Memes R Us
Jan 2, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Lizard_of_Ahaz
So @jeshuey has me blocked now for pointing out that being a Libertarian is the same as being a Republican because they are both owned lock stock and barrel by the same crooks... The Koch family... I find it amusing that an atheist wouldn't be ...
Nov 3, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Blookie
Any suggestions on how to get over the anger and feeling of betrayal from your mother and brothers that have completely thrown out their values, integrity, and character to support a piece of garbage with the label of republican? I’m usually just ...
Silly, Random & Fun
May 5, 2018May 2018

Posted by jwd45244
Two brothers are curators of a natural history museum. Their names are Bill and Bob Stird. They were supervising the assembly of a new dinosaur exhibit when a large bone broke free crashed, killing both of the brothers. The newsaper headline read: ...
Family & Parenting
Mar 24, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by SilverDollarJedi
Heard something crazy the other day. My 18 year old lil bro tells me he tried Xanax for the first time. I already knew he has been smoking cannabis but that doesn't worry me. I have had this talk with him several times. kids around here don't get a ...