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Christian Whose Rapture Prediction Failed Now Says It’ll Happen Later This Year – Friendly ...
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Get good odds, bet big money. If you lose, hey, it's the rapture, you know? The guy won't be there to collect. If you win and get any static about payment, sue.
The Amish community has very nice people.
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I like it. I've personally staked a lot on being able to come up with a cheesy joke, and yours was better than cheesy. Respect. ?
When I was in public High School, my guidance counselor was a Catholic Priest.
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2018:
When I was in Catholic high school, my guidance counselor was a nun. I had pretty much figured out where I was going to college, and her influence was non existent. So that sounds similar. It turned out ok, but no thanks to the nun.
So I've begun another relationship with a very attractive & smart man.
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2018:
It's always good, though rarely accomplished, to establish clear expectations at the beginning of a relationship. It doesn't have to be deadly serious, but a few simple questions now will either put your mind at ease, or avoid trouble down the road. You seem to have some of those questions, and you probably should ask them sooner rather than later. Good luck! A new romance is always such a rush. ?
The Agnostic Treadmill
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2018: levels are harder, cuz Dante's work is fiction. What do I win? ?
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Evita. I loved it, still do. Pippin was good too. I'm probably dating myself here.
Has anyone got up and left a meeting while you spoke?
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2018:
This happened to me a while ago at my work. It was a meeting to prioritize the work my group did with representatives of the user and testing communities. The user representative was a plain old bully who liked to change the subject when challenged. I out-prepared her one time, and when she objected to decisions we had already just made at the meeting, I offered to reopen the discussions. She didn't like that, and walked out of the meeting in a huff. That's different than your situation, and for me it was very satisfying.
Do you responsibly avoid sharing misinformation?
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2018:
If I had a nickel for every hoax I've verified as false and corrected with a link to just Snopes, I'd have enough for a nice lobster dinner. People are gullible, but they do try to be helpful. Those are fertile conditions for the spread of misinformation.
Well this pretty much says it all, doesn't it?
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2018:
The assumption underlying this is that there is one objective standard of maturity. I doubt that. This is a general statement applied to ALL boys and ALL girls, and it describes a process that is quite different for each person regardless of gender. So while you can make the case that girls mature differently than boys, you can also make the case that each person matures differenrtly than any other person. Having said that, SOME boys are allowed to engage in sophomoric behavior way too long, but so are some girls, IMHO. You get into trouble when you generalize.
Parents: Do you use punishment?
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I held my kids accountable by suspending priveleges, and stuff like that. It wasn't to punish, because you're right, that doesn't work. But it reinforced the notion that actions have consequences, which is important to keep in mind for anyone. They turned out all right, both have jobs and live good lives. They were both here for dinner last night.
Why do we fall in love?
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2018:
It always seems like a good idea at the time. Sometimes, it is. Other times, it's a disaster. Hard to tell which it's going to be at the beginning. But it's not something you decide, it's a feeling, and you can't really control those.
I was born fourth generation Mormon.
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Good for you, partner! Don't worry about the past, nothing you can do about it now anyway. And remember, science is true whether you believe in it or not.
Evolution operates on populations of species, each having a range of traits.
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Well, the principle is natural selection, that individuals with traits conducive to survival replicate more readily and lead to more individuals with those traits. So an individual produced with a productive trait that might be based on evolution can propogate that trait. Right?
Wonderful events!
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2018:
That you can take the same pile of raw vegetables, spices and meats and just based on the way you prepare them can create a number of different and delicious meals. To me, that's magic.
Free will means you make your own choices based on nothing but the information you receive and your ...
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Your life is yours to live as you see fit. You can rely on rationality, reason, logic and facts, or you can rely on faith, or some combination of the two to inform your decisions. Whether you think you have free will or not, you do. Circumstances can change your situation, but ultimately what you do is your choice.
How about Synchronicity?
zeuser comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Well, I've learned that shit like this can happen. I chalk it up to experience.
Do you think, like gambling and smoking, this site should carry an addiction warning?
zeuser comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Honestly, you could market the site based on the warning alone. I'm ok with it. ?
Lost in Translation
zeuser comments on Apr 21, 2018:
It's hard to project context accurately in a written message medium. People make inferences based on their own interpretations. If you find more than one person who miss your meaning, it can be a coincidence, but it doesn't hurt to strive for more clarity when you write. If you are doing the best you can, blow off that kind of response as not your fault.. Communion has two ends, sending and receiving. You can only do so much at your end, the rest it's up to the other guy.
Thinking about LEVELS...
zeuser comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I can't tell if this is on the level. LOL
How do you handle rude people when you've tried your best to accommodate them?
zeuser comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I disengage. You get to a point where further engagement is pointless.
Which is worse?
zeuser comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Further away seems worse. You can aways start up again with someone close by, but it's been my experience that in spite of promises to stay in touch, it usually only happens via facebook, if at all, with friends who move away.
Do you have wonderful ex or current in-laws?
zeuser comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I only have my sister in law, her husband, and my two nephews (once someone calls me uncle, that person is always my nephew, or niece, though I don't have a niece). The boys (well, the men really) are in different places geographically, but when either or both are in town, there is a meal somewhere with all involved. My former SOL in particular has been very helpful in stepping in as a surrogate for my kids when I and my ex had difficulties connecting with them. So I guess that counts. My nephew and his wife just had a little boy, and I can't wait to see him.
Just wanted to share my good news with you all.
zeuser comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Good for you! If I were close to your pharmacy, I'd make sure you would be the one to sell me blood pressure pills.
If you were forced to put together an atheist "church" service on Sunday, what would your "sermon"...
zeuser comments on Apr 20, 2018:
It would be a good chance to try out any standup material I might have. Some religious sermons are unintentionally hilarious (to me at least), so I think it would be good to drop the pretense and just try to be funny. Think how George Carlin ( a favorite from another thread here ) would go about it. It would be something to aspire to, at least.
When is too late to start looking for a life partner?
zeuser comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Maybe it's never too late, but I can see a case where it might not be a bad idea to take a break. You can want something so much that it can cloud your judgment and lead to bad decisions. That would be a good opportunity to stop for a bit and reassess your motivations. But not because it's "too late".
What is a good reason to be happy?
zeuser comments on Apr 19, 2018:
If nothing hurts, if you can eat and eliminate without any problems, if you have good friends, If you have enough food, a secure home, and lots of good books, those are all good reasons. I like your approach of being serious but really it's a con until you pull the gag or say the punchline, I do that myself, and yeah, it makes me happy,
Do you believe in Karma?
zeuser comments on Apr 19, 2018:
This is one of those things that I wish was true. It would be immensely satisfying if there was some guarantee of ultimate justice. But I don't think it exists as a separate agency making sure everybody gets what they deserve. How would that work, exactly? Who or what decides that someone deserves one thing or another without a value judgment of some kind? Nope, nice fantasy idea, just not true.
So you're invited to a masquerade party! What statement would your costume make about you?
zeuser comments on Apr 18, 2018:
When I was younger, ingesting certain fungi beforehand made this sort of thing enjoyable. I never wore a costume, but I always had a helluva time.
I couldn't agree more!
zeuser comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Oh my. Yeah, you're right.
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Every so often, you just gotta book.
"You should always keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2018:
In the same spirit as your mantra, I offer this. You have to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything. Also, never ever let them see you sweat.
Today is a rare day for me.
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Oh hell yeah. Everyone has a boiling point. Nice glass of wine, some of the herb, and straight ahead jazz. Forget about all the jackwagons and douche canoes and roll it out smooooth.
Does this point of view seem rational? does it offend you?
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2018:
It's all good if all parties aren't acting like assholes, and don't restrict your right to your own opinion or practice. Makes the world go round, you know?
Quick questions... or maybe not... How does everyone feel about marriage?
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Just like anything else, people can abuse marriage and use it as a tool of exploitation. The best case is a partnership where affection and a sense of shared purpose and responsibility make two more than the sum of the individuals participating. There are many many versions of worst cases. It depends on you and your spouse, really.
Well this should be interesting. What is bothering you today?
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2018:
I'm drowning in paper. My filling (or lack of it) always looms over me. I take care of most of my business without any trouble. Organizing the steady stream of incoming is always an issue.
I would like to thank all the members who responded to my previous post regarding the passing of my ...
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2018:
You're more than welcome, brother. You know where to find us.
Well in my humble opinion, of course without intending to offend anyone who thinks differently from ...
zeuser comments on Apr 16, 2018:
No, no, you got it right!
Why does it seem that some people go out of their way to be unpleasant?
zeuser comments on Apr 16, 2018:
That's the only way a lot of folks know how to roll. Wish it was different.
Where does the other sock ever go? Is there a sock black hole?
zeuser comments on Apr 16, 2018:
You find a lot of them when you move, but not all of them. Just get more socks.
How do you deal with the death of a son? Last thursday I lost my son (Age 32)
zeuser comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Oh no, I am so sorry. It's gotta be very hard, my sympathy to you and all who knew and loved your son. Cherish the memories. ♥
Do you get visits from missionaries often?
zeuser comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Three or four times a year. I get calls from people who want to fix my credit too. Same vibe, different scam.
Raising a decent human being
zeuser comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Provide resources, opportunity, guidance, responsibility with accountability, patience, and a good example.
What’s your views on the death penalty laws?
zeuser comments on Apr 12, 2018:
As long as the death penalty exists, it can and will be misapplied or applied mistakenly. I believe some acts justify it, but I can't condone the state killing in my name, even if someone richly and truly deserves it.
What, me worry?
zeuser comments on Apr 12, 2018:
If it was just me, I'd agree with you. I do worry about what I need to do for the people who rely on me. I guess responsibility can cause worry, or at least be identified as a cause. I try to not do it. Good for you that you've figured out how to let it go. I'm working on it.
Are we all tired of being classified by a color, or what???
zeuser comments on Apr 11, 2018:
This is a good approach if you are on the right side of the dominant cultural privilege. If you are holding the shitty end of the racial stick where you have to live, you view things from a somewhat different perspective. It may be childish in theory, but when it's you on the bottom for no reason other than your color, it's not theoretical. I agree with your point. Good luck getting rid of it, except in your own life, and even then it's harder than you think. The point of racial privilege it's you don't even realize when you are exerting it. I wish it wasn't that way. Lots of things I wish.
What’s your un-guilty pleasure?
zeuser comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Pizza, bud, super hero shows and movies.
Getting over someone
zeuser comments on Apr 11, 2018:
What's holding you up? Can you put a name to it? Name the problem, then think of the solution. That sounds simple, I know, and is not easy, but that's all I got hon. Some possible examples: you keep running into the person - ok, start moving in different circles; you miss the sex- ok, you know what you do; you feel betrayed - ok, try to forgive and move to new things in order to forget; you think maybe it was your fault - ok, were you gaslighted? I dunno. Fwiw.
Day-drinking....yes or no?
zeuser comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Oh hell yeah. I like to get home before it's dark, so this is my preferred method. Day drinkers are the best!
Does someone have to be college educated to be intelligent?
zeuser comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Not all colleges are the same. Not everyone has access to any college at all. Not all education happens in colleges. Intelligence and education are not the same thing. Education is the result of effort. Uneducated intelligence can be very good or very bad. So no. ?
Do you think that Burt Langcaster was an exceptional actor who deserved more recognition by the ...
zeuser comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Atlantic City was a high point. Local Hero was wonderful. Winning Oscars is, imho, overrated.
Do you like country living? For those that do, did, ? Or want to
zeuser comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I never lived in the country. I really can't say. I do like urban amenities. But I like to hear the barred owls hoot too.
Who remembers when they last seen a paper boy or girl doing a paper round ?
zeuser comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I stopped getting a physical newspaper maybe 2 years ago, but prior to that, delivery was handled by adults throwing the news from cars. As newspapers continue to decline as viable businesses, I doubt we'll ever see paperboys or girls again.
Did I screw up?
zeuser comments on Mar 31, 2018:
No, you're good. We always let our kids enjoy the cultural pagan benefits of xtian holidays.
For all the non-whites out there, a question: Does it bother you when people inquire about your ...
zeuser comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Most people point out my resemblance to a mythological guy who delivers toys right around the winter solstice. And whole I do serve that purpose for certain family members, I do not have a North Pole cultural background. Now southern Poland, that's a different story, but the beard doesn't even register as a Polish fashion choice. ?
Why Ohio??
zeuser comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Now let me stop you right there...
Walking to work I'm approached by an woman with a pamphlet.
zeuser comments on Mar 31, 2018:
See if you can bottle it. You could sell a million, at least.
I think I have to stay away from Facebook this weekend.
zeuser comments on Mar 31, 2018:
It's easy for me to ignore the FB noise, there's a lot of it there even if it isn't Easter. I don't try to provoke anyone, although I do seem to do it by accident anyway. And I always wondered why egg nog isn't an Easter tradition. You're only allowed one kind of egg each holiday?
Should women still act like women and men like men?
zeuser comments on Mar 31, 2018:
The key word in your question is "act". Men and women shouldn't act like anything and just "be", and not worry about fulfilling anybody's expectations. Granted that's easier to say than to do for a number of folks. But you shouldn't stop being yourself just because some arbitrary set of rules makes it harder. Men have always felt insecure, women have always felt the need to be very strong. Acting in a way that denies any of it will inevitably hurt you.
Have you ever looked back on something did and wondered how you survived?
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Oh hell yeah. I should have died 8 or 9 times, at least.
People describe me as a sinner. What is sin?
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
You got it right, brother. You know what's right and what isn't. When someone else tells you what is right or wrong, the assignment of sin is an enforcement mechanism. I don't like anyone defining my morality, and especially not with an enforcement mechanism based on a subjective definition of sin. You're on the right track here. ?
Do you want a funeral, or a celebration of your life?
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I told my kids to surprise me.
I recently bought a crock-pot and learning to use it.
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I make a very good posole in the Crock-Pot, that isn't that hard, it's good and hearty, and you can spice it up quite a bit. Here's an easy one, take pork loin and put it in the crock pot with a can of root beer, let it cook on low for 5 or 6 hours, remove, shred, and serve with your favorite BBQ sauce and Cole slaw on an onion roll.
Favorite pholilosophere?
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Heidegger, Husserl, Sartre, Pierce. Phenomenologists, an existentialist, and a pragmatist. Sounds like the beginning of a joke, if you got them walking into a bar. ?
Do you agree or disagree?
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
They hype it as the greatest story ever told. But it's a story. And not even that great, if you ask me.
How do you know what they wrote in the bible,koran and the bagavate gita is all true ?
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
You don't, but you can use your own logic to see the problems with the myths and suggested timelines. Most older scripture, regardless of the faith, it's based on oral tradition, politically manipulated at some point to support the actions of those in power. Other newer scripture, relying on the angel Maroni or alien thetans for their delivery, are just plain ridiculous on their face.
Should an athiest or agnostic be a god parent?
zeuser comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I wouldn't do it if someone asked. So far, that hasn't happened, so this is a hypothetical for me.
I have a cousin whom I love dearly.
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I'd tell her what she wants to hear, just to make her feel better, the do what you can by conventional means.
Are you patient?
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I modify my behavior so it looks like I'm patient, but I do seethe internally when something goes on for what seems like forever. Does that count?
Sex, fine food or good company?
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Is it gourmet pizza? Then the food.
Do You Have a Phobia?
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Acrophobia. I got zero sense of balance and wobble on a 2 foot high step stool.
How fast do you drive in a 35 mph zone?
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2018:
40, it's easy to get to 35 if you see a cruiser.
What is the plural of Jesus?
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Jedi, no?
Why are men so afraid of meeting face to face on online dating?
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Well, suggesting a meeting immediately gets withdrawal, in my experience. Plus, now don't judge me, I expect to pay for whatever happens at the first meeting, and most of the ones so far have resulted in very little chemistry. So I'm careful.
Heart breaker..
zeuser comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Back in 1980. No, she married someone else, so did I, and that was that.
Every time I say good bye to my now 95 year old dad it wrenches my heart.
zeuser comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I'm in a similar spot. My dad's 93, I am about 10 hours away by car. I call him every day and usually visit 3 times a year. Could only make it once in 2017 due to my on life demands, though I am traveling up for a 2 week stay starting next week. My mom is gone, all his brothers and sisters are gone, all my mom's brothers and sisters are gone, I am an only child, and when you get to 93, most of your friends and neighbors are already in the ground. It's rough.
Can a guy have a female best friend and sex never enter the frame?
zeuser comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Well, friendship is one thing, being a best friend is something else. I have several female friends without the benefit of sex. I don't consider any of them my best friend. YMMV
I gotta know.
zeuser comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I spit when I need to spit. If I spit indoors, I do it in a sink or a toilet. Outside, a sink or toilet may not always be available when the need arises. I prefer to spit in a natural area, but will spit in the street if I must. Y'all need to deal with that. ?
Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?
zeuser comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Turned out ok for me. *Ahem*
Why do people say, "I have been to every corner of the world", when the earth is round?
zeuser comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Not if you look at it on a map. A map of the world has corners.
Since my mid forties, I have found myself becoming progressively more of an introvert.
zeuser comments on Mar 27, 2018:
The older you get, the more you realize all the ways things can go wrong if you interact with anyone. It makes you a bit more introspective and cautious before you engage with people. That's not being an introvert, and it certainly isn't insane.
I started reading the bible recetly, and I'm 11 pages into genisis, and the shear substance of what ...
zeuser comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Yes, I've read it, for a biblical exogesis course in college, and it solidified my views related to Christian religious validity (it has none).
Can you judge a person by the company they keep?
zeuser comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Hmmm, I dunno about that. If you're doing opposition research, I guess this a common tactic designed to dig up dirt on people. While it's a valid tactic for adversarial applications, if you look for dirt, you'll find it. If that's what you're after, go ahead. I can't see this as a good policy for vetting potential hires unless it's for a security clearance.
A fun question for everyone... what is the best way to break the ice here?
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Just talk. It's like throwing spaghetti against the wall, some of it will stick, some won't.
Any wine lovers?
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I love Pinot grigio, true Rose, oaky chardonnays, Sauvignon Blanc, nice big Zinfandels, Pinot noir, and the occasional Gewurtztraminer. I love dry Chianti with Italian food. And who doesn't love champagne?
Are Some Men Reluctant to Talk on the Phone?
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Texting is asynchronous. You don't both have to be available at the same time to exchange useful information. And if you want, you can check to see if someone is available and finish it up by talking to each other on a standard phone call. I don't like leaving voice mail either.
Mixed feelings on new company holiday
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Where I worked previously, there were no religious holidays on the company calendar, but they gave everyone a floating holiday, which you couldn't carry forward and was distinct from vacation time, for anyone who wanted to take off some particular day. Lots of people used it for Good Friday. I used it for the beginning of the NCAA basketball tournament, the closest thing I get to a religious experience anymore.
About you?
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Well, there's a lot of ethnic culture and foods that are most definitely an important part of who I am. It's not just about ancestry, I count the close bonds I still maintain with folks in my old hometown. Now to be fair, I grew up in a heavily ethnic area, so my perception of what my background means to me will always filter through that lens. I am an American, but I have strong Eastern European roots that I am comfortable and proud to possess.
Favorite Atheist/Agnostic songwriters/songs?
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Billy Joel, "Only the Good Die Young". I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints; the sinners are much more fun...
A joke for believers.
zeuser comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I've been telling this joke for over 50 years. In my version, it's a guy at a bar talking to the bartender, and the existence of God does not enter into the setup. But the fact the joke was repurposed indicates it's a good joke. You can always repurpose the good ones.
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
zeuser comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I was 28, and got a divorce 28 years later. That was 9 and a half years ago. No regrets. I mostly enjoyed being married, but I also like being single. I'm on great terms with my ex, and my kids are ok with the whole situation.
What is the most painful thing you’ve endured?
zeuser comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Diverticulitis attack was the worst pain, rolling around in bed and loudly moaning. Severe gout hurts like hell, and rivaled the diverticulitis pain. And of course abcess teeth. Sheesh, I've been through some pain, but not right now. All my best to the folks who are in intense pain right now.
Would you try to overcome a categorical refusal?
zeuser comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Nope. If it has come up at an early stage of the relationship, it's clearly a deal breaker for them, and you waste time and energy trying to make headway. When I see "God is important to me" in a tinder profile, I swipe left baby!
Do you spend time debating your views on religion with the religious?
zeuser comments on Mar 23, 2018:
My Uncle Doc told me once "Don't ever play somebody else's game." I won't debate anyone about anything where they make the rules and they determine the forum. They've stacked it against you, and that's a bad spot to start from. I do like honest existential discussions in a friendly environment with people who are open to ideas. But this is territory where zealots rarely visit.
When life gets you down and you're having your worst day, what helps you to feel better?
zeuser comments on Mar 23, 2018:
A bar. With friends is better, but just a bar works. Your way sounds a lot more selfless, but I gotta be me.
I was 12 the day I stopped believing.
zeuser comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Whatever happens, stay healthy!
Continuation of the online date.
zeuser comments on Mar 22, 2018:
You will stay together as long as you each are willing to swallow the other's crap. Based on your description, that's gonna take some work to engineer. I can't see a good path to suggest here, sorry. But don't give up and good luck bro.
Maybe I should start a group called "women who love men who love themselves".
zeuser comments on Mar 22, 2018:
It's like trying to sell something. You have to get through your quota of "no's" before you find a "yes". And persistence counts!
How did I get put in the friend zone ?
zeuser comments on Mar 22, 2018:
You can't get out. Either you accept it and put up with it, or you move along. Forcing the issue will cause conflict eventually. Sometimes, you don't get what you want.
Hello! I'm new here So I thought I'd introduce myself.
zeuser comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Enjoy the vibe, it seems pretty genuine to me. Welcome aboard.
Do you carry a knife or tools with you?
zeuser comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I carry a pocket knife in my pocket, a multi tool Leatherman and a 4 inch Jack knife in my backpack, and some small screwdrivers to fix eyeglasses in the dop kit in the backpack.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Jan 3rd, 2018
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