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Poor dude! Lol
zeuser comments on Oct 22, 2021:
That's the trick. There is no treat. You're better off without her.
zeuser replies on Oct 22, 2021:
@St-Sinner Yeah. I don't play that anymore.
I was so foolish and naive to think that this group might disappear after the election.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Now Trump is working on the idea that if his GQP does not vote in an election that it means the election does not count. Sorry, Donnie. Where is the rule book?
zeuser replies on Oct 22, 2021:
Orange asswipe, pointing to his head: "The rule book is right here."
Sometimes the little details make all the difference.
silverotter11 comments on Oct 20, 2021:
As a potter I *really* do appreciate this fine detail.🥰🤣😍 and want one of these mugs.
zeuser replies on Oct 21, 2021:
@JackPedigo I'm a potter, but I use a pipe with a bowl.
I was right it is a cult....
St-Sinner comments on Oct 21, 2021:
He looks sadistic and high on something. Nothing you say will matter.
zeuser replies on Oct 21, 2021:
That's a picture of the guy who shot Rep. Gabby Gifford a few years back. He IS a certifiable nutbag.
Sometimes the little details make all the difference.
Fernapple comments on Oct 21, 2021:
I wonder what is on the front ?
zeuser replies on Oct 21, 2021:
@Fernapple Could be. That would spoil the surprise of what's on the backside, but maybe surprise wasn't the point.
Sometimes the little details make all the difference.
Fernapple comments on Oct 21, 2021:
I wonder what is on the front ?
zeuser replies on Oct 21, 2021:
A cat, maybe?
The greatest thing about Kelloggs today....
zeuser comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Buncha flakes.
zeuser replies on Oct 21, 2021:
Sorry to reply to myself. I made a cheap gag, but I support the strikers. Solidarity brothers and sisters! Labor has been taking it in the ass for waaaay too long without even putting up a fight. This trendy strike wave might be just what we all need. ✊
Sometimes the little details make all the difference.
silverotter11 comments on Oct 20, 2021:
As a potter I *really* do appreciate this fine detail.🥰🤣😍 and want one of these mugs.
zeuser replies on Oct 20, 2021:
You need to ask Roxy, I just stole the picture from someone else who stole it.
Sometimes the little details make all the difference.
Scooter65 comments on Oct 20, 2021:
You've got to have balls to drink out of that thing.
zeuser replies on Oct 20, 2021:
If you didn't before, you do after.
" Hawking was a pop scientist who ipso facto contributed nothing of value to science.
zeuser comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Stephen J. Crothers is a handyman/gardener and part-time amateur scientist who claims that black holes do not exist, and are neither predicted by nor compatible with General Relativity. His body of work consists primarily of articles that he posts at either viXra or his own personal website, thus ...
zeuser replies on Oct 20, 2021:
@yvilletom I'm wondering why you apparently *distrust* its sources. I did go to SJC's web page. This guy spends a lot of gas bad mouthing people, and his sources are, um, well-seasoned let's say. Honestly, I really don't care too much about it one way or the other.
You don't see Darwin fish with jokes this corny.
KateOahu comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Except here.
zeuser replies on Oct 19, 2021:
Well, that's not a Darwin fish.
" Hawking was a pop scientist who ipso facto contributed nothing of value to science.
zeuser comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Stephen J. Crothers is a handyman/gardener and part-time amateur scientist who claims that black holes do not exist, and are neither predicted by nor compatible with General Relativity. His body of work consists primarily of articles that he posts at either viXra or his own personal website, thus ...
zeuser replies on Oct 19, 2021:
@mcgeo52 If you were to pick the most useless things to be good at, that would be in the top three.
MAGA man's dilemma.
phxbillcee comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Example # 132 of the "Incel's Dating Guide"...
zeuser replies on Oct 19, 2021:
I think they did a cover story on this guy in last month's "None for You" magazine.
MAGA man's dilemma.
JackPedigo comments on Oct 19, 2021:
No it's the shallow state that has gotten to her.
zeuser replies on Oct 19, 2021:
Maybe it's the shallow guy shooting himself in the foot while trying to flirt.
MAGA man's dilemma.
St-Sinner comments on Oct 19, 2021:
A fair question. She looks lost deep into deep thoughts or something.
zeuser replies on Oct 19, 2021:
I believe that is a look of disdain and barely concealed contempt.
Inspiring post!
zeuser comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a night. But set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life. - Harry Dresden
zeuser replies on Oct 19, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Stars and Stones, bro!
MSNBC - Capitol Rioter Represents Himself, Accidentally Admits To More Crimes []
zeuser comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Oh man, we are talking rock-chewing stupid here.
zeuser replies on Oct 19, 2021:
@CuddyCruiser Oh, I'm with you all the way there. But this is sort of a spectacular display of idiocy, something to marvel at. Like the first time you see Old Faithful erupt, or visit the pyramids at Giza. Almost a wonder of the stupid world, a window-licking crayon eating opus magnum. LOL
Its first name is O S C A R.
Scooter65 comments on Oct 18, 2021:
That's a groaner.
zeuser replies on Oct 18, 2021:
That's my specialty. Pick out the ones you like. ;)
Nutritious yet filling. .
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 17, 2021:
I guess we should be thankful it wasn't for Banana NUT bread right?....
zeuser replies on Oct 17, 2021:
That gives me an idea for another recipe. 😜
Where do you think Amway got the idea?
JackPedigo comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Sounds like capitalism. Isn't this the way Social Security works?
zeuser replies on Oct 16, 2021:
@JackPedigo Ok, as long you know the difference, I'm happy. I'm not about to get into environmental issues, that's too complex for here, just the water crisis alone is capitalism at it's worst. Don't get me started on climate change in general. But none of this is about social security (which, again, is NOT a pyramid scheme), a program which can be sustainable with *policy* changes to the revenue mechanisms. Removing the salary cap for contributions, for example, makes that system solvent for a looong time.
Where do you think Amway got the idea?
JackPedigo comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Sounds like capitalism. Isn't this the way Social Security works?
zeuser replies on Oct 16, 2021:
@JackPedigo Well that's a legitimate discussion, but it's a different one than what you started. A pyramid scheme is a form of investment (illegal in the US and elsewhere) in which *each paying participant recruits two further participants*, with returns being given to early participants using money contributed by later ones. What you describe may or may not be sustainable, that's a valid discussion. But it is NOT a pyramid scheme.
Where do you think Amway got the idea?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 16, 2021:
That’s a good one … sort of reminds me of the Gary Larson cartoon on the same topic … enjoy!
zeuser replies on Oct 16, 2021:
Oh, that's a good one!
Where do you think Amway got the idea?
JackPedigo comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Sounds like capitalism. Isn't this the way Social Security works?
zeuser replies on Oct 16, 2021:
@JackPedigo I'm not sure how that translates into a multi-level pyramid scheme like you said. And I personally don't give excuses, I like to discuss policy.
Where do you think Amway got the idea?
JackPedigo comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Sounds like capitalism. Isn't this the way Social Security works?
zeuser replies on Oct 16, 2021:
Well, no. .Social Security is exactly what it claims to be, a mandated, government operated insurance program. It is not a private, individual investment program. It is a national, social insurance system. As in all legitimate insurance, the transfer of money is intentional and financially sound. ;)
Three Jack o'lanterns and one jack off. Who says covid and Halloween don't mix?
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 15, 2021:
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
That's the currency of social media. Feel free.
Three Jack o'lanterns and one jack off. Who says covid and Halloween don't mix?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 15, 2021:
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
That's how I got it. 😜
Three Jack o'lanterns and one jack off. Who says covid and Halloween don't mix?
Cast1es comments on Oct 15, 2021:
Expanded the photo , but still couldn't make out what I was supposed to be seeing .
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
The pumpkin without the mask caught it. See?
He checked.
St-Sinner comments on Oct 15, 2021:
William Shatner aka Captain Kirk said in an interview... "I’m not religious, but I’m spiritual. I read avidly on philosophy and animals, plants and trees; how connected all of life is." So I'll take his word. He's 90 and had 4 wives. Damn. Why can't I have two?
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
Brave man! One was plenty for me!
Most of us just call this "Monday".
Moravian comments on Oct 15, 2021:
I remember having a hangover like that. I looked at my bedside clock and it was 7 o'clock. but was it 7am or 7pm. I still can't remember which it was.
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
Oh man, I can relate!
So, what are you gonna be for Halloween?
Mooolah comments on Oct 15, 2021:
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
Good plan!
Think of a.....
dalefvictor comments on Oct 14, 2021:
I am gay, I am gay, I am gay! Now what do I do with the fact that I am attracted to females and men do nothing for me?
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
Start slowly. Maybe with a small banana.
Things not to say during a fight...
St-Sinner comments on Oct 15, 2021:
He's not getting laid.
zeuser replies on Oct 15, 2021:
Standards, St. Would you want to bang Lucifer?
Hmm, how's that again?
Lorajay comments on Oct 14, 2021:
God needs a professional organizer.
zeuser replies on Oct 14, 2021:
You're right, the clergy are doing a shit job of it. 🤣
This is not directly about Trump, but boy it's close.
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 14, 2021:
I will allow, as the information can help us understand more about Donnie's followers; those poor deluded morons.
zeuser replies on Oct 14, 2021:
Thank you! I hope the folks in this group can gain a perspective on the current cult, because it has happened before following a definite pattern that continues today.
This is not directly about Trump, but boy it's close.
OldGoat43 comments on Oct 14, 2021:
I agree with your diagnosis of the cult campaign methods used by Tweety. It worked with almost half of our country folk (the gullible ones, at least). For a good series on Amazon Prime showing a more humane space travel in the future, take a look at The Expanse.
zeuser replies on Oct 14, 2021:
I need to get back to that. I started it and then got lost in all the other content available.
I'll tell you what you did with Atheists for about 1500 years.
zeuser comments on Oct 14, 2021:
They taught us to revile Ms. O'Hair in catholic school when I was stuck there. I wish I had one percent of the courage she had to challenge state-sponsored religion, and prejudice against atheists in general. A true heroine of the movement..."We find the Bible to be nauseating, historically ...
zeuser replies on Oct 14, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Well, in my hometown, religion meant catholicism. You are correct, though. Every religion hated her.
Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays (1891-1995), also known as the "Father of Spin", has designed ...
LucyLoohoo comments on Aug 30, 2019:
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." - Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials...
zeuser replies on Oct 14, 2021:
I think there's more to the quotation to the effect "it works the same in any country". Again, sad but accurate.
How many times a month, do you as an agnostic, answer to a point of an argument or to a direct ...
zeuser comments on Oct 13, 2021:
I've learned a while ago that you are not required to attend every argument to which you are invited. As for direct questions, if I don't know, I say I don't know. If it's important to me, I'll make a note and follow up on it. Except for little white lies (no, no, those jeans look great on you), I ...
zeuser replies on Oct 14, 2021:
@Fernapple No worries. :)
How many times a month, do you as an agnostic, answer to a point of an argument or to a direct ...
zeuser comments on Oct 13, 2021:
I've learned a while ago that you are not required to attend every argument to which you are invited. As for direct questions, if I don't know, I say I don't know. If it's important to me, I'll make a note and follow up on it. Except for little white lies (no, no, those jeans look great on you), I ...
zeuser replies on Oct 14, 2021:
@Fernapple Well, I stole it from a meme, and I agree it's a great quote. But don't attribute to me, it's not mine,
I love etymology.
BD66 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
I'd like to hear what that guy thinks about all the memes where he is the star. :-)
zeuser replies on Oct 9, 2021:
There are quite a few of them. Maybe he can ask for a cut of the ads his traffic drives.
Which are you lmao
JackPedigo comments on Oct 7, 2021:
None of the above. Believe it or not it's actually good to maintain prostate health. Now my question is, why do women do it?
zeuser replies on Oct 7, 2021:
@JackPedigo Yeah. That's absolutely correct. ;)
Which are you lmao
JackPedigo comments on Oct 7, 2021:
None of the above. Believe it or not it's actually good to maintain prostate health. Now my question is, why do women do it?
zeuser replies on Oct 7, 2021:
Because all the guys are flogging the dolphin?
They won't catch themselves.
dartagnan6666 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
By 7:00AM, all the best worms are already gone.
zeuser replies on Oct 5, 2021:
That's why he is in a hurry.
Nurses can be imbeciles too! Even if god himself or herself materializes in front of her and tells ...
zeuser comments on Oct 4, 2021:
While I think it's foolish for this woman to pick this hill upon which to die, you have to admit she has the courage of her own convictions and has knowingly accepted the consequences. But, like I said, this is a foolish decision.
zeuser replies on Oct 4, 2021:
@Mofo1953 I agree it was an idiotic decision. She knew she would catch hell and she did, but she took it. That's all, MF.
Flowchart for an asshole.
tinkercreek comments on Oct 2, 2021:
The illustration is still a bit confusing.
zeuser replies on Oct 4, 2021:
@tinkercreek You got me. The only think I know about yoga is that the fruit is on the bottom and ya gotta mix it up before you eat it. ;)
When you are trying hard to impress people but don't know how...
zeuser comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Depends on the granny. We need before and after pics.
zeuser replies on Oct 3, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Point taken.
When you are trying hard to impress people but don't know how...
zeuser comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Depends on the granny. We need before and after pics.
zeuser replies on Oct 3, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Maybe he just has way too much money, coupled with no social awareness. Bad combination.
I pity the fool, I'm goin' home!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 3, 2021:
As far as I remember, I've never seen photos of the two together.
zeuser replies on Oct 3, 2021:
Ya know, now that you mention it....
Poor guy..
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 2, 2021:
"You should have seen it Martha the damned thing was as big as a whale and swallowed me whole! I came back as soon as the damned thing shit me out!
zeuser replies on Oct 3, 2021:
That''s how you escape - run around a lot until you get pooped out.
Flowchart for an asshole.
St-Sinner comments on Oct 2, 2021:
So is it 50:50?
zeuser replies on Oct 3, 2021:
At least you get to talk. So...maybe.
Flowchart for an asshole.
tinkercreek comments on Oct 2, 2021:
The illustration is still a bit confusing.
zeuser replies on Oct 2, 2021:
Based on articles and photos I've seen that is the posture adherents to the solar anal therapy assume when exposing their anus to the sun. In this case, assume the sun is facing you, and that the individual illustrated is sunning his or her butthole.
You can't trust rocks with eyes.
EyesThatSmile comments on Sep 30, 2021:
A classic!🤣🤣🤣
zeuser replies on Sep 30, 2021:
I used to get the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction every month when I was younger, and he had a cartoon in each one. Later, when his work showed up in the National Lampoon, I subscribed to that as well. Wilson was a genius of the macabre and bizarre.
Very thoughtful.
JackPedigo comments on Sep 29, 2021:
We are quickly becoming a divided nation. Unfortunately, our side far outnumbers theirs.
zeuser replies on Sep 29, 2021:
We've always been divided. It's just recently become fashionable to identify yourself as a bigoted fascist and piss on all of the democratic institutions without shame or remorse.
Terrific show.
bobwjr comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Silly groaner
zeuser replies on Sep 28, 2021:
@silverotter11 It's ok, he's just needling me.
Terrific show.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 28, 2021:
I wondered who the masked singer was, now it is sewn up.
zeuser replies on Sep 28, 2021:
Keep following this thread.
To use the bible as a Christian's worst enemy.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
I have not heard any Christian mention that lepers (and "leprosy" covered a variety of diseases and was a catch-all term) were to be sent away from the camp or town. They banded together until the diseases ran their courses or died. No one went to care for them. By this rule, anti-vaxxers who ...
zeuser replies on Sep 28, 2021:
While I like the concept, and would enjoy seeing it implemented, using religion to justify any collective action is probably a bad idea. So let's come up with some other excuse and do as you suggest. ;)
QAnon doctors.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Hope he believes in washing his hands.... Wondering if he uses the same finger as a rectal thermometer as well....
zeuser replies on Sep 27, 2021:
That would be a good way to make this a two panel cartoon. Two gags in one comic.
QAnon doctors.
dalefvictor comments on Sep 27, 2021:
I want to have a wall full of what looks like diplomas from different Universities and Colleges. I could then stand in front of the wall and everyone would immediately know I am smart. If this doctor does not believe in using thermometers he certainly does not believe in germ theory. He does not ...
zeuser replies on Sep 27, 2021:
Well, this is a one panel cartoon, and the doctor has been paid to make the gag. ;)
A horse walks into a bar and orders a pint The bartender says, " you're in here a lot.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 27, 2021:
That horse could have been saved by a comma. "I don't think,,,,,,,I am." Or even a semicolon;;;;;;.
zeuser replies on Sep 27, 2021:
Horses are notoriously bad at punctuation. Lots of run on sentences.
We will all need to get a lot friendlier soon, I predict.
p-nullifidian comments on Sep 27, 2021:
I agree with you 100%. Conflict, for the sake of conflict itself, is not sustainable.
zeuser replies on Sep 27, 2021:
These days, it's what passes as a political strategy. That road leads to nothing but trouble.
Hey, they made their beds, now they're fucked in the same beds, actually they died and Darwin is ...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
I don't mind the stupid and the republicans dying, but i may go to hell for saying/thinking that. I do mind when they take innocent people with them, and when it hurts people who are trying to help. What a weird ass world we live in, how did so many people get so damn dumb.
zeuser replies on Sep 26, 2021:
Luckily for you, and for all of us who feel the same way, there is no hell.
Perils of being the odd one out.
Cast1es comments on Sep 24, 2021:
For some unknown reason there were lots of tiny worms around the pool this morning and even more in the pool .
zeuser replies on Sep 24, 2021:
Have you been taking ivermectin? ;)
No delta variant here.
St-Sinner comments on Sep 23, 2021:
Can you please explain?
zeuser replies on Sep 23, 2021:
They are saying the Greek letter "mu". Delta is another Greek letter.
I have not yet been able to locate pictures of Steven's stills or Graham's Nash.
JackPedigo comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Some people age really badly.
zeuser replies on Sep 22, 2021:
Tell me about it.
I have not yet been able to locate pictures of Steven's stills or Graham's Nash.
phxbillcee comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Here's some...
zeuser replies on Sep 22, 2021:
@phxbillcee Very nice!
A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room, waiting for the doctor to come in for the ...
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 21, 2021:
Are you younger than that joke?
zeuser replies on Sep 21, 2021:
Probably. The classics never get old.
Hey, less imbeciles to deal with. Darwin strikes again! []
zeuser comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Fewer imbeciles, but yeah.
zeuser replies on Sep 17, 2021:
@Mofo1953 You said it!
Trump definitely did not MAGA. Biden did.
zeuser comments on Sep 16, 2021:
It's a great sentiment, but Uncle Joe still has a long way to go. He's on the right track, but progress is slow.
zeuser replies on Sep 17, 2021:
@inigomontoya Not gonna argue with you, I like Joe. He's a homeboy from my hometown. His agenda is very progressive, and you are right, compared to the turd hurdling Trump years, Joe looks like FDR. However, all that is erased if the federal voting protections are not enacted, and he needs his silly ass right wing senators from AZ and WV to eliminate the filibuster, and he needs the genocidal republican governors to require vaccination to end this fucking pandemic once and for all. Good start, looong ways to go. If the senate and house both flip, quite possible with the new republican voter suppression laws (which federal congressional action would prevent), and the presidential vote in 2024 gets overturned by political hacks in just a couple of wingnut controlled states, we are all goosestepping and singing America Uber Alles.
Trump definitely did not MAGA. Biden did.
zeuser comments on Sep 16, 2021:
It's a great sentiment, but Uncle Joe still has a long way to go. He's on the right track, but progress is slow.
zeuser replies on Sep 16, 2021:
@LucyLoohoo He needs some help from his own party. He can't do this alone.
Trump definitely did not MAGA. Biden did.
zeuser comments on Sep 16, 2021:
It's a great sentiment, but Uncle Joe still has a long way to go. He's on the right track, but progress is slow.
zeuser replies on Sep 16, 2021:
@Mofo1953 Yeah, that's about right.
Meanwhile, in Philly next to the river....
wendysoftsmile comments on Sep 14, 2021:
Well we have a different view of how we see things
zeuser replies on Sep 15, 2021:
Really? I ALWAYS take the cart back to the corral.
We were hoping for sci fi, but we are still both thrilled!
HankSherman comments on Sep 13, 2021:
And more and more, half-breeds are the result,.
zeuser replies on Sep 14, 2021:
@HankSherman I saw that! Good movie!
A couple of quick one-panels.
Lorajay comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Thank you, there's a guy at coffee group that I'm going to tell him that he needs to quit going to therapy and try a proctologist.
zeuser replies on Sep 14, 2021:
Let us know how that goes. LOL
A couple of quick one-panels.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Both are right on. The first one is a gut laugher.
zeuser replies on Sep 13, 2021:
Yeah, I had to fight to keep from spitting out my wine.
We were hoping for sci fi, but we are still both thrilled!
HankSherman comments on Sep 13, 2021:
And more and more, half-breeds are the result,.
zeuser replies on Sep 13, 2021:
You mean like a western with martians showing up?
We were hoping for sci fi, but we are still both thrilled!
KateOahu comments on Sep 13, 2021:
I’d rather the SciFi.
zeuser replies on Sep 13, 2021:
Me too, but you get what you get.
Sums it up nicely...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yet nobody in the audience catches on. Of course, these are the same rubes who buy gold they will never see based on a TV commercial from somebody they don't know.
zeuser replies on Sep 12, 2021:
@Diogenes Don't try to pick stocks to invest in. Look at blended funds and index funds that diversify your holdings and hedge against risk. Trying to pick individual winners is like betting on a horse race. Investing in a mix of high, low, and no risk according to a ration that maximizes your personal financial goal outcomes, there you are. See an advisor.
It's a protection racket.
HankSherman comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Just when you think its safe to go back in .
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
I thought I was out, but they sucked me back in!
Sums it up nicely...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yet nobody in the audience catches on. Of course, these are the same rubes who buy gold they will never see based on a TV commercial from somebody they don't know.
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm averaging 8-11% annually with a 60-40 bond fund/equity split, with maybe 5 or 6 percent in REITs. If I can't get at least 3% from a CD, I'm out regardless of the term.
Sums it up nicely...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yet nobody in the audience catches on. Of course, these are the same rubes who buy gold they will never see based on a TV commercial from somebody they don't know.
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@Diogenes, @Lizard_of_Ahaz If you know where to buy high yield CD's, tell me!
Sums it up nicely...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yet nobody in the audience catches on. Of course, these are the same rubes who buy gold they will never see based on a TV commercial from somebody they don't know.
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@Diogenes When it hits bottom, that's when you DO buy. But stay away from the gold scams they advertise on fox news. Otherwise, put your money in a good index fund and let it stay there for a couple of years.
Sums it up nicely...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yet nobody in the audience catches on. Of course, these are the same rubes who buy gold they will never see based on a TV commercial from somebody they don't know.
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Agreed.
Sums it up nicely...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yet nobody in the audience catches on. Of course, these are the same rubes who buy gold they will never see based on a TV commercial from somebody they don't know.
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz These idiots don't realize how much trouble they are actually in. I feel sorry for all the reasonable folks who are doing the right things and have to deal with the fallout of this pandemic of willful ignorance.
Sums it up nicely...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yet nobody in the audience catches on. Of course, these are the same rubes who buy gold they will never see based on a TV commercial from somebody they don't know.
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz It is a dubious investment strategy even if you are dealing with a reputable broker. But the TV conmen are anything but reputable, selling worthless products and protected by the onerous contracts the fleeced sign without examining the small print. Their key demographic watches Fox, and that's where they advertise.
“Do the gods light this fire in men’s hearts, or does each man’s mad desire become his ...
zeuser comments on Sep 11, 2021:
That's why Moby Dick is such a compelling allegory.
zeuser replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@Marionville Yes, it was a dangerous life. Of course, Ahab had a mad desire which became his god in the form of his obsession with the white whale. The only good parts of whaling were the sea shanties and whaling songs.
Political oxymoron, and who remembers Mr T?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I saw a Virgin prostitute in the Philippines. Then someone paid 40 dollars for her, and that was the end of that.
zeuser replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@MsKathleen Fair enough.
Political oxymoron, and who remembers Mr T?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I saw a Virgin prostitute in the Philippines. Then someone paid 40 dollars for her, and that was the end of that.
zeuser replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@MsKathleen *Wondering how you know that. * 😜
Pretty hip app.
Julie808 comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Hmm! Wonder if it come with attachments for able legged people too haha! I love dancing, but sadly don't know how to do those dance steps, just hula and free style rock!
zeuser replies on Sep 9, 2021:
Those should take you pretty far.
Punctuation can be sexy.
bobwjr comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Kinky commas
zeuser replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@St-Sinner I really don't feel I have to explain, saint. 8-)
Punctuation can be sexy.
bobwjr comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Kinky commas
zeuser replies on Sep 8, 2021:
It's all fun and games til they get to the period. ;)
I hesitated with this one. But hey, it's an atheist joint here.
Julie808 comments on Sep 7, 2021:
I read it with my very best Dragnet voices (from the original TV show of course!)
zeuser replies on Sep 7, 2021:
Just the facts, ma'am.
You know what it is..
zeuser comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Cheaper than Earl Scheib. LOL
zeuser replies on Sep 6, 2021:
@St-Sinner When I was in Denver in the late 70'/early 80's Earl was all over the place, 39.99..
The pun is the best part
zeuser comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Fuck Ivanka. Here's a shoe joke. I bought these sneakers from a drug dealer. I don't know what they are laced with, but I've been tripping all day.
zeuser replies on Sep 6, 2021:
@BirdMan1 I meant in the pejorative sense. 😜
Farron Balanced - MyPillow CEO Losing Tons Of Money After Paying Cyber Security 'Experts' Millions ...
dkp93 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
How did that shitty pillow turn into a $300 million empire?
zeuser replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Volume! LOL
Why is it that most atheists seem to define themselves by hating religion or religious people?
zeuser comments on Sep 5, 2021:
For many, their treatment based on senseless, needlessly cruel dogma was the reason for the appeal of atheism in the first place. I'd guess that's what drives a lot of the emotional reactions you see.
zeuser replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@MsAl Some folks just like to pick on other people. Just because you are an atheist doesn't mean you can't be an insecure bully too.
Who would want to date that con-man?
St-Sinner comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Hard to tell who is the top.
zeuser replies on Sep 4, 2021:
Whoever has the ugly ass is on the bottom.
"If we are a civilized society, founded on thoughtful intelligence, killing should almost never be a...
Pralina1 comments on Sep 4, 2021:
I am a savage . Apparently . I have 0 problem or hesitation to kill anyone who could possibly hurt my sister physically . On top of that , now that I am thinking , it’s a very good thing that I do not own a gun or power . I will have 0 next to nothing problem to kill thousands of pedophiles , ...
zeuser replies on Sep 4, 2021:
Yikes! I am impressed! 😲
One more myth exposed.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 3, 2021:
A mazing....
zeuser replies on Sep 3, 2021:
I see what you did there.
One more myth exposed.
St-Sinner comments on Sep 3, 2021:
I wonder where does he sleep? Who should I suspect?
zeuser replies on Sep 3, 2021:
I am guessing a labyrinth.
On my way to where the air is sweet...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 2, 2021:
zeuser replies on Sep 2, 2021:
Give up the cookies!


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