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I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not ...
MichaelSpinler comments on Oct 16, 2017:
you should be, they are determined and well funded . trump has been sucking up to the evangelicals as well. i cant begin to count the number of creationist i have spoken to over the years , that lie about the founding fathers. try to punk there way to this being a christian nation . built on ...
wordywalt replies on Oct 17, 2017:
Religious, as well as political demagogues lust for power and control. They are "true believers" in what they consider to be an ideology which explains and controls everything and will not hesitate to try to impose that ideology on all others. Let us work closely together to keep them from establishing their tyranny.
I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not ...
DeiP comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I am too. It is amazing how they rewrite history also.
wordywalt replies on Oct 17, 2017:
Let us work together to prevent the comingling of religion and politics from poisoning our culture and society.
I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not ...
tsjames comments on Oct 16, 2017:
Yes, agreed. My impression is that there has been a slow erosion in the separation between church and state in the US over recent decades. Perhaps activist secular organizations deserve support.
wordywalt replies on Oct 17, 2017:
Let us work together to prevent the comingling of religion and politics from poisoning our culture and government.
I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not ...
goatgirl comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I live in the ruby red state of South Carolina where they thumb their noses at separation of church and state. They pray specifically to Jesus before city, county and state council meetings. They constantly try to push Christian prayer in to public schools. They spend tax funds on religious holiday ...
wordywalt replies on Oct 17, 2017:
Let us work together to prevent the comingling of religion and politics from poisoning our cultue and government.
I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not ...
KLMFTFW comments on Oct 17, 2017:
I also am very, very concerned about the separation of church and state. I often wear a T-shirt that says "Freedom IS the distance between church and state." I live in Indiana and I can tell you that the legislation I saw Pence passing or attempting to pass scared the hell out of me. My concern ...
wordywalt replies on Oct 17, 2017:
We agree on much. Let us work together the comingling of religion and politics from poisoning our culture. Stay in touch.
I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not ...
HeathenFarmer comments on Oct 17, 2017:
It isn't just happening in the US it is happening in Canada as well. It is actully a plan hatched by the Evangelist Missionary Alliance they are actually sponsoring training at christian universities like Trinity Western to young bright deluded to hijack conservative parties. The present leader of...
wordywalt replies on Oct 17, 2017:
I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not ...
roberbro comments on Oct 17, 2017:
I hold out hope that, since most of the research confirms that organized religion is actually dying in this country and that most younger folks identify as no religious affiliation, that one day this won't even be an issue anymore, because the christians will be outnumbered. I think most of the ...
wordywalt replies on Oct 17, 2017:
I don't believe that they think they have already lost the culture wars. They believe that they can use government to establish dominance and force their ideology on all of us through government. We CANNOT let theat happen.