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Second Amendment myths everyone should stop believing | TheHill
jayneonacobb comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Liberal propaganda. It's listed under opinion. Arms doesn't need to be defined in the bill of rights, it is defined in dictionaries. The supreme court has no right to negate the second amendment, it is bound by it. The rest is just so absurd it doesn't warrant response as the first two points I made...
wordywalt replies on Feb 19, 2018:
No one is talking about infringement except you. You make stupid, false arguments which only muddy the waters. I think hat is your intent -- to simply muddy the waters.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
wordywalt comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Tat is an outright lie. The 2nd Amendment does NOT give private individuals the right to own all available weapons. Many military weapons are not available for private ownership, nor should they be.
wordywalt replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Trajan61 Finbish the statement and stay honest: "It is a semiautomatic version" -- of a military assault weapon. Stop playing stupid and dishonest word games!
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
mordant comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Gun control <> gun grabbing. There's not one law-abiding, sane gun enthusiast who would be negatively impacted by common sense gun control that can / will (and HAS) prevented mass murders in the past. No one has a legitimate need for automatic weapons; they should be prohibited as they cause ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Your comments constitute nothing more than ignorant, falsehoods and vitriol. You need to get your head out of your ...
Second Amendment myths everyone should stop believing | TheHill
jayneonacobb comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Liberal propaganda. It's listed under opinion. Arms doesn't need to be defined in the bill of rights, it is defined in dictionaries. The supreme court has no right to negate the second amendment, it is bound by it. The rest is just so absurd it doesn't warrant response as the first two points I made...
wordywalt replies on Feb 17, 2018:
The Supreme Court does not have the right to negate the 2nd Amendment, but it most certainly DOES have the right to define it more closely and to place limits on it. If you say otherwise, either you don't know what in the hell you are talking about, or you are deliberately lying.Get your head out of your ....
How many of you Lost a Relative or a Loved One to Gun Violence on U.S.A
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Not that I'm aware of. Gun ownership is important. It was set up in the Constitution so that we could defend ourselves against our government if we needed to. What we have in the US is not a gun disease. We have a social disease. A mental health problem. Even countries plagued by violence like ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Sp. you have a financial stake in guns. That is the only truthful thing you have said. You do not reason like an educated man.
How many of you Lost a Relative or a Loved One to Gun Violence on U.S.A
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Not that I'm aware of. Gun ownership is important. It was set up in the Constitution so that we could defend ourselves against our government if we needed to. What we have in the US is not a gun disease. We have a social disease. A mental health problem. Even countries plagued by violence like ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb And what is your job? And, Santa Claus exists, too. Your reasoning is full of fallacies and is, overall, absurd. End of discussion. One cannot reason with the irrational and fantasized.
How many of you Lost a Relative or a Loved One to Gun Violence on U.S.A
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Not that I'm aware of. Gun ownership is important. It was set up in the Constitution so that we could defend ourselves against our government if we needed to. What we have in the US is not a gun disease. We have a social disease. A mental health problem. Even countries plagued by violence like ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb You have absolutely no understanding of real constitutional law or current limitations on what weapons citizens can own. Law does limit ownership of many classes of weapons. My only question is why this does not currently extend to assault and automatic firearms.
How many of you Lost a Relative or a Loved One to Gun Violence on U.S.A
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Not that I'm aware of. Gun ownership is important. It was set up in the Constitution so that we could defend ourselves against our government if we needed to. What we have in the US is not a gun disease. We have a social disease. A mental health problem. Even countries plagued by violence like ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Everything you say is false. The 2nd Amendment was created so that we, the people, could be prepared to defend ourselves from foreign oppressors. We do have a gun disease, sand anyone who says otherwise is simply not facing a deadly reality. The social disease is too damned many guns available to violent people -- including right wing nuts. ALL countries with real gun control laws have from 1/5rth to 1/20th of the level of gun violence that we have in the USA. Get your head out of your rear!
How many of you Lost a Relative or a Loved One to Gun Violence on U.S.A
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Not that I'm aware of. Gun ownership is important. It was set up in the Constitution so that we could defend ourselves against our government if we needed to. What we have in the US is not a gun disease. We have a social disease. A mental health problem. Even countries plagued by violence like ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 15, 2018:
The US Constitution does not authorize ownership of any specific type of weapon. No where does it mention tanks, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, land mines, claymore mines, machine guns, assault weapons BARs. We already do not allow ownership of many of those types of weapons. It is up to the current population and Congress to decide which types of weapons are legal and which are not. Anyone who says that the 2nd Amendment authorizes assault weasons or automatic pistols is a damnable liar.
How Australia and Britain Tackled Gun Violence
KKGator comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Adjusting the Constitution is very difficult. We can't even get legislators to pass common sense gun regulations. Or stop taking money from the gun lobby and NRA. It's a nice idea, but if it hasn't happened before now, it's not likely to. Unless enough people come out to unseat the republicans in ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 15, 2018:
I don't think that we have to change the Constitution. We just have to stop deliberately misinterpreting the Second Amendment. Read it carefully for what it says and does not say. I does not say that a person has the right to bear any particular type of arms. Tanks? Grenade Launcher? Rocket launcher. If not those, how can one claim to have the right to have any automatic weapon or other device which is intended to kill as many people as posible.
Welcome everyone.
wordywalt comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Should any of you travel to the Tampa Bay area, I would be glad to meet you -- not for dating, but simply to get to know you as a person. Personally, I do not travel very much any more.
wordywalt replies on Feb 15, 2018:
@SherryMartin When will you be coming to the Tampa area? Perhaps we could arrange a lunch or dinner with you, my wife, and myself. We live in the Carrollwood area of Tampa.
Reality is perfect, perception of reality isn't.
wordywalt comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Reality is not perfect. It simply is. Perception is always flawed to some degree.
wordywalt replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@NelsonofNelson Reality does not do anything. It is a state not an actor.. Perfection is a human construct and reality is independent of our judgments and artificial constructs. Your reasoning starts from false assumptions' ergo is flawed.
Reality is perfect, perception of reality isn't.
wordywalt comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Reality is not perfect. It simply is. Perception is always flawed to some degree.
wordywalt replies on Feb 14, 2018:
Don't be facetious. @NelsonofNelson
I am caught between a rock and a hard place! I have to move in less than month, I must go thru an ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 13, 2018:
I empathize with you. At one time, I had at least 2,000 books, Predominantly non-fiction. My wife urged me to deeply prune my collection to make space for other things. That was painful. I threw away all of the insignificant books, gave away several hundred to book organizations, sent boxes full...
wordywalt replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@Freedompath If we had had the space, KI would not have gotten rid of more than a handful of books. I looked at my library with affection and pride. In could pull out a book and think, "Ah, I know you well. You taught me a, B. and C and gave me such pleasure -- and I still love you for it." I miss my reading so much.
GOP leader flunks test on separation of church and state | MSNBC
wordywalt comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Scalese is typical of too damned many Republican politicians: Glibly roll patriotism, history, religion and political ideology together. It does not matter if it is accurate or true. A lot of uncritical and unreasoning people are going to buy it.
wordywalt replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@snytiger6 Absp;utelu right. We badly need a free press with moral balls and with the financial support to do real investigative journalism.
Living in the American South has been pretty surreal.
Forkbeard comments on Feb 13, 2018:
When I was in the Amercian South last Noivember I was surprised to see police cars outside churches. My friend tells me the churches hire the police to prevent non-members attending. That just baout sums the state of society there. Folks seek safety with their own clan and do not extend the hand...
wordywalt replies on Feb 13, 2018:
My first wife had a similar reaction when she came to this country in 1963. One of her first observations was, "There are more churches than pubs."
Living in the American South has been pretty surreal.
Forkbeard comments on Feb 13, 2018:
When I was in the Amercian South last Noivember I was surprised to see police cars outside churches. My friend tells me the churches hire the police to prevent non-members attending. That just baout sums the state of society there. Folks seek safety with their own clan and do not extend the hand...
wordywalt replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Sad and sick.
Do you believe in NDE (Near Death Experiences)? Ever have one?
marga comments on Feb 12, 2018:
No, darn it. The closest I've come is when I had a heart attack and was being worked over by the paramedics. The pain was agonizing, so that I could barely breathe. Then, all of a sudden, the pain was felt wonderful. Then I heard a paramedic say "stay with us", I thought "yeah, ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 12, 2018:
I had an incident once. The nerve nodes that controlled my heart beat were failing and I did not know it (I now have a pacemaker and am doing fine). I was picking tomatoes in my garden and passed out. I don't know how long I was out, but a had the sensation of such a deep, totally peaceful sleep that I was actually enjoying it. Then, my mind reasserted itself, and in my mind I said to myself, Hey, Walt, I know this is good, but you gotta wake up. Come on old man!" And, I came back into consciousness.
How can a country that prints it's own money be in debt and have so many homeless poor people?
wordywalt comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Ask conservatives. They really do not give a damn about anyone who is not white, well off, and of the same cultural beliefs as they have.
wordywalt replies on Feb 11, 2018:
@jayneonacobb You just can't back off your gross lies and distortions, can you? You show your lack of civility, character, and intelligence. This is my last word. I will not respond further to your intellectually and morally dishonest crap.
How can a country that prints it's own money be in debt and have so many homeless poor people?
wordywalt comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Ask conservatives. They really do not give a damn about anyone who is not white, well off, and of the same cultural beliefs as they have.
wordywalt replies on Feb 11, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Well, for comparison's sake, I have a master's degree with substantial coursework in political science and American intellectual history. I also earned membership in PHI Kappa Phi, a university wide academic honors society at the graduate level. So, neither am I some ignoramous. I think deeply and probingly about what I believe. DON'T EVER accuse me of "ignorant bias. That is a damnable lie! hurled at me simply because you disagree with my perspective -- and totally uncivil conduct!!!
Conservatism is aptly characterized by the story of a hypothetical frog that reared up and stood on ...
stinkeye_a comments on Feb 10, 2018:
The way I understand it: "conservative" = keep what works "liberal" = change what doesn't There's a time and place for each. I don't see why we need to choose one or the other. I think that's rather moronic, actually. It's totally a case-by-case, situational thing whether we keep ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 11, 2018:
If conservatism were what you say it is, that would be great. But, the truth is, most of the time it simply means keeping what is familiar, even the bad, and rationalizing the choice if it is destructive. Conservative want to claim that they are trying to keep what is good, but most of the time it simply is not true. I understand conservatism, because I was one in my youth, then realized what was happening.
How can a country that prints it's own money be in debt and have so many homeless poor people?
wordywalt comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Ask conservatives. They really do not give a damn about anyone who is not white, well off, and of the same cultural beliefs as they have.
wordywalt replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@jayneonacobb No. you are just a slow learner.
Conservatism is aptly characterized by the story of a hypothetical frog that reared up and stood on ...
mordant comments on Feb 10, 2018:
Although I'm pretty liberal now, I grew up in a politically conservative family and I don't recognize the conservatism I grew up with in today's political conservatives. Conservatism as it was presented to me was the notion that we don't want change for the sake of change, that prudence and ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 10, 2018:
I agree that there used to be Republican politicians -- Dole, Danforth, Brooke, Dirkson, etc -- who would put country ahead of ideology and party and get things done. Alas, they are largely gone. Today's Republicans put ideology, party, power, personal political and financial gain, and other vices ahead of duty to our country and people.
How can a country that prints it's own money be in debt and have so many homeless poor people?
wordywalt comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Ask conservatives. They really do not give a damn about anyone who is not white, well off, and of the same cultural beliefs as they have.
wordywalt replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@jayneonacobb As a former conservative, I know the territory. My statement was not ignorant. When maturing enough intellectually and morally, I shed my religion and my conservatism both over 55 years ago.
How can a country that prints it's own money be in debt and have so many homeless poor people?
wordywalt comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Ask conservatives. They really do not give a damn about anyone who is not white, well off, and of the same cultural beliefs as they have.
wordywalt replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@jayneonacobb I am not surprised by your angry, and false misrepresentation. I was a conservative once, but by engaging in serious and probing analysis of the logical, factual, and moral underpinnings of the conservative stance, I came to understand that it is not logical, fdactual, or moral.
Before you were born, you had no consequence on the billions of people alive throughout time.
wordywalt comments on Feb 7, 2018:
As an educator and as a person, I know that my thoughts and actions have influenced more than a few people over the years. Many of them will, in turn influence others that follow them. And so it goes. Those following will not know who you were, but will have been influenced by you. It is not as ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 8, 2018:
@iRITEi You fail to note the "butterfly effect." In very large scale systems, even the slightest variation can result in unpredictable -- and unpredictably large-- changes in the entire system.
Trump Outcomes
wordywalt comments on Feb 7, 2018:
If si, it will be by sheer accident. The man lacks the intelligence, the vision, ability or moral backbone to do anything good.
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@gater Trump has never really done a damned thing of value in his whole life. He hired an army of vicious and unethical lawyers and unethical deal makers and let them do all of the work, most of it crooked. Trump, himself, is a lazy, stupid egomaniac.
Which emotion is your greatest asset?
wordywalt comments on Feb 7, 2018:
You overestimate the role of emotions. If we are truly intelligent people, our greatest asset is the ability to derive meaning from experience and learning -- the ability to build and use patterns of meaning which we cab use to interpret and respond effectively to the world we encounter. Emotions ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@splittingzero I disagree totally. Meaning is definition or the formation of a cognitive structure.I have NEVER in my life used the word meaning in an emotional sense.
Which emotion is your greatest asset?
wordywalt comments on Feb 7, 2018:
You overestimate the role of emotions. If we are truly intelligent people, our greatest asset is the ability to derive meaning from experience and learning -- the ability to build and use patterns of meaning which we cab use to interpret and respond effectively to the world we encounter. Emotions ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@paul1967 We always attach emotional meaning to the cognitive patterns of meaning we construct -- sometimes strong emotion (positive or negative), sometime mild bemusement. But what matters is the effective cognitive structure or pattern of meaning we have constructed. If the emotional attachment or aversion is too strong, it can lead to unadaptive or destructive behavior.
How can a christian believe in jesus and all the miracles and still understand that Zeus, Thor, and ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 7, 2018:
ALL religions are largely mythology.
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@icolan I am not sure I would agree. All religions quickly develop a surrounding and justifying body of lore and dogma. From the very beginning, many of those are stories which have only a slight resemblance to reality, if any. In other words, they were myths when they were manufactured.
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Yes, Reagan overspent on the military. I almost totally disagreed with his ideology. But I cannot place him in the same abysmal class as the egomaniacal, morally bankrupt sociopath Trump. If you cannot make that distinction, I question your judgment.
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Proof?
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Ir was during the Eisenhower administration that McCarthy was discredited.
Graves and burial plots?
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I agree. When I die, here will be no grave or burial plot. To have my body buried in a cemetery plot would cost my family close to $10,000. Cremation costs less then $800.
wordywalt replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@kiramea Not here in Florida. I contacted all agencies in the area which handle donations of bodies. They all wanted me to pay for embalming of my body. In other words, they wanted me to pay for the donation. No thanks
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
wordywalt replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@GreenAtheist There is a world of difference between Trump and the rest you mention. I often disagreed with them, but they were usually somewhat rational and did try to do what they thought is right. Trump is an egomaniacal , irrational and totally self-centeredsociopath.
Being Completely Honest, Is There A Bible Or Cross Anywhere In Your Home Right Now?
wordywalt comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I do not have any religious symbols in my home, but my wife does. She is a devout Catholic who respects my right to disbelieve.
wordywalt replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@twshield No it was not. The question was if I , and I repeat, I have any . . . .
Existentialists often combat depression because life is so pointless in light of the fact that it ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I am an existentialist and have been for 60 years. I have never found the perspective depressing. Instead, I find it freeing and exhilarating. I am free -- free to make my own choices, to create my own meanings free to make my own mistakes and learn from them, free to be and learn. So what if ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@Carleigh That circumstance is depressing. I live in Florida, which is only slightly less politically dominated by backwards p9litics, but I am still happy to be an existentialist.
Being Completely Honest, Is There A Bible Or Cross Anywhere In Your Home Right Now?
wordywalt comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I do not have any religious symbols in my home, but my wife does. She is a devout Catholic who respects my right to disbelieve.
wordywalt replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@twshield NO. I do not own or possess those, nor do I display them. They are not mine and I have nothing to do with them.
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 3, 2018:
That I do not understand.
wordywalt replies on Feb 3, 2018:
@WilliamCharles Yes.
It is my opinion, based on what I observe and articles that I have read, that conservative ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 2, 2018:
This idea has its origins in the wiring of evangelical Calvinist leaders during the Great Awakening of the mid 1700s. It is not at all new. People like Jonathan Edwards wrote that the "old world" has had its chance and has blown it. They had killed Jesus and martyred the saints. In their mind ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@jlynn37 You don't do yourself any favors by being absurdly sarcastic. Accepting the truth and admitting that you were wrong would serve you better. We all make mistakes. Own up and move on.
It is my opinion, based on what I observe and articles that I have read, that conservative ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 2, 2018:
This idea has its origins in the wiring of evangelical Calvinist leaders during the Great Awakening of the mid 1700s. It is not at all new. People like Jonathan Edwards wrote that the "old world" has had its chance and has blown it. They had killed Jesus and martyred the saints. In their mind ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@jlynn37 Let me add that the origins of today's American evangelical sects can be traced directly to the Great Awakening. They would not exist today, were it not for the religious emotionalism unleash.ed in the Great Awakening.
Is the "self" something real?
wordywalt comments on Oct 28, 2017:
As Piaget points out, we, as living biological organisms, interact with our environment will all our senses, as well as chemically. We all build schema (patterns of thought and action) which enable us to make sense of and cope with aspects of our environment. We also form thoughts and data into ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@skado I am sorry, but it has been almost 50 years since I studied Piaget, and I no longer have the books. Try looking up psychology books, books on Amazon, and on Google as well. Wish I could help you. To me, Piaget was the most thorough and compelling psycho9logist I have ever studied.
It is my opinion, based on what I observe and articles that I have read, that conservative ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 2, 2018:
This idea has its origins in the wiring of evangelical Calvinist leaders during the Great Awakening of the mid 1700s. It is not at all new. People like Jonathan Edwards wrote that the "old world" has had its chance and has blown it. They had killed Jesus and martyred the saints. In their mind ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@jlynn37 American evangelicals most certainly did exist at that time. The conservative mix with it came later. Once the idea was established that we Americans were God's new chosen people, ideas of "manifest destiny" arose, along with conservative ethnocentrism. It was a natural progression. You need to read Alan Heimert's book, THE AMERICAN MIND FROM THE GREAT AWAKENING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION -- the most thoroughly researched book on the topic ever written. Be careful of false assertions.
Anybody out there dealing with muscle and back pain?
wordywalt comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I had severe back pain , along with sciatica, and frequent muscle spasms in the hips, for 14 years. A laminectomy (removal of a ruptured disk) solved the problem. But, if a doctor ever recommends spinal fusion, tell him or her, "No Way!" Fusion almost never works.
wordywalt replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@BucketlistBob I have empathy for your wife.
Just Wondering...
wordywalt comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Being sent to West Berlin in the US Army in 1959. So many aspects of my life flowed from that event -- much of my belief system, my first marriage, my two daughters, much of my intellectual development, much of my self-definition.
wordywalt replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@BlueWave Thanks!
Just Wondering...
wordywalt comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Being sent to West Berlin in the US Army in 1959. So many aspects of my life flowed from that event -- much of my belief system, my first marriage, my two daughters, much of my intellectual development, much of my self-definition.
wordywalt replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@BlueWave It was a long time ago. But, it was so developmental\y important that it is still vivid in my mind. mind. It is I hope that other people have the opportunity to experience such truly significant experiences
Senate Confirms Anti-LGBTQ Gov. Sam Brownback to Ambassadorship | Human Rights Campaign
wordywalt comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Brownback is a morally bankrupt political and religious demagogue who took Kansas back 70 years and left the state virtually bankrupt. He has no place in ANY public office!
wordywalt replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@HippieChick58 I lived in Salina for 11 years and in Great Bend for another 7. I did training and technical assistance in school improvement efforts throughout the state.
It seems that right wing Christians are rewriting history by claiming our founding fathers wanted ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 28, 2018:
That assertion by the Christian right is an outright lie. Both the signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the US Constitution were deists and a number were agnostics or atheists. Overall, they were the practical men who were needed to do the job, not religious true believers.
wordywalt replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay" None of their writings of the time support this assertion" -- simply not true! You attack my assertion by making a false assertion. If you are going to attack, the burden of proof is on you. I see no proof. And, incidentally, I studied American intellectual history while in graduate school.
Senate Confirms Anti-LGBTQ Gov. Sam Brownback to Ambassadorship | Human Rights Campaign
wordywalt comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Brownback is a morally bankrupt political and religious demagogue who took Kansas back 70 years and left the state virtually bankrupt. He has no place in ANY public office!
wordywalt replies on Jan 28, 2018:
@HippieChick58 Where in Kansas?
Is it wrong to challenge the beliefs of the elderly?
wordywalt comments on Jan 28, 2018:
We do need to take care. If religious beliefs define the core of who that person has become, destroying that core can be debilitating if the person has nothing to replace it with and has limited time left.
wordywalt replies on Jan 28, 2018:
@DUCHESSA Logic, by itself, does not provide a core set of beliefs which define who a person is. That core is a lifetime of synthesis of experiences and beliefs.
" You can't love others until you learn to love yourself ", is one of the most selfish and damaging ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I find this subject to be far more complex than what you've expressed in your opinion, although I get where you're coming from. When our authentic self is not accepted in relationships we've been involved in (first as children -- we don't get to chose our caregivers), we can create a false self ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 28, 2018:
If we do not receive, giving eventually depletes us.
Which so called "conspiracy theory/ theories" of all of them do you seriously believe, or believe ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 28, 2018:
All conspiracy theories are pure garbage invented by weird minds working overtime.
wordywalt replies on Jan 28, 2018:
@David1955 That was not a theory. It was a set of facts which led Wood and Bernstein to do great investigative journalism.
How many people here have lived overseas
JackPedigo comments on Jan 26, 2018:
15 glorious years in the old city of Heidelberg Germany right under the castle. It was a life changing experience. Prior to that 1 year in the military in a place we called "The sexless society of sunny Sinop by the sea" (Black Sea). It was not like normal military duty (none of my time was) so I...
wordywalt replies on Jan 28, 2018:
@JackPedigo Berliner Weisse is Berlin white beer. There is no equation with the doughnut story.
How to Feel Healthy and Less Lonely by Spending Time Alone
wordywalt comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I like quality time with others I value, but I enjoy and even need time for myself. I spend the majority of time alone, voluntarily. It is my time to think, to reminisce, to formulate ideas and personal writings. Up until a ew years ago, I walked 3 miles every morning and my walking time my time...
wordywalt replies on Jan 27, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes Early mornings are a special time to be alone.
How many people here have lived overseas
JackPedigo comments on Jan 26, 2018:
15 glorious years in the old city of Heidelberg Germany right under the castle. It was a life changing experience. Prior to that 1 year in the military in a place we called "The sexless society of sunny Sinop by the sea" (Black Sea). It was not like normal military duty (none of my time was) so I...
wordywalt replies on Jan 27, 2018:
@JackPedigo I was there when Kennedy gave his speech. Hundreds of thousands of Berliners turned out to see and hear him. The media -- both newspaper and television never made one mention of the purported doughnut thing. I never heard the story until years later here in the USA.
So the evangelicals want to have a day of prayer and fasting for that orange guy in the White House.
wordywalt comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I am a cynic when it comes to the actions of both evangelical leaders and Republican politicians. I think all they are trying to do is to draw support from gullible and/or not very bright religious true believers.
wordywalt replies on Jan 27, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Much of your stuff is crap. You still have not really responded to the fact that Trump, evangelical leaders, and many of the Republican party are actively colluding to gain power for themselves and cram religious ideology down our throat. Nothing you have said challenges that fact.
So the evangelicals want to have a day of prayer and fasting for that orange guy in the White House.
wordywalt comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I am a cynic when it comes to the actions of both evangelical leaders and Republican politicians. I think all they are trying to do is to draw support from gullible and/or not very bright religious true believers.
wordywalt replies on Jan 27, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Your Point?
How many people here have lived overseas
JackPedigo comments on Jan 26, 2018:
15 glorious years in the old city of Heidelberg Germany right under the castle. It was a life changing experience. Prior to that 1 year in the military in a place we called "The sexless society of sunny Sinop by the sea" (Black Sea). It was not like normal military duty (none of my time was) so I...
wordywalt replies on Jan 27, 2018:
@JackPedigo That story about Kennedy was NOT true. Berlin residents always referred to themselves as Berliners. It is amazing how such stories crop up.
How many people here have lived overseas
JackPedigo comments on Jan 26, 2018:
15 glorious years in the old city of Heidelberg Germany right under the castle. It was a life changing experience. Prior to that 1 year in the military in a place we called "The sexless society of sunny Sinop by the sea" (Black Sea). It was not like normal military duty (none of my time was) so I...
wordywalt replies on Jan 26, 2018:
@JackPedigo Different parts of the Germanic world have very different worldviews. It is said that if a citizen of Hamburg encountered a tough situation, he or she would say, "The situation is impossible" The Berliner would say, "The situation is difficult, but not impossible." The Vienna resident would say, "The situation is impossible -- but, who gives a damn!"
A post from earlier today pointed out that many of us have found that our beliefs (cultural and ...
Rugglesby comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I didn't live at home from about 16, not my choice. But was guilted into helping my family out in many ways, pretty much raised my youngest brother, paid my parents mortgage out twice, the 2nd time because my father re mortgaged it to cover gambling debts. The demands on me never stopped, so just ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 26, 2018:
Those things would drive you away. I am sorry that you had to live through that.
A post from earlier today pointed out that many of us have found that our beliefs (cultural and ...
Nena comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Funny you should ask this question....I just hung up the phone on my father about 10 minutes ago. He's been calling for some time asking me for money, and today I was very clear that I could not help him anymore. He went on a rant yelling that I was committing a sin for not being there for him and...
wordywalt replies on Jan 26, 2018:
That does feel good! I've done that before to someone being demanding and disrespectful at the same time.
Do you like comedy? If so what style? Who is/are your favorite performers?
wordywalt comments on Jan 25, 2018:
George Carlin was my all time favorite.
wordywalt replies on Jan 25, 2018:
Let me also add Robin Williams and Jonathan Winters.
Can you guys give me some feedback on athiest churches?
wordywalt comments on Jan 25, 2018:
An atheist church is an oxymoron. Find a more appropriate term.
wordywalt replies on Jan 25, 2018:
@Anonbene Yes, I know what you mean, but you still need to find a better term.
I have done a decent amount of reading on Epigenetics.
wordywalt comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Eugenics has been largely discredited as a discipline for almost 100 years. In the 1920s it reached some stature in academic circles until close analysis revealed false and racist assumptions at its core along with flawed research. The only place since that it had any use was in Nazi Germany to ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@IntellectualRN Sorry, I misread. That is a very different story -- one which offers some real possibilities for dealing with diseases caused by mutations.
Have you noticed that some of the people whom commented on a lot of your posts when you first ...
tsjames comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I haven't seen @wordywalt for a while. But I assume he'll be back. People leave and come back for all kinds of reasons. I was off the grid for a week before Christmas - our hotel in Cuba had internet but it was $2/hour for access for one device!!
wordywalt replies on Jan 22, 2018:
I'm here -- responding almost every day to things that spark an interest.
Does any credible dictionary or philosopher accept the definition of atheism as "a lack of belief in...
AMGT comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Good post, Michael, thanks.
wordywalt replies on Jan 22, 2018:
I find your last remarks deliberately insulting and demeaning, and an attempt tyo avoid serious discussion. I will not respond any ffarther. With your attitude, it makes not sense.
Does any credible dictionary or philosopher accept the definition of atheism as "a lack of belief in...
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2018:
No. Atheism is CHOSEN disbelief in any deity or religion. It is not a LACK of anything!.
wordywalt replies on Jan 22, 2018:
@RationalHuman A conclusion is a choice. Further, even if a conclusion were simply a determination, that is only a mental concept. Becoming an atheist is an action. All of our actions are based on choices. I think you are trying to play semantic games to avoid admitting that atheism is a real choice.
Do People Understand That DACA Recipients Are Not Illegal Immigrants?
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Those against DACA are nothing more than ethnocentric bigots.
wordywalt replies on Jan 22, 2018:
@DUCHESSA Your statement is false.Your behavior is proving my point..
Does any credible dictionary or philosopher accept the definition of atheism as "a lack of belief in...
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2018:
No. Atheism is CHOSEN disbelief in any deity or religion. It is not a LACK of anything!.
wordywalt replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@AMGT I respectfully disagree. Every decision we make, including the decision not to believe in any deity, is a personal choice. We analyze facts and information and choose to believe as we do. If we act in facts and reason, the choice is a rational one. If we act on emotion, the choice is irrational.
Do People Understand That DACA Recipients Are Not Illegal Immigrants?
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Those against DACA are nothing more than ethnocentric bigots.
wordywalt replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Obviously, I have hit a sore spot. "Methinks thou protesteth too much.
Do People Understand That DACA Recipients Are Not Illegal Immigrants?
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Those against DACA are nothing more than ethnocentric bigots.
wordywalt replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@MrLizard What evidence" The behavior of those opposing DACA.
What political party do you consider yourself to be?
MichaelSpinler comments on Jan 21, 2018:
progressive independent, that backs sanders.
wordywalt replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@Marcus_Angelus If you are saying that Bernie Saunders is a communist, either you have zero understanding od communism or you are simply knocking a position different from yours. Either way, you have contributed nothing of value.
I've felt for a long time that those who cling to religious beliefs, or seek to have them, tend to ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 19, 2018:
There is much research on this topic. But your use of the word "trait" is inappropriate. A trait is an inherited characteristic. What you are talking about is a pattern of behavior. You are correct in your observation. Read Erich Fromm's ESCAPOE FROM FREEDOM.
wordywalt replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@emjayoh On that, you are dead wrong!
I've felt for a long time that those who cling to religious beliefs, or seek to have them, tend to ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 19, 2018:
There is much research on this topic. But your use of the word "trait" is inappropriate. A trait is an inherited characteristic. What you are talking about is a pattern of behavior. You are correct in your observation. Read Erich Fromm's ESCAPOE FROM FREEDOM.
wordywalt replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@FrayedBear That use of the word is also inappropriate. One cannot justify one's erroneous use of a term by referring to another erroneous use of the term. Also, the word is "learned", not l"earnt.."
If ghosts are real, do they have mass?
wordywalt comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Ghosts are not real, period. The whole question is moot.
wordywalt replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@SamKerry Okay. But. that is not something I do when the matter is fntasy out of the realm of possibility.
If anyone out there is also a vegetable gardener, I would be glad to share or trade tips and ...
Rugglesby comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I am a keen gardener of all sorts, I am in the subtropics do herbs, citrus, even coconuts and grapes, so quite diverse, also run our local community gardens. Love to swap notes
wordywalt replies on Jan 18, 2018:
In Florida, I grow 3 gardens a year. In the spring, I grow green beans, potatoes, yellow crookneck squash, and tomatoes. In the summer I grow a variety of southern field peas called acre peas. In the fall and winter I grow cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, ,and carrots. When I lived in Kansas I also grew butternut squash and acorn squash..
I know there are many other choices.
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Both theocracy and Marxist socialism are to be avoided at all costs. The European model of non-Marxist socialism, however, is a productive model that benefits a much greater percentage of the population and bestows and protects civil rights.
wordywalt replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@JWDiaz And, you are dead wrong. Right now, European social democratic countires are more democratic and more economically stable than American under the idiot Trump and today's morally bankrupt Republicans.
I know there are many other choices.
Naeem comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I never saw anything wrong in Socialism, just check Sweden and Germany and see for yourself! Socialism is not communism.
wordywalt replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Absolutely correct!
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division |
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2018:
The new HHS division should be challenged in court.
wordywalt replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@DobbinPitch Try the federal distreict court system first
Southern Vocabulary When I first got to the South, I had what was called a Yankee accent and ...
josh_karpf comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have a possibly Southern vocabulary question I've never found an answer for online. "Painted windows" was once mentioned in a teen guide published by the Church of the Nazarene, to which my college girlfriend, also an atheist, had belonged when growing up. She came to our school, in part, to ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Sorry. Never heard that expression.
Southern Vocabulary When I first got to the South, I had what was called a Yankee accent and ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Having grown up in south Georgia and north Florida,. I grew up with all of the southern expressions. I particularly liked the colorful -- and often profane -- but very expressive sayings like "as useless as the tits on a boar hog or "it come a toad-strangler" (heavy rain)."
wordywalt replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@JustLuAnn Yeah! Or "It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey."
How do you deal?
kmdskit3 comments on Jan 17, 2018:
@MsOliver has an excellent idea. Also the ACLU. Looked up where Fort Madison is. Good luck.
wordywalt replies on Jan 17, 2018:
The ACLU is a good suggestion But, be prepared for the possibility that your agency head may try to find any escuse to give you a hard time. But, if her or she did, you would have vcalid grounds for a lawsuit. You just have to ask yourself if you are up to the challenge.
If you could live anywhere in the world except your homeland, where would that be?
AtheismIsLife comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Germany. I lived there before. I would, again.
wordywalt replies on Jan 16, 2018:
I also loved the city of Berlin. Die 3 Jahren da weran unter der besten mines Lebens.
Why are some people habitual liars in life?
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2018:
In physiology 101 one of the first thing that I had learned is that lying is a sign of intelligence because it is a creative concept.
wordywalt replies on Jan 15, 2018:
I have had 8 psychology classes and I have never heard such a thing!
I tend to be overly honest; that often makes people uncomfortable.
wordywalt comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Reaching out requires one to make himself or herself vulnerable -- taking a risk in exposing things about ourselves to others. Some -- no, many people lack the self-confidence and inner strength to do that. And, there are sociopaths out there who will ake advantage of anything you reveal.
wordywalt replies on Jan 13, 2018:
@silverotter11 Aggressive, derogatory, unprovoked slammers like you.
I tend to be overly honest; that often makes people uncomfortable.
wordywalt comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Reaching out requires one to make himself or herself vulnerable -- taking a risk in exposing things about ourselves to others. Some -- no, many people lack the self-confidence and inner strength to do that. And, there are sociopaths out there who will ake advantage of anything you reveal.
wordywalt replies on Jan 13, 2018:
@FrayedBear My problem? What problem. I was simply commenting on the issue, not myself, and you decided to personalize your remarks inappropriately.
The Internet, and subsequent social media platforms that evolved because of it, create a huge ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2018:
The impact remains to be seen.
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2018:
@Hominid You are right. Let's hope that it is a temporary phenomenon abd that people wise up.
First Israel deported a convert from Kenya.
wordywalt comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Israel is in danger of becoming a racist state seeking ethnic purity -- and a state characterized by aggressive nationalism.
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2018:
@HeathenFarmer Intelligent leadership in a country would break the cycle.
Why We Must Elect Oprah in 2020 in Order to Advance the Radical Leftist Feminist Agenda. - SciBabe
Adforwifey comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Why would I! After all the election fraud perpetrated by the DNC against Sanders. And Russiagate which is pure fiction.
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2018:
@evestrat NO. I just like the idea. My preference really would be a ticket of Warren and Biden -- either one at either post. They have zeal, experience, and a real concern for our country and people.
Hi fellow non-believers, It appears that I am the oldest person in the room, possibly by a quarter ...
tsjames comments on Jan 10, 2018:
@wordywalt is 80, I think.
wordywalt replies on Jan 10, 2018:
Mu tupo. I'm 80, noy 70.
Hi fellow non-believers, It appears that I am the oldest person in the room, possibly by a quarter ...
tsjames comments on Jan 10, 2018:
@wordywalt is 80, I think.
wordywalt replies on Jan 10, 2018:
Yep, I'm 70. Will be 81 in April.
Silence is a political stance. It is a full throated endorsement of the status quo.
wordywalt comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Hear! Hear! Any person with any semblance of a moral backbone MUST speak out against Trump and today's morally bankrupt Republican party!
wordywalt replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@GreenAtheist "Spoke with forked tongue" is not an insult? Your words speak for themselves, and speak for your incivility.
Silence is a political stance. It is a full throated endorsement of the status quo.
wordywalt comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Hear! Hear! Any person with any semblance of a moral backbone MUST speak out against Trump and today's morally bankrupt Republican party!
wordywalt replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Why do you feel the need to insult? The user of unprovoked incivility only demeans himself.
Patriotism and religion have many similarities in the way they are practiced.
wordywalt comments on Jan 8, 2018:
What you describe is blind, irrational patriotism -- an extreme position which is harmful to both people and to the nation and what it stands for. I consider myself patriotic: I served in the military. I value most of the principles on which this nation was founded. I vote and pay my fair ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@Benmonk Your statement did not say that it was describing dysfunctional extreme patriotism, but to paint all patriotism with the same brush.
I have noticed a significant positive correlation between the religious (beliefs not supported by ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 7, 2018:
It is not just fear. "True believer" evangelicals see Trump as a vehicle to advance the coming of the kingdom of God. The irony is that they would sell their souls to support an evil man to promote the coming of the kingdom of God.
wordywalt replies on Jan 8, 2018:
I am not sure I would say that. I think that they have simply staked so much of their lives, energy, and beliefs to the dogma that they believe they must do everything they can to make sure that their pipedream comes true.@BitFlipper
Your thoughts on gun ownership?
wordywalt comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I would go further and say that no private citizen should own a pistol, assault weapon, or semi-automatic weapon. The only real purpose of such weapons is killing people. I am an Army vet and fired "expert with the M-1 Graand rifle. I also own a shotgun and a lever action rifle.
wordywalt replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@BamI proudly stand by what I said.
Silence is a political stance. It is a full throated endorsement of the status quo.
wordywalt comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Hear! Hear! Any person with any semblance of a moral backbone MUST speak out against Trump and today's morally bankrupt Republican party!
wordywalt replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@GreenAtheist It was not Carter, but Reagan. Reagan increased the national debt hugely over any previously levels.
Trumps first year
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
He is a dangerous immature twit and an embarrassment to the US.
wordywalt replies on Jan 7, 2018:
You are being generous to Trump.
Trump defends his sanity amid questions about his mental state - CNNPolitics
Stevil comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I don't think he's crazy insane or anything near it. He is a master at rallying his troops. I think he has done what he set out to do so far. The bullshit about building a wall was just hyperbole as was most of his campaign promises. He has provided Tax breaks for him and his cronies. We keep ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 7, 2018:
@Stevil It is hard to underestimate Trump. But, if we want to get rid of him, we do have to understand him. He is an absolute egomaniac. His style is a total adoption of the behavior or Roy Cohn -- his late vicious and totally unethical lawyer. Cohn's style was, if anyone opposed him or anything he did or wanted, was to mount an all-out vicious, cruel (and often dishonest) frontal attack by any and all means possible to make that opposition extremely costly and painful. If you will note, he recently said, now that he feels threatened, "Where is my Roy Cohn That is all that a person needs to know about him, as that is all there is to Trump.
Trump defends his sanity amid questions about his mental state - CNNPolitics
Stevil comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I don't think he's crazy insane or anything near it. He is a master at rallying his troops. I think he has done what he set out to do so far. The bullshit about building a wall was just hyperbole as was most of his campaign promises. He has provided Tax breaks for him and his cronies. We keep ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 7, 2018:
@Stevil That does not say much for the intelligence, morality, or temperament of his supporters.