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May not be ridiculous after all
zeuser comments on Jun 27, 2022:
They take a trip to the pleistocene era.
High school graduation in India
zeuser comments on Jun 26, 2022:
I hate bullies.
Just sent my daughter, 32, a Valentine's card to hide cash. Ha ha!
zeuser comments on Jun 26, 2022:
At least you didn't get a tattoo. Easier to get rid of a card than a tattoo. 😉
Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall. - William Shakespeare
zeuser comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Yeah, but they also usually get the last piece of pizza. ;)
Competitive Dad: Yeees! 💪
zeuser comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Split second decisions and quick flipping, especially towards the end when the bricks start dropping faster.
'This is a losing issue': GOP campaign consultants panicked about upcoming midterms after Roe ...
zeuser comments on Jun 25, 2022:
Panic, eh? Not remorse for the deaths they will cause, the lives they will ruin, the trauma they will inflict, the injustice they will foster, no panic for any of that. Panic because they might lose some elections. These guys are a bunch of dandies, aren't they? JFC
No problem! 😆
zeuser comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Wait til he's finished, he will be lighter then.
Friday finally!!!
zeuser comments on Jun 24, 2022:
I go for not bad and funny at the same time, like this batch MG! ;)
One day an Irishman who had been stranded on a deserted island for over 10 years, saw a speck on the...
zeuser comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Just one hole, Paddy, and you only need your putter.
Can we please appreciate the honesty?
zeuser comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Well that blows. Oh, wait...
“Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it”…………….
zeuser comments on Jun 23, 2022:
And maybe even invent one?
Give a man fire and he will be warm all night.
zeuser comments on Jun 23, 2022:
That is a quote from the character Harry Dresden as written by author Jim Butcher.
Women for Trump Founder and Jan.
zeuser comments on Jun 23, 2022:
So, let me get this straight. You once supported a politician who demands loyalty but who repeatedly shows none, and now he does it to someone you supported and you are sad and butthurt. Is that about it? Gee, what a sad fucking story. ;)
Philosophy begins when one learns to doubt -- particularly to doubt one's cherished beliefs, one's ...
zeuser comments on Jun 22, 2022:
It's a difficult discipline to master. The point is to try, thinking it through.
We see god every day, we just don't know it.
zeuser comments on Jun 22, 2022:
I thought that's where St. Ralph hung out.
666! 😆
zeuser comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Praise the lord and pass the mustard!
GOP State Officials, Election Workers Testify About Being Terrorized By Trump Supporters
zeuser comments on Jun 22, 2022:
The nazi playbook, right down to the brown shirts, being played out in real time for all of us to see. I have not been angrier than when I heard these folks who were terrorized by the bullyboy thugs who Herr Dickwad sent after them.
Way to keep a secret, guys!
zeuser comments on Jun 22, 2022:
The reasons why are meticulously explained on Hunter Biden's laptop. JFK Jr. told me that.
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that ...
zeuser comments on Jun 22, 2022:
I loved Galbraith. He was an institutionalist with a keen understanding of consumerism and the pursuit of personal wealth at the expense of commonweal maintenance. His major talent, IMO, was not his economic theories - they seem a little outdated these days and lacked statistical support, but were pretty spot on in the 60's and 70's. Rather his ability to communicate them in a way that most people could understand was superb. And he was an entertaining writer.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Thinks Elon Musk Is Black, SLAMMED After Calling Tesla Founder ...
zeuser comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Well, if you can call people who aren't pedophiles or groomers pedophiles and groomers, I guess you can call a white guy a black guy. Your credibility is already shot to shit, so what's the diff? Sheeezus, what a douchewagon.
His style is different
zeuser comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Unclear on the concept.
The real world is not fairy tales... lol
zeuser comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Step sisters get some love too, ;)
Hope he gets his wish.11 hours no 5th.
zeuser comments on Jun 20, 2022:
Chicken shit chicken, bawk bawk bawk, baaaaawwwwkk.
Needless to say when I stopped in I was very disappointed.
zeuser comments on Jun 20, 2022:
I hear the curator is a real asshole.
Nobody is changing their mind over the Jan.6 hearings.
zeuser comments on Jun 20, 2022:
Last poll I saw said 1 in 5 republicans think this asshole should be prosecuted. To me, that's a step in the right direction.
“If life becomes hard to bear we think of a change in our circumstances; but the most important ...
zeuser comments on Jun 19, 2022:
Yup, you can change your situation or you can change you mind.
Adventures of the mind.
zeuser comments on Jun 19, 2022:
That would sure be a lot easier, am I right?
I mean really..
zeuser comments on Jun 19, 2022:
I'm almost sorry he is a fictional character, and a pretty ridiculous one at that.
It's like déjà vu all over again. - Yogi Berra
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
You can observe a lot by watching. - Yogi
Searching for the free reverse phone number lookup websites.
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
Those reverse lookup sites are a racket. They all use the same tech, and the same marketing gimmicks, and in the end they want your money. And I suspect that even though you see 9 or 10 websites with different names after a search, they are all the same company. It's a "time-invested" hook.
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
A lie is as good as the truth if you can get someone to believe it. - RNC Platform Plank Number 1
That's the way it is
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
I'd have to see this up close to render an opinion. ;)
I stop and pretend that I'm enjoying the view. 😆
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
Happy Saturday Morning!!!
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
These are fabulous! LOL :)
Did Donald Trump ... - Build the wall on the Mexican border?
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
Never golf because he was working so hard? Never lie? Acknowledge reality?
“Possession of material riches, without inner peace, is like dying of thirst while bathing in a ...
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
Ah yes. The more things that you own, the more that things own you.
Ew, just ew!
zeuser comments on Jun 18, 2022:
Poor guy will never see her arse since she is doing such a great job covering it. Unfortunately, she is exposed to the cold eye of the law in many other areas.
Someone please teach this dingbat how to spell our country's name.
zeuser comments on Jun 17, 2022:
She charges extra for the "date" if you want her to spell things correctly. 🙄
Worth a try. 😆
zeuser comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Brave man. Foolhardy, but brave.
There has been no modern day love story like this
zeuser comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Auuugghh! My eyes!
If you remember this...
zeuser comments on Jun 17, 2022:
Minesweeper was the best. I loved the bigger grids, then when you have spent half an hour clearing all but like 5 squares and you pick the wrong one, kaboom!
zeuser comments on Jun 17, 2022:
It's funny, but I put the sad reaction. How in the holy fuck did we ever let this moron within 50 miles of the oval office?
What are your thoughts?
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
He won't do it, it's all just bluster. Equal time, but you're under oath? Fuck no!
The Spartans were the MASTER Stoics - they were regarded by the other Greek city-states as being a ...
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Interestingly, the exact locations of both Sparta and Troy are lost to history.
Jebus wandered around, never took care of Mary while living and now doing "Happy Mother's Day"
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Hey, she agreed to it. But she was only 15. Which, to be fair, there was no age of consent back then.
Thinking positive here
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
The original cultural appropriation.
Head of Jan.
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
She said she'd be willing to do it. I'll believe it when I see it.
Thursday morning! 😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
I tell people to shut the fuck up all the time. I must be a legend by now. LOL
How should you fight if you must?
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Dirty enough to hurt, then get the hell out of there first chance. The best technique is get the hell out of there before any fighting.
The more I look at Donald John Trump the more I wonder how the U$A managed to elect such a morally ...
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Hillary was no prize and she did screw the pooch in a lot of states that she thought (incorrectly) were all sewed up for her. But even so, come on.
“A good local pub has much in common with a church, except it is warmer and has more ...
zeuser comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Better booze too.
I am not going back there...
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Well that's a little harsh, no?
From another guy I follow on FB, Alex Schiller.
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2022:
I agree with this. Most people disparage marketing, but those same people fall for marketing techniques everyday - from direct email contact, to merchandising, to advertising, to product packaging and placement, to branding, to segmentation tactics that market to subsets of the population, to subliminal ads, to simple click bait. In an economy in which something like 70 percent of the GDP depends on consumer spending, marketing is ubiquitous and insidious. We don't realize we are being manipulated, but we succumb to it every single fucking day. Politics is marketing a commodity, and the dems are waaaaay behind the curve here.
Now what ??
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Next, the panties.
This right here! 😂😂😂 []
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2022:
I think it's because of one fucking thing, not the other fucking thing. LOL Good one!
I think it is clear but only to some....
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2022:
I wish I could've seen what happened so these guys think they need this sign.
She just couldn't go on like this
zeuser comments on Jun 14, 2022:
I bet he let the door hit her in the arse as she departed.
Matt Gaetz calls Trump loyalist Jim Jordan 'the spiritual and intellectual leader' of House ...
zeuser comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Who's the smartest guy on the short bus? Quite an honor. LOL
I always wondered.
zeuser comments on Jun 14, 2022:
That looks like a nipple pokie, not a dick. :0 Poor bastard.
Shit birds and scumbags []
zeuser comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Same MO as in the states, and I suspect in a lot of countries where these predators operate.
Placing one's faith in others is admirable provided that the others concerned are themselves ...
zeuser comments on Jun 14, 2022:
That's all pretty subjective, but I take your point.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Tampon Shortage Fueled by Transgender People
zeuser comments on Jun 13, 2022:
It's like someone put a turd on a stick, put a blonde wig on it and it came to life.
Ron DeSantis “will not tolerate hatred towards LGBTQ” people after fomenting hatred for a year /...
zeuser comments on Jun 13, 2022:
I am really coming to detest this jerkoff. I guess they love him up in the panhandle, maybe because he's a lying bigoted bully with a punchable face absolutely no shame.
I have just got to see the female version of this thing! :-D
zeuser comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Interesting, AC, that is both fantasy AND science fiction.
Try it, it will work
zeuser comments on Jun 13, 2022:
That's just showing off.
Optimist of the year....
zeuser comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Worth a shot, I guess, but don't hold your breath. 😏
Happy Sunday!!! 😂😂😂😁
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2022:
I'm stealing the MAGA Gadsden flag. 🤣🤣
"Have you ever stopped and wondered what God has done in your life that you're not aware of?
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2022:
That is sad. I try not to think of how many people I know and like are this delusional. I'd just rather not know.🙄
A husband begins praying before going to bed. The wife says.... "What are you doing?
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2022:
Positioning is unimportant if there is nothing to position.
Trump Reportedly Misusing Presidential Seal To Boost Business At 4th Golf Course []
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2022:
Of course he is. Is anyone surprised in the least?
“The impromptu reply is precisely the touchstone of the man of wit”…………….
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2022:
I actually won an impromptu speech tournament back in my college days. I qualified for nationals, but my university was to cheap to send me. You have to think fast.
Ginni Thomas' Jan.
zeuser comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Thomas should never have been elevated to the SCOTUS. He is a lazy justice who rarely participates in oral arguments, has not written any significant opinions, and for years did just exactly what Scalia told him to do. His wife is, of course, a traitor and a seditious insurrectionist, but Clarence, on his own, is a detestable person and an even worse justice.
Former Trump Official Mercedes Schlapp Baselessly Claims Jan.
zeuser comments on Jun 11, 2022:
I noticed that in all of the (entirely predictable) yammering from the right concerning the hearings, nobody seems to be denying anything, instead just criticizing the people, the process, the production, the video. Will one person in the cheap GOP seats say "Hey, this wasn't a coup you know. The president didn't do what you are saying." Nope, it's all "What about inflation? What about immigration? What about the slick ABC propaganda production? How come Biden isn't having press conferences?" No denials. It's as obvious as it is fascinating. Silver lining, the jokers who asked for pardons are sweating bullets right now. Good.
Ted Cruz has a new campaign slogan: Texans love it.
zeuser comments on Jun 11, 2022:
I reeeeeeally don't like this pandering, smarmy, weasly douche bucket. Makes my skin crawl,
46% of our countrymen think like this. WTF?
zeuser comments on Jun 11, 2022:
This is why you can never debate these idiots. Debates rely on logic and reason, and of course those things are ridiculous in the view of these christ-bangers. I don't want to know your religious views, it will probably just automatically cause me to disrespect you, Joyce.
Lights flashing, siren blaring!!!
zeuser comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Translation: Please give me a ticket, flatfoot.
Not the future we imagined as kids.
zeuser comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Ain't that the truth?
Always stay classy.
zeuser comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Worf is my favorite all-time trek character. I love this line! 💜
The rats are deserting the sinking ship.
zeuser comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Ivanka always struck me as someone who will do anything to make a buck, save her own skin, or influence event to her benefit. It's not out of character for her at all to throw her pop under the bus. She learned from the best, because after last night, he threw HER under the bus today. Family values, gotta love the rich tightasses of the world. Not.
She lost the race but the worst was yet to come - You can still watch on YouTube []
zeuser comments on Jun 10, 2022:
That's hilarious! 100% organic!
Watching last night, i can understand why they aren't showing it.
zeuser comments on Jun 10, 2022:
I loved the first hearing! Just gut punch after gut punch, very blunt, no weasel words, what we've all been thinking and knew. You don't talk like that unless you got the goods, and it looks like they have solid proof all up and down the line. The nazis at Fox just didn't want people to see them shit themselves as one rip followed another. I LOVE this! I taped it, may watch it again. :) :)
It's almost time to hit the bar, tomorrow.
zeuser comments on Jun 10, 2022:
She smiled at me too! LOL
“Yes, and I flew an invisible plane on screen but still support abiding by the laws of air traffic...
zeuser comments on Jun 9, 2022:
I can still make Lynda Carter very happy. 🤣🤣💜
There used to be some great contributors to this group, they posted clever and extremely funny posts...
zeuser comments on Jun 9, 2022:
A couple of suggestions AC. You can block whoever is irritating you. You can unfollow the group. You can take the good and ignore the bad. You can start your own group and make up some rules that suit you. I hope you stick around. If my posts are annoying you, well man that is tough shit. All the best, partner! 😜
Things might soon become a little exciting for Trumpty Dumpty and his rabble over January 6: ...
zeuser comments on Jun 9, 2022:
I'm looking forward to it, but the people who really should watch simply won't. They already worship the verbal fecal material he produces daily, and lordy do they hate the {everybody but them}'s. Still,. *I'll* be watching. With popcorn. ;)
This is not even the worst safety violation I've seen. Do you have stories?
zeuser comments on Jun 8, 2022:
They raise a valid point:
zeuser comments on Jun 8, 2022:
I wish Ted had some of Al Lewis' better traits. As it stands, he doesn't have anybody's better traits and the very worst traits of sooooo many asswipes..
Can someone over in Oz explain just what the heck goes on over there?
zeuser comments on Jun 8, 2022:
I dunno WTF that sign means, but it would keep ME outta the damn water.
Perhaps you are too tired to hammer or your coordination off there is a solution lol.
zeuser comments on Jun 8, 2022:
That's a rock hammer. So you'd use it if you were in an electric rock and roll band.
Another Repug bites the dust.
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2022:
It is just so obvious that this whole Q anon business is just a fart party of republicans exercising extreme projection. I know, qu'elle surprise, non?
Some gifts are just perfect
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Pop has to be in on the joke or this turns nasty in a hurry.
Hanging a horse's shoe above a door is supposedly meant to bring luck.
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2022:
A case of the trots?
Memphis lawmakers call to deny Trump police escort at rally over unpaid bills: ‘He’s notorious ...
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2022:
What's the point of holding onto all that (mostly ill-gotten) money if you never pay anybody? I never figured that part out.
How do you respond to negative comments about your body?
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2022:
I don't get very many comments about my body, but I do respond if people make fun of anything about my appearance. It's a two word phrase and the second word is "off". 😏
It's Monday! 😓😝😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2022:
A good batch, MG. ;)
“If a thing can be said in ten words, I may be relied upon to take a hundred to say it.
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2022:
When I trained to be a tech writer, they taught us - clarity being equal, shorter is better. This makes sense for technical material, especially manuals. Don't force people to read more than they must, or they won't read it at all. Because reading is work, and work is unpopular. Other non- technical communication, verbal or written, is a different story.
Medical history gone bad:
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2022:
That's hilarious!
When you're afraid to eat in front of people. []
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Yeah, hamsters do that too.
Yes. 😆
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Yeah, I'm in that club too.
I am going to grow a beard... Lol
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2022:
It gets a lot grayer, I can tell you that.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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