May 16, 2021May 2021

Posted by guntis
Bleed Crimson line Draws border Skin cells Separates Letting blood spill Between the sides Nerve endings fire Like machine guns Intelligence Loses sense of weight Life drips on the floor Becomes debris
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 21, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by HumanistA
Every ancient society on Earth has created a god or gods, and the god man created has always resembled his creators. They have arms and ears and eyes, they are dressed in the fashion of the nobles of their day. The gods of desert regions were ...
General & Hellos
Sep 14, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Remiforce
The Ubiquity of Horror--What's God Got to do with it? I was born at the very start of WWII. The holocaust started the day after I was born. Historians tell us 65 million people died in that war. When I was a toddler, a clothesline ...
Religion & Spirituality
Mar 15, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by chlorine413
So recently I’ve been researching more on Jehovahs witnesses. What’s really getting me angry is the refusal of blood and how JW parents will not allow their kids to get blood transfusions. This makes me so furious. People dying from easily ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Jan 20, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by MusicMnstr99
Anybody ready for the Super Blood Wolf Moon and lunar eclipse tonight? It'll go from 9:10pm to 1:15am CST. The sky is looking pretty clear where I'm at so hopefully I'll get a good look at it. Here's a link to some info on it
Religion & Spirituality
Jan 20, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by DGJ0114
LINKThese Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Destroying Their “No Blood Transfusion” Cards | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Academic (e.g., Science)
Jan 5, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by SkotlandSkye
LINKYou Should Know These 10 Little-Known Facts About Your Blood Type | The Hearty Soul
Silly, Random & Fun
Oct 30, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by MusicMnstr99
Joined my youngest sister in a bit of Trick-Or-Treating. I quickly shoved some gears in my face before we left. It was a little weird going door to door even though it's only been a few years.
1 comment
Music, Movies & Books
Oct 25, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by MusicMnstr99
Inktober Day 24 - Chop Too much blood? Nah.
1 comment
Health & Happiness
Aug 9, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
Blood mean nothing sometimes.
Silly, Random & Fun
Mar 31, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by AustinSkepticus
Did it take you long to realize how screwed up it is to think crackers become the flesh of someone? And that we should eat these crackers with that applied to them?
General & Hellos
Mar 6, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Leutrelle
How close are you to your animal protien? Did you raise the animal? Did you kill the animal? Did you butcher the animal? Did you cut it into nice little bits, and vacum pack them? I have done it all. I apreciate every bit of ...
Feb 17, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by GipsyOfNewSpain
Just a Bloody Image of american politics.