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?. Does Jesus know about this?
wordywalt comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Either idiocy or senility.
As in the people still supporting 45.
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Trump continues to prove that stupidity is a terminal condition.
‘It’s Not Rape If You Enjoy It,’ Says Teen Involved In Native American Elder Incident.
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
It sounds like parents and a religious school have failed this boy.
Arizona Republicans want to tax porn to pay for Trump’s border wall – ThinkProgress
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Using obscenity to pay for an obscenity. What a novel, but ridiculous idea!
My on line , " dating , " experience : I was very surprised when three contacted me , at about the ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
The number of scammers one encounters today is amazingly bad. They try by e-mail, by facebook, by phone. Recently, one young man phoned, saying "Gramps, I need your help." I knew that that was not the voice of either of my two grandsons. I told him that he waws not my grandson. He pleaded with me. I said, "If you are am granDson, what is your name.?" He tried to continue, but I cut him off, Repeating, "If youare my grandson, what is your name?" After about 30 seconds of silence, he hung up.
PR Firm Linked To Mitch McConnell Helped Covington Teens Spin Their Story. []
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I believe it. Their response to the uproar seemed a bit too calculated.
Excuse me if this is a repeat... had to share it.
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Not accurate. McConnell's actions over the past 20-odd years are responsible for Trump today.
Trump's digital campaign and Russia's Internet Research Agency: a fully integrated operation.
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I believe that to be absolutely accurate.
45 Supporter feels betrayed. []
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
He has learned a painful lesson, hopefully.
Just read "This Fight Is Our Fight" by Elizabeth Warren.
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Warren is a very bright , moral, an active person and politician. She is my candidate, too.
Corporations are not people.
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
The only reason that that absurdity is now in law is that Mitch McConnell started that big lie over twenty years ago. Republican politicians gradually came to see that the false concept could help them to gain and hold power. Then Grover Norquist began bundling money from corporations and the super rich and passing it out to politicians who signed a written pledge not to raise taxes. They did gain power, and have now appointed member of the Supreme Court who have now given that absurdity the force of law. The whole process is immoral and undemocratic.
If you click the link from Twitter you can read the release
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Just another part of Trump's obstruction of justice.
Do you actually watch what you're watching on TV?
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
What you are describing is easy for those us who were chiuldrenl before the age of television. In those days, radio was the only live medium available. We learned to listen carefully and to visualize in our own minds what was happening. It required active engagement with our minds, not just with our eyes. With television, onr can be and all too often lis just a passive recipient.
I only found the link below by specifically looking for an indication that Russia was involved in ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
The malevolence and pervasiveness of Russian attempts to destabilize and undermine the West cannot be overstated. Under Putin, Russia is a threat to the entire world.
Are morality and empathy basically the same?
wordywalt comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Empathy is not just for small scale groups. Empathy occurs any time I can "put myself in another's shoes.: I may not know the person or even be a member of the same social group. So long as a can comprehend the situation and have some conception of how I might feel in the same situation, I have the basis for empathy. The only other thing that is required for empathy is the tendency to feel kindly toward others. That being said, empathy and morality are not the same thing. I can feel empathy fora person who has done something wrong, but still judge that persons actions to be immoral.
Why do you think p45 lies is so much?
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
He knows that he is lying. He just does not know how not to lie.
Nebraska Legislator Says “In God We Trust” Bill Has Nothing to Do with Religion | Hemant Mehta |...
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Huh? Either he is stupid, or a liar -- or both.
Sarah is just another idiot with connections, “He didn’t give his life.
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
No, she is not just another idiot. She is a person who makes a living ty constantly and knowingly lying to the American people. That is a true moral idiot.
Critics seize on Sarah Sanders tweet saying MLK ‘gave his life’ | TheHill
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
King did not "give his life." He was senseless assassinated by a virulent racist.
China grants Ivanka Trump 5 trademarks amid trade talks
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Clear corruption.
Opinions | Five reasons Trump may be a one-termer
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Impeachment or not, if we keep up the resistance, I am certain that he will be a one-termer or even less.
Senator: 'Bad Email' Could Show GOP Obstructed Justice
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I hope that they nail every one of them involved in the obstruction.
Animal Agriculture's Battle against Clean Water -
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Feed lots,, factory chicken and pig farms, and slaughter houses have long been the greatest threat to clean water.
Trump uses Winter Storm Harper as an opportunity to mock global warming! By Marissa Higgins ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Of course he does. He is too stupid to understand the difference between climate and weather.
The great dealmaker sucks at making deals.
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Well stated.
Two years into Trump’s presidency, far-right extremism has surged – ThinkProgress
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
True, because Trump has fanned the flames of racism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia. He is a conscienceless demagogue and provocateur
Trust and Disclosure in Special Prosecutor Investigations - Lawfare
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Mueller's final report MUST e made public in its entirety..
More Than Half of All Coffee Species Are at Risk of Extinction
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
And Republicans say that we have little or no damage from climate change.
Trump, Duterte, and the Authoritarian War on Women - The Atlantic
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Every woird true.
Pence's shocking use of Martin Luther King's words By Julian Zelizer, CNN Political Analyst ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Totslly agree.
What regional sayings amuse you?
wordywalt comments on Jan 21, 2019:
As a native rural southerner, I enjoy very descriptive southern exxpressions like It come a tosad=strangler" ( rained very heavily), or ":as useless as the tits on a boar hog>"
Donald Trump Has Never Cared About Workers, and Never Will
wordywalt comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Absolutely and unequivocally true~
Beyond Trump, this is generally what ails society today.
wordywalt comments on Jan 20, 2019:
That mother's statement was simply a dishonest denial of guilt of how she raised her son.
Mueller vs Buzzfeed.
wordywalt comments on Jan 20, 2019:
It appears simply the Buzz Feed simoply misstated some of the factrs -- not the story. I think that is all.
Only 3-4 people ?
wordywalt comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Robert Schlesinger:Trump's petty shutdown games show 'The Art of the Deal' author has no idea how to...
wordywalt comments on Jan 20, 2019:
So,so true!
Let's all have a good chuckle.
wordywalt comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Exactly what one has to expect from tTrump and his cabal.
No respect from collegiate Trump supporters for Native American war vet: HuffPost: Native ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Those damned kids need to be taught some civility, manners, and respect.
I prefer this kind of work out
wordywalt comments on Jan 19, 2019:
At the age of 81, I like both the gym and the garden for worouts.
wordywalt comments on Jan 19, 2019:
That will help, but we will never have great schools until we have principals and superintendents who are real instructional leaders who are highly knowledgeable about teaching and learning and focus on it at all times.
Regarding the "snowpocalypse:" so far, here in middle rural Illinois, we are still just getting lots...
wordywalt comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I an remember black ice when I lived in Galesburg. It is not at all pleasant.
For those that believe Trump is Putin's puppet.
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Like most people who have not lived in a culture long enough to really understand it, your are showing that you only have a marginal understanding of the USA and American culture and politics. It irks me when one seems to speak in an authoritative manner when their knowledge of the subject is so little. We are a more complex people, culture and political system than you depict.
President Trump Really May Go to Jail | Observer
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
And at a prison where he really does hard time.
A controversial startup that charges $8,000 to fill your veins with young blood now claims to be up ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Just another example of the culture of fraud and greed fostered by Trump and his ilk.
Should sharia law be banned from the West?
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
There should a complete and permanent separation between religion and state, regardless of what religion it is.
Pence says he is offended by the outrage of his wife's profession?
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
As a retired educator, I am not offended by Ms. Pence's profession, but by her bias and choice of place of employment.
Mitch McConnell calls House Democrats’ anti-corruption bill a “power grab” [vox.
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
That is because he is attempting to defend the corruption of himself, Trump and a number of other Republican politicians.
Christian leaders rally in defense of Steve King: He ‘admirably holds to the principles of Western...
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
These moral imbeciles have forgotten the basic tenets of the religion they claim to represent.
Spending a few days with a new man is a microcosm of the future relationship
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Stuart sounds like an arrogant ass who is full of himself.
Because Mexico is known to have so many Muslims.
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Trump himself is a lying,demagogic provocateur
The Left’s Worldviews Are Pure Treason, According To Loony Tunes Josh Bernstein Commentator ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Isn't Bernstein the guy who converted from Judaism to Christianity and now is trying to make a fortune by being an evangelical demagogue? It is just a bit too obvious what a con man he is.
wordywalt comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Simply put, greenhouse gases are carbon-based gases. These gases simply reflect heat radiating from the earth back to the earth. That is why they are called greenhouse gases. They have the same effect as a greenhouse.
Correct Mueller's Report LOL!
wordywalt comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Like heel, they can.
Look who reported this one... []
wordywalt comments on Jan 17, 2019:
The Trump cabal has NO conscience.
"Not far from the invention of fire... we must rank the invention of doubt." Thomas Henry Huxley
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
So true. It is doubt that leads to advances in knowledge and action.
We need to raise the minimum wage.
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
That statement about killing jobs is simply false propaganda by greedy businessmen and Republican ideologues. nd for those small business owners who complain, I have always said that a business so marginal that it can't pay a decent wage does not deserve to exist.
Oceans Are Warming Much Faster Than We Thought. Here’s What It Means – Rolling Stone
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
The proof keeps piling up.
Female film critic: "I got death threats for writing a bad review of 'Aquaman.'"
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Strange human behavior. Where in the hell does that come from?
Sometimes the fear won't go away....
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
That is what they call courage and the unwillingness to be dominated by fear. These are the people who get things done, and who make cfhange.
Sea rise breaking Miami Dade FL septic tanks, report shows | Miami Herald
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Two comments: (1) Outlaw spectic tanks in urban regions and in coastal regions, and (2) more evidence of sea level rise due to glal waring.
People with extreme anti-science views know the least, but think they know the most: study
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Typical of he most ignorant people and tyhose who are true believers in political and religious ideologies. They do not operate in the realm of reason.
Do you believe in destiny?
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Only that our actions over time make certain outcomes much mure likely.
As inequality grows, so does the political influence of the rich
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Yes. We, as a society and a political system are in real danger of descending into oligarchic tyranny. We must act in the largest numbers possible to put a quick halt to that trend.
Challenges of loving someone.
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
When we are young, inexperienced, and with raging hormones we can sometimes delude ourselves into seeing things in a person that we want to see, but are not there. Such self-deception can cost us dearly. Reasoning people learn from their mistakes and do not repeat them.
Would you send your child to a school which discriminated against other Americans?
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
I am not surprised. The Pences are far from the fair and loving Christians that they depict themselves to be. Pence continues to prove that by continuing to enable Trump and his destructive behavior.
18 U.
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
I am sure that Mueller has already built that into his case against Trump. Trump's sorry ass is in deep trouble.
The left is getting more radical all the time.
wordywalt comments on Jan 16, 2019:
That is a response to the insanely destructive ongoing descent of the political right that seems bent on tearing our democracy apart and creating an oligarchic kleptocracy..
wordywalt comments on Jan 15, 2019:
The NRA should be prosecuted and forced to pay fines equal to twice what they got from the Russians.
Gregg Jarrett: An FBI that is corrupt and dishonest -- Latest reports offer only more proof ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 15, 2019:
If you are relying on Fox "news" you are certainly not looking for truth, but for propaganda which matches your bias.
trump is selling everyone and the Veterans out wholesale! To please the wealthy and to feed their ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Agreed. That is why me must be removed from office as soon as possible and disgraced as thoroughly as possible.
Florida official says Rashida Tlaib might "blow up the Capitol Building!" Signs petition to remove ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I live in Florida. One has to remember that prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the Republican Party was so weak in Florida that there was not even a Republican primary. The Republican party in Florida is ruled by racism and by the culture of greed.
CNN was doing a news piece on 45 and geography.
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Nah. He is just an ego-maniacal idiot.
Ha ha.
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Finally a Repblican congressional leader did something right and moral.
Hey any moderates out there? Can one be so in this environment?
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I do not think that I am an extremist. But, the Trump cabal and its actions scare the hell out of me. They are damaging our democracy, our country and our people and i will fight them until they are gone.
Farm Country Stood by Trump. But the Shutdown Is Pushing It to Breaking Point.
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
The combination of the tariff wars and the shutdown is putting farmers in a deep hole. Their support of Trump canlnot last if that keeps up. And, it is all of his own doing.
Trump Confronts the Prospect of a ‘Nonstop Political War’ for Survival
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Keep up and ramp up the pressure. Make him crack!
Being on this site over a year now it has become a part of my life.
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Ielieve that there is a much lower percentage of agnostics and atheists in the Black community, and that there is a greater fear of being outed among those who are non-believers.
I tend to not color between the lines .
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I was, at heart, always an iconoclast, and will always be to the very end. I have told my wife and daughters that there is to be no funeral, "celebration of life" or any kind of special event when I die. I also want no interment -- simply the scattering of my ashes near one of my favorite fishing spots.
Is Trump working for the Russians?
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Add to your list the strong possibility that Trump has been laundering money for Russian oligarchs for 30 years or more.
Lindsey Graham is out stumping for the president, for the wall! No end in sight for the government ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I have always disagreed ideologically with Lindsey Graham, but I did believe that he was patriotic and that he believed in the full rule of law. Given his current political behavior, I no longer believe that.
Trump's economic adviser compares shutdown to vacation - CNNPolitics
wordywalt comments on Jan 14, 2019:
What a cynical and calloused lack of empathy!
Evangelical group says it's getting 'death threats' after leader's lynching bill remarks
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I do not believe Liberty Counsel. I think that they are claiming that just to generate more ill will. That way, if they did not stir up their base with the first statement, they are trying again with the second. Show what lowlife they are.
I have a general question for this group.
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
It is not likely to go on that long. If Trump does not compromise soon, enough Republican senators will pull away to force McConnell to act. I Pence did assume the office and if the shutdown were still on, his first act would be to settle it. If he did not, his tenure would be ruined from the very beginning.
To the guy that stole my antidepressants, I hope you're happy now.
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Ifhe reacts to antidepressants like I do, he does not feel a damned thing. I hated that feeling of being emotionally dead.
Is the US about to become a dictatorship, euphemistically called a "unitary government?
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I think that you greatly underestimate how strongly and deeply a large majority detest Trump and what he stands for. One way or another, we will make sure that he implodes.
Trump sidesteps yes-or-no question on Russia from Jeanine Pirro - YouTube
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Typical Trump. He does not want to tell the truth about his own behavior, but does not want to be caught in an outright lie, so he dodges the question.
Change in the news paradigm
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
good description of Fox "news" and other right wing propaganda outlets.
Had a hard time choosing a category for this one
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Patterns have always intrigued me.
Rudy Giuliani’s Mystery Trips to Russia, Armenia and… — ProPublica
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
The plot thickens!
Secretly working for Russia? []
wordywalt comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Nail his sorry ass!
Donald Trump might be the dimmest President the US has ever had | The Independent
wordywalt comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Not just maybe. Hr is the least capable president in our history -- by far.
The 'doomsday' scenario: Here's what happens if the shutdown drags on
wordywalt comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Trump does not give a damn, as long as he gets what he wants.
Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Election Day to Become a Holiday | Fortune
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Election day is a holiday in most European countries.
Trump claims 'professional' expertise when it comes to technology | MSNBC
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Like hell!
Social Security official: Married working mothers hurt society, condoms rob women of “remarkable ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
What a women-hating nut!
Ivanka Trump is reportedly under consideration to lead The World Bank
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
No way, no how! They have to be kidding.
Trump border wall and birtherism are about stoking racial resentments
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Of course. Tje man is evil to his core.
Rudy Giuliani doubles down on his dubious claim that the White House should be able to review and ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Guillani is just blowing smoke up his ass. The law is clear and the report MUST go to Congress.
Why Trump’s Unusual Leadership Style Isn’t Working in the White House
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I have read Goodwin's book. the assertion above is absolutely correct.
Documents Show NRA and Republican Candidates Coordinated Ads in Key Senate Races – Mother Jones
wordywalt comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Of course.