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Today's little feature. You can toggle off the "hover" mini profile that shows up when you mouse over usernames and photos. Go to [] and toggle "Show a mini profile popup when you mouse-over usernames and photos?"

Admin 9 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Presumably only good when viewing in browsers and not from the app?


Ugh, a little unsettling seeing my profile used as the example. Well, at least I know what it looks like when someone hovers! ?

dkp93 Level 8 July 2, 2018

Oh, sorry about that. Well, only 57 people saw it (so far). 15 minutes of fame? Thanks for understanding that it's just me doing a screen shot and you were on the front page at the time.

@Admin I'll consider it free advertising, though it doesn't seem to have brought any extra traffic to my profile. Fingers crossed!


@admin. Is there anyway to turn the hovered notification feature off?




Nice feature, thanks so much! ♥

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