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Yes, but the less I hear about her the better.
wolf041 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I'm all for that. I have a cousin named Karen and she's a mega brain fabulous person. The only Ivanka I know of, well.. 😃
Price check on XXSmall in aisle 4.
wolf041 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
That's one I don't even want to think about 😂
Latest creation! I think this is the second time that I have adapted someone else's pattern, but ...
wolf041 comments on Aug 9, 2020:
That pattern causes an interesting perspective illusion. Cool!
My middle finger needs a vacation.
wolf041 comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Have to do some middle finger exercise...oh wait, better not go there 😄
Trickle down didn't work then either
wolf041 comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Yup, didn't work then, doesn't work now
Just when you think you've heard it all, you learn that masks are a pagan practice.
wolf041 comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Just when you thought they had already let all the crazy out of the asylum...
Sometimes, I am forced to reassess what I think that I know based on my experience and long years ...
wolf041 comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I've always taught my kids to never give up. Must have done something right. My 15 year old just volunteered to fix my plasma tv that blew a cap 😀
As if his idiocy were not already complete, now Trump claims that fallen trees "explode.
wolf041 comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Have those things drop and blow ( but not burst into flames) rather regularly on the mountain behind the house. Feels like a small earthquake. Always have to go out in the middle of the night and spot the one that went down to make sure it's not partially hanging over something it shouldn't.. common occurrence here where everything grows on rock and shallow roots all go sideways
The phone I had when I was a kid was so advanced that it talked (by pulling the string)! ...
wolf041 comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Ahh memories. We actually had imagination then.
If you laugh at this, you might be a bit twisted
wolf041 comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Latest quilt.
wolf041 comments on Oct 1, 2020:
At certain angles , that pattern has a bit of a techno effect. Pretty neat.
Take that vegans 🤣
wolf041 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Pica pie anyone?
Will Jesus give me candy?
wolf041 comments on Oct 18, 2021:
I hope they need fertilizer, because their porch is going to be knee deep in flaming poo 💩
I just got the results of the first mammogram I have had in about 20 years.
wolf041 comments on Nov 24, 2021:
They may have been too distracted by each other to pay attention. Breasts are know to be very distracting things 😁
Is it too much to hope that he gets buggered in prison? []
wolf041 comments on Dec 13, 2021:
It's Arkansas , and they're a big influential religious family. I doubt he'll spend time in prison.
Gotta love it when a semi-literate person calls someone with an MA in English and a teaching ...
wolf041 comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Points for creative regional phonetic interpretation?
Big deal.
wolf041 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
In this part of the country, there are lots of students upset with the public praying in schools and activities, but none dare speak out . It doesn't help when the state and federal government assemblies start off their sessions with organized prayers. Sets a rotten example.
As if sprains, broken bones, a mouse infestation, and the death of my sister were not enough, my A/C...
wolf041 comments on Jul 25, 2022:
Good call on the window unit. If you wanted an AC repair out now , you would have had to call them in May. I live near a resort area where the population has better than tripled since the bug hit , and the power fluctuations are so extreme that you can't keep a circuit board bin anything ( local power co is upgrading, but it takes time) I gave up and put window units in last year. I don't cry if they fry ..and I still have a refrigeration tech certification laying around here somewhere . Question did the outside unit quit , but make noises like it was trying? The most common failure in extreme heat is about a $5 part that you could easily replace
If I still needed contraceptives and one of these pharmacists refused to fill the prescription, I am...
wolf041 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
...and what's next. Pharmacist decides not to sell cancer drugs because some ingredient conflicts with their religious beliefs??? Time to boycott those places.
No one can convince me that this woman is not flat-out stupid. []
wolf041 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
She doesn't scare me. The scary part is the sheer number of people , who actually think she's the smart one in the room, that it took to get her elected.
Worst drought in 500 years could be coming--or is here: the ancients experienced them, too: ...
wolf041 comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Aside from the climate denying, American agriculture has been on a path to failure for decades. I've been wondering since the 80s when reservoir levels out west first started dropping, why on earth there are insanely huge cotton and veg farms that require oceans of irrigation in Arizona and California , and the traditional places those things used to grow , without irrigation in the south east are using those old abandoned farms for giant lawns that need to be mowed with a bush hog. You quite literally can't stop things from growing. Very short sighted policies in the 30s on encouraged larger and larger corporate farms out west, but with the sheer volume of people there now, that model is not sustainable. Farming is going to have to move back where things actually grow, and who knows about the regular water but the extremely large reservoir lake I live near in the Ozarks has been low the last two years. It normally seriously overflows in spring. It never even got up to ' normal' this year
Today, I got cornered by an old woman in a thrift store who admired the vintage bean pot I was ...
wolf041 comments on Aug 20, 2022:
Technically, there are a few vaccines that will shed. Loads of doctors will tell new parents to keep their freshly vaxced babies away from elderly folks, especially ones with compromised immune systems...but the COVID vac isn't one of them, and , at least the J&J version is very easily tolerated . First vax in decades that didn't send me to the hospital. Yes, I'm one of those people the docs generally refuse to give vaccines to anymore due to all the extreme reactions / hospitalizations from them. Aparantly on the COVID one, they didn't care 😄 my son's weren't t so lucky. With the mRNA shots


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