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Does the concept of human dignity need to be justified?
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Point One is essentially a ridiculous proposition. Its more like we created God in our image. Point Two is equally ridiculous, the proposition smacks of complete ethnocentrism. We are just another biological species on this planet. We evolved a tool that is called abstract thought. It gives us the ability to modify our immediate environment, but it also shields us from those instinctual urges that actually protects us from being unfit (evolutionarily speaking) for our environment. this fact alone will lead us to our demise of the human species as we move further and further from our evolutionary fitness. Each species of organism on our planet has evolved specializations that allow them to survive and proliferate in their adapted environment. Eagles have wings, talons, a beak adapted for tearing its prey, and exceeding acute eye sight. The mangrove is adapted to briny environment that is so brackish as to be untenable for other plant semi-terrestrial/semi-aquatic plant life. Etc. Its just one more adaptation,nothing more nothing less. When humans arose from their quadrapetal ancestors, it became necessary to find an adaptive strategy that would allowed them to survive. After all, their prey was significantly larger than them (aka. Mastodon, mammoth, Athabascan bison, etc,). It took communications, community organization, and tools manufacturing to ring them down. Also the animals that preyed upon them were equally as large and daunting (cave bear, Smilodon, etc). Natural selection gave us a larger and abstract thinking brain, but its just one more tool in the lexicon of evolution of organisms on this planet. Point three describes the rationalizations that humans use to elevate themselves above other species on the planet. It is fallaceous as a single virus can render the entire species extinct given the right adaptation and the right circumstances (which we are approaching given population, transportation,and sanitation). Now on to dignity. I think all organism express dignity as long as they are maintaining their evolutionary fitness for their environment. When their adaptive strategies fail, they either adapt to new circumstances or go extinct. The dignity is their evolutionary success.
I like this site even though I quit, for a short while.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Sorry folks still struggling with flu.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Get better Lisa. I'll just act irreverant on my own to honor our trivia night. Lol
What do you think about Trump’s appointees? []
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Not much
Do you think Hillary could choke Trump in a battle?
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Are speaking literally or figuratively? Lol. The former I might actually pay to see. Lol
Sorry about the back, I just need to put something in my oven!
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
I'll take mine over easy please. Lol
Gun Deaths in 2018 Japan: 10 Sweden: 41 Switzerland: 47 UK: 50 Israel: 105 Australia: 207 ...
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Let me clarify one point I made. I stayed that 2nd Amendment enthusiasts reacted through the irrational portion of their brain. That statement is true. Most ardent 2nd Amendment supporyers react with the visceral/emotional portion of their brain. Ususually not so much with the logical areas of the brain. That is not to say that a logical. rational argument concerning practical, equitable gun control legislation can't be had, but not as long as they are operating from the wrong side of their brain.
About to read Atlas Shrugged again. I do think it's relevant these days.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Atlas Shrugged formed an important role in my early adult life, but not for the typical reasons. I was enamored with her defense if intellectuals in this book. Because of my youthful inexperience, I overlooked her underlying economic message and bias. I became the secretary for the local college Objectivists Society, did an independent study for philosophy credit on her argument about Naturalism vs. Romanticism. It wasn't until I got older that I understood the defense of laizzez faire economics is flawed snd unsupportable. I still remember the book fondly and have read it more than once, but understand it differently now. Afterall, "Who us John Galt?"
Gun Deaths in 2018 Japan: 10 Sweden: 41 Switzerland: 47 UK: 50 Israel: 105 Australia: 207 ...
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Convincing a 2nd Amendment enthusiast (polite version) that the NRA or their stance might just be flawed and contrary to common sense is like trying yo convince a fundamental christian that God does not exist. Comes from the same part of the brain, the stubborn irrational part.
? hi.. I'm a snow bunny.... You got any snowballs I can with?
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
No snowballs, but glad to warm you up when come in from the cold.
The history books will not be kind.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
I think I see a trend. Its time to include a swatstika patch on the side of each MAGA hat to complete the message.
Haii I am abhishek from india?
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
These satellite images are solid proof that socialism just doesn’t work.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
N. Korea is not socialist, it is an all out dictatorship. Cuba may or may not have been more successful, but we'll never know. Our embargo and blockage has as much to do with its failure as the its moving to socialism. Just like Venezuela, its not its socialist governmental choice, rather its the embargos and sanctions against its oul and gas exports that have destroyed the economy. Venezuela's oil and gas export industry comprises more than 90% of its economy. You ignore that much of both of the two countries remain rural. Rurality in third world countries fo not resemble rurality as seen in our country. Rurality in third world countries lack infrastructure which would appear on a night time satellite photo as light pollution. This is not to defend N. Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela, just pointing out that your logic is flawed and your examples are specious. You are making asdumptions and claims that are unsupportable.
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Tough one. The choice is not so black and white. Lol
Without doing any polls, Tell me if you are for or against legalizing weed,, And would you want it ...
t1nick comments on Mar 10, 2019:
I think it should be legalized. Its pain mediiation ability is well known. My ex had severe fibro myalgia and pot was the only thing that relieved her intense pain. I come from Colorado originally and have seen the growing pains that the state experienced with pot legality. But also see it coming to grips with the coincident issues. I also have seen numbers of individuals living much happier and productive lives because of pain mediation effects of pot. Lives they would not otherwise be able to live.
In my opinion Noam sums up things very well in this interview.
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Noam Chomsky was of the foremost intellectuals of our recent time.
I think writing a post on this group's page that starts out with "What an idiot.
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
When Ken invited me to join the group, I assumed that the level of discourse would become and remain more articulate and measured. I agree with Astro Chuck. I have gone out my way to leave the vitriol for the general postings and focus on just delivering the merits of the argument in ftont of me.
Any skeptical conservatives on here?
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
That's an oxymoron. Lol
Gestapo begins at 29:12. []
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I'm a left pole resident. Not a fan of the young turks per se. Not their politics, just their style. Now for relevance, this does sound gestapo-like. A direct attack on the first amendment.
The vaccine study you'll never see
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I get the feeling that the majority of people at believe in vaccines. I did run across one viralent anti-vaccine person last summer, but haven't seen him in 6 or 7 months ( thank heavens he was viralent, pun intended - lol).
That’s me...
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Pelosi has lost control of the New Democrats and I hope it bites the democrat party on the ass.
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
You wish Trajan. Time will tell.
Welcome to the new member @Storm1752 Thanks for joining, I couldn't sent you a pm, your account ...
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
"Rousseauians say we are a naturally peaceful species corrupted by society.
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Humans by having the ability for abstract thought and the further ability to use that abstract ability to modify their environment, have suppressed and damped down their instincts in the modificationd they have created. As such, they have lost contact with their instinctual messaging. This makes them essentially unfit in evolutionary terms for their environment. Eventually their ability to deflect and hide from their environment will fail them and extinction or near extinction will follow. Whether they have a innate proclivity for peaceful existance or a violent nature will become irrelevant. Evolution is about tension. Tension between a species and the ever changing environment within which it dwells. Some tensions are resolved easily and simply by natural selection. Some are resolved with tremendous stress exerted on the species before an adaption that is more fit and successful occurs. In most cases "Lord of the Flies (Hobbsian) seems to predominate over Roussean solutions.
Books popular in libraries around the world
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I have heard of all of them and have read many.
Haha, the "Fake Melania controversy"... birther number 1 deserves it! []
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Wouldn't surprise me one bit.
Do you want to be right or do you want to win, and no you cannot have both.
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
It depends how much of my ethics and morals I have to abandon to be a winner. Winning without ethics and morals is a foul repast. Its hard to get that bad tasste out of your mouth.
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Have gun.
?? double trouble... Can you handle both of us big boy?
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Might be a fun and interesting challenge. Lol
Let them steal electronics
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Christian-Jewish publications I had heard Christians were donating money to send Jews to Israel in ...
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
That has been their premise for years, especially Evangelicals. It forms the basis of the Jewish policy by the RNC. Most Evangelicals and Christian Republicans believe that the apocalypse is near and are doing what they can to hasten its coming. This includes moving the capital of Isreal to Jerusalem.
t1nick comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Noooo, they didn't like his policies....that were right of Reagan.
t1nick comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Why tell the truth when you can obscure the truth for your own agenda. Obama actually didn't do enough to address the race issue until his last two years in office. He spent the first 6 years trying to avoid any race discussion because he knew as the first black president, his detractors would immediately accuse him of racism. All he did was acknowledge it existed in the end. The thing that upset the racists was not Obama's stance and policies, but rather the fact that he was a black man and the president. That fact alone scared the racists shitless.
This weeks scavenger hunt.
t1nick comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Ahhhh. That first cup of coffee.
Ilhan Omar Is TEARING The Democratic Party Apart By Revealing HYPOCRISY! - YouTube
t1nick comments on Mar 8, 2019:
The entire policy regarding Israel is steeped in hypocracy in both parties.
Thought I might show you something from my stone pickings in my fields, I know what it is, do you?
t1nick comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Not enough info. Could use views from other angles and bottom.
Is white a sexy color?
t1nick comments on Mar 7, 2019:
It is now
I only had a couple of pics pulled.
t1nick comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Not particularly. Facials are a turn off.
Appreciate the fashion
t1nick comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Indeed, indeed
t1nick comments on Mar 6, 2019:
The Republicans just don't get it. All the data reinforces that the area that truly needs reinforcing is at the border crossings. they need new and more advanced technology. Only small segments of the overland wall need building or refurbishing. all the data, aka. " facts", support the idea that the wall as envisioned by TRump is a tremendous waste of money. The only reason he's building it and wasting American money is so he can give his followers some red meat. His followers do not care about the tremendous waste of money or that it was a dog whistle issue that has no factual basis in reality.
Who knows her?
t1nick comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Are you thinking Geri Ryan from Star Trek? I don't think that this is her?
?good morning people... Here's my gift you this morning...
t1nick comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Nice gift. Thank you.
t1nick comments on Mar 4, 2019:
Big Pharma has large lobbying efforts in Washington D.C. Quite possibly the largest lobbying effort existing in Washington. The government has made it illegal to negotiate with the drug companies to get better prices. It is all about corruption, with Congress persons accepting big kickbacks for pushing their agenda. It also comes down to the doctors. Doctors are targeted by the Pharma companies who visit their offices and push their products. They also offer doctors kickbacks for recommending and prescribing their products. Doctors, who are pressed for time, listen to the sales pitch, which usually does not include all the contra-indicatives that occur with the product. Again because of time constraints, the doctors rarely get around to investigating the contra-indicatives on their own. So they actually end up causing other problems due to side effects on occasions that then need treating. Society at large has its share of the blame. We have come so used to looking for a quick and easy way out. We just want a pill that will address all out ills. Most medicines just mask the malady at best. Most medicines and most doctors do not cure illnesses. They apply pharmaceutical band aids to the the illnesses that effect us. The medicines just mask a symptom, but do not address the real causes of the illnesses.The illness then moves elsewhere in the body and shows up as a different malady. But never gets cured. Doctors play this game quite effectively. It keeps them in work perpetually and is easier than getting their patients to really do what is needed. That is what people want them to do. They do not really want to do the work that is needed which involves diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Pharma woks on simple economics of supply and demand. They convince us that we NEED their product, the doctors reinforce this message, and peoples natural resistance to doing the hard work, keeps medical care beyond what if should be.
What are your thoughts on "white privilege?
t1nick comments on Mar 3, 2019:
White privilege is a very broad and complex issue. Sometimes its blatant, others times it is so subtle, but impactful for those on the receiving end. Begin with the concept of colonialism. As explorers and conquerors, the conqueroring nation almost always relegates the indigenous peoples the status of 2nd class citizens. As 2nd class status they are constantly reminded of their inferiority as perceived by the colonizing power. The put upon class is powerless to retaliate short of outright revolution or violence, or they or their family is unmercilessly punished. Ths colonized peoples are stripped of their land, their rights, and their culture. They are forced to adapt a new culture for which they can never participate as an equal participant. Now how does this relate to the modern American society. Western Europeans took over this country by brute force. They were imperialistic colonizers in every sense of the word. At first it was held by superior weaponry. As the colonizers stole and settled the continent from ocean to ocean, the weapons gave way to control of the new weapon, finances. The white colonizers controlled the access to all finances. Native Americans were relegated to out of the way locations (reservations) at the time, thought to be generally useless land, undesired by whites. Blacks were owned and bought and sold as cattle. Hispanics had their traditional lands stolen, and were belittled as inferior once again. For the next 150 years , up to today, minorities (includes women) were forced to live under a different set of rules. And once again they had no way to stand up for themselves. The rules and laws were set up to protect the white class and stacked against minorities (and still are). Jim Crow, Lynchings, kkk burning crosses, overly harsh jail times and penalties were exacted against anyone who raised a hand against a white member of society. Whites knew that they could do almost anything to a member of a minority (including women) with impunity. Leaders in society were white, most law enforcement officers were white, judges were white, economic leaders were white. Minorities had no recourse in which to turn. The sad part is that these suppressed groups knew they were living by a diffetent set of rules. That an institutional double standard existed. The even sadder part is that the children of these white rulers of society were aware of it as well. Children have a tendency to be very cruel. This becomes exceptionally pronounced if you believe another group is below you and deemed inferior. Coupled with the knowledge that you, as a white person, will be believed over any group you are abusing or discrimenating against. These children grow up to be even larger societal abusers and ...
This neme expresses my feeling & that of the majority of my compadres:
t1nick comments on Mar 3, 2019:
There was a very significant post last weekend that explained how Socialism is not the reason for Venezuela's problems. 96% of Venezuela's economic export is oil and gas. Sanctions on exporting oil and gas has caused the collapse of Venezuela's economy. That was not done by Socialism. The Soviet Union was not Socialist. It was Communist, which is slightly different in its objectives and its application. Words matter if one is going to make generalizations and accusations. Cuba was Socialist and like many Socialist experiments became corrupt. The difference is that if given the change brought about by Obama in opening Cuba up, it would solve itself. Cubans are so hungry for what the US has, that the shear weight of the masses would make it capitalist in a matter of months. Again, the experiment that the liberals are contemplating is Democratic Socialism, not Socialism. They are different. See photos below:
Attached you'll find the definition of Socialism as published in Webster's dictionary.
t1nick comments on Mar 3, 2019:
Liberals are not moving towards Socialism. That is a purposeful mislead by Republicans to disparage the left. What AOC and others are talking about is Democratic Socialism. A completely different animal (see photos below).
Discussing socialism
t1nick comments on Mar 3, 2019:
It is important thay we use terms and definitions correctly. The left is not talking about moving towards Socialism. What we are talking about is Democratic Socialism, which is a completely different animall (see photos below). Democratic Socialism is about a more equitable method of creating policy that takes the various factions in society into account as opposed to the top 1% only.
The country has experimented with a few new concepts including electing a black candidate and now an...
t1nick comments on Mar 3, 2019:
Gorka is a fool, along with the rest of the fools at the CPAC. Democratic Socialism is not communism. Fear mongering.
Mississippi passes Anti-Richard Dawkins law [] Edit: This is satire.
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Hey this Mississippi where ignorance is a pasttime and an occupation.
In the late 1970s and 1980s a huge amount of highly productive research data were generated on ...
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
As a 30 year veteran of teaching high school, I couldn't agree more.
I have a question to members of this group.
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
I was a field archaeologist from 1975 to 1983. I worked for the University of Arizona and the state Anthropology Museum field team. I now teach Science on the Navajo Reservation. I have 20 years of experience teaching Native American schools. My first teaching job was on the Hopi Reservation. It was there that I learned to respect the people who belong to those antiquities. Later I taught for 14 years at the Santa Fe Indian School where my colleagues were involved in getting the Indian Repatriation Act passed and instituted. Today I teach on the Navajo Reserve in wrstern NM. To answer your question, I would leave the remains in place unless they were in immenent danger of destruction or vandalism. Then contact the State Archaeologists Office with detail description and location. Also contact Navajo Nation Archaeologists Office in Window Rock, AZ. There are many non-invasive ways to get significant scientific/cultural information without excavating or removing. Thats for professionals who have the technology at their disposal.
Who remembers? All these years later, they're still my favorites.
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
SNL original cast
Does anyone remenber the name of two Japanese films made in the 1970's?
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
It was Tompopo I and II. A lot of fun.
Which three would you keep?
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Coffee tacos dogs
I think she’s beautiful, unique, and oh, so talented!
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Interesting collage
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet.
t1nick comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Fit is hot
A little tough love
t1nick comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Reporting for duty. Ready to follow orders. Woo hoo
A sad story: Man sentenced in Nevada for looting Native American sites.
t1nick comments on Feb 28, 2019:
The biggest pothunters of Mimbres prehistoric ruins in southern New Mexico has been elders in he Morman church. These individuals have made millions either for themselves of for the Morman Church. Entire prehistoric villages have been wiped off the face of the Earth in search of looted prehistoric pottery.
Apparently the left hasn't decried racism enough to alleviate their white guilt.
t1nick comments on Feb 28, 2019:
poor conservative snowflake
Considering they’re small contribution to the global warming picture and the fact that they’re ...
t1nick comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Most of your claims are patently false. The carbon budget of cattle and dairy ranching is significant. I worked for NASA in 2010 measuring the methane and ethane output of these industries. Piles of cattle feces in dairies farms and feed lots outgas significant methane. Piles of feed corn on site ferment and outgas ethane. Cattle outgas lots of methane. 2) Cattle ranching has been the chief cause of the degradation of lands in the west. Historic overgrazing has changed environments and habitats. Runoff and downcutting of channels was increased, significantly, after the introduction of cattle to an area. The presance of invasive species (fields of prickly pear cactus) throughout the west are signs of ovrrgrazing. The grasslands you refer to are not the original grasslands. They are replacement grasslands as result of overgrazing (not native species). Example: The San Pedro River cut down over 30 feet in just the first few years after introducing cattle to the Arizona desert. More 10X more downcutting prior to introduction. Soil erosion and so depletion are a direct result of overgrazing. The presance of invasive species (fields of prickly pear cactus) throughout the west are signs of ovrrgrazing. The grasslands you refer to are not the original grasslands. 3) Tremendous amounts of pristine rain forest are being cut down to turn it into grasslands for grazing. The grasses do a lot less of carbon dioxide conversion and oxygen release than do the native forests. 4) Beef is the most expensive food to produce on the planet. The amount of biomass that goes into producing a beef steer is greater than any other type of meat. Its is also labor intensive to get from field to market.
It's theory..
t1nick comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Exactly. I would say that at least 90% of people have absolutely no knowledge of the the difference between an hypothesis and a theory. The word theory is misused about 95% of the time. They usually are referring to a hypotheis.
I don't have this kind of luck.
t1nick comments on Feb 26, 2019:
A dangerous religion that Continues to grow like a putrid cancer.
t1nick comments on Feb 25, 2019:
This is just like Christians using scriptures out of context to justify their arguments. E.g. In the Old Testament: An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Just as easily seen as a vengeful and violent religion. Its a weak argument when you take quotes out of context, and an even weaker mind those who believe them.
?Create your own caption... Best caption wins a kiss ?
t1nick comments on Feb 25, 2019:
I've waited long enough. You have something better going somewhere else?
It's obvious she wants to bite something! lol
t1nick comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Just a snack before bedtime?
Happy Monday! I have been gone for quite some time, and I’m happy to be back.
t1nick comments on Feb 25, 2019:
t1nick comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Hugh Hefner????? Lol
I'm conflicted on this one.
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
White privilege in its most obvious
This is a short video of 3 donkeys making a great escape! Too funny! []
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
?Create your own caption... Best caption wins a kiss ?
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I've been waiting long enough. You have something better goin' on?
?how do you guys like cute girls?
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
This is more to my liking.
Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump | Michael Stone
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Let them huddle in their little prayer circles and pray. It occupies their time and keeps them busy enough that they stay out of rational peoples hair and effect less damage.
Art of the something.
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Are we tired of winning yet?
In the biography - Einstein - His Life and Universe, by Walter Isaacson, the author says that ...
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I remember growing up that I was taught that Einstein was an indifferent student in college (much like Charles Darwin). Not that he was failing, but that he was not excited by his collegiate experience. It wasn't until he began working in the Patent Office did he become excited and focused.
Anyone got a problem with this statement / definition? It seems spot on to me...
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Try this one CB.
Debaters, Are you bracing for a much awaited but most likely to be washed down, not-release, ...
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I look forward to the subpoenas that will occur after the report comes out.
A Multiple Choice Question Pick one or more ideas from below that you think we should implement ...
t1nick comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I like #1 - #5. Need to think about #6 ,a little more.
Major Study Finds the US Is An Oligarchy
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Tell that to the conservatives who think we still have a Democracy.
This makes me better about Jessie.
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Blah, blah, blah
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Arhaus is a very, very, very fine house. Two cats in the yard. Life used to be so hard. Now everything is easy because of you. Lol
I think I may invest in a helmet and shoulder protection first... []
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Just be careful for that one unpredictable angry male. Some males don't like their percieved male entitlement challenged or questioned.
Parting the Red Sea
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
A gold serpent pendant from Viking Age Denmark | Irish Archaeology
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Beautiful work.
The most distant object ever detected is GN-z11 (As far as I'm aware) at 13.
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
One of the paradoxes regarding the Universe involves whether the Universe is still expanding and whether sometime in the future is will cease to expand and begin to contract. If hypothetically everything was brought together in the Big Bang event. This means by inference that everything that existed previously was destroyed in the event. Therefore, the only matter that exists is that which was introduced in the subsequent event. Likewise, if the Universe is expanding, then it must have an outer edge, as matter wasn't magically scattered everywhere automatically in the explosion. If it has an edge (outer limit) and the only matter extant is that existing in the expanding Universe, then hypothetically the area outside the outer most edge doesn't exist. That is to say, its not empty, it just doesn't exist. Until matter and time are introduced as the Universe expands, then it doesn't exist. The last description I've heard regarding the Univere's shape is that of a toroid (a donut). That means that if it were possible for a ship to reach the outer edge, it wouldn't continue forward, but wrap around the outside of the toroid. The ship couldn't continue forward, as there is no forward.
Ocasio Cortez is bad news for America and what’s even worse is most of the democrat presidential ...
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Ahhh, FOXNEWS, not a legitimate source. Propaganda machine of the illigitimate president.
? you don't bring me flowers... Anymore.... WHERE'S MY FLOWERS!
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Agreed. Thats why we need to get rid if the old guard in both parties. The country needs new blood and fresh ideas. The House has made a start, but the Senate is still the old white male fossils that ran out of fresh ideas 20 years ago.
I'm thinking about summer.
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I attended the PowWow on the Grand River Reserve in Ontario, Canada several years ago. I have. co-sponsored at least 5 PowWows in NM over the years. Even though I'm a belagana, I'm very suppotive of the PowWow tradition.
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I am a life-long liberal. I am opposed to reparation for broad historical events and patterns. I agree with Obama that more focus is needed to enforce anti-racism laws. There is only so much money and resourses available for addressing the extant problems encountered today. I have worked in marginalized communities for the majority of my adult years (>30 yrs) and I am acutely aware of hostorical trauma and its impact on a peoples. But reparation is backward looking and does nothing to deal with existing social problems. The same money would better spent applying it directly to solve these extant problems. A reparation payoff does nothing to address social problems. Individuals recieve pay outs and are spent randomly for both important and unimportant avenues. But little is given over to curing present social ills.
This week's scavenger hunt.
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Anybody seen my boa?
Eye Candy!!!!
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Smouldering pout. I'm melting. Lol
Hey everyone. I'm new to the group, from Vancouver. Just introducing myself. Have a great weekend.
t1nick comments on Feb 23, 2019:
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Que linda! Ella es muy bonita.
?oopsy... My panties are falling down...
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
A nice beginning.
Tucson Botanical Gardens posted this photo of the snow they got. “Global Warming is a fallacy.”
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I remember snow in Tucson.
I am Brazilian, i would like to visit canada and USA, I've never seen snow in my life, and i would ...
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I love Brazilian culture. I took a year of Brazilian Portuguese several years ago in college. Do not remenber most as I haven't used since then.
What U S foreign policy has looked since we could cross an ocean.
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Grim colonial reaper. Nation building and interferring. Oil and gas access and revenues driving trend (Libya may be the exception).
Trump making sure he won’t win over the woman voter base.
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Evil Evangelical idiots
?very sexy...
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Beautifully introspective.
All for one... One for All!
t1nick comments on Feb 22, 2019:
The first three are more my body type preference.


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