Mental Health Support
Aug 21, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Annaleda
I’m so scared. I have to move again. The people where I live got a new dog a few months ago. She has started attacking my dogs. They are blaming my dogs and the fact Alex and Cosmo (bf and bf’s chihuahua) are spending time here. ...
Mental Health Support
Jun 18, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by Annaleda
I have a date. Yay and scared at the same time. I’m so anxious. I want to meet up with him not on meds, but I might take an Ativan. Depends on my level of anxiety. It’s been so long. I know I have plenty to give, just need to find ...
Love & Relationships
Aug 31, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by pamb68
Is anyone else scared to death to start over?
General & Hellos
Jun 25, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Josephine
When I was 11 I watched the film "The Omen", scared the crap out of me. I was at a friend's house and when I got home I asked my mum to reassure me it was just a film. Nope, she told me it was all true and the antichrist was probably already born and...