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Does a dog have a consciousness?
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
No disrespect meant to anybody on this site, but what is really needed is a lesson in animal taxonomy and physiology, focusing on the nervous system. All mammals and birds in particilur hsve advanced nervous systems, advanced brain development and advanced brain stem. Because of this, they can feel pain, sense emotions, have and display emotionds, express emotional need and distress. They may lack our abstract ability to put a name to the emotion they feel and then be able to have a reasoned conversation about it, but do not mistake for a minute that they aren't capable of feeling most rmotions. I won't delve onto the anatomy and physiology of the digestove sydtem, as many of you gave already touched upon it.
Melania Trump...such grace...
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Shallow is as shallow does. Donald & Melania.
Why do we allow criminal gangs to exist in the USA?
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
They exist worldwide. It's not a matter of sllowing. More a matter of containing them and their activities. You cannot prosecute a group or individual in this country if there is no law being broken that can be witnessed, or documrnted. Otherwise it's just heresay. Unfortunate but true
For me.
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Well put. I like the way you framed it. Seems so true.
Could individual states pass laws to permit abortion if Roe vs Wade goes down?tt
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Most likely that is what will happen anyway. Laws will revert to whatever the state verdion is/was before Roe v, Wade. Thst way SCOTIS can refrain from ruling on it at all.
Survivors of Sexual Trauma Reveal an Important truth.
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
For at least the last 25 years, I have not dated a lady who has not been either molested, sexually abused, or raped at least once in their life time. Including my ex-wife who was molested as a child and raped as an adult before we met. I witnessed first hand her pain, her PTSD and the problems she experienced in our relationship because of her previous experiences.
Is the Trump presidency a gift in disguise?
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
In more simple terms, you don't know how bad things were getting until the shit (Trump) hit the fan. Once that epidode is over we can clean up and return to normslcy. Lol
Hoping not every teacher is like that .. but
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
You know at first, I didn't think artist got a good likeness of me. But now not so much. That pretty much tells it all by the end of the school yesr. Especially if you stick around and do summer school. Lol
What's the best, most meaningful, rewarding, or amazing job you've ever had?
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Teaching high school science. 30 years
Do you even read the previous responses before you spout your opinion on the topic?
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Not often. I am responding authentically. I realize there are times it might have been helpful to have read the existing posts first. Oh well. I do instruction manuals either. Lol
My sister shared this with me today.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I've saw this a month or so ago when I was still on FB. It's still funny the second time. And people wonder why Engliah is such a difficult language to learn. Difficult, my ass. Lol. Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of a George Carlin routine about "stuff". Check it out.
Recommendations for what to watch on Netflix please.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Altered Carbon if you are a Sci fi fan snd liked Bade Runner (be prepared for nudity)
What is your favorite seafood recipe?
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
When I bicycled the west coast of France in 2004, the chesapest item on the menu were mussels (Moule). You could get a tube of 20 -30 moles for five bucks, including a glass of the local vintage wine.
Cat appears to be off her food, hopefully it's the hot weather and not anything serious?
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
My dog just went through that. She had a bowel blockage for three days last week. She was lathargic, didn't drink water or eat. I did some Google searching and one thing that works for dogs is whole milk. My dog normally likes milk, but wouldn't even try that. So I have a syringe from the last incident where I had to administer antibiotics. I filled it with milk and slowly slipped behind her canines and slowly dispensed. By the third time she began finishing the bowl of milk after the syringe full. She's almost all the way back now. I do not know if milk would work the same way for a cat. You might try. They also recommend uncooked pumpkin filling. Good luck.
Best non-classical vocalist living & performing today.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Posthumously: Billie Holliday, Linda Rondtadt Paul Robeson
The challenge is real.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Ain't it da truth, ain't it da truth. Lol (cowardly lion, Wizard of Oz)
What happens when the polar ice melts? Come on...think about it.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Extensive flooding as the eusraric level of the oceans rise as much as 30 ft or more(this number is actually low to what some estimates postulate). Most of the world's largest cities are built along coastlines. Most of these will be buried under 20-30 ft of water. The geographic outline of the continents will be chsnged significantly, becoming much smaller as land mass becomes flooded.
I'm interested to hear what people think about Artificial Intelligence.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
The potential might exist. Progress in the field of AI is advancing very quickly. I expect to see AI semi-sentient beings show up first in the business area, followed by the military applicaton. I just hope that are ethics keeps up with the technological advancements.
Do you think Trump knows hes fucking up the planet and is just building spaceforce so that he has an...
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Last I heard, he plans to be on their first flight. They're scheduled to go to the sun. Hey, but it's okay, they're going night. Lol
Where was the most beautiful place you've seen?
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
IN 1978 I was doing some geological research in Nayarit, Mexico. We're coring volcanic lakes for sediment samples. Our next visit was a volcano known as, Lago de Santa Maria. We approached the crater from the west. As we broached the rim of the volcano we looked down. Below us about 0 ft was a turquoise lake. The surrounding rim from the top to the lakes edge a 0 ft below was almost unbroken jungle. Only one habitation, long abandoned and the road we were to descend was intermittently visible. We followed the road to the lakes edge. The water was crystal clear, with fine volcanic sand extending as far as the eye could see into the depths of the lake. There was absolutely no plant or animal life in the lake. Minerals from the volcano rendered the inside if the lake devoid of life, in stark contrast to the lush semi-tropical forest surrounding the lake. The water was about 70 °F. Needless there was no need to sample the lake sediments. So we put our plywood drilling platform together, pushed it out on to the lake and spent the day swimming, sunning and watching the Anhingas spread their wings and sun themselves slong with us around the shore line.
New mexico. land of entrapment but beautiful
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I've lived here in NM for 20 years and few placed I would rather be.
I Need advice.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
If it's open interview process, go interview. Ask them the questions that are important to you. If theu offer you the job., you can decide whether to accept their offer based upon how they answered your questions. You can always turn it down and continue your search. Also, maybe you both can reach an agreement that meets both your needs. An interview does not lock you into anything. Accepting their offer might, but that's your choice if they offer.
"Lets be better humans" The peace bus.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Was this at the rally in Pheonix? I like the message? By the way are you a Sun Devil? I was a Wildcat (1st undergrad degree from Tucson)
I know you don't care, but here';s the facts. Some of us do care. About facts.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
???????????????????????? Really????????
Attractive parts
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
For females I concur, the nape of the neck down to where the cleavage or breats actually begins.
‘Of the three decisions the US supreme court handed down this week, the gay wedding cake case and ...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
On a radio interview that I listened to today, a Dr. Singh, a demographic scientist and professor, expained that the majority of the white portion of our population is already over 45, one year older thst the identified age for women to have children (15-44 years - and please don't point out that women over 54 still have children -again exception does not make the rule). By 2025 (?) the white portion of the population nationally will drop below 59% of the overall population. Not to get to my point, most minority or maginslized populations tend to vote liberal (presently represented by the Democrats). Thst means by the mid-2030's the conservative ranks will have dwindled aND they will no longer able to muster a majority. We just have to hold outcome.
‘In a letter to the homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, the 19 agents express concern ...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Several of the top officers wrote a letter to Trump expressly outlining what you described above.
Post op.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Hang in there. I'll see if I can run across the schematics for your time machine in my lost or forgotten bin. Lol. In all seriousness, hang in there.
Just back from a fabulous day camping trip to the beach with a friend and her 4 children.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
You asked awhile back about tent advise. I gave you a long distribe, but in the end, I admitted that I knew nothing about inflatable tents. Do you a picture of your tent. I would love to see it. I've never seen one?
The DNC is not progressive, it is welded to the big money interests, same as the RNC.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I concur.
Very inspiring speech by candidate Trump! []​
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
How can an adult with a twelve year olds lexicon and syntax be inspiring? Just sayin'
After careful examination of all the knowable facts, and deep debate upon the nature of knowledge, I...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Which Universe in the mutiplicity of the myriad Multi-verses, If you believe in this Universe and you crossed over into another Universe in the Multi-verse, would this Universe continue to exist in your perception? Aimless meanderings.
Can Americans please comment on the geographical extent of oppression of atheists in your country?
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
It's pretty pervasive across all of America that atheists have to live in the shadows until very, very recently. Until just this last year it was difficult to be in a position where you interface with the public and acknowledge your were an atheist. I teach in a high school, and I do not think that my colleagues or the parents would generally accept or understand being atheist.
Sadness is on my mind today.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
My condolences. Hang in there, seek out friends to help you through.
I am depressed by the appearance of the number of trumpie supporters.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
It's surprising the number ot Trump supporters on this blog site. They are welcome, as is everybody that is a free thinker. But there's the rub. The fact that you a Trump supporter predicates that you are not necessarily a free thinker. Trump's support is so closely aligned with the unChristian-like Evangelicals, (even if is just using them to cement a voting base) that it's hard to separate what he stands for and the Evanhelical themselves. To say you support Trump is to say you condone, agree, and tacitly support the Evangelicals. And I don't think evendors realize their compromise.
'The recent meeting in Singapore between Trump and Kim Jong Un was certainly instructive.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
You have a very astute understanding of the politics. Thank you for your post.
Dragons are our friends
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I bought a rock monitor lizard for my classroom once. He was only about 24 inches long. Definitely not cuddly, or even very friendly. We liked him all the same, as he reminded us of a dinosaur. I sold him to an experienced lizard person when I moved (girl friend at the time wasn't too keen on grouchy lizards lol)
For those who consider themselves skeptics and atheists — which came first for you?
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I think that I probably followed a similar path in my transition from theist to atheist. Hiwever, I made the transition my first year in college. I do not know if I was aware as to the fact that I was probably a natural skeptic. I went on to become an archaeologist and geologist. The skepticism is an important part of bring a good scientist. So it ultimately helped me in my science fields. I later became a science teaCher at both the high school snd college levels.
Are (atheists, agnostics) still part of the herd mentality ?
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
As part of the human species, one of our evolutionary imperatives is that we are inherently social animals. Because ot this humans tend to seek others that are most like themselves to fulfill requisite need. It is true with the people on this blog as well. We belong to the human species, so we're susceptible to the same drives for social contact. As humans we are also capable of abstract thought which means we are also capable of rationalizing why we need this social contact. But by the fact that we participate in this blog, we are bowing to our need for social contact. Short answer long
When is a cult not a religion?
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Or when a religion not a cult? My guess is that difference may lie in the degree of overt control the organization exerts on its individual members.
I once had brunch with a group of friends, and on the topic of religion was told that not believing ...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I think (only speclation) he was asserting that to not believe or need God was arrogant because it asumed you felt that you were better than God himself or better than believers. He may have aldo been asserting that to not believe was a human folly orinating in human arrogance.Just a guess. Regardless he was wrong.
Would you have a wedding with religious aspects incorporated in it?
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
When I got married to my ex-wife, we were both archaeologists/geologists. She was born to a conservative catholic family, but converted and taught Judism after she married her first husbsnd. She had also became quite involved with her Hindu friends. Kind of a wierd admixture. When we met, we had both been working in the Native American community for several years. I had been an atheist for well over 30 years. To make a short story long. She asked me to design the ceremony and the vows. Being an archy type, I thought okay. We contacted a friend of ours who was a minister, but had spent several years studying with a shaman in an Amazonia tribe (don't know which one off hand, she was a well known bones thrower-got me) She performed a combo- shamanistic/ Christian ceremony (mostly for the benefit of my family). But inclusive in the ceremony we had a Christian prayer from my brother-law, a Hindu blessing from a friend of ours, a muslim blessing from a frind of mine, and a Jewish prayer from her son. A Native friend presented us individually with blessed tabacco in a leather pouch. We performed an Amazonian custom of making a circle around us with soil from our favorite spot (Tent rocks - Cochise Pueblo), then sweeping the circle away with a yucca broom to lock the good spirits in with, us not allowing them an opening to escspe. We also had my wife's favorite Quan Yen statue as an alter piece (let's see did I miss anything?). Anyway, I enjoyed the multi-cultural aspect, as did our closest friends. My family still hasn't gotten over it and it's been a decade and 3/4. They never excommunicated me, but they are still shaking their heads in disbelief. What a romp -lol
House Introduces Measure To Officially Sanction Rep.
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Pot calling the kettle black (no racism intended)
Our origins
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Goes without ssying, especially on some daya Lol
Is there anyone who has ever had an encounter with an animal and felt like you have known this life ...
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Back in 1975, when I just starting out as field archaeologist, it was the time of Carlos Castenada (if you know who he is, your old like me). We were working in the field on the Gila River near Kearney / Winkelman. We were all steeped in Don Juan (and mescal) and constantly on the look out for animal familiars out of the corner of our eyes. The only animal that I kept running across were coyotes. So I became known on that job anyway, as the coyote kid. Lol. Coyote has a very different meaning today unfotunstely.
Social Experiment
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Is there really a choice here? Lol. Nice is so much nicer, even if it doesn't last.
Is Religion an addiction?
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Scientific research has shown that a profound religious experience activates the same centers in the brain as: an orgasm or other sexual stimuli, a drug high, an emotional high, or any other activity that floods the brain with dopamine. It's the addictive portion of the frontal (I believe ) lobe of the brain. Being an addictive/pleasurable experience the body registers the response i n the same way. Therefore, all these activities have an addictive draw. That's why people who go into heightened spiritual states are stimulating the addiction reflex. Therefore, it's nothing more than chemical reaction in the brain.
Oh no.
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I teach Native American high school students science. while still honoring their culture and traditions
Bread Preference
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Indian (Native American) fry bread.
Name Change Question
t1nick comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Remember you have legal documents associated with your last name. I could cause some legal confusion at some point down the line unless a legal name change is done.
Sitting in the livingroom this afternoon and thought I spotted one of the local, feral cats prowling...
t1nick comments on Jun 28, 2018:
What do you want to see happen to Donald Trump?
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2018:
How about spay and neutering the entire Trump clan. Would that work for a beginning? Lol
Does America give more importance to 4th July or Thanksgiving
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I've never been a big fan of any holiday. I like the days off, but not the reason for the celebration. I got used to holidays in college just meaning that I had a long weekend to go down to Mexico (was at U of A at the time).
How does your moon look tonight?
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2018:
No moon tonight in the Sangres, sock in with clouds. I tried, sorry. But the hot tub was nice
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Chances are with the retirement of Justice Kennedy, Trump has a clear path to the appointment f the next jydge who will undoubtedly be as conservative as Neal Gorsuch. If that happens, we may see the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, same-sex marriage, and all aspects of affirmative action.
How does your moon look tonight?
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I'm at the Great Sand Dunes National Monument in the San Luis Valley, CO for a couple of days so it should be magnicent view over the dunes tonight. Thanks for the info.
I have a question for all you music lovers out there: Do you have a favorite song? If so, why?
t1nick comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Gate Barbieri "Bolivia" its evocative snd sexy saprano sax runs and it's tropical textures
David Lynch: Trump Could Be ‘One Of The Greatest Presidents In History’ ...
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2018:
The primary reason that the right has so much invictive against Obama is unfortunately steeped in racism, pure and simple. Obama represents what in the mind of those bigot's opposed to him as the,"uppity nigger syndrome". This syndrome stems from those shovel heads that find it impossible to believe that a person of color can actually be intelligent and articulate. And if they demonsrate either or both of these attributes, then that person most surely be acting out of his/her station in life. Afterall, all people of color should know there appropriate station in society.
Are You Lonely?
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Literate Hiker, I empathize. Since my divorce I have been teaching in remote communities. Four years I taught in a small rural town in southern Colorado. The people were nice, but all were deeply involved with their church activities and/or their families. There was no one my age or like-minded to hang with. Two years ago I took a job teaching Science on the Navajo Reservation. I live in the housing compound associated with the school. That unfortunately is no help. 60% of the houses are unoccupied. Those that are occupied belong to primarily Native families which pretty much keep to themselves. They come home, go inside and do not go outside until time for work the next morning. I'm only 12 miles from town, but can't afford time or time or finances to go in every day. Except for the decade I was married, I've generally done things on my own. But there are times when the lack of compsnionship or someone to talk to does weigh upon a bofy. Espescially like you, I am highly intelligent and love a good conversation. Hang in there.
I have long argued it makes little difference whether an historic Jesus actually existed or not, all...
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Your post has brought up another point that I used to make when I would argue religion with people. My contention was that it did not matter what you have written on a piece of paper. Instead what defines your religion is the actions of the practioners. Thats how you actually define the religion. Actions speak louder than words and belie the underlying beliefs that a practitioners feels and how far they can act and still be in graces of their religion. If words and actions match, great. If not then judge them on their actions. Words are cheap. Just sayin'
Moved across the state from friends and family 2 years ago.
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I can empathize. I moved on to the Navajo Rez to teach two years ago. All the people in my housing compound are fa milt oriented, go into the house after work and never reappear until the next morning. There has been time when I noticed the lonliness. I finally got myself by getting back into writing and sharing poetry. I now belong to two poetry groups. It can be difficult, but find some activity thst you like and start slow, but push through. Good luck.
What do we do about "white privilege"to correct it?
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Stop believing you were a forgotten demographic and got left behind by Washington. You, as a group made lifestyle choices in which things like education were deemed of little value to you and your families. You,'ve been offered training on more than one occasion and by more than one Administration and turned it down.. As a group you (most noteably middle income white males, for which I am one) need to put on their big boy pants, suck it up, and realize demographics are changing. The changes for the first time are beginning to reflect the actual demographics represented in this country. You've been in control of the power base for more than 300 years, it's time to share. Only then will white privilege recede and disappear.
Do you think the restaurant in Virginia that refused to serve Sarah Hucka-Sanders acted correctly?
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Problem is, when the left goes low, that action In and of itself, renergies and pulls together Trump's base. We can't stoop to their low tactics. They'll wI n and not us. They're better at crassness than the left. They'be had lots more practice. Don't play in their arena.
Assuming evolution is correct, do you think that if humans went extinct another species as ...
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Probably not. The conditions that allowed humans to evolve along the path we've taken to get where we are I believe we're fairly singular and unique. Caveat:This statement does not include a value judgement about our path being a superior path to that taken by other species, just a different path). Statistically, its highly unlikely that the conditions necessary for a parallel evolution could occur. Our nearest primate relatives would need to be subjected to similar environmental, genetic, and selective stressors for a parallel evolution to occur. They would have to react to the stressors similarily, similar genetic drift would have to occur, and they would have to react to environmental stressors in a similar fashion. This does not mean that a higher level of intellectual attainment is not possible by another species, just that another independent human species is highly unlikely.
What would be your 2 or 3 FAV BOOKS or AUTHORS and could let us know why?
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
1. B. Traven -documented the struggle of the marginalized people's in Mexico and Central America in fiction (wrote -Treasure of the Sierra Madre - most popular, but not his best 2. J. R. R. Tolkien -need I say more 3. Umberto Eco - Name of the Rose and Faucsult's Pendulum -excellent intellectual writer 4. Itso Calving - anything he's written -another unsurpassed intellectual writer 5. Jean Giano - Horseman on the Roof (novel sbout Black Plague in southern France - compelling - made into a movie)
I'm evidently on a food kick today.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
About 3 weeks ago, I had a mutton tamale at the flea market. I also had my first "picadilly" (shaved ice, hot pickle juice, blueberry and fruit punch flavoring). All in all it was a good day. I live on the Navajo Rez and this is typical fair and flea market food.
Lol! Possessing a rich fantasy life.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
In 2000 I crewed on a historic square rigger along the Atlantic seaboard. Got room on your yacht for an extra deckhand? I could use a change of scenary. Lol lol
Of course I had to have some fun on the Red Hen fb page.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Brave and maybe a bit foolish. Don't push too hard. There are ways for people to hack your personal information if they are motivated enough. Be careful. After sll, many Vets got their trainin in intelligence work. Don't poke the bear too hsrd.
Lol! Possessing a rich fantasy life.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
This bothers me.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
This sounds more like a fb rant. Too many people need to get over themselves.. A civil discussion is enlightened. A rant is immature. Who needs a thread like this. Have a good day ya'll. Lol
How we can turn the cold of outer space into a renewable resource | Aaswath Raman - YouTube
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Another thought is to learn to use the black matter as a fuel source. Don't know how, buts it's the abundant material in the Univetse.
This bothers me.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Give factual examples please. Not hyperbole.
"Someday, if you're lucky, you will wake up and realize you are old.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Sounds like Donald Trump before his daily hair dying
Different regimes, different approaches to border security:
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Way over simplification. It's psuedo-observations like this that muddy the waters to a constructive dialogue and solution. Facts not Hyperbole. Trump does enough of thst for the whole world.
If Humanity dies in a nuclear holocaust, does God get his money back from creation?
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
No he gets sent the bill for the cost of cleaning up.
Your favorite dog breed!
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Rescue anything
With grave goods being a prominent aspect of funerary customs from many of the ancient cultures, ...
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Where and how do you draw the distinction?
Do you believe that white people are born with unearned privilege?
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not spend anytime in marginalized communities. They are either in denial, or been sheilde from seeing the effects of white previlage, by being white privileged.
Most admired human being in your lifetime
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Stephen J. Gould - evolutionary biologist par excellance. He's second in my respect for great scholars right behind Charles Darwin. A person that I've always admired for his intellectual ability (even though I am a liberal progressive) was William F. Buckley Jr. I rarely agreed with him politically, but I respected his ability to articulate his positions ariditely. Occasionally he would come off pedantic, but in general his arguments were well thought out and rational. On top of thst he was able to engage his opponents and nevery lose his civility, a trait very mucheap missing today.
Has anyone run for election as an Atheist?
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I heard of a politician running at the state level who was an avowed atheist. I fo not remember which state sorry.
Have you noticed a decline in writing skills?
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2018:
I not sure if your talking about the spelling errors or the sentence construction errors. A lot of the spelling errors I blame on three things; 1. Auto correct making changes that do not get caught because on the phone screens it difficult to see them; 2. Too small of a key board, fingers get clumsy, and 3. finally, by htere is a tendency to finish your thought and right away your finger goes up to post it before going back an editing. If it's sentence structure, that'a deeper intellectual issue.
"People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life.
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Nice quote.
Ok, I have two questions! No hostile answers please! 1. Define a Liberal?
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Here's an over simplistic answer. My parents who were children of the depression era, and fairly pragmatic in both the is politics and their beliefs defined the difference between Liberals and Conservatives in this manner: Liberals are for the little guy, they believe the Government has an obligation to take care of the nation's citizens. That a rich coubtry like the US has the ability to make sure all their citzens are fed, clothed, and shelteted. Remember they were blue collar and worked hard all the days of theirblives. Conservatives are primarily concerned about big business and do not necessarily care about the little guy. They are mostly concerned with what the government can do to protect their economic and business ventures. They feel that everybody has e ability to pull themselves up by their boot straps. They fail to recognize that a large portion of society do not even have boot straps, let slone boots. Meritocracy does not work throughout the entire population.
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2018:
That by itself is good news. But it is only a part of the picture. Salary stagnation hasn't changed significantly. Small salary increases are bring found in some industries, but lagging behind overall. The type of jobs is another indicator that needs to considrred. The greatest jobs increases seem to br occuring in the service industries. These jobs are typically low paying, have few or no benefits. Your declaration would carry significantly more weight if more higher paying jobs (ceos don't count), with benefits, and we're career oriented were on the rise. Unfortunate they are not as if yet. When that trend begins to show up, then we can celebrate. Until then, your praise for jobs numbers are kind of hollow. Sorry
It's not science OR religion.
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2018:
With all due respect. I disagree. They are two very separate and distinct paradigms. In many ways diametrically opposed to one another. For a practicing believer to also be a practicing scientist, a compromise has to be reached. In doing so, in my opinion, you lesson the value of both paradigms. Instead of doing one well, you end up doing both mediocrely. You have to make too many sacrifices to make the two compatible. I do not care how many well known scientist claimed both. I would be willing to bet that they were making severe compromises in one or the other. Social convention and social pressure is often too hard for some pepole to go against no matter how brilliant they may be.
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Well said
So I'm considering buying a new tent, as the bastard thieves got our old one.
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Not to be obvious, but there are few questions you need to answer before a recommendation can be made. 1) How many people do you accommodate? e g. 2-person, 4-person, etc. 2) are you car camping or backing? Weight and size are a consideration. 3) Cost: exploration and good backpacking tents run in excess of $400. Don't have to of coarse, a mid-range back pacling tent:$ 200-$300. Durability -as one might expect, the higher the price,, the better the quality and the better the durability. This one of those items where it rings true, higher price, better equipment. If you are car camping. REI brand is satisfactory for the casual camper -$65 to $150. If you sre more experienced or looking for more specialized equipment: The North Face brand. One if best in the world and is used by serious back packers, as well as on Everest - $200 - $800. I hope this helped.
Why label ourselves as heathens?
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2018:
How about goid old fashion "Pagan" There's a rich history behind this word.
Fbuk just offered me the gentleman in the attached photo as a potential "friend".
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2018:
An interesting case study.
"Trigger warnings," "Safe Spaces," "Snowflakes," and other current buzz-word criticisms of the ...
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I am an ex-archaeologist ( teach Science now). In my opinoon there rationale has some weight. I hate to call it a conspiracy, say like the grassy knoll. But there is a patriarchal bias in most modern societies. A lot of power comes from the ability to grab power and successfilly hold on to it. That is the story of males in culture (over mucheck of the world). May have begun as an a case of evolutionary determinism, but can no longer justified as such in my opinion. As to the gender neutral in engineering, just ask any lady engineer or Science teacher worth their salt and theyll be more than happy to explain to you how women have traditionally discouraged or kept out of science fields. It's getting better, but still has a long way to go. Regarding the young women, it sounds like she is still I'm the learning process regarding scholarly discussion strategies. Her anst and anger could probably been couched in a way that invited discussion and debate. Been there, done that before. And before you jump all over me snd say "why should she have to" true she doesn't, but if she wants to be respected in the acsdemic arena, she might be well advised.
Funny Street Names In every Village, town and city are odd and funny street names.
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I live at the corner of Narbona Ave (not so unudual) and Coffee-Chile Ln. ( a liltle more unconventional). I live on the Navajo Rez.
Trump Supporters!
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I could not agree more. It never ceases to amaze e how far one can push rationalization in order to ignore the obvious. In fact I think I just heard it screaming as another Trump supporter pushed another denial over a cliff.
I keep hearing things like, all these women couldn't have possibly dealt with sexual harassment.
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I've never thought it right how the double standard exists for women. I have never dated a women who hasn't been sexual ly assaulted at some point in her life. It's nor fair. My ex-wife was molesters as a youth, and raped as an adult. i witnessed her PTSD and fear our entire msrriage.
When there are so many sensible people in this world why is it that so many dicks rule it ?
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Because "dicks" insist upon inserting themselves into everything. Lol. Don't mean to denegrate the seriousness of your question. I just couldn't help myself. Sorry.
Apostle Paul's King James Bible Up For Auction
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2018:
I don't think so. Lol
I’m on the November ballot unopposed to be State’s Attorney!!
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Cool. Congrats and good luck with the job.
Would you dare to have sex in a church?
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2018:
As long as it wasnt in the Confessional. That could get dicey if asked wrong questions. Lol.
Should Trump get the Nobel Prize?
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2018:
No the Darwin Award
Quiz: How well can you tell factual from opinion statements? | Pew Research Center
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Whst I think you're really asking is; "How can you tell is stating an opinion. but saying it such a way thst their presentation makes it sound like it could a fact?" How can one put someone's statement to the smell test? Research and skepticism. Notice I didn't say cynicism. Lol
Let's pretend we're wrong and a supernatural diety shows up on earth! What three questions would ...
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2018:
From a previous incarnation of this question: Why here? Why now? Are you feeling slright?


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