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It is too damned cold for me. Belize is looking better everyday.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Belize! YES, that is definitely on my list!
The late great Buddy Hackett shows us how to tell a joke.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 13, 2021:
He was a master of the comedic arts!
I’m not so sure that this is funny?
tinkercreek comments on Feb 13, 2021:
Oh, I am quite sure that it is funny!
Has anyone had experience with killifish?
tinkercreek comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Pretty fish!
What do you think scammer or just a misguided individual? []
tinkercreek comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Those foreign team bosses need to get their target websites figured out, or at least provide accurate info on customs & religions!!
What a nice sketching of a duck.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Perhaps because you SEE ducks every day?
Trumpism Is Violence
tinkercreek comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Excellent article, thanks for sharing.
'I bet this applies to a lot of us
tinkercreek comments on Feb 11, 2021:
I want one!
The old fashioned CCTV.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Gladys Kravitz!!
Christopher Titus []
tinkercreek comments on Feb 10, 2021:
With such sweet news to end on - but the coughing fit??
Here's another frigid day project, inspired by the previous air fryer post.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Sounds yummy with the ground lamb filling!
My brother is a train fan and posted this. []
tinkercreek comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Cringe-worthy, to be sure!!
I just got new glasses but they only help what my eyes see.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Winter flowers in the snow.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 9, 2021:
They are all beautiful, but I especially love the Witch Hazel!
New Rule: America's Mass Delusion | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
tinkercreek comments on Feb 8, 2021:
An interesting article []
tinkercreek comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Thank you, Kelvin, for sharing this - seems like a dream-come-true, a concept I had hoped was in place but never heard a peep about. Awesome news, indeed!
Vector the velocity. []
tinkercreek comments on Feb 8, 2021:
I love it! Thanks for reminding me of a favorite.
Things are not blooming outside - mountian area of NC - but my orchids & christmas cactus are ❤
tinkercreek comments on Feb 8, 2021:
I always love seeing those, for they are all scrumptious!!
Statements of 'Fact' on Shirts - 1
tinkercreek comments on Feb 7, 2021:
These are great mood lifters!
Statements of 'Fact' on Shirts - 2
tinkercreek comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Love it!
Let's party
tinkercreek comments on Feb 7, 2021:
It is 12 deg F outside and more snow forecast.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 7, 2021:
This sounds like something I could really enjoy, especially with the little rush of winter blast we will see this week. Thanks for the recipe! Wait - 326 mg of sodium? My coconut milk has 55 mg/cup. ??
I can't give a thumbs up or respond to any posts. What's going on? Am I in Agnostic. jail?
tinkercreek comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Me, too! I have messaged admin.
Surprise (not) Today another tRumpster tested positive for covid at my school.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 2, 2021:
I would guess that your location invites the conservatives by reputation. That, and the brainwashing of cultists has magnified any and everything they already were imagining.
three and a half if you're in an elevator
tinkercreek comments on Feb 1, 2021:
Geez, why is everyone in such a serious-must-fact-check mood?! I save that energy for FB.
Alas, i finally had to block someone.
tinkercreek comments on Feb 1, 2021:
You did the right thing, and that is probably one I have blocked, too. A nice thing about this site is having an option to block communication from those we find irritating and/or inappropriate. I believe it is actually a good practice exercise in setting healthy boundaries!
Want to marry a ghost. [] Anything’s possible in Australia.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 31, 2021:
She worked her way on to the local chat show, so is likely hoping for more gigs, perhaps a generous benefactor? Not sure if there is a living wage in spiritual counseling, but at least she'll have healthcare for the birth - ooooooh, what if she gives a final push, and midwife can't find the baby???!
Stunning eagle sculpture uncovered at sacred Aztec temple in Mexico | Live Science
tinkercreek comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Beautiful! Was it buried under a modern structure?
Finding a good vet MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 30, 2021:
THANK YOU! I am leery of my vet after experiences with my terminally ill cats, and my dog just quakes at the door, though she has gotten good medical care there so far. They just sent me notice for her annual Lepto & Bordetella at age 12. This is about the time I pulled those from my former older dogs with the same research/reasoning. Maybe I'll interview another vet on their aging vaccine stance, staying w/dog in clinic, ??
Well I thought it was funny. :)
tinkercreek comments on Jan 30, 2021:
But I still can't stop laughing!
Good Afternoon All!!!! Happy Thursday!!!! We had 6 inches of snow in the Capital Region the last 2 ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Hey, WE had snow in Portland, almost shut us down! Chelsea was not impressed, as it was too wet.
Matt Groening sure knows how to pull the info.[]
tinkercreek comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Our home-town hero (one of them), and he's great! Ya know, I was that kid, took the Dr, nurse, and my mom to hold me down for a shot til I was about 10. I still can't figure why it all was so scary, given my falls & scrapes, but the logic finally hit me after that.
So many to choose from
tinkercreek comments on Jan 30, 2021:
This is a great one, Bob!
Today, more Face-Palm - - - We (teachers and students) had the day off today because of ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Oh, my dear, that would be too much for me to tolerate, living in a community with overt and visible support for the right on that level. I know of nothing like that in Portland (of course, may have missed it) but there would be a HUGE counter-effort if it happened. I have also picked up clear indications from most of our steady local news teams that they are very happy with election results, and only put the required voice into reports on conservative nonsense.
Reminds me of a guy that once worked at my school.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 29, 2021:
This is what I would call a domestic terrorist - it's all about power and superiority, manipulation and thinking he's 'winning', untouchable and never to be rivaled or found out. And yes, I've known one or a few of those.
The times really have changed
tinkercreek comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Truth! And I still get excited over cool pens!
If you are old enough to remember
tinkercreek comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Oh yes, and I love the pairing!!
Give me a break
tinkercreek comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Arkansas - "what you say here, don't really matter".
I hope that I am not the only one that feels like this bata test vaccination is being forced and ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 29, 2021:
I have the same thoughts, and am not upset that "my turn" for the vaccine sits off in the unknown future. OK, they went through all the usual protocol for vaccine development, and yes this is a dangerous virus with many deaths . . . AND there are no long-term studies.
The first Americans brought their dogs with them
tinkercreek comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Of course they did!
It is cold windy and snowing here which always gives me cause to wear my long johns.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Not sure who wrote this but I could relate.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Thanks, I needed that!
tinkercreek comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Whoo, a couple of hardy souls there! From the beautiful pic, I would say the effort was worthwhile.
No, thanks!!!
tinkercreek comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Low-rate advert location!
This Polish rooster gets him self stuck on top of the rain barrel then he crows until I go save him ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 24, 2021:
"Stupid chickens!"
This scammer is a little more articulate not much though however, her format is from a recognizable ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 24, 2021:
I've gotten those emails from male scammers, and the lingo is easily recognizable. Sometimes it's just fun to play them for a while, but they are quickly turned in & deposed.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 24, 2021:
After exploring my family history over the past couple of years, I developed a belief that everyone should know the truth of their DNA connections. Always having been the darkest of my sisters, and frequently questioned as the 'little Indian" when young, I now know that my mother's lineage does contain Shawnee, and my father's "Bulgarian" father was from dark Greek & MidEastern/Indian sourcing. No more imaginings for me!
Another great story from the deep past, and perhaps one less told.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Very interesting article, with so many amazing possibilities! And yes, the artwork matches the skull dimensions found, and is incredibly beautiful.
Rare 5,000-year-old crystal dagger is uncovered in Prehistoric Iberian megalithic tomb in Spain | ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 23, 2021:
That is so cool, and amazing they could accomplish that work in arrowheads and dagger with crystal! I have some local arrowheads and other small items from a brief foray into native artifacts, and there is a magic to holding something crafted and used so long ago.
I have been reading the book Humans by Brandon Stanton.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Wow, pretty sobering to see this in writing, and now I wonder if a couple past boyfriends had used that pickup forum. Googled for the 2010 publishing date, and it would fit. Yes, the scheming is real.
So many of these are hysterical. One of my personal favorites.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Love it, thanks for sharing!
Breakout the peanuts it is Squirrel Appreciation Day.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Dang it, I missed - THAT is why they were yelling at me!
Who`s going to don their mask and go and social distance in the line to buy lottery tickets for a ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 22, 2021:
No, haven't bought a lottery ticket in years, but MegaMillions is now up to $970million. I may go for that (but won't stand in line).
Today an old Facebook friend that I have returned texts with once in ten years posted a long ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 22, 2021:
I have nearly always had a cat, a dog, or both, each time a rough transition saying goodbye to them, and always making sacrifices to care for them. After my last relationship left, I found myself outnumbered with 2 cats and a dog, due to my lifestyle and work schedule. They still all got the best loving care I could provide, bringing me companionship and laughs. Within the past 18 months I lost both cats to illness, while my 13 yr old dog is still healthy & active, but well-matched to my activity level and closer to me than ever with isolation. Our companion animals do not have lives as long as ours, so good-byes are a given. I am not at all certain there will be another pet in my life after my dog, just don't think I have it in me to endure another parting. There is an older woman who frequents our dog park just to soak up canine vibes and spoil them with pets, cuddles and sweet talk, as she realizes she should no longer have a dog of her own. I am grateful for knowing her and understanding her decision-making, which I may well follow.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Either that, or he scrambled them with pesto, as I do 😋.
4 national holidays today Penguin Awareness Day, National Buttercrunch Day, National Disc Jockey ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Buttercrunch, that's one I can get with!
Ole' Dave1955 now blocks.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Agreed - that's how I do it!
Warning: Pun overload alert.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Great collection, and I needed those laughs!
Cute GIF about Trump
tinkercreek comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Looks like they took it down anyway.
Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday! A sad Sunday for me.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Sorry to hear this news, Lisa. I hope Becky improves with good care, food and hydration, and that you take good care of yourself.
I love photographing interesting buildings during my road trips.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 17, 2021:
That is a beautiful church and amazing setting. Any chance it was near Dunedin? My daughter lives in Christchurch, and I've traveled a bit of the south island.
Sadly with the agricultural changes many people have moved off the land and there are an abundance ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Beautiful images, that leave me to wonder how painful it must have been to leave them behind.
I dug a vernal pool in my backyard several years ago, and of all the critters that have visited it, ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Such great photos! I love salamanders, from living on a farm and watching them in the ponds, to various properties I've lived as an adult. They are always beautiful, cute-faced, and interesting to watch. Have fun!
The nostalgia is strong with this one
tinkercreek comments on Jan 16, 2021:
I'm IN, and it is still a wonderful sweet song, bringing many sweet (innocent) memories.
Oh , joy .
tinkercreek comments on Jan 16, 2021:
When I open this page, I see the list of posts. How is it you see pics?
The Body Positivity movement has infiltrated the male mannequin industry.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 16, 2021:
I would say the mannequin dressers may need a bit more education.
At this price I think I'll twist a bit longer?
tinkercreek comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Unbelievable, what some folks will throw $$ on.
Christopher Titus []
tinkercreek comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Great, as always!
Perhaps this is a bit optimistic but I view the storming of the capital and the ongoing aftermath to...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Great song, and a nice mantra. After the convolution of news bits and events we have endured and continue to receive, there is much to be gained personally and as a functioning community by striving to maintain a positive outlook. Though many details of our current trajectory remain unknown, I believe we can only look towards an overall improvement and confidence in the liveability of this nation.
I had ordered a box of Solimo hand soap from Amazon.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 16, 2021:
So of course I had to look it up - Nice, they leave out the bad stuff!
On my morning walk I came across these gorgeous flowers.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 15, 2021:
They are so sweet!
I really like Indian Essentials Saag Aloo seasoning packets but since the beginning of COVID have ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 14, 2021:
I find those great spice combos at Asian food stores, having several in the area. It's always a treasure hunt!
Just got some sad news.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 14, 2021:
I'm so sorry, Lisa, and my heart goes out to you. I lost both of my cats to illness within the last 18 mos, and it is always so hard. One of the best things in life is our pets, and the worst is that we outlive them.
Just hilarious
tinkercreek comments on Jan 14, 2021:
I can only imagine him ranting and raging at anyone near him, his entire reality based on ego and revenge.
New twist on an old painting. Blame it on Corona?
tinkercreek comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Oh no!!
A variant of Covid19 makes vaccination nill and void. []
tinkercreek comments on Jan 14, 2021:
So the article's contributing discussions did go back and forth a bit. One of the ending statements "anything we can do to delay the spread of this new variant virus will make control easier", implies to me that using the vaccines we currently have will control at least part of the contagion, and as they have done with flu vaccine, most likely will be able to create variations for different strains of covid.
Oldest painting ever found discovered: []
tinkercreek comments on Jan 13, 2021:
I love seeing these reports, and discovered by a student!!
I needed a few supplies so at 06:00 I dawned my "shopping mask" -I added additional external filters...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Nice mask! You are likely right about folks thinking you are contageous. I've seen several of those around here, and there is a high level of compliance with virtually no one unmasked. There are occasional ones with only the plastic shield, which does not protect either the wearer or those nearby (always women, hmmm). I have been practicing a response for the next time one is close enough to engage.
My Province is on 28 day lock down.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 12, 2021:
Hope you are OK with the lockdown, sounds like good and caring leadership.
I am posting this here because she laughs as well as her family but it really shows how hard having ...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 12, 2021:
That looks like an incredibly well-adjusted girl and family, with the support, patience, and good humour to work with her on this! Can't really imagine living with Tourette's at the level she does, so dear and brave enough to go on camera and hopefully make some $$ on this, for it is quite entertaining!
Is there anyone who uses Xfinity is it any good, what are the negatives?
tinkercreek comments on Jan 12, 2021:
I have had it for years, no big problems, but had to butt heads with them over price increases. I dropped cable so it's just internet, and I don't game so no high speed $$. I think they've decided I'm not worth bothering anymore.
True story.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 12, 2021:
Very cute!
Oh yeah... who's my nasty little onion?
tinkercreek comments on Jan 12, 2021:
At least they apologized for their overly-zealous bots!
Thousands of stolen archaeological artefacts recovered in Israel.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 12, 2021:
I love hearing of this!
For those in ZOOM CHAT last night.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Hmmm, the 16th is what I've been hearing.
FBI warns of violence in all 50 states
tinkercreek comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Great, just great. I wonder if we can count on the airlines to be more vigilent and reactive to disorderly fliers?
Brought out the stock pot and made a batch of vegetable soup.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Perfect, yum! I've been making various soups with whatever's on hand, and you remind me that I have some frozen veges needing to be thrown in.
I went to the doctor and he told me I have Cancer and Alzheimer's.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Monday Groaner
tinkercreek comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Ah, the magic of marketing!!
Has anyone made Farquhar?
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Are you sure of that? All I find is a Scottish surname.
Like Pompeii, Herculaneum was a Roman city wiped out by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Great information, thank you! We don't often enough stop to think what our ancestors went through, but the details gleaned from a find like this is priceless.
A recent amazing find Bison Antiquus, on one of our islands.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Holy moly, monster bison! And peoples!!
'One-Liners' - either funny or thought provoking .
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
What a great collection - thanks for the laughs!
Probably wage cuts next. That should work.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
A perfect visual on that.
Every once and a while I run across something that is rather profound.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
So, Inside Out is now on my watchlist, likely for this evening. I think the quote is accurate and beautiful, especially after a recent road trip with Jennifer Warnes and Leonard Cohen music (Famous Blue Raincoat).
Meanwhile at the Capitol...
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
That's pretty much it!
Tell me something Dirty.
tinkercreek comments on Jan 10, 2021:
My carpet - please remind me to haul out the shampooer.
How appropriate
tinkercreek comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Oh, if only!
Liberal Redneck []
tinkercreek comments on Jan 8, 2021:
This guy is the best, and he nailed every point straight on here.
Who else is ruined
tinkercreek comments on Jan 8, 2021:
It really is a sad influence.


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