I'm a first-time writer who recently self-published an e-book on Amazon called IGNORENCE, meaning self-willed ignorance caused by ignoring one's own intelligence as well as the available intelligence in today's world derived from our greater sciences, technologies, knowledge, and understanding of this universe and real truths that humans living long ago never had the opportunity to experience or know.
I have doubted religious beliefs (yes, another Doubting Thomas) my entire life, even as a child, but tried several different sub-cults (denominations) of the most divided religious cult on Earth called Christianity. Yet, I'm still a very skeptical agnostic who is now trying to get other people to read my book that deals with a lot more human ignorance than religious nonsense alone. Deception and bad, degrading human values exist in many other forms of fanaticism and cultism that keep humankind and our human minds divided and misguided ... such as politics, capitalism, and communism just to name a greedy few.