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Directed to retirees. When did you make the final decision to give it up?
zeuser comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I was incentivized to retire at 64 last October. I'm still adjusting to the lack of structure, but other than that, I can't really see a downside. I was in tech/IT, and the youngsters are far more knowledgeable than I am about current technologies. Time for those guys to carry us, I put in my time and did my part.
Do you "collect" anything? What is it, and do you display your collection?
zeuser comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Shot glasses. Only a portion of the collection is on display at any given time.
What decade of your life was the best so far and why? Teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s?
zeuser comments on Mar 9, 2018:
40's for sure. I was still happily married, raising my kids, had a great dog, enjoyed my job, good friends all around, the peak of my cooking, lived in a great place. The 20's were good too..
Getting Over Sugar Cravings
zeuser comments on Mar 9, 2018:
That's easy. Start smoking! Seriously though, the best way to avoid certain foods is not to keep them in the house. You can't eat what isn't there. Good luck!
I am in a really torn position right now, myself.
zeuser comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Ya know, nothing says you can't see them both. It can be tricky, but that way there's no choice to make. The guys may not appreciate it, but is that your issue, or is it theirs? And as others have suggested, don't give up on finding another option. Disclaimer: This opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it, remember that. Good luck, hon.
Did someone break your heart badly that you're afraid to trust anyone else as far as love?
zeuser comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I consider it profound disappointment. Someone is going to have to work hard to earn my trust. I'm running out of time and patience, though.
How are you handling your Facebook page?
zeuser comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I'm a member of the Facebook group Atheist Against Pseudoscientific Nonsense, and I will occasionally share something from the group to my timeline. I've never explicitly stated my beliefs, and so far nobody I'm aware of has unfriended me. It someone does, good.
If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive ...
zeuser comments on Mar 8, 2018:
The value of seeing things one level up in the abstract.
OMG!!! Who else is super proud and thinks it's super cute that a U.
zeuser comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I'm not sure what to think. It certainly isn't surprising, and I guess neither is the amateurish handling of the payoff itself. But it's not cute, and I am not proud. This guy is aggressively vulgar, and I personally think Stormy has the high road here, this is what she openly does to make a buck, for goodness sake. I respect that. I hope she makes more money on this, because gawd bless merka.
If "the meaning of life is to make life meaningful," how are you making your life meaningful today?
zeuser comments on Mar 7, 2018:
The ACC men's basketball tournament, baby! Go Wolfpack!
Has anyone ever had an encounter with a celebrity?
zeuser comments on Mar 7, 2018:
I met Tom Hanks and his wife and son at a wedding. Steve Forbes came to my company to ask the CEO for a contribution, and he and I relieved ourselves in adjacent urinals. I encountered John Lennon and Harry Nilsson, both thoroughly drunk, at a night club in Philly. I say next to Slim Pickens on a flight from Denver to Wyoming. And I shook hands with Gary Hart, Wilt Chamberlain, and John Kerry, all on separate occasions.
zeuser comments on Mar 6, 2018:
We hired a cleaning service. Been 10 years since she moved out. I still employ the cleaning service. Not sure if that relates.
Fear of Hell
zeuser comments on Mar 6, 2018:
If you intellectually accept that they lied to you about the existence of hell, then if it really exists, they probably lied to you about what it's really like. Think of it as an eternal cocktail party with your pals. That's ridiculous of course, but it might take an irrational rationalization to lose the irrational fear. Just do the best you can and try not to dwell on it.
Do you as an individual feel that you make a difference in politics?
zeuser comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I take it one conversation, one person at a time. People who don't say anything, or even worse, people who discuss by yelling and insulting, never change a single mind. You have no idea who you influence with a quiet, logical and friendly approach to simple, individual conversation. I hope that has some kind of positive influence, and makes a difference. And think voting makes a difference too.
Does anyone else have a favorite "famous" atheist?
zeuser comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Linus Pauling, who won Nobel prizes for chemistry and peace. One quote really resonated with me when I needed clarity. When asked if he believed anything, he said, " I believe that all complicated phenomena can be explained using simpler scientific principled."
I have been reticent to Comment based on the 'fact' that I am not sure if I am Agnostic or Atheist.
zeuser comments on Mar 5, 2018:
The more you comment and exercise your mental reasoning in response to atheist or agnostic posts here, the more you will develop your own internal identity. Be yourself, brother, don't let anyone do your thinking for you, and you should be fine.
Did you grow up with religion?
zeuser comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Yes, I was an altar boy! I grew up in a heavily ethnic Eastern European, Italian, Irish community, almost 100% Catholic, there was little choice. Ironically, the absurdity of the Catholic confession ritual and a course in biblical exogesis at my Jesuit university pushed me to a better intellectual place. Deep down, I never believed any of the fairly tales, but the local social structure was only available to me if I pretended I did. My kids had a choice, and they turned their backs on formal religion on their own. My son attended, with his friends, services at a Buddhist temple, a Mormon temple, megachurches, Baptist Church, and even some Catholic services. I asked him what he found out. He told me the Buddhists had the best food. B-)
Do you make your bed every day? Why or why not?
zeuser comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Yes. It marks the start of another day as I put the old one to bed.
Do you like to cook? What's your specialty?
zeuser comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Osso Buco (beef shanks, not veal), a very good posole, meatball lasagna, potato salad, and if I have the time, lemon scallop ravioli in clam sauce.
Do you feel lucky?
zeuser comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Yeah, but I like to think you make your own luck.
Best way to free friends from religious oppression?
zeuser comments on Mar 1, 2018:
By example. The next best approach, don't even try.
"The more you run from the past, the harder it is to face the present."
zeuser comments on Mar 1, 2018:
This rings true. My past informs my present. Took a while for me to understand it's importance to my identity. But everybody has a different past. I don't like to generalize.
How did I get put in the friend zone ?
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2018:
If it eats at you, you're gonna have to bail, because it ain't gonna fix itself and you will become increasingly irritated. If you can, date someone else. Sometimes a person wants something more if they think it's slipping away. And if that doesn't happen, hey, at least you're dating! YMMV, I'm not exactly an expert.
Strong desires?
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2018:
It's never too late! Indulge your passion, follow your dreams! Google some local dance troupes, or go hang out in a local community theater.
Can someone tell me why atheists, agnostics and freethinkers are so much discriminated in the States...
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2018:
A lot of it is tribal. People aren't comfortable outside of their community of like minded individuals, and disdain those who think differently. This sort of tribal community can be defined by different things: some examples are geography, occupation, social status, race, and of course religion. Each comes with a set of things taken on faith. Separating from the tribal mindset requires independent thought. People don't like to think, because thinking is work, and work is unpopular. Breaking from your tribe takes effort that a lot of folks just don't want to exert.
Well - after reading the many posts on the subject, and after being on other dating sites ...
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2018:
A good relationship with a good person is well worth the effort. Keep it rolling and good luck!
I am having a time wishing for my old life back.
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2018:
My daughter taught me to try and see any good in every situation and balance it against the bad. There are, I would imagine, certain unique advantages for you to being single beyond appreciating your environs. This approach doesn't make any of the ache disappear, but it provides a more positive path you can follow up on. Can't help you with the roommate part. Hang in there, you'll figure it out in your own time.
Billy Graham lying “in honour” in Washington, I’m really trying hard not to gag.
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Wasn't he like 99? Billy Joel says only the good die young. Too true. His son is much worse, so that proud legacy continues.
"Everything happens for a reason." What does that even mean?
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2018:
People like to think that ultimately even terrible events are necessary to achieve a greater good. It's a coping mechanism. Believers infer that the reason is their personal flavor of deity. As far as general causality is concerned, of course everything happens for a reason, but the reason is probably mundane, awful, or accidental, certainly not divine. Don't let it bother you too much.
Has anyone else attempted university in their 30's+ (after years out of school)?
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2018:
With a BS and MA under my belt and no prospects at 34, I completed a technical writing certificate program at a local community college. Got a job as a direct result from which I only just recently retired at 64. Not quite the same, but not quite different. It's hard. It can work, though. But, like I said, it's hard.
Because everyone here is awesome, I assume we all love dogs. What are your favorite breeds?
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I have a soft spot for westies and Cairn terriers.
Advice!! Recently started dating someone.
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2018:
If you told the person true, just like you told us, the ball is in his or her court. You've made a decision, now he or she needs to decide, and you should accept it either way. I'm in a few friends zones myself. It can work.
What do you think?
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Not in my experience, people still seem to love me. B-)
Only been a member for two hours and can tell this is an awesome space! So please tell me what lead ...
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I'm a member of several atheist and pro science groups on FB, and this site popped up in my feed as a result. Always good to get in touch with people who exercise critical thinking - a commodity in high demand but dismayingly short supply. Welcome aboard, partner.
Have you "come out" to family/friends about your non-believer views?
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I told my friends a looong time ago. And my family found out in a big way when I told them there would be no baptism for my kids, and explained why. My friends took it in stride. My family was a bit more upset, but they eventually got over it. I still get anonymous cards from one of my former co-workers around Easter. I was surprised with how many other people share at least some of my views, while others can't process it when they first find out. Listen, if you have to be someone other than yourself for a friendship, or for anything, what you had was not friendship.
To shave or not to shave?
zeuser comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Starting a week or so after the start of spring, I shave my cheeks and keep a goatee. On Halloween, I stop shaving until spring. Works for me. Right about now, it's large and impressive. ????


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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