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I consider myself to have a expanded awareness, a wider point of view, and tend to be an intellectual and analytical thinker. Although I am a socialiser, I am also a bit of a loner.
I am drawn to the mysteries of the very existence of all that is the universe and everything within it.
There is so much to explore, mysteries to solve, to find the irrefutable truth of our universe, planet and our existence yet one life is so short


The cart was before the horse...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 22, 2022:
For once the truth is out. well done! I wonder how many will deny it saying it is all a conspiracy theory? Why do people trust anyone that feigns some authority? Has man lost the ability to question and think?
When you only work one night a year, you've got to get all your work hyjinx in at once
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 22, 2022:
It seems like these things have multiplied the past couple of years.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Amazing how technology finds ways of separating the gullible from their money.
I’m not sure I really want my onion relish having a rap sheet..
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Quick hide it before the relish police come loooking. One doth wonder where the onion was crimminilised? Jail or did it come from a disadvantaged neighbourhood?
This happened a while back.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 22, 2022:
This gene editing injection is killing millions worldwide. Pharma through their bought and paid for stooge (WHO) and governments attribute these deaths to everything but their Injections. How many celebs and sports stars have you heard of suddenly die? Most attributed to natural or other causes. Anyone wonder why there is a spate of irrational violence and deaths lately?? It is logical to assume that the protein in the injection passes the blood brain barrier.(it does). Once in the brain in sufficient amounts, it is impossible to guess what the adverse effects will be.
Pastor Greg Locke Says Family Threatened by 'Witchcraft-Practicing Psycho'
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 22, 2022:
locke has been on several forums complaining about witchcraft and being attacked by witches. This clown spreads more witchcraft as an intergral part of his religious pyschobabble than any so called witch could. Amazing fact when one points a finger at someone else, three fingers point back inwards
Imagine that!!!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 21, 2022:
did it get rid of the garlic breath? Strange Santa had no concerns about the hand right up your arse.
We really need to look at the big picture with our world.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
If the pundits are right, we will not have to endure these conditions for too long. They are saying "civilisation" as we know it is imploding. perhaps there will be survivors that will start the cycle all over again? Perhaps we go all the way and the earth becomes another barren lifeless rock in space? Whatever the future holds, we live in exciting times, ours to enjoy while we can.
Wrong Solutions to Imaginary Problems
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
Hooked up to an air recycler, it would be an effective mask. Certainly better than the cloth variety which as useful and efficient as Elephants gonads on an ant. (frustrating and totally useful to both)
Fun times are ahead. lol
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
While being used thus at least they are not going to waste, but hang on these items would be single use only? or would you recycle the cucumber by eating it after it,s initial rectal use??
Last minute gift guide
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
Good sound advice and practical too. What about tarot cards ? They give hours of fun and spread B.S.
Finding it from behind.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
someone has a sense of humour. I wonder if it was the car manufacturer?
Ouch! Fair enough, grandpa! 😆
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
Makes a of sense. what makes a sports person an expert of anything out of their own area?
What, you never been toasted
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
definitely not toast he looks fresh
Now you know...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 20, 2022:
cannot beat the logic
Walking around today in the cold weather I found several interesting rocks these 2 were notable.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Amethyst is silicon dioxide with iron and metalic intrusions. It's colour ranges from lavender, violet to dark purple. Amethyst heat treated becomes Citrine Pink Amethyst has only ever been seen by people with colour blindness. A true rarity
Walking around today in the cold weather I found several interesting rocks these 2 were notable.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
The photo identifier is either drunk, stoned or perhaps incompetent.You get what you pay for
“True friendship has no checks or balances.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Why are true friends so rare and hard to find?
Good way to use old pots []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
The human imagination is amazing. So is the human propensity to steal, I'll be stealing this idea. Thanks
That sums it up.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
with age comes wisdom, the price of wisdom is way too high
Amazon's drone delivery pilot test has failed in FL
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
the beer bottle should have been aimed at the drone pilot. (empty of course beer is valuable)
Sunday New York Times Crossword is a Swastika
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
It would have to be a coincidence, but it is remarkable all the same. Did you complete the crossword?
Good grief I've risen to 8.3. I thought I was stuck on 8.2 for ever.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Congrats, is not the whole idea to take part in the forum? numbers mean little and can be a disadvantage Enjoy
Ectolife - company wants/plans to produce babies grown in artificial wombs.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
The ethical, moral and legal implications aside, the question remains , just because we can do it, should we be playing god? (god - figuratively).
mid-December and not much snow.....
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Mid December in the tropics is hot and humid. Sleeping without Air cooling a bit problematic but the hot days are perfect for beer drinking..
The perfect dirty Santa gift
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
it had to happen sooner or later
I really love mystical poetry, like Rumi.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Striking is the similarity between the Nag hammandi and Daoism. I wonder when the divergence in philosophies occured?
Take care out there, it's here
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Someone has a problem . Read Sigmund Freud for clarity
Granny doesn't remember so well Jenny
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 18, 2022:
The expression on the girls face says it all
“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, then you’ll have to settle for the ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 18, 2022:
To me being ordinary equates to being a sheeple. Being the captain of my own ship is not easy, sometimes frightening, but by going a different way to the crowd, to myself I am true.
Officially retire from Chrysler on December 31 but today is my last physical shift!!! 😁 Moving...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 18, 2022:
Retirement is not only an end but the beginning of a very exciting and rewarding time of your life. Work on your goals and interests, and enjoy every day
At least the German Chancellor Scholtz is showing a modicum of sense unlike most of the Stupid ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 18, 2022:
Europe is the meat in the sandwich. both Russia and America win at the expense of Europe. It is all about trade and money. unfortunately the low life scum who profit from the crisis are far removed from it.People are going to freeze and starve so that a few get richer. The German chancellor is well aware of the situation, I surmise he is sending out a plea without pointing finger . I also believe it is not ***directly*** America nor Russia at fault here.
Does this settle the question?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 18, 2022:
the mind boggles
It occurred to me a bit ago, that if I’m ever gonna level up I need to be posting more shit!!!! ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 18, 2022:
If it works spread it around
Are you susceptible to cholera infection?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 18, 2022:
Lucky I live in an area where Cholera is not a concern. We must abide and adapt to the decrees of big pharma. After all without big phama , Man would never have evolved.
In the Twitter mayhem
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Human nature we revel when the shit hits the fan on our neighbors but our own fan??? that is tragic
The future of clean energy?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
All the years science has experimented with fusion but has yet to make it economical and stable perhaps zero point energy may be better investigated?
Ok... you can uncross your eyes now
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Who is the face of she looks familiar, but I cannot put a name to it
I hope he delivers this year.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Santa can supply you with a can or bottle of Coca Cola because Santa is CocaCola's brainchild. Can't see how Coke is going to do you any good unless laced with a massive dose of alchohol.
I was trying to figure out someone's complicated insurance—a strange brew of higher math and, ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
you are right . this christmas bullshit is grating on the nerves. Santa Clause is a creation of the Coca Cola company. We are definitely a civilisation in decline for the reasons you state. I remember economists warning of a total capital impending economic breakdown for the last 40 years. We may be in the beginning of a worldwide depression that makes the great depression of the 30's look like a minor non event.
This is what happens when disadvantaged youth gets neglected by government: []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I fear it is not only the youth that goes on a crime spree. With the high fuel prices, food prices through the roof (for us, exported food is still sold cheaply) , power price climbing in line with the space shuttle, rental accommodation too dear or not available , extra government taxes and charges, it will soon be all the pensioners and poor of our society that will be forced to crime in order to survive. It is happening now
Your secrets are safe
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
So very true.
On the cusp of this
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
it is the true situation for so many of us right now
I used to have an addiction to raw meat. It's cured now.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
been hamming it up?
Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Yet Arial and Wde Latin were drinking happily. seems like racial discrimination at work again
I'm glad there's a group for that, kind of an AA for vegans.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Every town should have one
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Do governments know that UFO's aren't real to a large degree? I wonder what happened to the German "die Glocke" or the Philedelphia experiment. Both proved mostly successful experiments and then dropped like a hot brick? Lewis Carrol or Hans Christian Anderson may be fine with that, but I cannot see any government not utilising such expensively developed and successful technologies.
First contact the way I see it.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Aliens could be among us now. We would only know if they desired contact. But honestly why would any race want to expose themselves to us ? we are murderous, barbaric and have very dubious morals and ethics. We see anything we cannot understand as threat and therefore treated with suspicion and death. There must be many different moral and ethical systems in the universe of which we cannot even imagine. I for one believe that the war and conquest mentality would not survive long in the universe.
That waskaly wabbit
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
ludicrous The youth of today are quite capable of corrupting themselves just as we were. Youth also possess some intelligence, which is gigantic compared to the amoeba sized brain of the BAN lobby
The Gate of the Sun, also known as the Gateway of the Sun, is a monolith carved in the form of an ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
I wonder if the Germans plagerised this design when they built the Berlin gate??? Not identical but take into account the 25% variation of copy right law, Hmmm I wonder.
Damned, Santa is judgmental
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
A profound personal diagnosis from Coca Cola man.
The Gate of the Sun, also known as the Gateway of the Sun, is a monolith carved in the form of an ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Magnificent now, what would it have been like in its heyday?
I told my therapist I can’t get the Grease soundtrack out of my head.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Olivia Newton John did not tell she sang. to be fair you would have to sing the reply
In case your Western media failed to report your protegé's announcement?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Nobody think why this war is going on really?? Russia has space technologies that spy, destroy and disrupt ant desired eletronic traffic in any one area. EMP weapons. Also many secret technologies that can be used but aren't WHY??? Russia could easily win without too much fuss, but are resorting to a military game of cat and mouse. WHY?? Am I alone in feeling that something does not gel??
Bye bye precious []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Australia always has been, and is, racist. I do not blame her. In the 60's I was beaten(by adults) and bullied for being a German immigrant. Then it was the Italians , Poms, Greeks , Vietnamese, Lebanese,Kiwis and so on. underpinning all that is the racism faced by the indigenous population. Truth telling goes beyond the aboriginals and something that we as a nation need to face up too.
Sometimes you can get all sorts of wild fanciful speculations about ancient history, which belong ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 15, 2022:
History as we know it is based on myths. Slowly the truth is surfacing. Man had a previous "civilisation" that we are just starting to learn about. This "civilisation seems to have covered the whole globe at some time, but for yet to be discovered reasons, vanished. A fascinating area to study,
Mm-mm, who else remembers the Esquire magazine pin ups?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 15, 2022:
The pin ups were very risque at the time, now a days you see more revealing poses on billboards, advertising and and televised media.
David DePape, a face of evil: []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
You will be comforted to know after his 15 minutes of fame and has done some time, he will be out in the community on parole.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
1. How amazing , a composer approaching total deafness to write such a moving piece for a student.
Shrodinger's Denney's...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
Always open to what?? closed to finding out what?
They really didn't think this through.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
Fellows, don't you know the best use of duct tape?? To bind mouth and hands of the politicos and bible thumpers. That bing the one area that is is not utilised enough of
An issue US society needs to get ahead of IMO. []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
The benefits of magic mushrooms are beyond reproach, being time tested. I wish pharma would invest in them. You ever tried a wild magick mushroom??? Eeeeuuuuck.. The taste did not grow on me
Happy Winter from all the gods born on the winter solstice, aka "Christmas" in the modern world.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
The divine creators' TV must have been on the blink or the programs crap forcing them to do what cums naturally.
Oh just because…..🤷🏻‍♂️
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
A missed business opportunity. He should charge admission to the field and..............
Very simple but most get it very late
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
Most married men get it, simple maths The woman spends my money before hers them complains bitterly when she needs to spend her own money.
Follow the law.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
coffin fodder
The Robodebt suicides [9news.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
Don't forget Scomo's MINI ME Peter Dutton. That Arsewipe is still part of our government and carrying on Scomos work. I wonder how many shadow cabinet portfolios he is the hidden minister of?
It's like they were separated at birth
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
When you feel that you are totally inconsequential and socially invisible, this is a good way to get noticed. As said our Kath and Kim TV show " Look at me, Look at me, Look at meeeee.".
Seen elsewhere; worth pondering.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
It is not always the female that is the housekeeper I would love to have a companion that shares the domestic duties equally. My wife never strays away from her computer for any period, so domestic chores, even the most basic are not of her world.
Wacky sports events.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
Australia is no slouch when it comes to wacky sports events. The most bizarre is the nude swimmers in the freezing ocean in the middle of winter, usually on the coldest day of the year. Gum boot throwing contests etc etc.
[] Mark Upton & Ivan Hutchinson - POST HORN GALOP!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
These fellows are amazing
Fusion energy breakthrough: Major milestone achieved in US experiment- []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
There have been similar announcements for the last 50 years I am aware of. Fusion energy is just around the corner is touted every year at least once. Hopefully we will still be alive to see the day when they actually can make it work. Perhaps there are as yet undiscovered forms of energy we should be seeking? In regard to Fusion energy perhaps we are flogging a near dead horse?
New Zealand imposes lifetime ban on young buying cigarettes.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
This is what we need in Australia, but our govt has not got the gusts to stand up to the tobacco lobby. Besides ye who pays the piper calls the tune.The tobacco companies contribute generously to party coffers.
Liar liar, pants on fire!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
It is clearly plausible denyability, reminiscent of America just prior to the onset of the Vietnam war.
This is creepy! []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
An imaginative bit of claptrap. Obviously the speaker likes the sound of his own voice. What purpose are all the people that feature in the video while not having any relevance to the story??
Does the non American 96% of the world population agree with American citizens that the biggest ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 13, 2022:
America has massive internal problems it needs to address in regard to running their own national affairs. Their government needs to do a novel thing work for their people. America is famous for it's chaldestine operations meddling in other nations affairs, now would be a good time to clean and manage their own household
Transmission of germs.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 12, 2022:
And face masks do a great job of concentrating organisms that we breathe in all the time and keep on recycling them. It is therefore most likely that these organisms that are normally expelled harmlessly now concentrated and returned to the lungs to eventually overpower the bodies defenses leading to astma , bronchitis ,colds etc.
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
One thing our technological age has taught man that big institutions cannot be trusted . People are waking up to religion and leaving in droves. The meek (disenfranchised who need strict discipline) seeing that their world is crumbling, are banding around them any vestibule in keeping with their belief/need. That is why there are so many "churches?" offering free ordination, divinity courses and giving the meek somewhere to regroup, gather and soldier on. Preachers with little or no training are now able give sermons, start their own churches with no affiliation to any organisation . Right or wrong these are people who cannot live within their own skin, take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions and need strong leadership. When leadership wains , no vacuum is tolerated so the lessors will fill the vacuum .
Men only want one thing
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Ky gel would perhaps suffice?
Coffee ☕ break!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
There are several reasons for drinking coffee and one just entered my head. If you can't drink it while your living. then how the hell you gonna drink it when your dead????
While I am in favor of EVs having success hydrogen would have been more environmentally friendly), ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Elon fudging numbers hmmm I wonder Is the pope a catholic??
Fantastic news! Girl, 13, ‘leukaemia-free’ after world-first use of cell engineering therapy...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
My son had Myeloid Dysplasia from the age of 18 months. He is now 37. he was cured by a South American (Bolivia? Brazil?) naturopath. He gave my son a concoction that was the vilest tasting thing I have ever experienced, but it did the job. He was lucky, many of his fellow patients did not make it despite transfusions and Chemo. It is wonderful that the technology is now able to treat the range of blood cancers. It is the dawn of a new era of treatments. The road ahead will undoubtly be rocky, but at least we now have a road .
Alexa screwed up again!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
And back to today Amazon is still not getting it right. Must be the culture of poor pay and conditions for staff. Back in the Biblical era Amazon would have slave labour. Hang on, has anything changed???
I couldn’t find frank with sense, - so close enough?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Frankenstein ( Jewish name)makes sense. Christmas is a jEWISH fable after all.
I'm single!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
The time will come eventually. We all find a relationship "in good time"" Pity the relationships can't always be good
One can hope.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
I am not the least bit into American politics, but this poem shows thought and deserves some merit.
Ears are shoulder wide.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Dumbo flew with his long ears, what does this guy do with his? Aerofoils for when he does backstroke?
A little self promotion here
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
I wish that were true. The plague of my life was a redhead
Why isn't the Western media screaming about this war crime of attacking civilians?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
The politics of war we will never understand. Perhaps it is like as in a video game, the perpetrators are not directly involved in the fighting so it is just a game . Murder is murder whether state sponsored ( war and executions)or personal, the victims loose out.
You know when your having a bad day...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
That sounds like it could make sense somehow.. or could it?
Opinion news talk show Russian style.
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 11, 2022:
She makes strong valid points. 2 American spies who worked for and on behalf of the American people get to enjoy Russian hospitality in their jails while a drug addict of little consequence gets to go free and gets a heroes welcome back home. America you are fine with this???
I never thought of it that way, but it makes sense
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 10, 2022:
The truth is out there. Doesn't it just make your vegan mouth water?
Some of these write themselves!!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 10, 2022:
May be useful as a physio tool. or she could just sell it. Had it been me I would display it in the lounge and tell visitors that using it put me in the wheelchair. he he he
Letter to the religious I personally don't care what anyone believes or has faith in so long as ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 7, 2022:
It will never happen as long as we have the "missionaries" who can't abide anybody elses sanctity. The Mormons, SDAs and JW's. I was continually bothered by some JW's while living in an outback village. I got sick of them so I found a goats head nailed it on a board , painted the pentagram on the background behind the goat skull and below it I wrote the words. COME UNTO ME MY CHILDREN BRING ME THE SOULS YOU HAVE GATHERED I never heard from them again
Senator Gerard Rennick eloquently derides covid vaccinations & previous government policies - a ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 7, 2022:
Thanks I have never heard of Gerard Rennick I will indulge in some closer scrutiny. Being a card carrying liberal means he is a member of the countries largest criminal organisation. He can't be all bad if he derides covid genetic engineering injections. But being a criminal/ liberal (words interchangeable) one never knows what their real agenda is
Playing With Balls
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 6, 2022:
At least a dog can reach his balls with his mouth and tongue. I'd love to see a man manage that
Waiter, please be nice
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 6, 2022:
One waiter should be given lessons in etiquette, or simply sacked
True words
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 6, 2022:
I find it offensive how overweight people are touted as being gluttons, overindulge or too stupid to take care of their own bodies. Age is a factor the will cause a weight increase( mostly) Diabetic drug insulin is a growth hormone and WILL INCREASE weight. So will some other drugs and medications. Our modern diet where everything is contaminated with chemicals, We no longer walk anywhere or do the exercise our ancestors did of necessity. There is also a genetic factor. Depending where you originated from (racial profile) will determine how your body metabolises the food available in the present. I will explain more fully in my Herbalist group at a later date.
Construction starts in Australia on the world's largest radio telescope []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 6, 2022:
Interesting idea. If they do find a low frequency communication channel, there would be proof that "intelligent" life exists outside of earth. religion would then have to take a nose dive when people wake up that religion is Bos Tauris/ Bos Indicus feacies. One doth wonder how the Flat Earthers ( bible thumpers) will react.
There is always a way...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 6, 2022:
I am bilingual , it does happen to me often, although nowadays I blame it on age. For me it is a real concern