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I'm thinking of adding a series of political questions to profiles and want to get your suggestions as to which ones to ask. There is an impressive political website at [] which has tons of questions. Would you mind going through their list and pick the top 10-15 questions you think are most useful for expressive your political views and to learn the views of others? Thanks!

Admin 9 Oct 20

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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It's a good idea! Politics speaks to the core of a person's values.


Why bother, there are already pages and groups for those expressing a political preference once joined, why appear nosey when welcoming newbies?

  1. Republican, Democrat, Independent, Other

  2. If Other, please explain. ___

  3. Do you volunteer to help a candidate?

  4. Do you volunteer to help a party?

  5. Do you contribute money to campaigns?

  6. Have you run for office. If so, have you been elected? What office?


I went through list and came up with 21 questions-It would be much easier if we could check off the page. Any way to print it out and let us respond that way-so many categories to consider.?

  1. Climate Change
  2. Alternate Energy
  3. Abortion
  4. Gay Marriage
  5. Marital Rape
  6. Religious Freedom Act
  7. Gender Identity
  8. Death Penalty
  9. Euthanasia
  10. First Amendment
  11. Immigration
  12. Border Wall
  13. Gun Control
  14. Gun Liability
  15. Single-Payer Healthcare

Whoo! There are many of those categories that I have an opinion or interest in, & many I wrestle with. Also, some of them can be joined together, as one often follows from the other, i.e.: Abortion Rights & Support of Planned Parenthood. Some are very personal or immediate to my situation; VA Privatization, Medicare Drug Prices on the one hand, First Amendment-Separation Issues, & Death Penalty & Euthenasia Issues on the other. Political issues also abound, Gun Control, NSA Surveillance, Gerrymandering, Campaign Finance, Support of Labor Unions, Equal Pay, Fair Taxation. There is Climate Change & Alternative Energy. Legalization of Marijuana. Gay Marriage. Many Immigration Issues linked to Border Issues. & how Foreign Affairs are handled opens up a whole spectrum!
Have fun going through this, I couldn't cut it down much, maybe you can! Best of luck!


Works for me.


There are so many.
My preferences would include
Environmental including renewable, oil , and fracking.
Plastic polution
Monsanto /bayer. Everything poisonous.
Separation of powers
Separation of church and state
VA privatization
Voting rights/ cheating, gerrymandering)
Lobbying ( the buying of our politicians)


I hate political posts. One reason I'm ready to leave facebook.


Seems reasonable to me. Political questions are useful in for compatibility matching.


If you are using these to tweak the compatibility ratings here are some suggestions that would matter to me:
Diet e.g. I often have high percent ratings with vegetarians/vegans, for me, this should be 0 as it's a dealbreaker to as far as any hope of an intimate relationship. I am not even kidding. I see it as a zealoty form of religion masquerading as environmentalism.

Political identity:
Pets: This is another deal breaker to me. If someone is not ok with animals nopety nope nope


What party if any do you affiliate with? (list as many choices as possible)
How strongly do you support this party?
What issues are important to you? (list issues)
Are you politically active?
How are you active?

MsAl Level 8 Oct 20, 2018

We have proved beyond any doubt in this site that we have passed all kinds of tests on religion prejudice...... with flying colors. Now, politics seems to be still a minefield. Exploring the territory is the right approach as painful as it might be.....


I think, for the sake of global inclusivity, if you did you should not make any of them USA specific.


Pretty comprehensive list and one could come up with more than 10. For me anything dealing with population stabilization and environmental protections have to be addressed first.


I think adding these questions are a great idea. I think you should keep them generic and base them on ideology because each country uses different labels and that will be confusing. I would ask questions like the following:

Do you think governments should allocate resources for social programs like pensions and social security? Yes,?No? Somewhere in the middle?

Do you think governments should allocate resources for free education from early childhood through college or trade school?Yes? No? Somewhere in the middle?

Do you think governments should have the strongest military in the world? somewhere in the middle? Or no military at all?

Do you support the death penalty? Yes? No? Only in some extreme cases

Do you support recreational marijuana? Yes? No? Only for medicinal?

Do you think governments should allocate resources for free public health care for all? Yes? No? Somewhere in the middle?

Do you think governments should participate in global partnerships like the united nations, the world trade Organizations, NATO and global climate agreements? Yes? No? Somewhere in the middle?

Do you think governments should allocate resourced to help immigrant refugees? Yes? No? Somewhere in the middle

Do you think governments should build border walls and aggressively deport illegal immigrants? Yes? No? Somewhere in the middle

Do you think habitual non violent offenders should receive life sentences? Yes? No? somewhere in the middle?

Are you Pro life? Pro choice? Or somewhere in the middle

Do you support gun ownership? Yes? No? Somewhere in the middle?

That's all I got for now. I can't wait to see the end result of this effort. Thanks!


I suppose these are political questions but many of them are, to me, questions of morality. Not religion and not politics.

I would want to know things like:

Do you believe in homeopathy?

Do you believe any form of birth control should be restricted, including abortions?

Do you believe any adult should have the right to marry? If not, who should not have that right?

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