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I'm thinking of adding a series of political questions to profiles and want to get your suggestions as to which ones to ask. There is an impressive political website at [] which has tons of questions. Would you mind going through their list and pick the top 10-15 questions you think are most useful for expressive your political views and to learn the views of others? Thanks!

Admin 9 Oct 20

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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Thanks for the feedback on this idea. Seems like the overall take is that it might just be better to ask some generic "How important are political issues to you" questions instead of positions on them. That's why I post these ideas 🙂

Admin Level 9 Oct 20, 2018

I agree, keep it general.


Bad idea. This will ruin this website.

Could you elaborate? Even if they are optional and have "how important is this issue to you" for each?

@SleeplessInTexas -- Yes, please explain. If we can't have civil discourse on our attitudes, which is what our politics happens to reflect more accurately than what one thinks of lasagna, then what can we discuss?

@evidentialist How come one can't have civil discourse about attitudes?

@Admin 2 things I don't talk about in relationships: Religion & Politics. I think it's a good idea to promote going to the polls to vote, but that's it.


I'm burned out on politics. For me, this is a dead end.

Yeah, I agree that it's easy to get burned out of politics.

@resserts -- @Admin -- Oftentimes one's political positions, leanings, positions, and attitudes say a lot about their personality that would not be said in general profile questions.

@evidentialist I expressed my own feelings on it, that's all. I have no interest in being more political here or elsewhere in my life, and I'm not especially interested in others' views on politics anymore.

@resserts -- Understood, my friend.


I suggest using the Pew Research quiz with only 11 questions.


Link doesn't seem active.

Follow the link on my post, then. It's the same quiz.


Here you go! []


Whoo! There are many of those categories that I have an opinion or interest in, & many I wrestle with. Also, some of them can be joined together, as one often follows from the other, i.e.: Abortion Rights & Support of Planned Parenthood. Some are very personal or immediate to my situation; VA Privatization, Medicare Drug Prices on the one hand, First Amendment-Separation Issues, & Death Penalty & Euthenasia Issues on the other. Political issues also abound, Gun Control, NSA Surveillance, Gerrymandering, Campaign Finance, Support of Labor Unions, Equal Pay, Fair Taxation. There is Climate Change & Alternative Energy. Legalization of Marijuana. Gay Marriage. Many Immigration Issues linked to Border Issues. & how Foreign Affairs are handled opens up a whole spectrum!
Have fun going through this, I couldn't cut it down much, maybe you can! Best of luck!


I prefer the non-political quiz that identifies your likely political affiliation: [].

But there's also the Pew Research quiz with only 11 questions: []

Either way, I end up Socialist or Extremely Liberal. ?

I took the test expecting to answer every question with a liberal mindset but I ended up solidly liberal. A few answers went right I guess.


Thank you for posting the Pew Research quiz with 11 questions. That's what I recommend.

I best fit in with Solid Liberals.

@LiterateHiker Solid Liberal here also. But that was to be expected by me.

In the Political Typology poll, I scored Solid Liberal. I found the ChartsMe poll somewhat strange & narrowly focused on things that either experiences & geography, i.e.: where one has lived, such as inner city or on a farm, would alter the answer in many cases. A very odd questionnaire, all-in-all. It only gave me a 57% Liberal, & my reaction to a urine smell in a tunnel really has no bearing, imo, on my social/political leanings. Live in a large city for a few years & one's reaction will differ significantly from one that has experienced little else than the 'burbs!

Here's mine. ?


I agree that your life experiences shape your responses, but that also corresponds with my journey from conservative to liberal. Here's how the ChartsMe quiz is supposed to work:

@GinaMaria Then, tho I think in the back of my mind that I was aware of this or a similar study, actually confuses me more. Most of my disgust responses were mostly mild, or absent, yet I still rated less liberal than I would have expected. Curious.

I am seriously a moderate type of person.

I don't think it's particularly accurate as a tool for determining the degree to which you are liberal or conservative, just which direction you lean.

Solid Liberal on the Pew quiz. No surprise.

I ended up Solid Liberal in the Pew Research Quiz.

@phxbillcee -- ChartsMe gave me 80% liberal. I was raised on a farm in very rural Oregon in the 40s.

& here's from the PoliticalCompass Test (link above)
Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.69


I would stay away from things like the hijab and cultural things that most of us know very little about.

Isn't this an international site?

@Olnoseven -- Out of curiosity, you have no or have never had opinions about things you know very little about? Wouldn't one's opinion about anything at all have some bearing on that person's personality and attitude? Remember, an opinion does not have to be negative/positive, it can also be neutral, varying shades in either direction, and none with explanation.

  1. Climate Change
  2. Alternate Energy
  3. Abortion
  4. Gay Marriage
  5. Marital Rape
  6. Religious Freedom Act
  7. Gender Identity
  8. Death Penalty
  9. Euthanasia
  10. First Amendment
  11. Immigration
  12. Border Wall
  13. Gun Control
  14. Gun Liability
  15. Single-Payer Healthcare

I went through list and came up with 21 questions-It would be much easier if we could check off the page. Any way to print it out and let us respond that way-so many categories to consider.?


Its very US centric. How divided you all are.

@Amisja -- Perhaps because the site is US based. I suggest that anyone outside the US could easily provide regionally important questions for addition to the list. It is also possible, though complicated, that @Admin could tailor content based on membership location in some way.

@evidentialist I realise that. I am totally sick to the backteeth of British and EU politics at the moment. Human beings are such incredibly stupid creatures...

@Amisja -- Absolutely no argument with that, Amisja. No argument whatsoever. 🙂

I should add that there appears to be a gradual increase in stupidity density as one approaches political institutions.

This is why I posted a link to the Political Compass, which is not UScentric. []

From the site: "The enduring appeal of The Political Compass lies in its universality, and the fact that it’s not a fly-by-night election-time survey, but a continually accessible profile of a political personality applicable to all democracies."

@ailurophile -- I found the Political Compass interesting, but I think it may have exaggerated my position regarding Libertarian leaning a bit.

Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.0
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.21

@evidentialist How are you defining "libertarian"?


Great idea.

With that dataset, It would be really nice to allow users to employ an anti - (pro-trump) filter to automatically eliminate (block) any user that supports trump.

Seriously, I don't have enough free time to wade through their delusional assertions and get really annoyed when Trump supporters assert, "You (not trump supporters) are (insert long list of add hominem attacks) as those that assert that position are really not worth my time to respond.

@Veteran229 Tragically, nearly half of the US population (the tRumplicans) are delusional and are happily plunging a once democratic country into the foulest of rule of fascism by a plutocracy.

@NoMagicCookie Great job, you just showed how correct Gurahl was about you people... how pathetic.. ?

@NoMagicCookie, @Gurahl THANK YOU!!!

@Captain_Feelgood You are referencing a fictitious werebear. Not sure I trust your relationship with reality. Based on this observation, I kind of get the feeling you may be a tRumpster as many of them do not reflect an appreciation for the real world.

@NoMagicCookie Ahh, but as one who actually references the fictitious werebear, (l literally had to look it up to find it is a character from the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons.. l kid you not) l find you a bit ironic and distrust your relationship with reality even more so now than before. Hence your inability to even spell ad hominem correctly doesn't surprise me in the least.. I strongly suggest you get back down into your mother's basement, take another bong hit, and get back to your online gaming.

  1. Republican, Democrat, Independent, Other

  2. If Other, please explain. ___

  3. Do you volunteer to help a candidate?

  4. Do you volunteer to help a party?

  5. Do you contribute money to campaigns?

  6. Have you run for office. If so, have you been elected? What office?


Why bother, there are already pages and groups for those expressing a political preference once joined, why appear nosey when welcoming newbies?


Don't ask do you consider yourself to be left or right wing, but do ask do you think there are such thing as left and right, or are those two lumping groups too crude to be useful.

@Fernapple -- Too crude to mean anything. The spectrum is a smooth run from one extreme to the other, and though there may be (probably is) a curve indicating an average, the "right" or "left" label is not functional.


It's a good idea! Politics speaks to the core of a person's values.


You just love opening cans of worms, don't you? 😛

bingst Level 8 Oct 20, 2018

Yeah my goal is to help people see that others are multifaceted... that they may agree with most things and only different in one or two.

@Admin great social experiment

@helionoftroy -- @Admin -- with the level of angst and paranoia displayed here, I'm beginning to wonder about what attitudes are driving many of the responses. This thread, where the question/idea is merely presented, has turned into a social experiment on its own.

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