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The BLM movement has managed to do something both interesting and remarkable, and more complex than ...
t1nick comments on Jun 8, 2020:
Thats what defunding is all about. Not eliminating police, but changing what programs get less funding and what programs need better funding. It's about taking money from programs that have demonstrated that they are not having any substantial impact in stopping or preventing crime and assuring public safety. Then moving that money that have been traditionally underfunded, but show promise as to bring proactive and positively impacting crime prevention. Research has recently shown that if monies are put in youth programs and youth prevention programs that they have the ability to have a positive long term impact in heading off future crime. That is the proposal when cities say defund. Its redirecting finances to more proactive programs. Besides until we demilitarize our police forces and deconstruct their present law enforcement paradigm, I not sure anything will help. Back to Protect and Serve as a part of a community, as opposed to Rule and Enforce as it stands bow.
Lost Mountain Pass Found in Norway and it's Full of Viking Artifacts
t1nick comments on Jun 8, 2020:
This is cool. Gives some more insights into the Vikings which are popular these days.
I am an atheist.
t1nick comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I think you are on the wrong site and I think you do not understand the definition of atheist.
Walt Disney would be proud. October 2017 []
t1nick comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Don't look now, the Illuminati walk among us.
Can You Describe Lindsey Graham In One Word?
t1nick comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Smarmy hypocrite. Oh wait that's
Shibboleth: noun, a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of ...
t1nick comments on Jun 6, 2020:
New word . TY
Saturday morning fire
t1nick comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Steam punk?
46,000-yr-old "Icebird" Found Totally Intact with Feathers and Beak
t1nick comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus: A new species of Trilobite from the Cambrian of the Anti‑Atlas, ...
t1nick comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Defensive adornment. I was actually asking myself that before I got to the last srntence.
Yellowstone hot sposts may be waining: [sciencedaily.
t1nick comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Cool about Yellowstone
Louisiana GOP Backs Child Marriage Bill: “A Lot of 16-Year-Olds Are Very Mature” | Hemant Mehta ...
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
This is the same state that spawned Jerry Lee Lewis who married his 14 year old 1st cousin.
😍 Gotta have attitude!
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
And that she does. Lol
A new acronym. 😂
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Police And Their Apologists Have Already Lost The Argument .
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
This indoctrination was intensified under George Bush II. After the surge in Afghanistan and Iraq, the military had a significant pull back. When this happened there became a large surplus in military weaponry, and materials. Bush decided to offer these surplus equipment for sale to domestic police departments. Police departments jumped at the opportunity to acquire this military grade equipment. At this point a paradigm shift occurred in law enforcement throughout the country. Police became militarized and saw themselves as an occupying force in their own cities, as opposed to a service and protection agency for their communities. The paradigm shift heightened the concept of us versus them. Protect and Serve became replaced with Rule and Enforce. Unfortunately, Obama continued with the militarization of the domestic law enforcement agencies. Police now brandish equipment whose purpose is to protect and defend against a hostile enemy. Commensurate is the perception of seeing fellow citizens as the enemy.
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Probably even though I know it's wrong. How do I know that, I occasionally wear a cowboy hat and I am a progressive liberal. But then, I teach on the Rez, and cowboy hats are common and most of my Native friends are anything but Trumpsters. Lol
Does anyone else find the idea of a FEMALE peacock costume bizarre?
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Lol. so true.
does anyone want to break down what's wrong with this?
t1nick comments on Jun 4, 2020:
False positives correlations. Apples and oranges.
Heres a pic for ,Tom..
t1nick comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Okay? Lol
I never really understood why liberals think voter ID somehow works against minorities for this very...
t1nick comments on Jun 4, 2020:
An interesting video. One problem I see is the sampling population. NYC is pretty cosmopolitan so most people, regardless of color in NYC maybe a little more sophisticsted than say someone in...Asheboro. NC. Most voter suppression occurs in rural, rather than urban communities. Below are excerpts from a couple of article put out the aclu. Voter ID Laws Thirty-six states have identification requirements at the polls. Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot – no exceptions. These strict ID laws are part of an ongoing strategy to suppress the vote, and it works. Voter ID laws have been estimated by the U.S. Government Accountability Office to reduce voter turnout by 2-3 percentage points, translating to tens of thousands of votes lost in a single state. Over 21 million U.S. citizens do not have government-issued photo identification. That’s because ID cards aren’t always accessible for everyone. The ID itself can be costly, and even when IDs are free, applicants must incur other expenses to obtain the underlying documents that are needed to get an ID. This can be a significant burden on people in lower-income communities. Further, the travel required is an obstacle for people with disabilities, the elderly, and people living in rural areas. Voter ID laws deprive many voters of their right to vote, reduce participation, and stand in direct opposition to our country’s trend of including more Americans in the democratic process. Many Americans do not have one of the forms of identification states acceptable for voting. These voters are disproportionately low-income, racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Such voters more frequently have difficulty obtaining ID, because they cannot afford or cannot obtain the underlying documents that are a prerequisite to obtaining government-issued photo ID card. Voter ID Laws Deprive Many Americans of the Right to Vote Millions of Americans Lack ID. 11% of U.S. citizens – or more than 21 million Americans – do not have government-issued photo identification.1 Obtaining ID Costs Money. Even if ID is offered for free, voters must incur numerous costs (such as paying for birth certificates) to apply for a government-issued ID. Underlying documents required to obtain ID cost money, a significant expense for lower-income Americans. The combined cost of document fees, travel expenses and waiting time are estimated to range from $75 to $175.2 The travel required is often a major burden on people with disabilities, the elderly, or those in rural areas ...
😍 Good morning all.. She's sexy and cute at the same time... Yes?
t1nick comments on Jun 4, 2020:
That she is.
Trump Campaign Demands Media Stop Saying Protesters Were Tear-Gassed
t1nick comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Kind of hard when I watched happen live on television. Same with the rubber bullets and flashing bangs. It's kind if hard to deny.
Has anyone dated a narcissist? Breaking up might be freeing but still hurts.
t1nick comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Stormy Daniels did. Lol
the phrase.
t1nick comments on Jun 3, 2020:
I do not know if you are being sarcastic. You refer to "both" not having a place in our current society. By phrasing it that way, I assume the second unnamed slogan is "Black Lives Matter". "Black lives matter" has historical context and cannot be separated from the events of the past. To ignore that is to either not know this Nations real history or to have ones head in the sand for the last six years Whites can not claim this moniker as we have held the reigns of economic power, political power, and cultural power since the 1600's. We have made sure that our white life matters by subjugating and oppressing those that do not resemble our white European heritage. Subjugation is not always done with a whip or switch. Subjugation also happens with policies, access to resources, access to economic opportunity. White lives have mattered for 400 years, we've made sure of that. Only by finally having an honest discussion about race, its manifestations, and its impacts will it potentially end. Not talking about it is how we got here in the first place. Denial or silence is what keeps it alive.
A skeptical anthropologist was cataloging South American folk remedies with the assistance of a ...
t1nick comments on Jun 3, 2020:
That's one way to get noticed!
t1nick comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Not a good photo of the baby and mother, but they were out behind my house this evening! I was ...
t1nick comments on Jun 2, 2020:
t1nick comments on Jun 2, 2020:
new word. thanks
This may not be all that uncommon, but not in my everyday lexicon.
t1nick comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I hear it all the time since Trump came into office. I had a general feel for it, but not clarity. Thank you
John Pavlovitz argues that "Prolific Racism Needs Complicit White People.
t1nick comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I have spent a life time fighting social injustice as a teacher in minority and marginalized communities. I have spent two years condemning racism and white privilege on the web site. I have been very vocal and taken on the practioners of white privilege and self-denying or self-deluded racists on this site. I ask others to join me in calling them out and keep the Floyd George dialog against institutional and systemic racism on-going.
> A group of cats is called a clowder.
t1nick comments on Jun 1, 2020:
There a book called " A Symphony of Larks" which lists all these group names. It's actually a fun book. A murder of crows was always one of my favotites.
'Cannabis burned during worship' by ancient Israelites - study - BBC News
t1nick comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Lol. I can just imagine Moses with a giant spleef sitting on the mountainside talking to God. Lol
I know this is inappropriate for this site, but it's soothing and consoling nonetheless .
t1nick comments on May 31, 2020:
Joan Baez is always appropriate. She represents something good from my era.
Soft-tissue preservation in Cloudinomorphs from the terminal Ediacaran Period of Nevada.
t1nick comments on May 31, 2020:
A team of University of Rhode Island scientists and statisticians conducted a sophisticated ...
t1nick comments on May 27, 2020:
Science is dynamic, not static like dogma. As technology improves and the accuracy and precision improve, along with new or improved techniques, newly acquired data allows us as a Science Community to alter our understandings and change our minds. If it did not work that way, I would be disappointed.
Remarkable findings on Neanderthal genes - []
t1nick comments on May 27, 2020:
Wouldnt load for me
Juukan Gorge archaeological site in Western Australia destroyed by mine expansion.
t1nick comments on May 27, 2020:
Typical of the marriage between corporations and governments.
Last time I checked, they thought it was a one off hail storm disaster with a single troop of ...
t1nick comments on May 26, 2020:
New details on the mammoths at Mexico City's new airport - [dw.
t1nick comments on May 26, 2020:
AL Pastor Puts Up Sign Saying “Black Folks Need to Stay Out of White Churches” | Beth ...
t1nick comments on May 25, 2020:
IMO, his declaration is less about racism as it is about preservation and protection of his congregation. . Blacks are one of the most vulnerable populations throughout the South. As tensions and anger arise during this time of COVID virus, minorities become the default population for white violence. Given that protection for minorities has a poor record in the South, it would not be unrealistic for an unsuspecting black family to be subject to intimidation or violence after attending a service in a white dominated neighborhood. Its unfortunate and sad, but a realistic possibility in some areas of the South. I do not promote or condone racism in any of its forms. But recognizing that by putting oneself in a vulnerable position increases opportunities for adverse situations.
a strange quirk of evolution - []
t1nick comments on May 25, 2020:
Fascinating, a rare event to be sure
Life is hard, stress can be overwhelming, there's always more bullshit on the way, it's always going...
t1nick comments on May 24, 2020:
A cup of iced coffee or a long walk in the woods
because it's behind a paywall .
t1nick comments on May 24, 2020:
Phillip did you catch my poem that I posted last week. It was about the intellectuals living and writing in Paris in 1943. I wrote it two decades ago. I studied French writer/philosophers 1900 to 1950 for awhile.
Three-fer: New word, just for laughs and news links. Piss-tancing. [] Listen to broadcast.
t1nick comments on May 23, 2020:
Heard it this morning on NPR. Lol
The oldest story in the world - [sciencemag.
t1nick comments on May 23, 2020:
None of this is overly surprising. 35,000 BP the Earth was still in the grips of the last ice age. The straits between Australia, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia were connected by a land bridge as much of the world's oceans were locked up in polar ice caps. There was a lot of human and faunal migration during this time, worldwide. That humans arrived in Australia before 35,000 BP doesn't sound unreasonable. Oral traditions are quite durable, especially within populations like the aboriginal occupants in places like Australia where they became isolated and remained in place. Anecdotally, oral stories differ in specifics somewhat over time with each teller and each generation. But in general they remain true to their essence as they represent important events in the life of the culture.
Elephants 300 000 yrs ago in what is now Germany - []
t1nick comments on May 22, 2020:
I excavated elephants (mammoth) from 20,000 BP on a site in Colordao for the Smithsonian in 1978. Dotton-Selby site.
A random bit of fun here, this thought experiment.
t1nick comments on May 22, 2020:
No, it's just sitting, not moving, the wheels. nor the conveyor belt are not either one moving. Lol. Just guessing I know the physics so well outlined below. Lol.
Has Evangelical Christianity Become Sociopathic? []
t1nick comments on May 21, 2020:
Is becoming? Has been for a long time.
The worst thing you can do to castiron frying pan is soaking it in water.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2020:
I always heard wash with water, but not soap. I havent used my set in years.
I spent far too much time looking into which group this would be most appropriately posted, so it ...
t1nick comments on May 19, 2020:
Not familiar. I'm reading Anatole France's novel, "Penguin Island". In this book the St. Mael is blown off coarse and ends up on an island inhabited by Penguins. Because of his poor eyesight, he assumes that they are just a population of short heathens. He baptizes them. Then God and the other elders in heaven are so perplexed by having Penguins baptized that he turns them into short humans. St. Mael tows the island to the coast of Brittany. Anatole then begins to tell the history of humans and Christianity through the eyes of the Penguins as humans. It's not exactly a comedy as it was a treatise of the conditions of humans (written in 1947). But it dies have its tongue in cheek You may like and appreciate if you can find a copy.
Howard Stern says Trump hates his supporters, that Trump is ‘disgusted’ by them, and he should ...
t1nick comments on May 18, 2020:
I've been making this point for four years. Glad to somebody else sees what I see.
If Eric Trump really believed this, he wouldn't have done the interview from the safety of his home.
t1nick comments on May 18, 2020:
Sure he would have. He's a dumber peckerwood than his father. His idiocy knows no bounds and his white and economic privilege makes him think that he is untouchable.
I was reading an articial on free diving for urchins when they mentioned the guy would take several...
t1nick comments on May 18, 2020:
Contact tracing is not a new concept.
t1nick comments on May 17, 2020:
Not wishing to deflect or sidestep the issue, I am not an epidemiologist. That is for them to determine. Follow the science and the mathematical models. Models are inherrently incorrect because circumstances change from day to day, but the scientists adjust as new info and data arises. The trends have been true to prediction thus far.
Pictish 'city' in the 5th Century!!! []
t1nick comments on May 17, 2020:
I would love to see a LIDAR of this site. Cool though.
⚽⚽ Good morning all.. Anyone up for soccer?
t1nick comments on May 17, 2020:
Gotta love body painting. Lol
I am reading Anatole France's 1957 novel Peguin Island.
t1nick comments on May 17, 2020:
I was going to get there. Lol
Does being an agnostic mean that you’re on the wall or you lack acceptance?
t1nick comments on May 16, 2020:
I am one of the atheists agnostics are not fond of. IMHO, agnosticism is just another variety of Pascals Wager and an unwillingness to commit. Equivocation
I have heard many people over the years say that they would not want to live forever even if they ...
t1nick comments on May 16, 2020:
Read Simone de Beauvoir's novel, "All Men Are Mortal ".
We have to assume he means Russia is better?
t1nick comments on May 16, 2020:
What Azimov purports is absolutely true. I have argued that exact point multiple times on this site. An anti-intellectual movement began publically in 1983 with then President Reagan's re-election committee and became the backbone of the GOP since then. On to the second point. St. Sinner's assertion that anybody criticizing a policy or a problematic cultural proclivity that underpins a large segment of the American experience means that we are anti-American and pro-Russia (we reserve that stance for this President) is preposterous and totally fallacious. We went through this specious and hurtful argument in the late 60's and early 70's with Vietnam. The intellectually challenged claimed (John Birchers and Republicans) that because we opposed the policy connected to the Vietnam conflict, that we were somehow anti-American. It was preposterous then and its preposterous now. Your turning this into a binary choice, "for all of it or for none of it" is shear folly and ludicrous. Instead, we see the potential for a better America by recognizing that we have faults and weaknesses. That a large segment of our society chooses to ignore fact and reason (bolstered by the influence of fundamentalist Christian dogma) does not diminish the country and culture, rather says we are capable of being and doing better.
My direct admission at covid unit two nights ago came from the woods , no social security number , ...
t1nick comments on May 16, 2020:
❤❤❤ Be safe and keep up the good work. I understand your commitment and empathy for your patients. I teach and all my students are my children as well.
Corruption Fact Check
t1nick comments on May 15, 2020:
No surprise
Hello, I'm new to the group. Hope you all have a wonderful friday.
t1nick comments on May 15, 2020:
I've always enjoyed history, archaeology, and anthropology.
t1nick comments on May 14, 2020:
What class do you teach. I'm very familar with the magazine as I'm a recovering archaeologist. (Lol). I was an archaeologist in the 1970'-80s before I became a science teacher.
So which way is she facing?
t1nick comments on May 14, 2020:
Great composition
ramekin /ˈraməkən/ noun a small dish for baking and serving an individual portion of food.
t1nick comments on May 14, 2020:
t1nick comments on May 14, 2020:
Comedians in the 50's and 60's were know for their quips. People like Groucho Marx, Johnny Carson, W. C. Fields, Joan Rivers etc.
Thousands of new archeological data discovered by amateur stay-at-home archaeologists in SW England...
t1nick comments on May 13, 2020:
t1nick comments on May 12, 2020:
Hes just a plain old misogynist. He hates acknowledging that women are more than sex objects.
Something different, but there is nowhere else to post it.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2020:
Cool art piece
Exciting times.
t1nick comments on May 11, 2020:
Cool. Saw the article last week. Thanks
Biblioklept {One who steals books} is, in at least some sense of the word, fairly useless.
t1nick comments on May 11, 2020:
Sounds like one of the Urban Dictionary words.
Ooops, caused quite a stir last Evening with the Evangelidiot next door and using 'Whizz Kid's' ...
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
You should put this in the Editorial section of your local newspaper. The neighborhood would get a laugh from It. Lol
pity []
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
A classic, but so apt today.
IS there anything the people really CAN do to reduce or stop the deliberate feeding of hate and ...
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
The 1st Amendment is a tricky thing wording wise, the only type of speech that is not protected by this amendment is speech that directly incites specific violence against another person or entity. But in a common society, there are unspelled out limits that often get ignored. For instance all individuals have an unspoken responsibility to protect the "fitness" of our way if life and Constitution. That is if they want it to survive another 100 years. That means realizing that some speech is inherently unhealthy and diminishes the "fitness" of our society. Organizations like FOX, Info-Wars, Qanon. Rush Limbaugh, and One Nation News are undermining the strength and fitness of the Nation with their outlandish conspiracy theories. They are teaching the less educated and less discerning members of are society to believe in unrealistic explanations that are devoid of fact and evidence. To believe in tribal fantasies and distrust traditional elements our society that have served to protect us and our way of life. They have exceeded the reasonable expectation for the freedom of speech and are endangering the "fitness" of our society and our Constitition.
Anti-Vaccination Activists Join Stay-At-Home Order Protests : NPR
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
Good morning all
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
Go Figure......
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
We have had a moth bomb go off over here in New Mexico these buggers have been tripping my camera ...
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
Commercial moth balls (naphthalene) tend to be effective. But many do not like the smell and the residue smell they give to the clothes.
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
Ive also heard it used to describe a persons mental state. An unhealthy mental state characterized by lethargy, apathy, and depression.
Pence is a moron, but Trump has a good reason no to wear a mask!
t1nick comments on May 10, 2020:
Lol, Sad, so sad
Yeah, I didn't think so either. Heh.
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
What do you think of a first date with social distancing?
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
Good luck. Sounds like a nice outing
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
Yes. It's time to start telling ot like it is.
elide \ i-ˈlīd \ elided; eliding elided; eliding Definition of elide transitive verb 1a:...
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
Thanks I like the quotes and the details. New word for me.
"'Plandemic' Is Dangerous, Viral Nonsense --- A pseudo-documentary full of outrageous, verifiably ...
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
Trump supporters are so enamored with their anti-christ and false prophet in the WH, that they eagerly convince themselves that any criticism is a conspiracy to bring them down in November. Even when their self-proclaimed savior obviously screws up royally, they blame everybody else.
Archaeological findings provide key proof of Chinese civilization origin Source:Xinhua Published: ...
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
Try this:
Archaeological findings provide key proof of Chinese civilization origin Source:Xinhua Published: ...
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
Sorry guys. It appears the link has been removed from the site from where I found it.
Today's hike: Can bicyclists share the trail with hikers?
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
Any of the participants involved in adrenaline sports involving speed (often called extreme) tend to be self-centered, tactless, and discourteous. Whether it is mountain biking snowboarding, skiing, snow mobilizing, motocross, atv, etc. They tend to have the same personality flaws even if their clique may differ from one sport to another.
t1nick comments on May 9, 2020:
They use such cheap elastic in panties these days.
t1nick comments on May 8, 2020:
Here is something we all do.
t1nick comments on May 8, 2020:
Or aliens over Roswell. Lol
helium []
t1nick comments on May 8, 2020:
Does anyone like lots of head? Ok, so not sexy nor classy but.. 😁
t1nick comments on May 7, 2020:
A 17th Century "Cabinet Book of Poisons.
t1nick comments on May 7, 2020:
Cool. I have a small antique box like this one, but it holds a small portable microscope and accouterments
Caucasian murder hornets?
t1nick comments on May 6, 2020:
Ancient Swiss Find.
t1nick comments on May 6, 2020:
Back when the wheel was invented, this is really interesting - []
t1nick comments on May 6, 2020:
Small steps before big steps. Lol
Flint-knappers etc. will be interested. []
t1nick comments on May 6, 2020:
Cool. When I was in archaeology I worked with Bruce Bradley, one of the foremost flint knappers in the US at the time. he was recognized by James Mitchner in his novel, "Centennial" for his knapping advice. We worked on a site outside Show Low, AZ. together. I also worked with Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian on a 13,000-20,000 BP early man site in NE Colorado in the late 1970's.
Native Americans ask for tests get body bags instead
t1nick comments on May 6, 2020:
Lost Recipe for Medieval Blue Ink Found
t1nick comments on May 6, 2020:


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