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Are you a "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" person? Either way, best wishes to you and thanks for participation this past year! And yes, it's a beautiful tree: []

Admin 9 Dec 24

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I'm more 'Hope you have a cool yule.'


I can go "Treason's Greetings" or "Happy Impeachment." I'm non-denominational.


Heathen's Greetings


I work in customer service for the billing office of a hospital... when my caller wishes me a Merry Christmas, I usually respond with "Thanks and same to you." I usually use "Happy Holidays," I don't want to offend anyone and we deal with a multi-ethnicity population. And then back in the day I was a "Happy Christmas and Merry New Year" type of person. I can be contrary and I will be 🙂 as long as it gets a chuckle.


I say Merry Kissmas 👩👦😘😘 you got a problem with that 🤣😂🤣😃

Your picture looks rather good- I'm all puckered up. Damn, but you probably don't kiss old bastards like me. LOL. Have a Happy Happy.


I lean toward, "Bah, humbug!"


I don't normally say anything. If the other person says something I reply "and the same to you".


peace to y'all!


Season's greetings

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 24, 2019

Don't say or do either.. it's against my religion.. lol


I am a "bah, humbug" person. I do not celebrate Christmas. My friends, family, and co-workers know that about me. I guess I'm a rebel of sorts. I have issue with things that don't make sense to me. Celebrating Christmas as an atheist does not make sense to me, so I choose not to participate. To each his own, as they say. Hohoho

Agreed!!!! Have a 'Happy Happy'. I've made it through (almost) the moronic howling by shutting off my radio- and 'drinkin' lots of Prozac.

How do you get away with not celebrating christmas with friends and family , do you just stay home ?I don't like it but feel obligated and then there are children you can't ignore them .

@Besalbub my children are grown and I have no grandchildren yet. Yes, I just stay home with the dog.

@Indubitably I only have one granddaughter and it's all for her as far as I'm concerned .

@Besalbub My family has never celebrated christmas. We are jewish. ChrIstmas is a meaningless external distraction. Someone asked me a couple months ago what i do for christmas and could not understand my answer: nothing. But don't you go out? I don't go out on other days so why should i go out on that particular day? But it is a time to get together with family! Well, no, not for us it isn't. We have our own family-gathering-type holidays. Why should we choose christmas, something totally meaningless to us, for that? And so on, to no avail.


@genessa No Santa ? Is the Hanukkah bush a real thing .

@Besalbub It is a running joke, although for all i know some families may make the joke physical. But it is a joke



I usually say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Whatever someone says i answer in kind. It just isn't a big deal to me.


I'm a, "FUCK! It's fucking cold. Fuck," kinda guy.

@motrubl4u Yeah. Had a 45 degree day. And now it's FUCKING COLD AGAIN!

Just sayin.


I’ll say to you whatever makes you comfortable.
You can say anything to me, and I will not take offense. I will be honored that you wish me well.
But I’ll continue to say “Merry Christmas” because it holds no religious value to me. It’s just a winter holiday.


Happy Holidays!


I'm a holiday greetings dude, but thanks anyway!


Happy, happy!!!! Merry, merry!!!


I am a season's greetings type of person.


More of a Merry New Year type.


I usually say Thanks or Happy Winter Solstice. My daughter and I are atheist pagan and my son in law is Jewish, so we call the season of celebrating the return of the light the Judeo-Pagan, gift exchange/feasting orgy. It is fun. Altho I don't believe in any of the gods or goddesses, I like the fun, well wishes, optimism, and Santa, so it doesn't matter much to me, what people say. It is usually in the spirit of good will, and it doesn't hurt me any.


It's Newton's birthday 😊

I usually say happy holidays.


One I ran across recently: "Reason's Greeting"


I say happy holidays for the most part, it really depends on who I’m greeting. I was in Gatlinburg recently and my friend said happy holidays to a local and he got offended and said no it’s merry Christmas.


Happy Holidays is what I generally say. People are off work , and I do notice more smiles and politeness around this time of the year . I appreciate that ,whenever collectively we are doing that .

Artificial "happiness" is still artificial. After saying that, some church people helped a person I am aware of that has been sleeping in a coffee shop. Although I have zero interest in religion, there are some church people who actually endeavour to do humanitarian work. Everyone should follow that example.
Good to see you on here.

@Diogenes Perhaps , but when is it ever genuine as a group ? I’m content with what it is . Where I am, plenty of humanitarian work goes on ,some is genuine and some is motivated by obligation , or a reward in return. Dam if we do ,Dam if we don’t . Lol, good to see you on here as well .

@Outsideit67 Agreed. If a bag of rice had the words written on the side, "This food brought to you by God." ( and we now own you because you ate a bite of it) That would be unconsciensable; there couldn't be the smallest excuse.


Seasons greetings to everyone and for those who are having a hard time , hang in there it will soon be over .

@Besalbub I am always relieved when it's over.

Yes, even though it seems to go on forever, just two more weeks of it.


I am a Merry Christmas person. I like the mythology and story behind both Christ and Santa Clause. Its not about religion or dogma for me. I hate the materialism of the holiday. I understand but disagree with people who want to homogenize it into festivus. I see no discord between honoring the secular but also appreciating the history and tradition of a holiday.

Quarm Level 6 Dec 26, 2019
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