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Gawd I hope they are all conservative right wingnuts.
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2020:
When you decide to pursue stupidity as an end in itself, the results are predictable and sad.
Colin Powell, on the Lying Birther: []
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2020:
About time.
The Trump Regime Is Beginning to Topple - The Atlantic
zeuser comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I love the phrase "withholding cooperation". That's how you do it.
Who had Yellowstone?
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2020:
If this fucker blows, we are all dead.
Who trust the Bible? ..🙄
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2020:
You mean that's not true?
Is it a duplicity when Trump says that he hates bigots but doesn't hate himself?
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2020:
It's just a lie,, one of soooo many more.
Birth of A Movement!: Exactly what I've been hoping for- Perhaps they will escort the Orange ...
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Every explosion starts with a spark, every chemical reaction begins with a catalyst, every fire starts with a match.
Interesting view
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2020:
I've got answers. Heh.
He knows some tricks!
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2020:
You should see what he pulls out of his arse. Or maybe not.
Rand Paul Says Secret to Social Distancing Is Making Everyone Despise You | The New Yorker
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2020:
He's a natural!
DC Mayor/City Counsel has 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' painted on the road to the White House in HUGE Yellow...
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Nicely stated and rendered, right where someone who needs to read it and internalize it can see it clearly.
Hang on, let me think awhile! :-)
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Sweetest Daddy ever!
zeuser comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Yeah, that happens. 8-)
When donald trump came out of hiding this week.
zeuser comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Soooo many people think those two things are the same thing..Sooooo many people are dead fucking wrong.
zeuser comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Sen. Murkowski looks like one of the first cracks in the damn.
Do a shot and vote for Biden
zeuser comments on Jun 4, 2020:
I'll take the shot, but the potato is the one who will get fried. Heh.
zeuser comments on Jun 4, 2020:
If you like to engage in parallelism, you can make the credible argument that Nazi Germany's international military success began with an alliance with Russia against the rest of the Europe, and their decline began when they turned on Russia. I don't see our semi-fuerher wannabe double-crossing Russia soon, but if he does, well, we do have history as a guide to what happens next. And he does have a history of double-crossing people.
Trouble brewing.
zeuser comments on Jun 4, 2020:
You have to break these things down to figure out what to do.
Fair enough.
zeuser comments on Jun 4, 2020:
That's my motto too!
I enjoy being part of this group , being almost two years since I joined.
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Congratulations on reaching level 8! Don't let the level 7's con you into showing them the secret handshake! Here in NC, as well as throughout the Bible belt, religious beliefs or disbelief are conflated with politics, especially in the more bucolic parts. I've had people come to me privately after hearing about my own atheism and quietly admit they agree. I've also had loud disagreement and scorn as responses. But even the local JW's give me some space when I tell them, some even want to talk about it. Anyway keep posting. I'm at level 8.5 and there is still a long way for me to go. Persistence will be your path to 9. 😊
Way to Go!: []
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Good on the chief. Wonder if our dimwit in chief will trash him with stupid tweets.
Twitter can be good and bad...
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2020:
I don't have a twitter account. I guess this is why I'm always the last to know.
A note on djt's character...
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Probably unfit to be a fucking vertebrate, too.
Just keep digging for a bit longer
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Treasure trove of material for his speeches dead ahead.
Seal it up!!!
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Yeah, let's play this one safe, ok?
Trump Upside down at Church: []
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Trying to figure out what the most shameful thing this asswipe has done is almost impossible. Remember, this is a guy who mocked a handicapped reporter, insulted not one, not two, but three war heroes, all deceased, and who found it impossible to say "Nazis are bad". This is indeed a shameful stunt, but maybe we should say it's the most shameful *SO FAR*.
My favorite sign so far. []
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Beautiful! One vote at a time, this can be done.
The wannabe dictator
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Good catch, Ben!
Don Jr. Continues to Be an Incredibly Dangerous and Dumb Man []
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The imbecile doesn't fall far from the vulgar moron.
Just imagine . . . . FAUX News (aka Pravda) would be in melt down mode
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
He didn't, but they called him that anyway.
Trump, Upside Down! []
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Yeah, he DID talk to Putin earlier in the day. This has his borscht-smelling fingerprints all over it.
This morning I heard conservative pundit David Frum on Sam Harris' latest podcast warn of the ...
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
You need 15 senators to give back the money and find a conscience, then you need a majority leader to call a vote. I am not optimistic.
Trump must go, before it's too late.
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2020:
I can't see how to avoid it, our rat is cornered and now he wants to show how tough he is. I don't like to engage in hyperbole, but this is his Reichstag fire, his pretext to impose martial law, his excuse to start shooting people he doesn't like. I was dreading this day.
Hey Trump?! Eat my shorts!!
zeuser comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Nice and simple, to the point, incisive. I like it. 😊
I am trying really hard not to hate trump because hate is not good for the hater.
zeuser comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I know. For a guy like this, it's the right thing.
Apparently Trump hid in a bunker during the protest outside the white house; Aw diddums, what ...
zeuser comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Hard to talk tough when you are hiding in the dark, filling your pants.
Ever have that queasy feeling?
zeuser comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Good analogies across the board.
Anyone get their letter from the IRS, signed by Trump, taking all the credit for Issuing the ...
zeuser comments on May 31, 2020:
Yeah. I shredded it.
Hypocrisy of Mike Pence
zeuser comments on May 31, 2020:
It's a toss up which closeted ball licking jerkoff I dislike more, Pence or Lindsay Graham. I will say they are each detestable in their own way.
THIS! is the real Trump! Beyond words His one accomplishment will have been the ripping apart of ...
zeuser comments on May 31, 2020:
This isn't really a big reveal, we've been expecting this all along, or at least I have but I think I have a lot of company.
Almost as if Jesus was fictional!
zeuser comments on May 31, 2020:
Cold case! LOL
zeuser comments on May 31, 2020:
Where are those vicious dogs and ominous weapons I've been hearing about?
PSA from the heartland
zeuser comments on May 31, 2020:
I've often heard the phrase "have a roll in the hay", but I never thought this is what it meant.
A news post this morning was that Trump had cancelled the G7 meeting.
zeuser comments on May 31, 2020:
Bad enough to face covid risks and listen to our asshole president promote his property, but the risk of encountering bedbugs at Doral probably put the final nail in the coffin.
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action. - Johann von Goethe
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
Frightful and pathetic both.
This is why I still have a trace of hope. []
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I hope Justice Roberts continues to represent a fair judiciary, even though his fingerprints are on some odious decisions - like citizen's united for example. Kavanaugh ought to just drink himself into a cirrhosis of the liver situation, the sooner the better.
Sometimes my heart is warmed by the Judiciary.
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
It's rare, but occasionally justice is done - even though it seems to be almost like an accident when it happens.
As Rex Tillerson said, "Fucking moron!" []
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
Rex had him pegged, which isn't difficult to do BTW. Lamar Alexander disagrees with this decision, does he? Well, that ought to fix things up. Sheezus.
Co-pilot hmmm? Well that bastard probably just floated away and was fine then eh?!
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
As Father Guido Sarducci once mused "If we are all made in God's image, shouldn't we all be, like, invisible?" Or something like that.
Trash can only pile so high before you have to take it out! Get America clean again people!
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
Blame it all on China, Obama and "Democrat" governors? Yeah, that sounds about right.
Obviously a trump fan ...[]
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
I got my first haircut since February yesterday. My stylist said she was giving haircuts on her back porch, so at least she didn't starve. Now, if I get the covid, at least I'll look good.
What do you call a bee that comes from the U.S? ... a USB. Sorry. I’ll show myself out.
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
Hey, you know the guy that invented the USB port recently died. Yeah, they lowered the coffin into the grave, stopped halfway and pulled it out, rotated it 180 degress, and lowered it back all the way.
We're getting a whiff of the coming Civil War.
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
It's a real risk. His white nationalist buddies are just looking for an excuse to start their boogaloo race war. I think the election will happen, and that there will be cheating and disinformation (propaganda) and rank voter suppression. Will that be enough to get Biden enough electoral votes - I can't answer that but it can go either way from my perspective. If he loses, he will not leave voluntarily. How much popular support and violence he is willing to foment - I also have no idea. And all this against the backdrop of massive unemployment and probably still the pandemic. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Putting the Twit in Twitter
zeuser comments on May 30, 2020:
Go ahead! Pull the trigger, you idiot.
fingering ...[]
zeuser comments on May 29, 2020:
Ringing the devil's doorbell too, I'd wager.
“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.
zeuser comments on May 29, 2020:
I like to suddenly smile for no apparent reason. Makes people wonder what I've got up my sleeve.
Twitter hides Donald Trump tweet for 'glorifying violence' | Technology | The Guardian
zeuser comments on May 29, 2020:
I'm not that crazy about social media monopolies (well, any monopolies really), and twitter in particular has let a lot of shit slide down the mountain, but I guess the process of growing a conscience requires a first step. Let's see if they cave.
Dictatorship over a private entity (twitter) and free speech?
zeuser comments on May 29, 2020:
All the complicit repubs who think that all of this is just hunky fucking dory will go down in history as quislings and traitors.
Trump's Proxy in Florida: []
zeuser comments on May 28, 2020:
DeSantis is a putz, an ass-kissing sycophant, a shill for billionaires, and I bet he smells like stale urine.
The Real Objection To Vote By Mail []
zeuser comments on May 28, 2020:
She's right. Changing the game so cheaters can't cheat upsets no one - except the ones who can't cheat anymore. You remember when you were a kid and you caught someone cheating at a board game? First reaction of the cheater - turn the board upside down and have a tantrum. So many things we learn as children remain true into adulthood and beyond.
This is a good thing to copy and paste into lots of threads in Trumps Twitter feed and anywhere else...
zeuser comments on May 28, 2020:
As distasteful as it is, sometimes the only way to fight fire is with fire.
Another nice piece written by Thomas Clay: Thomas Clay25 May 2020, 8:15pm Likes: 11.
zeuser comments on May 28, 2020:
This is the face of evil. Kissing the asses of the rich whilst shitting all over people who work for a living, then lying about it and blaming the very people who are trying to stop them while also trying to clean up the mess.
I don't know if there is anyone from PA on here, but I was in tears watching this.
zeuser comments on May 28, 2020:
Holy shit! This is appalling! Sims is right, there needs to be prosecutions and jail time.
Donald Trump's lies are so outrageous that now God is calling him out [] 😅😅
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
Go God! LOL
That feeling you get after listening to Trump for two minutes
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
Doesn't take me that long anymore either.
It is better to be a has-been than a never-was. - C. Northcote Parkinson
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
I've been both. At this point, the difference is negligable. 😜
On a serious note .
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
Fuck and damn, hell YEAH! 💙
History, it's a harsh mistress.
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
I think this was Putin's plan all along. We'll see if it pans out for him.
As I was leaving work today I heard a man checking out at the counter say "I don't know but I sure ...
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
We got your back here, Deno. Engaging with nitwits risks having some of their nitwittery rub off on you.
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
The sippy cup is a nice touch.
Trump’s war on reality just got a lot more dangerous - The Washington Post
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
When you elect someone whose only discernable skill is bullshit, flim-flam hucksterism, what in the world do you think his policies are going to be like? If you guessed anything else but bullshit, flim-flam hucksterism, then you are getting exactly the policy response you deserve. The sad part is that everyone else gets that same cocktail of horseshit too.
New power source ??
zeuser comments on May 27, 2020:
Well, that's quite a mouthful.
Do you believe her? 🤨
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
Make him give it back!
Trump pegged as ‘the least masculine’ president in modern times by Naval War College professor ...
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
And his dumbass supporters share the worst of his traditionally un-masculine traits.
Another former 45 supporter turns on him, AGAIN. []
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
Even nazi wingnuts understand when they are being swindled, and just like everybody else, they don't like being fooled at all.
Any resemblance to a real character is pure coincidence...
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
I bet the pooch has a unique way of delivering holy water.
One night four university friends went out drinkinig till late night, as many college students are ...
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
You gotta get your stories straight. Rule number one for successful conspiracy.
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
I just mailed my application for the NC ballot yesterday.
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
Too bad the Kentucky Derby was canceled, these would rival those silly-ass hats that the ladies wear to the races.
Poor fashion sense
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
They say it pays to advertise, but this yo-yo needs another ad agency.
You may have heard of Shelley Luther, the woman sentenced to jail for contempt of court for opening ...
zeuser comments on May 26, 2020:
Do people like this honestly think that nobody is going to catch on to their scams? She is taking her cues from the leader of the free world, I guess, who is the prototypical brazen grifter who doesn't even try to evade detection.
“Perhaps Howard Stern, of all people, said it best: “The oddity in all of this is the people ...
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
Howard can be a dick, but when he's right, he's right.
Coulter vs the Turd. Hilarious. []
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
They are like crickets in a box. Eventually, they start devouring each other.
Fvangelicals Unmasked []
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
As close to the everlasting truth as any of us is bound to hear.
The Influential Evangelical Group Mobilizing to Reelect Trump
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
I understand the profit motive as the reason to support morally reprehensible positions and activities. It's been with us since the dawn of humanity. But, using supernatural woo to justify the same kinds of positions gets my back up. That too has been with us for a long time. And from what I can tell from the article, the UIP is also skilled at separating the yokels from their shekels, so we have a bit of both going on here. Gag worthy in both cases.
An old man boarded an airplane and took his seat.
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
Quick thinking you old bugger!
It's a great speech and hard to argue with anything he said.
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
Not before, not now, not ever.
There were no other details to this picture, completely out of context.
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
Well, they say the brain is the largest sex organ in the body, so this gives it a chance to show off more directly for a change. Of course, y'all know what the second largest sex organ in the body is, don't you? The hand.
What did I come in here for?
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
When this happens, I usually go back to where I was to begin with, and after a couple of seconds, the remaining need to be fulfilled becomes apparent - again - and I make a second attempt. Saying to myself where I am going and for what over and over to myself silently until I accomplish the task. Heh.
His mom was a litterer.
zeuser comments on May 25, 2020:
Awwww, it doesn't mean what you think it means you little cutie pie.
Resistance is futile! Evil lurks in strange places.
zeuser comments on May 24, 2020:
I scream, you scream, for ALL ETERNITY!!
The Trump administration wants Planned Parenthood affiliates to give back their PPP loans - Vox
zeuser comments on May 24, 2020:
(Warning: Reading this article may cause alcoholism, drug addiction or murderous rages) TRUMP'S ...
zeuser comments on May 24, 2020:
Noble prize material, for sure.
One picture > 1000 words
zeuser comments on May 23, 2020:
Nope, that's it in two photos.
"I find television very educating.
zeuser comments on May 23, 2020:
Ernie Kovacs, a Marx contemporary, once said this: "They call television a medium because it is neither rare nor well done."
That cheat!
zeuser comments on May 23, 2020:
Next step, he's gonna ghost her. LOL
A rather awkward freshman finally got up the nerve to ask a pretty junior for a dance at the ...
zeuser comments on May 23, 2020:
Good one, young master. Don't let 'em rank you!
zeuser comments on May 23, 2020:
Are there franchising opportunities? Asking for my liberal buddy.
Perfect picture of him
zeuser comments on May 23, 2020:
Ouch. Nasty image. Accurate, but you know, not appealing.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have ...
zeuser comments on May 23, 2020:
Sure it's a temple. Wanna see where the pews are?


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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