43 17

My friend and user-interface designer who helped with this site has emerged from his hibernation and has some time to "modernize" some pages/features. Where should we work first? That is, is there a specific page or feature that you think is too complicated, a (sigh) bug, or perhaps there's some feature that you'd think would help improve the community? Let us know... thanks! Vote with your "likes" on suggests you like.

Admin 9 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


Earmarks for the post. More detail on the dating side, like specifics food likes move preference, books, etc. Yes, you can incorporate those details in the directive part of your profile however for someone to run across your profile is pure chance.


Everything is fine I feel .
Thank u for giving us a home .
Will be nice if u are present more often . We are guests at your house , and we don’t see u enough to say “ thank u “, or to feel “ we r into this tghtr “.


I don’t get notified of all the posts in the groups I belong to, for some groups I get none at all. As host of several groups I would like to get alerts for all posts made in all of them, at the moment I only get some.


I'm good with everything as it is.
If it ain't broke, don't "fix" it.

LOL Still living in a cave cooking on an open fire are you?
I bet you still picked up your cudgel & kicked your mate into action when you coveted your neighbour's cave because it was larger, better ventilated, had running water and a crevasse into the bowels of the earth used as a drop pit!

Yes, Thank YOU!!! Agreed.

@FrayedBear What is your problem?
Just because I'm not constantly complaining about the site, I'm a cave-dweller?
Piss off.

@KKGator How did you ever move yourself to join You found a community that gave you purpose but cannot extend yourself to create mechanical improvement. Please have a read of the following and try to work out how to move yourself into the top right hand quadrant where you belong.


@FrayedBear Professor Cipolla seems to think natural selection is finished.

@FrayedBear I "belong" wherever I decide, not you. Never you.
Whatever you may think of my existence is wholly irrelevant.
As previously stated, piss off, you arrogant jerk.

@KKGator What a gutter mouthed well balanced person you are. Well balanced - yes - you have a chip on each shoulder.
It is a shame that you can no longer recognoise compliments given.

@FrayedBear When most people give someone a compliment, it's clearly evident.
If it was buried somewhere in the link you posted, I didn't see it, because I didn't look.
I don't usually open posted links. Most of the time, my anti-virus/malware programs block them anyway.
Btw, calling me "gutter mouthed" isn't taken as the insult it was meant to be.
You cannot insult me.

@KKGator There you go again. The compliment is in crediting you with the ability to be intelligent (top right quadrant). That you cannot set your antivirus to cope with Google entries suggests otherwise. "Gutter mouth" is a descriptive phrase. How you take the phrase is up to you.

@FrayedBear What's the matter Bear, not enough attention? Why are you bullying someone for their opinion? What is wrong with you?

@ReadyforaChange It's all good. I appreciate the support, but he's blocked now.
I've had enough of his bullshit.
Cheers! 😀

@KKGator LOL I love how his dumbass thinks telling you one day maybe you can be intelligent too, hence implying you are an idiot atm, is a compliment! who the fck taught this cretin how to compliment?! XD

@demifeministgal Fuck if I know.🤣🙄

10 has many features I like. A big “Thank you” from me to all who contribute to it.

And whoever pays for all this: I thank you very much!

Agree- the core is sound ; beats the competition ✌👏


If we got alerts more consistently for groups we are in - that would be a great fix.

As of now I am using reactions/likes as the way to find if i should be responding further to a conversation.

Do you switch on the golden star on posts that you aee interested in following?

@FrayedBear No because I simply mean conversations I might be part of - I think if I began gold-starring them there would be so many conversations to follow that it would be ridiculous. I'd far rather get alerts.


It is a wonderful site and I appreciate everything that has been done. I have only two small suggestions.

  1. Make accidental hoverings less likely, perhaps by requiring more than just a quick mouse over to open a pop up. I think requiring just a couple of seconds would work. Sometimes I do like to see a pop up but more often I had opened them just with accidental mouse overs. I decided to just turn the pop ups off altogether.

  2. Consider eliminating the higher point levels. It seems to result in less quality posts and comments. I find myself more and more skipping over posts with memes or links to news articles that we can all find elsewhere. I find myself here less often because there seems to be more and more of this. I guess I could start blocking those who constantly post or comment just in the apparent quest for points. Hate to do that because some of them sometimes do have something to say. I think the points are useful in the beginning to keep newbies engaged, but I think the point system eventually produces diminishing returns and promotes quantity over quality.

BTW, I love that dating and community options exist on the same site.

I think point seeking could happen at any level, so am unsure if eliminating the top ones would gain the required result. Plus like to see who’s accomplished the mega 9 and beyond 😉 but we’re nothing if not diverse 😊


It would be nice when you create a post if you went back to that post after hitting "submit". It's frustrating to find yourself back in the group list and having to scroll and click to find the post.
I think most folks want to double check the look of a post before they wander off again.


If it ain't broke don't fix it, its a great site . But I still don't get alerts from all the groups I belong to. More members would be nice, it is a pity it is not called 'skeptics' or 'Free from religion.' something better known and more all encompassing, 'Agnostic' is very narrow in definition, and for a lot of international members, your English need to be pretty good to even know the word, but I guess it is too late to alter that.

Yeah, "free of godbothering" is more user friendly.


In the "would be nice" department: It might be nice when perusing the list of Alerts, to be able to return back to the previous place in the list. Right now, when I scroll down, searching through the items in that list and click on one, the next time I come back to Alerts, I have to scroll down and search for the place where I left off.


Perhaps allow users to opt out of the hovered notifications?

Wouldn’t this eliminate all updates?
I’m just tired of being notified when someone’s mouse sticks on me for a second too long.

Don't be so popular? Or use the android app?

Being too popular has never been my problem - I think it’s more like falling asleep in front of the door and everyone tripping over me on the way out.

My iPhone isn’t a year old yet - too soon to go Android

@Haemish1 I thought iPhones only have a six month working life & then start going slow.

It takes them about that long to get down to my speed 😉

@Haemish1 I was upset yesterday that, because I failed to read the destruction manual, it took me two hours to set up a new sim card and telephone!

What’s a SIM card?

There is a setting for that. It's the last one under the Website Design Settings section.

@Haemish1 The little fiddly bit of plastc that somehow connects your phone to the grid & givrs it a unique identity. []


It would be fun to be able to comment or ask questions attached to some of the pictures people add to their profiles.Is there a way to do that without having to send a whole message to their inbox?

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 7, 2020

That would be a cool feature -maybe a place where questions/comments about profile pictures go - either a forum - or on the member's profile itself?
It would encourage folks to post conversation inspiring pics..

@RavenCT or videos.

@FrayedBear i forgot! We have that option - it sure would encourage use.

@RavenCT please read my reply to Tim & others on how videos are now falsified - "Obama didn't say that, did he?"


I think there should be a main page where everything gets posted. Oftentimes my posts don't fit any of the particular categories listed and I post to "General and Hello" which rarely seems to fit and limits the audience for my posts and for many others. Perhaps a "main page" might help increase activity as every member would be able to see every post.

Some groups' posts aren't meant for the entire membership.


A sound alert for members joining a chat room. (One you could toggle on or off).

That way a member could join chat - leave the chat open in a tab. and go off and do other things and wait for a auditory alert to summon them back if someone comes to chat.

Right now people have fallen off chat because of the nature of waiting around for someone to appear. It's tiresome having to check back into the interface to see if someone has popped in - and no one wants to be rude.
It's very hit and miss.

But sound would help this a ton.

  1. Search ability on keywords in profiles, not just the forums, e.g. "spiders" or "arachniphobe" so that it is more like a place to find like-minded people.

  2. A map of pins representing locations for members, so if I travel, I might have a coffee or brew with someone at my destination, or near by my home. Mousing over a pin would pull up a profile box.

Aha, it doesn't seem to happen in the app. Someone please verify that it is not just my connection.


I've noticed that often in the long list of responses, often the last reponse when youy try to select an emoji, the menu is cut off and you only get to choose the top one or two emojis.

I like the Facebook feature where they show you the top 3 emoji reponses. Can we do that here, or list all emoji responses by th enumber of reponses it got?

It would be also be nice to be able to add animated GIFs to attach to messages or in responses.

I;'d like to see the site grow in membership, so perhaps put "share" links or buttons into the site, as it seems paid advertisements for the site have dried up. At least I am no longer seeing any. Just make it easier for people to "share" links to this site on Facebook Twitter, ect...

Add some more filters to the profiles, so searches can be more specific. In particular, I'd liek to be abel to weed otu smokers, and illicit drug users when I do profile searches. Another possible filter is race/ethnicity. I am torn about that one. Some people are attracted to specific races (for instance I am a white guy who is (primarily) attracted to Asian guys), but on the other hand to add a race/ethnicity filter may in some ways enable discrimination. I do think though, that as th site grows, it is very likely people will want more search filters to narrow member searches.

This would be bit ambitious and require a bit of maintainance, but it would be cool if members could list atheist and agnostic groups (from or other groups) and resources in their local area for others to find and use. It would be a resource directory. I suggest it be organized by zip code or by the same way the site finds other members that live near each other. It would also be good to have a national directory of resources such as how to contact the ACLU, or FFRF. The problem with such directories is keeping them up to date, which is where the maintanance comes in. You may design a system like what they used to on the craig's list personals, where members can flag a listing for an invalid link, phone number or address and after say 3 members flagging it, it automatically is perhaps greyed out until the person who originally posted it (they should be sent an email) or another member updates it before it times out (after 30 days?) as a listing that is no longer valid and is automatically removed. That would be a way to make a directory mostly self maintaining.

In reading below, I see a few comments about repeated posts. You may add a checking type of filter to check if a website had already been posted in a particular group or category already to help reduce some of the repeats. I don;t see how you could prevent the same news story form tow different websites from being posted though. Still reducign repeats, would make the site more attractive to members both new and old.

I see the attraction of adding video content to profiles, but I doubt other members realize just how much storage space videos require. It is much easier to enable videos from other video sites and let those site pay for storing videos. You may add Vineo in addition to Youtube. There is the consideration that not that many members would actually upload videos in their profiles. However, if personal videos were enabled, I'd hate to think how much space would be taken up just by the Feline Fanatics group members.

OK. That is about all I can think of off the top of my head for right now. Hope soem suggestions were helpful.

On videos an interesting development in computer programming:may give pause to your suggestion.

@FrayedBear I can tell the mouth isn't syncing with the words in that Obama video. (Thankfully).

I believe we already have the ability to upload videos to our profiles. So that's already happened. Just not a lot of folks have taken advantage of it yet.
Perhaps not many know it's there?

And yes I'm very tempted by my cats.... lol

@RavenCT Travelogues could also be very interesting.


GIFs don't work, fix that.


Would it be possible to check back our old posts by Group, I mean 'Music Fans', 'Photography', 'Memes', etc, so that we can check what we already posted and not duplicate??

Until a month or two ago, there was the capability, within the specific group, of clicking a "Mine" button to get a list of all of your posts. Even now you can type the artist or song title (or partial name), and see a list of all such posts.

@creative51 that’s true, sometimes I knowingly add things twice if it’s relevant.

@creative51 The idea surely is for new comers to either just scroll through all posts since the group was formed or use the search engine/hash tag search to locate specific posts.
Otherwise it becomes like a radio programme that promotes ad nauseum the latest release of ? or urban rumour, joke, meme, cute photo, etc. No thanks we don't want twittering fbuk top of the pops repetition!


a nice add on to this would be awesome so we can use a messenger system like FB does so we can have one on one conversations or group chats if want too.

What? We already have those.

@bingst yes and no, one here would be nice. one that is not just web page driven, but uses something like pigeon messenger or something like that.

@cobra3282000 I think you're talking about setting up a separate service (not http service) strictly for chat. What do you think the advantage would be, considering we already have a chat system?

@bingst well the biggest advantage to the chat system is so we can use something desktop type messenger program. instead we wouldn't have to open the web browser if we don't want to.

@cobra3282000 A web browser is a desktop app. Is this so you can use pidgin, which you usually have open anyway, instead of loading the site in a web browser? It should be possible to write a pidgin plugin that enables the use of the chat system here.

@bingst yes. or something like pidgin

@cobra3282000 Knock yourself out. []

@cobra3282000 use the phone app and set your notification to show.


Bugs - there's still text that disappears from bios when they are first created - "To" "Thin" etc.... Frankly I'm kind of used to it now. I might miss it if it were gone. 😉

And "lost/stolen" photos.

@FrayedBear Do they disappear from the Member bio? Or from somewhere else?

@RavenCT mine went that time the program threw me out.

  1. Be able to search for group names
  2. Better search system for topics, sometimes it is not clear where you are searching
  3. Unify the normal list and the shared list of the groups, no one looks on he shared list so everyone needs to double post if something is relevant to more than one group

You can search for group names - use the Groups tab (above) and then click on the search/magnifier
(see below) that will give you a search box.
You can use a word from the group name or the Host's name.

Yeah I often search words to see if something has already been posted, I don't think I am getting all the results. Or possibly not searching everwhere.

@Flowerwall now that's a possibility.

I know the member search doesn't always work as advertised either.


I think most of us here have decided that we are ok with whatever weird little bugs and glitches the site throws at us. But it seems like you (all) are having a hard time keeping new members. Itd be worth focusing on the look and feel issues that affect people most. One that I think needs fixing is the issue with images on the front page.

@creative51 yeah I wonder how the pix that appear "randomly" on the front page, get selected. I have the feeling ita not totally random, its whatever pix are getting the most views, but also somehow tied to zip code or something. Seems to be heavily slanted towards boobs on this end.


coupons for fudgsicles would be nice every so often.


I don't always see a notice about private there something in my profile i should change that would fix that.



I haven't been able to unban members in my group "Sexy Classy Pics " Group for quite awhile.. can you please fix this? My moderator can't either..


Alerts; Like most I suspect, I scroll down and look for "commented on" or "tagged you". Then "reacted to" or "new posts". Would it be possible to group these alerts so we can deal with threads easier?
And would it also be possible to copy-paste pictures rather than download them first?

Aha, now I understand why it takes a while for you to reply to messages.

@FrayedBear Messages I deal with promptly because they are signaled separately. Your delay may be down to an 11 hour time difference

@273kelvin the red flag on messages rarely works these days in the app so I use alert listing and my sequence starts with messages followed by tagged.

@FrayedBear I use an old tower desktop so msgs are flagged separately as well as in my alerts

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