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Looks like somebody had a plan, and somebody didn't.
LucyLoohoo comments on Mar 1, 2019:
And he painfully LIMPS up the stairs....bone spur pain is SO awful...... Seriously...wouldn't you like to know what he was thinking?
zeuser replies on Mar 1, 2019:
There are no thoughts in that lacquered skull. Just loose cranial material that sort of sloshes around.
You could, I guess, make this case. But I like people who didn't get shot down, ok?
Tommy19 comments on Feb 28, 2019:
When there is a summit, it's normal to have a draft resolution before you go. But Trump says he prefers to trust his instinct!
zeuser replies on Feb 28, 2019:
That's exactly how you drive 5 casinos into bankruptcy and let the ruskies control you.
Whatever you say will be half memorized, then repeated at the most inappropriate moment you can ...
Zoohome comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I always tell my son to talk in Portuguese when speaking of someone else, regardless of what he will say
zeuser replies on Feb 28, 2019:
My folks used to speak Polish so I wouldn't understand. The result is that I know the English set up for a lot of dirty jokes, but all the punchlines I know are in Polish.
You could, I guess, make this case. But I like people who didn't get shot down, ok?
Robecology comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Trump got tired of being called a "patsy" so finally he took his own advice and stood up to KJU....personally, I think it was because DJT had to sit in the little chairs while they reserved the taller chairs for KJU....did you notice? ...
zeuser replies on Feb 28, 2019:
Oooo, and I bet Kim got a third scoop of ice cream too! That'd make *me* mad enough to pick up my balls and go home. LOL
Violation of the 8th Amendment? People doing life for nonviolent crime..[]
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2019:
When you can crater the entire US economy and cause unemployment and recession and walk free even after everyone knows you are guilty, but serve life in prison for stealing gas from a truck while being black, that sounds like it's unconstitutional and unAmerician.
zeuser replies on Feb 28, 2019:
@OwlInASack The trend toward oligarchy and wealth disparity have each been shamefully American phenomena. A lot of us here would love to change it.
This is a good idea for doing an end run around the silly electoral college that evidently is ...
Frctnal comments on Feb 26, 2019:
The electoral college has to go.
zeuser replies on Feb 26, 2019:
It would really need to be a negotiated political process leading to a constitutional amendment. The electoral college was itself a very sticky compromise. The system they put into place to replace it would also have to be a give and take to get it through the 35 state legislatures that an amendment requires.
This is a good idea for doing an end run around the silly electoral college that evidently is ...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2019:
The problem is not JUST the electoral college. We have had disproportionate representation since 1911 when the house was limited to 435 seats. A vote in Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota, Vermont and Alaska count more than a vote in any other state. If it were proportional Ca would have 70...
zeuser replies on Feb 26, 2019:
Yeah, but this is a step in the right direction just related to presidential elections. One problem at a time. Disproportionality should be a federal legislative priority though, I agree with you there.
Not sure where I stand on this because of the age of this cross monument and how it speaks to a ...
zeuser comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Sell the land and the monument to some rich theist goober. No buyers? Tear it down, build another one that isn't a fucking cross. People don't like that? They can chip in to buy it. That's all I got.
zeuser replies on Feb 26, 2019:
@mojo5501 And I would have absolutely no problem with that.
Art of the Deal - a Timeline
Science-guy comments on Feb 24, 2019:
He is the best negotiator. Just ask him.
zeuser replies on Feb 24, 2019:
Nobody knows more about negotiating than he does, believe him. Everybody is saying that. LOL
I must have missed the second part of the memo... ?
CallMeDave comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I arrive dressed as happily retired every day.
zeuser replies on Feb 21, 2019:
I know, no dress code for that. It's sweet, isn't it?
Any guesses on who has been forging Nobel Peace Prize nominations for Trump? []
zeuser comments on Feb 21, 2019:
This is clearly ridiculous. The forger obviously meant to nominate the stable genius for the Nobel Prize for Physics. Far more believable.
zeuser replies on Feb 21, 2019:
@ATDayHiker Either one. Or maybe chemistry, since his cabinet members have such good chemistry with each other for as long as they last.
Trump "has a toad penis, and a yeti bush".
zeuser comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Oh man, and you are telling us this why?
zeuser replies on Feb 19, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow OK, but that's still a nauseating mental image. I'll allow your intentions were good. ?
Martha Stewart is ok in my book. []
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Ordinarily I don't like her, but this is redemption.
zeuser replies on Feb 19, 2019:
Even a blind pig can find an acorn every once in a while.
I know the people who do this won't care, and I really don't care either except I don't like ...
altschmerz comments on Feb 14, 2019:
First! On yours.
zeuser replies on Feb 15, 2019:
Good job. ?
DonaldJTrumpJrs message to young conservatives: "Keep up that fight.
zeuser comments on Feb 12, 2019:
This is supposed to be the "smart one", yeah? Gawd what a family of butt plugs.
zeuser replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Science-guy Good point.
Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?
KKGator comments on Feb 12, 2019:
They don't like him for many of the same reasons why loads of us here don't like him. He's trash. He lies. He's corrupt. He attacks our allies unnecessarily. He's a danger to international security. There is NOTHING to like about 45. I find anyone who claims to like him to be someone I ...
zeuser replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@KKGator No argument there.
Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?
KKGator comments on Feb 12, 2019:
They don't like him for many of the same reasons why loads of us here don't like him. He's trash. He lies. He's corrupt. He attacks our allies unnecessarily. He's a danger to international security. There is NOTHING to like about 45. I find anyone who claims to like him to be someone I ...
zeuser replies on Feb 12, 2019:
A lot of his supporters don't necessarily like him, but they hate the "libtards" and support him to "own the libtards".
He was always a clueless, entitled POS. []
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 11, 2019:
He has been a clueless asshole his entire life. Why no one has punched him in his fat face is a mystery to me....
zeuser replies on Feb 12, 2019:
Well, bodyguards, and now the secret service.
[] Much to admire about Mohammed Ali. Refused to go to Vietnam.
zeuser comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I loved Ali. He had his faults, especially given how viciously and shamefully he used racial tropes to belittle Philly's Smokin' Joe Frazier for example. But on the whole he was a beautiful guy with a big heart and the fastest hands of any heavyweight that ever lived. He lived with the courage of ...
zeuser replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@ipdg77 Here's a good summary: An excerpt: *"Frazier was the worst of Ali's bad guys, but Ali was the real villain. In three memorable fights, Ali callously referred to Frazier in appalling racial terms — specifically as a "gorilla" and an "Uncle Tom" — while portraying himself as the hero of the oppressed African-American. In Ali's narrative, Frazier was simply a tool of white America."*
[] Much to admire about Mohammed Ali. Refused to go to Vietnam.
zeuser comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I loved Ali. He had his faults, especially given how viciously and shamefully he used racial tropes to belittle Philly's Smokin' Joe Frazier for example. But on the whole he was a beautiful guy with a big heart and the fastest hands of any heavyweight that ever lived. He lived with the courage of ...
zeuser replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@ipdg77 My understanding is that the entire thing started as a way to hype the fights, but Ali took it a bit too far. Joe Frazier resented Ali characterizing him as an ape, going so far as to bring a toy gorilla to a press conference and smacking it around, and he remained bitter until the day he died. It was the one blind spot in Ali's otherwise stellar life.
Have you gone on a date with someone you met on this site?
creative51 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
No women on line here crazy enough to go out with me!
zeuser replies on Feb 8, 2019:
Oh man, you haven't been paying attention. Yeah, there are. 8-)
Well... I doubt he can count beyond twenty on fingers and toes, anyway...
zeuser comments on Feb 8, 2019:
21 if he uses all of his digits. Maybe 20 and a half.
zeuser replies on Feb 8, 2019:
@Elganned There are a number of women, I'd guess, who wish they could forget it.
Red balls...
zeuser comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I would bet money it was intentional. The speaker seems to know all kinds of things about psychology, symbolism, and high level subtle trolling.
zeuser replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Check with the speaker, she'd tell you one way or the other.
McConnell and Donald are two of a kind .
zeuser comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Turtle McC is an odious bottom feeder on the same ruble-denominated payroll as the orange mobster that hijacked the white house. He reeks of Putin's smegma.
zeuser replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@silverotter11 Don't ask me, ask McConnell. Or the big orange bopper. They'd know.
Why does he get such a pass by the Christians on his religion since it's pretty well known he didn't...
zeuser comments on Jan 31, 2019:
You make the common mistake of thinking that his "christian" supporters are actually motivated by their religion and a sense of morality. They are not. They support this idiot because he doesn't hinder and in fact facilitates their ability to discriminate against people of color, immigrants, ...
zeuser replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@Freedompath Even using abortion as a moral reason is shaky - it's less about religion and more about controlling women and exerting ownership over their bodies. That's why they could not care any less about kids once they are born, as you note.
Mad Mag..very interesting and check out the date.. over 20 yrs ago.
Freedompath comments on Jan 30, 2019:
His basic skill is lying! My holy smokes ? ...why are there any people supporting this lunatic...has this country gone mad?
zeuser replies on Jan 30, 2019:
No! He cheated! The russkies helped him with complicit cooperation from him and his staff! And votes were suppressed!! Don't forget ANY of that!
For People Dating! Name One Kind Of "G" Rated Picture Of A Person That Is An Immediate Turn Off
zeuser comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Pictures that include: guns, Trump gear, evangelical or other religious books or artifacts, visible dirt on the body or face, confederate flag anywhere in the frame, T-Shirt with a wingnut trope like "Kill the libtards" on self or others in the picture. These get the left swipe treatment.
zeuser replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@DeStijl Not a problem with me if she does, but we ain't gonna go out and get a pizza together.
Poor Roger Stone, poor baby! []
zeuser comments on Jan 30, 2019:
What a putz. Stone is a stone cold liar from way back, and traffics in hyperbole and bullshit.
zeuser replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@Closeted The kind who made his bones with Nixon.
Still rolling back the clock. How long will it take to fix all the damage? []
zeuser comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Shit like this reeeeally turns my crank. It's bad enough that innocent young minds are exposed to this sort of indoctrination by their own parents, now they want to be able to spread the same dogma to everyone's children *on the public's dime*. This is about unAmerican as you can get, and there is ...
zeuser replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@Science-guy Maybe not immediately, but my hope is that we can stop this shit in the future.
Oh Mikey,Mikey, Mikey..
zeuser comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I always thought that was the look he makes after a wet fart.
zeuser replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@Charlene Ooooo, that's harsh. Funny AF, don't get me wrong. But....ouch.
Obstruction of justice? What is your opinion. []
Elganned comments on Jan 23, 2019:
The Trumpsterfire is a mafia boss. Always operated that way, and nothing's changed. So *of course* he threatened Cohen's family. That's what mafia bosses do.
zeuser replies on Jan 23, 2019:
Here's the thing. Real mafia bosses don't say shit. Yet you know they are the guys who sent the punks who roughed up your sister. This orange guy even fucks up being a convincing criminal.
Trump's digital campaign and Russia's Internet Research Agency: a fully integrated operation.
zeuser comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Holy crap, if Mueller can prove even one tenth of this to be true, that is treason of the highest order.
zeuser replies on Jan 22, 2019:
@Freedompath I sure hope so. The sooner the better.
I´m 55 years old and I´ve been an athiest since I was 15.
zeuser comments on Jan 22, 2019:
My dad is 94. He is casually racist, BUT learning to like and accept LGBTQ folks since one lives next door, and supports asylum seeking immigrants since that what his mom and dad were. And the only republican he EVER voted for was Ike - hates Trump with a passion. An old union man.
zeuser replies on Jan 22, 2019:
@markbailey0008 He's a sweetheart. He's a devout catholic and never gave me any shit at all about my atheism.
This method also applies to Trump.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Her and Palin should just do porn...
zeuser replies on Jan 22, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow I heard a lot about porn. Always wanted to try it out. *ahem *
This method also applies to Trump.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Her and Palin should just do porn...
zeuser replies on Jan 22, 2019:
Moron porn! Heh.
He forgot about the northern border(s). []
zeuser comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Said the wolf, "tastes like chicken, specifically KFC original recipe."
zeuser replies on Jan 20, 2019:
@Science-guy wolves are alright with that.
Because Mexico is known to have so many Muslims.
zeuser comments on Jan 18, 2019:
For someone who lies so much, you'd think he'd be better at it. Sheesh.
zeuser replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow I guess it's a legitimate affliction. But we should treat the affliction, not elect it to be fucking president.
Because Mexico is known to have so many Muslims.
zeuser comments on Jan 18, 2019:
For someone who lies so much, you'd think he'd be better at it. Sheesh.
zeuser replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow Someone said that if you ask him what time it is, he'll lie JUST for the practice. I think a lot of his lies are simple reflex. You know, like the gag reflex but less honest. Well, it's easier to fool someone than to convince that same person he or she has been fooled. That's the basis of his electoral success. Plus Russians.
Freud said that young girls suffer from penis envy.
zeuser comments on Jan 17, 2019:
A lot of what Freud thought was full of shit. So I wouldn't read too much into this omission.
zeuser replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@genessa Ah, I see. Good, we agree. ?
Freud said that young girls suffer from penis envy.
zeuser comments on Jan 17, 2019:
A lot of what Freud thought was full of shit. So I wouldn't read too much into this omission.
zeuser replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@genessa yeah, but what about no vagina envy in his oeuvre? I don't read too much into that omission.
Federal Watchdog Finds Government Ignored Emoluments Clause With Trump Hotel January 16, 20194:15...
zeuser comments on Jan 16, 2019:
This is shocking. I am shocked.
zeuser replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@EllenDale To not be shocked means you think it's normal. This shit is not normal. I know all about the wars. Not sure what poutine is though, I have to look that up.
I call this, "Mike Pence Goes Undercover In Attempt To Thwart Gay Agenda"
Elganned comments on Dec 31, 2018:
Can anyone explain to me what the "Gay Agenda" is? I've asked all the Christians I know, but nobody's been able to articulate it.
zeuser replies on Jan 16, 2019:
As I understand it, it's 2 parts: 1- Leave us the fuck alone, and we'll leave you alone. 2- We have the same rights that everyone else does.
Pelosi just told 45 to put his State of the Union address in writing, because due to the shutdown, ...
thinktwice comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Gotta admire a woman who can use her brain to castrate him...sadly, he probably misses half of her sarcasm and wit just from his sheer stupidity...whoosh...way over his head...
zeuser replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Well, Coulter and Hannity have the job explaining stuff like that to him, so...
GOD BLESS TRUMP! Some analysts have raised fears that U.
zeuser comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I understand that Kraft is moving its corporate HQ to Israel. Yeah, they're changing the name of the company to "Cheeses of Nazareth".
zeuser replies on Jan 14, 2019:
@phoenixone1 I'll be here all week. Tip your servers. Try the scampi. 8-)
Off with his head!
zeuser comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.
zeuser replies on Jan 13, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy I think the advice is for us, not the orange jabroni. ?
Off with his head!
zeuser comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.
zeuser replies on Jan 13, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Heh, I think Santyana had a broader perspective, but I see your point. ?
I'm feeling a little betrayed. I just found out my KY Jelly isn't from Kentucky at all.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Jan 12, 2019:
And here I always assumed that was one of the 'herbs and spices' in KFC.
zeuser replies on Jan 12, 2019:
Ooo, look those drumsticks over before you eat em. ?
But I wanna work and not get paid! []
zeuser comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Many different threads infect the fevered mind of the current arsewipe in chief: insanity, delusion, deliberate fabrication, paranoia, sadistic intent, cruelty, entitlement, greed, hubris, narcissism. You will not find: logic, reason, empathy, honesty, policy goals, coherence, adequate vocabulary, ...
zeuser replies on Jan 12, 2019:
@luvs2laugh I'll check it out.
But I wanna work and not get paid! []
zeuser comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Many different threads infect the fevered mind of the current arsewipe in chief: insanity, delusion, deliberate fabrication, paranoia, sadistic intent, cruelty, entitlement, greed, hubris, narcissism. You will not find: logic, reason, empathy, honesty, policy goals, coherence, adequate vocabulary, ...
zeuser replies on Jan 12, 2019:
@luvs2laugh No, who is the author?
Trump rejects shutdown deal Republicans negotiated with Republicans | MSNBC
zeuser comments on Jan 11, 2019:
He just wants to declare a national emergency. It's a new toy, like revoking press credentials was, like revoking security clearances was, like shutting the government down itself was. He doesn't have a party, he wants it to be all him *even when people agree with him.*
zeuser replies on Jan 11, 2019:
@slydr68 I certainly think he's gonna try. I don't think it will work, but yeah, he's gonna give it a shot.
Sooo, he tells it like it is.....
zeuser comments on Jan 11, 2019:
And he owns the libtards, that's important. RME
zeuser replies on Jan 11, 2019:
@Leafhead Oh, I can see it, buddy. Try harder to see when people are agreeing with you.
Sooo, he tells it like it is.....
zeuser comments on Jan 11, 2019:
And he owns the libtards, that's important. RME
zeuser replies on Jan 11, 2019:
@Leafhead Calm down partner. RME = rolling my eyes. And I'd suggest you be more circumspect before calling someone fucking retarded, okay?
one more anti wall reason
Cutiebeauty comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Maybe another wall?
zeuser replies on Jan 10, 2019:
You try that shit in South Philly, let's just say it won't work. ?
Shit is getting real here in North Kackalacky.
Our_existence comments on Jan 10, 2019:
This is a frightening time. I have never wished anyone dead before, but for tRump... I'll make an exception.
zeuser replies on Jan 10, 2019:
@Freedompath Remind me not to piss you off!
Shit is getting real here in North Kackalacky.
Our_existence comments on Jan 10, 2019:
This is a frightening time. I have never wished anyone dead before, but for tRump... I'll make an exception.
zeuser replies on Jan 10, 2019:
I want to take him alive, personally, and lock his ass up.
Shit is getting real here in North Kackalacky.
Charliesey comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Need to get rid of the electoral college now. He shouldn’t even be our president. He received 3 million less votes.
zeuser replies on Jan 10, 2019:
Lots of the votes he did get were fraudulently obtained, too.
Though not strictly related to the overweight orange buffoon, I did get out to see "Vice" the other ...
KKGator comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Yeah, I'm still fairly freakin' appalled that so many people seem to have forgotten what a shitstorm Dubya's "administration" was. Just because 45 is fucking disaster, doesn't mean GWB should get a pass. Haven't seen the movie yet. Might be a while before I do. I have a long memory, and I don't...
zeuser replies on Jan 10, 2019:
It's a laughing while you are crying kind of movie, not played for laughs but a lot of dark humor and breaking the 4th wall. Steve Carrell is brilliant as "Rummy", and Bale's Cheyney is off-the - hook good.
While they say it's not likely to happen, this would be another shot to the foot by "president" ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 9, 2019:
That'd be awesome! Poor donnie won't be able to take a shit!
zeuser replies on Jan 9, 2019:
Not sure that would necessarily be the best thing. But I'd go with it for the entertainment value.
While they say it's not likely to happen, this would be another shot to the foot by "president" ...
Charlene comments on Jan 9, 2019:
They should ask for installments on the monies owed..and have debt collectors call the W.H about
zeuser replies on Jan 9, 2019:
Switchboards at the WH are shut down. Debt collectors can't get through. And, TBH, neither can anyone else. Coincidence?
While they say it's not likely to happen, this would be another shot to the foot by "president" ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Cut it off.. Cut it off...
zeuser replies on Jan 9, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty You can cut off more than one thing, you know. LOL
More winning.
Elganned comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Wouldn't it be lovely if this ended with overrides of whatever vetoes he issues? But that would mean enough Republicans abandoning him to make it work, which I don't see--yet.
zeuser replies on Jan 9, 2019:
Soon. When they see their own careers in jeopardy, they'll turn on him like his ex-wife in divorce court.
Good things are happening--coal mines are closing--under the Trump administration, despite all his ...
KKGator comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Saw that earlier today. I wonder just how many of his supporters in coal country are finally starting to understand that he lied to them? Between the coal miners and the farmers, he really should lose a large chunk of his supporters. Whether he does or not is another matter entirely. Too many 45 ...
zeuser replies on Jan 7, 2019:
@EMC2 When I say they do it to own the libtards, that is pretty much the primary motivation - to validate their ignorance by rubbing the Russian financed presidential "victory" in the faces of people who they've been conditioned to irrationally hate. So the best technique, smile, don't engage, talk about gardening or something. You can't fix willful ignorance.
Good things are happening--coal mines are closing--under the Trump administration, despite all his ...
KKGator comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Saw that earlier today. I wonder just how many of his supporters in coal country are finally starting to understand that he lied to them? Between the coal miners and the farmers, he really should lose a large chunk of his supporters. Whether he does or not is another matter entirely. Too many 45 ...
zeuser replies on Jan 7, 2019:
In Kentucky or in West Virginia, they'd vote for him no matter what even if they admit that they know that he's been lying to them all along. You know, to own the libtards.
Cat or Dog?
sfvpool comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I don't admit to having either. I'm very careful about what I post on-line and I don't want someone in two hundred years to accuse me of something considered immoral at that time, of something that was normal in my time.
zeuser replies on Jan 7, 2019:
Really? In two hundred years everybody you knew and everybody who knew the people you knew will be dead. That is the PERFECT time for people to criticize you. I doubt, for example, that Thomas Jefferson gives a rat's ass now about the fact that people realize he was railing one of his slaves. Let them talk!
Keurig or French Press?
zeuser comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I had a Keurig for years, very convenient but terrible for the environment. When I heard the inventor regretted ever inventing it because of the ecological impact of the discarded plastic cups, I switched to a French press about a year ago. It's a little more work, but much better for Mother Earth.
zeuser replies on Jan 7, 2019:
@mykhael Yeah, I had one of those reusable filters too. It sort of defeated the convenience which is why I was using it to begin with, and I wasn't that crazy about the quality of the brew I was getting. If you are satisfied with making and drinking your cup of joe that way, it certainly is a better ethical choice. Happy java to you.
Keurig or French Press?
michaelj comments on Jan 7, 2019:
French press is the best. Coffee as dark or light as you want. Simple and easy.
zeuser replies on Jan 7, 2019:
@mykhael I drain the grounds into a sieve and discard them in the normal trash. Yeah, a little bit more work. I also grind my own beans.
It's Christmas in Carolina, it's Christmas all over the place. 8-) []
rsmith61616 comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Thought you are agnostic
zeuser replies on Jan 6, 2019:
I am, and I'm also atheist. The Squirrel Nut Zippers sing about what it's like here around the 25th. I can like that song and still be ag and ath.
Epic tweet: Don't like Mother fucker?
zeuser comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Semi - conscious? You think?
zeuser replies on Jan 6, 2019:
@NoMagicCookie Yeah, that sounds more accurate!
Pilots association issues letter to Trump about the shutdown. []
zeuser comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I agree that this won't really impress our orange overweight version of Marie Antoinette, however it may give some of the republican senators, at least those not on the Kremlin's payroll, some sort of clue that this is making them all look foolish - at the minimum. The best way out is for both ...
zeuser replies on Jan 6, 2019:
@LucyLoohoo You got some wicked song-writing skills, Lucy. Happy to act as your muse. 8-)
Who wrote that song "Breaking Up is Hard To Do"? Not any more:- []
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Neil Sedaka. Wow, getting the lawyers out of divorce, how civilized.
zeuser replies on Jan 4, 2019:
I filled my own divorce papers. The whole thing cost, like, 135 bucks or so. The key is ; can you successfully negotiate a separation agreement so the petition is not contested? It helps if you don't have any kids under 18.
It's a metaphor. It's a shtick.
EMC2 comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Now if we could just get him to not speak.
zeuser replies on Jan 2, 2019:
At least while he is using his hands to mime a wall that isn't there he can't tweet. So...
Do you or will you get the flu vaccine?
zeuser comments on Dec 31, 2018:
I've been getting it every year for the past, I dunno, 40 years? Not sure when it first became widely available to the public at large, but not too long after that, I started getting it and I've done it ever since.
zeuser replies on Dec 31, 2018:
@itsmedammit Keep it up!
Medical Marijuana has been proven to work for many types of pain.
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 31, 2018:
The pharma companies will work to keep it illegal as long as possible, so they can continue poisoning us with their pills.
zeuser replies on Dec 31, 2018:
@Redheadedgammy me too. don't get your hopes up, one fight at a time.
Medical Marijuana has been proven to work for many types of pain.
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 31, 2018:
The pharma companies will work to keep it illegal as long as possible, so they can continue poisoning us with their pills.
zeuser replies on Dec 31, 2018:
When it eventually becomes legal, big pharma will be there to run all the smaller operations out of business and monopolize the production, distribution and sale as well. Just watch.
Have you stopped watching a TV show, or listening to a musician due to their political beliefs?
Count_Viceroy comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I'm sorry to have to lose, due to their politics, the acting brilliance of Kevin Sorbo, Chuck Norris, and Scott Baio, the comedic genius of Victoria Jackson and Dennis Miller, and the musical gifts of Ted Nugent and Hank Williams Jr. A sacrifice indeed.
zeuser replies on Dec 30, 2018:
You'd think it would be easy to let those talents go. And yeah, you're right, it's easy. ?
Looks like Sarah may be backing out of her resignation since she can't find a job in the private ...
zeuser comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Hmmm, has she considered applying to be Miss Piggy's body double for the next Muppet movie? That could work. From Russian puppet to second line Muppet. Hey, it's worth considering.
zeuser replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@phoenixone1 Well, both twats and waffles might view that from a somewhat different perspective.
I just finished installing my tankless water heater.
zeuser comments on Dec 30, 2018:
That looks great! I put the new sticker on my license plate. I had to use a screwdriver to take the plate out of the frame to do it. That is the extent of my technical ability. I admire people who can do stuff like this, cuz I sure can't. Good job, KGY. This looks like it was a tankless job, too. ...
zeuser replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@kgoodyear I salute you partner. ?
Getting ready to go to a Boy Scout Eagle Rank Award Ceremony inside a Baptist Church.
Donotbelieve comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Fun fact- I'm a registered Boy Scout. I worked at Camp Tuckahoe. Boy Scouts are way more fun than Girl Scouts. I was a camp counselor for them and went to camp from age 5 till 17.
zeuser replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@Donotbelieve Sounds like it was just nuts! LOL
Getting ready to go to a Boy Scout Eagle Rank Award Ceremony inside a Baptist Church.
Donotbelieve comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Fun fact- I'm a registered Boy Scout. I worked at Camp Tuckahoe. Boy Scouts are way more fun than Girl Scouts. I was a camp counselor for them and went to camp from age 5 till 17.
zeuser replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@Donotbelieve Seriously? A necklace with acorns? I LOVE it!
Looks like Sarah may be backing out of her resignation since she can't find a job in the private ...
zeuser comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Hmmm, has she considered applying to be Miss Piggy's body double for the next Muppet movie? That could work. From Russian puppet to second line Muppet. Hey, it's worth considering.
zeuser replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@Science-guy You're right. I thought to offer options, and this clearly isn't an appropriate direction. My bad, sorry.
Looks like Sarah may be backing out of her resignation since she can't find a job in the private ...
zeuser comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Hmmm, has she considered applying to be Miss Piggy's body double for the next Muppet movie? That could work. From Russian puppet to second line Muppet. Hey, it's worth considering.
zeuser replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@dkp93 Point taken.
'Nude Selfie' Obtained In Mueller Inquiry, Says Court Filing By Indicted Russian Firm | HuffPost
zeuser comments on Dec 29, 2018:
What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? Trump never had a garbanzo bean on his face. I'll be here all week. Tip your servers. Try the veal. 8-)
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@Al-Bundy_59 Feel free. I certainly did. Lol
Family Dinner!❤
freedom41 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
That could have been phrased differently. Where was the editor in all of this?
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
She should have put it online first, cuz online, *everybody * is a fricken editor. Heh.
This is mainly meant to be a joke, but any actual money donated will go to the Southern Poverty Law ...
alanalorie comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Ha..I laughed out loud. Perhaps we should each send a beautifully wrapped brick to the White House with our sentiments written on it :)
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
Oooh, the simplest ideas are the best ones!
A bit edgy, but the truth if you reason it.
zeuser comments on Dec 29, 2018:
So if I follow, cunnilingus is an appetizer. (Just trying to keep the metaphor rolling, you know?)
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@AntaresRose OK Rose. ?
Just for shits and giggles! Be the best Alien you Can be! ROFLOL
zeuser comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Oooh, that explains the anal probe. *ahem*
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@LucyLoohoo Wonderful, that's my good deed for today. 8-)
A bit edgy, but the truth if you reason it.
zeuser comments on Dec 29, 2018:
So if I follow, cunnilingus is an appetizer. (Just trying to keep the metaphor rolling, you know?)
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@AntaresRose I like oysters too, but I *love* to eat clams. LOL
Awoke this morning, always a plus for me, and a thought crossed my mind, (a second plus), any way, ...
zeuser comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Most religious people, IMO of course, don't *want* to be religious, it's just how they were raised or how they think they need to be to fit in with their religious peer group. They want to get to heaven, they don't want to go to hell, they want to deny the oblivion of actual death, and they have a ...
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@HankSherman Hmmm, well I can think of a couple of cases. One is where the individual never truly bought into it and they find and excuse to do so after escaping from either the psychological or physical barriers that kept them penned in. Two is where there is a sense of profound disiilusionment with someone they trusted, or something that is clearly demonstrated to be false or shallow. Third is when they get tired of being told to behave a certain way that irritates the hell out of them and just toss it all out the window to be themselves finally. For your part, you can be a good example, never condescend or scold, you never know what can happen. Good luck.
A bit edgy, but the truth if you reason it.
zeuser comments on Dec 29, 2018:
So if I follow, cunnilingus is an appetizer. (Just trying to keep the metaphor rolling, you know?)
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@AntaresRose I was talking about carpet munching, but it sounds like I somehow touched a nerve. I bet you don't like oysters either. LOL
A bit edgy, but the truth if you reason it.
zeuser comments on Dec 29, 2018:
So if I follow, cunnilingus is an appetizer. (Just trying to keep the metaphor rolling, you know?)
zeuser replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@AntaresRose If there's crap involved, you're doing it wrong.
Family Dinner!❤
Enchanter comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Why would she want to cook her family AND her dog?
zeuser replies on Dec 28, 2018:
Appetizers gotta come from somewhere!
Somebody should take this clown’s phone away from him. []
Looking4-Others comments on Dec 26, 2018:
I'm surprised he didn't charge them for taking pictures with him the dumb shit!
zeuser replies on Dec 27, 2018:
Don't give him any ideas.
BREAKING: Trump Throws Out His Defense Secretary Early! []
zeuser comments on Dec 23, 2018:
Wow. I've never seen a person deteriorate so rapidly right before my eyes. Let alone the president. None of this shit is good at all.
zeuser replies on Dec 23, 2018:
@Looking4-Others I wish we never found out.
Question regarding responses, mainly on memes, but really on any post I guess.
Anonbene comments on Dec 20, 2018:
People that think points are important. Stop that. We all may have different senses of humor so everything may not be your cup of tea. I try very hard to keep in mind the old adage. If you can't say something nice about someone then don't say anything at all. On the other hand, interaction is what ...
zeuser replies on Dec 20, 2018:
You really wanna see my boobs? Careful what you wish for. LOL
nvrnuff comments on Dec 19, 2018:
It's not a done deal yet, who knows what the crazy bastid will do.
zeuser replies on Dec 20, 2018:
@Mofo1953 He's an OPM guy. Everything he does is with other people's money.
The Evil Empire is Falling! []
EMC2 comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Oh here comes the magic. This is the time for all. Flynn just had his sentencing delayed and why, because the judge was going to be tough on him and actually saying the word treason. Now Flynn decided to cooperate more on other investigations. Oh boy what is orange cakes to do?
zeuser replies on Dec 18, 2018:
Ooo, I didn't see that. Let me go look for it. That is great news, as much as any news about the orange mob boss can be called good. 8-)
The Evil Empire is Falling! []
Condor5 comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Too bad there's no jail time for any of the perps, they're getting off too easily. Isn't this offense the same thing Repugnicans were accusing the Clintons of?
zeuser replies on Dec 18, 2018:
The rule of thumb here is that if the talking yam accuses someone of doing something wrong, he or his minions are doing that exact thing,
In 2014 Democrat Chuck Schumer introduced Senate Bill S.
zeuser comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Well, the 2014 bill was a comprehensive overhaul of all immigration policy, and it didn't authorize a wall, certainly not a 30 foot high 3000 mile long wall. It addressed the "dreamers", and also called for more staffing to review asylum requests, among many other things. The conservative ...
zeuser replies on Dec 18, 2018:
@Varn Evidently, Hillary used those words, but the context was more nuanced. Here's what I found in Politifact.
In 2014 Democrat Chuck Schumer introduced Senate Bill S.
zeuser comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Well, the 2014 bill was a comprehensive overhaul of all immigration policy, and it didn't authorize a wall, certainly not a 30 foot high 3000 mile long wall. It addressed the "dreamers", and also called for more staffing to review asylum requests, among many other things. The conservative ...
zeuser replies on Dec 17, 2018:
@Varn Good point. I don't remember any democratic candidate use the term open borders, but rather had that term used to characterize their positions by the other side, but if you could come up with a link, I'd appreciate it. But yeah, if the 2014 bill was successfully amended and passed, this bozo would have had to come up with something else. He probably would still have gotten elected, but that's one issue he wouldn't have had to use.
In 2014 Democrat Chuck Schumer introduced Senate Bill S.
zeuser comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Well, the 2014 bill was a comprehensive overhaul of all immigration policy, and it didn't authorize a wall, certainly not a 30 foot high 3000 mile long wall. It addressed the "dreamers", and also called for more staffing to review asylum requests, among many other things. The conservative ...
zeuser replies on Dec 17, 2018:
@Varn The dreamer situation was only addressed by President Obama's executive orders, and never legislatively resolved in any fashion, which is where it should be debated to reach a reasonable compromise. Those orders have been upheld by the courts, but while it didn't hurt Obama, who was well into his second term, politically, I doubt Hillary would have benefitted from the passage of the 2014 bill, with or without protection for the dreamers. However, until that sort of legislative debate occurs, I wouldn't hold my breath for any immigration legislation, including the allocation of 5 billion fucking dollars for a scheme nobody knows any details about.


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