to existence?
richiegtt comments on Nov 24, 2017:
Most definitely,because solving a single scientific fact can have a domino effect and lead to many more discoveries and answer other unanswered questions . But it depends on the individual .If you are a complacent theist you would not care or believe any evidence any way.
I am grateful for...(finish the line)
richiegtt comments on Nov 23, 2017:
I am grateful for the like minded ,intelligent ,logical ,open minded people that share my views and beliefs
Do Americans smile too much?
richiegtt comments on Nov 22, 2017:
I have noticed whenever I travel at least 100 miles from where I live in Long Island N.Y.the people smile more that in metropolitan NY ,so I would say they definitely do not smile enough in NY. City. I agree with any one that says New Yorkers are unfriendly .Even though I am one I always smile when I have an interaction with someone here
What do you guys think can be done about the global environmental issues of climate change and ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 21, 2017:
How in hell can all the man made Carbon dioxide not contribute to climate change .Human over population is the cause ,so obviously humanity should adress this issue ,but greed does the opposite ,destroys more natural resources ,plants more crops and raises more meat to feed more people .This earth is run by greed not common sense
Do you believe in Aliens & UFOs? Ex-Defence Minister "Aliens among us"!
richiegtt comments on Nov 21, 2017:
No ,not in the way most people do . It is possible alien life forms that we do not recognize as life forms are actually here among us . Size is relative so they may be microscopic,or we may be microscopic to them and so insignificant that they are unaware of our existence They may also be in another dimension
Why atheists feel sadness in religious surroundings?
richiegtt comments on Nov 21, 2017:
I do not feel sad ,I feel bored and can not believe the people around me can believe this nonsense
I posted the question," Should we educate or exterminate religious people?
richiegtt comments on Nov 21, 2017:
I would like to know the breakdown of the 98 percent (how many believers vs non believers)
In your experience, when discussing religion with a believer, what's the most common thing they say ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 20, 2017:
They say God gave us free will when I ask why a God would allow all of this human folly and destruction .My simple reply is ,if he was all knowing why would he not know the consequences of giving free will to stupid human beings .They never can answer this.
If You Could Learn Any Language...
richiegtt comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I would learn italian because I am italian and can not speak one word of it .When I visited Sicily last year I would have loved to be able to speak the language .
Those of you in the US that celebrate Thanksgiving with religious family, do you all have to do the ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 20, 2017:
When I was a youngster and attended family dinners at relatives homes I was part of this ridiculous ritual.But I always thought what about the starving people all over the world that don’t have any thing to be thankful for at this moment.What audacious crap to think that a God picked us to treat better than the rest .Plus why should I Thank a god ,I should thank the poor individual that had to work his ass of to make money to buy this food not god .The food did not just fall out of the sky on to the table .The concept of prayer is so moronic.
Right handed, Left handed, or Ambidextrous?
richiegtt comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I write left handed but throw a ball with my right .I use tools hammer screwdriver etc with my left hand
Since I returned from India this past December I have been doing more and more cooking on my own.
richiegtt comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I am italian and I make a homemade tomato sauce that no one can match .This is my opinion of course.I also like to make unusual recipes.Tonight I made a mushroom ragu over spaghetti consisting of chestnuts ,mushrooms,shallots,garlic,tomato paste fresh thyme,butter and finished of with freshly grated Parmesan cheese .Me and my daughter Could not stop eating it.
Hello Atheist and Agnostics! This my very first post as a new member here.
richiegtt comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Happy to have you. I am in a similar situation ,so I know how you feel .You will enjoy the interaction with these intelligent open minded individuals
Pot Smokers: What are some of the positive and negative benefits you get from this illegal weed?
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Positive points .Relaxation makes music sound better,negative - makes you eat to much ,can make me paranoid.If something is bothering me it may heighten this emotion
Everything is ultimately energy. So the unanswerable question is "Where did the energy come from"
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
The Big Bang , But then where did the Big Bang come from
Would you agree that religion and politics are things we are born into?
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Most definitely
What is/are your favorite TV show(s)
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
60 minuets, Alaska the last frontier, Bitchin rides, The old Ed Sullivan Show, 2020 The Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock,America’s got Talent
Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Open only to the people most close to me,and the few that share my beliefs.Unfortunately most of the people I am around and know are believers,so I do not bring up the subject of atheism because I am not into a hostile reception.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
No,they tend to be over bearing and have closed minds. Also it’s usually the hateful fanatics that visit these sites .They are not a good example of believers. They often make inflammatory remarks
What was your worst experience with religious people?
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Probably on atheist internet sites that fanatical hateful religious individuals visit and make hurtful statements
Likelihood of meeting in person
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
You never know,if an individual was in the area where I live,why not.
Why do you think majority of people still believe in God?
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
I think it is out of fear.Fear of a revengeful deity that will punish them if they deviate from their beliefs .Also it takes a special kind of psyche to overcome the brainwashing that led them to these beliefs.
I have to say that I feel incredibly lucky to not only have parents who didn't freak out when I said...
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
You are indeed fortunate to be in a positive invironment .As for myself my father is a non religious believer that excepts my atheism and I can actually have debates with him on the subject
just thought I would check this out.
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
You definitely do not have something missing ,on the contrary you have an open mind and the ability to experience new ideas ,beliefs etc ,were as a believer this dimension of their intellect has come to a dead end .
In love, how much does money matter?
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
It is a fact that one of the biggest problems in relationships that cause divorce is mismanagement of money by one or the other,spending habits etc.In my marriage (30 years)we have separate savings accounts, investments,and separate credit cards . We never have disagreements,but this is only possible in certain situations
Why do we have the arrogance to call ourselves intelligent, when most of our species is at one time ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 18, 2017:
The reason is greed, religion,and money ,and over population ,which is caused by this.As soon as humans deviated from being hunters and gatherers that was the beginning of the end
Hi atheists. Are you happy with your life now?
richiegtt comments on Nov 17, 2017:
No,I am not happy ,content but not happy .Besides my father( who is not an atheist but accepts my atheism) and only one of my friends the only place I can have an ntellectual interaction is on internet sites such as this ,so how the heck can I be happy
I got proselytized at work by 2 of my managers.
richiegtt comments on Nov 17, 2017:
These narrow minded Religious people should believe in coincidence instead of thinking their prayers have been answered. Believing in miracles is the same thing
Should euthanasia or "death with dignity" be available to anyone upon demand under controlled ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Most definitely.When great individuals like Dr .Kervorkian try to make the world a better place ignorant people win out. It was a travesty that Dr kervorkian was put in jail when he could have been helping people end their lives in dignity. We are able to euthanize our pets but not our loved ones .This is an example of the idiocy of humanity
How do you answer theists who say "science can't explain the complexity and order of life.”
richiegtt comments on Nov 17, 2017:
I would say how do you explain the complexity and order in a supreme being.
Boyfriend is agnostic, I'm an atheist. How to cope with disagreements?
richiegtt comments on Nov 16, 2017:
My wife is a non practicing catholic and believes in God . I am an atheist.We except each other’s beliefs but some times we will have heated discussions .In the 35 years of marriage I have actually changed her from believing in the catholic beliefs .The best thing to do is try to avoid the subject like I do and except the person for the good qualities and moral beliefs which have nothing to do do with religion ,God or non belief in God or religion
Agnostic vs. Atheist?
richiegtt comments on Nov 16, 2017:
I am an atheist because I do not believe in the God that most theists believe in which is a loving good entity that we should give thanks to and pray to .I believe there may have been a creator that created some level of the known universe but may have ceased to exist. If there is a creator why should I give thanks to it or pray to it ,so I would not put any labels on it.So maybe I am a cross between a atheist and an agnostic
Which last longer, Christian marriages or agnostic/atheist marriages?
richiegtt comments on Nov 16, 2017:
I am an atheist and my wife is a non practicing Catholic.Married 35 years .When I was looking to get married, a persons religious beliefs or lake of ,was not my main criteria in choosing a partner . It was the individuals character and moral beliefs .If an individual can not form a relationship with someone that has different beliefs than them I feel sorry for them .The inportant thing is that each individual except each other’s beliefs
if there is a god that has all this f!%$g power to just make things pop up out of nothing and knows ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 16, 2017:
That’s why the the following quote by Epicurus makes so much sense “ if God is unable to prevent evil ,then he is not all powerful.If God is not willing to prevent evil,then he is not all good
What's an example of UnIntelligent Design?
richiegtt comments on Nov 16, 2017:
The human species itself due to the fact it evolved in a way that it became the dominant life form on earth and therefore ultimately upset the natural ecology which will end up destroying all plant and animal life .
Why do you reject the idea of religion?
richiegtt comments on Nov 15, 2017:
The audacity that individuals think that their religion is the correct one . The war and hatred that it produces. The ridiculous things that they believe in. The brainwashing that they impose on their children
Hello everyone. I'm new to this. Hoping to make a few friends.
richiegtt comments on Nov 15, 2017:
Your in the right place
New on the site looking for like minded people, i am fucking sick of not being me with people that ...
richiegtt comments on Nov 15, 2017:
I know how it feels ,especially if you really like someone and you have to go along and make believe you agree in what they are talking about because they would think an atheist is evil or demented .


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Agnostic, Freethinker
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