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What music speaks to your soul (brain, heart, loins)?
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Simon and Garfunkel. The protest and folk music of the 1970s. Much clasical music, particularly that which is powerful and.or melodic -- Max Bruch, Stravinsky, Copland, etc.
10 Rules of Life
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
This should be required reading for everyone from teen-age to 80.
Should universities take political stances?
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Not partisan stances. However, all universities should stand for knowledge, wisdom, treating all with respect and dignity, against cruelty and greed, etc.
Would You Opt for Immortality? - Quillette
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
No! And, I have no understanding of why a person would even want to live forever.
Do you thinks symbols and words change meanings over time?
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Of course the meanings attached to symbols chang as the society and culture change. One can even use the symbols to promote change. Postman and Weingarten, in their book, THE SOFT REVOLUTION, point out that if you attach the smbols that a group considers central to their beliefs, you create resistance and anger. But, if you endorse their symbol, but attach a new meaning to it, you leave an opening to consider change.
Getting Over Sugar Cravings
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
You simply have to make up your mind to do it. I was a sweetaholic until I became a diabetic in the 1960s. I have not eaten a single piece of cake, pie or candy since. The only sweets that I eat are whole fruit.
Are You A Leader Or A Follower?
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Whyen I was in a new situation, I laid low and scoped out the scene and the people until I had a grasp of the situation. Then, I assumed a leadership role.
What decade of your life was the best so far and why? Teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s?
wordywalt comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Toss0up between the 70s and 80s. The atmosphere and music of the 70s was fantastic-- the protest movement, the chance of making a change, etc. The 80s were a fantastically productive time for me and I enjoyed eery minute of that -- in spite of a horrible marriage.
Tips for moving out of state
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Depends on where you are moving to. North Florida is southern, politicallly conservative (if not reactionary and racist) bible belt country. Central Florida is more diverse, with a larger Hispanic population, but still largely Republican. South Florida is much more liberal and diverse, and less controlled by religion. If you don't mind driving, go by car. Avoid Atlanta 00 the traffic is horrible. Be prepared for heavy traffic on the interstates. I would start the job search now, using information from your family and all other sources you can find. Finding friends an be pursued in a lot of ways. I chatted with neighbors. I walked several miles through neighborhoods every day and stopped to strike up conversations. I made friends at the gym. You can use the internet to identify activities and social groups. Pursue the activities you lie and you will find friends in each activity. Stay away from "hot button" issues until you get to know people and alwayws treat those you meet with full dignity and respect -- until they prove they don't deserve it.
Loneliness vs. being alone
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I don't know what advice to give you. I am often alone, but seldom lonely.
I'm deeply interested in how we can effectively change the minds of those who hold sharply ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
You will never change the mind of a religious or political "true believer." Don't even try. The best that one can do is to marginalize the person, discouage them from acting on their political beliefs. Also if that peson with a differing view is a part of a cohesive group that believes similarly, the person will stay with the views of the group through thick and thin -- no matter how far off base those views may be.
Has anyone ever been to a godless wedding or funeral?
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
As an atheist, I do not see the sense in a funeral. There will be no funeral for me.
“The only position that leaves me with no cognitive dissonance is atheism.
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
An eloquent statement.
Chernobyl, I have seen that several different kinds of animals are genetically changed from that ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
If the altered animals have genetic differences which they can transmit to their offspring, yet are still able to interbreed with the original species, they are a sub-species. If they can no longer interbreed, they are an entirely new species.
How slow is too slow? How fast is too fast?
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
It is too fastif either feels pressured, and if you become sexually involved before you really understand each other. It is too slow if one or both have a genuine interest, but the distance causes the relationship to drift apart.
When you discuss or argue about a topic, it could be anything, how important is it to you to "win" ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 8, 2018:
To me, it is important to "win" an argument only if (1) the other is obnoxious in his or her behavior, and.or (2) I view his or her point of view as downright mmoral and dangerous.
How old was everyone when they discovered Atheism or Agnosticism before they became one?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
One does not discover atheism. He or she either never believed, or stopped believing.
How do people become brainwashed?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Cults find and exploit fears, superstitions, irnorance, and perceived weaknesses.
What is a (nonsexual) trait/skill you have that contributes to a positive relationship with someone,...
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
One behavior that helps me is that I do not hold grudges and I do not hold on to problems. Rather, I atttempt to find and implement effective resolutions to problems that emerge. Negative -- I can be demanding.
I became a "sole family survivor" at the young age of 45.
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
We each have chapters in our lives. In our childhood and youth, the relationship with our parents played a large part in definijg us. Thqat is a chapter you will always remember, but today we define oursleves by our ccurrent rleationships and endeavors. That is who you are today.
Is he just not into me?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Forget him. Something just did not mesh.
Are you a night owl, a morning person, or both?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
At times in my life, I was a real night owl -- even to the extent of doing my best thinking and work bwtween 10 PM and 2 AM. Now, I am an afternoon person.
Reporting fraud
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Sometimes, if a person is have any moral core, one simply has to take risks to do what is right.
I know this subject can get deep and I'm sure it's been presented many times but my questions is: Is...
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
If killers were acting rationally when they killed, then the dealth penalty would be a deterrent in two senses: (1) it eliminates the killer so that he or she cannot kill again, (2) the potential killer would reason that killing is not work the risk. Buyt, most killers are not acting rationally. The important thing is remove a threat to the lives of others. A hard life penalty accomplishes that and makes the perpetrator pay for a much loner period of time.
I’m always curious of people who describe themselves as spiritual but not religious.
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
O mever use the term.
Is Greeting or Being Greeted Import To you?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Yes. It is acknowledegement that one exists and has some value in the social context. A person who does not respond to a greeting is telling you more about themselves than anything else.
If "the meaning of life is to make life meaningful," how are you making your life meaningful today?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Your statement does not say anything. It uses a term to define itself -- circular reasoning.
Minimalism, environmentalism, consumerism, transcendentalism, Platonist, naturalist, romanticist or ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Existentialist and pragmatist (a la william James).
If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
If applicable, how did you quit smoking?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
I used the gum to break the smoking related habits. After I had managed, I used the patch to wean myself off the nicotine. The combination worked. I haven't smoked in 22 years.
If applicable, how did you quit smoking?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Started with the gum to get away from the habits of smoking, then switched to the patch to diminish the nicotine craving and quite completely.
The "Force" Behind Hope and Faith
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Where do you stand on education in Liberal Arts?
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
I believe that the more widely knowledgeable a person is, the more intellectual ammo the person has to draw upon to apply in many circumstances. But that liberal arts education must emphasize synthesis and application.
My Philosophy about life is that we should be journey oriented and not goal oriented.
wordywalt comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Without a goal orientation, a person will not accomplish much. But, if our life is to be lived in its fullest, we must also learn to live in the moment. It is not an either - or, but a combination of both that accomplsies the most real fulfillment.
Kentucky Governor Calls Kim Davis An Inspiration ‘To The Children Of America’
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Any man who says that is a damnable charlatan not to be trusted.
How close are you to your animal protien?
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
O have killed, dressed, and cooked many animals in my lifetime.. I did not relish it, but it was a fact of life in a rural area.
This is interesting when other countries are affected by Nowhere Man's "Love!" ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Trump is an egomaniacal, ignorant damned fool.
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I'm a vegetable gardener. In the spring -- tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, yellow squash. In the summer -- a variiety of southern field peas called acre peas. In the winter -- cabbabe, broccolo, cauliflower, beans, carrots.
Describe a (nonsexual) hobby/activity that you love to do, and why you love doing it.
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
There have been 3 activities which have loved throughout my life, one professional, and two as avocations.: 1. I love to do vegetable gardening -- the aret of growing plants from seed to replant in my garden, the physical labor of tilling the soil and laying out the garden, the management of the garden -- watering, insect and fungus control, watching the blooms turn into fruit (vegetables), the harvesting, the sharing with friends and neighbors, the actual eting of the delicious fresh vegetables. 2 Fishing -- the art of reading the waters and looking for the spots a fish is likely to be, picking he right lures or baits, casting, setting the hook, feeling the fish surge against the line, fighting the fish through fast and hard runs, leaps, and leading the fish into the net. Last, (after I have fillete the fish, I enoy a real southern fish fry with hushpuppies, cole slaw and grits -- all prepared by myself. 3. Professionally, as an eeucational innovator serving multiple school districts, I loved the activity of finding a real need which could improve school performance, then designing a program of activities and materials , writing training materials and designing training activities, planning the implementation activities, and actually leading the implementation of the program.After I had the program working well, I would typically lose interest and start looking for some new program to create.When I was doing that, I leved it, and could work 80 hour weeks for weeks land weeks.
Interesting man, Georges Nader.
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
The Trump obstruction dam is showing a number of real cracks and the waters of guilt are beginning to gush out. It won't be long before this whole vile cabal is swept away in a flood of guilt and shame.
Do you as an individual feel that you make a difference in politics?
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
By myself, I can't. But, if I join with that person, that person, then person, etcetera adnauseam, WE can accomplish one helluva a lot!
Prophets Gather At Trump's Washington Hotel To Unleash Angel Armies On His Deep State Enemies | ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
What damnable moral idiots!
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Your arguments are so full of holes that, if they were a boat, it would sink in 30 seconds. First, no one claims that limiting private ownership of assault weapons, semi-automatic rifles and pistols, and other weapons designed specifically to kill humans would eliminate nurder. But, data from other countries limiting gun ownership show a GREAT reduction in total murders bny all means anda near TOTAL elimination of mass murders. That shows clearly that increased gun ownership results in increased murders == that there is a causal link. Second, our country does have the power to limit private owhership of guns whose primary purpose is to kill other humans. Gun huggers are being irrational and immoral. While the ATF mishandled Waco, they did not cause the disaster. Karesh and the hoarding of illegal weapons , along will Karesh's deciwsion to commit mass suicide did that. Third, I can undersand how people enjoy target practice and cultivating marksmanship skills. I fired "expert " with the M-1 rifle myself. But weapons for that doe not have to be kept within arm's reach. Germany solved that probllem by allowing people to buy guns and keep them under lock and key in shooting clubs. It also allows the same for hunting clubs. In short, limiting gun owneship does work. ALL international data show that. Myself, I would eliminate all guns except for shotguns bolt-action and lever-action rifles. That is all that one needs to funt, control varmits and to protect oneself.
I really liked this post.. had to share.. pretty much sums it up for me anyway.
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
And, that is the ONLY valid reason for becominh and being an atyheist.
I googled "Billy Graham debates atheist", and nothing came up.
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
There was a dialogue between Woody Allen and Graham which aired on TV.
This 'prodigal son' is returning.
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Glad to have you back.
How much does a pet add to your daily life?
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
It is a delight to be awakened affectionately by my sweet little cat in the morning. She goes out with me when I work in my vengetable garden, and often sleeps in my lap when I watch TV. She adds much sweetness to the day
[] In other "this administration is pure evil" news.
wordywalt comments on Mar 6, 2018:
There is no honor in this administration.
Do you say "god bless you" when someone sneezes?
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
NO. I say, "Gesundheit!"
What word(s) do you never want to apply to you?
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Greedy, uncaring, stupid, corrupt.
How long should a question be?
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
The question is not length, but clarity and precision in writing. If you must have a long prelude to your basic question, write succinctly, in brief, one topic paragraphs, then pose a clear and chort question.
Is sexism against women a larger social problem than sexism to men?
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Oh, yes -- in every sense.
What is everyone's favorite (American) football team?
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I have no favorite pro team. I prefer college football, and my favorite team is the Florida State Seminoles.
I'm trying to figure out my purpose.
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
You will never find your purpose in another person. Your purpose can only be accomplishing something of value to yourself and others.
Do you hold doors for women?
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Yes, and for men, too. It is a simple act of courtesy -- nothing more.
Is it possible to have an informed world view without having read the classics?
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I have read widely, including msanhy of the so'called "classics." I have many, many other books and articles more informative than the classsics. What is imprtant is noty the "classics" but having read widely and deeply the thoughtful worksw of many authors.
Anybody here see the parallels between believing in and and obeying an all-powerful god, and ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Most religions are a total system ideology -- ideologies which purport to include and explain everything. Communism is a total system political ideology -- equally as controlling and fallaciious. If you are implying that our govwernment is one of those ideological systems, you are not in your right mind.
Have you ever gotten a kick out of an enemy’s misfortune?
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Oh, yes. Heh. Heh. Heh.
One of my latest...
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Do you think the human animal will go extinct in the sixth mass extinction currently under way?
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
The human species will go extint. Wh and how have yet to be determined.
Sixteen years ago today, I married my ex.
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I can understand your feelings. I left a terrible marriage after over 30 years of really trying. Yes, I regretted the wasted time in that relationship. But pne cannot dwell on the "lost" time if one is to have a life. Chalk it up to experiene and move on. Just don't make the same mistakes again. I do not wish to punish her, but I will never be able to forgive my first wife for persiting in behavior that she knew was destroying our relationship. But, I want nothing to do with her ever again. I found a very different person and we have been happly married for almost 23 years.
Your version of a Healthy Relationship?
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
A caring, sharing relationship which leaves both with a sense of fulfillment.
Question everything
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
HAPPINESS I define as the brief moments of esstacy or sublime joy. I'll settle for a general sense of contentment.
What is your most-hated weekend house chore?
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Any Cooking, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, raking, working in my vegetable garden, maintenance chores are all okay.
What's better: renting or owning a home?
wordywalt comments on Mar 4, 2018:
If you don't want to take on responsibilities of maintaining the property, yard care, mortgage, etc, you are better off renting. If those do not bother you and if you plan to be in the same city for a substantial period of time, I would prefer home ownership.
Are most agnostics intelligent and left-leaning?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I would guess that the majority of agnostics and atheists are both intelligent and left-leaning. They are people who do not automatically accept dogma, tradition, or authority. They ten to be more critical thinkers and people who ask questions.
What would you define as critical human rights?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
There are many critical human rights. among them (1) freedom from want, hunger, fear, oppression, (20 freexom to define oneself as one chooses -- so long as the definition does not infringe on the rights of others, (3) freedom to learn and to think without the infringements of indoctrination of imposition of ideological dogma. $) the freedoms and responsibilities of a truly democratic society. These are some of the basics.
Shit is the most versatile word in the English language.
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Are you sure that you do not have a fixation?
When looking for a significant other, there are lots of easy to detect deal-breakers like smoking, ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Be very careful of anyone who (1)is not willing to make themselves vulnerable, (2) sees life as a win-lose proposition -- as opposed to a win-win, (3) has an absolute need to be in control, (4) cannot show any empathy, (5) has a need to constantly play control and "mind-fuck" games. I don't care how otherwise appealling they are, you will dealy regret getting involved with them.
Do young people want to have adventures?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Most young people simply do not have the nerve to commit themselves to a real adventure. It is easier to simply do something mildly risky and foolish.
How do you express hope or emphathy to someone who is dealing with a terminal desase?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Tell them that you hope they can beat this and that you are pulling for them. Comforting without religion is easy.
Why is it so important to break someone else's faith?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
It isa important to foster critical thinking.. Breaking one's faith is something which can only be accomplished by the person himself or herself.
Would you eat lab-grown meat?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
If it were proven safe, why not?
I can remember 15 passwords, 5 or 10 phone numbers, addresses I lived at years ago and piles if ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I remember phone numbers from almost 60 years ago and people's faces, but have difficulty remembering names.
Question for the Cat Slaves here. Are your cats declawed? If not, do you trim their claws?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
No, my cat is not declawed. Yes, we do trim her claws. We also use cardboard scratching pads sprinkled with catnip to distract her from the furniture. It generally works.
This happened to me during my college days.
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I was stationed at the U.SArmy Hospital in West Berlin in 1960, at the height of the Cold War. West Berlin was 110 miles deep inside Russian controlled East Germany, and surrounded by 300,000 Russian Troops. Late one night, MPs Blocked the entrace to hospital gounds on Faberstrasse and ensured that there was no one between the gate and the outside entrance to the Outpatient Department. They also cleared the Outpatient Department itself, and sorrounding hallways of all people. Then they drove a vehicle to the Outpatient entrance and brougt a man into the hospital and placed him in a private room and locked the door. They gave the key to the doctor who was to be the attending physician and he was the only person allowed to see the patient. I made all of the morning reports for the hispital showing all personnel actions and patents admitted and discharged. For this admission, I was told to simply state "one person admitted - CLASSIFIED. About a week later, the MPs came back and took the person out again in the ded of night in the same manner. I entered in the morning report, "one patient discharged -- CLASSIFIED.. I often wondered who the man was. A defector? One of our spies who got ill and came in from the cold for treatment?
Grown up fun
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
The last time I saw snow in Florida was in 1958. Snowball fights are rare here.
How do you rate Trump's performance?
wordywalt comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Trump has already set a new benchmark for worst US president in history.
Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate? Why?
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I was lucky to have work that I loved and get paid decently for it. That was good enough for me.
My 12-yo daughter revealed to me yesterday that she’s gay. Should I...
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
You have to be kidding, and your question is so contribed. There is only one choice for the sane, caring person.
Ladies: The egg never swims out to the sperm. Never chase a man.
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
The ovum is not biologically equipped to be motile. Women are.
What is the best way to explore human nature: psychology, philosophy, or biology?
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Both biology and psychology help to describe and explain human nature. Philosophy provies us with a vehicle for thinking about things.
Do you make your bed every day? Why or why not?
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
If my wife is out of town, no. Why should I?
How many of you are able to maintain good friendships with people of differing opinions and politics...
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
+I can if the other agrees that we both will treat the other and his/her opinions with civility, dignity, and respect; or if we agree that certain topics are out of bounds for us.
I've never lived in Las Vegas, but my son lived there three years.
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I agree. Have never been to Vegas and have never wanted to. There is nothing beautiful or natural about the city.
What's something that has never (or will never) changed about you?
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
My love of learning.
Please help me choose: 1) Truck Fump 2) Tuck Frump
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Neither. How about Dump Trump!
OK so it's been fun so far but let's try and shake things up.
wordywalt comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Any reports saying that time travel is real iare pure poppycock!!
Is wrong to get your feeling out?
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
It is not wrong, but it might interfere with your primary aim. You can't unload on a person and expect them to be cooperative.
Best way to free friends from religious oppression?
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
They have to free themselves of religion. You cannot do it for them.
Good words to live by...
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Thye sentiment is good, but the composition is poor.
Kroger to raise age limit on gun sales to 21 - POLITICO
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
The fact that Kroger even sells guns is a horrifying example of corporate greed.
We all come from different ethnic and socio-cultural backgrounds yet here we are on an Agnostic ...
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
If you will scan previous posts, you will find out that a lot of people have already done that.
Do we need the mind?
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Of course not. The mind is what creates and defines the human being.
I recently became single because my ex decided he couldn't live with my cat.
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
You really did need a guy who actred like that.
As of now I'm Agnostic. Wondering if I should fully convert to Atheism. Thoughts?
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
It is not a matter of converting. It is a simple matter to deciding that you are certain that you do not believe in any god or religion.When you decide that, you are an atheist.
This says it all, at least til the next one
wordywalt comments on Mar 1, 2018:
He is not mentally ill -- just an egomaniacal, not very bright, l greedy, lying sociopath.
Social classes
wordywalt comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Through my education and work, I am middle class. But, I grew up in the undereducated lower class.
How important is the constitution to you?
wordywalt comments on Feb 28, 2018:
The U.S. Constitution is very important to me. But, many conservative misinterpretations of it I consider an abomination against our democracy and political ethic.
As I've mentioned previously on this site, it is predominantly people from the U.
wordywalt comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Have enjoyed watching live college level rugby games, but never really got into the sport.