Feb 3, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Cutiebeauty
Does trump really believe the things (lies) he says or is he just trying to confuse people? I know his supporters believe him and use anything and everything to justify his lies... It's seems ludicrous to me...
Silly, Random & Fun
Jun 21, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Kassandra
I think about how one time my ex boyfriend said his family had a picture of an angel. Me: stare of disbelief Him: "no really, it has the dress and wings and everything" Me: "really? Who made the dress?" Him: stare of confusion And I just laugh and...
Love & Relationships
Mar 26, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Polaragent
POLLWe have been best friends for years and have tried dating on and off. went through what appears to be the final break up 2 months ago but I’m still in love with her. I still want to talk to them don’t see a reason not to, but it still hurts . She...
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Religion & Spirituality
Feb 24, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by AustinSkepticus
I recently confronted a family member that tended to give me a look of disgust every time I mentioned my disbelief in religion. Ever since I claimed non belief, this person has gradually tried to distance themselves from me and the gap between us ...
General & Hellos
Jan 28, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by Atheistman
I get REALLY confused with self proclaimed Christians who put tattoos all over their body and fuck everyone and have lots of kids, go around stealing shit and then to put salt on the wound, I'm the evil atheist that they would like to kick my teeth ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 8, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by Foxonaut
A pastor told me today that he is sorry that I have not felt the love of god. Pastor, I am the one who is sorry. I'm sorry you believe a god who does not seem interested in loving everyone. I'm sorry you feel the need to apologize for this "all ...