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I haven’t seen anything here about Alabama being the first state to introduce Sharia law.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Sharia Law- Evangelical Law, the gulf is diminishing. Pretty soon one won't be able to tell them apart.
Another door. THis one is the sheriff's office in Longmire
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Good series. Relatable to those of us in the Rocky Mountain West
Hey kids.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Its going to take a concerted effort like this one nationally to stop the march toward conservative fascism. Well laid out and well stated.
This is a coffee question...
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
I used to make turkish coffee every morning and would melt a square or two of 60% cacoa chocolate in the coffee.
Calling racists racist is ‘racist’, say racists
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
They would. They hate being made accountable for their actions. I remrmber the present president using this tactic ehen asked about some of his questionable comments.
The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
If the Vatican and the Chritian church was complicit with the rise of Fascism and Nazism in the 1930's, it occuring again. Its not only happening in Europe today, but its happening here at home. The Evangelicals are willing to sacrifice their values to support a leadervthat is moving the country ever closer to Authoritarianism and a form of Fascism. They blanket themselves as Republicans and Christians. They are neither. They are beginnings of an ultraconservative movement that undermines the values that this country and the Constitution embody. Its becoming to see how the churh was complicit then, as is complicit now.
A strange location with mystery and wonder.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Good bones
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
No white men involved, so no coverage, and no thoughts and prayers: Nigeria: Muslims kill 120 ...
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Are you offering to join them so they can get more news coverage? The news media, with the exception of the BBC and NPR, do a dismal job of covering all world news. The American public is notoriously ignorant about world affairs. Unfortunately, they prefer to remain that way. Facts and context is an anathema to most Americans. I personally feel its worse among Republicans, but they don't own it alone.
Are we going to allow Far-right apologists or possibly even agitators a forum here? Or?
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Most of the far-right and conservatives have retreated to their echo chamber group. You do not see many posting generally anymore. Conversely, many of us are staunch librrals. If we can openly post, the far right should be able to as well in all fsirness. They would be overwhelmed with reaction posts.
This is what we all should agree on.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Sounds like a nation of Darwin Award winners. Lol
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Kate Raworth: A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow | TED Talk
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Business, economics and capitalism should act like evolutionary principles. Evolution says that a species (aka. a business) should do what is both necessary and advantageous to maintain the best fitness in ones environment (aka. operant business community) to assure perpetuation of that species (business) ad infinitum into the future. That means looking long term. Asking the question, "What can I (individual employer) do to assure the best situation for as long as I can envision. This means the best situation for all the members of my immediate population (employees), my larger business community (economy) and myself (business owner) so that we all prosper going forward. As the alpha individual (business owner) I am entitled to a proportionate share, as long as I assure that the others that I am responsible for (employees) are also carred for going forward. This means moving away from our present dysfunctional system of predatory capitalism which seeks to maximize profits short term, regardless of the impact to the species (business community), and the members of the immediate population (employees). A simple example of the principle: I own a small business of a couple dozen employees. We are doing well enough that I decide to offer my employees a small reward. I tell my employees that I will provide them with donuts during their break. But there is a caveat. They are only allowed two donuts each. All goes well for awhile. But after a couple of weeks, complaints begin coming in that those individuals that have the last break are finding that there are no donuts left. Someone or someones are helping themselves to more than their allowed donuts. The incident is addressed in a company wide meeting. It returns to normal for a couple of days, but again the pattern begins to repeat and complaints begin to come in again. I have no choice but to discontinue the reward as it has become too much of a problem and just not working as intended. The question that the employees should have been asking themselves is. "What do I need to do to keep the reward ongoing forever?". The answer was simple, take what was offered and not take more than was intended. Perpetuation of the species (via donut supply) by taking only what is needed or reasonable. There are 3 types of desires. 1) Absolute need - the objected is needed in order to survive (eg. Starvation); 2) Want - the desire is strong, but not survival level. I am hungry and another donut would stave off that pit in my stomach, but I could do without with no real danger to my health; and 3) irrational want - it would be nice to have a third donut, I'm not really that hungry, I just like donuts and enjoy sugar rushes. Employers and corporations need to do what is ...
[] This is showing up in NewsWeek! Trump is dangerous!
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
If he creates a National Emergency at the time that the 2020 election scheduled to occur, he could cancel the election itself on emergency grounds. He would promise to reinstitute after the so called emergency ended. But either the emergency would never end, or he would just fail to reinstitute the election and remain in the office. Depending how truly narcissistic he reallly is, he would either step down aftet his regular eight year term was completed, or.... he just wouldn't step down at all. The last scenario is inconceivable, Trump as our president was inconceivable not to long ago.
?? My last post for the day... Enjoy some hot chocolate....
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Beautiful woman
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Preparing house for gf arrival next weekend. Bought toilet accessory glassware in her favorite color. Purchased new comforter and sheets in lillac color, and hung shelves in the bathroom to accommodate her cosmetics. Emptied dresser and closet for her and moved my things to spare bedroom. Still preparing.
How do I find a type of group?
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
I don't think there is a steam punk group at present. Not to my knowledge. Intriguing idea though. If your using your phone, go to the upper right corner. Hit the browse button, a pulldown menu will appear. Select "Groups". The list of groups will appear. At the top of the page (righthand corner again) you should see a magnifying glass. Hit that then type in your query. You probably knew all this, but you asked.
Hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos held in limbo>do we live in privileged country ; or just...
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Eugenics? Unfortunately it is still alive, but more underground since it fell out of favor in the 1970's.
In light of the rapidly escalating white supremacist terrorism in our country and throughout the ...
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Eliminate self-perpetuating echo chambers? Then where would they hide? Lol
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Too much alcohol prior to their tryst. He's either passed out or temporarily impotent.
A good summary of bad science that has driven death and ill health.
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Interesting article and follow-up responses.
Fit And lean! Sculptural body
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
"The commitment to living beyond a narrow view of our own interests makes us different from animals ...
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Rightness and/or wrongness is a learned value at the conscious level. We do, in my opinion come hardwired with set of imperatives that address behavior. But they are neither moral or immoral, rather amoral. That is to say, it is a set of unconscious imperatives that act toward species fitness in an evolutionary sense. Species generally do not prey on themselves as that would be counterproductive towards evolutionary fitness and perpetuation of the species (Im sure examples of exceptions exist). Likewise, species do not go around stating cocsciously that, "I will not prey on my own kind". Now recognizing that humans are unique in their capacity for abstract thought, we are still subject to the unconscious evolutionary imperative for species protection and perpetuation. The fact we can short circuit, override, ignore, or circumvent just suggests how unfit as a species we have become. The concept of conscious rightness/wrongness thought is just an example of the items I've listed in the previous sentence. Ultimately, the unconscious evolutionary imperatives will win out, in which we listen or become extinct.
Is this a new twist on St. Brendan? Erin Go Bragh []
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Assuming that even if the irish immigration were accidental, there is a North Atlantic current (see blue line on photo) that could of conceivably have brought an errant set of voyagers in contact with the Georgias and Carolinas coast. it is likely that celtic fisherman and sailors ventured far enough away enough from Ireland shores to catch the current off the shores of Iceland, become a viable colonizing population. Emigrating would have to be their intent. Unless I am mistaken, most fishing and sailing crews were predominantly male. A male only crew stranded on the Carolina shores could not maintain a colony of Irish emigres. Without females, they could not sustain the population unless: 1) They purposely brought females along on the voyage with the intent of colonization; or 2) They interbred with local indigenous inhabitants; or 3) They had a regular supply route between the Carolinas and Ireland. If the later (3) is true, it seems that some written record should exist of this phenomenon, even if recorded as a rumor. The Spanish were deeply invested in world exploration and prolific recorders of history (biased by religious paradigm, but prolific recorders none the less). This post no way seeks to disparage the article, or even the possibility of an pre-Columbus colonization. Just posing some things to think about.
"An Anglo-Saxon gold pendant, found near a site where a similar item worth £145,000 was dug up, ...
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
I wonder what would happen in the US, if as a country we declared our prehistoric ceramic finds as "treasure"? Many of the pieces pot hunted in the American SW have been valued in the hundred of thousands. If we declared them as treasures, perhaps the US would retain more of the prehistoric artifacts. Last I heard, more US prehistoric ceramics exist in private collections and museum collections in Europe and Asia, than in the US
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
She is indeed very attractive, but not my preferred body type
Wow! What is there to say? []
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
And Trump is the anti-christ. That makes her a good witch. Lol
Changes in diet may have led to changes in speech.
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
When I was getting my degree in archaeology, I took a classes in environmental anthropology and in paleoanthropology. We learned that as environments changed adaptations occurred with along with the changes. Its not so deterministic as natural selection. As a new food source made its way into the diet of populations, those best suited to masticating the new entrants had a selective advantage over those that did not. Also, the ability to breakdown and digest the cellulose and fiberous plant material in the new plant foods had an advantage. Therefore, both mastication and digestion evolved hand in hand with dentition and jaw adaptation. Those that were able to acquire both were again at a selective advantage. Language changes were a secondary advancement adjoining the change in jaw and dental changes. One of the key evolutionary developments that humans developed was a complex communications structure (aka. Language). Early survival depended upon complex vocalizations and communications. Early humans were much smaller than their prey and their predators. It took a greater complexity to communicate cooperative tasks, thus society developed. Therefore, it is no so much deterministic, rather just a good case for natural selection over many generations, not overnight.
?⭐ My last post of the day .... Enjoy and make it last until the morning lol
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
She looks like she needs a hug.
Chelsea Clinton being blamed for the Christchurch shooting is peak 2019 stupidity.
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
No rhetoric, just rampant name calling. Come on, up your game. In this highly charged political environment it is easy to get carried away. In order to garner respect it is highly advantageous to speak to the issues and engage in less name calling. I should know, learned the hard way. Words do matter. The Arab students had a point about the import and impact Chelsea's words. Afterall, Chelsea has name recognition and therefore greater impact than the average Joe on the street. Likewise, Chelsea a well known defender of civil rights has some legitimate currency in her opinions, but may have spoken too quickly in this instance. The abstract point they were making is important. Its important to realize that the abstract point that made by the arab students is not that so different than the ststement made by Omar. Omar's remarks were taken out of context and her major point was lost by the noise from those who wished to find fault, no matter what she said. Omar used poor judgement in employing a traditional trope in her description. Whrther she realized she was doing that or not is debatable.
geographic geometry
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Let me share in kind more NM geographic geometry. Just a little further west of you.
Have you noticed the people who do not want to help refugees because we have our own poor don't want...
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
A win for the Sioux tribe! The US Army has announced the Dakota Access Pipeline will NOT pass ...
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
About fucking time somebody got there head out there ass and make a correct decision.
Good Morning all. I am back. It was not a heart attack, just vertigo. What caused it?
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Glad you are back among us. Take it easy.
Muslim countries do not accept Christian churches in their territory and do not accept atheists, ...
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
My are we generalizing and stereotyping now. I've heard Muslim leaders apologize for their misguided brothern. The assumption that given more representatives in government they would suddenly become radicalized is naive and paranoid. And the chances of this country adopting Sharia Law is equally ludicrous.
I like this one.
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Interesting. Most of the groupings and labels makes sense. I consider myself pretty geographically knowlegable, but I did identify one area that I realized that I really did not know as much as I thought. I thought the Ozarks was further east, more towards Tennesse and Kentucky, not Missouri and Arkansas.
Knowledge you need? LOL
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
A good trivia question. What country is north, south, east and west of Iceland.
People for sale: Where lives are auctioned for $400 - CNN
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
We are so sheltered here in the US from real news that is happening in world outside our borders. I would be willing to bet that 90% of the country is unaware that this is happening. I would also be willing to conjecture that 90% would prefer not to know. Ignorance is bliss as the saying goes.
Ann-Margret. Makes me hungry for beans and chocolate (points for pegging that reference).
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
A view of Ms. Margaret I don't think Ive ever seen. Lol
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Her cup runneth over in many ways
t1nick comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Rick Santorum on CNN
If you can't stop spewing crap out your mouth, wind yourself up a little more and start to fling ...
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Sounds like most conservatives I know.
During what time period did white people become the majority of humans in what is now the United ...
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
It is known. Between 1500 and mid-1800's westward expansion by Europeans marginalized Native tribes into smaller and smaller areas of land using the excuse of Manifest Destiny. The largest human genocide in human history occurred during this period across both the Americas. Numerous atrocities against Native Americans span the hundreds of years from the first arrival of European explorers to the modern era under a wide range of circumstances. Today there are over 500 Native American tribes in the United States, each with a distinct culture, way of life and history. Even today, Native Americans face large challenges to cope with the disadvantages history has left them and ongoing cases of discrimination. 10 million+ Estimated number of Native Americans living in land that is now the United States when European explorers first arrived in the 15th century. Less than 300,000 Estimated number of Native Americans living in the United States around 1900. 5.2 million identified as American Indian or Alaska Native in the 2010 census Disease The most significant reason for Natives decline was disease – an invisible killer that wiped out an estimated 90% of the population. Unlike the Europeans and Asians, whose lifestyle had a long history of sharing close quarters with domesticated animals, Native Americans were not immune to pathogens spread by domesticated cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and horses. As a result, millions were killed by measles, influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria, typhus, bubonic plague, cholera, scarlet fever and syphilis. Atrocities Against Native Americans For example, in the case of the colonization of the Americas, where 90% of the indigenous people of the Americas were wiped out in 500 years of European colonization, it can be debatable whether genocide occurs when disease is considered the main cause of population decline since the introduction of disease was mostly unintentional. Genocide of indigenous peoples The population figure of indigenous peoples of the Americas before the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus has proven difficult to establish. Scholars rely on archaeological data and written records from European settlers. Most scholars writing at the end of the 19th century estimated that the pre-Columbian population was as low as 10 million; by the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitated to a middle estimate of around 50 million, with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more.[1] Contact with the Europeans led to the European colonization of the Americas, in which millions of immigrants from Europe eventually settled in the Americas. ...
Antifa stands for anti-fascists.
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Twin set of twins.
Trump: His "Very Fine People," & The Killer in New Zealand are Connected
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Hate crimes and crimes of violence against minorities is up 186% since 2016.
WHO comes up with this stuff?
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
They'll do anything to discredit. AOC. including outright lie. Speaks to their morals and ethics.
?? A very sexy Senorita.... You like spicy? You like hot?
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Muy bueno
⭐ good morning all! TGIF! I was feeling a little down yesterday but I actually perked up to my ...
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Glad your day picked up yesterday. Have a nice day today.
Y'all know I'm a costume person. I found this a while back, and just adored it.
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Wow thats an intricate costume and love the color coordination, especially hair
? a happy girl in beautiful under thingys looking for... Fill in the blank.
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Nice lingerie
What do you all think of the Christchurch shooting that just happened in NZ?
t1nick comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Its still an active shooter incident. Shooters not captured, killed, or in custody. Correction, one captued, white male in military style camo. One doesn't normally associate NZ with this type of violence. A shame.
The 40 Year Slide | Real Progressives
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
It was intetesting indeed. But after reading I'm still not clear who the neoliberal actually are. I like some of his conclusuons, but confused by others. This will take a multiple reading to sort out what's and who's. I am also not clear on the tenets of MMT.
There are no secular country artists left in this world. Prove me wrong.
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Who cares, they're country artists. Lol. Just sayin'.
Let me never engage with a person who wants to wear a genital go-pro camera during sex. []
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Should I try this? LOL time I want to look like a butt, I will!
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Alien housewife.......wooooooooo!
Would you like a wonderful day at the beach like this?
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Now I know why I like the beach so much. Lol
Update on Sassygirl3869/Lisa: Lisa is still in Albany Medical Center, resting comfortably.
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Good luck and get well.
It is my sincerest nerd hope that mankind returns to the Moon and steps for on Mars in my lifetime.
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Many people do not realize how much of our present technology found its initial beginnings in the space program. New advances would fillow with a. re-invoration of the space program.
US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as “Watershed Event” ...
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Rubio's knowledge so soon after the occur could be construed as suspicious. I guess he didn't learn from the Roger Stone, Wikileaks, and Trump screw up. Lol. On the 2010 memo and Guido connection. It sounds like a good analysis of a systems weakness. The fact it took 9 years to realize, on the surface seems to deflect suspicion away from Guido. That is unless he was working hand in glove with Rubio. Lol.
So...What R U up 2 ?
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Pensive and beautiful
Welcome to @ ArtemisDivine for joining Common Ground, Please read the group guidelines and feel free...
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Welcome. Jump right in.
Spaces Shape
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Shape of space, or the shape of the expanding Universe. Last hypotheisi I heard is the expsnding Universe is a toroid (donut).
And 2 missiles fired from northern Gaza toward Tel Aviv.
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Given the horrific living conditions imposed upon the Palestinians in the Gaza and West Bank, is it surprising that desperate people turn to violence. In an apartheid situation like that which exists in Isreal today, violence is to expected. The conservative Gov't and ultra-fundamental settlers have created an untenable situation.
Why Beto Sucks []
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Now that he's officially in the ring for the presidency, lets see who he accepts campaign support from. While running for senate he could hide behind Texas big money - oil and gas. Now he's in the bigger game. he won't be able to hide so easily.
US court rules families can sue gun maker over Sandy Hook shooting
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
If we can't get Congress to act to pass adequate and realistic gun regulation laws, lets hit the gun industry where it really hurts, in the pocket book. I hate frivolous liability law suits, but I hate lack of accountability on the the part of the gun industry even more (not too diffetent that the fight we had with the tobacco industry). May the 60+% of Americans who favor gun legislation get at least some satisfaction if the Sandy Hook families prevail.
In honor of the day, here is a site that lets you search the first 200 million digits of pi.
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Checked out a million. How fun.
I believe the translation here is "If you cannot hide your crime, make it look like an accident."
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Unfortunately in 1980's a philosophy creeped into our social culture that believed that, "it's only a crime if you get caught.". This philosophy was always present, but never so prevalent as it has become since the Reagan years. Its now mainstream in our politicians.
small reminder
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I forgot today was pi day. Thanks for the reminder.
Trump grounds those airplanes.... Finally did something right! Too little, too late?
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
His attempt at CYA
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Everybody has the right to have an off day. Hope your day brightens. Do some crafts project with Suzy, maybe that will lighten the day.
I want to let everyone know that Sassygirl3869 - Lisa, was hospitalized today for heart issues.
t1nick comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Uh oh. Give my regards and hope she recovers quickly and feels better soon.
Welcome to our group @Susan4birds .... ?
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
[] We still have power!! ??❄️
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Yes. It can snow all the way into the middle of May on the front range. Although last few winters have been sparser than this one with snow and rain.
?Create a caption yourself....
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Did I just do that?
If trump was to be impeached the senate wouldn't convict, but even if they did pence would pardon ...
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Yes for now
Fox News claims that Trump haters are going so far as to attack his children! I beg to differ.
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
How soon we forget how the Republicans went after Chelsea Clinton. Selective memory. May the Trump children rest in jail along with their father.
The Central U.S. Is About to Get Hit With a Bomb Cyclone
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
We got a skiff of snow Tuesday night in westernmost New Mexico, but we do have 50-60 mph winds today. The tempetatures are just beliw 32 °F. , but wind chill is minus another 10° colder.
Bible signed by Trump sells on eBay for $325
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Overpriced, must of had a straw bidder in the audience.
Testicular bill - demanding men to wear condoms, etc. Won't pass, but check it out and what say ye?
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Whats wrong with demanding men carry some of the burden with regards to sex.
I thought I'd throw a curveball today....
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Nice curve ball.
I'm so vain I probably think this post is about me ??lol
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
?? talk about skin tight! Woohoo!
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
You might say, "sculpted to her body".
"What will you do to me?
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
#1. Walled Garden by Sherri Aldawood #2 Laura Richards. Walled Garden #3 Victorian #12. Artist unknown # 4. Victorian woman, Zinne
? she's quite a beauty.... Yes?
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Sweet smile.
A scavenger hunt with a purpose.
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I'll see what I can do. No promises
I just joined the group "Republican Atheists" because I'm fascinated just what sort of animal that ...
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I see in the photo he is using a tank barrel to compensate for his small hands. Sort of like rednecks and lift kits on pickups. Bet it doesn't work right either.
Back from NH and court today.
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
So sorry the saga continues. Good luck.
Hello Everyone, I am new here and would love to get into some conversations.
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I asked, "why do we need a revolution?
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Sounds like a reasonable question to me. Thomas Jefferson sure thought so.
Hi everyone.
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Welcome although you probably came to the group before me. Lol. Ask away anytime.
Things are getting pretty tense inside the party... []
t1nick comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I get the feeling from the article Cheney was underimpressed with Trump and Pence. When evil is unimpressed by other evil that is presently leading the country. well thay doesn't bode well for anyone. Lol
Every time I am reminded that I've been blocked from the Conservative Atheists group, I laugh my ass...
t1nick comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Me too.
Amazing how the Repub "moderates" claim to hate Trump but go on and on about what a great president ...
t1nick comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Reagan was not the panacea that Republicans claim. Of his least egregious actions was the fact that he said little of substance in his speeches. Most of his speeches were feel good. "Atta boy" , "RahRah" speeches where he told his base what they wanted to hear (not unlike Trump). His next egregious actions is his invention of "plausible deniability". His Adminstration surrounded him with a layer of bureacrats that he deferred to as opposed to him understanding the issues and esablishing policy. That way if someting went awry (aka. Iran-Contra Debacle) he could deny any knowledge or complicity. Unfortunately Trump is not that bright. At least Reagan's cabinet selections were generrally competant as opposed to the set ogrifters and incompetants put in position by Trump and his Republicans. Everybody says that Reagan brought down the Soviet Union. Thats like saying Trump won the election on his own merits (on the contrary, Hillary lost the election by her own arrogance). The Soviet Union overextended themselves and spread themselves out too thin economically. The Soviets were waging war on too many fronts and it broke them. Reagan does deserve credit for keeping the pressure up, but the Soviet Union had already set their own demise into action. Reagans Administration fostered in the war on education. The results we are seeing today with Trump his supporters war on facts. The concept of alternative facts, fake news, and the denial of Science gots it beginning under Reagan. The rise and marriage of the Evangelical influence on Republicans and politics began under Reagan. Falwell and his minions inserted themselves into the White House and never left. Witness Falwell's son, the Tea Party, and the Freedom (Fascist) Caucus and their influence on Trump and the social dialog. Ideologs all. It was under Reagan that trickle down economics was born. It didnt work then, it doesnt work now. The most recent tax cut package is witness to that. Companies are using tax break saving to do stock buy backs and to pay higher dividends to share holders and large executive bonuses (as was predicted). Reagan expanded the national debt, and it took Clinton to balance the budget and get the country back in the black. This is the short list of Reagan's failinga. There are more.
Caution! Approaching perfection!
t1nick comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I agree. My preference for sure.
t1nick comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Agree CB. I like tats, but they have to well designed and put together.
[] Please respond... Do you guys see this post?
t1nick comments on Mar 11, 2019:
No error message.
My view of the Garden of Eden story.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
It you want to add to the story of the fictional garden of eden, look up Lilith, Adam's first wife.
Yipee !!.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Join the club. Never used the block, but been the recipient by those who prefer their own echo chamber to dialogue.
These satellite images are solid proof that socialism just doesn’t work.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
The blackness you see on the satellite images is due to the fact that both N.Korea and Cuba are very mountainous. Thus a good portion of each country is rural or undeveloped. In order to see lights you need development and infrastructure. In the American rural landscape we have cities (towns), well developed infrastructure located every few miles. Cities are full of lights, thus visible lighr pollution from space. In third world counties like these two, the rural landscape is much less developed, thus fewer towns, thus fewer lights to ser. Is this due to their government not investing and developing their rural landscape? Or is it due to a landscape not conducive to the type of large scale rural development like we see in our Midwest. Possibly, but that is not something you can surmise from the photos without further supporting evidence.


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